n OLTIONY. ' Ulgi Butter Market. »WiVU rSnt.24J conti on th. Itgtgà,ard of Trade liondsy. saea 7 Thoree il hc many attempta mode tbis vinter te repeal or f urther reduce '-W tan Iteseuoftnastanding aiter the réduction of lait year. Partioularly la thia the case le regard t0 thOae on uieora, beer and stock exoharlge transactions, both becaute thone are the main items that ar atili monter tbm. before the var, and becan.. 1h.! adicit, more esly thtan aIliers, of eoaintions lu favor of their redue- lion.'. vTh ilkey men are frighting f«u a rednction that viiisau,. them tomes a00,lO nd the beer mon for onesfilet omounte ta $25,000,000. 19 does aeem the rumor. OB vo boar thaïs, nov goinig the rounud@ leuCon- greusional circles to the offet that the aUj, aubsidy bil, th. Nicaragnan canal, and the proosai of acquirlet *'ecemnlnlnty of interent" In railway Uines, (of vbich th. country ha r.- couiy bail go trlklng an Ilustration,) * a#ie istricably bond up logether, are wellouuded. Itilenov sald <bat Mettra. lMorgan, Harrimon, Gould, Vanderbilt, IUU ansd other railrosd king@ of the country, Who have $11 along opposed the canal becausie of the compeItion ile transconinental ratesi that til vae expeoted te brlng " aout. nov lavor It bhene tliey purpose te obtain centreOl f the means of doeselles transportation. For t.eas.Me non, tbey are Raid t6* b. oppobe d te the aubsldy bill, fearing %htItil vuld tempt others to engage ý,i-n building and Operatins rival "ces. * 0 t l ai has let outilan lmtaSthe 7-ý « f roupomUinua usa have Î.5151.4 ries mtive oppoition te the es animd nBo m sa b. favoris« 11, liaSmeh.bg rallai mou are sngagiu largsly lu the ahlp building and operating bunbinssand that nons of là«el are preaalng vltb any vigor for the pasage of th. ahlpplng bil-a lem obbrvise ament Inxplcable.ÂA egotieaulyexcluasi v Owrs o9 ail ahipug lines. boveen Atlanticanmd Tactile United BIais porta-& trime 'Viait, hâte a11 other dometlecahlp. phlng la reaerred by 1h. constitution te *,seom iueltisea usxlulvel-tbey ~ ~~d~l4 roigauase ay isoin lie -o*s?» aiauing tai, vhtich rs- - e,44 P apcdY mavement and psy hlgh SastNI, te their rallroada, ,and tas ,;J" the re heavier, citeaper. and legs eltgoit, te their temaihp linos. tjqmee H. Farrol, of Chicago, Moke. a Recommendatlon. Jases H. Farrelof Chicago la one et #h. boit knooveligureas Ite Dae.o Oraèle politiez of thai ity. For yeara ho hms beau iroitai of the femous ',oà ouety Democrsoy Marchig Clunb, vhich ban partlcipated in Demo- orasilompais a huall t eMates of tbe MI=lo, aud whlcit vent te New York oepeeihll$0 a sat lunte eletion of layot Van WYCk. CMW . arreillah the oldeat momber of Mfeh Illial ouas of Itepreaenitlreâ iapeilst ai9iftlee, having heen a mou- bare.onulnoly eluce 1887. His OaUMsiUots have elected hin elgitt ttiMsse.me aibeeu a leader ile&bit body froate .beglnning of bi. career sald la one of 1h. boa$ kuown figure, tu Illnois politlio. Op. Farrell la 69 yen?. o1 