CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1901, p. 3

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DAIJ( TE -St-,' AR.PFR R E S TEé CH&PTI1 IV, 97hi s Mc Hastngs, a.i beeupoile ifon Winifrme h Nu it d carn Mllistin sialfeilag *0iJ "i liok hmca tM~ibesfo ta c fcgfiii àle.and clevr, sud eJ.baid MISjudeed i-U~ a ~Iit in îehoodau, lt 1mW l i@ l lte mn» 1iS , dy Grace looked 1i bsu l% 1 t thia question, fie mi 1 ih s aps .ihio, i thl au onucual degu b*5t4" m -le repliid. "It sm the vo.'IdWeillaitlier a WC-u 1 retestfailing vas1 .bi ivin»ver lla.dthe !"l lunga pride. Why do ;ov 1<0 Ifeel thit 1I voul * "T seisnhrhM if 1 se ticould rnisslier to Madame de MauoBiI ce idormi sta bers. c 15Ol"n'y lBe vas vi«7 gOi b ao lag hIpet but o liaI "fi. Was. ladeedi C.W ah, oo mi iW gr.,î 1110"I hav, bomIen bl ~b bis.ta lave. I canu f iiiag'n t M! ni ei, chnt- ok poft Wltin~* cLii I~Plie, hplis t1iiieyis. iooklnim tieguh we *,1 l eu0,' 10taise "A,â rgm'ee,' b j s.dghudil, lIll1e, siMd ldy.487 . &"ah. - ~~.s~aotram 1- 1s. But entir.» UkyW , ,fuý, ho!t-.uu ir.sud "15W,'SOI a lie le "e atfuio» I.e- limposai- "T evif, ton'> *Oiêvii*-e1 or i.rsed HutI- 000i de Montolicu. 'l MWWnigitfll-E 11,o Iis vey l uiiof the bccd. »J bo lv e. 1 imarri bierlif est inoler or fnefn ~pf ti. lii: tha cauttaitfin, amiable, traci ,Ueesur, i epf their 'miohi id--a chitito h. pro valîîiutil nov,à 'O rae, I fesr greatlý 4h Os-i ne te beit îbY iMYber tuoch.Sb*1 cou. rilîe? Nol no! »r'" !thei"s station; bho PRsc-ti afely"bihuai o!etfor fthe lest. T1liope tIr.t",have nofited sud I s Brrcul made op bhlmnd fiat bholie sferniy efuaea Id gei Winîtrd,.otm4t'i"'h* vond io itb ber; snd t toe f tempafla, or ePOi ber f0 sud dindaluful 10 ti *itmenf, aidih hopassed fihe n'y earf," g #AI, viti ejqu Chmplati h. Sept "It la juif ilie th fug ete9w v svind tramthe IFarun, Hotrard," eied La a, OOBOsi h oyrbtteli liii votun nalnenergy. "He or"d va. emusemting ou hbe apparent sacrificint eserythir set, - pride. Caoi nofhilu ~egIiqs'.see ansd tii.bouse vas "I fean nDot" repli îAof Br.Eeniame delared tint theu mkie proceeded b waiufvs fie aitchsrmlng Mise Clampions tri lii utii "f staiadt d Ia Mr. Lady Grace vas i IWithe iWeettbon or s boaf. "I eau quit, belle toZad Gralelgarqubar made the "Misa Champion hi tie.htul gmnnutiofte gen- mpellounsss lie;nd everyitodywuv a nen ctinondersu in M md ilesidin laconuuegn e. Min* Hastings s-mrnnto1 uU iibrther ver. os-e if AIt filsmomentl alacil es r7 day. mmewhat Whfnlied entered.1 o! Lady Ubics St. Ego. Lut a etranger. 4 ;siéed ta do evesyhng lulienr Nmater, Mun, bec. Sté mie Errol Hastings. lier ais- Montolien, 1"'%1&a i LyAugelzald amilar intentions added, sddresslug b élu LidHarold Enmislae. Who vas Lady (Jracc vas W' * sich, thougb ot cf u.srly mci the lmgt of suci a1 tare bel dey. vbeu Errol bal ordered hbs 'CoOla here, rny i eda.hsnd te fais. fie Party dvlng. Ilie "sud let me sec ify *4 Ulms Chumpla.onvIwaxsistting or"' JWbox Issidiehn, vhlci way the, Ldy G race lefI oug. nooseperfecfly eh@ ami thecommose&Bd up lie hul, 1 " wvIliame.If nolm- Wk le thi peitLluil" nmveied Flum , 10 ing ueinto a dihS*0 Su.desigis of paulag fielg if ted." @ie fiouj laWtlrid mlgblsMe tient. 1 lacis1tIctheCo ethcycm. op la fieePurn, in. oly have hadl soci OW 10 IS ut: tasding 51tltmegale. chldicas Lady Gr* M ai d waked avai ta titibinnle. "erl"ced Lord Hasold, "whaî au CHAI lae, ! MIm»Champion, lyou Winifred bldjus ý-i vetut afoity l inte eoonfy- way fa fie collasi M5 Iii me vIa liaI youug leauty Vas sccomfed by Hi ýs ila a fermer@ daugîten," sud e"T lez joor pan 011s eaidy; Sud VErrolalmual hated ber mc free.- h. ssîd, esjlag if, specfflly, 'bot i % termeira dugter: I cnuld liav-e hle 10 se, nmre Ci Wb. Woh t hht figurm and tournure. ahe nt fie Court toutý Oii6d teonue of the brt familles lu the Wluifred colores- .,L t1 Vrac Jut ns.i,.iàlhop- king. slo, erarking il, tr, osu naibee reu OR* d active, b? tb» anie r t aui d Wou' suld »',, te eflI& gd vu* mbile in oprebout 'Ie ma" e tité il ru situe- a faila mre a1- Se whobe s bouuit as Sept e sontit- eeS wcni f t 5 a. u *I- vail eis, De- cali. buh in a -Yeai stis-neai vc mn Ad- per <test, ,ut, bras 'et. bila 'ut, slmep ising atOl- if Kou"a valatie it b 8=.5 mg%.23 ta u, M11.40 e Septum- rect di- ta pvtins g P'O6*, bec ta 01*u No. 2. 