TAYLOR. IGH gradeî 'lt-as atnd Coffe-. ('jure froiî 1124e to , Wlîeîs yoît want al >ilsac'k of PIoe urolii-iase a sack of Bi.g Jo t lit- eHt Floitr on the nl;ikît to-day. .. .. . L ibertyville, Illinois.I e- _l1as corne and gone ~-AND 't t ts.~.jsnext on the docket. .w4e.ljslselecting your C!îîi-.txîî;t-><ifto i il] andt 1(i ou r scinx tî i havesa Éue liste i-AFUig .ir s,, trw i, 1,1., WaLttbeo, Cltsi,uScail irils, Cîtd BiuitoDe, Collar Battons, Silvt'rwane, E.tc just tht, pboper Ihinge lî,n lida1ty GlIfle le aà geesine iargttîtIltuI sILadtcs Bicycle coue ht-ne 1"108,' Chialese (u etut esiici lcuisel]tuor i1, ( 00o@. .Examine bf,,ii ,,,îptircltame.' Ail guods fulIy warranted. Libertyville e r -' W.sy l'el , C. R. SHIERMAN, - - - - Illinois. E- PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. 9 kloy fHerrick was borne 'i aukqlziv- lng. ltuîy IR iearuîng tise eteanu lttilîg luslrtees t Haiomoud, Ibd. Mns. \au Noppen, ot NI,v, Micis., vIiEi lber Parents Mn. auj Sire. B. M. FîcIr, tise ir8t of tise weea. 1). C. Lonimnen, f<remai ou tise lieclit tarin i>,tb ut towo lias gîven u111)his 1l4hition sudi cill move luto Isle village. 1lise azuia.l elettion oft oiiic-ofuttise Lake Cotanty Agicuiturtti Socety occurs at tise Llbentyvilie lowt Haill uext Wednegdsy sfterîtooît. Sut in corniildso Isrespouîtble for tise deatis ut ianv cattie lu tise viciulty of Earlille. thîmstsate. (lui farter aione bst tonty ltesd. lý,,yJenki, li sulici-îtly îînîroved 10 all,)% o(f big reruoval fro thtie Evanstoît bompîtal teuhis boulte isere thte firet ,of nexI ek legtiar ructinof utL.kîeiJdeCern>- tenv A.,sie)ýltloo WittbIre. ilimant Liiisk Frnltiay alternn,,tt, Nov. 21714. lI Iere sjI , udi tea,ters m i-eMîtîotiîc Soli> lay sisboul ' ,îrP tist i r Sti~enuteieiE. C. luglee loîdtiy nligisi. IL resiilted lu au tfc,îDi1lg o1 el,î03 nit fir ail. 161re Margater, Jltnsoiî albontcer %tttlerout tii c1ty, dled ut bertbone noan lGages Laketh ie iri t tf tbis week. i.ecoahd ceam a sisten (ift Mre Silti Vi nigbt. Il trial wts i uLakeei,le i t4, ie- tery W>redy lIiiiss of tue.i i i. .iU. os iileroder ti et-ptiu to strangers lainthe Int siytertar chtitr(-b panio)rs louiught. TiseiMes le to get tii tiaiuted i ti tise several famillers Who have but rectuiily coueloto oun communîty. Tise dance giveu lby tue I ake Couty (liiTisureilayîtugbt coco at- tti iiletl i.' a very large cr,îcvu, and tut vel a grand ste-s in every way. Tb>o 8ipp-n smenve.i liv Ialerer Atrilge is Worlty mntin. Dr lLoblus,n ce iI ueliver teloirtlt il, Lim i f ,'ernimiî4t ,il odsi kFatily' Siltility nsiruilig ls i îuusly ,wskLcDL-,lor tise ttcurrcuion- mi1Ii', hitetn, flu tte eveuuug lie cill oluek in 'Elujalls.. iiîîli tit ucial Trainl Il. >A. Pi lW iii i s tItel bustineas t, uis ,r,,lben -iii lai, h . 1hAnideriy, of ltîegu thiis cek Mn. Atderly cail utldti ttise piaaiul]og s41116 hues IL , lisleeu it tise pa,,î Mr.loitîcu bas iot deciîledl bot wisu o , will do, butsti i eavo Libttyviile. lhunîulay of! ist etcek, tise beadless body of au tiltsuown man wae tfouud ou tise St. Paul tracki ucar Itoudont. Nulbing deveioped at theiselquest t0 etablibIs tise îidentîty on maniner ot deatis ut tise uukuowui. Ih lepresumed hoe waî bitt by a train.Tise body was iuterred tn Libertyvllle coesoery. Bcliotlars cvere dimiîsled Monday ntorning îîwing tît tiese ciool roonte beiig iusutiiceutiy iteateul. xe cill net Ventutre t tey uistesr fitleqtise beatiuig