CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1901, p. 8

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FOX LAKE. * ROCKEFELLER. misa Eva Bl'e, or Baraboo, Win., AmuleGalier sent unda si iled ber friend. Dr. Orle M. firover, boue. afew dai lait week. Mr@. Frank Galiger le able to le OUI Several of aur eterpriaing cbloken *e5n. fauciera vers ai the poultry show at A. Tweed viiitted Waukegafl e- rayalake Wedneeday and Tbursd&y. oently. Win Knlgge in ftlling up bis f ami- A. Tweed wasi a Npper'.iuK [cller ture departmnfllilli Holiday goode. aurday, A full new une of furalture was tre- ceived tht. week. Hlerbert Nelnon was auElinl viitor ADr. D. B. rover took in the fat Baturday. stock show on Ilouday of laat week, RugeDe Gaiger iu It.m.ttng cor" for and pronouneed te eibibit theie nesi Mri. Wilkinlson. ever held in Chicago. Win. Caine and m ife vrted the, fat Beveral of oui cîlzns wers cou- stock show rTbur@choyS iderably deiayed In getug to Chi- Suste Weber vac iler iio ago by llie bunling of à brioge0 near entadasannBumeHu!vnlra.I)eaplines. Snuch woodeu structures Satdy an Sunsy.are ont o! date and nhlould bce replaced Mary Tweed han beeu sappoiuted by subatantial irou bridgen. Pont mistress at luglt'ide. E, Suyder snd fanflty 5xdtmd Chi- cago 1the latter part ot the week. Cliord Nlson nias taOuronT treets fat week collectitig 1r the biltboru tumuraticO(Co. Itiere vill be s Chitmfrastree aud entertatuflent At th1e 0ev chufoh near Foi Lake ou Chirmnînias Lse. l'lie Fox Lake school wyul bave a ahadow social and eutertaiimne!t tbe eveng of Deceuiber 15(1. Corne and sel your sliadow. Calendars for Patrons. This veek we bave printed nmal thausnld elendare for varionis merclinutn througbofl th1e county, wich tbey will prenent thi r patrons about Christmsas line. Th1e calendars are embellisbied wivll artisllc deigus. laudncapes, repredule tous of famous pantings, etc , sud viAjl prove desirable presients 10 Il vlie recelve tIben. j:::STOVES::: 'We liave a few ____Ileatiîtg Stove.; onî liaid tint we a tery (>lo ri e. If 'sotunu ed a stove tiis w oîr [Ir CKBROS., ___ etyvîlle - - Illinois. I COAL D. L. & W. is the Best. e-ver,iitro4iiiti-,41 inihlitv l viz: theu 1). L. &\W. Branîd. lis ilow. '11w 1prive will 4ttlUIN advance -as \\ jter dram-s noar. I van ho)e I a S ~ vvvvvwwvvwwvvvvvVv~VWVV 1 Annual eletilon of officens or tb. htysi Workers vwu held Ibis weok. Thuraday. The MA. W. A. elected ofllcers lest Batnrday uighl. Ed. PaYxie vaS elected Consul. A large numben have soute one of the varions formasof goru titroal snd The varions committesnrc bard ai work on tbe Christmas exercîses go bc gîven by tbe Sonday sebool. Mir. Bidinger o!flte irm of Alden A Bîdinger, Wsokegau, vaa tn Ivanbo1e ou business, lasl Thnrsday and Frlday. Mr. Banderson returned 10 bis horne lu Melunes, Ontario, aflter speuding as