4%et ha. S3~>to potatooit, 0 te, 5SUI m. Na 1 ta dIt'; r". X 2 blac, e.00; oi, s ) te ff.ous ar, No, 2i o 2 white, ~pthst ve sbaaid se, hem ai fie yel en a inov bern?" '*les," ssid Ersnl, grvely, "I have u& olnet invite ber'?" Lord liran i ~theioldie," iusyered Errol, viti tE q .uauý% td Ulis.o!fssarn, "wlefien y Oimam ldconsent f0 lih, presece-eo! s 0#io*soniy a farmens daugliien?" i 'fMe&d1 am sure 1 vouit," cried Mises M*céacviaU vas toc, pretfy f0 h. jealous;M burfhe oflers rarained cient, ti ltsdbe l ad tunneti awey frotheIie Sale t.vtI s swelling heurtI *Se pmaonul cane for me," thougît r tIi gea, ciild; "but le nesti unt come 1 peIp t oen vit ieiasitocratie trienda I 4# »IcIm loy tan above me licll!" ~iday before fhe bail. Errol lsd fo hie la nclum. atten luneh, tun9 wbor tIre. leflers, vlieu fIer. 9 p gia* e îatp aI lhc doo.a 'Ceraila!" sud Lady (liae opeareti ea 60 tbnmabld.9 4Wl.yoîu pardou my Intrusion?" sIc saill,-91 have saje mR iclict 10 es your -blai% %d a requesît 1have 10 rmais. tu 4M15 et lat gis-cn me s fair pre- 'ttliiamllt have faken my ceusenlt for1 = u ho " a auswered. sM illia pleasast9 -Ir but I amn quite, content that youP dhet diseS If ecesarj to askifI, ince, leg mines 700 liere," -ISupstrlates in a tuastime In une # isàrslt fiende i bcd, Pour WIni- 9oî'sali Hastings, luterrmoC- thé lIdaugîter o!uni filmHoward."t - ýtto 59t1*0 fiIhere vas anoîhen ;tisas Lady Vaenton." t oImomde a mesaslilanre, sudt vio la a dreadfui tyraul, bas .vdber name f0 le mciifioued -lvas vsny fond o! ber, por girl, gis vas nmre jeans yjnigc XVas4 but 1. neyer mev lier atter A ifor I vms alnoad vti my à . d bilan. 1 reluruedt 10Eng- - is ilsd. fer govenness, Madasme s- - eu, vra aver gooti sud dhantu - sud 1 have alysys kepi up a @oiuu. vt ber train lime f0 i svadd jour refreat this aften- perpose tf0 saI f I may have tle te,launtien f0 drive os-cm anti M st ake the Imouche, Lady 1 a*1 Sf. Ego sud Lady Marlon ffdld4e4d rvlng this attennoon, sud jouas ladieleiteudt 10ride os-en 10 tEuss-amplcn's lefomo dinner." ~~5you. I vonîti ates nof diacon- olad frieutilib t uocistafe; le- Lbas-eesagret fane>' tu drive youn menus. tien," exciaimeti Errol, 'OreFarquhar rived, verY sthefie 1111,cottage, anti pre- na long chat yulh Madame de Who ta as very glati to ec bcr, ' ishe sast, *'liaI 700 hati a- th*a Court, bof I cacely Ys-i- e 'poctlyen otil arter lhe !estlv- 0blve corne os-en long ego," aaswcrsdgayly. "lat I sua bu: eCon las bstea. 2, voltataile 'nanal vt us lie Le. iWh agi "T namsure, miel, I lope jou vOu'tt itrty." The mat --ludeeu, no," eci rovenuf berselt; " y00 for thiniitiof ",You seerniss,' enteriy, 'Ir mss in usyseit, e.t-, l normrwetili h qui baliroufutdune ap1 as 'ud le a show the Cont! foutîle round. Thcy telli wouiti maire e-erY iuerc hybylutpast Miss Ey-re 'Il just o'cdock 1 coitl-i t gartien fluaIithe lu sic couiti sec ailt a coul leing liem "Thanis ytu.Hs9 gentylit il as vec or me." As Winifmed n.E termibly hart cfta to hec dignify; bla lierl t edeu ay at vito lsd es-idenl goutu-nili andtihfî piessure. But Ihe Eyre, going tf 00 a mindon lu sec hl !mg Ibenuseicea ni lier pride. But il frequcut ve vlolenifi3'repu, ve are alle tut 10 Ifatcres-rd. A aloitg, lusitious Ih dermiuC lb, sîconî lion. "Atter ail," nhi shoniti 1 teci sub h.iîeg ouiy a sPeut T *bani neyer lue i anti vii shud1 1 have no otten etl grand bail?" Then sIc felli i "Tf T lad onri Sic Tlowand'a grni Champion bas-if Hastings lu soi tianceti vifi hint T couiti bave mtun, tarmer's daugliti milI au admlred, Hec. nords fa donin on the bun sud Ilie tears str So inleuI mas s-b did tnt er futu lu lier cars. oayîn lu trouble?" cie "Mr. luastingo, isiti confusiona a omelicv fie ail laniahedti h. men a Inigil ouillhe car "Iaram u gis Errol sald, vilI or iliviles "fI e iu tiltrisi, vIE 'S last;inf'otlr I& latie wveisa my 'i"' ~ lite, bishem en.nueaslug, hauntilîg r- R. q~~:ini locised upintobis fsce in- *"Il la a trouble I canclut sis anyontaî ,aa-ouleaf of al." lie caid, tten s Wlalýtre'meyt's druopcd Ienenfh hbis ges-It vias ao ad, jet gsedeger. R.~ ~ Aroici ras licard calling, "Hastings, lu an Intant le lhod taisen ber bauîd. ~~ lissedi i lo.lîiteiy, sud vacsoe. Wlnifred burui-il îîîey quicily, sudstu ou ber vsy to Illet:-otante. lite vastr-- i", assied Madae,"de billot, coufus-u-d, glard, curpriscd. she hle ik* llnrscarcely tffnün m-bat lier nei feelings ILag. Riles(1o adnefr ere. Buît os UnHawkins' proposmi e- (copyrightf£ale i-pc.1901.) d el rd.*Uni?.' u ler iid, mlie defenmiued qte N h *OM Dr lalmage dWi a ost.tadiIlPi5»fAfaccept l. 