4 mm~r. Kate Berg, SecretarY Ladies' Aux- "' " of Knights of Pythias, No. 58, Com- rTIérca1 Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., After' .FM«leYears Suffering Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's\Vegetable Compound. 6DÂK Mxs. PINKHAII Whaîever vutue there la in mcdcÇB seema 10 be concentratcd in ]Lydia E. Plnkham'm Vogetable C.uiy.an&I I suffered for fis c y-ars wth prof use anid painfui Baesattountil I lostflesha'Id strcngth. and lifchadnocb*YBlforine. Only thtee bottias of your Xegetble Comnpound cured me, I became regular, wihout any patn, and hardly know when I amn sick. Some of my f riends who have used your Compound for uterine sand ovarian troubles ail have itle ane good wotd 10 say for it, and bleu. the day they fi.rst fount i t."-Mis. KàrE BzAit. *OM MQFEJ, JIP TH E ABOVE LWNTER I8 YOT GtNUTN*E. WIau wouu arse troublied wth irregulat, auppresaed or panful mestmuc, veakiiesm, leucnArrbmdisiDIOIt or ulceration of tih. vwotnab.tbat bi&rIBg.doiwn feeling, jndaBIflimIl of the oraries, baekache, -b"oit* (Oe fituéSetgene-aiM9blty, indigestion, and nervous pros- tri' *aoe but w'tub uch aympoall5dizinesa, faintness, lassitude, çï - . rtatbility, rervouefieio. l~eeeness, melancholy, "ail- *watti à,",t5lil-"feeings blues, ..d hopeesne-s, eyreine-me-r thero s one tLYlfd anli true remedy. Lydla F- '0 Vetel-able comnpomumdaMOnce i-emos-es such troubles. 'tébdy mny otbgr msdiabe, fotriy" uee-d the.beut. $&,Piakham vftn o4U doWkemieaa tsi wate bar for advice. a»@ded tomm»M » keatbL AddreaLyna, Mass. Visa ILea. ~ ~ ~ 5 <ft'ta 5!i5 ast. ~~5S xh À= ."-tit.. la 5ys~t5d~ a.. aco.4 u 'w D)avid R. Frirais, wio lias just turo4eu $Il Cf bslà if ilIfluence &galant pont- 1onfî tb g-es S. ouis talc froua 190W 10 1904. la the pres- dent of the exP09il huion d oeaof tht ftjce-t mnu il NIlî ssouar i. Mr. Francis lsa aPro- ducclor tue ciluca, tilunal. commfercial and poli tical teof St. Louis. sîthou1gh a native cf Ken- tucky. Hie i. ts public Omire m'a lhtnt Major Of o.a a Sil.'t. j'ouis, te shirt bce m'ase-Icted ln November.-1SS. HO m'as nt once me-tlened for GovaluOr nai' was eleclet focrje-es.later. Tovard the- close of Presiteni (JeelaLd's ad' mnistrationulie mas mail. S.<'eCtYy 0 the Interior. iMr. Francisa1 l a1111e o the ocher %ide of 50 Andl lu nie primleaOf is intellecituel vigur. Hesbas leen the chie-f spirt ln the t.ociiaa mPurchage ExZpesîtIouIfrozu the start cf tbe enter- prise Ire jeeae0. Abdul liailiIl.. sultan ef Turtel. who concede>) nie demantde cf thes reicb guverninent tihas saing tbe selsura t1 Stuynaa by the Frencb fieetlln te Sînyrua Oelf, la Dom' la tbe sixtietI year of is lire, sud probably a acter mani than ever bn- fore. The Sltaua' I-tue-as la Doct merely metaplOicie ai;it Iln IteraI. For je-aralie bas been lu lad bealîi, and wh1le- he bas bail to face cgotant polît- lirai menace t rom UDLAXD bilnterlng pose-c asbrnad, lie lins el threateoed sîi assassintiinl*aud revl lotion at