week wlth bis brother ln-lav, John MelkIe. lirs Arthur Payne haq returued frein Chicago, wbene esle bas been lu a bospital undergoiiig au uperatio)n. sitete i rch iunproved in health. Henry Kuipple wbo bas been assisi- ing Adain Titus for sieveral mouille bai retorued tu bis home neaF Wnoconda. Nick Olîter lins lbeen eunggd hy MT> Titus. Those wbo vil bb oue duriug the Holldays are: Theodore Decker. John Van Plew, Lillian PaYne, Harriel Brainaid,. Myrtle Psyne, Erneet Beckwitti, James Van Plew, 'H. 1). AJmII.nhsoiU l bile g We hae hs tvala i s iico fraernl aing 1h. pltutu 0eol.I0l l good.tlduigth u We-Itf Thie shbool noom wai l.the oe 0o! considenalile oomrnotion on lutI liMa! lternoofi, both tbe Rocekefeller jobool and a new piano arriving ai the "Mrn lAme. Those out o! seblool ai diffenent times during tbe pait week.and-a-hali on sacounni ofcold or ore Ibroal vere: opal Smnih, Lois BSnmit, Bertha Kuebker, Elîn Grabbe and Claue Similt. Tbe enrolîmneul lasi month vsu 27. the Avénage dallY aliendanoe wvn ap- prozimately 24ý; per cent of atend- suce, 9017-10t. This falîs below thm record of 1the I braimonsî, tbe principal canne being alcknesa,. The following puplis vene nelther absent non tardy during rnanth end- ing ec. 6111. Ada Knobker, liarY Fuaikel, lRay Chamberlain, Raymond Payne, liertba Kuebker, liartie Foe- Ret, Bernle chamborlain, Dwigbi Dolpb, iRobert Foalket sud Clau de jlrn tysu, Jr, @pent Stinday ln Wau- kegan. J. Guenîn la dilgging a Weil for M r Siegel. james Mulu nbs Ual relleubly. MUn. 0. J. Ormaby la vlsitl grelative ,la Irving Park. the O117 lait week. boe Vincent talits o! removing ta Arkmnsaatunthe apring. - 0. W. Chandler wau lu Chicago on busineassltWednesday. Emmett Farrell vau ln Chicago ThnrsdsY nigbl wilh stock. A large nunboi of our people at- tended the fat stock show Altweek. The Woodmn are., mailng arrang, - mouts for ibeir annul masquerade The Woodman Forrester teaml gave a card parly and dance lait Wednesday evenlug. A Good Cough Medicine. 1 Ulnd Chamiberlailn'&Couili BeueIy la an exiellent unedlclfle Ihave Sbeeli&nufe lng fromni evereoouah for(the lut 1WU meontheanmd ltbas nlleuted a cure. 1I ev areat p%5uure learecommendinir At.-W. C. Wocxxi. This la the opinion of oe eof our oldeat and meut respectsd resident. snd lins beS volaUU4tr g ven An gond falth ltaI Uthers msytrV tAiereutsdyan dbebenefittoI ai was Mr. Woekner. TiIs romf y ls solà by Y. B. LOYELL. Iberti-vilo; avL pzRmiMAULJoux MEnu.. Ivanhos. WARRENTON GROVE. Iln. Jones ie on the staff liât. e ir. Canroîllat enteTtaloluig rels- 4.-'.