'I rsea mai aliscî..f subjecf, and mule oprw ait Wbeu cie nrrlved at lhe cottage. aIe on.e lu vhich ail are îirreeted. The 'ri 8o0a'Le 4vas put found ILady Grsce, as las bêea descrlbed. tut la Jeel il.2. U4" i e - pour out 110 'mj t sA 01 Wlo;n ite bladaccorpnsied lher ta the sprit upun aili sslyooid mens sali t . obbU ls p cyarriage, she eturued 10 fine littI. desindrennua, mur Yuuii. tlien &sIal1 se mu îe m îues aif Has- tra ring mome. Wnfc ue-vision@." inbrdfyHs- . Dear rmsdame,' subaid lu kee- ntuis plotogvshsJt si - îemilieunlou > Ma? luIg leelde lier cidl friend, sud beait hid- the drogetu lifttdetchfo h- ai onsplculty. -mcefbet'" remarkisedlutber face. "T vaut y709 ta tairese te TODVomai cay o! a drei iliai Ifi Jeuoc- feu éboisIg berseif. the Court t-morror sigt." tannai fantaisia or tiarli s. healsurd 1a"iamiable." "Tite Court!" çxcai&med Maidamae de crnhiîou of vaking thougîts, antd c melgled L.ady Grâce. Moiofleu, lu osenvhelmlng surprise; viti a stair of! ltuti Yieuu nay sel, ta as ito, Ingo"las Mc. Hastings. tien, ms-lIed Yeu0t10-"If la cuir a drean." lb. God bl aseo- wbat lias lbçciîme o! his bal?' red îhe ilesnby mcl -- îîig lie avenue I. ohliwn a briglil' "oh, no, netthflt." Winlfned aenered. tiroogli is-his-l.again OIiiagatu lic lia little girl." quieilyeith a deep blueli. "To-ight, msrcled rilpou, tihe uitoseuul, deelded ," ld ithe OUi French ns T vos coming here,IHawisamet me, fhe fate o! natons aii eliauged thc gisce he fi ieeet sudIasetume if T should iieloa netlhs course outhîe vonld'm 1, tirr. Goti ap' nefurolng ont secls?" bal He salitdbe wouid letfmllto tIe pet:edin naticeatu te Alo[iiih-eh. vanint Ollittie gardien under flic bsiinoomn. and lbreagaingt an unlan ýý1i.narriage; in à fli sjaulaexpressive fer. vould le n one cisc lIere, Af fint drean u toJacob, announ -uligbr flic ladden 'Sthesailexrefi.vond- ivas aneny i thefIdes, bul 1 bave chant« net afainstthfié sy fîî.. f ug uels the idh i'ondait;é fond dmy md; sud, ol, madamne," she cou-' communication ietwcen vrruliasd heuv' nd old wsh; eai cludetu earnestly, "I do nsutsaut tago." en; lu a dream. fa Josephi, foretellue ihi@ .!u nsd sceomplai- Madame de Motolieu looised ef her comiug powenrusder th, i-,.ire or Ail tl, od of. Ah. dean Lady witI impreasible asloniaimenf. ite ail-sheavea o!f th barvestt- îîgdenn te ly fiat I have Isugbt not failed lu 1.1eve ber sout5es weviedeIls mlef; f0 tic e i i-rforefelluag la go fan beyond lber mubkr et Indeed. I did if alproud Wiuifred Eyre rnsde uch s r.. bim disimprisouueten; t lu elicef bkr cd mHvar avold quant. annuminlushic% 4 ltai- tn; tu Pliraoh, ,ed Si Howad wou "T..1nov litmuetaccreem&frange te Yon. shoviug bien fIlmthfe c-n apleuîy jeans 'roghf hier out. but Wlabfsed sald. lmploringiy; "700 think f and tIen tle saefan i. trucis jeans tot have auyfliug 10 sum fongtlug my pride. sud my self- nader tlie figure of 1h'- --veo ian cava bIel art Il so cruel esteemi but T bave a reson-indeid 1 devouing tne sesu T i-wsire SolO' eé poor chld If breakse have." mn, gising hlmn fie ch, - befreen vis- "'Winifned!" cied Mafdame de Monte- dam snd riclies sud li lu a varrior, acf detestahte old Mir lieu lu a baiucd voie,, "you arc thinis' umder tle figure of!a biuî,ii cake samiting .adyGres, ithun-ingtue much o! filic M.Hasatings." dcvii s lent, encofragi,.z t;idp>In lubis le alvaye Iu.isted on SIecacressed fie ebedad l ay lu lier battle againctthfi.Mid. iites: f0 Ncb- ing te is mîninbornn îp pitifalu, andt euderly wvilleallie said: uchadneizzer, nadir flic lgie o!rsalirokeel h. bdoue?" "I viln go trilleyou If jeu wiub il," imageeand s heva dow n re~, foretlling led fhe aid lady; aud "T do vwit I;lianis ion s tioussnd thc overtinr o! b lis Pouc; e. 0Jocspb Of f a tiil her frleud o!fUres." th fe New Testament . aaoiuefg tle biribi gafuent o! ber cousin. The.Dnteafeeniug, hortly befose fteu a! Christinlubis carte hou- lioîd. and agait Uighiy Indignant. c'cincis, Wiulfred and ber compiation, bddlug bm ien f ron il. rcdic persecît- se If," ah. renarisd. coaketi sud vciled, appeared nt fie liit itions; ta Pilaste'@ vui'. , iruflg hlienDot ea au air of hauglty garden gaie. Tie falfhful Hawksins vas ta lecome compliealed -7b the judieial ef offends me gestiy. viiug for 11cm, sud. Inn, to hilprim- ivirfrov O Chritf d lic ieIflas hat M. !le. net anoîten persan vra ta i.seen. We «Il admît fief (mi-I1,nî ecicut finte$ admidre lier 9amch-" Hle d plaeed two chairs tun tiem beliud sudd onden Bible dispi-i.ii lion addresàed tle door opened. and a cheillmo! Isorela, sud As fhe halirocun the people through dr. ls.The quei- She dnmv liseS on zee viicdnwc vere downu 10the ground libey tieanvlerl, dors God m1,11or17 i n rday couid st plamly eserytittfat teck aud revesi inseif flroih dreanus? That aid Madame de place. la Une question evemybo-li siansd fins se WIni!red Eyre." 510. Wiltifred s"w Lady Grâce Farquhar, question I yUl try tf0 is--er.Yeunsale; te-n visitor. oled lu delicale matin sud lare, stand- me if! 1 belles-e lu dreatî.-Nly anisn-cnlm, t faily aslonisinedt if ng vîit ucler ladies on a Slnd of s 1 do, buf ail I have io 'in wilb. uender gnacefii elegant ceres- velvet daus. receing fie guettu aia fby Ove Icade. gcti.enteretu ribl stafely graciouues. Tien Remark thle Firmt.