CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1901, p. 4

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7; 'WWN. Uatmi M&» K NVOnAPUI. 1605 ltaI Ithelurvy mleading the àpm.iAa of ver, bot koWuvae prapering l ete i.cown 46 mai wSrL la hlie nale, indeed, 1bbmai b. mald tb bave aireedy be- gg0tdoes. of bfle itviug beeu ce- ài tot every commillee for con- lalie18loI and report la teRoue» 1»u= IUdo nos niove qaulleso60mtitm ceV ilm57or sex commiltees oui ofthlie &lxIy odd have me yet beau named and ailI eoà"alonit ii have le avait ltoir mleolone. Th.efHouese, tovever, huat a muffwcenly liveIy lime astle eau- oesmauon anrday and lie biennhai sml-drmvng ot Monday, le emlefy te megernema of ile&mbars for a 1ev dMys te corne. Ail um mout te bâe, lm otlrlp te Rouse. nlie. dispoul orwork only to bepesMdin lte léong mreci taicomteafier te Citrielma. djournmonl. Titere la abondant evidence tai hUmucia affairae yul play a leadlng_ put lin Congre.. Ibis vinler, exaeed- laslaimporuance every oter subjeci excepl possibly te Nlonm nacanal. T&ey vili comindp In mauy forma; feiru, tiare viii b thonesvito support thm Babooci bill te remove te tari dulie front al artile. nuade by truste; second tons vio favor reclproclty lu general andtome vite fevor Ifla particular cae-mauci as Clnes; thiird, teonsvWho vau l le surplus rednoed by a genterai revislon of te tariff and tomsvitevanl il reduced by a eweap. lng ffuInl te wax taxe. Mr. Baboock declaresta liite viii pua i ll uanti vii faîne te Boume le show Ira baud eprdlug Il; t e publican leaders la geueral say tailite billvil ha 4uielhyp ut ï1 de"lin lacommtie. andi xiu n01 corne up for action lunte Nouse a aul; wiich Win peevail. euly. Ibm fuuse.mmoaa l U eciproiiy lu musea lea niCher for teenie, but »Q. peoposed action Ia regard $à Cuite 14 elfe for belhiouaee, a il vil ake tle faol of leglaahon and nol o a irealy. ereazy IloeVe peverful recommnndaions in fevor of il on te gsuund liai Il la forced upon use by thie »Ma,.consideratienm tai fercai iÎmvwu Oponun., uamely: te neces-. @MiY of Keepng Cuba prosperone, 111delepmuenl mand teultity, have elirred opiem e mxOeeugly. Tbey may. se Pi obaitiy wl, f611 10 produe e- tue ,ale m le ll andoubledly leati Pree for te Aoklur. OU btOIlet 'bTld by a Doclor," à di»tW*im os te diemmsoftte di- .mimeve IeAcI:and lealmoniele of hua- dm ite havwe been eutred of centi. pelleapepsla andi elomacit trouble* tb ia u t Dr. aidvwe S tyrup Pep- 4ils. If inUrtel, write soday in Pep. au m rp Co, mentiicenlaII., orome, », 9.,S LOLox, ibmriyville; Guo, C. Boumas.Wdaconda; Wxx.î,Kîiea, flceefeier t1ATg~KSPiHBEAcIr. R13AL LUTATE TRANSPERts. Funialed by laie OounljTille a lrutl Co. AbWb dtec i êe. Tilles Qurenteati. Emmeul Temple Bldg. Waaikegau, Ili. Letuie J. ourtAI Scy. 0 ilodful &vf te WM y Cechran MlY 4àrasé w of roed 5w qr ne mmc OMec. ...................... laSses 10m1aIO0 SCOWel teD E9lBarnard a lMv Qr wv ne*sec at, 5e-.2 id .. ...................... ow e Fr] utad itu L 8HBryant a Je rLlbetivitie vd.... 80 W 'am 19 am &usate H M Davs 2 an n a N slle ir nW r àn 9ae &iW Qr à2 lu iavqr me qr nf me»a 44 AimeloItaU Waunonds ami..............................4000 Àa Daste HRàDavis 2s6 au in4 oeemrnvqrknlvam,,hlsmr & 2iens lu nv lic e or se'! 