-,' WOOD TOYS. IRON TOYS. MECFIANICAL TOYS. l SAVINGS BANKS. BLOCKS. BOOKS. DOLLS, ETC, A large liue of tselul gitm, sucb as Seckties, muflilers, Facinators, lods, llandkerchiefo, Poeket-books, lug8, Jewelry, bilverware, Work Boxen, lHandkerchlef Boxes, Collar and Cuti Boxes, Toilet Sets, Albumsg, ierfumen. (bina aud (,ia8gwnre Novelties, Lc Fine Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Dates b Etc. THE BESI 0F EVERYTHINO. V. SAUER &.SON, Long Grove - - Illinois. Oive We wels. iMsry DceAic tYea l t Te Rockefeller sud lvanboe achoola I "'»"- - -'7r Howard Beach. AImee Burke and Aunnl OIson a-e on ~~iîî sbre~iugcYfl ~ ia3'joined in a bearty union meeting lasiteacli. Ongaard ~~~Frlday atrno.WiIb sang, joli, 'ueaholaranugapor JoandOgar cauhl elven Ino cog vielftand speech 1te good lollovahip b.- Th holaarnggàporm bad aigtbawentw og Ives.teen the Ivo sohools vas alienlod. for ChristmnaisPARE.EW OGGO E Thand ilt vas abought adl crea he &fler a short prograrn by lte SuacesI lir. Krnoger trnuacted business InPRI E EWLO G RO . bad twBtogte ie htteClub, Mr. Hodge, principal of Rocke- Wankegan Tnesday. Mr. Hoffuei and famlAy have rnoved lit. Johaneson bas moved t e"Viisa. li0i bier u auio roenl, batleprovobefeller sahool gave a ialk on -The Need Emil and Annie Jantac have beaen m- ndre lpra. fi.Ka cwiteo rig tesho vas tou t o ie udo! a Lle Progrnui,"' hieh wu 'Very rolled on the sebooAliaI. lMr. adMr.John licLaugblln vetoe Helgle, ta vlillng aI y. »".l~ lulerestlng. l'he achoola gave Iheir MAsnsAAnile Aini!y pent Sunday wilb h caovits ra. C. AIbreeht, of Halt Dal, »48"dt s gettiug &long nlcety at presetit. yîshall u uAuliAI fe e osn agelenmn W. L. Hutchinge, of (lenvlew, vis. hay for lin. Ilemena one day Adam Tilua la 00e ofthe busiesl vhacer bercusiton yell lran.ied relatives bore Sîunday and lion-vek Aeldmrie le An 1e of tehe bs " Cth u ia ! Cia'Among lte Chilcago visitons la"t day. wonkdiler inogb he t e HO ubasy Boois m! Bomweek vere: li nsd lins. Fred 011- ,'H'LZstNCL ferk eenal m aoutistud e vol ue oome!om'linge and son Lealie, Louis Knox, Jîm lKra. A. O. Richards and daugbter Tbe average for the monthl90IlWB1nty.- fo evrlmots adth oum fBah'! lyau, Engoeeshormman d Mn. Subtl. vielled relative. lu Chilcago Saturdsy three. engagemenits jn growtng langer. H1e Rockefeller- Ivanbuie, Some allended lte fat stock show. and Snnday. bas been repalrIng and getting hie Rab' Rab! Rab' (On& Wennbeng and family moved Lena Leuze loft sohoOl Ibm final of outtit lut shape for te "violer cor-m-u't liyotobslai h u-te rnonth. paio."duruglit pal Io eek. vs iven by botta sebools. Thie nov To (GeNild of a Trosiblesmne Mna nobsfr Ia epr pAmeng othr lbingth buieding s porta-pianso vas iultualod, comîng jima n Corn. chaaed of Mr. MolIte. Carîs andl Emma Wolf ad harley tluou.tie10h 11ebuifisenavorceï-FirsI soukntAInluWart atler osoften ilB hIe ~~tIL englehbosef stearvice. lie Ien pare Il ,lovn nelooety as Possible vitAi- Abert Muon la aroundl taking on- Roides have entered sobool. ' bleeugie bous, 80 tau oAlumni tlins,.rebdoh.d11h al! -ut drawluu th" blood and apelr (Jhamben roid sud tormiy veatber of tlie