CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1901, p. 3

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Among th lie li t ans et ant ary of Agrit.ulti Br gham, a eti the ý1 n Apictio lie i, 1 man 1 'ni' ý w .nlýi -0114 Rl)ý n lie rë, fIr 1 ý , n.jý ýj_ý r l'e L il i 15 9à e -1 VD iro lIes il, ght in 1- stý,,k ýng feet. Cid. Brig lain 1. un Ofi'o man. lie Ivas born nt Ollio, tir t nine ýeRrm ii sait tomniRrIciel a brig il , P aile duriug Sher troin n march to th, ýeR« After the w a r hp corne borne and 1-111 jato politirs. Il,. as elerted sheýr- IC àttS "kt= -thute or a MW ff and State Senator. gerved for yean OMS cW 0. bmuà,4 ft 0" mi i a 0 3 t a t é 1toard et Agrl domeffl wommr«mdt" n member f the S - purchlon VrM Ïii lia re anl a 4 In of thpmanagerq of Il e Sta t ý pnit'nti.,, le. 1 e han alýaY% PEPSII SYROP b"n ppiloinent in the State and national granges and s1milar associations of farm- -r, TI., vas appointed ASSi.ýtant serre- 'iry nt Agrioulture in lSýM: NIajý IL. W. McClaurhry, warden of t, T'niteil States penitentiary lit 1,fav- nv.,th. K.9n,, f-cli olIýh t'ý"'tY.ýIx wý s e-aped by It ..... a matin ' v, js Weil in Chwago, where f- t'Io ývfirs lie -, 'hier tbat judicious advmthb of Police under tire ing always pay>-mpe- administration ý f _\[ayor ilý.Iniqtead c"ily Washburne. MaJ. vStising. If y= put ýIcClanghry in one yow ad. lu the ràgbfà of the widely paper your buoina» known penologists iwW grow, bemu» POO» in Amprica and au expert in the man- Plewul"Stbatyouar MAJ. )4»(LAUGILHI .. , agernent of large aUve, and they wxmùd prisons and ýlm- dual wltb Mt UV» ,il ai institutions of thoût kind. Il,, wai man the- a corsea. appomted %varden of the Illinois Stat@ you iRdvortim la tble prison et Joliet by fermer GO,. Fifer. pa"r Yeu Win a" and held thlit important position for many years. lie was sIso for a tJnie that It superintendent if the Stiitiý ref(winatery lit Pontiac, and during hi.ý stair there made m.ny I-hiable en tbO ýharacter of yolithfill (11,11111111s P ays... For mor, than ' veul, John lialis. If Jeffer,ïonille. lnd., fias been with the of marrying 1) i n g 'oupleï from KDtllclY alIl Illinmý. an iuln.llr-, lirile lit vhioh e 9 jaily the creator. 1,ong before he wag It Pays to Use It Right... On a handsome lar .b 711-Id business càd, . 7 poster or a cati ment 1. the paper -M -eb6 Our Motto: Superior work--prompt demq. ght prices. comw Io m DEST priOting t bedone. EýMatesgeLC» wt GUÀM i». C.U.U% 0. ý 1 1 - - . ___ il ___ ____ __ - __Il 1 ý ý ' 1 ýýi ------ -_ -_ -_ -7 é -- --ý ý ý.,,T,' - - ýtIuTo as 1 ý.0 . , ý --Olý0- -l.ýell _-2, - by Invention alid scientific explori .., ' ,. ý - 1 1 1 AROUND A BIG STATE ý ýI" ý ý. ý. 9 -4 il. ', 1 1 il - . 1 . 1 .àq_,î«ý ____ý il la Il gospel prociontatitil yen cou o- , 'in (ý olnty dortors bol LvrgRný Il . - gel no Illent ci lit unless you cou ring ail 1 1 ý1 ý the eburch bellit in one calme and s.,,.d ý Cty Cleil T, Jý stoith of Pori ha.. 'lis-, ,:" 1 ' .111-1 1 - .11 the organs in one diapason and gai I;ý-r 1 appea"Il 1 . '11, . ll 1 1 - C ail the congregatlunIt of chit,,,,Iý,,, ,a BRIEF COMPILATION OF ILLI. ILI-Il Clai, - , 'l"I'L and ý,;,I.,l il . ý :, ', . ,, - - - - 1- --,-,e one "(',Inris In Excpisil .%Iigllt.%. I.Illu, NOIS NEWS. a train ;IL G';,I-Iý,Lg y ý1 Il1ý . meetings! Ilighty li (;,."": %jýghy _ _ A ni., r-t, il I.. ,dýji,,_, , ý ,;,ý.,On 1 . ('halitatiquils, NIIIi 1-i.I'I'l't",I', Or il, hal I,,iýri illi."..ll - ,.,,,ý 1 Chri.tian wo* IkiIý' Nfighty g..[I..Ii', il ""est Gr.-th of ibi..ýIr.ýt.,i.. ils (, Il . 1ý ý M'eniblies ,If Il L hicazo and the stist, TI Le '.. NN 'i ri i ý, , , Il, ý- the l',Lt,ý",.>riIln iIIil,.h: D- l F.,-., .%I,,t,"l 1 "" lu "ý 1 1 m ia ti ýss, '%Ilighly ,,,nfei4,rl,., lit th, ýder.'l Mollit Niý.-Kinmun. '4111-tiLs... ('.,Illli;III ,,Il l"i . . .%I,.11,ýlýllýt H uit m u Il top of a DP 1 1, il ý'r 1,1Ii,,[,Iloll..4eprit tire I-hurb! %ligiI,, IL al of th, j; Ili. liv li..ký, (.--ite soi, il,. Th, ('1L.ýLiII,,rI i I,,,,.,,,, ' \ (;iýýý, .,nýI ,il liât chuli Nligh!, ,,-,nventiin.ý of ,lie - .ýl.IiI.1.,!,,L cih ,- Il 'l ,,, .Li"",i ri'or lui . and theu I " 1 ýI \'n. lolvii, diwn. un- Episcopisi ,iiiii ... IL, 1 Il[ th. i,4ý lit, la ., ýý til il se, ,,, ! ,,, : ýlI ,II.,..r ,,ý,I,1,1 iigain y,,,, of ILLI'd - ý , k l' , 1 , - re - Ay Il,- I.,;,I,ý 1 luir ... Ili Ih, Týt decridi , ,. > h , ,l ,il . Il i ]I.,,,til., .'t Ih, '. 1 I , 1, ý ,, -Il,ý , jo, , 1, ý ro ý .ý -1 et b"Irl", tIo. ý l j lie righ, ,ill - IL 111-- r - 't to e- surtuma tion. 1,11, il. -ýXn, arc il, tue - . Il il t'i-,I11-1Iýii,,Iý 'I",,elL,1,1". , ý Il'. ILjII,, ý ,,,l,,IIli, i".. t,ýýl, lý; li', I I il, ,, i Iýl, ý, a Il '. T, - X a l ý ,, _ , couragit-9 thj, 1 " iL'I'l Ont lie ,ilIii-1.i , ýf IIý ... :ý. ' il 1 ý ý , l'i I 1 1, ý Il 1 lI,,,,IlI g, lie M m B ut 1 1 l i, ,il NiiIL,,isýlla. n lier, tbere Ing if 1 mll, '11, - Lig ý.f il'.. sje .IýjL Il, . ,'llý,',I',ýl Ldoý Il I , . ... ... .LT, 1 ' l'iIi.