I.vIrrn 'A~~S8lON. t u.Ueeld mker oftabs Mese- 1 -re àfiStof Wrk lunSîis. la Dot eIbyo " LU« tt "ilice anTx eS-~~ s a iveitib E gI oiety te * albt5I40iasa uit .&e. Moa', t I * h10 ome up ian tis1p at.ge C oramursM s ber.T iluse s u lat otse I à# *Mmgldt bot ph Pm *te" limai i edr I bld Of tbfinolri sessionuOf tise &lors, »j.s»IgI* Cusutessa t lioun mondai' sWIe i-dm*ie u' e0 *reCS îhî n O td: so use abit011114r r 8ati e s s cenèsaOf i Popes iesb'n.. usal ie suDsuairatsa- a-Un- 1iâow f theu-natiunal Isassakers. ~ ,~fl~agbtîn tel rn0t e t s otr Sbmmow ss ot ta IegnutIl 2 O'closk. Of jb itorîniýId structusre.-Duow raer. .ni' rosin und tu sudOutl itsow antis fl; and riin eS coratio5s, ar55 '-'lont bfana thtisi sor. laras ab da& da). . 5 è> n brlug ont the pubuIc-OsUMu ~ ~ wiirs, isust ouieugsbEBrnSsft «Vtaptol. nî)me O cf his ri-U glesé efli tri otue nýsin"s the adjournsuuit Of Coi' gpesa anie montS. aso. I'I n-tosure ne entraez« lrilos. W Millit and tise croarwd osedU»éitteTPted' SI&IE1 1isns;othe building. ini' ledýOs acreinu lei ai ttiruig, Iiuelsg tatoie .nd foti- arl 11à,l IcaOf Scission and-,Moes, as suei a în s mani' Of tisafealllis epreseisiatileo o f ug utth cbnet. dIplenitie sud ëet'Ouins me rcii-dles. mý m@@bgnarvn luo t.' a t emtbr.ad eiesieu rrn e, i- airi' l tortise y »sd tlieu'cwsustise usua a 1us)nk banégissltlg asumacld tieudsansd n- et %,es. formosl tg* Of tise work aheanl. Tise vet- oswer Of OiMas Sotfre n aa, Mr. Allison tînniugiswuaras eef tise lrat te resoi thse Sen- us am. ans wlmg and resume bis %ork as uar inks li es 0aItise emuites'on appropriations. - -Stir Joues ut Arkansas, tise Deuso- e o= Üeatdminorleader intise Senate, aras an- îlot. àA arly ia' rrivaI andu- a diséa irele y deco fa fhMDenissrstile s'oleagoes in tise rlak bope te goasu ésenualue the sesions aprogrrati. oe IfSpeakies lieuier*ou dîd unt rosih tise Zubwal- Honte wîug nunîl i aotiy etore tsh e-- t«ged isnopeusulosas. ,aiàped n bis prîvate the~is OeOe efflerring sillimsseuilurs durug ch. formalitiis'apreusuin s ha e election a lisjius sSpeaker. S). Er.v. ince the adjosiruneut fot ti Semsie 4ems mbué Isai pring tise ehausisr Sas een rede' IL wod oraied snd rosarpeied. Thse principal tsi- laisa pic. tores oflta lu-uty sdand ifividuaslti' hav nI Xnow. beau retuinMu. Sut tisci' have basa added lt hn ta hi' thi artigtie decoratlons. A issgI Usomgit green.»arpot sis old-gold figunes bals taken tise pace ofthtie old-gold cariat of e, thue Congres«,sand tise dense sud foi-' nisblngm oetihe cisamier have Seen ne' tailj Improed. 5. Tise ver' isandsome interior efthtie hait 2.-ÂC' of Reprementatlves assIed mucis iothe ation etfhspresmvness ot tise gensrialscene ai hc t thtie sentis sud et tise spltoi arben Ae- 'y foi- a"lander finDuaeil ut Pennsylvania eslled a anS*fd uis5t'ior- ~I lits, lucoutlsaiuce et lIe a burdem te iim, er-uated expenimnitiug lu Oot aeMe dai' isaweuid dis- mid.Atten mani' falînre eÏoauceteésandudle to-ay éWi mu ana àrelI tuan, ani Wt Ma receain ladue la tise je idai' Plla. Tiis relu- Mma auceatlfslyiapplied te *o et Lame Batik. Rheuuma- bV* Diniese. Dlabetes andi hq UliBmie muétSare Wie-Î5ýj7yau thunk Mis@ liobinsun s* ver eitv Ituissl(ara utpraised waneish- Rosabi-'N*, I tisougisi the was de- Wlte--yeu isater! Etoni' une soaa Husb4 30.1 'onmean tiai Miss 'IsWS a IQcID CREAM BA'M ila ýprsild-ij' sMfes-trous nasal calantS visa sW .5.4te an atomiser ln sapai'ng tise di adUeubvanes. Al tise Seslisu ans d j propesties et Ciram Balai arte hg15élatise usspreparitaiou. lit daeu à.4 ý7 gilp tiese scs'ti005. Prle, inu ehdis 'ugtub.