23-4t-9 &lan c t1 Wauaonda ted .......... 400 te AnSSI? Fonts ln Jano8 <indie eRw 4r uvqrseqtr Seo 11-42-11 la &oswd 2000e launda Wikecselm & h.e. w Je. Churchill 2 0sonln panI sOz is- 4- wd.... ....................50 ou Michaewl Selloser co enmry PSchotr w vmesof a % e5 %0a56ne r ,5se 3. 6&1 -d.............................un 0) lare Johnsoen & alto euze wmdt se gr av qr am à32-a cres84200wtt i.0 Robert1 Grainser te Lrlada L '-Oralugerutr ci minW VSec, 3-45-9 40 aceres wd...................... low 0 Cie. Whtehead & wf to M1a4llt iiook & bue lots 2 3. 4. Iblock t rmslaie vd... ............ ..t:SS 0 Trynag eaflakey. Â neve-)inmur lD Afrima lias umiti surpref. A. R IIOiYmî.lie aullîmr ut îDvat iLand m nd s ud SiIill(tllt, srealet an nmuslug utle experiencee 0f« bis eau lu puriclizmtig s dm>uoty lu £&"air: We b.d lo pctsure donkevit, îy ne zeusMO anu 8wati. Of otumrse encli OM ebM ai e latriait, a.4ici- smn' eteue tbAis for rlding îtunimcee, mmmii ilate e of e te amrk va lad vîimiiuue x- 1 lines ibail set niy ninti upon a *W Male doukmy atii ttk lierv out ieba fteruooni's rut, i eîosîî t fret l.lit àt iret s-beun1I mount.eihir a e oali nt more, inur'Pite oi il 203' mcml tender persuasions. and final- *ý $yaie bga te bacit. 'OýtWc ii treet uf Zanzibmar are vm-ry luumewl »d a oti cnu mlbeiind mn,. tts ý*4#xIlleek wagon. lilyaveett lino. 'i mddaltar bacieti right on toe i et lthe bullocia. Titan Il wsmnu a Ce t maklng ber go, but of BWIWWIe,'lgit loug lthe Naza *M& A" d uehiug i1eokl do *kber bcatiioug career. lu *c@ e trylng andti aIbar *Mt lngitt lit mmeg tie rgnice t ofavecy- - I 4-MsSte On ee, vii Mli10modf 1 lacé tm nomm lime âge, th* ctiamne of inevnml iecl" Oa meeuting oenmt VID40 socmbmlu ooctdaaoe viit a SpcW aiitarlegrafflby an iAns 0cf lte Legillalmor f 14T.«AI% taI Ilme famy m ld/lte am sret ie7 amie- vIlleiles sa. a itugmjoke, but aubee- quant $ventsm have prevma ut he it people of Reineaille vers acting tla geod feit, anoflu ateir peeeninced legai rigitIs vere ccncernmad. AI a meent seellng of lhe village board Mr. Ueo. Ren. acting agent of lte Breveta Assoiation of Chicago, umed for a lioma 6eoln eua adramn ehop vilin .id corporatiotn, and teIl- oe. e uantued.- We are credibly Informed tla brewiug cempny. nol flly Svere etfte '-legal s@"tue"0f Hainanm- ville, snul Ibeir leadng attorney t0 bprlngfteld vilit iustructionl1to lly laveshlgai. lite legal statue 0f1tme vil- lege. lHetounn tai t.e gilamuree "td gcnted a perpelsal chater, a claimed, a"me ltIteetllaI01,et Saina"ifle amd t lly complied vitit uaid a-lita aIlemel litre. elecloit ittd beau helO vithin te sleutocy limil, cordlug ie. iav. This Informa- lieu. backed by te citaler and tge dmolion etflte Atorney (lemerai caume th ie breving company le aI one procoeed tulaie acive moult ras go locale a biiiueset aI ineville. lir. Beneitai purccited a corner lot of 0. B. B.Iimfebtl and hai&abuilding 38M w ell nude ver ad viiibave bisi grandi opeulas Dec. 201, il prenat planis carry. Parm For Sale. TO 8ATTI.E ci? TATU. Ta f urm inv e lte Mrlin (iogiviller esiate, cea*iunug 80tere ef A No. i1fermlng landi vititgondi entetantlialimprovementa teren vili ha iolit tefaewtle sellemenl 0f es- ttl; Ie orcl0frd slnated tvo Mile. vent ut Buffalo Greve potMloe mmd a itall Mile cen t fLong Greve posioffice on te Cbicago aud liemenry roati; mime 401 acres of poature land, eue-heu mile west of Long Grove pomioffice, in clnmtug 12 acre. tfitevy tiuber land. For f uriber informuation e le prie. and termea pply 10 COhe. Stempel, Long oroe, Illinois, or te lire. Louise ilbmller, 117 Baird Avenue, Austin Coo cenny. I111., Adminlmrtrlx 0 Eshale. I6--p --The .ill'. Tnm,,Ii Patob."