CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1901, p. 1

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ý77' 7-7-h INDEPENDENT. Yé' irov,a to ar. ilM foMPead&1 No. -1ét X. o..9 . Libertyville, Lake County, elinois. Friday, December 6, 1901. FAST MADISON TRAIN WIECKEI) 1 LEAVES MffI NOTHEr'S WIF. eroatVatheri il il ICK UPS ili Chictago today tla s ctp ainesrlp 2,000.000 inhabiauts. Do you kuov vbattiSes fguresmesu? Tlsy men thft vithlthetb bordera of the muuici- pality are moue people tita live lu siiher te liste of (Jeorgia or Minue. sois, or Nov Jersey, or Virginla or Wisconsin. Tbsp menltasthere ane gatbereal togeiher more people thon oecapy Alaska, 'Arizona, OColorado, Delavare, Idaho, Matue and (tuegan combineal. Greaier Nev York la abaut ivice the size of Cbicago. The mosi remaukable famlly diacav- oued by tbe cenus emumerators vasait a litile village usmeai Marys@ Hame, lu Miller county, Mo., about tirty miles tram Jeffersou City. The enumeustar lu ihai distrlicporta thai ho foanda liua. Henry bmlib, vife of a store- keepor. 32 yoaus oid, vbo durlug a brie! marlageof aieven yeurs but pue- sonleal ber devoteal bnsband vitb six- toeou lldren. Ouly ue o! ilimum a a "sltle"There voue tva paire or twiua, tva sots o! triplets sud one quiutet, fiye siurdy boys ai a birtb, avoaglgixponudsiu veight. Titey are alalîve and bearly, iboîr mother in as active aud stroug s" any vomau la te state. A pure sud beautilut vomun iti s apotîcfes characier, ba one dangerous fo foiiowiug close at heu bieola lu the forci o! a tîcetous man. The moe laiausvîpr aout scudaousatons about ber, sud ibere are toa, maup peo- pie vho voutl rathur accepi the iylug tories o! snob s villan than the proaf ai the ablnlug apoile&s lufe oi a pure sud noble voman. Society ls lsugoly te bisme for such a condition cf affars. hI geually lisicus eagerly ta the libertine, but turn8 a dea! car ta the pieadings of deau, pure womauliaod. A man Who la gulily o! desroying lte characler of a voman saulal ho deali villi tbc saute as the one who commita mercder, fou tlae assasiustlou o! a goad character ta vouse thanutarder. A faiber talklug ta bis. careleas daughter salal, 1-1 vaut ta speak ta pou af pour mother. lb may ne pou have nobied a carevaru look upan hou face lately. 0f course, It bas nai boeo brought tiiore by any set cf yaura, stiflit as our dutp la classe lb avay. 1 vaut pou ta gel up to-marrc'v moru- Lug sud gel bruakfast; anal viin yanr moter cornes anal bogins tu expres heu surprise go riglit up taulber sud Sias heu on the mautb.. Von can't imagine boy il vii bigbieu bor dear face. Bouides, jota owo Sor a Mesaortvo; saayback, vhen youuvoue a ltlle girl, she Sîssoal pou vhen uo one aise vas bempteal by pour fever-batuteal anal svollon face. lau vas nos no attractive thon as pou are nov &nit thrugli those peausaifchildit snun- sbine sud shadavsa se vasalways ueady 50 cure bp tbe magie o! a motb- ors kis.q, the Litlîe, dirty, obubyJianda vbieaever Shey voeeInjairoalin Ihose skiuaiahes vith the rangh aid vorlal. Anal thon the miduight kissos wvuS vbicb abe routeil ns aniaube-I dreau as abe loauod above pour ptlUow, have &IL beaon ou nterestI"liese long 7ears. O! course site la not su pretty antl base. able as loba are; butSUi019 oit4douée pu% peaue, lteemonirai )a b seé sSo. ELECI'ION OF FAIR OFFICERS.1 B. Peter"n stud Mriq. Augusat1 Intereat la Lax, but Seveiutecia Hlints Dsert Famsilles. Vote@ Beiug Cai. Itecaute of lté cirtonustauces cou- uected vith 0115k suddeu depauture, frieudsanad $ eîa bave reine- tsutity coma te bollevo thbat Ed. peter- sou aud Mir £gust FIIutz, batb af Waukegaa, but uni receutly o! Uraystake, have elopetl Ptersous *5èqU5lni»ce vilS lira. HunIs datesa 4 MpIr of years back. Hie boardeal W1 the