go and on. of tseboit proerved emen fur bi. dieff lu the Illinois Leglîlatitre, de- aiti i arduaand constant dutlea h iafthody. lii. Farreillela ngaged la the rosi atai.business le Chicago. tinder date of Mardi 14, 1901, he wrltea mifolova: Spriugfield.DI. Parmais Byaup Co., lionticella, lit. Manufacturera Dr. Caldwel% Syrup tPr=bi2luX: 1 have found afler a tharough trial tar your Ilyrup Pepain la B mont excellent and aucceaifel remedy for Dyspepela, Bilonuentsansd SI& iedach.its.la1hmont effective cud l=saug le ail cases of thla nature, su1. d it h bpioasauro 1 rocomumend l RO@POCtIUllY YOUZa, JAS. Il. Fxsa- Dr. Oaldw'eliA Sprup Pepsin sud MpOtl"àalire opoiund la guaran- Sidtao cra al fora. of tuuach trilble. bdUeinneai, ilk heailsehe, Indignation antd constIpation. Net su lartiiatt but a corrective. 801<1 in 600 m i $1blwe by F. B. LovmLL Libertyvillie; G]i0. C. ROBERS, Wse. 000"" WILL KNIuee, lRockefeluer; Bridge Bonde@ For Sale. ' The nndralgued, aupervisor sud :409aClak f he love o! Vernon. vii Notice. ItetBRailDay Bavuiti, maeetevai 1h egsoye Wia Ibi vaar.1 vlb. Oailer. ieau guarsle. 1!. IL emuasa.1 moening luit Ousessalw»s onaoa!the tiors of Lake Oenty, local ber buabanu on a farns ne [aes oriy forty-ftys. yu Titey ver, aiftai sterdy c< vite by tbeir comiued truEliîty and clitita develapol Ibhis fmb one 0f cauniti.eiInai. A ymea io the dovoted hua laid to reai. Ira. Bond it. titres strakea of paralysie il thte lut ber d.aib ia attribut aurrlringcebldren are: Jet ertyfflîs; B. B.. Garces; mi Locks, Llhertyvills, lira. My 111)0.Amherst, Wie., sud Nellue Eigin. AIl vers present eti qnies exceptiug lire. Pill viosa vers beld atte hous day, lnermeut belcg ln' oemetoiy- INeyer-Flecher. Maried. ln Obîcago, 51 SI cbureb, aterday eveuiug,1 Mr. Herman B. Meyrand Ut Mrion Fischer. Oty te and a fov Issediate frisl present. Thes groom lea a tees.! Young minaiof raii and lte bride a Chicago yoi A veddlng .npper iollowed, ai tbe bride. ý 1 - ý N'It ý'Au Homoseekera excursion ticket, tu pointe aoýth and wveat viitbe îold Oct. 16, Nov. 8 aud 19, Dec. 3 sud 17. One. fare pins $2 round trip. 0iT~ das. Stop over prlvileges allowed. 0. M. and St. P. rallroad coospany. &ek agente for partîculari. PEOPLES' COLUMNU M ONEI' TO LOAN-Ont, good ferro Se- 2"' t y. t 5i er cent. .Busi. H. Mxx&MI4 Libetyt l .111e. i. tf-d F RSALE-Ne s-roonhousla Liberty. FCOR SALE-Kabe sàuare pilanle fine ,conditien. ut a brgain. 9.E. Hîariu, HDal!Dsy. tf-l 1 FOR HALE-25,1 olnd Chna pigea. .1I. F~OUR8ALE-Top .bug%. aient ni-v. le o georndlîtlon A.W.Ti",te. LtCe t- vitle. -fi ORSALE-Ifsslly cow. full bleut Jersey. F RSALE-2ô las 7 vus-bs olul. 0. IL FOWILcol. 