- Ounte top eofRId Eagla moontala,4 jut wiere the old tirpike brea ovan tha brov downu mb BisackfRote VafleY, le a quee fielId et rock, vilcit yearsa"ago vas igitenat *'Te DevWl« Tumnlp Patcb." Titi-rocks. vicit v. cf a rediis anclelene, have a sflkMag pecliarlly o ail standing ou end, thtug fosminalu tJagged Irregular surfae, tiatIwon for lles quae name from tic early setlIers. la bygone citys, vian tiesMags. witeledtheirwaY np trom Northtum- berland te Wlilisrnport, tie four ln bande truversati the old pute liaI skir. ltae ttrulP palcit. andthie trauge gar- den ef rocks vas a constant source et vonderment te flic traveler. Atitiat te les lterant as a natural cricelty in ia itîtiten etreammor val-eo melwhbee benesti thle stauaîng tones', tihe noiay nliwng etfvlmi forma sromande Song beueath onemm feet. Neiotiy SuOws viserae emiurof t tue treain lne. au a ybod id w vi t-ce mp- liensl tie-lto Ilack noieavelY. bThe rock field cos-ers an ares ertwIo or three #Ces, vitlis ifsdest part te the nerf tti tan nan-ovlug dos-n V sitapei t tet hcîli vucaie eangle lee lu ina triage of tuntet hi-mice and e]dPrs. Theerimts have ligmirem ou lie cause oft tiis nieuntain frmm, but te tbeory obt&lniug mut cretiesce le 1tatItin l a legacy et lhe glacial aga. tie rocks belu a colkliou puged bi te irPraeut vertical posiftion by lichemovint lce.-Pilaelcsitla Record. HUME AmA !-"es tour herse 'ýfeel hîs -!"? Whatiadifft-.n n'cLe-. 'r t...dfull i' Î,ggC r, - Lýfjrc lie Lu:gins. Th c 'emxJing makes the dfcc~ Childrcîîarc rumit ajike effthcr. Dume is rt-Jo>, brhtcyd.i Af lifc and 1l.mrghtcr, anoîher i: plu:, weak rmd duil. The fec-- r r, again ik responsible. Sickly r hildri n nccd speciai [m.ding. Tt.' i ' eeltheïr oats'". Scott'.i Enuision adds iust the righit rît hness tCo liur dict. It ks liki gramin- to the horse. The cloU] gets Ilew appetite arA sron.g digestion. Scott", J.imuU.iým isk îmotre than food. It ii a strcrig medicine. It .Q uli children, puts ine . f . îthlir one' and red Lio ,j ones. It makes l*!',r-i.",. j... 1 ln; l2-yr-oidboiera. sommei aaiâdtbmlmmon eolug l; 1agon; burau, 10Straucid, vt 2 . 13muli ocal b lood enre , u oh; mlnle mmd doc-1 a 2-yr-o)d llpmsm 'Clie. llug 01 Mrgea brood score,8 b bro mc.,40 iho$b.30 mhpplug cani, lumbei wagon, nmaly nev; oet 4Inc luo iucipair bob .104, 2 uiks ocalatoce, Diamqmd'kieéàx .ullivalor, uy plov, valkine plov, ,,bar f d culIer and lofe. pVoer, uearly ev; citeci cv o r.mplmier, 16 1& eles) lever drag,16 tgl smélitaug drag, Triumph, grain blume, Deoring grain bintder, cors ittvmslec, Triumph moyer, Boock Xelnd itey loud- e, cern heller, eider press, lemulng ilI, oaitron SIllati, 400 iboc. ef cern, eut vîit buder; 3S et» Ofa Ou miali, seaki ot ceeau fdier, large staci cl elraw, large quautiiy of ita ,and millelt and my othet arliole. 