CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1901, p. 8

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MXto«$k sd noirey Harrison y. ». Dons Lad fmkly sPeut salut., "aY « Diudayil anda. ,j tML mdMlis. Andrews vereoln Wood. abck tise a -ofthe veek. q OIB8 liavIuof Waukegau, vua piemsut casles hors Sunday. David NoCiain left Wednesday tu visit relative. ln Penuylvanla. lir.sud lMra.Chas. lowion vers »Dee «calea tthe last of lthevomis. Nias DM Ha amand, of Cblicgo, agoiThakaglving vlth ber paents.. 7ir. snd lima.Vernie Nîmbal md lieUly peut Tbanksagivtng mu Obi- MimseEdltis Turnbul sud Emily BaflesveelunOhicago Friday sud satudRly. Mesur. Pranis and 1red Wynkoop and ladies apeut Bunday vus lMr. and lit. 'mile Wyukoap. Q cite s nutuber of youug peuplq ai- tended tise Instituts, st Wauksgan laid lfrld*y and Batunrday. lit, snd Ilmr. Jn. Gainer, lMr, sud x«. la ibl PU- tt-'O eo.h u. t petiots a I 1 am, abauusrmciib ual .ssm e fl i eu land.- onaeinta oua Ou»sD~4 ~dle for =.l -Mefpptlaise. nv FWÙa rmp-al: by i. B. Loy«u. LONG GROVE. 0. Neyer weut ta Doerlield ons day laut veok. lils Ellen Ooswlller open% lait suaday athorne. B. Couper la digfg. a.vIl for lir. Stophon on tise Pteiffer fims. lin. Iteirers oeil, vilicis vas e- portai loit, vas iouug lu a lield noms haro. lit. and lins. J. P. ititzeutiseier snd daughtornhUis eut fto Ohicag oe day lut vsek. *5TOVES RANG ES 1.t+ V m4 n , * . 4 BR S. * 4tvIl,111és ROM fi 4npeZct ............... 0 MY g4a M ieS o......... 17 * 4ot 00 t .......... 23 * 4 ct i00t .......... 3 * 4bosadovr 19 o...... 0 «I tit oM var $1 S t .....Z 4 * SCHAICK1BOS3,0 L016 tdLib U ortv....... InGIs. M s o ... ............... 1 ~ bleina«m midglod e p nd m .. e......... . ........... cb e ' M U 'St~ $0 t . ........................... .. 2 elaboe$Go.220.Drd Fuis Ça nev o 00ur, 'jrFbanboaTableS0to.880erre Càldeae V.aoa écSAU.I &25 Long Grove - - - Illinois. OA L "De L & W. is the Bestel W. jha.ndle the . best brand ever introduced in Libertyville, viz: the D. L. & W. Brand. OrAer you.r wnter's supply of u now. -7,The prhce will liurely .advance as winter draws near. WRIGHlT BROS.,- Ibertyville - - Illinois. 4* vf l: aores hi",basua te get lua t bago». té Ohicagfo Roy. a. 1. l lm vanluOur vlobIti Rnl solue6brd vas home during tise Jai5 ugYsU. souma Gsshlýe bas te»vu" trou, ber 4siee . ateaëfsnob t roit.. Thse croldinoio pegty cf lent FridaN ulght vua a no0able tfunatbcu. miss B»ttmbmlimahset oewaideys or lent vuS tiill a uWbestmn. Tisue Bla iosdiviii <Ire 'tieft uan& ýQbiorslaexerobsestisa jus 1lUr. Baudersatu, of NOlnA". Ontario, la vWatlg i. brotb.r.inIeW, John MisIe. Fred Grable in entertMlng hie Mdsud Valparalea roorn-rnte.Mli. oiuq%ludiqua. M.sdlr.Gidamoius af Ochi- mgo,.ver tise Thanksgiving Cuesasoa thoir dauoghtsr, lits. John NOlklO. a«v. fBan.of mOlago, obaupled thse Bey. Aexander vili b. bore astISum- dey. Tise remains ai -WIIIli liazbaa, Of Dlanmoud Lakth bovisadedia LU* e Salu ou last $murday vote luterrol lu tho ]ROCKE~EL.LER- SOBOOL X IBoa. Vilîto