-' i r lcriptures ar- dear," h sic idgnl-se 55vsomehimt thal rmade lehenm nu- cfulo! reveistlons f -usnGod tîaf il ou are liSe your molli- bic sud fotepale. Mr. Bastings enterei ve gef no cfmnc~ i routbiehli Ilie ~ ~ ~ ~ h Cotg-tc fe-îeroua, iookiîng mure liandiome sud dreama ve ougtl. neyer h,ieua bclu t. themcdttale t 'atifrt'. conrtiy fienesmield es-en Imaginai, sud 9ed are i ca nfle dueon bis acm leauf Fiers Champion, vifi With itveuly guIldrbOks ttell11 00 oi e psthin fuo rchdah. the prond dIgumfy o! an einpresm, ta gel 1te Nev Yorksor l'itaburg or Lont goitio asfIorus-e e owA pjestis eng abot rougi Wini- don or Glasgow or 2Iaucîeufer do y30 ghtas be rov s fw, cd's beareth e lieagît, sud vtril ioe vaut a îgît vsiion e Itellieu loy t ort, "Ah, if I could sawHastings bend dowm te Viora nssd maS i-juny l a, i a danglileci" and pour percels-e th e stuile fiitbvasit'elected Beithre fourecti? o eard bu hil ici migbe heablly bncI lbia en-c, gsIcleinched ber teeti journey ut Ulis lite rii loy fa gel i - os-cc ber lIps foaieep liack tfie toersaof!the celestlidty. miii nith this gran PTER V. mortificatiou. SI. torned to (Madamegudbo.tcmc inlireryv ef ieft lie Feaiusounlber de Motolicu and said, ini quicis, gnnpbnghs alfintdIetoyw re. vce mhe met and fouee -If in enougî-let us o0081sf f0glettele aife I Tbaye more faitl lawkis. flic smneisep- (o inotnud) aa deccsiou 1taii. iIr 1corne vicu T at (Te ie ontiuen.)vIde avais. than ilien T anm@oule rdon, miss, fsr makbg LT RSDETîSRA L aleep. I have o -- d aIthose vii Uiiog off is cea""sr,- E R _________ gAFL is-, a greaf dccl out climi fne 10 sfudyini thougit rnaybe Yuu'd Couse e.trsm Guelilc 5I.acitast<h. seJnagel leirblrà lusaddled. TIey ai f flic grand dolngs ap Menia -*Fair H«rtu," vM nx silous 10 r- uember vhaîTthe orrow.'*The soruame of MacKiley on Me- dn.amed about tiie'trt nigîtt bity mici I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ptuuil, u ff àl nev bouse. f II iliir dreatu fli, etas fullr-ibudHsv Kiniey (le latter as pelird ly th tetais, fie baud of s , .rpce, 11.7 are gait t, anterib ontcern-l'cesident)lag thesanme vitii Flalysose, 10 ds. If tlic -i-usof c garden., e1 Iexiget no offnse- lti meanlug "aon of Fiuny." Thesinsanea s epulirluor.If somnetliurfcin taise shat Isid as s naine la dînlîncli ScotisI, but occuts ouf accordiez 10 a iligît vision, tliey gay n imiied auuiouaiy at aloo la lb. north o! Ireland amoug the "WeIi, I aurenetno rrmed. I dreami descendauts of the selers ofrlte il."IIfittnu,- r diffecent trotfi iciaiturd Wiomfmed, re- "Scola plantation of Ulster." nlghf vsiaon, tht aiy, "Weil, dreamleg 'I sun mac olliged te Tic naine, unlike niost oihcr Scottialt bit contrariez." l:ifliir efforts te pi f me, Hawis." théinrdressin u) t - .5tîn ey put tlie! said the, gamekeepesumnamea begluning it llMac, la netlà aing Ihouglirs .î idiccord. Nov, fi n ~ er flcv s e -ri commun one,,sud occurs oilIy Bible len full .,t neselation 11sft domga at fi. Court te- aparilu Inthe public recorda of the ougir telu h afîs-fi- ilit ve set no fumîli ite a mgt; tiers'. thensIaxteenti and ses-culcenth centuries, as reveistlon. lu inhat leaotfluiwsy ?.cFidij, MeFilaj, Mcfnlay, Me- Ada.n. 'inei Siep in litet iI loule Il Kludiay, MeKyIU5y sud McKley. Sound lecp r-i'c great lionor ni- esca erng tromermli.. Tn GacTîr ortbogrspliy, aya George Adamn alepî ao xra ordinarily fIat il mecas loy ticmifer F. Blainthef Ne-w York Tinmes, tle surgicai incision ,lh gave hii Es-e di -ybody promise t1lh. nAM e la MacFhlonnlalgh (wuti t h elinul vais. bleubuîiîi er, le no oucleicne ,tine, no lbîiss1I If ln) eerya h n fte nhfor extraordinnrî - utler novi, sud1 i slep round about 'tnln) oenîa ceî toficnni wlo catceze an E-.ue ot needa le niL st lier lente liee ttu, ccuîurj flic naine Finleay la round borne awske! No neel 11,socli a dresnu as Ji )alirot loks jietoasud by a powerful caci. FînIale, son of cobl iad, vithli 1 o Ielir agslst te ie.a the gay doinge nithout Rualdîrl, Mornaer or eaci o! Moray, a viien feu tbocsati 1 uses utfihasnen dcr iser. prov-inde wbhi stien0t perlotu included onstratcd lIat -i h ansdulies-eu are vwinis," sid Wlnif!ecî, almuuct he es-lte nîrtuprr Scotiaud. communication.\ i aocl dresut ueed( c y guod oftYeuntlu inis The 'Icelandie Saga ouilîletor>' of Ola1f as fIat niaicl i, giupeu 10 Abirelet ut n hm ny ce ~ Tmyggvsson." gis-es lia naine lu a varnlng bitu en ulnrui mi ont n br wY $ie resNurse fortu. FinnIelis. and tates tient rnage. nîcu nei ile ticemeordis outt a proposai go injuions cooty denkse Ni o Suuc-d utsucd ti it s'as impossible for he suffereci a ses-cre iect in Cil- dream sas vas g, - i 10 Pharaoli about il mojence villi lie mane nec. aifthe bonde ot Slgtertl, cari of!"seuen eare of t-i i.fîînnous- the se ]ystoken froinuehhue; thécOrSueje.caboul t 1.85A. ). In tle ous marcî in r- gian proce-tsiou ai e %vielil ti fford lier a yeac 1020 Finlalc ws cnicrdcred by bis gteamter sud î -iii carry lreadti ce ides o! ber, Winifred ueplt'es, flic sontgutflis brother Maei tae eery famini urckiiotiün. Notue, >ok lu sumrptitiousIy At bigie, and Tlghernouihe rite slh sannl- of a drean, likei'..