-75 st. At dirug- iota -El ro. 56 Warren t-eut. 'wTos, mil h. Mr b (ontise wasi't'atise race)- bI e e telal ruiesio'tyo jqb aàtSa-k W 0fhli4 1e for eeypackage <of PUTIAM YI)ELESS DVE tisai fUis te aw~ifction. %tone reDug 0.. taie .**Ie.- .SoId bi' d'rasggits. -AWematbea' Noie. NI, Sa -'ijmmino,: but tisai Bt- rolis la à îes«. M.As -O. , ndean. taiAurrs. pi's5 0'S 5 fr Cosumption prousiti? -eieea .111e5-jes-old isier ut ersl..~L. A.Iaareo, 23 l'iltsg airs1-' n.»MU N. .,)Ot. 2, 1901. Tisa BtM*0I el Jsei uChisese. Ih hi LaPleia.4iUd5u ei eghiug trous ne je iv e $ M&» upsed te date tesai Christ. iàw&am Ui Wexisten ce. 4QNDA LIEUTENANT COMMANDER HENRy M'CREA t tise Ushteni Sates guaisot Michls, arisos prompt action ai Celon pravenisi tise bomhardusent of tise toas ands rd usucl pri-tansd probabli' mmi'IIV4a lureardeé es o eaitishe îilist ai-round oSrs lu tise navi'. His dWaeed"anl Innisers aSIle la ecamé at Colos have heimri de, ansébis actions et vras&tages et thse trouble tissa hve met arlti tise full approral of tiese tate and uasz De- partmteuts. He prevýeulsi tise lîuding ut troopa for an attaek on tise tosun. whiici would havebSean extnemeli' dangereus te tihe litc andpruperli' otf 10eignn.ts. sud t i cenuerisice hlé wiltiste commasnder urthtis Colousbian guuý«t a p 'srai Pinson secrsi au instefiute peusouemeit outhtie proposed boisasdmnc'. Lieu- tenant Commander McCres Sas Seen in thse nari inces1866, wises hounuas P- posntedt te Aunspella trous Indiana. GEM. CASTRO KILLE. amuETS or TumA nIIGIe Ctlmisss Leader Fallal. Eugages- DAY FOEIISAL GAM ment ailb I..masets à dispatei trous Colon, Colombina. astWEOTERX. "e. Fraudac Castro, si-io led tise goy_ Michsigaun ....... 50O Iowa----------- WnUivent iepf u Inhelac.cptura ut tise Bar- Wisconsin ...5 Ubimoo t - Tueâdai'. sas kil-Notissesteru -... 10Pai-éue edelyun'Thtiesdoy Notre Dame-...228uatisBoa-t A. C.t S morainE dnrsug au Indina ..... 4 DepUsa -. ... S engagement waitis Nebrasksa ...... l. laf InItas..i baicosidgeonu.Misnsota.... 1- 115 isss -- tise issargant force Belit ..........- ilMIlîwsnkes' ied. - -Seen acting asec- (Irinueili ...fDrake ..... uni lu commsand utftuhi------------. I eneS -... t b el . gotssristtt't EASTE11N. farce un tise iSt ConseIl .....-... 2 Pemnajin - GIr. CA&T5S. muss. Colsumbia .......40 Carlisle . -....- Tise LiSerai troopo subic eldse iColon Dartmouth ...1.!Browsu.. .... for a areek aurrs'ideret'te th ie govrnr- Georgetewas 22loisgis-. ment fores FAaIs. Tis ericr ofautro- rendes sers arrsnged at a Suai conter- M'GO'.IRN KNOCKIE OUT. once ield on board tise Unitedi Staicu guhost Maietta beisem en su . 