home, toge-lIer vîi a Il the Ott er evila dowlnx troul the dêspetlc form 0 govecomeut. It lanDom' tsentY-dve yeRT store lie asce-oded the Ibrune cf bis st cetora. and sîthougl in he ost, el ecrate-d menarcî on th, tace cf the- glub lie has msuY searuasyme-athize-rsAD frieuds among the focign diilomafs ws bave visite- ibs courti cul hase learne the exaperatlig trial-of ih t IteSu tan la the italu. A bine fore lon but cuî rot In *nigl >-don Li chi IL you lur le C A 'dN ot of la wi 'h l In ln th do se P-l of g pho ed C Pl- William Dresw wccltiniiirculif M ous L JO UL Â Snota. elected preside-t cf theCUiversal-c ' uiCL A lt generai Convention. ilancll ufthte ealtht m enu- c ~ KI L 3 9 W. L DOUGLAS < . cal ai5ndawl i 04.00'CIt Fdgetuoson ceîîta of I UNION ^DEil.ed M AY Pla. 'Minneaois,. a be li nis.i', lt 'd tc tuuu t lt. bis to.. '-i ~O trfS O klarge Mtîtîr mille tu ,OOhoc. e.,a.cus seoler ~tipiln1tli grasse l th,0.u s ,-ii î r . 054 f peta n5.iitî.,.t iareiil1I t sn1 .5Mr1 V~C i ii i scbutt ei? intUO c ibumult i n lhbuic tnsler- 0aie5tvaltEM.e-nîited Unîtet W. L. DOUCILAS, Bi'oktoas. Massti. ~ is etiîr" aoui. île masW.. tiiîiu l cîed ta cAis ~iAnoyes inu. Tam..aany ('harîti-. (ongle-s for tIre, -etra. wii-I 115 W6&bmbulatllnI Pets- Saw. - Ba t . .1 îuiy trtî le in sîileaMît iil3 ans clîscte 'aîled State S-nator, lis W ZÎ FIparduer? l Ir.cu -o . ' . it, ble ait tf'T aina terra e-l-Ing in i1,51' lik-li, tliens l'addwa---A ltJ lorleu-e-a i ,ase-it. a ntc tt aiiri'foiiur: orî-u lis',-&'t: sa teie O inîs,. trnie-r (in. illa aa . ubnetS. r ictî ltîitgPeocptle- Ar- oif. %IiriM. Wslalurne aibmorn Se-Nw ;,u e'ecfimnoy'e-d it11t' -tI I itct!Enltaci, and spe-t bia carîrje-crs in s Perambulat lay, '- tieiNs a'luit al.cj. tw ,-* haicd trugglefoîr mur-, " .e-s- 1ie itI1 bave yomsa gît n tin tite . "-h ibgs tlie lirs-ciut t-h it i ario- ai a ii ting nt NIlu0e-i usin I'S-7. eeti tiia t gee-r frtîna bitin' Peoffl. -'1 sîi cit IbY rIlith e- C t5is'Oll t il lie- iiniî a - i. the- rulai- '.îcnicli , f uI t dem-Brookîjo Esitle. re,-a-urerJnM,Iîi iIatt.-,Ic , Ii Otti t sal. il, asîîîunî l M -ar-i n, itoi'y roumatis - tt' .Listl dii Wb.. VY. Oc r nu' Alic--t Ilý,ge. %hi, Iî-ýginiig ia me- Baters Chocoîae-t i r Pat-rn ý i -'o , lit :'ît Igie'o-i".îiay b- I lt-ii.I"tity iii'3eans iii. bitine-à examine the Packtage- yen i'I'Ie ItIItheilieplu)$I.iiibelI and a mol ltin for hie mate aura thtIlfi ears te- osi-I lkicîîsI w ii.% t'li . 1 in,. ilsai ,.'tnknti1a ni l1olge' trade-ark te I -îîîali glu l ini-e ,,tI, i l , .I i ii- - -' l-,Il atS Y .t - ' Ia are miay a taionsora ofdalIa,'-i' ir Iiv Cibat itr'ultr -îý.tion in blti .1 on the marke-t. A.cfI)îtI f 'Il" so'c." si iithie- chilf-t I g ,sgît-oluts, nî .tts I lie An'h- ý9,araI'~ I% c ie- relii-o o'Illue' c-lit 1: % rr i aIiic ln IiTh J'yiciun tno t- it~ tree tb auj Ioiutekei'Iii' Ailt1-s8 NI - tt., I-t i -Iil i$1,-'t W'aler Baker &CII. 1.11L. hIM,îiîi'eri-r. cIltgisati a -i la hi all'i. i,' i [tA,01 tI oil t Nînas. i 'pýiitI I'î't t i slip.