-fil n li-I eiiduutrinu tIc opper classessinon- liIn rtiuordiug tl i dcclio! hiesmuc- Oldeonu.for ail tiil ili Cliateiuiiuui it las a dreatiful offense ta essr al 12ae11 lan ht1 no-edadi if e toit bappena fliat vîcu "king of llan ndlcatlng tient lie sls'sled faIt h ient seçsooi-cor 1i odinte au ide& at finif cimed a position ut lndcpcndcuce. rwilsthe ý ry re likeiy bu conteround luth tretue e ci, o! Ort-ey and the ftsesoi iteo.uîaCii tutias ininedvaîetu sius o Sctlad. oun lite upon , tuele Bible dues i And a Winfredwalkd kIns ofSeotand.sem fo be cuftI jil' lf17 Pecille, go lu G thugits crepli lu t un- His on etas Macbeththte usurper la prayer anti i îîîli gel especial dir< gbolti o! ber defermina- sud nurderer o! Duncan, whose oh- lior. 1lias- iii -ce failli, ninety. n iapcred Curinity, -"njscoure cancer Siltkspearf'cbas Investd tins. 01out s Ahý ied. lu directions g bitter aithe t houglt of îitIcthesplendid liglit ot genlus. Tic en yoo vithlirli,. t:ble lu juin iap s talon o! Iis grandeur? Duan AlbaOacli, anu Oidriai poecdl l our thougîfa o;tifled in pra)er 10 C sbleteluparticipaI. lu It, chmonicies o!flie kigs ut Daîniadi., -than Ilui al flua iii hmotion >otitnill!j I refuse an oppomlunity sald te have bêen -uvillen about lte Oisi'oson 1f ii- 1ilor. vetetu, o! seelug a realiy jear 1057, ln gising lengîli o! Mac. L eau vers- tus-luîieritaiini>-y bet'. elg. ss-e 'Asecit ulaînaBahylonians aoui01, Egyitiaus, with t0 gave meii. 1MyfrIend. *àmereid iM i eptlasud a Chistian.teleu e tient o n glit vile on tihe ses ho drecsmed thati UES N A ~N rn7 D IIQ hip's crew were it grent sufferiul. Wak- Ing tram incisdroga. lie joit &bout fbý FSa OUm càUm t slip. tacked in different directions, sur- --- prlsed eserybody ou hi, vessel-they coch, you ouglit f0 knee down and goy: titught lie was going crazy--ýaile4 on in Moou and ptboi. "O God, am 1 immortn : Whencet auother direction hour after hour and for ][lade11:1-10. Mieory v.el, 44. Whither? Twu nature.My soui caged many heureountillie coame Tta the sh' Golden TeitT laAtiel 6« i F0 now-wbsî when the door utfthlicadge 15 ng crcw sud reocoed thios and bogh u:,* d then.-4IM. 0:9. opened? If my mucon aMly eo far lu te the1m to.Nese york.Wo o = ..dchf fer uesr--vhacIuhbW. feu, houte in which my body je oleep in dream'i The God of thie se derness, and the proUp o o AunquaiM. the niglir. iow fer eou t lMy ashen MuY Iu lWi5 a vesael went frorn Spithead, sistance, h. reurued td'hla ftMWWL5-* body sloops fhe long cleep of te grave - for the WVest Indes aud rau on the iedg'5 and made pi'cpsratioum tersoiaMN i» Oh, thls powrr t dreen. how startliiig. of rock@ colled]fthe teiketm. The Yessel departure for Egypt. Aagernmot hisslf how overwlielming! Imutortal, iminortali ewent dlown, but the eres- clambered up on God'c cormnrad, and w,, ai d tii VOS"- The Cauise of Sonse Drea-s.. the Cacliets to die: of thirst or clarvation, derful story of the dvine pl"a for 1h. se' Tfemark thc Third.-The vasf'mcjoritY as they supposed. But there was a sliP tionsa deliverauce. Proceed3ngsit 9 of dreauta are rnereiy ithe recuit of dis- bond for Southampîton that bcd the. cep- ta the land or Goshen, sorne daored~ turbed phymicai condition cnd cre not a taln'si son ou hoard. This lad twice in one néy fraie the land of Midian, tiq S supenaural message. Job haed car- niglit dreained that there wis a crew of togelter the elders of!hlb srslt-eud bucles, and hc was scared lu the nigît. alr yn n i.Cees f told hi@ Aarou anvounced the promise of tweU.di e says. "Thou scares:tume .111 dreame s tler of tliidresun. The veesel caini icaafetcptettle ido'alb î aud terrifient nme with viions." Solomon down by the Caskets lite taBafinud the simple record of that meeting, had au overwronglif brain, oserwroota1 rescue thon poor dyîug men. î th odmcierdt.god ey *0 witI public business, sud he sufferei couduc'fed that drean' The. God et the which tliey had waited la vainse frotu erratlc cluniber. aud lie wrlfes ils rocks, the (md of the s@s. yesrs. "And the. people belleved; td Eccieaiasles,.'A rdronte comtfeh tlirougl h e. r uiueii amavlo hu îlcy board that the Lord liaed vIS "I the multitude of btieluces." Dr. Gregory, book eutltled -Nature sud the Saperot-iedfichdrs fsae, dtf i in epermentng ithdreutoi rond tgotbcd solo their afiliction, then