crn- toins$ Pain Belloin u dalir; rubblng vie- dors for mail boxes to be usedi on bis Edwin Glas. John Kru«.gew&Mry'. .rod mark ~~~~~~orousir for ive minules eaI oapi tcaion. eruadlvryot. KugrCrncMieundZll ing season, botta the angill nsd file iure akA corn plagieriould ho worui forsa Ievdors.neruadlieyot. ngn.Canc MIea ua 1îroecle. Sya le ~Vaa ortued. tortrotect il front (Aie shoe. Am a general Cuius Muson, wbo bas beec alck I<eîper vere Beignes absent mou ~i olierai(r usy 11 lir.ituslînAment fors p ains brutes@.,larnuse sud la ut present eiognged ln gnuking s vel 1 nuffered hs'.lbPanutfroni corna 1 eoulod rbsumatlnni. Pain ËlIan auneuied. For vith inflsmmaloiny nheumýAlisr lhe daring tIl>entai monlb. flrlty vak" orIes H. Robînson. BiAls- nale r F. B. LovgLi.. benlyvi(Ae; Oa?.-____ for Mfr.fBryant. horougb.Ili.. «[,t Bucillei-9Arnieas alve AX AiMÂalcy ;JoatsKxnE.. ivRahoe. pqil 1,0 veeka, As nov Imaprovinir. sompIteeArcar' I ttînni Auta like magie on RSELU.adMr.J_.___e vstdPAAIE si.rnans bruine, elsnta. ts "dé, botte and n ia .S rde lle AAIE BEAD THEE ýiNEPRNOI2(T. Ir LiÂtîs Iloins.Perfect ieanT o! silo dîseesand Il11-n.(unre g,,nrnnteed by F. B. LOVaLL. Warren Siver la vislling frAcuda hoe. reltives and fiende sia DePlaina and lira. B. "huppe vîalted h« tmber ___________ _____________________M. lire. Allen Dizon lasvisilàîng relatives JfesnPaka wdeys li we. lu chicago neclutly. - ýbore. Mn. and lire. Klappnoib, o! Chicago, li. E. Wel.emann, of place Grove EVERETT. TAYLOR GROVE Thos. Whteof Aunoravu a basînea idvtled sevenal days recongly wîîh called on fiondi bons Mondsy. Mro. Js. Braley vtlted er par Amy Brwer viitedIbeiDeldat coler . Mns. Frede dangmbe. U.. lira.erJ.t.H.irndJ. . and Ueha nolddng enlt os radey îefedberpar AmyBrssear vsto iDobr clerIi veJack Pltrnan, Onr nigtI operalar, ent lat vek Leinslia lalndiy lra. C. E. libye vieîted lirs. Wm. bas reaigned bis position bere and se- 5pent Tuesday shopping ln Chicago. Molly Carlan bas gene le Chicago Stella Shes liai regained ber Aealàh Murray Priday. etdoetFrnlnPk. r. TeSop bthsadBies lotoil ane corne ltudrennmaking. sud lus uow seen vialliug fionds. OrlHyo o akgu u opued e aI Fraukhe in Prk. wlin. lit Sehoppo oistadmai aberne Hzugbi Williasss.Of Waukegan, l e Scool nons lias5 an enrolîment or t CnotaI B yc. o akgavsJue etIAn h acny eL buge'ln undyank man-hm vîntiug relaîroet WI %ieeervlle. îweu.ty fo. î oeeare sevenal niaI nlonlona. uýIilt uldtun tnlt-d "nLpc-t li'huealck lina. ColIt! ls entertalnung ins. vasafruld to Adona. Utn ain.