- il ',, r-luiti, roi. at, f .!or 'i i A. -I ii iti kt 's nîî'rî ila. Ilitti ri - I.îIt-p I Iii- h -t itl el a [lance- r . M c lIti ii:W11iht?. - i i, iaIt-pleh -of t i t I Il-r tt complebe W n-il t -tCie S t. ia it I l - imite-I f i r'y a l f-i. l î i Mr. Brow M' len1u I l hti ltrît n -t mitle, îîtî lt iti'. e --ti - r I l acth, vocl h l- 1 ef -r iti ita li met gago. tiro. t i.. i - li i' tiii it-iî i ti ' il " ti îîî n c îîe li cffunulir îîu . tî tât in i. for li, -tt'-t ll Iî -ii - . -r:oî ne--Y hps futlo til i fal-i' :111I i- - le- rail hilmfor Y n joîi.A 1' Set - h. 1 t'ii I lo ,. -Illl i latt t-Ithiliii tir i i Il. it dîti ared l , h.. t i -I f f-ic 71 o1 'lI"... i t i r ci-,o----tcIS TuEluit lîIII\il' Pbt fi yît I li Etînît A Irittth-l Lait otrhet1 Imllt iU tII l a t dInait- -I' l. - t ttc e i - f- ie - 1ît l t i i t ii ta a îl ît b if i - i '-le t.îtt Re,'uuTippe l 1. -or.aloit, tt-e-,)ith@e l0-u re I tili itt osa blt'bii beli 1[-liii..lu.. i" Gfri T«h Co. . 5-e . -'i l .ii o..litc-ti l Gieftr i ts tl t ao *ih III I tii,'iir. i- ti.îi lti cute fer cenlîpticnandcaS utl t-adtittee- - if tîe ,itirl îtîl Iviile Il, i s k? t55111 o t id, ri t io îltn, The Üstntlise-r mci i a t u sed t'y lie gîte1owituuliii t1 brais e lt ihîîiîiot) alla l.iltttr' à ,itUtey tei erack nut j )i lu-s la. lit lbis et-ny sttitir d1 îil eIr 3 iltiie -c in îî btIC in te filas ai t of the ctnise otr I ' iîtiec tsten? Vtilel. t s llit l.îiliny nshibun th i le hi-ý cof a monkey oe hoardIflitî i uîîcct Iîî" ftur ic. laId ttil -icIllte îul i ' , ' n il or licte sl t-[Wi afe te - lairtthi f > l' ut 11în 1cu lîîle i o8t,;e the- Iteket -Ilt!ei '.'t ittao terîcird eoncesing tails li'iiatutliIsnngh slrum of lits cage. I iii] lh tunved. _____________ lcre.-tin talval NIeae. -i-i ii iicat ton St..W ls s osasasti-e cu('tdr. 'Ie sîrtî'i-laoeît - i the lentgîlor ii-l tIl le ts. -ss.laasaa ,. . sbellni. rîlinstIi r' tît s-Iltit t l o îtrtl nlîot Iîiii g lînt the- -~~ -"-- ---hiwXel'imlele- t iiii-n iîuîî i, ItHI to uearîî ài. t A. sic ili. i l ii atiunt sd S U a auii*O21, e e tut h otlln exaig rea' tt i t u 'it tI tfoia orfeau b es- - .il i et ce- li gtlie tiio tIli'u exltiny. mIlitlietîplisn tî l l'tl il.'îtI n iiih tograpeb -- I s'lîIcî 51 ilie- c-gi itiig or 11e Ofetury an nut i.îaîllt e tl n -t i o i t ire-me-nte te WEIhfiAe EARD iiaîni-ilnerl3 4,141 mlle-s. 0 lie-tlie- natonaltbureau. 'ancre-sla e-xpect- I uî-eîe îurîîg î'-'lh >ars a -110 mlles-e d ta e-nIow tienatitînal ltîe-îau liber- Of O ITIREFORE l111r atinoltii-i.rt, tîttthe Iti iroulean a nusthe ilffere nt Iii-t ai n afised sAniercl e ytini'li. osue-the- addItIon qnare-d ut theini a Tbm lsaa a mSsityfo . Insain ss In luA lalit thte ati' of 2.2-0 mi le-slu Wr;;;Z for . wheu Ildhpal.- Afrhî'a 1MIKI.miles, antI Iit Ausrnila fîing ibe oscli uis etulilitita IIXS miles per minuit).hase- -i îî li o to t r i the person of ~ ltUes Os?. ianago. 