2 muis norttî-east of lberty. Vil le..1 -i- iJêJANTD-Paito, seatnlg hou. elfe. et REAL EBTATH TRANSPERts. Furulabed hy Lake Oouuty Title & Trust Co. Abstracts of Title. Titlinsrsuteed. Lleaol Temple Bldg. Wsuke1an, III. Loui J. uawrý Bcy. Andrev 1'etprsen & wftete Belin Shugomi lots 1 & t2bb i2Johennotts addn te Aetiootî wd .............. $ 9o00 Clora Lt Morris & bus tu Mafsl E EMSieW 1% ne or A&part nw tîr "ea 10-44.1i qud........... ............1i(m t 8 M5 Moore te M F Moore lot le Village 0f Hall Day vd .............Io s0s Matiel P Hook & hua te J E IIlxlur & vi tot t blk 4 Grayseltwd ....... t US 0 loiet Straeg & -f te Pllp Det- Mieyer e 14W ft ne tir sec 2--il 40 atres wd ....................... ;Soi c Frances j Ootby & hti te W (C Acien o107<oneye sub ln Llb-' ertyrlîle ed ...................... lm00c G A Wrght & w-tto We Kunkut lote th& 49a bk 1 Wrluhti, aidu tu Lîbertyvîlle nul.................. i Oitu Marie Gilbert to Natiey A Rihard- eou lot 4 ItluLardses. dtuie , Lake Villa tid .........US 10 R.palrlng Don. Never thought of such ai sign for a medicine did you? X'cei, it's a good sign for SCOtt'S 1nUISion. The body bas to be repaired like other thing.s andi Scott's Emuision is the medicirte that docs it. Tht-se poor bodies wcar out froni worry, f rom ovcr-work,È froîn disease. They get thin and wcak. Some of the new oncs are flot weil made-and ail of the oid ones are racked f roni long usage. Sctttt's Emulsion fixes al kind-5. It dotes the work both îîîside and out. It rnakcs soft bocu4 ard, thin biood red, wcaklunitgs strong, hoiiow piacus full. Only the best ma-m tcrîalr, aretsed in the patching and the patches don't show îlîrotîgiî thc ncw g-ow of hcalth.j No onie bas te, wait bis tomn. You can do it yourslf-you "ZýýjThisu picture represents te "rade b11Mb of Scot'* Emnulon and is oun the arapper of every boutle, SCOTT & ltOWNF., 409 Nl'atSt,. Ns- tw k Suc. and $1. att d[Uggiaie Ntiffl j, iîtîit s sistiigui lluinud Lakefui,,si-. Trttnianî lefhiir t,îd "tTim a~uttre of) thte sivr it sftis ssi-k. WP lit t t a- iiiintîn tuttI su and s' tvry niglit."itit jn ii. titgI dv tfotr tinfter. Spreado Lîke Wllditire. Whiou thieg a arthe best» thet becoine 'the best sel n«." Abraham Bore, a leadins rucget. o! Belleville, Ohio, vrtteg: Ebcrie ittens ors the fîst uefitn t terI1have lu~dleAnla sar. ou 5uo wy? MEt khiders, luet, bleed sud nerves. 9 etrio Mitratcesut<he stouaob egpitates liter, andsy )doles9i. purifes the blo-d. .tegbna <ho nervea bene ecureas elitA- at6'dosEsc m ldes. 1fiOU ls utthe entire syteu.Pute nes- tAe sud vigor utoBany vBk lî. ru ndov a anor vosan. Price se.kold b1 . B. y£ n,.Lîbertyvitle; VOLO. lira. John Haing vas le Chicago ou business Thuraday. ison Bloffel, of ileury, wu& a Vola catie? Satutday. lits. L. V. Lusk, of Fremont, epent Sunday vititlber parente. li$. Jack Front sent the laiter part lb.theveek titit relatives le Chicago. Mat Mller peeted hie dangbter Mllie ii.tvl a fiue nov organ one day fait veek. Mener&. John Richbardson andl Tom Wright ver. le tho ity on buanes the tiret fIte veek. Mine Natlhe Bloxen, of Wauconda, apeet Thuîeday nlgbt vitit ber aun t, lira. A. J. Raymond. Misa Naotai Vaeey laelite poaseasor of a neo gau l vtîcit wa@brougitt iras