ý l ', I - , il ,., ýl . ,,, 111 , ,, l , 1 ý W 08 ,: . tI,ý".. ý,1,o- on land liant angel ýj'I. id i,,., I, I:Lýt tlilI)i-1181 ffi lli I Il ýII,1,1.l, I."IiI.tlI - ,oled 11, ýý I il ý ý IL , 'r ý ('1!1" 1ýI,, I !,'- ýL Il 1; _ 'L' il, , _ ,ýII 'l'il 1 Ilv, 1 1 1 Il of ltielo ster front its in thi4 ill,% , ,,Iý.,,ýt tir if il, m .rr,,%, ý,I,.,,,. ý ' l, ý i iýu1I- Vill the cri, - > ,I. [il. l t Il- ".il iý'i-ýtiý'i Da% iner'>"ý. ll _. ["" 1 L , , !, IL ;I'T'l toik lvlelling iouses, ing the - I., ri I ýl'i', 'Ilould thrill liq IvIý ýTii,,, i lit ,Il. L.- lit ri, , ý'l l'i' 7 ig, I., I 'D', 'IiilIirL.u, bornes D", Pl ... Il -) __ 'LL'ý ý , , , ý, Il:, , IL ý,,,,, (Copyright, Louis K!opsch, 1901.) . , , est- thé il. Il , , l'ai Chri.t Thé Lard bad aLght I'lýLl lit, figurpâ f- 1 . ;,gý 1 _. ý il ng ILI Ill;ý Il in bi d 0 Dr Talinage recitil 1 1 ý.,i, , il, agl > i -ý -ilý.-Ill-l'i'l" 1 I Zý-",11I_ 91III ,,Iý.ll Il .... ý:Iga,-- -a Ill ild ti,ý,iý,] theni inio indiscriminate cil ,,il NI,ý ,Iý ()I,,t to proclain, lillivýýIsa . .-"Iw>l.,,I.-! ý > ý1I ', Illis, klil, 1 1.1 Ili I ,i.llILILl il, 1, il 14. il ' ' ;III-1 liftIt a rail train and dantied ,J,,I,.lIi,ý,, lul The ,routier of . , ,IIIIIi-.1, ri- j ý. . .t.cint v é lits and ,diows lit the l , ,,, ,,, il ,,,,g'Ilti,ý, baud thaii liant of en- , ria Il l ILI, ,ent, or fi ý _ 1, 1 s-, 1 l, :IX, PI ,I,ý "'"',, il -'l -I 0d'i fit . - :1 1 ,ý lot Ili, ail,,Itke. Cyclone in Kan- :I-2. .,-, \ýIýLý' hi. li', 'L"'. d nt , ni ý , DircSld In ad%-an(,iiig in the right durée- Tbe ('--i.. of Lini -, In I!WMI, 'l'he ,ait,. l,,ý 1,,ý,,i ý , ,,,, ,,,,,, -ý6ll deuil chUri ý%ýil,ýe up! 'l'hriw ,:D,ý, h , 1- , ... , 1 Ili lu Ili test, Joel il.. 30, -1 will show Vil , ,, Iniýi,,,,,g !il ja' k, "" jl'. l'., , 1,11 ,YcInne in Missouri. cyclone in Nll 1 1,:,, k tir, oh, ,\a4 $I.ý,ýi;q,.:Ij-_,,S7T in t'-,,l, - :,,g, 11!0o in the beavenm and in thé fort - -'T', t3ciolle in Illinois, cyclone 'ri tterg (if stiff ecelesia4ti(ýimm ýILI)S.e;4il,,,NI au inr,_ ý :;s 7 lier .1-ohn Nla, klin hat , -11a, 1,1> i iorning ý i -ýnt. Ili C hiago the il ý ,. 1 .j ..ýý;I11- In a fi.ýItiTl: gl,,,,,- lit ,,,,"t,,,Iii,,,I, lr,,kiý a' ý , Cumming--great and gourd rnRu 1 ,si salon, prini ,If the povver or il" L and let the light or thé .pring n in I>I.,,,,,D 11, e told us the exact time of l' ý, il IL, , ne ver mode such cycloni, (liý,t,,,I,- "'IIILý,,I, Nforiling for the land' .3ilorning 1 lisýýUýit-nisitiý>rease(IIY2..-,I, i L,,II,,(,ý,iii ('I,,Il,;,I,.i an.] I>o'I".ý ... ilgli ý1iI,,oI lie . Nioli of light and lave ý ki. I) l . LIT 1 Mi K l tu 19,2(l; . ý I In M), 'l h.. t-ý:,II,,ý â L "..,ý, of this prophéi.y. As 1 »tL-ll ý 1 an- as lie bas in our dny. And nul 1 : r'" 'lie ,éa. , ý . Nlorning At lia"Iý11111g l'hile ýi,,11,tIg f,, arte- ,,, - 1 bile study in lAudon oil ai: il ilot right in saying that one of il., ý IL I, luil ii-licii, 'if a III&Y in which illillourit of Lipital in, ý , 1 ILI. ,,,;Isii Ili W arle. just aller the Freflil, , 1 Ili tPriýti- of th e t ime in whil IL Il , - , le there %hall Ire no ,hainIr il) break, no no, rrom $.I.-L9,7%9,598 in I1ý-lI il, ,,_,3A,ýLI ýia, ýýat,>, ai a r-ý- to asýxiiTg,ý. no d,ýýifytisin to shistter, 1,ýSI, 1. l'mm) The total , , , or th, tir. .1I-P!lI ý.f 4(4 f,,.t Il ri 1 oýW ndored ut ftl il,, gocil : - la ,linlI r cyclonie? * lit J'l'ot Irriqa of con] os, II., Il l and th mm ta me: '*Il in juilit whAt 1 Il 1 ý ILI But look ut the distit ni .Sili, , - - ,l to cotTipa-ioTj.feý Bl,"ed Christ, do. t ini.r,.-ei front $6-;I.-,i;-,,Ir2:t in IxIsd Id, Ilo, bej ,,,Ialit3. , Il , de', end: . , . ju about l'rance lit 1 call the roll Dr the deuil ,ýtIiplý,,ig , 8 al-reil teriillt,, Lit thé ertil Il SSM.(ý7)1,ý0,15, an Invi, , - ,If :IM -l lo-r li,-Ii,,i.g lits Iýxt-,Tlgllnl, lind ramell bg 1 . ,Tapie IaUg)lý 1 ,I, Ille 1 li,.i".il bâti,]. tak, t he si .-pier' %VoLiiiIýd ,i 'l'lie iiumher of Il ,ýý ,.Lirnr.n lit- hint, N'il G. NliIr- - ,if CILL, agi, I otu ., babil 1 talked about the ,é- , iý.,rus moni of the déli Boit, or . h. Il 1 , "il ' I atep l Ï0 thé il but 1 foregaw 8; ý floua ý vannes. The Ville de ILL, , 1. ' th, i ... l'hine in the Lýît front 190,621 in 1 ,'n' t ý) '-'(;ý' 't ;IYI) Millet lucide in .\Iii,-.,,,kL>c, -fier ex i _t l, i'l ý' k i ,, XLI i, Lu, - al 1900, a per-t-entage .,ý ý_ý li The roll LM book of Daniel and thé le'Il, ýI ltI',e- sihiller, the Ci y of B-Iý,, il'.. Ni, ., .. 'I'lL".ý illill 1 LoTý 1, - 1 ' ing thi.gâ t, hiis f,,uLiIyý le" ." Net taking sny ý 1 , I-ýp,,nsi- the Président, t hé (',I,,Il,!", rite 0,exl ,; 1. ý 1-Iall.11 1 1,antýy.u dtfiiIý ,if Ili,- growth of 1 ý ri Iý and l'hl IL ai. 6017 la the interpretâtion , * , parillage the 110hegAu. Bol Il Ili ,dII)oýd 1 *, ol,, 1 fil bp fileit. 1 isant ýLoI il, lie wateillug 1 Ii ý Ai, '11, Fa.,,,,,,,,,,,,el, an Iliintii, -- ,,,,,,. Iý hi.o , a wd, "" "aile pa", ' ', TI ci il lit il si it ide hý j,,IIIlI,.g f,,Lm )liq 't I duiply anstert that Illicite ,- 1, Ti .Ugges: calling the roll n.".e ,if 11II.,., L'a ail iliýLý louders tinrIlliiig fil the data (Iltaillaf)]F nt pli lý f- Illit'ol, 1, fanir tiffle or mony things In , -, DI,. swers and the -Ii !