1111 till-e ai-rliiKi-it un.ii.i Leopo lte t lutmh l.LIait. saSPal- tha. O 1,Stiacobs Oili Itjev f IMM, i t l sl sehIItb d tu t o fec i 1rita S aos0l11 ~Coquers Pain! Pt .25C andSOCc. s SMM SIT AU DEOALEIRS 1 IN EDICINEK EI.5"S (l BciiIhA 1.111 tapîce-ce fin tle-e-npnitrela e eh t of suiflrers niatiti lIi ainzu ii iicitdme-nu Aic tce 51tht'e -Miîg anul eoting ('uletiO ttl'u'atuiî lti î iii ire retuiiiteiî lu hi,- ute-o'îctîntiî Illcenut dry Uail inag tiii.'. 751ii s A tt g olar ELII1 jItif lu i; tati -n mii-ti N e-tvY ork, , scui tîtail tif It hnItiiti.Att'. Itli ia lette ant Oiî -i - , lt i th,. infaîttnte. deun1 ta tht' t aie-e titI.est lut cie-O 'If île V'ietoria ti itgittit 50 ii-r il rdic es Thte-ltatts-e aiii 1h1 i i"'1tiltiuiîetec creular, and! osttailt iiwluhl ligh bordert m.hitI atgandla ne- ij( il, ia'riit utfa ten tray.1 np-a. Il. ICUN Ot l 11e-t i - t -t iesý.iphLi. Pt.i Cannes la faillos fur tie variins eer- fume-s nidte-esfront dillereut fineera efthîe rose fumil>-.à No e-asele f1r,,,oPP-Ils-nt If .10- acrie MlAsoll a naus l'os Cakelatil gm ees »Ili IL Theao.ealld 'Ilotnslichbbsu bos, ln the sood et simp. ile a ""W. - m'týae-otnd t1ilil'la' New Yark, SAtialu l*ereat bore.King the tîconee in 1805. Besile le-it culer of Belgiuuî, lie-la 5150 LEOi-OLIl . tle absoltlo lrd of that raI regîonun Arriea knon n tb te Cengo F"ree State. Hua sioter ii ile be-lesex-lImite-te, Car, lutta of Mexco, . midow otr tdaiilillan, solo socs chat in 3Meca hle Iiii-l en insane c rtilce ilat raglticcliiu. Attorne-j Rîyner, one outhîe coaiael 0f -Admirai Selle-y in the court cf itiqulry, sas once interruptei by, formaer Speaktt Reed whlie matlng a speadula fîvor et a teduetion ofthle tiiI, witlu the re5 ýmail: "Did 001 Ithes3*e.tisahas Mr op" se atutdayr ."Nô,» ntap ,s3wat *11cb u e Ïosa."*ît, àrapreisentative of the olil school of Venezuela possessea isplendId fightlag li-ed 'mauqmlas' -red batdaunna, luaterlal blnthehorsemen cf the ne chbeck apron andl sîl-appeared bli- *"Ilanoa." or pastoral reglon. Tire e bier mîstres la giest perturbia. "llanog" are not unlîke the "veldt" or on. South Africa. andl the-ir Inhabîtatila t'a pou erful sorry, Mia' Il irrlsn, have uîauy pointa of res-eniillau',e tI tl I cant do yo' wa.sblin' no iiiener the Beî 'i Il m'as the n'eu ortire ua'ter. 'Ilauîîii.' ond-r Ihe-Ir d.asblîî i-ad, r "W'y, Aunt Caroline yo en te i tiît-t(en. l'ai-z, m'ho forirîed thelax- )?us nearly te-n ers. eWM, -iîiulof the colonial aroîy lunitire m orof iwIi ever get along wltliout jeu Vlîct e-peee.Tley tbaveilwlith tl the world lm the trouble?" nous gallautry lunthe de-clIgie batie tir "Weil, MWa Harrison, nie :r I je. Caraboboe, m'liel pract'cally gave Vein e'a lad dlaagreemelta. lie so: ooery ezuela ls lniîejîueni'ne, but ti-rer1 igah, LIje la. I mîsti-usteil t oMieu I lunes ofliat ilay werp lurucd l ir Ie n marrleil hlm." Britlith le-lnu, who were halletI by bGeu. 'But, Auît ('aroline, you',i ýteé Bolîver as "tle sasors of Il!. couutry." lîdren. hum, m'll yon 50epin rthe-me" "Now. sc he-re. Ia' Harro . il)tt6100 B.