CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1901, p. 12

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Obftusa. ¶ eStuy Lake CoUnty Soit. P.hioboll vu barn la WkWley, Ivift à Co., the Chicago packer., ~ ~glwInfland. Dec. 25. 1813. meot Wm. J. Thouipeon, B. B., au 'Sb uM* mothe . hle ho ws u nlu- agrlculturl chonial, of Chicago, go .r oysad nt the âge of Ivolve years m-ke a ope" a udy of Lake county beI om re voraing for a lime ln scil and rope, reoently, vllh particu- lo Egiaadi cx ln Walon snd thon lar refereuce o 1thebfertlhlty elemnents *mlraling 10 Âmerloa lu 1841, settilng reqnired for the msxlumum production in Peurla. ln. o! rops gihal;are growu In thia la 1850 the gold foyer look hlm 10 locllty. Calfforula, regarnlu2g go this state We loaru Il la the Intention of kiwift la 1851. Agau lu spring o! 1853 ho & Co. go arrange for the distribution made auother trip te Calfornn, over. of a ev carloaide of fertilizer derlved lad ushnlie i the a lime. Wth s fromin hoîr paoking bouse prod nta, number o! otfiers lie purohaned 1the 1111ecomlng .tring. ln order 1go Ù- Iowa HilFnnnell Claim, vhich proved termine the exact Ingredieuts and a flanclal sucoas te the owners. Hie proportion for the varions condl- agala retnred lu 1857 snd aller spond- tion& of!@sol hereabionts., and specil ing a wl nter iu Superlor mnliug copper diaguosia villilie taken of! cdi arm- nt whlch time he had bolfi feet frozen erîa solif iueresited lu uelug the vari- and uearty lot his fle, bought a anai coa fortilizers. plece of land iu Chicoago and bult a .uîîî ovnin resideilce. lu IS1>0hofieas marrlod 10 Sarah tuniKlemp. Four children, The liepublioan Judiclai conventioni were b,ru to thin, two dying In lu- vilie be hld natnrdyy Jan. 411, ut 1:30 fauoy. i wo survive, Geo. W., o 1P. i. at the Bel videre court boule, the 1iamond Lake and Edward F., o! counnles composiug the district beiug Chicagu ha ls mte (lied iu 1871l, h le uitletie delegates sm !olfowms speuding 1the 1ai leven ycare 0ffhie. WVniebago 20ý lfie wiîf fils sou George ai Dlsmond Boone K Lake. wlere lie passed sway Saturday 3lcHeury, 13. morubog, 1e'-th101. .Lake 13. His romlains wre laid te resost eide The basîs of represeutation leiug those of! i, iowfe sud two sous, iu Rose one delegate for every 400 voteg ecîit Bulli ceinitery, t .hicago u Dec. lth. !orrepoblican president lu 1911.1 _ 9 STOVESS::j. ____ We have a few Iieaîuîîg St0%ves on>ii îd liat we will ciose out at a very low price. If Von îieed a stove t1îis is v)ur SCVIANCK BROS. Libertyville I- llinois YOUNG AND OLD. WOOD TOYS. IRON TOYS, MECHANICAL TOYS. SAVINGS BANKS. BLOCKS BOOKS, DOLLS. ETC. A large lino! useful gifts. *î>ch as Nuctiee. Mutleri, Fascîuiatonsi. liloda, Handkercbiefoï, Routbî,î igm, 4es.elry, Silvens are, Work Boxes, Handliercflief Boxes, Collar and Cuit Boxem, 1 llat Sets, Albums, l'enfumes. Io and <lasswane soveflet. Etc Fine Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Dates Etc. THE BEST 0F EVERYTHING. V. SAUER & SON, Long Grove - - Illinois. 