systeîo, the jaulton or lsck ut stitrm wiîilow.slu Wiili s aisuld lbe ttributeil thie4 dellrable state of all.Ons, but sonsthinig la eroug sud radically s>0 Thot tise rouons are not beated pruperiy luncetier as ntll ias that prevaillng Motîiiay indîcates tilero cil lie aIl klîîds of trouble cuben tise thermometer registers zero and belocu. Whoeu we called attention Eu tise re- peated cluelng of the varions scisool roouss laîît oitter, necesaitated isecause Of tiseir ltelug Improperly iseatedà tbere cuas trouble rlgist away. It watt, evened sy Rorne thse beating system 1 cuas oui ai fouit, ottisers contentled thse1 janitor hsd lu no way negiected bis4 dutieo, chile Il cas generally agreed1 storia wIndown wcund remedy tise1 trouble. 1t wus fot our intention thson1 not is Itfow ta place tiseblame. We1 are uot lu a Position go jîsdgd, but oex. tain Ili la tise traouble miould , ho1 îeâos4Ie& /, Lggs promise te b. as , - live iu Jauuary as strawberrle.4 Iiînour A* Co., Swftt Ç Co. sud tise big refrigerat. lng bouses are ptaclug lu -M storage every case of eggs tisaI ti(i, in buy. Tltey exflect tb bave tie .arktitthieir niercy by Januory l1tis, c ua trefis laid egg cill lie a rarlty. i1isIt is aisertcd, tise publiecilltI,,, opelled te muet tise demande of ti--.oi'one or absiain tnt meggs. xvc would cull theie tltlti oto Liburtyville hlubiea wb,, ar'o nthe babil ut carying their -o tes' mail &bout lu Insîde ost pockt, (.layeansd sometîmes ceeks, belore iatudiug It over, to tise tuliowing: lJe courts bold tisat a person cuis recelves a letton aodreased te anoti. r and cubo reteius It au tnneasonahiîýlieogtis o! urne ts gnilty of Ibtructli, tise mail, and ùle hable tonrcubteve, lainage may tsereby renstt. Sboibolleqt 8Huodrç s, ;-dit olars aIttise b, best of Mr, P r Robinson, met ai tise cturcis aile.ý- . ouI edites. day anttu a bsody -t. T to Srs. Wm. MSIuier'e borne encli rrying Notme potitu inecessary t . i1itcuksglviug diur, There cuir , r,,ee, dcli- -actoaud In tact evi r, tI,îsg one couid t>îlltk of, Noc tai j, harity of tise pri4pcr kiîtd, and pliig fronthtie beaiuing faces o! h. lîittie folks as tbey einerged frîtoijl,,is ougse tise gictrii*'ijoyeui as ilIl. 119 tise rt-i- pleut Ilîcir aci t f .I.o5 County superlut-,,.l, 4.of ut e tii,,, tisnougbouttIllinuotis Istarted a osovemnet tonrtseci o1, f county silogliUnseasmeans . j Autesmtuatiug locatl patriotit)[U aMui.> boul ciildren sud turtlier loterevltîî>u lieluinlutise musical teatores of ti,r scisooul rou- tine. Winuebago ail -'oitue counties appear to have tak(th loaed lu tise matten, oci cotintyv i tîg adoptî-d Untsoaîug. '2lLie ver..., .re critten by soineoue tamiliutr ,ill prides anti giorles and tisese an>',i t. tiste music of sonie famillar -L,,tioit. Prof, Alfredl laytisg, state ic ýýicltettient of publie itteinucti,îu, Iîkc cits favor upiin ibis innovation il 1I(,:fers bic en- eouranenct to thte i i tc t'oton Petges l Ciiary 'iatit li(haiisliraenou0gb ...i t lcoulie îof membens of tise I',d %. CI. stepped into its e'oune day ne- ceutly and alter r,, uïtnating cits hit bec!tlet itf tise h. i .elu 'ceIici lie le enlgagcul, kniel, 1 .il ryed foîr isin. Itorie s ard for iii lucoiupre. bond juet tise rmeni iii ltt ail, but am no liatchets cuere îîicin 'neanu tise ladies ellowed no Iu'ilo to de- molis bis goodis as litiîtnîs, he con- cloded ail cuas wcu, iî.