ý :,- i ,ug ,,, tbe ,bile l he;TvéI,ý and il,,. val (;,>il bas clasmi- ALoýn in ille fidlowing i - Iý th , i boni ,Il l'ekin, H., lind hecto 1 OW eyez dilate and l"I' ý,-t ii.ickT-un scroil of the At.;I,,i ý ý,,,.r .Il 4,ý,pé lint ý he'l thënn, %,l I,,,Ii,,nitý ... 8 or pleas- ý Ilit.1,11ý1lu'ilut.. . Il. ý 1 isix) -fIl r,.ýII, ii,,,,o,,, Toillilit. tu ho palpations en . - 1 l i or event la teras brelliii If thi. o,. loi, (ai,],, , mg. ,rite ,j,,,,,.. ,,,,,,>ý,ý,>, air, harnesýI-d I NI,, 1-1 L!, ', 4 ,'-- Tho. b"d.1. ,if .1. A, JýlIiii-ii, f.,ritierly a 'Il tffl eentary . t lie - ,tir t ,ntury. &the could report .11 Ih, ti attlit-ild lire and .Ili 1 in 11*1Iiý- that til toelik art in girthis ,ý.Vltsj ý , , . . 1 , .II7 76 1 " l , , s L rý., , 1, 7, 1 ý1. lirontinl ,-,I,,I-tI .if Elgil', 'a,, fondj in ý N'site I- :ý 1, , :Il , fil-, .ýrki,.ýaý -e, ,il Pilu, Biff, Ath. fe tb century, thé f 1 -01h century, the ble-L lo- 1 1,,ý,I,-- 1ILLIT :1I,-y ,of, agams, ý that Latinot .Ili, and ,il 1,,Ii-kl,, lhat ,au- Il .,,LLti,ýr .... Is in the o-, ý , ' 1 not lij()%,Ir, and Lire Iliieti lv reins tbey ý Tout %ages I9Uýill ý ý_- 1 4 1-1 .Ii -I : i, .-I 1 il bat libers were n- fil, ,af-Iling events ,vital a .IILý,,Ig.. or parti )ý - Il is thought ILI, ,,,niI,,,tied ,LIT 1,1,. tow ded loto the ri il *ý I nih century than and tr9gdý fi , r li,,Ilj bel, lI,ý': 1 t I j.,-,iLilI no ýTitTlinll. A 111-'Ia",. ý.1,ý--. 130. 1 7 ý ..i- î il -, 1 :I, 1 il The holl, ,if IL 'L'ain, ,ho hall LI, 1 Tilly , ý 1 I -11, ai Ilit, Iii been killI., art .terni l.ýg bry fiýhero-1 1,,-,,,II.ý] ol Iýn1e ý mo.,,, ;,:11ý1 T I"gl:, tu 'if Ille thpots tý"" il f ,ýLLLt"1.1. - ' 1 ' ILI: 1.iid, bol onjr Otber. ai j -i'l. last t'vert ye UsIl ý . . 7'.l->ý 1 -4, 'ý)"ll,,LI , 1 il " , il 1 ,il in ý il ri fi,, roi Le . «If J't-o lie lantu: k, IL r East AltýD. ' isrh.;it oisb MY pré,-. ýng t,,,ty NN', rend toalrit Of NLýýf",11),Il ,ni] aloi ,,I,..!e flects 1 in Dakota -id, -Vl mill 3oti gel on %",alýu,ýol ýIu1t., Thé Aiton ira ta lm dally ri , palier, of évrnts Sn Of lher, ,,ff th, II:I-r "f Fnglind, (;.il ' rite lI,,It),,,t,,iI and talie a ride with us"f' Ing , T.;- bor, t . J a I4,ý Moinen hal! ý '-, Ind gl'e ý -Weil , 1 -i'l' , il.,v. if illat %oits you ' Ilig ý , , . .. .$l.w,. - - __ mouq"d in -- 1 aragraph and without hplp Il poor r(»11..,,ý nt -a . ' - -o-k lind ,iý:,»Ir- ý ýýVb't;A"__) Fallianli TaIi-,>, all 25. haý bel hu 1 S 1 gid il,, ,ne ,'d. ,If the locomotive, 11, ",- ir apecial - Ip si.-ý,ents ill a hgh ýLIl in 1'..."ýII, ,,, lit, G- 1 . Il Th, gý,,,tlI lit ('hiiIg , 'i' ,IT lit th.- rented nt Dei , liat-Ilied ', ,tir the mur « iLitall odotus, il .JI, a" phl a Xénophon. a ing« and thé Illa 1, -- and If,- 1 and a Nf.-IlL,,ýl,,t nIý,,Iti-,, 'h't ll aile fýdI.l11 ,,Tg t Ild, Lier nt Springfield ,if (;Itlett(' Niato. ý ,gibbon al bave ta ken whole ,1Inl,',-rs bolit ment Ill- ring 'I 'li'd il; ."il ý n ý..,I, "",I:Lý'l, g', iii Ili, I,11I.>, -1, . il ni, bili ý I- ill'o 1 Ta I ir,, l. 1 il i 1 il , , , 1 I , II liv a I. t I l 1 ... si, 1 r-d e- ,ý . es te phaboriste Io 'Il, 'l ,. -.. oýLi tili,, , t ,een il , , 1ILL . IIg,,ýI.,-, T'rit Ili. Lt. ,,, _,nlIiýl--I.. . ý l -Ili il u"ý -I f.ýn,,ý or Irbole vhuint suit and th, 1, -11. ý' . , ;,.ý;o ý,a,-,,,. l'I', englue', («ýPIl.1 ý ý ý 8-Mýl- _ 9 ont opou our time wë iniolt cry nul, tri tire fourili, If Thý - :il 'Il ir,,I, sem i,,,talIiiirt 1 ki- 'I'b, , il. :i.-IiI,-.:tt.,5,m NN'illiIII Il. 1-'--,gt,,,,IL, voli'red, ".. Cuit 01 of the test. "%VI,.dL-r, in Ili, ILI av bel il ýýo 1 ,l i,.,rh*,, . Il 1 hi. ý hall hi, 1,, L 1 .'il lit,- ,,gtati-.1 pul', of thé 1 ýV.X, , I,ý". av M R and in th. earth.- an 1 jý>Tn r,"ILL,., TI 1 .. I il, f il 'l'Il, m o% ing ! grent i-ii,- iI.ýý i il.. .t,,kL L ,Itlý%. led in 1 -.11 . Ilýlý,I2I IiItIl tir iI,,,.,iII,,Ig b r, .1I,ýiýit) 1, Illail , 'oil roll ,,llui ,b ,, ,,:,th a"II al ,vail ý . IIIII - li ý 104.0fil !,-", an illuist or The .Iil,.kgfnvlii,ý insane al a propose ta .hosr y.u Thar thé fin,, )O or IhLý IItI-lý ai Bi'glit.-O ItIali luck 1 , e ýud I-lang. 1 .ýiI>,-D.-ý S. lit ýlý 4 ý"-"ý-42_i loin, and nDt,ýn,,.,l to týility yeal In P wondtrful for ilisaýt(»r _ , 1 liNT ýTI fI",. ,1II-,e II,ýy nor, 1 A vat ;,ýL- ,i,[.;!.,ý,ý, 1 , in ,r ý, si . Il il,, ,f ILLLti't.i. @W%&:b we live in oli'd .sIs II -I , 4,9,4ý.r.LLol, th, pténitIl for tht ri ýt,,od Il f3le ,,f lbat Tý gonx on .11 1 Ili], .-ept b>. nuit ifillat gr,.t I..nýI,-, Voilé W .Weedertui ta, 1,1,ýýinir, lit, ýý . . carini , IIVM be lights and .balles in thuý II lot, . l thé -L-1.1 and <lu ,ý,i-ry -aTit. Iýo .1iiIlL le ,,Ide i,ýýnIlIl,-,l IL bounded Inluillng 0 '1n, ýý.*i 1 our l'f lit, .",.[) j"I' ....... ,I Ili ait lu ail Othe". Need 1 arril Thar io,, Tio, Delloi .,.:L ,-,Iiý todliv ýbI-,iý atit .Loi ,III,,ti.,i ond Lage-1 a. il barbet] .. llori, and -I joli escaped and tir,- still lit liberty. 'l'lit y ý ( il les ntl ait l ID 1'. - fàm in niromierful for distiller'! ()il r u,,rI(1 ý POILL" of teruplew th 1 -'Il Il, Ili, NI. il ... ili't 1,,>, on In g . , ý . P».