1D .COALe- D.L.& W. isth e. We liaîîdle flit- hest hranie ever îîîtr<dwed i n Libeiri yvi lie, viz: the 1). L. é, W. Branid. < rîier youîîîw iuter -> .îpply of U11 lw. 'l'ie pii e w iii sui- y advaxic. as wiîîttr draws lîcvar. IWRDIGHT BROSO, I Libertyville - - - Illinois. L Ivanhoe Items. Mn. Melale la very 111 ut preseut. Aunual bubiness meeting ai the c. E. Fiday nlit, altear prayer meet- ing. 1ev. R. F. Morley dioll Olfcate aI the munsoîr Amas wedduig oel Wed nesday. H. D. Wellas was homoe over Satundsy sud Suuday. lie wilii peud Christ- mas wcck vilfi bis fsuiily. ises Brtenbsck la lielpînla tucane forsa bIck lrlend at Wbeatou, sud wcli nul returu Outilafler 1the folldaye. Letters Ironi Henry Vau Pie tell O! fils safe arrivai lu Euglsud sud thie ou- joyabie riit fie la hsvîug there. ils brother, bhover, la ijulte alck clîfi lypialîdlfever. IICIOOL NOTES. Scliool lomes Frilîy ton tue hl- day a. FrnkuItWagner lbis Lenrulef for aeveiîlfi grade work. No vocal muaeo Iil e sutî, on sc- cotunt o! Miese Breteubseko absence. If ce have good weatlen Duc. 27th, 19(, cilii îceasred-leIter ln local biîtory. Pihose iuterosîed ciii be jîteaa.-d lu GU RN EE. McCuiJoulgfiBrus. clii 5000put lu a nec telephone.j j. W. rarrel Ilfiasrecovered lrom a a «eveoe cItspeli. Mfr@, (lrmîby returued froîn Irviug Park Saturday morniiig. IL. EFlood ses-utbIe irst o! the veeckoun1the lelegraph finle. school wdli lie clo8ed for two veeka for Chirîsimas aud New Yeats. An eulerlaentiet ifibe 8ltCfl at the churofi about Cfrlsiîîîa8. Ray Dixon vas lu Chicaigo ou buel.- nesî he latter pertuof the -ket. Th1e dance advertioed for at Frlday night W«a s ailune au accoant o! tbe officars cane elected by 111e Wood- men gatunday evenîng. Rboyal Neigh- bors elacled olicers Saturday flr- A J. SnellI wat"1d to attenud a Pary. but cas atraid tir do -îo ousejount of Pains ln fils toMns'ofi. sui bleieso-d sosld CroWcorse He . - s1 W"ast-IlinR My troubles to aIslady frIand cho *Chauberlalli s COllo. choiera sud Diarrlioes Russîdy Wff1 put You lu conditliIon ort,5 party. I1 bought s bottie sud lake esoslu statlug Iat two dose..r elssu nabled ie to have s good lIme ai the Party. Mr. SuallIt sa realdeul Of Sîîmmen Bill. N. i This ren- ddjls for saie bLF. B. LovRLL. Liberty- GOe;(RÂTILAKI E PH5MCT: JOHN MEIKEL, VOLO. lIns. john, logiug &peut 'Ibursday fl Ibe rlty. lir.4Sidnley Cussîel as a McHeury cafl'r Weduesidny. Chnis Dilon bas bacuoun1the slck fiel the' paI seek. .iolinu ichardsu mss in Chicago on btiirecîs Wadusîisy. (>115 Murray, of .lohusblirît.vioted relatives fiere Thuraday. Mn. sud àlra. llanry Nîchrla caee McH.-uny callens Weduesdsy. Mr.insd lira. James lMurray Clent Frlly aternouuuuu Mcfleny Thet uerchuhîts oft unr village have s fluie stock o! Chistmas jrner-ts un handl MI. C. <(',itiuou pit Motidrinlu Elgin sitfifisbig týhPr, .