(ti Mr. and Mmr. Edv F. Stueukef are bave uither bien absenuton tardy. aOmwîb. wicl le .,-Il wuaI g vr- Tise prr.ceeuts from tbm buIal ve Bloyf, 0f Deerfleîd. eos s i as teins metufA 5i 1 $04 Ail praise go the Iiti&41 09Paistine the prciîd parents (of a baby boy, page intydy a plo udeay friendvb ad Chnurliolti. thcb ae I.d. aetlthe nome o!flMr. sad Idrls Ge Mlr. A. Pelerson vilI move te lte C1 tmudDaroe hîny çt e TnfrIeir ceaI An the vork. NeigîiremDotluek ntDltIf on for the parti.' I ho eetalisttl A lectureun Ilie Phlilppinues viii 11e Lewin that day beiug 1theliifteenlb ,snd tnt. leasure lu statAnt, taIien w, K.and ns ý . a. ., t wti'eînviîe niuanuuversary of tem sedding dey. The Frank Newefl retnnned fronteil,, dss aeej n sd «uaî,lIn.tu ha ti. JH ..ssI . gîvenuti th1e WelrileUingood lime at 1h- Iparît". Mr4n1i t ma guesaver Snudzy lin, and lins i. citurch hec.I7tli. by Sgtlnesof gncter numbet of 111e assemblage boapîlal ]ail Ibunadlay. repd laslent by mirFi. B.Loa%.Thi.rtym- tAc, ARay sud HUennleltsn ii91101?Oi ceelsrdetne.lveBornesbuifl o Eevn, ou Ai1ceLae, for': miLe EPÂ5M B. J asl. isui..rt n eitea atWdas iga'u Wisconnîus Ail coue one.dofrltve.Mn Ivautt011od6Or 1DrC at@ il n.B ____ RXC' OU MILL ew Àl aiail fZiou lThe card j.arty given u atiAktgifte vere preaenfed lhem. visîtet aDAr. Loins A it veek. lins' whagad r. James iteevea snd Miss Elli WAlJCONDA. A MWu>nîao'lsAwful JPeal1. Br--adicys ans tangrand su'Fise. bouli Health sud Beauti'. Panr apeul Wednesday in lilwvaukee. Mmr. Poilie vast aWaukegau sigtont Th,-r'1 îlyottr' li ancesgo10 ne r' antionifeIo I ' s " here(î fle aloiti laii- atnretigi an n 1--r prty ylte giveht 1,Y Mr. auj MrsT. tan trit11II er on Irr,ýr'ear action of the Mn. and lie. A. C. Worth andi linlait veek. Ir. t,ýtli. Wor. fnr i . . t B tvIn tusnutur,,'trefuse is oarrled off iîbtou m. Ilt îlni. a s m ur'bou. li pe. W aruer CeIIy vere C hbicago visitr$l h this rum h m sp n s fo (a a t 1sdslorlrl'f e r n )e o a fnd -t nuilere tvect trîaee "I, .udIoter voptions folIos. Thfs As Mouday.breIbsvnift aseutnttm.'t robG-11 elo A 1umbtrdfd nvrttrpenpl atlliedth irowng of tepoissttd' untIushifr ad-t tise fat Stock S'how last ((ek on)[e mhci1îiltiesfalindtu 10 evove De (QUiSe a number veto at the veddiu]g sots Turner, of Urnyâînkea, ou , ,nt.tiviii'i'Wv -rs-'.Tien sue base w WflntsoLtt1, EaRlt E asers are on ifamou.aose EPet,Èir' tters vhichi lliaendre ycung furnir, ou b-inlg ailrd wby 1e frre adnig bscondition. Tbey tîmu- auvtaya 1eloec ereoun sîrecta idondny, hoan n od.rfi t.oîrnah. Aven in îd- lae ttiin sdPronote uegiiar snd -vnlitSus.rosétlY. CuIs.I ,'sdî Io" eu lit. diil tgo, emarked that lie saw t-al:thy actonf he htwele bul neser ceso Leinîs lita M. and lia. Henry Golding voeelu Ire B it nir sua tenîs. (uan IfîFor. ndst-atettî FSBLoVLL. LI tointrvi tS. EAsaa enougb cove, homses and piggnat borne r1Pl5fygtutp ordlgl,"%o. Bf5plu.Sold ltev. Peacoci vAlprescb bls lare- Chicago Wednesdsy. Psaacy, tvro ay ihntgugesiaes moeveil sermon Boit Sunday. We are Isase Weotvonîh, of licHenny, Is OEERFIliLD 10se ir.VOLO. sorry te have bhl ave us. vlinilng relatives bore.p James licCabe la ou tbe ick îlot. Food Changed ta