«&"&d.0100. o kuow I ment to Uje i t loce Tiie ronder. cf this ape 11 opedt IO&ar "t thers la ailen. ane dreadeil disasn brteen ci lllims-weII den 1i-gwilie that science bhabeau ahi. te crs ein &ailt 'be 1,I1e w idout do"etItt t îlî nn, 1a11h- lsaaaxrb. ltin CÇatarrh Cars la icnly piivecure. 00w knoIrii theicmcd- mei, tltiit I la'Ical tratee-nity. Catarrh 010b cain utui ilessa. reqairu a cosatlltltt .1 1mn Halls Calarh Cure1, ttan latermali!actlsg CANADA'S CAPITAL AROUSEO. dîrectly open the blooc l Co ucoius gir-lncel th. mystem. th.reby destca-ing tihe auindattos s9 1h. disas..sud"il iig theailent rntieugiLI. e- 9-.r W»s Thcre mach îib enes-buSlllng up the corixtîtutton ansusialatlg nature PhysLctla.' h.eei&"O Tryt.lng la 'inglis vork. The propIllofs iba ta ItlCa IS1. m flt inla ls cutive powers Cht thlIta f biOna Huadred Dollars for auiy cas l li Ca e Ottawa. Canada. =07i'. - l. 1119sCiby cure. Seuil fr latof TttoUilan. astîrret up au navet befori- home Addresa., F. J. CHEN KY & CO., Toleo, O. W-sold t-Druclbità.16c. ieven ye-ars 550 the 1*51 liii ,ýt'iputl- Bah. Fsnillj' Pillasà se isbrut. Ieilan accourut of imanltîiamed eorge H. Kent, of 409B Ollu-cîir sIre-et, Anclent Pis Eaeas. who was dylng of »rigbr' e an sd Au antîquarlan liaa been sean-bIng -ho nt the very lait muilet ,afler tbrougu the records of te ie 'ty goveru- gveral of oîur be-at physîcîcîts tat de-nment of leneva lu tle hope cf findlug lared lie couldn't Uv. twelve bouts. aomethlng of lilatorîcal value wltb ref- 'as saveil by Deuil'a Kîdney 1illa eeIe1RfeUnse.Jh avn lieoe-le selo kuow hoW lois Mi. Kent rneflteUisoJliCav. was refuseil 10belleva thîithi- oaa The aeareli canut be prouoinc-desuc- cured perîîiauenfly, sud the ti 'er day, cemasfol. as touaI of tlie maierial exlum- in ntIer 10 <-lîncli tha malter lthe pa e-d la rubblsh; et one lîltle uote 1.9 perca pul,lleled the whoîe t-'l over amuslug If net pre-lous. antI Il shows gaIn sud baeked up ter -ry by hem' prllancal m'as tîl 111e Swls sworu statemeuts made by hir Kent, di, luin he alzteeutu century. The rec ln m'hch lie de-dires muet i 'eltl,ely ord lu question preserves thee luteres- bat: lu 1894 lie m'a gîven i ii by the nfieChttr aisswr p - doctorsansd tînt Dodd's I. . ..Y Pilla g tactforhathree atisans seere puu und nothlug @Ise Maved hîni> itl. fur- liei o ivu -iu lr- oe lier, that mince the day It' lioddls pIes at breakfast- thiq haelng regardes Ciluey Pilla sent hlm bai-k to wort, as evideucre of dhsolole- pliving! wena eara ago, lie hsq'fll ut -t a lu tie mInute frem ins r ibe lma aMotha.- <t.