-t.i8îî bas îa very siî-k. Johu Clonverse sud Rollandi Town- mend, o! Fo.rt Hill, cern Voli) caltera 1ev. anîl MIrs Laphani. o! Wauconda,i speul Waduesrfay suri ThurFrlsy lu Ibis viinity. Ssrnay Saxton r-turne'> hoture Fnl day aflercaverai yacks vjiOl cilf relatives in Egin, Mia -tsephine Atîtin. ni! Iocer. Grave came îot t. attend lise Suson Graves wvod>ig %VedueFiday. MnI. and Mn,. T. Wlukle sud Mn. sud liro. John Gloason, ut Mclieuny, suent Tfiuriday clth iiendî fiera. Thoraefi be a Chrisîmas trac sud entriinnuaI the achool flouse Chitmas eve. giveu hy Mils Jeunle Wallon sud hen popifa. Mn. George Bacon and Miss Mary Gravas cene qnletly married et the Cloverdale Fanm Wedueâday, Doc. 11, by Rev. Laphiatu, oui y the lîmiediate relatives liug proasut to i ctîesa the cereiuuy. Ibeir imauY fiende viaui themn îch joy sud fiapplnesa lu thoîr ved>ed igfe. Those vhoatalende'> the necaptfon at lise parstuago at Waticonda i nal- day aftennoon frai bore vera Mn. and lins. c. G. lineon aud daugliter Mînlan., Mr. sud tins. Ambrose Raught, Mris. A. J. Rasymond, Mml. James Krcan, Mrs. Laina Huson aund lra. Alliert anait. AIl report a veny ploaasul lmîs. H-AINESVILLE. lin. Jablel Compton base beau ou th1e Kick liaI for sevenal dsys. A. 1). Ilihsud daughten vene wau- tegan villons IsalWeduedsLy. ThlomsaDoceil fa8c<ukig fthe Knickerbocker Ice Co. at Long Lake. lin sund lins Leo Feulan ylsilsd tboîn pananîs bore1'iuesday sud N'edue!§day. Chas. 'i'ucker veut bu Chicago Saturday chiere he bas hiactaîli s@iîpý Aulunsansuancroate'> saflile excite- mont anaun'> tovu liouday nfght. He vasIlInaIly laken 10o(irayalako sud looked up. loaru Ihat 0. à. Partrldge viiil se» toasîmasler as the lumni banques. Theahool lsanîlon. la to CUrO lhe photographe of forme r pupli ansd tesofiors for t1e purpose of placina Ihem lu ou, soflool album. Invitation@ and aunonierento for the Alumni Banuîet have been iseued. if you knov of auyoue cho Je entitled tu one, and ha. ual receivedfil, notity the secretary, Orville Smitîh. Parents. This scbool Imouth ia generally a -"brokon" one lua chool atlendanoe. Hoflday exitomen t. oolde and other causes combine to lover the allendauce record. Let uns combine 10, kcep the fino steady. An Bvaugelilat's Story. "I suffored for ye-ara cfh a braschial or nUII trouble sud trIcd vaions remedes but1 di net obWalupersîsîneul reflIet natif 1nom- Mnusd nan«g-OieMnute (Jough Cure." srtes 11ev. jaini Krkin. vaugsIlst, of Bille Iver. fil. -1 loirs uonlistaion lu roconmeudlna Ilt t.i su auleers from maladies of thua oîdulneMinute Oough Gun.. affirde l.,îlàtm efisletfor coufflis cois suad miait of throus sud loug troubltes. For trt i It la 1îneîîualled. Ab- soluteIr safe. V Y ..