Poison. lit. Grautbam vas a N nulscaler George Selg. 09It ova, la Vieilli , WADSWORTH. C, o Huson speut te fi of tbe .PatrefvfinfoodtInthe intestins proItlIIci's Wdenday et lait veek. relatIves and triendoi bers.. wef3kIn Egin.New Life Pills î'xp"l the poson from Miss Leurs lBarris eavs511hs week Ai lue Snnday echoolsinA oui tovn1' slade.bipgtiuggstitis"salir butkB 4 Mi te antO ihgn a che enrs att ire kiuse; smiel bret. g10v'gil; hen sAster Au Canada, are pnu'parîng programs faoi hein douce snsgisen tih I euenHur visitl inM. anti lis. George Huson. tole utientF.rA..alELu.. kd Ll ndbe- E odngrlreifrmOaaa Cristînas entertainlnenté, a" upeci hl Friday eveuuuig. A. J. Raymond sttendedth Ie super. vinte; OsÂtBLAIS PEÂ5ilAcT. ii ek veeh9a bs ok to do ai veil as nuai. Stock buyens bave been bumy bujing visors' meeting aI Wstukegauti Iis HAINESVILLE. fonorne gimue. Prklts. C iG. Mubîke, ai H1àfighlanted vn h p i g t iml n e k eek. G eorge R c hards n vas a W ankogan W llis povers e nt a fev tisys viIb Pr la V utng W hoib a be auglit he, On Wednieaday, Dec. 4(1, occurred Mr. snduirs. George Watt veto Chi- 'isilor lionday. bis patents, Mn. andi lis . Warren lira. ekbu. ît,1%imho bs een lA h tise marringe et Miss Auna C. ltnudeu cago vIellons tise fere part of the Thomas Gorman As about te buld au Powers, receuily. pi nkbt nipolg sud Mn. George Mlxdor! un Chicago. lik diintobsbue ra. Jno. Golding, who lins beon u- TetpcfrteCrsmsE) Ilicir frionida oxtendut wtviie Misslaybugtsetee ek lts..H ve a enon lte soe in acu t fh11egnip , la dovor for Sund&Y eveni0g la "tm- Miss ryRa h on etwe Mo .H wnba en dBoe 0,acutOerialiuuiof Cbritianii," Dan. 2: Amosg te Chicago visAloea lat itb ieEleAirt at Hendeo's sta- sici liâI for everai tisys. again able 10 bcouot. 44.46. . BSRnuel FnItch, eORdei. v eci fnrom this place veto M rli n, s d ton, lis@ i ncItviait ed t i end e n G ry - 1ev. an di lra. Lsph5U5 g v.î a re-% lira. F. G,.Aietmeyet, Mr. adMo a v.Nctlereuie hm o. aeTurdliran etinTeda le J. n ee- Te ItdY at lvnb i A. Shea, lMrs. %. Neil, M. Shelley, Wm. \mNcoî euut oeMn seIsrdyaonO.cpinIed!ntro, ani en wu$ ennie J. Vettor lait Sarday Iventai; Weterbnru, F'rank Shea anti J. Bart- day, slter a Pleasant visft vAit rela- George Balierabail lransacted buaI- log ai the parsonagevlc as .l tedterbogov, lett. tives A Chicsao.nous in Wàueg.u Iueemd&Y. lrgely atteudeti forîy guests preauent. Thé qvenIng' Theb neigliborhood vas mshocked Sun. Mis CharlotteIO Doeli, 0f lOcum S. F. ClevelaudOt Aliagtou leigbta, Joe HlelIy, of Onsystake, vasAIn vas pîeasantly apanit la me a te day on hearing gilat a dog ovuet by Lake, pont a feudaysa test veek vtItwvas senon ont sîreels one day lait Wauconda Wednesday Ris inant vlcb everYOne enlayeti Ihý.a lnl F. G. Dietmeyen Ibti goue mai and relatives bore. wek dangbler vau bnrAed lu lue Caîbolia refrestimcuts