Kcilenry Saturday. Mr. andl Mre. Laurence Mller, of ilîvor Lake, Wis., speut Btnrday sud Mnnday withthlie former 'a mother. Mir. sud lMra. Ed. Byder and tvo sono,, ni lonavîie, visited thte Istra parents, Mr.insd Mr@. Chril. Sable Batmrday. William Huson W"vary ploaaanhly aurpriaed at hi.e10me Wedneiday evening by about twenly.five of his ionda. Enobro vas ployed, refresit- sent. ver. ared and an enjkiyable time ve$ epel. Homeseekere' excursion tickets yl ho sotl Dec. 3d1 aud 17cb go pointa veut andl south over lte 0. M. & lit. P. rail- road for one Tare plus $200, good for 2l days.. For luribor ilormation lu- quire et ticket office. GAGES LAKE. lis HaggIs antes lth on lte slck Ada Mancbciter vas honits penil Thanksglving. Lîrrie Chaurd has returneil fros a lew days viitlal Chicago. 000. W. Joue, and i ele, of Hâooer, Michigan, are visiting frienils bore. Maile Jamies latatendleg lte Toachers' lusttitte le Waukegan tii vsek. A surprise party vas giron George Page Monday e',enleg, Il being biî birtbday. lire. bond died lionday ut th. home a! bter son et Lîbertyvillo. 8h. had beau slck but a few day. vlth pneu- monta. tAitOTUuS CORESaPONENT.f gothue 5 eu-k. u-ttn1s! fîtnii. fo r *Thantls- 'tI-,I tt. oi fîîii K.tits ii,a -, iowu tittuiýili1Ii th., .tits.wr Mifitars i'ywhoo tîli tit 'fi.Mi.. pf)itîvftsl t,îî hl with fitf teti a îii te .ttCi'ti ity teaîîî. Thfe of ir-iit i ts, iin. ri, htîttendeil fia- gîainî.î iti s lo saff. kirk,',! off tihe hlli. The, .vIîttliý-îmtifhouitîhtîyeil .tuflir- tutn tu Iitr tt V tli i iii hl' t tn-lsrumiv - tir).. alu-let .ttiti' t fî s virt r, anid vii it- hioui,-. To iu ht trthingtu-tfu'uii t t'.i o uî Tt sttti-lt i- os ttis'a jtsi.trahri, Now oulit' i a t jjk, y itt, t . Modern Sursgery Surpamaied. «White suffertng fins a bailmueof.ie 1 cooeulteil a Phyllanho adued me to tr, a box ni DeWitte Wilsh UH« Salve.»as?. <LE. (Camter, Atlanta, Ga.I proureil a boxfanilwv eatlly cured. DWltt'aWtch Haze! Save a t ssutadld cure for vîte. lvlngreliefInst an sd 1 heartly recomsd Ilte itu kees suîs"eryln une r tu cuis plleé, i. Witt 0 ltch gaenal~ve wtt! curo su, oas. Culs, bure, bi,î ansd ail ottarvounds are aléan uul#y cureil b7 It. Boviaio orte ase y P. B. Lovui.. o u Oefor rats. at N. . aamao.. iqgqt UiPB I#11 -%w'Jký me a. e slakOul aS Mgoulai émus«. 'rangooag, a$put a.Versa laya vllb retativia bas.. sorti éet Mse. Bsoh aent a yodSu laObl«o &lug "ht viatwna relatives, relurning Tnaalay tr Gague v.ulg. srs &"'~ Mr&. Deoavent ta Chicago,,lilt intîngeut,'W.dneado>'tt ire viti bar chlldrou eergy, îottituds duringtse vintet. 91h. but On Weduoaday occurred te dealli a! hlit 11e daugbter of Ms.omd Mrm ibanil va. Leo Feulon. FT.e young couple bave I sufiered Ithe incero sympathy o!fiteir msuy thelng f0 friands. bed. Mn. sudUlr. C. 0. Morilsntertained mopit, Lib- about tvety of ibeir tionda lutI r. Fnk Satnrday svouiug. Progressive enobto roe Pti- vs.11b.the asment Of the evsng, [M. Bond, alter wvieicbr,!reibmonte vcre aerv.d. îlb. ohs.