->Isasut t. tte. neyer fafilsud 15 reOsi» i aii rte wlîh the abIldren. Theer tiltI. For .1, Ic F. I. LovsLL. Lberlyi vlle. WAU CON DA. MVW. Hughes was lu Chicoago Frl- day. Mr. Weulvorlb spont Wedunday lu Chicago. lins. roomanis mspeudfng 1the veek lu Chicago. OrInn Marbîn, , f <raysiasère as a recent calfen. Miss LaVilla Dilîotirturncd from Chicago tant weak. Miss Lors Harrison @peut a few day. lu Chicago Ibel veek. Abrt Munleinot a 1sd of lMr. Carey'a goods lotChIcîagu Monda!. Joe Uas ag 18 tertainlng a cousin from Iowa, choclîl romain uil ai- ter thse holidays Jas. Murray veut 10 Chiîcago one day lent coek t, vI ig adanghter, Mise Netie, vfio la fcilityphold fever In a fioapitl Th1e eultertainmeut given unden the auspices of th1e Epworlh League Mon. day evenlug cas a declded sncceas Leo lialman carrfed off 1the prîze for the besl paper outhie lmagluary trip lu the Holy Land. Saysi HeVas oTortured. «I suffened su-h pain fron corna 1I und hardlr wafk.« crites H Rojfifuso. Hlla- borougfi. Ill.. 'but Buk1en's Arnica Salve wnoiletely cured tii-m " Aats fle mauie on açrana. hrulsea. cts. soires. scalds. boilî sud . 1tesnsPerfect heal.-.- o! akiGudeàases sud pluc. Cureo urrut.ed hy F. B. LOvzLL. LbertYVlll.-: G(YLsÀvt..xPH&aMAcy. '25- LONG GF1OVE. lir. Shefi, a! Mnnesota, lm vîsfllug relstives fiere. Miss Orlole Fefilîsu vislted lun(Chi- cago two ceeks recenlly. A, Wolf bas lslred ontI 10-John Hecketseller for the coming year. Tie Lutheran church wiii celebrate Christmia vith spproprlate exercîses Chirletmesîave. Everyone îuulted. Gi. Mayer le getlfug ta be qulte s hiunIer. lia laves filsshelsansd pute Lile riutber cieven oun1the rafbîits G. Byera cwelle have beau dry ao long that fie has tagen sarnie o! hi. stock t0 G. Smîitb'stfan, vfich 11e fias renîrdl for t11e comiiug year. Th1e young people o! tIse Evangelical ohurch are practiig ion Chnielmnas. Th1e ezercîsea viii beha sld Chrîtmas nlgbt. Everyane ih cordialiy lu- Vitent. To Gel Nid of a Troubiesomue Corn. Flr-'tso.ul t lu warm wr-toriotinu it thon ti ible clth- out lrîîclog cth blod and tzle Chanta-r- lautPain Biu imlud'ale: ritnuingd 1 o.rnmlp for flise miesl nt 'i> application. A conu îrbsi"r sould fia crrti for ais-w aye. tu = oeet It from the sfio' As a gens-raI lin>mu tfon srnulebruI-m-. tam.'nemsssod rhsuntlsm. Pain Ssii flmrîerîusîsd. For s I,-tvF, B. LovEIL. Llb.nrYslIIs-: G(tsy Lis PHARAacy: JOHNi MEsaKu. iuanhoo0. LAKE ZURICH. Everybo>ly la looking !î,r Sauta Cflans. P. P. Clark touktr ibp 10Chicago Mondsy. Heny Selp is ou tIse m' k lot, hsv- ing lthe grlp. Henry Setp cent 1e Chilcago on business lioodmy. Mr. McSni'>e, o! Rockefeller, cas bore ou business Tuesday. Mn. sud tins. Chas. Giveus have maya'> ta 'uauconda ebere tbaey Ito change o!fIthe Lakesgide Bot-i Etuif Frank fise a flue Io*t o! faucy round boxes af Christnias caudy au basnd, a1s0 s flue lot of apples sud nota. Th1e Lake Zurich 10e cunlpaules ex- pecol 10eaunIt10 haut tee Fnlday. The tee ai pneeui vnillg la about ten luches thiot. gallon vil bave a Chnisînias tnee lu tboîn chchnfiChnisîmusoee. Eveny- blody fa invite'> 10 attend. Abert Lyoue bei reaigued fi@. position vlth Mr. Blokusse and ne- Iuruod to Liliertyville. Albient la s ube3 youug fllov sud ce dont Ilie ta see hlm go. A Good Cough Medicine. i in'> Chamberlan'@ Couligh l iedZ la au cxf it lelmedîsins. i have