00iîu ou Cret lus Fuiler- vaiafl sud 3effrnies. represcsetiug tise govrt- nspOsS5 t tbO 'M r1d. --- -A -n- 1 l Pa. .,re -s..te William ELH.. tbwel. ho'n lo a t- IGen. Domingo Ds., who represented tise uîsrisg world »u Young Gorb'. delles LiberaI party. Capt. Perry or thse 'but ed Terry '.%MeGoverzsinw a tiz) ' for f tlesh ip Iowa. Lienien a ut Commander testherweight chaampinoslsip _the wor MeCrea of the gunhosi Machins,.th,.in îwe rounds fit n,4rtf'srd. nu. Thbu tummun.iing officeeraof theia ~reta. ot daY sfiernloin. Thti% anses 'ýnug Cc tise British erui.aer Tribune and olf tise boit a aes"*I.d on ili ; izerweig' Frehcfsisr Sacehet were preoCatrur buapi. ship, and th, y s',-uisuw lue thse conferoace. loteuiteslFrank Erne nw n l-, is It wass greed tisai the' hueraI fo,s., hie- <au'.inu sa'ulolfak, v nud tween Colon and Roinhosiuols turreuner hi'. a n, hrough lih,- lbur wl feuilE SPEAES IEODRI5i'<AT RIS fltSK. tis ne Hote f leî,resusttives ta or- der nt noue. Tht' sast ciamber hail heeni rePalited, rs'gildenl andi completeli' refui- ulised duriug the r anu sd usais changes made for tise eomtort and cou- veniemee boh ofthlie uembers Snd apec- tators. The Senate wax elled 10 order hi' 1res- Mdent Pro Tenu. FrYe. andI Speaker IUeo- dienne figain hetd the gus'el in thse House. lu the Sensie lDietric h and Mllard. S'e- hasaka: <ihaun. Moina, and Kittredge, South IDakota, wero sworn in atsgens- tors. Afier the usul re'sstutiontsud thse appointmneui or a c,,-ttee thse Sonatte adjoumned ouintfr,seet ta the imemori' of Sestor l.yle. %MM VA -l W W ThefousHont rganel, uinembers die.wnuu Rseansd Ihert adjourued. Congrets» did nt udjouru Mondai' out with arue, their life aud lberty tuoiig wseigit el.ass. u.klssg a21 os,,-aclui ot respect to tise laie Pretident MeKin- gusrauteed hy the goveriieot. United thse onces tamus Georgt.- n 0, test1i Ici'. as ountil il i eard the PreuldentSa Statet marintes wre ounsore ganiii.iug weiglit champion. tusi. .tirer kff message Tueunisy did il kuow offiealiy rsilrosd prsprty andI uhe nos'n. iton- out. thai Mr. McKinley wsa cd. li.s sad Frenh nurnars %ce I.ulent to coruet foîtelsi th, fi, -r aman C Pissa! t V srk Ae'. assistinutsprecrtIog order and tit nsit wax nt trigistened b, riY«-rew2 nonmes. bat pleoty ut work ahtend. lite uud pruPeris Wheu usl,, issbà lý o-ien. lie wasagame. - înmn'h ThsI growing nation et ours ha furnlsh- rennieued aud the gorei;rtsst iroui),-npuch. sud as a 4 t. b-tt 0ii ed a vat amouuit u of terlal for its marched iu. walk. Ite hsd Terr.s a nisd ali stateamen toete loito Iowas fur the ad- To Captais Perry of tih,'battlesip ot; hsdi hienfiglsing ) .. bittiug vancement ofthtie peule snd the bter- Iowa lu dise largey the 'ettleiiieat ofthtie uwiigg witb bellh bau hlt lad.s met ut those serostishe ses muho are de- difficuli sitution. ilag puuchs for punch. itue ft ffdn puthe Unied States gavera- enaie. pendt oWisone cue funoplt STOKER BECOMES A MAYOR. Bots men were it tnt sss'nown'.l ment. Wiuêth t egcy tlnuConpgre"ed MîGovernhsd doune ot; a Isoore. 1 àrk hequobeted lhsy the ltCen bave Deinîs M.aiîili Gos. fr.- sFanon second round vwats s !. It wa sadtis puabime isuh ancetisn hve s.".