-, L:-A,7ý;.,Ie-n arc A. I_ ILe1u-dIý, helil for Iarceny; Jal) a . ýtOsL giýIý no. finit the,- i rite oth't. .Ide tir the 1,,,I,,IIi.t,ý,: -Nly Jury '111.1clut 'Ir.1111 Lo - r. bois bad a renifla time sinne IL, iti., 1,tud - s.nith, fi'r int-I eny, jl'hn Nluil for , « (W lit wu* bowbed Ont LOT, .1- L' Il ils .Trti - il TI hui-glary, and .1,,Iý-I 0-,,iIý, fi,, burglary. il 1 olll ý:ýl tr" li ,,later tir altIgetb..r i tr-)Ihtýr. %%hi should ritinisters quarrel Five. thi,%js;itidl dollar. ,, 1,,,-ii il sut)mt-rte(t. l'hl, se,, luiving mril se ý :ýl,ý,,,ý,lý.,h,ýý,lýý:,ýý,.,,.ý. fi,, ag,-.,.Y*! You ,il Misa Il 'lien G l l ý InI .if (;"I., The rri st wnil 43 opfleptie earthý oriv.lý,ý,D sftýr ,on -c 1, 1 . e couinilý Volition: fronts peunding il ,ith .1mge RiRny Mer'hantnie. and m.tili.ý, - .ta ý t tLat brin Tri that trou Vien for lr,,i,, Il of pr ý l - Ili the E.I -i-La lans .1)1",iIlti-,] E. IL Monêharn ,If 1 b*%Mer of iceberg sol h- iiielting il te ýrT"k theL-i,.linI-atý, and hýne ,lis- 1 t-ý1-;.é1TI'Lýu1. 1;o Th, il., re,, Yon ni, this 1 gdr CLIlàIý Ciruit G -I helail_ lier lý ntl'D oâ n_ýtaljt Tcg istrnr of Thé il- VIIIIIIII ftrnacesl neveu tintés hi ýLt..,I. il la a Aillera olrcani Ala', for (".]",tI'n atioli e.ili . ; that i, 1re,ý agent. Y. Il w i aflinui-cil 1,,Iýt.,tnil, Bait , Il. NIt= ETTýt si L-ui, ofl roir State grain lu L Irend« to me It ha. ln.fed lo-, l'ing. NIte i ý iué. alm-t ,jr"w.,.,I! týlII.litill, thl ,l togirobel They ,Lýr",.l ILI ,ell lier art,, , Ining th,, l Ti siLI tioný The new agilI,,int(.iý .,ticiedg A , ý M obooting by on thig «I f.- ,od grL il 'Ille NN.,k or FTid..,i- ý arc iloinito Tri lis through. Illi', could r ,.ri.g(i. Mi- 1 ialL.In i, the 1, lill'il..., ,If II-1,,ýIIIn. ' ý Lié Md i»toorg about i Dg il, The Othe, Liode 1.0.k nt thé il"i,.ti,,, 'r ... leni 1 isi not il,) withtoit th(. traili, TI Ie could 0 itirir lit Fl of ItiI-li.,,l pati, rite yoong A" grouillot il. n"I', id il. ,il ýl,,ý,,, ,p net or tir, Id.gue ID thé fý,oT-Ih century 'lot di, ,,tl,,,ý,t the -ni 1 bý 1,I:,ror; li; ' 1,Ld,,,VTlîýw ait i \1.,Ir'.ý blongs ta .il - - I - en thiii ' il ri , ies of Past- main, .ho lIllot hilolicIf in the ofince of th, fils »fet7. lil ile.-Z., and n;Iicn and that raviigL,ýt Fiitý,L,.ý sol in NIls iý -- awi si, 1 ri j"I' e daý l,ý la, Ni I"k fi" A" ,ro Illittil ý ',Ii.,, GI, il, divulgeil IL, NIIýin1cy Nislnorii Cimiptiny In 0200" *ad d.fili.. ,if - l >Ill the N-ýal,ý,litiID LIIouoILLý and Nitirist-illes tu Ij,ý, aud ,- .,la * , i IL rn t Il,. . ,il ri k or thé a f,.". fri,11-11 that lit- 'L'age ,,,,, il> ('liiIýagI,, wlIýr., Il,. ,al, ..I.iLlII,ýil a, il 69 &bout (in. Our varth like a fiýiiiiig wrought soin 1--ri-,r tri the cighteenth Chl ,un, biner3. tITiý ,n, or that. for tak, jda- il, .luné. 1 f,,,ýIIt, 'Il ý;,Ie-IIL,,U, 1,I-1,--,, IL,- TI biý' lire b- «stock off thé books or -N..,vf,,IlnIlland. centurv, but 1 l -k lit th, y,-Iloý revers Ivé -11 fil agent, But thet-L, la the n,,I ,li,,.,.. . 1 and ,uteil dire I'f dit. L ause or Ilis.1,1>,IintTI.ýnt in . lo'l, allait. Wb" lise %laie-tit, and the Si. l'nul ârid and the ch.,!,», Tili nýI 1 the diphthriai, soit tritl, laid - 1,oz Igi, tri, ,In., -Tnembere vveilding -i, L;vncraIIý , Iiii, ,ho Il nii- li- y. the %raript ff-iLr. and th, t)jhIi-iý of our il -]ait t'v lit.. band ,If ilo. -lil d , Duilli, F,ýll,, noired pTiýtLr ,if the 1111111, Esiger WlllLelin lier Gi rosi, IL ý ý t ;O n-ed NI --%. i le Jet, - î 11,illY for 9 lis (,,,,isti,,rl (,Ilqlr" Il ai N,,,,tI,,i, ýI%, mil B"d« t'bat, our worlil bas ley sin 1-er-n titlie, Friait lilir-lýai, InIia, %%IiI-reeI-ry in -.Ieiý tiat n, iL-,,,-,t,;:,l Il, sa allie laholna thi-, . inys lwff,- -,., litre sel fiir do= ged in lis internai Toad hincry 1 t.ý,Ifth -L, :ý.(ll ,Ii.,ý,t,,,, ,oll 1 1"'ý,I".. 0au L'i' ,ff-tý And libi Ille ý ) riell il',- iditr fily ri, NIr-ý Sanih J. Til , a", the ,-,,,IilitLg ý,vvraI il rlis luter NIiýr f Il T,ý-IT- The lriIl,-g,-..,,, ilL 77, «M and RIT.U the furofit-c. hâve toi. , ,,aie, "I' -LT-Il , ai,, bulught i hi- i h-,lý-,a. , 1 , ar k, , , il Ili ,,I,,Ill*ý rLiITiption r- retiirnid. ,;Tý ai - -I and i)l'iii,-d Ton il li-eR-e -le- IS.gwmi in egb- _ , I T_ýýI1, a - lit.. Grand Central . eil IiId ILI'd the tIilL. C-, lti-lnt,,,ý. MM the walkint besoin of the moutitainc .T., ". eue il Il il f I IýT: - ,,,, I 1. , h.lnIý i-I iL,, ait Il -u pr-eedTiTgý lit boire brokeu, and the bllands have .blp. ý tel d.ýý, in lII.ý.."II '1',,ý-l'. IlI.'"'and 1 1 Il -du:Iý, I,ýl 1 ha- no aux iiitIlcl Tri biili the - ,l ý and ('11 L tilt IL ,sed thl- uniil, blit il,-, aged Il pO a ses. and the gréat huik of thé in one suut.ler .I.In t'y Il il, [I,ýt,, and illy .1,i,,It ill, Irais. 1 nul l .froid ,,,,,Itý. Th'. I-aoliful L'plumant ,upt ,verc defiant. irocid bas beela jairred vl Accidents 25 . 000 in EgýIt, I)1-,Iti,,ý .>,..ýli-tuIý'. ibnt f- onr ,IIilIiDý, :Toit ,iLr.IittIt'.1n'.s 1 ,,,ITti.,i 1,I.ý' - aully .Io, ha, lie, .1 Gý F:"II.. fornil lIrv",Ii-It LIÉ ILI, t, ', Il ,-il and Il li II IlIr,,,,, hIý,,- il-- filât over and satin thréatelied irumédiate 8rone of lie, fiaient .I,,.TLniLýnt. 