senvei. lias' lunnie bitten Roy, the oldeet son, sud Ethel, lins Angusî lownsend and son t. A. FanIonold som6Ofo bis flne cemelfiry gil daY. received rany beantitul adn uenl the younkest cblld. Tbey have boon Delmar and lisBraesynder, o! Fort catilo to Chas. Brown, of Gnrnee. Uli nsd lira. White, goents 0f lir. presenîs. Mta. A. C. Stayer, lI,,Jobn taken go a bospîtai la Chcago for Hill, vere Volo <alIons Saturday. reeenly. snd lirs. Geo. Rtoberts, vent to Chi- Veltet, Mr. I. L. Knapp, iWes BlUi ftrotem ecovdfrey. lirey op esars. Ambrose Rangbt, Oris DiI- Mr. Batterahalbas Amprove th ie cago linday, vbone tbey yl visi for Robm anti George Stiel voe u ng for hei reovey.Ion, Dan RicarbBdson, Ray Paddock appoarance o! bis store building vitb a lev daya before lesiAg for their theoout-of-Iovli guensa rese, I'reocriîslidhi' lier lbysician. andi c. o. fuson andi son Lee att ended afneeb coat o1 paint. home lInIaho. (ANOTHrua'oEirsIT NeoshaFalls, KautarNov. î131"0. lte lvestock exhibition lanChicago lins L. O, lianzer, otf ae Latle1A' Ad Society vîlI gîve Miss Annie Duffy is vllig reI1 Pepeta Srup ù.ý M.Uti;iheir fa.nluatw ba.asr lu the chnrch p ar.tves atwalikegan sud Warrn$",,o Pepau Stup00,liotlcIIo.III lat vek.Mane ltcb ecetllorsan.Tbursday anti Friday evenAngs, lir. Fritsch, ont poalmaatem, I sitk. 1 euffereti !rom Indigestion andtesbai Claude Richardison retunnd (o bis Thte dog posoner la abrod la the Dec. 19 anti 20. A chicten pie supper lTe phaysician says h bu a eib vîntor tbought 1 voalti die, vhnen my borne in Elgin lianday, afier a brie! village. A lino lielligent dog belong- vîlî b. senvect tlie evening of the 201h. toncb o! pneumonln. physician, Ar. A. J. Liennanco0f tiisviml tIt relatives in gbs place. He ing 10 Engoue Sullvan rceived a dioe 1AUare cordially iuvited. lr.Hy .1frlual alek place, adviaed my tryiug Dr. Caltivell's opue u.b 1 u 1pio u a oh ildltMs otlf byrup Pepalu, vbiolh I titi and Iwo vu accompanleevebornethe Olari anB oIlpoisonsanti fariR(osbllilemeA lam bogies curetime. il not ouly relleved 1(lobent Vasoy, vIto vili vieit; ibmre ion veei __________ egn iInttafo hi pl a ektirnapet n me, but Il cureti me no lhst I bave not a few ay. HLLîeegiage ta lIegaoiny La terpi obsbe inp iléon trobAed slnce. t! any one flnaswr ote ben o ae i ie rmg tteHl ard 'opr hhonld i flan me 3500 for the gond Toovoveen'.e asu o l suisi tusay ltaIg 1foui 1ove unY fite tci son vritiug the boat paper on tbe trip Mli nditlisObusri. AnIma bave a ëytup l'epein baidoue me, I vould trytrn tepa bomnb !Kodof DysaHtasjOun. stiteaF@H.bmes iIb>addspiOIbieeig inrS tu ai uie e os not ini c f lakig il. No one eau gsebol vilI rciectitie !vcr atobevt yelsaa htBalltbeu, 'A JevisIt Wed- lAves. I tt titoe t biey. - taie yu o lewtotbigcou- ltatilouid bolti nothilg on my tomacb. lina, ylcdofltsmtcieviot iudef avsard fronmthe coonty