- At midnigit theb guesta dsparted sud Lps. Set- Itlahneeaess la mention Ibat svery bWodees. oe ad aisjolly gead imeis. Lakeido FLON AIIOTESS coRaaaPNhuEsX. 'Theiu bag iiistIt Itriitîg. 1Nicheta Tîiitus' Nov. 23d, i e familles uda vese ('bis. lis b-s j i, s'h w1 i u-tit rtît bihlby Os-a 8st>iraleut f,,t- rie Viv, Chas. W'n'k-rletgaiit x irfig ut thti )ung isay. Ariiolir t' l iiituw. .ts boss ef Frank M-leiruossrt tttiuturf f Iils tI-e'nt4e ini(id ti Miss Asis l)oi,îi. tf Sui. iuu' 1'. . Rbinsolnei ],iltitil.i Ittdu-îta lu-tot. tui-suttîy t lit i t <iftttu-uikr' iihiutîgo. lire. l>ei-uWuti ,ttii ttIt n ltuggîtier. tuf Wuukegnit. vsi, tif t-itut-s Iture the tiist 5wu'<k. Mt ism Mutht-tCfî ,ils r-tuiii,-îhotîue Stintuly atter risutc it m, in tt hIl t1f fur naurus-k .M. . t'rIitn-r iitýiiîtg it SMi.lîift', SattîruitîyuueiigN u urîtlîî' tîtiontu iii u'nIPn-tuiî ht usilI lie- a lliii i s luiwh t? lui- tutti. try shuwtu ttGrass vltuki-, De, Iii i. 12. Admitssjiio îtî1 t-'u. Dttnt fotrgef tofii meii. i u' ftt glu'itgspsrs-ie ut,-siSundiry t iWoodii- mtan halîl. Sptîsiaft at Ervonune uoîteî,îptating tutiiti-ingt- tlir nul shîîîttiietun lb-s', T'hittsi Siiuiit' ee-t.ttiton.tit î ii Iîjî't. jnt Sitruiu, ttt l. f.E. N bt bI.,utrs mendietlor try to ie iiplresu-tt. minutstiti tiiita uil iitii ftitgtJi Mi-. Pl'pt1t. u tsfîîîîîl f ld u'nîul otfbilesi.eur lire. ttiu Mises Wiltifti-i ýlWootittltu i îi u thet' 'j Tiitsdiytirlifte iie fsditg til t tIis aith fi mCsamie ltlitîi nottmitt'l-t ' isstato('1tniiuSt iiltf ît tutsittis tu stîîfjuuî iti iiSi ttli Do noit fitir ttendrjethe andlu tP't St tek Showui i u tretikeý, h,. 1, Il fint] 12. Admîîisusionut) ltt tutI.t 7. Mn. Rousstutft'hicngoi N 5f5'ttiiftg it fe55%- tlîdsiiyli i raýsltuke, Iiîokittg îîftu-i tli.i- tî-rusts tuf Iifnri ietti îirlttitîit .u , Mr'.. SîIiuttlf,ttg itli,! ittlu di.ttîftit' tut Miltont. wjstirb thi'e ttet.'tA li, Sfttiiig's dttttitItîer Mm. Ilit 'iii 'tliit it..ffut' lire Iff tîil tttg tftît tt tttliti's -Y xhitjo itut ii.i itt'uslku after-'tuui <tfront 2 ft 1,uitît Nr- Wilt-, Wftitti-s' St.Visiiteurs utl ift, a tn-I .te lillti tanu llit-tv int'hute itur tutu-ny o iiti i,îstike, nous' utliî it l'ittu- su lut iiteiJut hituiituintnivr ss-t-ui tr. ittrreuninl -Ife, 1. lfBtttin silît l i andt ssi,.' orpi'u ;mfit',-ttiiWift Edtîanuîs. 1 Frank- Mutir. tof Lyan & h !,-îi, s s tt it Jiîku Klaîtpei'. speiit Ttîanksgis îtig diii antt h li ertttsituir of the us t-k ;t i 'i-tId âïhorts i lt. Mn. attdl lre. E. J. Higley îuîîî Mi% itfid MYrm. W iB. Higley partiuipuIttuI lt tIte animai Thuinkmgvnig ulutnittMnr. Tîttmas Iljdsrells. Mi-. Wells. ot Osilîkoehî. litikitg Mir. 1!igte.'S plti'- at stationtî n t li tt the WWst-titît Cet utral du-).îu MStr. Il îgfuy ts-veItur kt ii5'i tution. Mu'. Johnîîsonî, usho ix viniigattAr- ntour's lu-ou fftiue ai tîRou i ttuîu #lippix tu is t-lte on Stndits- îîutd stutljttt.tt hie s kie iuite btsdly. Mrg. Ettunia Harveyv tias ri-iteiil titi turger puart uuiAttr itoulai 4)M r. antI lre. Fl.