1 Il Gril God .iH ili,, barge il. .,,il ai t olon, .Tirer TI , ,,, Iýi 11,ilding ('I)II,ýg... ti no. ,tationvd L'Il deniolition. ýiL,,,Ii ml ILaoreý Mil - 1 »,IiIjnt Auburn ýlIker TI ,IIýIiý ,ille, I.Iýg,,I.-,, The train _, ý, 1 Ioý tint le ,,, ,,,, ýý,,-rtI-i1'th,,t ,die lit Grant Vil ýhiIe presiding Loer a % (ellotril of ILI ... t.,ý .- ti-, Ili,, t-,rý ,,ILý lo- thé,ir IL,é, b.tzilig Is g(iitig thrloigti mitii - I.r mili.,lit us ýII, l ILI TlýL,1e il 1 ýr il, und'ilig lit Inecting ,if Nl-,Iili,(Iiýt ilastoil in 11tonit, Bat lit eýeins tu ri% as if the ;at bon 1 ýIth s'-"tt)"r" "Illiillliii' Si,. Tor 1,,LýIl"..," - pIl :il[ th, -'nts fI t,-.ITý - ,a. st,,L,1,.-n with paraly,,i, Thi, i, the dm Yearla Si e.[,c'.1.11Y i-lIal.i:[.."ý,.j ý L. Boll: 1,l,.,ITtýTrn t 1 thnt LII, g,,,,,g 1, If thqgý -ctu t. j ýt.LýiI1.1 .tIike and the ,IttiýllLliIig ph'si by disaster-voicl te 1,Ii,ý ai,] thé 1 . ol m If thingý -. ,il ,Il t,,I,, ý.It , , ': 1 i Lit hl 'blurIl,- N- Chat-Illied. L iaw, férir lie %, ill Dot rov', et. oierirait,. épidruti Dit IL an IL ý . hile l'a r ]TI My " bL ýýt, turtr -lot righr. g:%, ,irg, il, 3,or jý trée amill flI--IIIý,ti. , TIO ri le, ý:ýL;.r aille l t-lI IL ught il, I.- litat 1.I,ýýi, Il ... ait. Il; 3La,, Idid, living I MY voletai, bectans, Lin é-arlhlunk,, in .LighI_ýhroI- Lind rite fnslbT-,ý -'l 0317 a volcan. huthed Ili, %li hiq. si 1 ýýrýhtiý,,o.ýgý,isýTl t lI.r.Itiý,iz,ý.1 by -'n oit the arI,-IIIr ,if failli ;In,] lit, l ý 1 ,-!,ý1:1 Kr.iiii,. ,L, ,, ý 'uý,ri-hoit,1Y ,IL, ,,, Chii-ril ,,It-, ,,, S..,iý,I-ly Illit-ileil that boit and Cot,,paxi unil . hall hv -11dr, of lIl-.ý- standing, ce the Nv.týht.wýý. appli .ýýý,-l>n p , , _,', "i,, ,In,-I,,th,ý,i ,11., did or ,,, IIj,,,.,ý. ,lu. gl,,. ,viti, brestbing, let thé f ...... Ii.tI.lIIý i'f the, I.L; 1,1,ý.ýýi.g .If ý.ng-Ltý ý th, IL of YL-I,,ý ;Tg. 1 -T, ;Il Vire 1,!i".]. Long ,Il, tir,- fartn ii-ar \! tri forTLLvrIý -- , -,iý,al l-ulj,,Liiiin,ý ,vu, 1,1,i-,ýi.g about 8 fosth beware! Se,,. tIII,.,ijI 1 ea ri Il - 1: hurnan lire ,iIl,.ýllv lit re.ýIng, Forty l'land. and 1 l'eut op lit th, :viiý'InL froin pied bY Heur) lin - ,ý ,h, in IXIS; 1,r ,lottir, ,il il ,,il ,,, th, ' ii-in ityl or bel- I»beo in tw. renturies rei,,i*iis-,i in the , VeLIT-a now " 'l IL 4ilf) ,.-a - ,LIT. il Ni,, 1 ,hilh Ili,- , te lL-gr:Lsl, il Ne 'Il the IIIIIIIIII.-il Il lif, ir - I'Y hilliging IIIIII bo','ý lit jI,,,Iit.4z - r thv br_ the liti NtltII,,--Ia u, N- Yori, -I>iIIi,-Il I-f 1-,el, iI,,Li, iiLf,,,,. til s'If lin the L- ý,! -t, It.It.,,ti -L, -Ilý IL Catalogue Of il-, Illiti-h II-ýI,, ,iL,,ir,' Tn- 1 l'an li Il g . ,lý.TIIiIlg inlu, 11, ,-,"IiL-t ,!Ihi thé J».theempýror, tý) an.,,tlt -ýntixii ý in les,; th;ir, ilir--I- Li- lu ,Iher tIIII1ý I-lui, ITLý,, l'..'t l IlUI, 1, ,o opening In lIr-IllIIIclIt il, lit aud s - i ,,, I I r. Il ,. fli'l"', and amid the 81,1eTLIlL,,» or j", l ..Ito, il v'..,Lili ha'e tal.. n Titre., nuinth, 1 - il %,i, Il ilili Ili, ..Ii,,,i l'lit, tirs teil hm il V ,si 111111 % 1 'peil that IL, ILý,d la m et by an earthiltink, iiiiit iiLýar;v il,- I-illir , l-riý (ý,- Iliýý n- lire ý o, ,, 1 , ,'ý,,,IiLh'- 'ugh tlit ,,iitIig and loilk, oui illl IL total IlI 1 , lI,ý,-g-j that IL. T .... iii,-ii %%Ili) titrt,)ý%lI ,,,ý,alI,,l instant ob ey the týnilL'r.r. I'f, LlýlI.T,_ rail, , Ill"I ... luill, 'Il ,ý!!,i , ,!,,,ý. 'I-hé alrag, l .-Il .e.., - ".1, far ""! ;il ý..ýI NA hile 1 1- 111.1 1,ýtu.I t ý 1, l , fini-Tu h.Tud,ý and liatil il, ai. - jI- i,ýI, ,il TI '-ioll luille nt M d beAutiful. nt 1 Il , i ... k -,il th, It -f hIIý,iIrý lýr, iiTaiiI- !îý g,.:Lter 1 I, 'Illi IL ... L IL, ,,I.IIt ,il, and - lier, il,,> l', ., ,L,,ýt,ý'It Ili. 11,111.1 S'I,,itLgfii-;,i , er, ail I-nghtrully 1,,IILIILl « November, 1775, ,il - lu ... Il!. , CI 1 ý 1 m MI Tiran ,,Ii,ý,, ý-,Lh --Il, ~'IL I- l; , ý ý ý".'i",T;'o,,'ug l'il- -idý *NVL ark, (,xlI(ýt ting ktà,>, k t heu , ,,il i l .,il aild Lut , . "" 'h, "'iýiý illill hTnIIý Thl. a, I ,,lent have perished, sud N ý,,ia,,. ,ril- .if --, and NI.,I,,I,ý,1,1, 1.'l. 1 II,, '.) , 1 thv .Nlý",I. I, TTLýIbt. ' 1 said "I' it*p.s- ,ith the biodil, l -I'l ýoLTng :o:ýolL""Itý,l ,,ý",-o- II :il Il ... ... Iu, ilf (h, Lincoin 1 ,ilble -IT lýiI,,,, ail Ili - - - l, , 1). )ou liait ll fi, 1, I in,- t.-n ,Lý:,,, Il'. )':,rk ('.,iIl %L7,ý:,g 1'..,,Il>II,, j-1 si tilt Ilbect. "For thlit reg ... il Il ,,ý rit, ' jadirm ent. nIilItig 1 ý11olý1 ý1B111- iuz- .If ,,It,,!Ig,>nIý T h.- sýTITu-lI, il 1",I.", IIL,ý,I, ', l,ý,i k",." T Illair', Ii ,.IlIIlý Il, lit, sil .1 " il ,,, L t.-d' IL,,., THin - - - 1. Il ... g I, il .... Iý ri, IL iýtlII'l.S pel F IirI,1,,ý ..lit A ,LI.ý,ý,., l 'Ili P "lIi" I" ýLII 1 th.. .\I":,I):LI., 1.ý.IL,.IIL.,, nud I H , - L'i' , Y- 1 le II , ,".,k,ý a urittalc. .1L'.11L lit hi., h.lIý 'I'l,ý,Ir TI ........ , ,ri- Il ho hall irli zor ,i,,t Il IL. IL tir, , xpi,,sion Ibieb-lr,(N) l ;il Il ,,,.ý,, I lh, Ill"Il, \\ýl-ný ,,f rio, ,,-:I,;D.g 1'l'il, I,,ý iI11:1",l ill'i', kn", th'nit F, i-Il Kpý, Il", Uli'n L: ... I 1 I r t I Il, IL. ( ý, I L k 1, la. , - , > ', : I 1 l I, ý 1 II 1 j IL 1 ý TIT, ;- I-Il or fully dent rý,) *. , , 1 1 ,,, - t I, i ý '. . 