family 4htle vorklug ai G*slai After ho ut- moved to Wanhogmu lira. Hiuiz suc- ceediug iii lalq ber bhushanaldeed ta lber tileir ", tperty iu uraisîaike vhicb as eafisevrdo a<ld for $1300, andihe famlly theli f Iw d Peterson taO Waukc gau. Mr. HAts .Md him lsyear.ald aon Wilard secutndempIoymeut of F. Balretov. PefOUMDwam seorotary af te J Iael'U lluthai City anal apparentiy KlIWf. liappily vith bis Vue, sud Ivo d1len. Par sous SOu WtAetermou bas apeut mucb o!Sla N8Ai t àHr tz bomne duringl Ar. fps abseut-c-e. This cauadtrobleUl i lit toal qs vffs Frlay nigit tibet If I'eieraou came there saturàwap 0 ti brov hlma out of the boum .w oUhu hansd bis ada returucal tir wouS Saturday nigbt tbey foumal their home deserteai. $400, halt o! vbieb belongeal ta Bluta had been taken as weli as $13 vbich Wilard. tuesMm, bat In a amail sav- lugs hant. Prom a nolghititorSiw is iarusal that eariy sturcay uioriniug Peteuson came ta the bougé vth a ira»k and tbetvq vers mm ackîngit. Later a drarman took Ii **&Yi. gatnrday monlug Peterson sont hi# viteso CLa (Jlatbuy herseif a jacket, vben abe ret01umed ai '3 o'clack bis cloihes but sU berna removeai tram the hou«e. Ars. Hlntz WU furrmerly Abbie Plaber. She vas boiut years aId. Rural Free DOii ery Deisycal. I$ lanov snnoffleed the rural ire delive routes te Lave heen tln- augurateal Doceuter 1,1 viii mot be startdior a motISOt or tva. This la emplainelby ibe &et the depaztnment la 5Uff tftuuds. Proposait routes &Vl over the country bave aseesarUy 1-'n dolayeal ta startiug ou ibis se-oiuur, but thoso lu a position ta kuov atiure us the nov Roackefeller sud IPrairie Viev routes vii b. &Meng t1h fluaI ta hoglu service. Delage et the C ...niy Se"t of Intome Aionday Secretar o0f 'rueasury Gage piaceal hefore Cogreâsathe estiiiaten for runulug the goverumeut for tbe peau beginnug J ilotis1902. Iu thae estImais la accu - i.o1 1fou lmproviug Wauksgau itarbr The grstilng of ibis amunut aoc ut effeci thc plans for bhs big appropriationuof $345.000. The latter amontit 10 oCOme Up ln a apeclal bill. A teature of th,' rogutar meeting of Waukegan Lodgv No 78, A. F. & A. Ai. laol Monap ngi.wasa btheélectian o!~ ~ ~~~n oflasfrtu 'eau eau, wbich esielin 15efol wlrg blug choecu noccupy Ste cara. Louis R. Conolir. Mater. Salvard L. lyer, S. W. *Lyman 0J. Wet, W. Albert L.liend.T r, ua. Jey L. Brevajter, Sc M, Bruce Ragaîtý S. D. At. L "cgcrs, JI1). J. 8. Rulgim ad S. D. Tacout, rrusiees. Co.auty Judgî' 1),b. Joues aud Cipy Attoruey E tJ. htydeoker sue both orltlelliy 111 au thelu homos ln ibis ciiy. Jualgo Joi (swasbskeou sddonly clir Buuday morilng vbeu Ara. Joues vas aS uburch. fle vas ibroateusal vibh appendicitim. but bis physiulai, Dr. Carter baiever bcbu scheokealfit. The Judge la lu a cutical conditiou ana lé a family ois conalderabty atarmeal. City wtarnuy E. J. Hey. dockter ls vory ick wllb inflammation o! the hladaler ail viii not ho cou- sldereal oui o! dainger fou souete ime. .The moat ini 'tic Thauksgiviug aluner lu the î'îtuty vas 9 -,Roba lPark"the' farunuroe $rsapes iathof Iis nCity sihiy Suigita of the raid g arona atable ladeal vuS demluecie«of bbc o.asou. The caeu» n Weduesday v ovng am preparallaus for the foui. TSuraday mounaoig tvelve1 olgbt oblokeus. fouuteou goe Younug plgvoue stanghtered lefft. Theo fowlis aud P1g vous laua greai Soute huug over anal dinaer vas s veoa& ainoc 4$uner vs prealdeal aveu by Temst etDetroit, 1,iob., vbo à as the imeal o! the tramp orga lalu epart a! the coulaSrf. te aflewoon the mon inâdul geuses~caro bon 055Sag ldS cmmmeal. TIeite m w01n S ar diéubsd J btr .etoihA1 Wadnesday aiternaou ai the Liberty- ville Tovn Hal occarreal thé aunai meeting sud election o! officeus ai the Lake Couuty Agncultasi Snclety. But one ticket vas i h ie bd sud Chat uittle lutereet vasmaulfest la evident whsu it la cousîdereal but seventeen votes vera casi. The ofticers etectoal vere. Président ......... .... W. E. Miler lai Vice Pros.... Douais ifutington 2al Vice Prideni -Richard ëStli Secretary............ 