îid H,-îîiee. uit linosu'ifi- trthe- wits-iîtb lld vtuuuu l tse ulstitrs. "Te Wu iittuis (,'ui)imt't Mi hi-etuti- uit ttt luii tuculiuv night and tires- tfsm' tuitli's us'u'u'u- dduuo. The next mett-tinîg wilf lie uiti, Iliffl Robinsa on (. tt. Mpwii-suatues jtii-ey and Whceetk a vkite giseu.utlthwir Ineeil;nating parlors and Dm. Il'aimer hum reitted teu ts euuhjt-l ie nptiicfftlis othtifu'knsa tivatuc offiu-,. Mir. tatdîlMa,. Wrn. Wedge usent ta Wauukt-gintt aitren)unct Ibusiness relative tai ftemaluit huir farm whlch vanspur- chaffiued ty Mm. 1H. A. Page, s-ho owni tse farna joiîiing ionu te outh eand et. .41 C. S t. P. Time Table.. LeaveOrmyIako leae pnion Defft 7:4 ... .....................ttiLDi. om05 ...L. 1....................... 2:0P. M. 54 ........ ................. MP- .. P.~ M.. <BUusy onIF ... ilyt 06.te . a Wiaca.uin Central Timo Table. Loav o Gryalke Loaye hhaso 7--m 1. M......... ..............310 a. an ................ ... . . P M a.........................là p.mu. P. Mp......a................... Mm. Brooks, of llitlitond, ie the gui-et o! Mms. linney. Miss Jfflmie ThîY.i r Oleit Tlàankf4givlng ivitti ber parents. (. il. Strang ti t, isiiî-ted businlessiln ChIicago Tuesait.y. Albert Boyeë; lais ii>v-tua iisfimnity lnek to, Ursyshtk. ,Mr. Oeo. Se-hilinger. of Chicngn), vaks on loir stree h lie tusk. Geo. Straug anal hritk Fritz drove alf to Twhrt take@ oil Fiily. Nîi ehttL4sof %Wiiîiki-gitiî, ii a In ii- ios visitor hem,-Mmiîîty. .Iîidy' Bidinger, of Watikegiin. tran- snected busiiness lier,. Mîn<lny. Tlwtirafit~falit f1wils-autifisi this ses.- kioii. oeeurredi4t,ftiid;l iit-rnioin. Il() ut failt t1 i ,'idlthle loultt, ex- tlibtîti,î,î,at i mvtsil. , lts.10,11. 12. Harry Kltce 1.1 ifi flsala*v ,-vedug foîr Vkèltqaraisi,t ti h sitt imt-îe t.. hi ae s1!t lraforO(Iirer huaitk ti i :( fue mi ali, i I ii- u.oftiti hit WVADS WORTH. Work lmas hgun ou the ucv tank tahta obe bull by the îailrosacas. psuy aI tis place. Mr&. Ifeeton aud ion Frool vho bave beeu viaiting boe for the lait mout bae.returned ta Kansas. Frlday eveelng ltse local Camp m. W. A. gave a euchire Party and oyater uup- pen oD le Is nes. Ail report a good tise. A plesasu bonne party vaa beld ai Mr. Blanvood'u lait Tunaday srening. Dancing and card paying ver. lt.e amuseenta o! thea eveulng. Sunday et 2 o'clock P. s., ai lthe home of the bride'. parents, Mn..and lin.. Jacob Mlcitier, occoured the marriage o! Mise Era Mhtciler sud Mr. LlnntWoaley. Rer. Fater Bruton of- ficiated. Congratnlaliotis an. ex- tendeil. Thb. maey fionda of Thon. ILey are pained o h ear ltaI te pasa.! avay Moeday niglit aI lite Lake Cunnly Haoiîal, vitere ho bail been taken miter reclrlng ierlona Injarlea lu a corn ebredder. Alterm nnitrgolng a peinful operatlon ho eppeared couva- l.io.nl an!ditopea ver.eutertained for bis ecovery. Bo bla deatb coms sa a ehock to everybady. 