1 ', , , ', , 1 1 ý, 1 1 ': 1 , IL r , , , i. a I 1 1 ý_, -';ýr,:: TL,-,L,-ý,t, 1 ,', , , II,.,Tý aIl 1 h- e Il"gh Nl,.q" flLý,t, ,,,I,:Iil 1,,ý,,,,, A - l . al do, il, il j"', " [,].ý.,ii.II ,,,,,ýi-,l l'y 1 Bat thé l ýýf oi, I t lo, ,, Il., , 1,n, knot ,ghý, ýýr ,, ,t,.ýI ,,,, ýh ,. Junker S ý 'Lit lied lhIýIIl 'Il l Il-, 9)IIý ,ihat il giL.(J ý't I ri, lie, g, ET I I - - ý lil- Al "Il ohu c fi, iiiii ,Il L IL. Il ý bý,L'i IiM 1,,( f,,,II 0 had their . .,,rLt..,,,at ,,, Ili, I ,,,iII-, in IiqTihý o- , ýI rite l'Lýig'l'. 11, IL ' 11, tý, i Ihing il ,, t, Ill" , ,1ij,, t,],,:I,ýJ-11,d and ,-,,i ail 1 lýI-iý,,,,. ý ,, ,L,,,,,tlI 'f ,il, ,,,,:L,,ý 1812 C araira, l a, I ,,I,-,ii, .il illi, g-, , IllIýl,- iLtIIII,,:L;lv , 1I,1(. ,,a;,IIl tg IIýL I Il , T', , Iýlý,, , 1 l,ý , - ýý,,, lt,,,giIg ýif l Ilit, IL I>,,iý and ilo, il!, " > 1 ýý,ll-,L,ýT,;ý-l,,,,,I, ut, - l1t, 1- fi Il ;t,.","",.,rt; so;cidý ,,, a Il oil E.,ille il earthqtiàtýI,. To Pl ILI i Iiiý llmi>'iitwj Ili, IýIl- I-Ig, - 11,L Il. tIl].ý, .il, Il 1 .1 1, NN -il- aquaTe billes of land Il, ,..jý ,,,,,. f.- .ý 'il- I- 1,--ý,r, IT1iiII,ý l ,- , I O 1 liuli - -Il-l'Ille ttI",L Il"Ig ILi.,I,,it ý,,Lýýý' S, ý lli,,II, i III.- h.TnI,ýng ho, ,,, Ililli-ili ,1 fil-, Ili, .ýi,,IrIý,l ýlo lit, TTng,ý 'I', L-;ýý11: ,ý ý - - ,rolci th-It ,-lýIir t,> precrit Ili, seond b« ved ta f.tur nil .I, . il ri .-ý ýýf jlý nua 1 i I . 1. IL f T VV 11,- ', ,,, ( , .'f lý:IIIIiiný1). k,,InýllýiI,,: ,,, ILI ...... .1:L.,, ,If M ainie Nee, ,nlLý gý, , - 'l I II,,ýI,,b,:,,; " IL ILI , .. ý tý, Illy Ile tal,, ILLI, ,1.ILýl ... Ili, " .IlI TI Dent elevatitn, il, 11,7,4 .1,,,,;,!, 1. il :!_ g, illIi!i,ý-,IýlI - ý,f ,, IllIn i,,-ýl ý,,,:Ir, ail ,, - 7, ' li'T'. Illid tlI,,ýIgh ,h, giii- ,if ItIlIi,;I ,,I,.i tio tI- Iý - - :- li'd I..-11 Ilo. 1:; 'ent, 'Id C - table sainuel fla" ! ý ' ý .IL - , Ild, off and - . a 1 I.-Iti,ýg tý:,i,ý, , t l1l ... i t ', l 'ULT, !100cal ag.ný ; _Nri ,IIýTkI ri lit Iý.-.-. 1 Il'H'd ill, I.ý - ,il ,il il Ila'i, with -: 0l'd, filet I, ý -lt, Ili 1:",I,.tý,I,, "IL, -Ts ".,t...iIg th, Mexico In IS58; Mi iii,- <ýLli,,ýIl f* ý 1, - II-1 jbilI)«.,IIb. ', : 'Il IL, ilIIý,iL, 'l 1, , ý tel il 4ý j , 'g ý Il 1 ý, il 11, 1 I 1 1 ', g I .I tu 1, , , t. p! L t 1, I r, un rrl, , 1 y -L a lied o - :,IIýl j,,ý,ý ; l'o'. IL L, l it "uý . n. ý , ,, th, .hijý .1 InrtDýr 'J'L"J ý ý I ,Ii ti,ýr..,L', 1,LI,,ig th* A rgentine lti.ptit)ljIý. in lrisil. Ndanlis ý ,,LI,,It l., -Iut 'I'l" D ri, il,@ fý.ý,t ,if il 1- l , , .f Il il,!, Ili lit tiýat ý, ,,, In 1 ý . "' ý il, g, .1i." . ti- tiq, 'ai.,! , '11,It iý Thé 'In és I;Il.iý l'Il, ý . 'Ilý'Isllsirl a"d il"'.1 iý>., ,,,ili,, fi .,il , 1,,t,,, SII,ýl, nuit Inirrorized in IS4ZJ; thé il:I,,ILi,.n lýli,,,I ,1:,ý,, 1,,ýi.,,,ý. ilL.., fril t. an'iver the 1.11 , - 1, it.,IIfl 'l-, I , ,Il. Ill'od, ,If 1,111,ut 1, Lit by auti force liplirtil sud let .1Iý,,Il t Vr .- IIýTlTico il, lit] th, lui ýh;p lit Ili, IlI,,IlI, ,- ,,iý ý.f >lit ,'T'te, Ing 'Il Il,\ :i. , ý .... .. f Il,, , .xI., IL N i],, CI :IIII NIýLnIj, N- ', the ,tLý1) in I - I', sh. l"I'L NI' ILIIII nli t>iI-li Il,,ý,, ,Lk,,,l IM ; Nevada shaken in IS71, Antil Il In ý ;ýÎ1'Tn IIIl ý' ni, , . ii,., of the Il, nid. 1 il,- high lIl.IIIL t Inglit. , 'f ý:".Ii,,-l IlI>"ýL il I', \\ aul- ', - - 1 L .ý 1 " 1 tain v I Il, . il 1, 1,,-I,-ý,iýii tITý 1M , Callfornin lit ISL2, silo S.Il,:L,1,lr 1:1 t,-ril al ý ali - air] Il .... tf,.l ,h, - ,,Il ha, ba'i ",> >":"Li,,i, ', """ , ,,,ý:" , ý "'I ,ý.,,, ý I gn' 'Ili, ,11, , - iLing ,b, ,,,,, k,,In,,p- 18M ,w hile in 11,x3 l hat siilit.,-,ý,n.ýIlII ,i,,ig;iz.iiie iiiI-ý- f- nIl w ho desit-e i, 'If S'Ili , i;:iTlý:"ý,,L,,I;""ý, h'. , , ::Il",i'I,'Il 1. TI, ýL C ', I , NI ilo h, IIIu.-tiI,,r l - Il , IIIL h.-I '11L, 'iill.ý'f 1'. - n, 1,I,,I,,ý I liit IIIIIIII ý, ýl,'_ 'Itý,-lI Iiý liI,,,.i ,,il 1, * 1 liý,iýI'It " 'I.Ii,,, , ,If ILI , 'I'nd looth excitellient! loi ni[ ,jýjjId lit tir, ýIjd_ Il, 1 Il 1 I Il tir ,Il du'N Il ut Iller.. er IL ', a IL ', oý1Iý,îj,1, ,,Tf,ýnnat;,Tl. N " , 1,119l", Il: li,,Ig Ir ', ili,,,gl, -.1 \,,.,It :_ 'l Il ril rh, fý,lI- ,,IIý iIftiI,ýýý,II 'ILL, ,'a. . ,Ik l.f." O.tiO.. I- t 11:0 1 - 1;II:lIýlLIýl. , ... Il .ý,,ý,ý,,,. ý, , :Tg IL Iterraneun. a I)P:IIiti:iil It:ll::in \%atI-ring ý Place. vineyard il;ui. ýIi,.,,,til,ý,] 1 .ýL,-,-- ,- r , ý i II,.11,,,ILý , , 1, 1, 1 h. , 1 1, - - 1 , 0 'l, 1[,IiIL ý 1 i, Il nap, >, 1 , 1, ý;L,, Il ;Tli I, '-, ý-,.i:1 ,_ :ý:o_,.ý.';1,I:T- TI. 1 * , I :ý aittural charria and hiýý ill :il ,t-ilij- - f.Iil!ILz nIl :,,-,Ilf,ýl Il, 1hiý , et, l"Ill api.,11, , :I,,-i ,,.,,tý ', L'I the ,.bin. I:I 1 'I t, il Ili I II1ý,, ,,i"J'iIig cM ce; yonder (,'til)ri, Iho siiiiiinor Ti 1..:II , ,Ti il S,-IýL,-II,1,,ý,,,iii,,, i ý il as Iýl1o1;o- - ' ai tir, f..,.t lf Ili, IL,:I,1, , laile 1 Il IL, ,,il,ý,,ý,,,,I. I il l", gI > P;, ý , IL.-IT M i- et the Roman euil)(ýrIi,, ý-)uiILr ýNilpi, N .3 1 'Igging 1, 'T'l,. L", "2",Ig thiâ ý NI, Jl't'l (- Ný6- II NI na 1 LI 1 1 1, VIA, iI;,,,ýIiý,l 1, 1"".