beat u an r- lutr m mvein oyos ogb fon the ast tvo montu hansd It bas affeclte'> a cure. 1 bave W at lsure lun reoumendinIu1-W. . Tîls n. T lsf o o luon 0oe oufo oui odest and> inet rese _l ' eîente. and> bas been vluntarilr ilven Lu gaod f5111s th"t Othe"s matyl Ue reman ud e hoitts,& se va En. ookno. T me nesy iasolO b, F.D LYL..LtitiliiOdlLB £am&c:J, es. vnie WAUKEGAI4. D~ uaet lth e rnair lest sI e teoso vwu a% hie olio. foriaI luiUme aluce b., Wuvas tkealck a T e oac.Rle 1 feeling flue sMd lOo&ing laibotter Ihan bis ienonde oxpeeldIoc se bilm,&filer 40 seeo au illues. Thon yill ho no lee ouît ft the lm- Bediale violniy of Waukpgsu n iIs vint.!. Litle »oelriver l4e eîtibly dry, and big l)ead lea no far up the% local dealers WIll Dot tkîlher t,> eut blhers. Alll be usd hors, hnat yesir viii ifina bavetgolbe sipped tlu. Dr. Penolval Fourco isn u ouner con nected wlth Pesarcea UDrug sito, tint la lorsled mg 2>19Wselstngton sîmeal. Dr. Pearco has been ooiineeod wth the drug store for about ton yeuse, la !esvlng the bWnîsi, ho cull de" 0 11 î ime 1o the practio of Medicine s. Weil se to the runnuui fbit agora, the Tite remnll of &lie nlty oflflila deuir. hig and teudeotvorfug bu get out of car- lui for the Nortbvesterfls bllud-bag. gage ridera, ila th 1e at!hbas abifled the fîtrdîo entlIte slionîders"o! the county sud il la nov Up 10 Ithe couuty to, Set around laklug cane of the mon. Satnrday mornlug Ivo mon srrestod ou a --bîlua" Friday ulght wveoarralguod on a slte varrant of vagrancy vhere horetofore tIhe warranta have beu city varrant@. Tfley plead glity aud vote 1used $5 sud conte, belng taken g0 the oonaty joi 10 board Il out. Thisflueo o! procoduro for vagrauts hau been lollovod for s 1ev dey.suad sceiug thatltremovea the burden from the j ity, l Il l fdoubtleas be oouiued riglit sloug. î Waniregan's Carnegie Library viil be bul oun1the site ab tiret practicuif! deoided upou, corner Waahington atreel sud BSheridan rond: TheUAbrary Board mot Wodueaday xnornlug tu bear a report from s spoolal cousmltoo vhlch vas appoiuted a 1ev veekse go for th1e pnnpoe of "ancertenlug the feelings o! ciblzmn. se 10 a change ln sile; as 10 chaI altos could bc securod sud as tu the prospecta of nuislug moneY cith vfich 10 boy a dîffersut aile.'"1The comailtfee's report lu substance vas ta 1the effeot that lu liieir opfnion 1the preseut proposod site shotifd le deiiely decided upon. Thse board accepted the report vbich efieolually deterîlues upon th1e Sheridan noad aile sea1the une ou wchl lhe llbrsry cilI go up. Food Changed to Plsion. Putrefilug foo u thelaIfiettnes producea .ffeCt@ ilke trioseo! arseDie.l.but Dr. Klng's New Lire Pilla exp. th. poison. fron rslogged bows.Iagenli ,asiip but atuei1 iuunngc>unstiptiou. bhîliouss. sîtboa'> - ache lever, ail lvýer. tidus', and Ibovel troub les. lir x i t F. ILloLOKLibLlerty. vi, a.mnsm..zsPeausmasy. PAL.ATIN E. Hienry Ablemanu sud lMn, flatter- niann are on lIse sick lIaI. lias Ida Ittuckianu la very fiI ai bon home inlueilhon ai preneut. bfr,. Vs n.N clisoun, o! Arluglon Ileights, >îeited frh fida lu iPalatine Tuesds3 - Mn. Breuium, of Highiland Unuve. hue reonmed MM iyera place sud yllitsk possesalusa briasm> 5 i làvacant. 