100 numerene temention. Regnitz termue. *JORN BAUVsANS, Prup. W. R. APPLECT, Âne. In order to seulle up lte eslate, ve vin o901l at public a>clin, vititul e. serve, ounlte premiee novnug-lte Deauls Lancater fmrm, eue-helfUle ve-l 0f Evereli and 3 m"is.nort-mee ef Rait Day, Wednqay, Decemiter 11, 1901, commenclug as 10:00 o'cloci a. M. mtari lte foliovin1gSode via: 26 itmad of caille, 16 mli. 2 witi cmivest by aide. 2 S-yr-old lhéilmes uit cmli, bail 18 mentit. old, balance hmmvy epriages; a spring calve., tlmem or gray mate., 7 and 9 yeanw old, Wl 260; gray mue, 1h-Yr-aid, Wb 1300; black colt. 2-yr-old, WbIÎ100; horse, 12-yr-old, wt 1041; 8 &bouts, 7 moulu old; S mev. viti 26 emmil pige by aide. 301, bu oubis, 50 bzkviteal, 1010 bu poletoue, 2 s»Bledi surrey, extension top, aearly nev; top buggy, ueanly nev; 3 incit lire lumuber wagon. farm wagon, mili Wagon, b2and car$, Triumpit self bieder, MeOofm@k mever, uev; Pulveriser, new;ý seeder, vidlng cuitivatoa, 2 walk- iag ploya. itay raembey rack. wite.l- banrov, mgl double verk itanese, est lîgit double itarnes, met sfugle bar- ne«. 20 99n god himohy itay la stack . 7 tons millet lu mtak, slraw ~kac, 201 mores ce-Dn in ock, 1001 bu itnmked cern lu crib, lànilk cane, mii val, grlidetone, keille, 4o gai;1 160 feules poein10corde cf elove Wood, aledy mee; 2 bives of bee md loI et other artiols 10enumneroue tu men- ilien. Itegular tenua. (J. W. PEMBi, Âne. Joux LAUCABTRU, JRMMYLawcîavaa, .Props. Marna A UACAsTzuE PEO)PLES' COLUMN. MONEYI TO LOAbI-On cooud tarin se- e&ENo -room bouse inLiberty- FO ORBALE-Kabe square pianmo lafias àcondition. at a bargeln. E. fHai. Halif Da . -f. COR HLE-Fmilycow.failblond Jersey. F OR6ALE-Pure breti Polsd China bome OfIt for servie. J. T. Aras. oesalle soutit of LIRertY vllea. on Nlwaukee Ame.9-»p lpect At Imm'g Mw Oln. FOR8L~ Eeti cov. h.Iter bruit. ai 60 effiltSehel; Iitaltiron k-ttae ad on, ioces WilI l ccsApr trsifomelu u tlias.F. B. Ua,ereiak surni. Walks Amth le itest saminltae tise ch, - 0 - . long ruea Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. Bepeaing doue lu Scet clmaashape. a neviy pr.pmrmd top dreming ae liaS maimeold vaika narly ma good mi my. 1 arn prepareti le builti Portland onent oMeidva, curba or gutheri. manfer set % 5. VI m o cmba..... (leo. Wate, etfn Tii. W. C. T. U.i lat Tuenday. Mcm. Sadil. Nemd bouse Mentiy. i'ere, lloyd and ('Imiago Sunday. Walter Ciinu, of day at ibis place. Mm. Nicholeed$W eialic cheuniatien Mis Annle Trakt friands at Hall Da3 Mfr. andti m. Hi toci show Slird Bes sure yenlatte] Deceumber 10,.1ilaa There vu a gc %Methîoit ciumîh b onm trientis héeu lant The Ladies' Aid, Min. lieer, Veitu Tii, Wonian's Ch Car-He Robinsea ine 'à . mid Mis. Rtui hi-m imfrelative. trvm ,f' .' Ma>de Dvî; it fi -b-, i-~ ItqimmnnI. emli orllfl te? VU ii M. . . . . . . . . f 4by Every Ferme. Oould At- tend the il ~*y dpet W-IaStGMS. JND --ls Local interest lcre.. dally lu the , ~ ~ ~>~Lakem ounty Poultey aMi Pet Stock Il~j~ Asocation, to be bedintbe Town Hail, mtruî fiue Tlei. 'at 6rayalake, Dec. 10, Il and l9th. »,.., UaUO The puIt week rnany etry blaite hale Lueobom omeecallod for et the nmctary's offI ............ .*m. eiowing tint we bave mayiat.umla ....... :-'m P m bieders in thie eetion cfi Di"l.'The. " P. a ocliatlon olilerd bave been extrê .............. busy, lOve thousand jwemlum liste and catalogues have bemu prluted at the. lN- fit 1h1l lock. DUPM»2E1T officenam einslgent ouI totîî4 Mu Rikieas rpldly a he aeetarycm getim The. magnitude of thii show là beyond j omve vinjta ber Ii.Wwbat smrn local people anticipai", but wlth good weather no doubt te C&aai- I tm Enibrea vwoe inluty of-the ball viii b. taxed te liImit. Every farner ehéold attend ths woï'thy if tttttotwh. pent Tu*.- exhibition and procure tock with whlch ho can annofally increaie hie revenue. Il [îitil is eufféring wîth Unle Sam <wnecl al tbe poultry iu n. Aerie, hecould pay off tb. Spanieb var debt the fOnt ypar auj have a cor- tel iqe.t Sund"y with fortable balance ldft for future amer- LY genchas. girv* y ttendeol ie fat Year ai lac Jear thme d.tmand grove lin. larger muid viii no continue justau ne lng rmij the. poultry shomw ae our country growe. The cati neyer ni 12. ha an over eupply of poultry, thougi ,o4 i mtudanie ut the tiare twil be ademaud for a better gr"e ,imduv.which o ur fariner. and fançciere muet pl~u~at male adeavor to eupply. (Iood fat îhkkene n:4 Ieân 1ak anud niefreshmw agewill lways B.d a tWnlîmë.day. ready market at pricffl that îvjll eaully tomi.- ywill ne-*t îvth reîayfor exittaxpendllura. bl, il 181W4cimetwitit Miss xit %mmlodayulgit. tY .ftetinced a mt- )m Cimmgo Mouitay. T'ir ad Minuie ît.î îiitit. ,Tufeday. '11 e siglit of a litl,titsip? Whaf? The poîltcy axibition 1t,timhr 10, i1. 12, 1 i-e 1trmtng vili i.lut- vonal lime Wny tiurtugm lime big iltit y andmt fstock Show. Miiss Ma-v Rauglît me sîteuding the weamk îviîl l3meiElla t .tuiî. mt Hi.nda'e <plît. Lmttveum -Wisne. f Itîmlimi laidlb.h INut:E9iE'i-cemt lletit al .on Satur- day hliet. Bai-et Iros..,îf W.ttkmgaim, mmm,.spenit. iug amweetract u bthe haiwlom lui),,at Ointes Lake. Franik lîmivi, s-ht ;,îîrchumeed te John liurvie prcpert.y mmii epritig. îtmcveil into towu tim.wmik. Mm. N.Siniti t mctvaiuaIi lie, s4ister Mm. Parker, of Dundee, muni iti mlc. l)unimîg. ti>f Chisiago, lugt w-uit. Mr.muid Mie. Fmi-l Croktt anti]mimugi. tier, cf Libert 't ville. epent bhmutot-gting w.iti t limeleimil'v mot Wm. Edmvtrtlt Mr. aMoi m lc. E.fil. Sbpnit.-imîu wri- Immst anit iomte es Iti cunion oît tlt ieîi#.lanu ikkmiY et thaîr honte lugtMnda v Mr. aieI] ire C. R. 9Umiacmtmtn uit daugitter iu-rdia, of LilmrtYrile. viittd ceint ivlre -cettmvmy ant.] stimmimry. Mr. iOlivear. I)rotimir-in.lrmw . nul Mies; lliharilsou, ist-r to Prent amuil arici Rimîrmton mspatSuîitay nutlàcir home aI Dciii-.Lake- Dame ia rm ma itn i wm -dl ýitug jcm thi i ii nemxt s-e-i. but l ott iliug terftmin ofit, ai- tvil] dafar t tmr moi ttîUc- ientanuolîmar s-et. .Mr. rien. uf Owgo. N. Y.,vimmi je atte-niiug te Chiemgo Utivýisuîva m lb. guelt f ir.maud Mme. A.W. lIait- way tirer Thmocttsiviug. JohntuImnriem iarleit forc i i~tng. lal Tnewlay. Hae wil robhlly cemil sema lima ilookiugomir e b.miutitry v mmt a ries- te, nfuture msidania,. lie in tti te uii you ttili rm'gmm-l tif rau dde) à1 lA e, lebig clmlayîîvof l'ouiu- Prices lways easona le, v undit1pet-stoc ii t lie tIret anu PriesalwysReaonble I muaI exhiitifion liac.mis'c 10. 