-y's fPcat Perilere for prInier lu tle Americauii 1.0kNote C5.llare. Prlutlug Comtpany. Sac(ee-sfclly tîsed by MIohe-r Gray, aurse Mr. sent la te-pt quile tei duiînug inth 1e t'bildren's Honte. in New York. his spare boucse answerlugt iquirîca Cure Fevritn"s. Bad Stounach, Teetk- personally antI by letter, but le lm muiu lg Diaorlera. moi e sudre-<ulitetb. graleful that lie tonfite the 1 itic selI Riseels sud 1eule-ny Wc'rui. Over 30,- 00i.0 tesltmonisa@ At ail drîuggtsts, 2I5e. speut. Indeei, lie and bis a le bave Sainele tuuiled FREF. Addrese Allen îliowu the-ir gratitude te tIlaKid- S.Olmmlead. Le-Itue, N. Y. ney Pilla lu a ve-ry strltIkIng ay by bavIng thelr 11111e gIrl-bort tn 18943- iummer Geograpby. christent by tbie"naie of itls- "Ps. wlai la a late. anywa>'?" Altogether It la the mOostoî-iýttlonal "A lake, Jimusle, t. a large body of case tbat bias ever occurresi .. tîhe bis- wser surrouaded bX me-n, amen andl tory-uf medîcine lunOiaha anîd the ehililren lu batîluz cuits."-Clien'gc R.ee- perfect aubstaullatloil of et. rv de-taîl urdilerald. ceaves no room bu doulit edli e' ithe'cou,- ple-te-uca or tle permanIet-' uoft lîe PUPN'A DELESS DYE pro- cure. ducealite faste-s.t antI brigillest colors Thie local Pbyalclans ?ae t adthle of any luauwn dye atuff. rase cf Kent tand Dodde 1 Pi ~ lll e blt- b.Bî lhe subject of discussion aior t raI of HeSie teBa . tîe prIs ate meetings of tht ' nssoita ',h, ciat ounclrthbavc Non l-ndo- lIon. ___________ " i cci hlite'f tii ccii i hce- 'TIe mctfsltire of paper -"tilatt hie .. .. ,tîîîî lbe- i Irtk el Sttes grea Oc rae-ldly le -- IILIi.lint-r rTes. theia te or tthe brot e-as1 't.ai 1910 Ihat lu the- latter yen' t're Ccre tc cte.ri'î,io n.s c is'i paper t5itlcisiltits coul. 4[c-cv.. te-il ail bubtlu jU0 Th -5ciEmtific Produdion of a laxative of known value and distinctive action is rapidly rowing in public favoir, along wîîlî the many oth'r malerlal impruvemenla of the ate. The many 'wxo àare well it\fdrmEd mu,,' undergtand quitt clearly, that in urder tu tîcet the above condjtlîuns a laxative shuuld ut 'îl(Iy free trum cvcry ubjectunable quality o u-lîs;tance, with Its compunient parts simple ant, ,Nholesuone and il shuuld act pleasantly anti gently withouu disturbîng the natural fui 'tons n any way. The laxative which fu't, most pcrteccly thîe requirements , in the bi.:rstdegîe Ni $yrup of FIÉSS Thr sale of millior# of buttles annually for în:îc-ars past, and the unl'cersal satisfaction wlî , it bas given confirm the dlaim we make, th;,' il pussesses the qualities which commend iii public favor. iL - _ tte brpen Cu l iic o In the- western eart 'île le a nucel rail,, Icagtb. TIe rails at- tolic the -bnci Ih., these are- boîte-I t'- tlon ten -- rus a car, w il g i alie-teu ThiSBOIThJng incIt-s sue.lThat 15ve tiare- use-E Pisue fr....... t/iHar-.a"'ppene - tion nearly ise yen, I'i tîid uthîag ày OU N th. a-p tun ctomae wscthi t. M rgan. Iterte- A M-S.1ntet le>,ý Cal., sept. 2, 1901ti>-.0d,.12 1--h«sln.l otsaS a Te grenteait tratite t t î ut ouc i0 Ne LTjiY - aui:5e.St5a i a mire- rue-e la nilîtt -,ce. hy me-flo u.ft 00 ituhr:ee-ilsii t unitte-itu FOR EIO HT ad sta c ofr aule . D O L L .A R .S CAMYCATbAFM dus.. -bstihi .