Albrecistvas auroiiod Tue. dey. Thse toi book@ vhieh are usai ai prent have basa adopted by the echool board for four jeans. The literary praglea isSahisvaa roudered W04d11081187ai er»no, Nov. " 5proved tu ho Try intersstiag. Tise Maillai vrittug systetu(Dot tisa gsedicpj) ham bsau adapled. This aystaf ha a combi»nOfthGIBleusan and vertical stylesaud 1la Tory pract-s. Principal Charles B. Kuapp, ai tisa l,tbertvill l g cisooi bas bien engagai tagive a lecture belote Our scboal lau toersfutuma on "Borne Notai 1bol Mate-s." Thoas vio vueo altbot absent uot trdy dnring tisePMt tite moutise ~vn reaivae etificat«aeti avard f roin tisa couaty superintendent. Tltay are; Anna Badt, Cocrs Thsom-*uasuiâa Tisam, Eva Bouse. Emma SVoelkOr. Miaule Bouse, Bina Bouse aud Esthser Hacheleveliot. Tb-meWhovIsayl ttie pert lu the itaorîty progrea ou Vodbeiday P. M., Dee. Ilth, are: lisdgo Proator, Otto Kiug, Paul Alianaou, Pillp &MO0, Vini secietsvsUer, WinI Ray, mabel Butter. laild, Paul Morris, Parks Allanson, Raymond Gcese, Witt Meyer, Balpis1 Bouse sud Franks Virla. 4U ebhos aud $bcse prepariug 10 teoar e rsquesteid *0 attend tise Teachqur' Meeting lu these ciool houne et 10 oclockiL a.a., Baturday, Dec. 7t5, ta roorganlme a local Reading CiraIs and dîsoms pages 1i *096 lu Motbcd lu 1 Educaticu sud tise litaS sixty-Oua pages ai Foras aif Prose Literature. HAL.F DAY lilas Carrne Bexanor lg vislttiog lu Chicago. lira. E. Gleason bas been Try icis »nd undet Dr. Looiyea care. *Graudima Fot apeut Tbaniaglliutg Ivîtisber aga tanley sud faaily. lire. J. Richards bas been vislting Gleuview relatives thse past veela.t ings Elîize Oapter spent acTeraI deys of laut veek vitu boeraister at Hlhvaod. lim. Anus Foots sud dangistar from Waukegan aalied on iriends bore Baturday sud Buuday. lit, sud lir. B. L. Trlpp and daugis- ter @pont Tbaukagflvlng vitis W. L. tiutcblug'à sud familly at Gîenvlew, wbo eutartanod tventy.eight guDm55 &btisSdey. lit. Hfenry Bobrooden sud Misa Mena, Vois voeo lJoid at Vaukega. lest T;esday. Tisay w iUveonouMli. Bahrooder IWO fana. W. vlsbtison loy and bappt!eis "ev. Maore. of Dlaaoud isba vin iscid servie«aln thliHait Day cautai Dort Suaday Usralgat l aoyauo'olock. aud»saiscol vWi cmmuence et 10 0'claak. Everycue laIuvilted *0 b. prenanut. Tise may blanda cf Franks Saito.- dot voesvery nsm tu1learu tisat amputatica et àbis ~vasu ossa1 audih tia poaticu as paioed lust baturday lu a Ocsgeo isoopitai. SHo te nov nettig atout aicsly sud vo tope@ta0ne0li. bhuntagaDlu o. LAKE ZU RICH. Oraues, appis.s, edates sud vol. numls m mullFrets.. Omo. fasemisa, of Bar4igton, vas a visita? hors Tue*udy., lit. Chms.Kohli sd vitseamade a trip ta Chinage Wedueaday. lit. FrmtS Boey aipped a oar-lomd of hWog am bote Tumidy. BailFrnkSsd H. L. Freinaveut to Clieago ou business Mcaday. PFdAnderson and WVU Buaiig1 voes atsingou vuslorsBaWIuay. comutncing Nov, %th tise IU. B. Express Co. vili pravide -fltiausi servie,'betveeu Lue Muois sMd9 Chicago. Oue selvias v0t eeise Zurich al; 9.30 Ip. m. arsvftg M a. asga 1:48 