11iandl 12] WM. BELL R00U 2 Mc mAlo, LcS Elgin.1 Lad les!' 1 have a beatitiful line of newo- anîd tylish rillinery at very moderate price. aimIe rcdy onde Dres. 811dme, alla Isimmeti, troua $J.00 up. Ladies, Childrens Call and T '7 1160them. Lamas jonc order t viiMu fo 1511cr- moe lut. Mmr. FProtlne. herlÎyvR *Émis, A nuctlwr of Granieltkp îot- ti3Ai- oin lime t ain woweangine wam badiy wr(xeked at Slierttimmrvillp Tuasday îight. They wire tranuerred ta anotiter 1tra in, a rri - iug honte at 11i1). ni. Make yauc urrangvrentm cmmw tIcinttm your friends at ltebig poltryiexhimbiin tsi lie heIt in <irayelake village hall, Tue»sday, WMndueayanud Thîuredmmv. Dsee-mber 10, 11 anudt12. Mm. John Hook, Jr,, Fred Batacehali and vile and Will Edwardtà evan ultae Railway wreek at Sheccerwille luât Tuesdav iigt, but ail esapei injttry except Mm. John Hooe' Jr. F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFàACTUNEA 0OF Marbie AND Granite MONUMENTS. c'90 sa Shaffer lietaThe iker. A itair onlgnod le Dr. Sitafier, of tii pliw ai.vspet off at i*ake Villa lustesd of lirityelke. AI. Ili~., a gainte vancen itappeneit aloag mand spotteitlte deer at lhe Lake Villa ci-pt andtizeaIla . Dr. Shatfar cdaimis te tier wax regularly ehipped andtiviolaleit no lilluoleelate lmv. Later v. are laformed by Dr. BRafer iaI gomme vacdmnIM Bhm.. acrvatded ltae de. . itaig coalid itai Seh hml no igitl ce seize te e os.- igumd te Dr. ShaffoIramy ume lin he ite a elghtl sa go le BuSh Wmae mIcemI ln Ohicego Mmd cciilscetalh ho ceulO B"dlitme. A Luciky Bmeape. Mr. andumiMs H. Huai, vitea returuting tram Autioci lat Fridev morning col- litieci iti anolter vehicela. Relt oees panta vere throwu violently ouI of ltse buggy. Mma. Hooi sePoait with a leur aligli briiSs, bal Mr. HMok i tvam forlunate a@ ha eutaiued a fractured it l andi aid a caufutiait elonder. The Sliadow Social. Tii ee mlofutyoung piepic vent te tise ho<mma utMv. Wlrt.s Taeday nightl le the shadow social given hy lte Oran- laie maid lvmhoe sihools, an a aurryv mrowml flmiy uware. A gond prograut vas renterait by bimîli meoole nanuin ieasip- par wax serve(]. Thme sitailoweitil soit waîl, soute goiug ae high ame 82.50. The scitoole profited it ueay the.raly. Il wax abocut 2 a n. mi. efoca lb. ycming folks rce lurmait AIl report a good lime. Massr A. lloyis nu itnî, Hall furuinhait con- r,-yP-mi- fmrt lime (ivray.lmuie Young js..ijie. The fripnls liera ai Mr%. Abbie Hiufr wara grently sh&xkeitanuitpainei tdlehaur of lacr emmipad l itn ui.ganu loalwaek anui evupathize willmte lbratmives who are lot tce beur lima dimgraca. Mtioiit servies ii Wmoima iHall. Pev. Jonthan Titomimet, pamter. Hotirs of wocuihip. 10 a.mi.. Sumday Siboni. 1l a. i. Preachiig Servicys. 