-y bst no0 lb.Plat.,.Scale. uaL., su e quililu'.. J...i lit Paysth.ils ie-tbn. BSNEIiAMTON, il. T. GMIMuls tsm(cadC. C.C. Nev ,radoi n 6.OORILBOE F Bewsre of the dealer isba tilSt ."Ji CHAMBARD'S TEAeîtCon$dtlptiOn eaesnatling juil.sgq .'eic m, tna. 4 .zio. t uss a alifflliiThOWOrk of the Century !u liimue. 'fc.,I htou lu t esast..nh o n rus t S ..ns. A t L &SitHMAi-MAY FER ~ts5 ~ ~ A ~ ~L ARCV ~ i A_ i~sd ~ea, mm Ilae»u UYm "WHAR DEW 1 COU 1H?" (Esing th. cil f o c. F.-ms o .iR. eF -supir Q.ilca Thar'. a nilglty lot er tlin abouit l'armers 'n tnar rlghts, 'N the wcutîderful proslteriiy lth Pt ic-t growli' lunvitis. Thar' er. he a pof foollih etolunntht' eata egin ter sbout 'N bolIer fer the Tariff ter keep fiee ugar ou t! But 1 nOtia thet tbe beet proiuclu .l'arma are very few. An' the tarmeri, throughi the couitry alu't got much e l t ter dew. The hall land aidut a aýsri beets. 'Lialn't golu' ter beglii. Beet growJri i rîght fer siitii, 1 50es-lbut. whar dle' I -unt lui The farmer gits louir îlir, itow fi-r every ton o' bels9 A bausuin prive, 1 mtiiialoî but lkidin' solin decelta. Bccl nager manyfa-,te:« ii admit e-e they bev fouud Thet "graflylateil" et- clin suinithîn' ilke te-w cents a poîtei Ia tact thet leaves a prittmi whirh tliey'd gceatly thrve- And-If Il kin be solil fer thicee why should we pay 'em FIVE? soins ter me es tue-ta a galle ithet*s'i gbty like a skîn- eut-if thar'a &Dy benefiî w ccl whlir dew 1 comn lu? Wlien Uncle Sam'&sln want no<n-lt ue re glati ter belep him ont 'N we'Il stand aiil the taxea Let ai- tecil .ne-e-r doubt. But wben hie pocket bock.', wehel-I cii nnry icent lie lack" Et seema ter me hie duty's ter re[),eat thet sîlgart, ax. Thein fellera wot la interesteil sez I i s0 prole-it The beat-producla' fariner thet the duî~ty i nîleCt. But 1 guesa tbet czplanatloii e-sa lutile bit too, tibm Th@ augir maker,-be's &ail rglt. but ohar île-ow e cum ln? Taka off raw augar duty an' tie prive will qîîkly rai To overyliodys benafit. fer sugar's îîaed hy ail. The pour wlU blaea the Goverumnt thet placed it lu thar reai'l- ('N iWons et our cttzent free sugar now li ho)l T'hé dealars'U'11liadeligliteil-leiie expenditure fer hiîi- Morta damand 'n bigger profita wblcb ai ple.-ent are but alirn. An' the farmner Milb. as Wel pald aslie ever yet bis heu But heU bal bie sugar cheaper Iliets m'liar he au' l'Il oum ln. Now, whar's tha senne e? reason or the clîgar lax 10 day, Wheu our treasury*s a-hulglu' au' we hev nu dehts ter pay? The duty on raw sugar'. l"lfty million every year An' the people's got ter pay It-thet'a a tact thetas very clear. 1l'lty mllfion! Great Jerusaa Ter protect beet inagustea, too, Why should they tax ALL the people--just ter belpi a ai'nttered FMWI And the IcEW? Beet-sugar MAKERS! Don't It rpatly see-m a aIn Tino ter' help an' fîI tar coffers? V'bar dem' youîan' 1 cum lu? The fermer growln' beet. lies sot a coutract prive fer years.