îteniug cutt courteoua attention u lte appeal 1u bis beliaîf, ikeeplog a sha.ri lookout tise teanoble lest a iitliisot or tcuo be bisîgit loto play b(' ay of emphisaz- Ing lthe coulempt i1,-I Yii tevisitons for is saloon. IL goeums Ilnezcliau,. ý,iniloubtiess tg, buti uevertieleoo - o, frgot to chironicie au event iii îîîr at Issue, cuisii by ail Moesnsilo>îiiihiave burin gîven s promineît placet >ilu unr cumus. Il wastbeis reieptiou gîven by the Metisodîsi cosigregattloo o tiseir neit pastur. Dr. J. B. l:,,Iioou cuiiri cue culsb 1e pologlze for overlookiug. risere bas not for masiy ut ,ay oocurred as plessent a gatheritog, aud Dr. Roblisou'os ppropnitv ronenanks lu reply 10 NW. E. Davis' iiiess of cuel- corne evideuoed tise ai>p)rooaltou ise sud bis good cutte ot e îcatlse of thse Warin celcouse teulereîi thera. Dr. Smiths sud E. C. litgise aiseoliesdnome- tiig to aay, ilfu tc t fi as an Inter. change o! remarks expressive o!flise mutual satisfaction ut pagior mand con- gregation. To sdd to tise goueral gond feeling a toasatof gond Ihîngu isad beau prepared and nutone veut away but had beaun orlly sud lutelleotually ba.34 and plsicalty tIled. Neow wkS oâme nld b. donIied. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, October 20, 1901, At 12:01 a. M. TO CHICAGO, FROM CHICAGO. WEEKI i1YS. WZES. DAY"l Depart From New Dartot. Arriva at New 1)eî,ot. iÀave LIi-ry, lli.. Arrive Chii,z, 1--o. i,I,oagQo Arn 411 13 ..... 7 75 i. ...............t 40 ,l NI,, 111 ...7.45 a.M . .... 35I. M. T.. ........... 1 o - 1 c,... . 2: 1 .IlI....... . ... 46Il. M. 51; .14t - . e..... ........:55 , .5 .. tP. Mu...........6 Il. M. 14, 60011 M. - . -, c 1I.11M. BaUNDASO. 14X 'a 1'. int. ................212el..cjP.11 C5 l. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICACO. w EER 005$. WEEK DAT4' Depamrt From 010 Depot. Arrive et 0W IeIIoot i..~. LI.eî,iI.. .rrsCi' Pago. Lv-l-CIi o,. Arn ,',11115 No 112 i:2 .'m..... ... -...735il. i. No. 1 . ...!l I ua. .... 1:45 i . ..... M.. 7je. t 45:t12M. 141 .. 7 :20 I.M. ..0 6 13 tP . 144 -.12::9'il. M .......... . 1 Il,Il,.m 145 . IiI.,l . l n 5UN1,tyý I4UNDAYII. No. 1 O...ji.1; 5 . ............ 7::5 . l. N- 3. ... 9Ai ... .111t45 9. M. C. IL. Shermnnwam Ilu Mllwîîîkcee A tnte-lecture onu "Adai,, ,iBad Boys' Tuesay. wili lie given at the Mett>,' lot cisurcb Dr. liflinton attenticn, a f,î,îer.îî ati TtîîrIay eveulng, Dec tIlt, by Dr. Solo Mo ii -Iii rut ti y. lil,îî Itla 5lu Itol i t lre iargeiy Vieil, we wii ail lbave lu ottaîîiit "i etriI ei Ilow outil thse l )itody leamti. bcr of alecture bureau p , .w Fig. Cha. Bye' hu th, falu 11) frIand 4ome years mgo , -ars es- Cha BOes as uttran, ;, ,'rpecialy Iivited. 11; Wl l i,.lrest al), fis hew b,oî* îln Brainarl I ,,orl H- J. (ater sold a tealle of draft colts tu a Chicago party lust week for$3, A truîck i'oaded vitb i -resqe pack. ages wae ivertuyned lit tie depot listel Porteous aud (Gilbert Luce are Wednesdav, lty being rît, T ite plat- eacli plrend papesuof baiîy girls, Iorn ionm. MilsFloreigce ( vhallils. i>tit Wt'it. turcs and appliaucea tr,.'r ,r ti,iI, Crtîduci,,r ager ( ttrtiiitei train, daoageld to the exteiit atiît li0. meri1 uitiler bitsut at edi,, r lt Deer- Express NMefirevger Allen.. .tîîde Ile iuid fhaolfsgivitg. ioms, whîcb lais inftnunIit, L4 be was Ib iseresiîyterlan Ai Sotl oili in no, wey to iîime, a a t do. Meet vstb Sirs. iîice 'eiîeî.iesly ng tij, triek. Ladies! I1Ihavet-a beaifiîull ijîe of lit-w alnd stylisit îtilliîtery