~ SuOh.Cil 5115 rs'se et Whlo would gf ni',fir'nt. arisen the prugrnsisnsuttruli' a formidable Dous M tltIl, h l City ayr u"G"Iulhd.eecdu nheu« 1am. FOhlosisearetomle et tise more ensM viUwol oMao- Gvr iitbndou leeni 1Importnt aubjectsih is Congrs wilU Btjdgepus't. Guaa.. W&« two wao eiuleo tenonve. Corbett had frt<on et have ta eonsider: the election drowis¶g a snlany ot $Î4 nu knee. Corhtt sa'ssui nsu ad cou Comerialtratis esiedtirfý" eek &asa uIr"nsusTerri'uoit he lsead. i; ýen. cusuab C~iiirdaiiseSiit deliei b! *'W*'.s l ierpatuti wavered, gelardlhaI dfos omaanSd tarIf srevisouademanded isy n tho nlnu d enpan Cote rbed tisea metiaus et Ibis coaais.on 'hc rbtteri The nets Hai' Pausefute Itlmlsu Casa aa ti 5f na cîuriagnlFlush te thse point orf lyist ln trsiai s ecsaaty legialatisfl astisurzisg t Company!. '* 'Itou n %eoeaw tdaýdot thse esatructilus uthtie Canai. udM<oenwu u u Vrent subassinl sehesues ta rester Amerl- satchward utthet eaauailibnlisisia. ah roris The propoaed t'nsetOc cible te the illip- admiisratin." le-. Reuiston et the taxs la vie. ut taClared tie seutoker treatur dnrptes. istyor" iu bit insu Leger ados for Purto lilco and tise Phislîts-garni speecht. M'r. Amendnetits tu sîrcngtica lise lteriate .Mulvibill hau work- commlerce law ed t tise samne tnur- it.ef tet tueCsieecrlao se for tiirty Dr. Abrhaasuylo. nr tho pre Leil tioedport or -nialaarciste yetri. lie Wlo prime minisrinl t".: .1'. ishe andglais thesa dtan teCaihtoru lu Irelanud tif- leric whu bau avec bu-Il in nipoilor Leglatiota for tise irrigatilon ut arîi ansisd iaua"UL' Yeoas go. lu Ms aelvusuiý itro In tise West M li asee t IsAladermagsnnn..n Thtre Regalation ot trusts. 19 asaseet Alemn Iivî'îingstone, thse explî n n hua juit Creatiosi or a deparotut t rCommerce and workiagmea rzllied.lu the support u of li- brated lier lOltS 5bi n t utierh industri' wholaaetie saiu it o îes s pace ilIl ament to o m uaissd hns mjority ou the Iliee ofMal. -la thse cabinet. wa 837 otq In sddition tu ibose uiportaist binga Mr. Mulvibilîl sas go Confident of asle- Lugi Carsena a n otn rtf Itrs arte tise rivera sud iarliors bil, thsepila ca ta ouhae eoe lclo order te get asp sMonLi tin1e ' for a greater ussi', tise PSWuibIs admIs sent frouas tise ire pi tuathse Office u tsef ai inte tcn a alid "'t; .mesnnîn àt slen ut a nesu Siate to ho tormed bi' thse atranrei dbs mpoin, union ut Okahoma sud Ibion îmrrîory tcoyadr'ige i mlyssn.nts 'the us ns ,gisn,.'hr taau additlousl fain ou thse oeomnargarln asayiug lho might be bock uft er ito >euce. Geu. Greel', tesc" gs.sI indutri' poitIo hus fo tio wiosu of eenseeing the Lous i n Yt.u-pr týinusry pnio bll frth wdos f GOVERNORS FIGIIT COMBINIE tihe opinion that si1u nn per dut W William Mecinley sud Benjainul arri- wouîd ho quiepossibl i recastil S- on; aud Senuinîr Ciilloisu'. bplan recti iesuis ot Northwetitern lStates Aure. oe en a b- . .001 a-a national meusorial te Linont. ta Coais -rate vwth Vauent. Joudsudenbas býIcol nuiet ia Id ust wbst us'll contse oui orthtin' bnlsuer Tise Guertioru ufthte Northwuunr ulsia aes 0 ,niniteh m lu the end la bar(] innuns'.'u-, enriz. but States have replied te tise iusitatii'stu ut atcltlsorý,flieb a$botis aidet lu the tarifftfigit arc up and Goy. Van Saut ut Minuessota auking tiolM.oid ueo sud air counn .0 In1h' bn n: douz. __________ co-operation la on effort ta iset itise ut posslbi1it3'. 