they bowed fa xpelmctig sifl drsts. ouu tat oral" gis-es thte following tact that lie ot hlir heads and vormhiped." a bot te et bot se ner put ta bis feel while front Capîsin Yount in Callforuile, a fat îTih.n iegau thie long contest heteO i lu mtber made himt hiuk he was going coufirmed by many ravinies: Captailu te ic, l of God. as represeuted hy thie de- op the. bot aides of Mouet Etna. Another Younl dreamed twice ose ight tliat 150 maonde or Mose sud Aaron, sand t"I morbid phiysiceu, experimeutiug wlth miles away thet'. wtt a compausy of trsv- proud will ofrfthc Pbsrob-PmobabI drearna, i@sfeet uucov,'red hrougli leep. tiers fast lu the snow. rieaRio saw tiiMerenîpîci. con of Rameses IL. The Bo- thought h.e vas riduing lu su Alpinei dili- flic dienut rocks of peculiar formation, brew leader, is-ut befoee the manasci gence. But a gest cnany drecuns arecnd, telling this dream tu au old haufer, seîfh a requcet for s suispe»nalOs f ii mnereiy narcotic disturbauce. Auyfhlng thc bouter eaid- "Wlis-.1 retueinler those Hebre,,.4 labor to enable tiem t o lid 4 tIaI yousosec viii under the influence of rocks. Those rocks are lu flic Carson rea-it toaIcliovailtin thc wildernss. TW, chlorai or brandy or hasleeeh or lau- vlley pas%, 1301 mile awsay" Capfsinu spicious king s55thîrougis. tus scief danumu ie not a revelatiou frotu God. Tounut, uuîpelled i l-,tic reas, cîthougi et nceaud coutemptifsly refusil.-" The learued De Qunucey dld net ascribe îaugîed nt by hie uiglibors, gathered Hlie anger nt flic presumptiase Of hW to dis-iu, communication vînt lie gev1lu men togeflier, took mules and blaukefs la ves found vent lu an order lnmvab« leep. opium sfursted, dreatus vhlch lie and sfsrted ouf ou tle expedifion, tra-sel- their aiready oppressive labor ig foeshq attervard describod lu the folloving cd 150 miles, mmv those yern rocksm vIcie hem 1t0 coliecci ieir ovu otaw. N vards: "I vas worsblped; T Vo asacrI- hc had deicribed lu hie dresin, founed the with Ibis added borden tbey vire « Blced; T ied Ironstheficwrcth of Bralirna aufferung ou., at te fontoth lose rocks required ta tomun uthe soninettioltei tîroogl i al the foresta o! Aile, Vishnunsd broughît thon hallsto contintu the quanitify of bricks ns a daj's lI6. -ý hated me. Brecsa laid lu vait for me. I story of Captahs Yunts. Who conductcd Sgo terrible dld flic conditiao!Oft» Pont came suddelIy nipon Tels sud Osiris. 1liat drcase? The God of thec snow, tle brickimakere b'comse. scourgid na" itoff' 0Y had doue a deed. fbey saad, that made 1h God of fle iclerra Noyadas. 'd for failtîre f0 perforin impeWbié 6ub<4 crocodiles fremble..T vas buried for a God lias offen appearcd lu rosoorce sud fiat if e emsin oueder fbey turuid7i19, tlisand yccrs lu tsetne flez, vifh comsfort. Yeu have kuowu people-per- aeutmeut sgciust Moses asti ARYiM - mummies and sphinires lu uarrow chaos- hapg it le somcthug 1T itfe lu your owu These leaders were cpparemtiy thés 91W- bers at the hearf of etlernal pyramida. I expeîienee-yoiî have sera people go te rokîng cause of the iucrescd afpti,. wassMsedifithflic caucetous kias of sloop wlth bereavemtt nscousolable, si"dAnd su, Ice a ivice man. "Moines nIaisa crocodiles and lay coufounded wiflianu- tîey esvskeued lu perfeef reelginaflon hi- cd unie the. Lord" ta getl l'git dm tIi utterable ellmy thius arnong wrea tliy suse of selit tliey boad scu lu lumber. dark probleun. He recelved a promissei msud Nilotie mud." Csuvesied b, De... fntiit -itr De naît mitakre narcofle diafurbavce for There are people wlio vere couverted ta Aud wi-ifi is message Moses Vni* divine revelalion. But T bave ta tel Yeu Goýthrousçh a dreatu. The Re-. John back tete People. "bot ther )a&.k d - fit te'baiorf 7of Ic deam ar me e w f,tl mtu of wvIne.pietyf liile not fol' snguifti of spirit, sud fatere'u f ly 1h. penalty of oufrsgcd digestive or- Chriatendotu, wlilc a prolilgate &alor on boudage." Wlat a picture fIet f !tii àgana, anti you bave no rlgbt f0 mistake shiphoard lu hiie dreatu thonght fIat a lie- ulter helplessness aud breauisMd th La temesare fos evnratyed fâor tus apiroacied bhlm and gave bhlm a ver, chilîdishuenseo! sprit that grait aut et laddem.Hgi ti euiu igadput t upen lia lunger long servitude. ,t oi drsm. Hghy sicd slae e I sud .