'T.efssiiy bai tse nympaty ofte enlîre ces- meniy. That Titrabblng Headeche Would outees va you, Il yen uheilDr. Ring$ ev La illa.Thonsanda cf euf- Ierrsm: have proven Iheir matcbses serit for sik n'Fevrb.,c s.Thrmake pure blood sud uiluà youm bealth. Oety 24 cents. lioney buek Ifnot cumed ol. dllby B . Lov»it. Lbertyritte: Oaarauaxa - U RNE E. linr.. . V. Young vitI $pendl the vînter le Nebraska. 'Fhe Woodm.n gare a Party tibla veek Tbunaday evenlng. Clark Chandlen expecta ta, put up a toiepbonee nslaourbee acoo. Mie, BilvellI necenUtoruruqd fros a Ivo moutita' tnipln lte veat. Lait Sunday Lion J. Woolley an! Ni" Ena Mîitcblen vers marrie!. Thte funeral of Mn@. iM. Benacuc- cerreil lui Wednesday attennon. Thb. oyster aeaiao! ofur village vu openel Ibis veek by oun local mer- chanla. M. F. Bebryven, vto tatdlulat vosk for lte veal, vialted sairerai daya vîit hi. efmîbor la Mnneaota sud loi lte latter Part cf tbe vesk for Oregon. A Violent Attack of Croup Cnred "Lat int er su Infant citlilof mine hsd crup In a vicient fors." says EIder Jahn W. Bager,, a Ohrstîae Eve.ngellsl. of Fliner. Mo. 'l gave hem ,a tew diosee of <Iamber. Wn'a .Cougit Bossu and n à short tIme ail danger teas past andl the chIld recovemeil.» Tis remedy not oI, cul-es croup, but vit-n giron as $soanas ltefe ds Bymuton. appar. vilt Prevenl bthe attaek. Il canlaqns no opum or alter bannie substance ond iàay b. giron as uoufideutly ta a baby as <o au adult. For"a eby Y . 'Laraui. lbertr. ville; Gàaaalx.xc;Ju ais SEGNAR. Specials-this week only. Fu.lly warranted axes ready for use, A No. 1 axe helves .......... Hatchets for ibons ie .se......... 5-pint Coffee pot ......... 4..10 A 25e Scrub braili for............ 16 We have v fulli une of skates. Bucknam &Co., Mm. and Mre. Ortando Ilibardgon spent ltnt fSunday iu Chicago. Dm. l'aluner lbns enlarged hie office and 00w oceuples the front suite le the Bank block. Thursday h.e added one of the lainai stîmicat' tables and a nebulaser, for théu specifle trenaient o!fuis-atues ouf the nosi- and ibrotit. Enertt Nevilte retaued Friday tast front Minnen1uujt, Ottawsa Cotinir, lKan- sus, wbere lie ins bei-n visiiug iie patt colîpte o!f'us-eks. Mr. Neville opent part o! the tinie stîaoing tandlmayo gantie meeilîs tou im- usm1uentifuiîami flft-eu ypardu ago- Methtit, et-v'rits-elit Wîoutuî,tui Hait. Rev. Jonttanî A. Tltompsoe, pastor. Sundy eyhi-l nt a 10 a. ni. Thankuigir. ing lernitun nexI ftnndtsy uirniî,g at11 s. in. Spa-fnl lerinon tai theyoung alma and woîeen in ftue esveiing lta 7 p. in SubjSit ' Marriagu..' Mm. and Mme. Donnldetin. <f Onk Parmk, and Mn. aiid Mme. Donaldsauit. uftNom- wood Paîrk, vîsited ilîcir poaient. bers. latStlundusy. Thte oc-aion waxthte 781 birihîday aif buir faii'r and the sisit wns le the nature of a surrie (in fuitîîi nial genitenli-r. May tlle enjoy uitîny niore bithita3-s ats l u,tas stttlarmosurtriuuee. W,- ary moarry tii lru tlte uttli tof Mmi, Eutward lBondulitILibertys-ittut tuttI bem pltace nt at ges Lak, , nteniîîg toi inlo-e toi lýilbrtu'sjllulf uit tiba lut et gaI motttled iher,,and suas tîik-n fil ut te hlnof ter son loi-tondîtl i srhii-l Ptnu- iai. utju-iI. iuirtil su us ,sdus l-r liusiaitîl in i lls-ntrrjfilu- î-uu. 