5.1 Di.sdEiimpending railsus' culidatlop. AIl A. 0. jones, lthe 's tsrof e- Sats lu Jackson Baunk, Ritnvnod ' grelu exteusding th r nsoral support tu Seotia. la reportedi haveo icei W. Va., wss. rscked, Inuithe b irglTSs Minneotas Governor. clnsd tise hurler ot knignhtiood, of -failed te get ssii' asb. Eseapsd. Goys. White otfNNs thDakota and Goy. suiile tise Dette of ('ou-OuaIl sud Builar. Foot Oalo rlbhe ~ Toole or Montans are wfllinà, to arrange tiras lu Canada- BurgarsFrot, Oioelubed t«usfr jmerdtag of Goiernors sud thse lat- Leouard, Kinc bas loftiLondon, e chant John Leman, but failed to mak ter appeau vea'y ainsilansarnest. Goy. basf et th.Nritloh museulisl for the bina tel suhera is money waas. 1" 0t rem wossls avr e s cfît- Dmet, *»çigtise monds et1 lLsuc.Lu ato.aprçtj ica ~i. autea.s o t pur- MimIS .tfrdtional site of the ~ ~fL Rs see5carbolle rt fll. b woold ltW t tif best ot *0 otila.pt*, au rsporting on thuir bUI&U a uite ckfl0 » ..0st toast îak- Tihe as a Me- sior onue )bled, 1sec- -is t. ri rliesnt on. ce le- homo î. nu ot ib t hem. iuth f bis aunds Nova !e de- ,fferesi York su Se- se pur' Koa- a el Auserleatiu nimen are Iss'giuhng te ne- alhzs' that if mci' arouisi Iseevotise charma altis shîcis nature bas endowr cd îisem tisey mnust ps, attention to pltytin-l exorcise. But tisane la dan- ger lu excesut atilotleîsm. One jour- nl gues so tan as te decluce iitbletIlsmt lousit to ovecds'reluI tise muscle and producs a oarseuesls, sud tisai lutiai pursuit ut exorcIse suomoi letathoîr beatity ansi gruce,. Tise deterloratlug Influesnces ut athletielssu are maie ne- spouaiblo. tue. accoding fo theseaime atttlhiy. toc a 11055'order et untîiy. clunisi'ansi tadiy dresesi armen. Iu tiseeste ofthIe girls ut the NeIs@ tam- 113' ot athietes this.tiser' leataionce sud meut enpissfsoalli' ilîpalled. Tise ldoat. Hermine, alhiougis barh' 20, lsm a plendidly built arouan. Hon prot- ty nounded ansi saell-developed arma musnttue stuotgerthIbn usuny a mnan'a, but tmere Ii1,4 f ttiese lgitstaffsicion et tisai esaggerated outlile 55hîisaS utten distinigulsises tise utisete. She attrîbisies isr unisoaun eaitis otea constant round ot exorcise. Tiesuag- gestion tisai a sticlt course uf îlot aras okecegsSOy o keep tmeus lu gosi train- ing anustu-siluose German girls net a litltîsjItiyhure f0 eguliteto tsor uunnuluintns but . li1ke ansi est waai cclagsool 'agoosi eatty hokat iîushsnsfltns'O thc tus trom on ansi suelOt nnistuuitCOansitise pinipal istllu tIns s'%.Pning utter tioitwork I-sp 1,es lu mi stder oft iheir day. j:vs'r 'insmat., Ri. Trade. 'lino 1 isu I)Huittells ut a lAssiot rwiso ursissi s t1h ut t, uuii a bUl tsfLoest. .-i hupn.' '.1 I inîsJ (Uiit. sWhIo ms a baker, 3,n)"î.nîsMill înaks' it a!s lîgis asu possulîn perhgs uay ihat fto l4uresof utyows estafflslmeasl, but tît la nOtthlie W&7 I makie M7' bread!' Tise m&Bastipulls wlrea la lad moisi et eue thing-a ahoctu laco-W. WANTEO! 