0. E. Churchill Tressurer ........... E. W. Parkhurai a) IETORS. H. Bock .................... Atioch Preeman Clougia.............Warren Bl. J. Osier.............. Libertyville Frauk Thomas.............. Fremout William BullbeS........... Waukegan Reports o! the seeretary and Cbesn- urer vere real, auceptedansd adopteai. Treasurer Parkburst roporteal 1t h e bail eu bandal sbalance ai 31467.74. Thua the associatlon viii ho seen ta bc lu a hoalthy insuclal condition anal lu a position &0 Improve the grendes ta neceesay vitbout fsar af lnelal distresa The suggestiou tht mare grauud bc purebamealmoe t It unIversal favor analte dîrectous voulal do veli ta cou- aider the Ides. Comiug to Leke County. The o towiug telegram ta tbe Nev York Su% tram Indianapolis, tualloates a groat influx from the Blooster otage, la asaureal anal goes ta sbov vith vbat vonderta<rapIdity Dowries religious movoment la spuesdlng: Thuee vooka ago a comumIttees of faarners tram Hamilton, Boole, TIptan and sdjoining connutes visigeal the Dovia oolouy st Stan Ciy, near Wau- kegan, to inquire mb toe metitada of gaverumeut anal decldoe-ma tIithe a- visability af becomlng s part ofte oalocy. The commuites retureal anal gave a fltailed report o! the matiers Liao vih tey luquiroal.the beauip of tbe country, the lertlli*of tla soil anal the peculiar governmeut o! te people. The report vas recolved vitb entuttuam, sud about 100 people tram tour or tive counties are nov pro- paring ta more to Ztan Cipy ana l rasait iheroearly lu December. "lTht. majoriby ai Ibose vbo are golug bave disposeal a! their lama, but wtU taSe Chair lîvestock and ai17 cof their persoual elbois vwitia ttaem. Thore la mucb excitement lInbIhe cammunîllea from vlalch ibese people yull go, anal Il la altaguilaer llkely thai othors wil follov. Lus lalAiat one member a! thae ccmmlttoe, vhIch viaiteit the calony, bas been made s deacon In the Dovie church, sud h vas largely tbough bis Influence that others have been iudueed ta go." Terrlhly Burued. lis,. Clars Gunther, tte ti-yeau aid daughter of DauiltCouciher, restdlug nearthIliois ota iehUe, vas ierribly burneal Mouday by the explosion af s keraseue slave. She wvastauding close ta the stove sud the fiames lespoal up aud lgnioed ber bair. The fsines voue thon communicateal ta ber ciotlalag, but bufore tbey had gslaod sny pueai beadvsy they voue ex- tilugutsbeal hy meinora of the famlly. Thle face and arma of the Young lady voue feuiulty burneal. A Young Life Zudeal. Wills N. Maxhaut died aI Lake Forent veuy suddeuly Ssiurday main- Iug, Novumber 301h, ai pucuinua, a! 1er but a veeka illineas. Air. Mlhau vas in lte emptoy o! S. Blaokier, aud It was due ta exposure aller dutie perfarmeai requlnlng cou. siderable exertion, bis death ta ai- tributeal. lie hocame tiroal anal oves- boated vhhte drivlng catile sndudet davu for a fev moments upon tbm grounal. Pueumaula folloveal bist exposure, lahiug bita loy belare a veek paaseai. Willui wva snoble Young mana anal deservediy papular amouug &aiei acquaintauces, vho vuliasteponte aud alsier feel kenly ibis affliction. Deccasefi vas boru lu Diamonal Lake, January 10, 1876, and liveal mastofaiei lite vatb bis parent& aiishat place. The fumerai bock; place Sunday siter. noa f ram tbe churcli si Diamanal glven ai Lake, burial betug lu Ivauba. sari for cemnetery. 