'Wust- nflfutlih' t ttone t'ts lin f'nlus. ut î'iiii!n..4ti itki- Fiiu-et itrn- ttéoKupte e r luiritut Dr. andt lire. Rk- .tstenta.rutoain i-m I su'i--km. Mr r t titsu iis gt nt- lit i--tti-uta joutit u ii su it i the i- 1eknlut fittu u . nsuh îu-ol i rtuon,îlie Ilîuieliuîd gu ails ssuru liil lwq iiselity andu lirs. (ripçs.n su il uWt)t-irn nlit-r-. Multho irruulitaeute I., ulini tii tIti t.ili-itazaIs iiItt' Wuua(iitii î intai nerf Thtuirila -ueiîng. )tli, antd aitnd t iti- 'liy tIl u-seoiig. A ifi - 2: (ijtiern -il l1w e- urru-ttttit noaîaud a I (c- ftîîîî' tt î tunjte. "t-r,- sii! Ile ut fatn-r svirk lt),Iitl i. a u'anuitr Atîî. a kitu-it iuitit h. natutsti'y lîu,tIîitîtî na ciljî! ultu'e botuuuti . Aguîuu triugni tii nt- mstung fit- u(iu'Pallf uftiustiaî eet1itufl. usilf le- givsî.î lut i aftrniutiutand, usen- iîîg tout ius i le i-if u'.u4 t -tti i slat ltle ta, uttt-îîîf Et i-irt ui1iinit 1,-, - - Illinois. T'his le the time of year yoîî waîît Wttîteir'. Goods and this is ie h place to htîy tîtein (oe quîality cheap. men'a and Boys, Orercoati Bt 13.50 up lienta, Boy%' sud Cbltdrenes uta. Lidiôi' sud Chltdren'a Under. vear. Men'àansuBoy.' Undervear. lisne ansdBoy.» Panta sud <)reralia. men'@ sud Bayalsveaters, B.d Bauketa. Full stock of Ladies', Meîî'm, Boys' aindi (hildren 'a 8lîoes, Overshoem, Rlîh)ters4 and Feits. Orders taken for tailor madeis sitai. Perfect fit GuAranteeti. A fulllline of Grocerles, Caîttîid(4otoi, Teas and Coffees. W. W. EDV Grayslake - - YARDS? Iinois.j M AFEW OF 111E MANYO' Palocks, nickie plated .........15e Men's heavy fleeced îîndttrwear. .. 5e Horse brhîshes witlî strap.l), I 5îr20e Honey in 1 -lb msetîons .........- *15C Soda Crackers................ 05(, Buîtter Crackers............... o5ce 120 Sheets of lettt'r pauper ... 5e D>ouble roasting pans------. Bill or journal paper, a <luire ..059 Peit Boots and Rubbers of ahl kiîîds and sizes, Ruibbers are much chea1uer thaik Iast year. All of mv LTiem SI~hoes Lo nr,. tt , qyi below cost. Ueo. Bâti HAINES VILLE lT*AY SEEM1 ii 'ocsgo au ai ters hall, - -a EARLY TO TALK ai 1103 ' Uuuu But lîaving just ordereil the beothUne of jewelry, watches, etc for Holiday trade, ever sitownin Lake Couuty ottside of Waukegau, it is on my mmnd. WVhi1e I'm talking let me -tate 1 si-Il as clîeap, yets clisaper tIbm vou eau buy in Chîicaîgo. Secotue hefore' huyiug your Christmas presents. < GOODS WILL BE HERE IN A FEW DAYS ....... E. B. Sherman, Grayslake ' - - - Illinois. t,' OTHERS read the Iîîdependent becaiise it eontainW, the rnost county and general news. If you wilI tell yqu.' friends who do not take it of thls fact we wil be obliged. You know it to be truie. 4 Graysiake