10,000 SIck Popi Te Try ACII 1101 MINEIIL WATEf. AbuSaasasaea .<st. Vsa a afsC lasia.SuEM, V I ASTIMAKlAX FEVER FRÉ00rK TRIABOXDOTEL. Anul.- M& B.71E 305..NC itacrhal 5bosm~rons î11le 100aUOO Cb"ICte l » - ,iaSats ru rI . rai eibk5.W FALIF0MW29SEU XA~ W"" W.%lflSNuelypwtUf I w 4Llu~ lb àI, 55la une sas .5.d # . am 1.4 W4AT A Lgm e NG itoICUI.1ue. AV.y~ k ww IST8AY5Op WESTERtNANADA. Tisora Io a genatleman who la beyoud bis aciseol days wisu la lntereste sl 0 Prof. Thom&Sas bw et Minnseota Uni, Ccekena. Reeuntly lie Iearued that verait! Gi..011s iJnbissd Op sien. tîsore waa an lnuttution of learnlug Pl Up la C.lIapeIhIe Téta.. lIn* letton te "Tise Farmet'." St. Peuti. wbere a course uf Instruction aras à uskdetafer sud 8u1adt antsu« dated Sept. 1 190<1. Prof. Thsomas Shaw gittu lu cickeuology sud dushologi' ks i t ...~ a of tiseMiînuesota Blte UniverBti' basnsor lu tisse branches deiguaiod hi' sel- 1thissgrole Z»Mtsd. ttilst~ ~ tise tollowlug te aay. arter havlag made sais. as usa. .5Thesisest haidashh. . or: a trip ibrougis Western Canada: uil1nma Is îw tulr W eessa-sat. aisatead memsusfawa "Tis caablltls u tie Imeneae tisougiitishe mottor o' er- wut.s hotoc ittitit <hn, ..tseau S a asi 5505- "Thecapailiies f tesImentaasdf. ia tisa aSsaiendi sstmmsà" au kuosun as Western Canada are but lit_ oldi loesleclded toe msaist bis frleînds. 1 5a ue isd goas! oemplaitS le undentod un thîs ide cf tise lins. " otmdtn slnulosn" e Atiiaî eta i.ht t 155 Sb l.sa Oui peoples are apt to look 1515015 has saIs, i, tis a trowu, "l*nut tIla18tise uatpuuayîitesît.hte s reglen ut front aud suosu. a cuntri' îhougist ut tise ther ulunus itses'tiingtit las sieS but aa sualportion ut th uas Jas lkîîs nflt -u-,0Iliail we r 'ni ~ is. ali .11dmaggts. sr stisoe 11. land relatively i' li ever be tliable tDe- guose quilîlelu oui hat ssia an tisesbaveasi. i'mal cause ut tise rîgurauft tie clImats. Truc, N ril iss scl en 1; hi .ýpiUl hi' lbo pbM- tise climatsla cosi lu a'lnier. but West- 'leeielamtsu îu hs~ss aaeuaet a asi salswslI ern Canada lias. nevertiselos. jusitisai Qusek. quack, qunek! 5 on-k ns isosilo u»n.5rIoo sort utftlusate arbicismak, lte itise due!liuastes, trollents. ls -A" I C1IEESESROUIIJOH MANUFACTIIIINO CO. muai rellaSSe wbeat producng olitrY bani' Journal. IbaRIkfl lu ail thse contineint. Au lm.aDr ron.A Willlsg Vouais, tntstan mneaiea, but tiesa e scito a asiatlgasyou dont get ahae A R S W,,i appui te tise portions out tio u to ar" tulti tbe billiunanre. counstry tisai are capable ot Seing Sue- "'Piai's th, ide," suswered tise yotntin 5 sls .. costully itlled or grazed. Nearli' ail ut itiste sbarp suse sud risin. "l'un sulI EI's Cruei Bl@ tise 'prairie Province ut Manitoba eau ing lu tari rightinstlua a big rediin'imou lie brougst entder cultlvatlon. altisulissud take une ut tisose $'25.OOOpositions mets. probabli' nut une tisrd of ls surface Yeu sasiare su bord us 611 at baîfthtie , .-bidsr1a. bas benu laid open hy tise plougis. Asn- money"-NWaahlugiou Star, -Y a"d 1l.aithe " sinîbola te tise weat ta a grain anla quilhtie stock cunry. Saskatcisewuante tise SouSO 5N Tusls.YCua ss . isIltI5SsPI nons t ÂAsInibola has bîgis adaptation TRANS J. Cianatmake.s aiS that Seoils.