at xery moilerate lîriees. LadIcis ready mnade Drees likirte, Satin trimmed, troin 33.00 np. Misses, Chidrens ~s C[OAKS. (ail aîîd see tltenî.1 Leave yon order cits is for 1isilor ruade suit. Dyer Ifeld to Grand jury. it Aler ssarcblng lu every couceivable place for wearng apparat aopposed 10 have been stolen by .iim Dyer from Ciak'a Motel Marabal Fresimau tlually dlscovered the stolon properiy lu a bay stack ou Copelaud's tarn Thursday of last week. Dyer bil been accumed of tise theit aud bleinl thse li)ck-ol), but âtontly maintainede fis innocencA. Without tteiuig sware thte goodo badl been iocteit, lie fiitaily couiided ln Marsla Fresbmnan. Thisl is tise story lie tollfilm and afler- wards neîteated before Judge Mac Gîtllo. "t was ou a lîore with anotiter feilow, I caut rnembmer bis naine or wliolie was, but hoe went loto Ciark's« Ifotel snd took tise two Cosasand ladysjacket. 1 atterwards bld them tru s hay stack on Copeimud'a tarie aud you willt floid tisen t tire '00w." Hie watt thon luforuied they baid beau tonud, and expnessed surprise. e At thse bearlug Dyer inalstedl there waa "-anôther teilow' wit b hm, but no one be~lleved fhlm aud lhe was sent to tise County laitlnl detauit of Vilhi bail, « to swalt action ofthtie greud jury. To secore muey with whlcis te sati8ty bis craviug for llquor Dyer bas for lwo or thtee years Iteen ateallug toôl8 and lu tact varions sinai and portable articles, trom farmers esât of tise river sudliait becunte a great nul- sauce, lie was knowu as -«Black Jfack" isereabouts, sudi was riot cousldered a bail aont of teliow cuben subier. Au acuîualntance expressed Il thos 'ýJack was s good feliocu. but wblskey got film. Why, bie would steal thse tires off amnsswagon wbeeats 1moecure tney wltt wblcb te buy wh.tsksy. Dyer will doubtîtîte get a peniten- llary sentence. WN. C. T. U.* Notes. Mesdames Ellils sud ltauclitf at- tended tise district contventiou at Evanston Tuesday, Nov. 26. Itegniar meeting of thse local union at itrs. Ennemi BrowuS Tuesday, Dec. 3. Corne aud helpl u a cause every moflien sisould lbe lnlerested flu. Ladies of tise W. C. T. U. cill hold a social for tise benelit o! strangers lu lthe Presisylerlan cisurcis panlors Fr1- day eveniug«, Nv. 29. Everyoue lu- vited. Lecture Course. Subacrlptlou papers are belug lire- ueted tis week for a course or three lectures lu Lîbertyvîlie durlug tise comiug wlnier, 'jhome aiganug ihoee paliers agree to take one, or moresma. sou ticket@ at a cosl 0f one dollar eu, sud cill be eutltled to reserved senta ihroughiout thse course. The toilowing lectures cat ibe secured if one hun- dred retiervedl seat tickets are guaran- teed betore Saturday eveuiug. Dr. H. Darwinu Melerath en Fridmy Jan. 318t. Dr. Metîrath bu m rade a bicycle tour of China and the cuorld sud bas spent tbree yeara ln tisai coîutry. Howcas present a thesetuage of Pekîn, sud la lhoroughly tamllar citlithtie condition of afairs lu China durlug tise Boer rebeilion. His lec- ture le admilrabiy Illustnated cuits stcreopticau vlecus. Thse sobjeci la Fî,rbldden Land." Mr. Augusta& F. Hocuelf ou Monday, Fei). 251h. Mr. Hocueli Iusau liuperson- ator of unubual sbiity. -David Har- ui"nd aoR"benu oideu- are among bis mont stccoeeslîi eforts. He la bigbly recomiu,-uded as ait elocutloulsi sud portrayer ot reiiued huotor. Dr. S. A. Steele on Wednesday Mar. 2lth Dr. iltcece ha& a number of lac- titres. Onie eotitled Ilume Lite lu hIs Ieuriug tise War lm spokeit ut isitis special praie. is lectures are bamed uîîon personai recollectlons ot lite lu tisehoni duriug the car. of travei. sud extensIve remdiug and stîîdy. Hie sae au enviable repotation as Ireactier, editon aud autisor. 