&id ta hlm: "As long as yon vear The lsuoi aoclock at nighl istead Of opeuing t tat ring you vii leproapered; If yoo Then Mosesad Aarn vent aon MMu door beavenward, open the, door Infernal loge fliat ring, yon wil lieh. mmcd." la the befos Parmoii, sud tIee wusdhldr, and disholical. You outrage ustural law, arne dresse another persousage Oatared the vonder of a rad fursallg ta àa U5'ct. sudnd 0o louitthfli (md wvlo mde osu ad by a atrante Infatuation Permoaded But Pha'racis% heart "Waum2~ Ioa.sftakisnf roie tre. ta fis-, houri f0 John Newton ta throv overboard fthelicosent ticrn avay. Arnd aflie fat i:1 r digest food, and you have no siglit f0 ring. and it souk lointo he M. Then 1th. fie plagues: (1) Wafer turci fa bIi keep jour digestive orgies In strugglc Moiutains iu algt ver, fu11 of lire, sud (-) frogg; (3)>ilice:(4) Ui"; *0 vheu tic rosi of 700! body la lu somno- flic air vas Iurld vîti conuinmlng wrtb plagete; (B) buil.;' 1 S>loeS 0, Ilence. The. gencral ruidel, cct nothing Whule John Newton a arepeutine or hl# darkness, <10> desth a of't-bom *.ftt a fier 6 o'elock af nigbf. retire at 10, folly la bas-me tirovu Overboard fie 'ho ti c o theme plagues fiat leê r aeep ou yonr ighf ide, kep the vindow fressure anofier persouage carne tiroug lu tus lotison; but the euh'. ableIila open rive luches for ventilation, sud afls- tedemadtl onNwo afuIl of Itrs hti aPdu or oysîc einmet sturt 70 ac h. lad- ould plunsga lisoathe, sea and brima fiat desîrabie tu taise up fhe lufirwviuigtb"p ringup f l desrcdif.Ho puugd ftera lu fie study eud in th.egliss der that Josephi sv lu ic isdream n sd fiSc u ruî I psdml ome thinus lu genesral e mIlei y00 lover it tofIe e utier wrnd. asow- Jh se ndtou Hre i. tiandgem, btain regard f0 th~,,plagues. lIn . da ing ft.e asceut of flic demoniacal. DreamaJhn NtoIniikcp"fHor lanat nlbut.1place, ail o!f them iecespt th fe t" " are md h yppi.An urgltdt h1si ep lfrynls,0slg eer, on case le Ilu mre depseim !I midugît ysppsis onrgnited f gaîn." And John Neton couicuited. hy naurl occureces 421e te w desire for sometbiug 10 est keepa It vo ansd ail tic ire veuf out frantheinms- n' e.Mc AWSb f ~tains, sud ail fhe signe of lunld vratb dis- cd ou te stempt te slow ho1w ~ TI luvai tedigst laI rafappe, ppcared from, tic i, aed John Ne tonu gi'wth Of aIuLciro.eopic ted fumi- te Te orld wil net le evaugcllsedutil salitd 11osf in luils dràauntaIta israeotcvlt' ailaema > l egel i o dypeptie Cbrletnity. volvable gemns, &hlm meul aud fIat fheiecd fie appeanmnce or bIsais tiidtie f seHealthy people do Bot vautt husa cday- being wio perssaded lIbm f0tetrov fvllvudcueeeepdsit~ t croit, aud .lecpy îhing riat mre People overboard vas Satan eudtbat fien. case; hov there bave he uim i mi 4I>m « di call religion. They ivont s religion fIat vto piuitgd lu sud retored iat, gem, trernendous srms o! *09s6 vC lives regslarly by day aud sîcepi aouudly keeping if for lin. ram Christ. Andfatcmst ude aparai. 17 igît. f tirotigi trouble or cornlng droe moae s e.eo! tIse mue oaf odrtff under th. cîrcurntale a eoMbi -A eno oad age or cîliaustion of Christisn eltapters inusfielite o! that Most vooder- a, sjudenut frôla Qad; hair ,dservice you cananot slep veil, tIliu t ui Mau.svoetma son reed May expect frot mcGd "moues lu tle A German vas crocsing fhe Atanieat mid-day. Tice se rearchse »n", 'g niglif," but fliere arc no biesscd comimu-acoadibi emhomiaMisitrtngadugsivertb re nications tuaflic,, vio willlugîy urren-oessdlliidaulemvsnu fcclgsdsgetvfrk a- 'y der f0 ludigesflhles. Napoleona a ye with a hiendfui of white, losvers, snd hi vays a sound privciple Dlot ta 3t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Lopl rae u ~ilofSi ere-mlaid te fclov fte man vino had fiat "rniraculously" auything'li" 1b I eys bing destroyed flirouglite dlslurbed audu wlclces i.Oiuaepllc usnfta uh b uI* a£ gastrie juices cf ite commuander. Thttis rivîne lu New York, vandered lufo thei lue (md 1te equally the canaisà k tb Itt PisnIo street prayer meeting, eud Mr. case. Il in a risfakq tf0&*m .thm, tie v-ay you have lsf cin, ut your bat- Lamp1hier, lb, grest spostie ef prayer because there judguteflts etai uwê k-i' j : Tic s.s f e T o « h ý m e e in g , th a f d a y la d Og n en a ilm a ( ; ail op o n is g p i se , t i i a y: Th eun ayTogf. iuncli of fuberoses. Tue7 stood on hlm metitods of prodociseg them, autm ha«e id Anoflier rcrnark f ticak h tit our dros, sud at lhc close f the religions leen lu ail cese ctrell a h U ~ ne dreains are apt f0 bc encrely te eclo o!f evclcfo iefbrsssdstn'utrictas tpoig*i ti9' cp for pay iessul etus, wil lliyoura cd lomeward. sud the. Germon !ollowed agencie vere at baud te MMa ,u oir efrpesn rsa. Y'yu hi. sud tîrough au interpreter tld Ur. lok like 'blocd and piodilft 15 s-s lsdayc vith eies-cîed thoughf andudniselfici Latuphier thaf on fhe mca he lad drearned ignetul resulteamsbloo&.lifase=aap leation, sud jour dressas vii li eet act of uta mau vlfh a ltndful o!vite lioweras «eamonabie ta supposeilleat tfui.