p. a. Thesaffl oeS WIT bacves Laeo Zurich et 2:30 . aqMe- lusetOisaae 0 P.. L-huom, u*M lis tvo stviaisdoý ma Osâ- dMly,1 tise leut clont is. Oht""W rn m. 84 luget im urtb . V*rwwu ~ tasg,*"» blSe~e n eu-bmf b tbâ hopiiTshe Etý W*tnm la tahe Ie14s nco o teo ZLZ: A. woagWf *ýf5I naS ou po tse 6ieUhe eh atist mc - e itou sp cam la tI s dy RUSELL. lieM M ry iliama ipeut odume. deaic blago. Bian« Murrie la nOv bcrdug et Witissop Harbor. W. H. Siver spent lest veao ititis i ,&"Yuiiyt6 a splace. lit. Md Mr@. L. C. NBaIllitsed et WsdswrM t iuuday. Mi"sa AgealicNamara,01 Of sosia, viattadber usother lest vula. SM. r. LeviaPn st liadat vitis bet daugMter, UMn. S. B. ave. lit. sud lira. AUsu Dixon, 0I Gurue, viai tlOluda erq B aurday aui Sun. day. A 11111e daugisttcme ta tise houe of Audtev Thayet aun Tltaksgviug Day. Joisn Kelly. of Fox 1g5e, apea a short vacaton vils relatives hanu te. oeully. lira. Mande Craviord sut astinelS eMAI number of fMonda Btuidai evealag. lit. Eramn, nigisl operatar, reui bis position at s "pl&« eas.Buee NoOsUn, iarmerlY opatator haro, ilai lise vacsaaj. Thse Tisanissgiviug bmidlvu a declded sucesa. Thon. veto lhoqa ia attend- suce irotuK6neuobaParia, Bristl, Pleasaut Prairie, Traudeii, Guruse Wadavorth sud Autiocla. CougbOsudn Colde lu CiSdreu. 1 use sud teodbe 0 bslsaOta Bontedy for aot aIl oalae oa$a ec'uIg s lti dIretreault&. 1 te ren et ail ame. &mn led te reOoýj- Moud t t a ca otca na gre trcecoldsan andougssd broalJone 1ios. i lais-nsoote Md slel«m a bauds cf tuem muet uPtofeseaalA u versai PAU»«esfor aHlmnsaLNs 142TR- anumue. M. D ri,.oh 111. Thius rç.msir te for .aIé,b .~ eau WARRENTON GRO)VE. Mrn. Parun e adeiverlug phos w. Leona Wiloaiugtou ls on 'tise 81oà: , Ir.1morey vas een on Ont streete Mise Auulo GueIu u lasreurned itfou Cbicsgo. lira.Flood trausacîrd business lu Vaukegm n tandy. liMa.Guitopa entortained relatives ovon Tisanitgiviug. Bd. sud Tom itudd eutettained vialtors lastveela. Mr. (ruftla n0 ov diggung aàvel for 1. lAmbreeht. lit. Boalesd la improving bill yard vils a gravei vaiS. ,Raulea Thamas transaoted business tu Chicago letveOk. l iasZars Sheuain epeut a day In Vauisegan la" vei. John Jouesaai lova, la vileLtîug bis maot, lira. IU. Gilinge. Charles Tovqst etlmedd tise funerai. cf1 William liauisei Bundaj. QuIO la iev trM atteuded lise danceetaiGante. Thauksging. Elmer sud BM91 WilhmUgton are tise proul poaasoes eta nev goal. Mr. Chor>Iler ou> daugsterMay spetadeyltuWetksgaaileak. Mis Mary RByab, lule Catroll sud OthonriatteadlMWUta istut. la Vati. lira. Duigan otetonea vwators troum Chi-tsgould svartb over Tisanka. Tise youugtalS5 gave a plaaut supie; u»&w D niht, for lareuce ud Ci-aenueBattis thelb.»bofa thoir aler, lita. Oillge. Gama sud reciteticua te this eures of tise evenuiug. At tuldnight rais-k mons te ere -r" aflter siis lb&"y teturu.d ttiat b Ioum e. clarbig a ad tias badi >suApeat. Mrve av@ Mr LIte a Md tffl si4i Tb* u S A ~9ouaat Shral iaq St *lr»uht Lauinove *hoftry i 4ïia e,111 Tmuisj troutifhaWas ia sa- MthNoL Tis uakt asil "4"m Jaauss.Uoplipeut tise Irat ai Ibe Burney Sexton la viating roWlat«e ia Elgin et Promeut. Il. A. Beerd, of Wieooala,vaa Vola caller Tusaday. Wii Autant, af reiuaatvue a Vola ahot Tisur@& a e lit, sud litm.obus«aParise,, spo Tbaukagivlug ait Ivanie. NaedamaJohn staitIeli MW Jae Frost epmusPrido Ay Jaoa&w niton Bteissumt, of ilako, ývia. li lis brother laipistise 15MB oftis li.tdsudlr. T. Viable. et Mo. son"y iPout Bunday vith is tivea bote. lin a Ete tsiusdeii eN.. Hauy, visitaIMda la teOur villag Buinday. Dm Riaisadson teturuod boue Tquadoy trou a bris! vieil vist srota tives tu Elgin. lir. John tMillet aM iesLimai. Giaia of IMolinry, fpent Tisusday aflerioon e1t NIllor. lits. D. Smith Msd #&lulAvery, of Oak Park, ipet Tisaubggilu vith lir, sad Msn. Bolet Paddock. tal ta th e mudrmeudar, Dee. 5 Ail are erdiéllp Invitai to le preemt. lira. estus levolsA qui i uta KA&%, GI lioaall,Pbliam araiBs sud lisp. Jae *Oomvara, 01Forat lmn %mp tir yvitb lire.jaSe" *so. lit. Radilits. A. J. £*umadu daitbt Hi», MataiteSttaM Md Mrs. Mud litM.JamsaNrai a@omI Tb~uhgvlng vila Nr. stdats. L. V. LuIk nt FrMfoa. Healtis and Beauty. Apoor calemlanuh uall tise "mit et a torpi Avuer c ofrar0c haveglï. Utes av~*refusarein Off Il vilI eay ceaIpon. blood. Fistule boils "su m -o fup o 1 tlI lhe t :e u t repia-- u ;ai t t. b.aD lit.leuaeni u LdIg iolab - Hamel Eddy attends ainglng ichool et Buasell. Attend Ibis tait and putohs jour iChistimas guist. BuRa By bas loedhie butceon*hop fon thie sesan. Tise W. 0. T. U. mel vil Un. Hoffuis, Doc. 715. lims.B.D. A"nes addaugistetmaie a trip ta, tise ity oau FrIdoy lest. Fred Vllby sud fsfily epet Thauksglrlug at V. B. Brevese b Gan. Lewin sud f&MUT are enterain- lng bis brothot-in.lav, -Jaohn Braves, of GagesLak. Jatt mas es ubean sya gàefavr isy@7&t home vils ber permté.Bshe relutned ta equsa ou Wda,, Grau ptopomtou ae bing a&4 fou theso octus Fair visicisviii le buld tise vuSpreosdlug (lisistaa. lui, fat the vsek. Our tasaher spent Tisaksgalving viths Mouds 1etBOud LaS., s*ter wvisithais tteufl th e Institutet aI akegau. A. J. ficll wata a- oad a w ahou s L r 0 wu r * ot BeteBt a. ton ni. S.reblLPNU d. jn inga ~*1b Im~usr18 ldecay. You wotdcbo.apo muaa4 you loue i 30 io'ii hewab4ub.vSysp t the MW d.ieshâr. b it Wn n CM. I ________________________ - a--- CAOE" LAMC. SoatMis bela pst Wduiay Oea.Erooh teudlag thse veelatu Vaukegaisttendiag curt. 30.Amn sBuiomsuad mm Devey. a»t sgsiu sta0&Wlà thePluie.' lit. JO" xiom et Sihd ste assai by a tva doyresir.idig for bhi. lir.'No Ils. Imm Phalpe etusued to tiaitbu"e tPrstis atuday. Mr. »AiuMsa. ea. Bey anteramsd & nimbes ai tisais rIsaIs oves uiday. lias#.