é MWn h ie as. sd iie abal. e.IliflU. for tise @muse. Tbis Isao mai' ho ald seniaor tD@Toerthlefirmof F.J.CncuyrSCe.. Mdlate sd à tu.fo.l laa "iIs.âjhg-I doig ulnessla the Ciy -ai Toedo. Casa'ao «ira i. suMla ot Alberta tetis e sat. fiersles wasai starssadt sudtisaisi &mwM 55te tn uss oulu. s loc s ane-t' lq mai'lie tenussi a grain gr4wtng and amm utoSf oN NtsED iOLLA oSrreasoistgOlsor 55, "I;liTriea i-,tet stock pnoduclug empire. thse ruseurces andeIt«m55of CANAxsuta ts essosot bu ELY BROTHERS. M WuroaSreet. Neaw Toak. of wSich have been but ltt. idrsari y »01B .LS C 13CRtE. upen cousparativeli'. vleaed from tise Ivonules ta ore me ud ssbeslbed lu my prip. 16C. C. C." on Every TabAit etasadpoint outhtiseagirleultoirlet. Wisuen «ýt i «I dY Of t5OO55berA. D.n ht la calledl te mmnd tisai ve u lstise A. W. GLEABON. Every tablet of Cascarets Cand7 Poes river country' ln Athaba.scIa, sud 1:-: oiarybic. Cathartic beara the fartons C. C. C. several isundreds of miles NortIh cf tise Ns's àbCMaaltakn Intrnallyand sel Ne ver sold iu bulk, Look fou it anid Canadien houndani', arieat aras groanru lli'osnithe bood and smuions surfacseof5<thse wbic won a prmlu , etthe üre J M bas, trou. Fabiis rolu a rte'înus ailtisof aisr ie'a D"»' .75 < la (o..Toledo, o, accept no other. Bearare of fraud. country' lu whist production Icona np Ireuassli' ii. are thse et, Udugiti more bnîgisili'tisaisaveu tise Snilalt Nortiser iLgite cf tise Iidthtiai îes The flaMut Way. ticard tise pole. Huatband-Wisat are jeu doiug inu mi'- Ad ptedteltock and G reln Prost tieu. LaaCet? Havent yon ani' mneji lTise neglen under coniaderatio e, Wis. ____have________of__________but 1 soarever, maînli' atipted te growlug samA'. lpckets are e mu mmdi asier te MSU L N O S 1 grain aud grszlng stock. MueS cf lit didg-. - laadaptai te growng botS grain sud mms.Austin*s'.e a stbasi55tbing. t u stock. but certain aress. speelalli te- fCe s uteise rsI.seulse 0aId1baok wiest en wastistise mounitalua. aaeoui' adapted avoir. B uresasyoangeltishe gesulce. t n- tî te rnichiig. escept where Irrigation Feeling heurts toaeh tiseu Sut igist- wlll jet lie lstroduteti. This,.ofcours. l,- peur a thousand uslode, unisesc oiu eUnm m t eau lse doue suu-ceeatully ie lnt tise Fors-nSeS.e tuneWAYIn. iiirt Rfleis snd water tise ceunt'yt-0- Mas atotear, s tum»siaSusr.G5s waradstise eut' su rtis. Tiseadapta- U1 ¶2b. ,fWq'tOasjsa. l ien et thse eunr' for whist produc-r.gL..àFcai m e on e et a higis character. Tise cool Tisetiret papes milIlunGermany was Fr iiipjid u id n U nistu tisai usualli' ebaratenl ise et- 5Plu 1317. .psU n 5i ripeatins mmon aie emlsentlj tarera- 1 -ffm e il hIe te tise fllIng ut thse grain, aisé te îrw*m p n*nmAZ otise seeurlug et a plump barri', sud cou- *f7ýfl KijwN 10. qe<Uiy large ylelds. Tise cru ibis I mU RHaPFiiIiR S "" m " --s.5.55 0yeasr la amagulficenit one. lnsMsui- V ~ ~IlTIA1uY iu5.O 1 1'2 tubsand tisa tsrrltereso hlsisould ce?' w t A Be z mIl "uet" o) tatnli' give au average ef npre tisais mm PImkh*m chan..,i~ <~twsuti'buasela psr acre. But absouti 1m MW ca U n1« a iEutâ .j tiste yeld lai net more tiss