é cemugie. if ail day you are gonglue and sud wansaflit f0 follov hlm. SuZeie it ta cies, re.acfuali ernpbaYed, utle te rsiIIceend tht arilu nyuunt cillioaay fliaftîrougli lIatiInterview sud foi- 11sf the vater s'as litllsli ursai lta. y00 wil sc0ol 700yo cnatclut î owîug interviev%,.hlie ccume s Christian animial blod,.But ta regard tue ft ét and bargains lu whicl 700 vere out-Shy- n aact isoaypecigteua xlsain seeuigQdtdl ýe iucked. If during Ithe day you are.irasci gsdela ahcety mlaoncrympesehluadiae origtexpianimsa eilitg ýh id endrea-tu!san gnPîo i0 a oris vhatever cianges me.iedý Eddisposition, you etili et uligifhtas c afîle d10 !tahlm in bim ovu vnrld, l qissi* s' cd wit euseunieiean whicl tîey nil gel flic Give Anther Oppiortuuti,. -ino h onto iw àt lic beet of you If You are anl day joug in a John Tîarduuk wnueanau hiphoard tledsi, n l thes oint o vle. 14el" Ide hurry, ai iht youu etilIdreana 0fr aildrcamed one night fIat te day o! ju rnelied aIlrnse culaeszte-day. Ri» >, la- traînsa 'tl yon vaut tu catch, vhile yo mrent lad ccaesud fliaf the roll of t.e011 you lt xcp isonend; le naîthîe active mimd aisd y, canant mos-e une inclitowar i te depot. ghipa crer -o nipercathi vn ' titcougl Mosecsud Asan M qu If you are alwsys os-rsocpicioos andlei- vanasd fliat thece people, lie crewoss, tli inpeclant of ecenuit, you nu bave nt niglit vere aIl tos.sdl u biudretu tai tah. rnlnsctreeit. ltaigtest &M cdi hallucintioins of casassus witli dsggersaked te reader rhy hic ownuname wa EtaPPafisiroe eelie ollafkifng. eh, drawm. No one wouders fliat Richard emitfed, sud lie nas told îî v a Rive pital flirmnbelelous ktug. W r-IIteiniqoîfous, teniglif oeth 'l o pporuity frUienane cH temystericus pihrase "Jehavah iaMuiW, le batle of Bouewortht Field drcamed that iokO Up a differeuf mon. H. lecame il- cd Plaraoli'a liart" atter theu #W ' ailiose nltm lie had nurderetl elared lustrine for ('liltiain affalarnt, f lge.Iintndpa usioifr the et lilt sud tafhe wqrie taf0plecea by you do Dot belles-e tliese thinga, tben you Sriauco fla fu exep tatwesitUa.109 tý1 iemone froun tlie pif. TIe chlolar'. dreans tMuni discard ailitcatimouy and refuse f0 sure Pharaoh lad bils chance ait U#et. 'id le a phiosophiloe colui.Te pota dreaus la jccePf auy klnd ot authorlfative wllness. do tlic riglit thing treeli, Iplore fie l«&' 1113 o rbytlittic labo. Coleridge eornpcaed li. mod [n a dream.! legan te hem lu bis vay sud mufishW, 0-1 'Kubis Khau" asiecp in e narcotir dreatu Tliedronte come& on me nov, sud I ses corropt self-yl to vor'a ont isi awn us Ze eud, raking Up, rrote(don-n 300nunes of thc ligltings troin above anawenlng the sequecccaendier lhe div-inemaWi L i if. Tartinla, tic violin ployer, composed solcaieilîdsturbînces frutu hbeneafli. sud The Climsax of Judamals5 a"- hic muet nonîlertai sonala vhie isleep lu I bear the long reserbcratiuigt tandera The lutI plague of ail Iss uiU1a«t« ~ lut- a drectu su vis-Id that, wakiug, li e88asîi thaf salal nais, up the deuid, and nil fhe Ile,,sud foc thia no exp*ut 80', traucfecred it to pnper. soas, lifting op fleir crysi volce., cry, caîîcd "natural cause" là PaMÉMO, Oâ- lu WVskiug tboîtglts lisve their echo in "Cref ugcf"sdal1,v ice lecxhasafcd ordluary PÏlàbg ne sleeping Ibooglits. f a murs peildbislre11f.the enven IrY, Corns e f0JugMeuf.t;usivie Judge.muet vitait" ~UW ,od~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~q luî'lg1 nieolir ipysdl p rumblirit matnsolecu sud WestMln- loue king sud his peopie that 5i~ lei bes-eniy mnided, &roudhie pilov l ecir tibîcys sud pyramids of lie dead olating o! &Il lereas-emeitete tm5 lue iii sec erippievlic bavc gof ove! Iliir nifli narîtie coicca cry, "Corne fe Judg nation-flic eldeat sunsmand heWu' 4i1Ot -iv crîtb sd pocssins f elef li ttie-ment~' And flicarclianuel eaes *aillu- Iooeliuld front palace te hoyel Mu9 .nd- criaissud Peroclegrndonacb stril dm strun'it of music vbich hls uer yef eut off iu a nigif. And rt th e W ' iod~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~be fru rtso ia-uose apspn-Ie ouuided. au itintrument f m sunie mouarehit iihelt u Mencouit t INI*0dé peot.Yd rs-ry apf io r n repara-ithâlia 5made oniy for une aoond,, sud, Pacture ot bic slaves. WI*M #1144I,a gtet.Yuavr ptflir udea4trutintio haftu-iglity flmpet ibrouel esttilboru deiRance o! tle AlMigiU "L#W tewhaf you bear rIen jou are vide avais..te lueadtrigI hsw ,h Oimnlbi asne pteV0011 flc N oie, ba -iug chou-n you fliot liav iug aa the cptioda iII and blanirgl* l og, aoiiuua ui t e a s ac l et. pa ium no B b e loîîghf l bi stia!cd not igettisur ail pf t if 10 i up sud heov fi. o g, co ii lit T. v , altith " ati " y f u r îh e r c o m u u n ic a tio n fr ai n c o , l a nd b i set t ia h m e fid ge m u a rt is l t n r c r o h r l n )iy tu-aviug u -nn oitthaf ail dreame qîis-er, rint, "Corn 0jdmai ii tîuurcr flegaea s

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