15r. J. B. Itebineou, o! , vben Lihonyivltle, conducteal tmhe rvices. gatered a Il the Bridge Bond@ For Sale. 5e iramps The undersîgnoal, supervisar anald id made tovu clouS af the tavu of Vernon.,viii e, iazl ffer for sale ta the highost anal hos turkopa, blalder, fanosaSu, tvontp-flve coupon me0 anda bridge baud@ oS' one buudred dollars 1for the ($100) each, runuiug tramx one to Oive D cokeal pears sud hoartug luterent ai four per lte lire cent. pet annuta, lutoreat papable an- ,on. The unalip. Sale ta taS. plam in toyE ""Ong bhall laiallDay ai 10 ocolook Saturdal, lasknavn Dec. 7lb, 1901. nisaion ,salal taow ociais seserve the rigitl 1urIX4g ta rejeci auj or ail bita. Igd tua J. A. MAsoî, Bupervlsor. O'bO . C. GlanEur, TaownClark. - id S Read the Ila>PzIiDNT and ' gtall the. latout nusv., the-Mattor a thoniglt. Order your out of us--orilft ut îîow. ýlW4, wMl do yoit a good job lu quick G'CET OUR PRICES. laltA TFVFNÇaNI~ ai kboetylie TAILOR m IliInois. _____ ____ _____ ___ Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER EW. r bave moveal t. n George sud fiaturdaj. veek vting rdl, ia Oloago, DIat Mio ule s, formelp o! us. Noeff viii %ago. Neatake tem 0 long g, Ati7 o'elock, (! Aiae Mary suIes Ulbdgbt. e a&thealhome Mr&. Liverest er vua sered. id vas ilere, sud ibey vers anal returneal Musr. Aibnlght lu Hall Dar. nuits la «.- iaeartiest cou- ic. tacbeunga and tatogo ou af os9dap. Jopoal Snutday tbe ltresten. asu front tteng cfDeyld, calleil on theiu sud umibm's a buswlle rosaug friands ber nev bomne muob, rdspaya Stfun-ý niling ai Bell 1ev day, viit. ust ýre$. Schanck's hardware Store, brnlyvilIe - - - Illinois. jg*Pantaloons Match Sale etcfc julont, and thefuanuteat novelty of te sesn. It aa eft j sln iature pantaioont. but ive Juches la length, made lrom the c easlnuers. A pair ofallâtl suspeudera attached to ibe buttons on j» esbuseal tu bang the ente on the Wall. h Vitiiholalà a Xit box ~ l~tiovtng words printeal ou tbom: -,Scratch Vour Ilatceis," -Ou I4Iàtebus."Etcb pitcb a i. lnche8 acroasa,pienty largoe uougb fur F Malgmatettes. This sale in use! ul. oruameutal aud very, very "eh«rn . nS ea othe pseil t e o 5u papeo. Puce th o Se*1.sozn, 90a, by malt, postpsid. LWMJBGAN STAR M'F'G CO., ILNOS Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. 0"06a over Trigge & Taylorle. M & M 2. . ito à sCd a. ta a. . 11Mon Bm roadway opposite Park Ubeàtrtyville. Illinois. on. ~ ~ FI mueavn.u M5. anOVcn. PJSIçlans and Surgeons. 00elU -ad Tse-tce tttree doore vosi -Ôt Ouua, lRockefeller, 111. bar ld~llttaltsuwered promptiy. 4-t" $Unalvaysataithe cIlie. -yr»issss *Mr *wu media"., .3o- 'AUIýMacGUFFIN, À*hab amd Counsllor at Law. 1;.W*TAfqY PUBLIC tville. Illinois. 'AMOS J. NICH-OLS 0F CHIiCAGO, liasopens a OCNTAL OFFUCE $Tmtpll, Bulers BlocS, aveu ob'~vs'Sore ybere ho map ho relspon Wsdnesdsps. fraut kt- te60. ut. ýDr. E. H.,SMith, *0over Lake CountY Bank "d ls n i. sd 10P. mni Atlly - WRIGHT DYMOND & CO, Libertyville, Illinois. Issues Interest Bearing Certifi. estes Payable on Demand. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEV AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. 1 auxioi aLOcI. s,. Lavvtsi Te TELEPHONC NO 20. 5451555591%CNICAQe Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. P.lysictan and Surgeon. siMNCRcaOIPPO6=TELEEMAN HOTZL aLDO. Ciurnee.------ - - - -IlliOe. STEAM LAUNDRY. Ail Work Neatly and Promptly Done. Bond Bros., Libertyile .Illinomis.g LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Rollins -Illinois. Whou couteiuplattug maklug a esie cal &roundt or adaluasudana lvi t-> $1.50 a Year in Advarice. Don't WasteVour Timie! lI wandering about frams stoete. stoée in a fruidleu searcli for wbat yvauvt Corne iere Firsi.... Our store with its variotas cepartften »îî* tractively stockecl with unique 15vd articles for Xoeaa aller, opportualtim estwý passcd hercabouts. Buy Christmas Gifts Now! Too early? Not a bitaoft--every orne