ý to ýs. three býs ,,],l rancit and stalle. W, ,pe il, a, Lr tire,, k- IL 1 u , ,,, 1,", l', - .ý Ili L,_lý i _,ý Ibe Pâradise et art ti- il. ilitiroi iland th, ,11,1i - 1 Id Il iL , il d:Tý 111,iLLLgt, the ",."," 1 Il' ', . ,ii lit \N .Il,, I ,i.II,ýý f;,,,ii-, of Ili- ý Ilill' > :111, 'l" G I:ý Ilit I_ ý , ", ', 1 ,,, ,, ;I ýi:., assildenly toppied inilI IýI, il, ,,b lit Till. , ill., ,p 'J'I , lit tlo- 1,I,ý:iit iLýt jn,ýk al for the, .IL. ,ur, 'l'iI,., Jil ý luý,HWr f-, l'Il Liýi, ,il . IýýL1b, a 1,1I t ,Il Iý b- ,,IL; ,I,,ý,l i, r,,i,,I-,,,nt ' ' tahle and "lit fr"In our ,iIil h_ Iebý ', - lit" l"Id, -,,ýlý,,,I 1 Ii, - ulig plolil. ,,,ýl(- et« h, 8,M 0 m erryl- k. , , 1,I ,,,IIit, 9, a, tliriugli Ille Ili Ni ,1,Iil,, l' lit th, t'ýH tallit., ý Ili il, hall' IllIt off lit, liln, Il aud ;,Lit Il' ý ... Li'.. 1'. " ' 1 ý 1IIýý 11,1, ",>tlLitIý1 ý ,,iigiigIý.1 t., l". Ili tili'-'l ('1I,,ýt.,I." l"it OUM or them a,) ta, d.,, IL Ili ro-n, th t,ýý, ý, ,ih lit, l ,ni, * h,.e and ilI.»,,i bct.Iný il, ' 'In roiseil of hum an ,,I,ý,ýil,,ILý, tbaý Il lOny tic L. Ilh't'.. st(LIL tol'ng the fillivral Ileil In lire Ci, l'Il - ý .1,1'. b, , IH. ý , ILI - re, int II. :,il ,,,,- 1. .l! TI, ,nill, ,],,.,i aild Mid of many a on, (J ilieni, ,,, , , m as ý-l not Il that 11(ý,111I 1 1 : Ill. ý TI Dit Iiiig ri,,. "I,,IIIg ;Lntl,ý,.,. *.,but op lt,,--s -Tý ,- Il, 'il lt'Ii'I Il lL'1ý l il Il IIZIý fýILlo1 tIliLl b.ý )LAIl ],-fi IL 1.11g, lit,. IIIi8ýion , , 1, , I11, 1 .ý F',II,, - l ,L,,- ý ,,,I lo, Il part of Ille 'I'lal, t, )IL', Il:,,,-,, L'IL ilo, «Id Of bfýTSel -Th, Lord Iiiiiiiii iiiiii.- ary sol ivIi,,ý h;ive 1,Iýili ý,,,rIL ,vital a 1 rite 1". 1, ", - I,,ý tU , ý ;.Illt n _ - :,- , , ,. IL, " , Itali, ail Europe ,L-.ýi,,n,-. ail ('hj,- hundred ý,I- :,rit nnT-Iý ;il[ tire Bible -, I ' , il,:, L TIdI,_ý .lui - ý 'L'd the Il Ni,ý.4 NIIiig:I,, 1 , I 1 I ý il -'L'hition thlit , - lit, ,L,,,r,ý Will, ,,-,ilIin ý """ýi"", "' ,:"""" """'"',Ii"",n h- , . \1 ý ,- lire .hi, ilILlý. da- N\Iý11, "i', tak'en 'Il "illa tondomweeping,,%Iýý,ýýiliýýi-,.",,,,I,,.,ýrt, iil and lI.,i.'l' all rit, g,.,at philari a .Il Ili,, IL 'i'-ý,Ir, f ' l', li'. ý i. ., 1, ,,,,j pri'.1.1 . Tai ... I lit, -Tý Ea't. A, TILL, te sympathise sud ('ii,,,tii., ' ,iI:I1-i 1 -1 , ý ". ,,ý.t,,l ILI, il, ITiý--t. fil praý. ý 'tllll,'i,1,,, 1,,.,,i,.I,ýitý, ' ('I,,it,,IlIit3 is ,In ,,,I"",'i"""" " 'ýý,,,, ý'r 1, % it while the nation, %%*.il. rli,,I1,111:ilg Ili, iiiiiiiii, ,hil, i[ifiIiiýliti- I, IIýindljTIg ý sbij', g,,,Ig out. 1,;,IglIt. , I- ,l'il,, coli iLLg nian, %\,i, ,ý- Il, .I ,Iýit,,Ij ,ligit "' thil da,- , ,i-,,-Iý-1 ill, Illiter dnY il - s il,. 'l'il ,uti-l,ýlltv in thils 1 ý,iý,-,,l I,,I,,,,", ,ý l L"I', LI- [lit arrairgd thm 'A iIliý .Iý,hiL,-,n. a fi IL ild ,if "" ý, IL nk,ý lli.,I 1, I,,,t ,il, that l", gI,ý,,,, 'I'.iIllIi ai i lis prxý. 1 IL, thâ m agnitude of (liýzit,ýr, iiii.:inii,,,Ig il joli, ilobiil . . -, ý I " Il 8 rit. ,if tire H j, j'ý, , 'l' 1,,,III, altil l'illull , IR« With golden roll lik, titat .jEh mtILii ilinilling tire ,h,,I ,if ('hri,,ýiTLnity Iý :Il oT-ý Il, l 1 -d- '11.1 il i,,,,,, *0 aagel measTired In, but " 'Ili Inaking ahilit fi tli,,('ýitrll rt-v,,Iijtions in il .Ili ha", , 1't-r ol' ,hijd,ý hen, ý g.tIl , ith, élulcal log long -L bride 1,i,,I' il Inrl 1,1,I,[,-grailI Lf tho *0 black rule or dentil. .j:til ,if the IoioIIt,ý tjl, (,iI)i(.s of ý Ilnkspêar 1 Ir - , ý, L. ', .1I-,Iity ,if r, i gri,ý,tTL i.l, IL týji in front ,If ,,I.,,)I in, Ill"'1111111111111 arebilielago, the ,I,ýý,t and TLiLnýsorT ait Di9riteli suit of u.ýi,1,L,ýI, ,ý".L.Lý Il., and ri,ýr 'vaY until . ý - .- , , ;,_ hl, Ilii'Il,ý and ali I'i-,I-ilil.I13 -L, lL,ý,f,,,tiiý,,I, be',di, ,hilh, lib" d Of ail the earth, iý till'illit in Ili,, leu or the ili-( ý or the ' Tu; Il., ,,,, ,board hor. F.I"" Il il,- - :,.ý i ; I ý ý, fertile any 1 1 Clarll, 'I'l,,,]IIl,,I>11 ,ti-Ii .1ý,1,,,,ý,-, ,ho ,In,,.ýr,-,l tir, ljucs- " b'ýT I il ti-,iI, ,,,IýiL-,,,ý,l ri, tho phItIýgrlph, A t j)(,IIilitr vtriterq Il- I' Fýllýk , It,-Ilggli,, U'are,,ýl-il to 'ille, ,ou, - . , i Ni..,I,,t \ ora". I 1, gelP of the earthquake, and lIIý,,ItItIiiiI ;If- dity Iésý in numbr than th, copie, the ý ,,i,,,,i si 1,'Ir.-,,,Il 1. ,1L-:Itl,' '*Blesse,] a thui Il, , ý -, ,ILiTlý A bi'd', 1,,ý.,,l Th, I 'IL, 1",i.II ,If t lit, i.I-rL.II,,,I, Il,-, 'NI 1 ý ý Bible going ,)lit frni our lLriiitiiii tbr 111110111111tain goës down and , itý IL sý â . efty outil that Island, ,,hilb lý1,1ýl",,I-., the A few yeurý agi) in six weeks 1 ý I th- ,ho ente, in thrilligli the f- I ",I,.g fi ý lill, ;,rý.'l",,l .1l'id ('1L'-ý1-Ilt, ilrýý11,11111,'eIl Nlina liarri, nnd 2,01-1,11,10 ) ,I,1,,Iý, ,If tire N eý 'l"I . t':ý'- -Ttý "' I Iý T h, il l 1 t,,,,,Iil ri, l iirlýtIý,I \\.-Ilý, rLý[Lr.ý,..ILt,ý.1 Il, tb, jdh, bout beverage or ail lit, - iid, [,.,i.,i,,,.e.i ,Z1%n, ., 1 gale' TD" 'ýbeL_ 1 iý -tXI 1 onIý ph, bo'band and ,if, 69 thastliest catastrophe. on, iiiiiiiii-t-Il 1)Iir(Illig(,,l - ilit It, L,11 ,,,,TTý, toit puircha, 1 eq4***e*****e*I1iseýý 521 'Illail. I 1 l 1 ,, hol, , I - > , ýr. g '« a tbùu ànd people dying deuil' (',.riiiiig t-d. 1,tý(,allâe TILL. ,,,,,Il w ill Ira, ' il. Ti ý ý 1).,,il K iý,,,. l Ili. ,,ý,,i 'l.,lo A fter IL il,ýý[,Ltýqt(i dui'l' In ,,IIl,'h M il ý 1 , ý . T.