tarenty " U ais buisels. the crep wlhillie a monut boud- noie ne s, osulng te tise large siarue s s. Da& Un&Pnrzm*Tise w"eIlU .1 tuearbeat. Mani' termer@ uuiy grea riios avm rferms; thiur *&mu ________________ ograin. But tisuse hu du sncceed a~sué"&anes a»ela tise uss f siuq«J. Weai la grearisg <neis sud biai' yas lstu a"ise bUie isp pséb grasuIse arieat. iscuce tisese teedâ fer ___ tsa 1171 E SO S stock Wiund aiwas's e abundant- jkbn Some gnuw cattie maiuly andi otiesenuue combina tise tare. The asat naniesiof. uttfllW cour sadoubtes» tIhe safea t' tiseo» te thre dsug lng course et yeara; ýa- tia at a.abore suris arming la tise pratlable.ay ire- lit wr. a pîcia.urble surprise te note wo lat ,o-th b5 sii qulti' of tise stock. 'The igis average ot qualîti' la caiLle laS igier __________________ ushe tissutise averageofutcattie Is oui Suite. j oe unuies un tise dai'y classs. This opIn- sus Ion la net neached naaily oethutis liec- ample opportunîti' for Iuvestigationi. i speut tisree long isys lu tise show rlng t Wiunpeg usskîng tise sararde ln tise isoof classes. 1 question If auy eoui. States. single bandai. culairSaell teis a ahowlug la cattie. h aras mi' prIiir logo te malte tise aarda at t srerli_________________ shows, sud ai al uft tisss sure cul City, . Ma . , R~REAI. * Al& denses tisai machsattention lu gls'en l rt ssterete lesn o theo Improvouseist utthes tock. 1 naîss i ai * c f et bran TI4EY h canot ul>' tise clarsoter ut tise SerIs tae aristo have ein uael tisat grazai aluug tise rallruad sud eor thiaifamilles ahest lie hung byi Te BeneiN AzuSTAbus me:5~f erywiserc tise 51gb average ut tise quai- Qhreadaisé y hi'loms of ciet thae toI. ?L...f5tS'5nomI~ ' Iti ut tise stock was lu evîdeisco. wamue nr', schlng liaSyen havo .. H. BROWN ap& k o e & s a u s o ,t u . ti s u 1r . u t o c s. u i c k e s s e s s u é a s u e s p i n s y o u a r e a . ~ 5 5 Thte qiuhlit ofuthtie grass là gosi. takes mas!-" Msauli'outtise settlen caie trousa Onta- I kuca ahreof I apeak, for 1 have tien____________________ nio ani lîssibeen isIuhooesias te the ,ecelreé munis rsluable isaiefit eil1 *1 &Ws.toth e n «f IL d . L u I value ut goodslltok etore golgsoi.tseh u n gfLdaE.Pfk y Thse raliouads ansitise go', rument have VIt DlO po 7 iand -a .a forle] 4l~ taken a sdeep intereat ln makhng it less ter yeis isavvaknearu desm.i"a ar- â= - àx situilast and cîsli'tu tise taiiens taus ' enriebave âanfe ithlsdi$Place- issassi S accu ne gotd maIes. Meut.. evuaiatroubles, uloeaatleni ssL-...tk-ia 1 hc e ho ar a x on o c an in a i aa nsmtiesa ha re etr cig sd I L W L LA. V E TR - tiseir resldeun'e abouid Sean a la alu missîl simg1y h hun=s of tisai tiseands lu Western Canada lare 1e4h.tCam &t., Isasa-F.iti',Me.-F» th,- maisi'ofttheus tree sud otisers rasois- s.OO fs.l 7 £5... otuiI W la e010=iMVi octk- sbly iseapp eas Ia- Denlt :tatatoaritetuMs.Pa.Ur 4 J Information will glasli' hagiven hi' ban. B isearu snetani 7051? esse tftsiCusli o emnt. rifeelli'ansd wallu Ics yo ORY LND u mPAU [,ite- Bhs detgmn per li- id« er sévice l isra the Ut::,. mlvH I.VTA" whiere. sdlium lu Lyna. Mass eer e fl n Athlotlstsud e-utle se 1 ý 1 '