of~ us was hurried bast year. Les get rWglito work with the gift thinge, Ita go ey to niake shogpnng mistakes when tlie wMle cyed tumuituous Holiday trade rush la on, Toys For The Children. Step into the baseanent anid sec thec Xmas Wondrlaud-everything from Dalla*0 open nid shut their cyes tb Expre eu . S"ed and Tool Chests. A RANGE IN PRUCE T14AT MAKES UT EASY 70 PLEASE ANYSOOY IN THE MATTER 0F COST. G~R.LïQWN11 Waukegan - - llnois.. I STOVES T ME 2OTH" CETUCY r S TO.I Hau bought the stock of Gents' Furnish- ings formerly owned by Sanborn & Co. and William Stevenson. This addition enableS us to offer you a complote stock of Gents' Furnlshing Goods, con- sist'ing of ttie eelebrated Elgin and Silver Shirts. Shirts, laundered. 50c, 75c, $1.00 Shirts, wqiaundered .... 50c, 85c, $1.00 xi20 styles of collars to select from. Feit Boots and German Sox. *2.00, $2.50, $2.75, *.0 $3.25 and $3.50. Our Winter Suits and Overcoats must go before Jan. ILi Youfil FOR CASH, E. W. Parkhurst, isctanck Biock Uh.ty, ASTiIMA CURE FREE! Afmahene Drings Instant Reief and Permanent Cure in AilCase& SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON REICBIPT OPOSTAl. uwrnum Thore ta noltingwlie AtUleUe. l ~ YEN brlugs luatant roueaveu la 5me vosSlcsmm It curs whvitou lm lase l. teostrlyrer . p EBngineer andl Flreauan ladiy iutitPaasengere Shakea Up. TrairiNo. 143 vih l saves Chicago et 6 P. aM. for Madilson ovei the 0. AM. à St. iPaul ruai plunget lute, a trelght train at SherarSvilla vblle ruuuiug sixiy miles au Saur, Tuesday nigiat, resulttug lu a dlastrous accient. liauy passeugora for Libertyviile, Grayalake anal *'up te.lino" vere &board and , recelveal a vigorous shak- a up thougb noue vers 5trt oxcopi- Ing Ara. John Hook, Jr., of Grayatake. Dr. Palmer of 1555 place, vin Inl atteudauce, reports ber condition as mueS Improvoal. Engineer Pritcbard bad bis rigut armu fractursal andl receivoal a scalp wounal, vIile frema uishaît bth bis legs broken and severat nibe fractureal. BotS are lu a precariaus condition. It vas fortunate Dr. Palmer was on the train as bo vas ablë ota aord relief to the sufleriug sugineor andl fireaun udsucit pasasugesas needed, attepalance. LaSer alter physîciff. arrlveal and aufssisedl hlm lu caring for the woundeal. itOW IT HAPPENED. Tbe accident la due ta the tact a grelghti train faledtotagel mla -olear" before the passenger came thuuderiug a Thr 7e passenger englue truck the angine of the frslght jusas it vu puilug nuto, a sidiug, anal cousequeut- ly did not bt It sqnarely, obrwise te lsof lite vaul haie beeu appali. ing. As tg vas the coaceàe vere, forceal off 4he track, but altal fot ttp over. The passenger englue vwu toblliy vuecked, it bsvlng turnea ompiete somnerasait. It toak several Saurs ta cloar the tracks anal trains ounir vay vere de- laped inlu onaquence. Oonunctor Thas. Eckles vas lu charge of tbe paeuger train. -15 If pou ave thrnking cf buying a stove "b fail or vinter it wiil be mouey in pour pooket ta look over my stock before bnping. I have made arrangements witb <Jibben & Sexton, ai Chicaga, to handie their entire lins of Universal Stoves aud Ranges. The Universal Steel Range heade theo liai ai Steel Ranges; i. of the funsil finish and hesas steel. Bp buping a large quantitp 1 gai a spela low prie vhich vil enable me ta o ithese splendidstoyeza t &boutthe smre paiceTou vould have tai psy for cheaper goods. lia B. EGIE3R, Libertyvil le - - Illinols, D.Charles Galloway. R .DRY -Mffice.vor Loveil's Drug Storeo iL DRY PIANOS OflOA"s **=aIUon 1 T03 ADSTOOP. . TUNKO a- CLEANED ijbrtvile.- lliols EGULATED. NEPAINKO. Liet v . -Libertyville - - Illinole.1 t-Dint-or nippanc allualon irom sucti a vil- 1 1-1. .11 Libertyville

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