À. maoLawslnseutThU- per. lirJ Messd Daugistor laa spmatWegasadzy wvus rieuids nt 1db- A"a limet«rteturd uaSachiego Suniy sBlow hsvlug avos ta 1ev day G. W. James sud CoscarBrooks e te""ath tis tstock show lu Clale bise vesit. lir.AUmIRMa.. V.lablu hisFvet Ob~egovimmlcstais W»%, .r aing la lime tae u aday ab tise lans. lin. AllSAias Md tauly bava mcved inta tise acilige M6 The Plus«. lit. Adut viiidevot blli 9ta tata- lug air. imIaelcau baiog saeure iba seri... for tie eaumaulejur. Ms.» MaIAdmis1 ise&Isoum@mb@ i tis là-ily as tige Pla.e a &UMe àiseseiahlg tisa .115train Mata. BsrnvoaIax>MPBvss:-Ia hast vesSa Issueo auqdma iait u eeylg thse louper Cadets, GofBocuvis.e Mobeet the Fits* beans as football, lu tise same playred 1t Jefferacu City, Mo. No,. 9Sni. A&@ntra a cS 1fâttise Fulbon imn Lot s&MW vitis tisaKeapeitu I great shepe sud ai tise Fulton byeS à» ail demimute, I vautd laxe ta »0 thmt set f.11 aredit. EaBRn. Beays lie Waa Tortured. «I sffotad iue paIn (rom corDa 1 tuld bsr w@jvsly ritl 0i.,",a borausis. Il. 'bUut liODis sArnICa av 00 #ôe& u crod theom.AC" is l~g t ?t . M ai s and Ci ~teasle by F. B. LaVaLu. WHEELING. Frank Foutlevlsited lun<Chicago Um ile I.ArnolveuSt *0Oak Park' Tnsmday. L lin. D. P. HuestOn epent MendAY lu VU. Peut le painting theaBarteonc" rasidece. lits. Robert Frîtishipens a dey lu Chicago la"i eek. P""nsuda Lr onisore avent Sun- day la anvilie. RoT, sud lira. olii. bave te. tarudfron a Viaitlu laWsonisin. »MIse LttaPUotlariavialtiug aetbhm 8~0uV, lira . H. Lasta, of Vilinette. Mjiss e. 'ulig &s;ntTisuk- giving ut homtusetun«tulg S ymsucre Alviu Trier. of Laked Foreét, epeut tuda; iu Our tovu vqIstiug Moude and relatives. Ërescribed bY Mer Physicen. Be"osbs, Sans., Ncv. 18llM. PeMa yrupCoc., lcaiOilO II]IL ir n:-àFWa iu"Ast Itean jouta 1 «edf afai inpldigestion Mdsudst iatar tic iit 1 vouiti die. visait y bottn uaothonfIl ieed Be,~ ~ ~ O b1 6 odms btsIave uas leu Iteulilaies. If aMyoa aiseli ew me fUGO lorthtie <4a0 'Byuup papou sbus dontus, 1 veud xttiin eut émie ft. Noose eau tais. youar Medlluevit oin eloau 'vipcsd a1 il mOre tbsu voudorfet cures. I recoflitendjiéilgo anl MY ,Mondeas ai s laelvesud tOMMOIS remody. o unlir. J.Moran., Sli b IF. .LoTus., Lilgetyvlla;, »M.C. »u~r. Weecaidla WILL Wod SCblmsge t ta Palpes. goar a. bms'be a ilDay. Hausa l a .ej4 Kano. tu OliSgo iMOd&W.. amu ppert$ S10 for 1 1Quit# ànnuler Irala hod am Mera«.1 a Tisdau Adya it ou té~a (auuboeky NuSoe u Margarel Omo" m tu~ oaMyaled ber sd101~ J. eo. P. L. Jorgocalrs asM" ami ant of Sovu kit vesk on c~ i1 tiait Obtiaafestival cW ulgist, Deaebet lith. Mise Jauni ettisr blu »WsdJ vtatliaus for haner gtaant8M tIpt paqnly, Bauday eveplu, ua4& s for suudaj aveilag ywUl be au 01 AhUt," liat. a.' Ing st thse Presiy tus grealst ucces..uce"Y 'o feeling lta" tisiE joyable ovoulug. lin. James sudi John Wegae suuday etlin ai lra Nr. sud ltd. . iia Mr. Endot aslm d hbua bansd Ssh« sIg~ -Porter Vinot. of tes hm btatbleLymelg S. P. Huteltinson41W deugbtar, lits. xmé*a ,Woodf recutly. J. H. SochisO businesstMisvos t pust for'1lui, sud is bu heme vis ail a et.Tbssut* 'oua u RO, Thntadsy ai» suprl-A 4by ,viai4 I lais abuoea Mmi Isudemed a Tory i' oif ach Ta, Oet Rà,ait 'Vol Give Pai aim ofeInt thse fi I y 1 soirat tunu. wAI Dr. C Office mou Liber Di Offices 7 to Li Day mi A PI Ve difp. p Atto Orsi At Lii ttis !A

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