11ho Concurîfis bocioly raflcd a qunlit naceully sud netted filflen rdollars. Th1e quilîl cul ho saut lu lthe Onphsa Home un Addisonu. A tine broke ontinlu fattomauins block Suuday nioruing atrive a'clook sud cncaled a sensation 10 be renient- bare>. 1711 block conlalue> 1he bauk, a mcatmlnarket sud BIt-imns dry gooda store.1The nmarket cas floodo'> cilfi caler andni.liîlzwanuis store vas drenclicd sud stock rulucd. Ho euataiued sa great lbs, havlug jiat put lu hl& Christmas goode. The haut. tioceven, necelved nu Inury. Th1e unre b okeoutn th 1e hall oun1the thîrd fluoersud barned throughi H. Mimd- filait livad lu nooma ou second ioon, sud lie sud fis possessions ws-ro ne- niuued lu shiort orden. Saved HIs Life. "Iiii to al; tisai if-1i i oc-, in ylite t0 Kodoti Dysp-psluit e vlts. H.e ccasa 1 suas truied cîlfi dyepekalasu. r'. coul> l'> othlug on îiy atoluaCb. Maüy tlnes I vonld fie unabie Lu retalu a morbel et food. Flusîf y 1 cas conulne> te mn ie'>. Doutons-aid iCO5ldnîot lys .I nes'>oua o! roun a'>vertlsemnson Kodol Dyspepsla Cure sud lhnobigbt Il lit MY Case &sUCoin- mencoue'>Io se. I fie g au lu mpnoua from, the final botule. Nov t an eurs' sud reoion- uuend fi to ail." Digests y oun food. Cures ail stonsch troubles. Sol by Fý B LOVELL. ibertyvlls G LEN VIE W C. Cfristoferîen le snfetlng fnom a sevene altack o! typhold foyer Misa Cons. E Bndde le sbount 10 e- Inu 10 fier haie lu Maukato. Minu. Th1eMisssacaKeoht, of Deanfieid vers lthe visitons aiflins. A. C. Sînayer Bunday. C. D. intgens baby vbo hall fila anm hudiy acaldei tû tbcolte e iovly tmproviug. Mn. aud tins. l'hil. La Clsire are the pod patenta of a littIe dsoghter, botu Sunday morulng, Dec. 111h. J. N. Westbrook sud baby Vian are going ta speud Christmas vacation vi111 the Siepherds ataIMaqookota. Iowa. Joseph L. Kindor s faormernesident ai Uilenviev, psesed svay Tuosday mornlng Dec. 10ilà at bis late home lu Elgin. lin. Kînder vas boru lu York- shire, Englan'>. Whou orton yesra old fho came 0tuhibs country citb fila parente cho îeîtled lu the tovu o! Wheeiing. lit. Kinder lived thoe several yeara, then moved i mb North- fild, whero ho live'> untîl a yean 1<0, Whou ho moved la Elgin. Mn. Kindor vua sgood, nsucb respected citizen sud lve'> an honeat lits. Hie leavel a vIte, lhre ohilidreu aud many friande to mounubhlmtoa. The funstal services cere bold Thursday Dec. 121h lathIe Wool;Nottfd obnrcb. -miS easy to find a pure soap; It lam to find both combined,; a soaJ pure yet Inexpensive. Ivory Soap fai," solution of that probkm. h is an product, evolved after yemr of experlniMfit a reserch. h las the most of pure aoap the leat moncy. It standsa approve4d~ by a seond geneation of Ivory Soap I" SHERMERVILLE. nately on soonnt ai Iheîr A liorry