- Frac raw nager wosaldn't hurt hlm. an' of Itlbe lias uio le-ar, But mablie, IlIa mysel lie's alau growlng fruit so nice-- Ter' preserve lt-at a profit lie needa sugar--at a pivie. The repealing of tic duty, suraly cuti the prive lu beo Thatl make a mîghty dîffereuce, icîiglbor boni fer me an' youl Uet tha mugar mnnyfactrer make sueh profits aa le ie bl Toe hlm It may scei rîglt enuif but whar de-w I cum lu? An' 1 aoI agoîn' lier swaller ail tlîeargymeuts tlîey ahout Tbet the fai-mers neail protection -n' uîîît bar ram' augar ont Commo. sansa la plslnly sliowln' that the peuple lu the landl Want raw nugar frec ln future-au' Its freedoin wlll demanil. "nes a tai no longbr needed-hateful to the publie vlew,- Taxtsg millions of our people to enrlcli a favored few. They casI bllnd me auy longer wltb the foollsb yarua tlîey spin,- Whila tbey're buzy matIn' mouey-whnr ilew yeu and I comtelu? m &otn' e anetî'onble-ra galitar upella pIvt yend.- li' no eeon ts lnIe tn erogrn t n>- nelsuariveu 'ndse. Thma haougter d s it e-at ter tt ito lai grsîthoutlesayl Ifetiar farinerdo biour utmt ilbehttr woo row ee-ayo!nt To eel bbcs, do o nur ut>s-ou aobote-uve our ltsotiot Cheaper suthelelponjur-poute-t grbuteImr le ujulot'! sa Wbe-n e-ve- tree-lii goranjlakten ieratss'tîaryoua Ii- ____________ -5anlte ta'mwaryo n'1 un n Its ~~1ê4c is due 10 the original ty and simplicity of the combination and also to the method of manu- facture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per- fect purity and uniformity of product essential to the ideal home laxative. In order t0 get ltsriêfciai cfcts always buy the geuine and note the fulil name of the Comp.ny-Clif'urnia Fig Syrup Co- printed on the front of every package. In the process of manufactuning figs are used as thev are pleauînt ta the laste, but the mediclinal 'u vîrtues of Syrup of Fîgs arc obtained from an excellent combination of plants known ru be medicinally laxative and lu act muai beneficiallv. c mi4iSY UP( '1 Don'tetaau.surln uperfluous Hair R.moved ~~ -- - . e r ns nil. KAra I . ii m tteiem MISCELLANEOUS. O DON' z=u"--" S8..d-I DeSls hs,' R A te - st.*& a HEUTIl ssi I . doe $ 1 0 M ade EASY CR 'MI__018"T LI I S ik s T u P L ÀAV IINU E& iR ACS .$ 2 5 SI - t. - "'w u Sn . %r l- s . M . ne -. ...,PaSSes. tinha .-U.On-t-t o 5 ,a-u t~~trnmntn-~nert eeiça~tYou r Future . SUss Fortune ln MIning Stock )iiiniua.lnisALE T n NAN c.. .. ns si Mot' REAL ESTATEr. 5 Cna..erANUS HIIME !WFKE OILd,. Sela. i cii c 0 R Y, LANDt11 TUEn.c.srau WANTD as. pncn.t.ot-i- oce. uesISSOURI RIVER, IMEY. Wnsa.tntais .eaEsli ________ I tscr ,, nleon eenci agclaE ~p5a ETr aN KEU k "Ilan , pu,.ha att uLnonecTbsseVersat ~ss.nSset 15nnuliS Pie 5n >,1itiolt bue 1 ue- au. c 5.7 e»s dirj o@ IfiAU. LEyaieannute1 .i.t< ..scc, nSt et l. n ta D t aAit. L" -et S..- uoaai ?t a sai l - ~ssb a5~~~ aua~C=si~i jLý ýLZw --!m___rw_ W W IU N. 8-O Î Z i g ad cou- go,, sUe- -MIas- & aboct ltbera' hisin& satai! a. m la a. -BMIlla Buffao. as mofts r-Wiest msw a»da Ma. tInid take-a te Cit, safr Bd Waacl. -t W e T£s ieb. Wi *le Sli[ns. masl m6éL t. t wi boal e tll, *id !am5 mg11 bisag omat à F- à 1 -mmoN-- 1