7 p. ni. I'remohingWSrvice. Prîayev tmeting et Mr. A. Bnmdwnys et 7 ailoit Smturiay eveulug. Ail are invit-it. Tmtnmda m'v'ing'e mmeeting tf Soromi Chapter 0. E. S.. tae tollowitmg were- ele- tait ns officers for t-ha eoming year: .leu- nie l)omtmski, W. M.; Williann Heatrd, W. P.; KSadie Meade, A. M.; Louise Rielm. Se-.; Minumi Sheruman, Treiuc.; Marionu Buck- ttatt, Con.; Susia, Whiteheadl A. C. Il wax mlmided toleinvita the Ritintg Sut, limlgi iin joint itmtaliittimm. Thti- srvices nI cie 'ougregmitiminl miurch toc uext Suuday are me followo- Maruiug tîtema: 'Our Duty in te Ligitl of Promm-t Opporunuity." Junior En- deavor: li-z Ecivavts. Senior Eudeav- or: Ming Dailey. Erauiug services@: soug service, specli mec, mlsoe, duels, maie quartette. Dnriug tae coming SElatl evauiugm, there w-Ilha delivered a mriesl of aditressas ou lb. terne "Our Pomeil- itias." Thaîne 1, :'Our Possibilities Dis- e-cramai." AIl are s-ai-orna. UITerm ili seut von. Hourd Meetling, Village boarti met lu regnlar sassion iritis prffsiglnt Shermnan in lte chair. Rolm-nl: lui-il, larron, Lettu anud Staffer. Stcang, nye. Wllmmr, nay. Minute. o etlenmt regtilar. meeting s-are rend nund approveit.,1 Comuitte. on plate unit subdivisqions reemmnsded thiat-plat ut Palmerad- diticu laocGgalake b. cegistereit. On motion of tiStraug andl Loftus.thie eommiltees report s-me adopteit. On motion et Leflue anti Barman, lte folos-lng bil e esalloveit.- F. H. Juel, tatlonary etc ......8 25 A. E. Woolley &Bou,UlghtocNov..27 51 .W. B. Iligley, lut. 1 year en $500.25 00 F. D. Fnilmch, salai-y for Nov ....40 00 9- E. Strang, pser rer ............. 570 Win. Hall, laiton street .......... 20 Ladres- Fai-y, labuon lstreet ...5 70 Moticu by Slrapg md DuoIte adjourIL DNA EZG NAR. speclalS this week only. Fully waminted axe@ ready for use.... ç ANo. 1am helves ...... ...... Hatchets, for, housesuse. .' 8-plut Cofise pot ...................loi A 25e borub brush Wc bave v fulilfin. Of skates. Buckam &Co, Grayalake - - Illinois..^ Winter Oôods.a Tht. ia the Urne of year you want Wlnter (toodzamd thtis. the plaeto buy tlum. 'Good ' quaflty cheap. X«Memmd Sola Oveeoal. a# 3.500op. KMeus. Bore' an Oil&rm'* gBu&ll.. labmd Olidrena Undma. ve.xmale'.Mm4 oya' UndovMr. liuea"mBoys, Pente&84 Ovmo"l.limona. md Boys' 8eales. t BBElm"l. Fuil stock of Ladies', Mens, Boys' and (Jhldren'a Shoes, Overuhoes, Rubbers and Feits. Orders taken for tallor made suito. Perfect fit Guarant.eed. A full lino of Groceries, Cannîud Goodo, Tous and Coffees. W. W. EDWARDS, Graysiake - - - - IIinoise @§#AW7_NORME&@# For "Winners" these cannot be Equalled. ersea bruebes, worht 50o for......................S 0 30, ........ .. ..............i 20 *.*....................... 0 beukelt rm $1.001up le...... ..... ..4 8 Otiipet.,6001oup tle............... .. ...........i1 00 .. m ieoW5C up le............................... 3 0 Ail aise Pearl butions, goed qutaity, POT rof e 2 doz os1 Ail Sindse ofpeefucme, lbe beal triple extract et i)er oN- I Yealoam mmti:Mgie y« t ......... ............01 lieus camel haie airts... ...... ........ ..........s25 Life et Wiliam MàcKlely by Bleisep FalIotýa. .e .. 98 Ue.Batters hall, HAINES VILLE -ILLINOI I IT MAY SEEM EARLY TO TALIK Xmas Ooods But baving just ordered the bestt hue ef jewecU watchee, etc fer Holiday trade, @ven shown in Lake Cpn onteide cf Waukegan, it is ou my mmnd. While I'm talking let me sIate 1 sellsas cheap, ye ceooser than von eau buy in Chticago>. Seo me bef6o bnying your Chriotmas preseuts. G00DS WILL SE HERE IN A FEW DAYS........ E.B. Sherman, Grayslake - - - ft ,?* e gmt -. .~Ez e- - 1 - 1

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