Ohristise» 10&Il.gel coal, ovlug 10 lb,sw ditîon the raliroada are il Mn. Rob. Futikofe hmmovef luo bfis cOld .,,p. Henry Buntuisu, o!f(Irosa Point, hasà At 1the vIllage electin la openod a saloon lu2 the buiding va. Mn. Louis Vofîz wveanote cal.t! by lin. Fnke. sud (1.0. Smith vlla&ge eii lins, R. Bobuettler moyed 10 Irving 'solîz vo havesa mon Who 1 Park last ceek, chers sfio luleuda lied 10nodhs maire11er future home. vs umnated, lho h dilferent tovuahlp oMeu The list trainubc0the ettly Sanday lnany Jas he ois.Uv eveungi, goe 5asIl,49 P.. i, tb. 8:24 perfectly familier vlth m Weng discontîuued for the vînler. sud no doubt chatoyer b. The records for December veretorth11e Intereol of Our amisabied Lest Suuday moruIug. chou 11111e village. the thermomoetrveul docu 10 2.3 degreses beloc zoto. WhaI'a tbe malter boys, dunt Jon gsi Heafih and Be« np a party fon Nev Yeate, sud coiebrale A pouîn uomnpl.szlou la osisi the golng ont cf Ibe old aud the o Oi. <a torpît lys-.r on îrrogla, lug lu o! the nov yean? i. 1nb-s esors arefu lt cul aunai esseImpure D Jnadglng front extensive preparaîlione îîîîlsuad Achenr.rPtitonmsqfi &bat are beiug mado horoahonta fot nat unsmetolo f thnosIng i Chritm, Itla ~au amnrod lactIhat clIsfi îl te isecela ffattd ta WIîts LitI>"PafrtyRfesam pros5porlîy Ie ln Ont Midet. for nemedylnt ltile condition GIaz. 1he berber, se a Chrîsxu surso- li'the s If1--r sud tsrosîoi prise to hie iuany patrons, hme bought mîffyato !ti svl an enlirsnov outfil su ov fiseoue fin F. B Loves.Li Lbotyvllle. of thie beet equlpped barber afiopa u __in____ tiIs vioinity. (lIve hlm a trial sud lbe convluoed. Reail the ~INDEl'Fl The Alslp Brio k Cois plant, cas forced lu suspend operallous, indefi- get ail tiîe iatest i 'f Dh~ FI] RNITIIRE FOR ~ :CHRISTMIAS GÎFIS: ee tis perhaps the most practica ~J and acceptable (,,f ail presents. m- ROCKERS-1lu good variety iii qualit. ebý_çpattern anîd price- Wbat bel ter gift for niother <or fathez b- COUCIIES-That we guaraîître, SoME gb-- thing eiegaîut and of rea lew-service. I>rir-es are way dowm ob-.- <j ality -î>fîei(ereil. Thoen lucre are tIse inutînierabît' articlestaulise found1 sw-- au up-t0-dateo innure store. Setter for yoiîîta $sc lb> O ' b-ahn rend about Ibeni. i hava a lange hiue sud iliîî yZ our luspectlon. No troubla tahow turis nnChite furnulure. ()-.- f course I have, lu anticipation o! the hoildays.,p QW'--in apartlciilarly good assonîmeul o! gioves sud mille: They îake ulce prescatsa. Rosidîsa 1 have osudîse@, lut ---orangea, lu fuot ai preparchl ta etipply yonr HoUbg i qb-- vanta, sud only avait the opportunnîy. a.- Woîon flud out thingIsud msrrled mion viii tefl a- tal; sud thsy vill find ou1thlit maney bringe MOIS ' bu..- nîg your Holiday gouda aI Kuigge'. top- Will KNIGGLE, eh-..PROPRIETOR Rockefeler Department Store, Rockefeller, 111. îââ Lt i SomlIi e4~*~9 DR. AI al-, ty et- i lie" lu, pet. ma 'ou,.; a posttion iû a 1

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