1 bere le a poosslbilty that a tourth leture Cao lhe provided cuiîci ll be tree teolholuere ut seasois tickets. 'l'ise talent to ba eecttred romes at o Iigli s prîîce tisat no profits are autici. pated. Tise coat f thtie course cill ha one hundred dollars and haIt ofIli re- ceipts lu exces 0f this amonut; other expenses cill probabiy taire up tise remainiug soin. However, if lisere ho auy surplus, it le to go to thse sciool. Messrs. E. Wayne Cîîiby, Wlrt Wright, Benjamin Miller sud C. E. Koapp are Solicltiug eiibscriptlous. LATR-.Tbe tollowiug urinassud iudivîduais, bsviog agreed to become neeîîunsiie for tise ssle of ton ticket@ eacis, tise coîtrme lm assured: F. B. Lovel, M. B Cuiby, MM Kohuier, Triggs sud Taylor, C. R. Shiemmau, C. H. Sîîtis. E. W. lankbiuret, Win. steven. sot), W. Wlrond and Prof.l{napp. Read the I l îiE.N lENT and get ail the later>t îews. i~ ; Ou)îr lne of dreîs goods is ttnexcelled. Black c)îe. viot6, ladies clothi, flaîîîîels, cashmners and faîîey stripe waist goodts ini all colors ani Underwear a Wool, half-wool and fleeceul wear inî men's, women's anîd clildren's at right prices. Olve us a Cali. -J AlIVool Sweate At the prioe et halt Cotton eues, ai muade trami the fiaient Lamb'a cucol toc We bougit from s Sporuztg Goo>l mouse'retiring tram bhostos», 6 dosei Atisietie sweaters, the. kind of good wiicishey liad sbld fromu 33.00 ta $4.0( Tisey came lu black, uavy. marooii green sud tani, trimmed wlh contrasl lug strîpea ou ueck. sîmevenansd body are guaraeleed taai colore and wil keep ihelr shape. We ml Ihemst a Z> 0 tc$ 2 Compare tiseae gouda cltisths offered by othsi stores ai simili priea; pou will tIson Sud tisat ou elaims are fnot overdrawn. THE FAIR, Libertyville 1 de au ly; dil .C0 mr Ilinois. Dbe 90$t Is$flougai For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the inereased and growing service of the LmkU County Telephone Company and connection with the Chicago Telephone Company. For Information, rates, etc., write-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LoveII's Drug Store, LIbertyvIlle, Illinois. Pure Drugs-wý- AT -zmw-LoveI's Drug Store. PERFU MES TOILET ARTICLES PATENT MEDICINE$. PAINTS AND OILS. A Large anîd Mrs. F. Protl ne. Làmt'yvule - . - luimois.1 Libertyville and School Room NeceWutiee. P. B. LOVBLL, 'WARM CLOTHINO WITH THE ~CHLLTAKEN OFF PRICES, 7. ý, s Ouîr (, a g;triiîê'it)iiiiix r 11 tuho -t iii tlwil.î X lii, ;11i 2 0l i l i t s 1.'îu n ionxx ii> x x a î li a i 715 vulits Ill),aîîti wiîtiî îitilîet o25 citits 111). A fui] imid (GeriiiîSovks and IFeit H Ls. Ieggliis fir see 011- li )îîk. s1e l'î .iliittî and Fiir ( oaitsv -iii' plolîl'itîiîîg foi- ((Ill eatlîer. '1'Ii ty piee of iîe.w 7c 1iit ai, 5- pet yaroi ruai1 lîai-g. is. ou)iit gi eeîi i - - îeri aind ocanîîed gî>oîlS are sl41]tiriiîr tiy lis. .Smlith & Davis, 4 DEALERS IN GENE[RAL MERCI-ANI)ISE. Libertyville - - - - Illinoois, e INDEPENDENT l tise ONLY paper. ael thse news ail the time. it le, tise OfcW lP&W , of Lake 1 Cýuaty. Table LinDensi WVo hîave jîîst reeeix'ed a large lîew stook of table- tlotlîw, îapkiîis anîd fancy towelut. Jiît what youi waîît for Ti'aiks4giviiig, Q& qui r 1 s - 0 ý&IqWI