ý ý . 11 ,11, Ta, ;,,,'*' l 4 cc:"A4n Nir7,Teiz ; cil 'Ilil vl 1 , ,,, ,If ltll--'II'i.Igt, , IýI' E\ Ili, v-,L ,,ý,*-ýr,-Iy ,,iIi,,,Ipd, J.,i-1,1I - . - . l 1 , _ - --111l'i. 1 t "' ý... 1 ý. I .ý 1- 11.1i 1- ,,,iIi,,,Ll ' IL,-, ],;il 4 ýhe V' ;t 01 kat. Aeeu. furebâ, 00 ex- rSideari m4w !ni ouuo*dipaa. f the sêq*mry to»tu toufty maiii", «d iter«t$ te acll e tin»' Id bOUOM vote ý In, e co"dmu ro- be f«V of te. copper mo.*Ot and thi bMil- OCIC r«otb" bined prépubes the «ceptlm wheet tud eot, Lil aise for the eressed prJeu, port tfade &W -a the Janury te yc '. te demand à de were L lune abortaded he 'lemand fer e Tte. t o f , the etit -e- 051.3.'z '-stified or IL gitimate cou di- ý»t he admitffl alauve ffler la rain and provis- Indeed. aU the ni nue sk'^ that beat prM» ad- corn 4%c6 OM Pl, lard 25i &" ý. Ae eompeffl rear am WbM per ,el blihe-T. r and ribe f we sh«W Va-, te peremtatu ýrq etrimag du& 'Irrest fer UMIR high or tft lew "f and defflade gates the reader NO obe ela, thet just Dow not due ta ILMI pffilet or te es- 's quite impoe- ayone te a" ý%e suppi th, rplal ing few obomloý. hal bc Pte grow K-PU, and te d» lecrenwe in"tead every year, for d the neir crop*t for 6,rer the other haud. e more likelly te ý Un&ât IL y«r n the filet para- ýeaQ% tram lou Th, figures are: ý l'elow, Wh" on lending com- larket lagt week. 'arinon with lest cl, 7--% K2% 60 ? 74, 10. >.. 12.16 2111 17.1-, 12.(» ZIM ,ný,n ta prime. ýhjpjing gradex. r to elkoiee, e(X) red, Xle te Ww; out.. No. *_ 4.>C ýo (zic; bay, tim. 1.rnirie, $5.50 ta iainery, 22e te 0 25'.; potatoe-.4 llippinc, $3M te $4.00 te $5MO; $2.50 te 4u75. 4)': corn. Ne. y ,ats, No. 2 white. '0 ta $6.55; bass, $2.50 ta UM; Ze; corn, Ne. Z 4& ta 49ë, fle. 00 ta $5.75, bats, $2-M te "; ý ýSc; corn, No. 2 M. 2 udmed, ae ta 66C. ta $5.00; bons. $2.50 te Ql'k; corn, tg, NO. 2 vjObàý 63c. 2 mixed, ak te (ne ta (WC; date, 1; rye, No. ne, $5.77. No. 2 nortbem, 64e te we; cats. .; rye, No. Iý oie 31c to (v2e; Pet*, C ghipping steej>ý il ta prime, chaire, gl'ao te eboice, $3.76 ta .7ri to $6.35. hôM $2.50 ta 87c; corn, Ne, 'h ite, ûle lpîýMC. 25c; 'eggs.,W«t- ejerted a -.claire, ,itb p-er to lie -1trimonial knots and colleet wedding tees, lýe vas a -ruoiler- for anoth- er jw'tive. fle wet all invoming trains ýýnl 'tealn"oatg and JOHN B. HAUSE. ,Na,, "id ne,,er to make a nligtake ln pickIng out a Couple xvhich was looking for a bargain ln the rnatrimonial lire. Finally, nine yeurs ago, he b-came a justire of the peace, and sinve that time he has performed more thnn Rfffl niarriagý It iýs aid that hi.4 inoome from wedding fee9 19 mor, th&n $:I,(K)O a year, While the detective bureaus of the three largest chies of the COUDtry are Un- der (harges of corrtipt-ion ln office, at least one metnbeT 0 f the detectiv- force of B&ItJniore iý traveling over the comtry a. au evRngelie and re- [iglous t e a c h c r. Thiýý unique men among detec- 11 1 n addition to hi, -rk .1 an mid 1- hnrtý r, Hall is Weil 1)ETFe'rlVE HALL. aq a lectur- , , lie talics the position thât f- ruany lIpportuniti- fr zi11-1 ri ri, 1 for readiing th, poolil, IN h, 111-1 11-il thl 1 ,Ongolatinns A religi,-n as , s .111,1 tll,!r of fin, 1:1 1 al,1 III, d1ýlýI8-s t1lat illi, 1111110 C-It l,,k I,ý la t1i, illi-ler th, dal Il- -[h tri, p Imi l", Il,> il 1-1- help II', ;IIIII t, fi kind L-I o 10t'altud Ill'. l"Ill I-f 0., l'y h :1 all Il III rgo 1) a rt or lý1 11, 1, . ýq,1 III, Ill ý.f V u, pi- "1 1- t'jIlloon, lm Il, -l li "Il I , * 'i Il ý I , il , ýý I "p' a rd t .. .... g l, th., ind :,Iijzllt- ri adl- "I m a nd dra ,t Il Ill, i, go %t rý(,,)Verv, in no, iu 1- -vIýrrI II ar and Iu'Iý Illilg p 'à t Il v 1 ri , UtIr , Il l 1, 11 Il Lý boril lit Skem, N- si nl, allil JIr, as il Il'ilper. ri, l ,- in Il il t r tir' Ïý vivy , 'l-1, 111,i fii-ýt 1 1, -l' pub t lýlI), but lýS77 [bit imbli- Il 1-il Il hall lit, of 11-11ght Il@ bI "f SI. ug p LI. ri 1 1 Il.ý il-, li- bvi, ilii"."ý,] 1, 1 h:, t Il 1 ý withor. f fif- I-g l1.4i.taut At th, t Il, _ > . i , g il g 1.) ', ( à il fi, rý 1 3, s 1 viiiier aý,ýi.,tant to l'roi. faim %roi OALL Ay Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This pr' of tI "geltantMtdiondlwntsin&@Ilslklloufdg à f..d. Itgiveelns=lletand» fails to cure. It aUows you to esti the 1:ýLy=-ot, The most »mM» .t.. t. . It. By 1wuse thousands of dyspeptice have cured after everything elge falIO& It 1 s u nequà&lled for ail stomach troubM& It c"It belp but de ym T1-rrItzon The Almighty Dollar 13 what you am lS it's what we am &U ter. You cau get lit by a eml use of prinier% tait; Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Business Cardia, Circulars, Programmes, Invitations, Sale Bills, Posters. AND ALL SORT@ OP 1job Work... THIS OFFICE-ý COM» and mm semplm et work and got Our Pvicm be for* going eloawbuu Iffow tTvQý j"t Ip -L bm me.

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