upar n- titres 1 ould hbeunablelt regin amtounof ding' and " Oriental Jaggelty",' 'iîl Mli. Blelmebl'a ball te - vlcdutismr itan10onienMYfut.l re li wlo y tfoodi. Fil' vasu ccnftneiltumbet.iglo. otrso teeeidetr cures. I recommentii ealm nt Ie r:Esi stn yteDoutorsamicu inot ilys. read one a îmo.fotrs llteeeinaeO-srayeti fronAhome. Auyone frlentis os n laxativemsan taomaeb Wright, NoItAO Russel asud Jennie "ju'tfA ~ lment. Admiasson, 15o tonradultA of ies hereabot, plane mines u veey ori wîh gratitude, uPollen, BbentMY ueanno.meb4 Xi remdy lur lra. J. liarga. _________ muoîau e Ihou tc Imanonotrmsdinfreldo the fbraot boggie. Nov I&m ouni sdncn _______ Sold by F. B._____________________ ;ment i 1<toa u." Dgei our foodi. Cures1 Gao.d uC F . R LoVELLs, W Libertyv IîleCard of 1Thaukm- ail stomach trcubieâýSoibyP B VEyLL. Free for the AskAng. An Evangelluit'ea . s.1 GR50E tckfle; OAYBLAKIR We desire to tliini Lou ir eghbers a tvW u oun let -"ld by a Docto,' a1 " sff? or srs wt a Ile Paisuio. sd ilens fo Ibli lIlfle5 ani Hve ou Fotindiscussion O! the diseuse of Ibe tiu .V.~À~ andfrindsHav Yo aFounitdidB', fi un tm M - I symptby duning the recent lînesa Contiainingfroun 100 la 200)ars blgestivo rac, anti testimonIal. f hua-. mie(Jui e o! li wh aeluOue f ost Bomeseekeris excursion ticketa tIiau etso u eoet ale. vntmi on elellstmd h bv encrt icni-Belle liver. 11. "1 have nel,, pousmubanti West vilI b. oii c.&(EAd ILuL onntiy borne. Il muas b. on au in- tAon. dyspepsanaOsoabIobe dît .%lvu il, AoiteBov.thud1,Bec.3atiP7.OeUEO :ITCLELL. land blaie notmore thontire, mle. y lbhen.. oiDr. Caltivelî's Syrnp PcopCuai sorfstf mokietiuu0à6, 16,yNo. Sopova nd î beg il.ti ax3nt aaindaileGaohave Ibobaver. if ym no, ionlelo IIteop Cu. rue a. on Ienuift. FI- [I agois forpaitinlars.get ai the a±est ews. afiairoati station. If you bavéte l . " cIteetd rletua t o.nolds sud an iknls ot anti p. ailrauîReadtheINDPENDNT nd jve if Apartlculara, vbiah vill b. P. B. Lovai.?., Libt»vlle;uEo. 0O soluteir Ne- Verr I 0. M. an t. P aioo oompsby. W. Gnon, ,i. B. W.1,10011,91&ET.Wnoni; WMM ]K]1110911, fla u irais sa Ai olnsfpUusk.gta h a«t eBW&Ukepli, 111. Eocedeller; 0(JEÂTOLAEE IIPUAEMAT. IWRIGHT BROS., Libertyville -- Illinois. F yourufff quareiy in the faem M fyou art sot hall ashainud to bc Iory Soap In your house. Woeu dms for a mani, though a m toten doemnt cmr bis comfoet la mwqspe& But acton= than ycllow .oap for gerieal wark. hi loatuk ,ýENTS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ; 7Z FOR EVERYBODY YOUNG AND OLD. Ruth Weîfe, C tarlie D oîli, Dora Dorlet aud tMisy Van Plev. re Foskeî hbiDot tîcen absent Ince Jans, l". . NC Liberty Dr Office o' lioanat 51 DR. Ai smalb & D touai regn 8:00 . m nl '. A au Phyrnicl lîitemat of CI Day a»d a] A pléya W. dlisa Libertyi Mi IN t,ý

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