ififtl ..oeu Un. i èenrondth Iaqtliy, Pnom, dqioeedhi everoxi *ë ksai luberest la NéYy Deparîment Oo uW .au e.învoeat et Admira Deýrey's minority report and bien"a are sorely cauetillte findings o nol reaui in a comi of th AdmiraI. As Umee las 1111e change £rom wiiat IL was tefoi 18 la now couatderec tba tbere wlI e investigation lu theit The Senate comiuit Canais lbas reported Oeuatôr Morgan's NI bill ad ibat gentlem: o! the conmmttee, Ai; varions provisions tb lias, lu co doing. Panam a Canal compati setedly. Action on dellerred for the pret no doubit tat it will b A large number of producers of the enonui Preident last week ai ,rO#iidtgw row bis subject of reciprool M. Roosevelt listent aindIlioen reminded il few reara&gothie Âme Company liatiseued aaying that Ibere Wal with anuexation Ciil ever assume proportie ondanger the beet Ai this country. Hù a* tbe Most autlientic Il Caba did flot wrfl wlslied them ail anoca declined ho retract à tiins o Congroes la O tcgo mod partneabp weor whIch indicates au atU lcrs 10 malin a cIaiEý ire Illinois lake front Wisconain,ncai or th arvey lino of 1821.: This ineindes mmn Lake Coniiy sud wi 1net a Dow une tit intercet aud Mauy * portanice if auyibing 4 Tiie land values li tabulous Ibat camptoA * hhqustinnbutILtlai * ould flot cover tue The daim le agaitiru$ * 52J miles, :W.j miles 1 miles inLakie Coaty. The clalmauts to l igacl are M. P. Pickering sud Dr. Chicago. The origin Iafffor forty years SI accident a few dayt ail ago parties were bei malter np. How the s Lake Coqnuy If e ai al lg Incité1k. au attenipt tc land titiles. lign Butter Butter oun te Elgin, Mondes was ateady s legs aud no sales. Iast Yser, 24tc; olîlpot fort Iia. REAL ESTAIE rf Furnisbied L.ake County TItle Abstracts of Titie. lilI Mionie Teple btldg. Louis J. (tut A Wrtghtt &xl L ts.de to i.t vlr'i HisMâtsttaslin Hiermti s jçr- n,- -r se, hl. 4-132 b5 .. - AURClrl & wf U' II t ae-.w of t'r.- Mirbi S0dtor-rr to Jn.. Sre. m - q' mjr-0 Afin. E l ddi UtJ,, AI for terra "f 76 ents Isase_ kthi.-tM It.ittr(i telu,,t. Ja0 A-aIrîI. est OS -jrr.-, - i lt... Fiobhrr Mmii uloor l1. Jn l- AI»Dr.- i it 1 jrrhltnIl ti;'dt tIrrI t h>t AI.'» jb-tI.--1,rr1t t5,, Edwu m li(, a t t. Llerîrl: r. ' t w- c AldIh'iI0LI]BAY SPLMN* tbey could. Fer a long time thien the al- ers and lanterna, andI rsmlly parties are 'furtirercoUlect dîrt. Place the mxture gvent quantits. The bt log Ores, the AN OLO MANS 1 letre tiasunubroken.nand DrothY begall le tarder-liia eoumw ndqrstiriosne thuronglilniiimidetoo. with Ils Prstuy signlflcsne tu t îink il bligh tinete taber gilt wu" Much tic Sane pregran isrred ont surral waters. fDry beween towls and rairely put lacs, execuilos. aecordbng te te lb. lo l bs e.. a ostieo fe 7tabmur bis departiile, wbefln iiiddeli in JaSti'wheroevery eule alîpeara lnums thnitle the un. womie tcmue. wddles JIslni- Âslvrqat son ,"Yu on ruld't moite up yehir mnd braad-new soit or chotie . The Japaueme A delliriotîs Chrstmas caeskolymaie ter. reparten, donc@s and merryooikinu, Uut la rtîtte te let met'aloi) 1er thc niglit. c¶iuld yen. SN-Year was feruiet t ianievahie fr551 jmide by cresuting togellier on". Pouof et alfamiliear te Christmas celelrraters. theçtr a.u ei ' ~ sis? pIre couic a long wliys to-day and isIIte hat ofthe t7hiier-.e. but itl ln1noterbutter; cdd Dîne weill-bnaien esaud Punh hernie, olly, everrecens, jugir aud and la laisss rsq 1 tttirM n oogh. Id b.' right gladi if you clnbrated on a ils>- o rreoîrondhng Ito envtw-otaileepourrulll5of imnsss unwhichclignait mugu ail coins lu at Christmas bsnrelte lxy 1 could l-et e itrYr ltIof January. a terrslmonfor g eoda blibe@, dalsetd; clime. and theTuvrions flegends, superstl' But. air. 1spsi e M a"Oh~~fa , no, 1 couldit tir0 i! 1'amnsure Bonfires oft amotrh proportlins are a wiaeglaý r.oemilk .e undofflenc, tiens. gbout stories, falry talez and goli- WDI"m 1 0¶W byO _rl eaD ahr n ohrwum e ihre tu. kindlen New Yetrv eve in Permis- one potrid Ilchoft urrants a inu, lin @toriesiare ali losely interoWveu wih p el&M A - a araiet d 5itait tiX orî yu, uaigir, utanddon't7yott think l iN>ew Tears l, arr'h 1-sud people twoennies et citron, oeeagriltnutlmeg. our ideas 0fCrams '.Crsna a ~ tOi~i s tinte >00 st'itei t la sgtfing daock, dance about tgent. Thtrt holiday je tice and one tlcepitoofttilcadi or! doyes and celebrablitus have, hewever, largeî> lest' EniSecS * 00 t t mi s A-..go au, Ce corae90 emmIrrthli itlirose froinlier Droit Important ef the >t'ar, and fteasting iinamon. ibelr primitive boliserna niearanter ilu o stcin'.t ugeth riat-N 0Or as tte wbelsi e.wlob. or 1 a C46uUer îgrn=a e ralth Mat'las tor bcD days. Erery une appeau Toeeati ubtter lhent tihe inwde of a Englaud, and tambily veunlena aild ve ta a.ffectdait v lesg tire oft bisn'n of etwbornshte wu@ zTeW- 'luinnw niothed. bowl by peeritis bot vates' loto IL.The, greenutrimnslgsarS n.arly aIl tirat, e-' chantset te ot- îng ucretIt mAipartirrid.No people I ln eworid maite more of lceual ice -t h'butter tnt,, lb main et the, varions rm ab inerrimneuta I e nOtr nti o -susa nssit ~Well. I tuppose il is timnt t trt if New Years thosu the t oteli, and inaum llu id wrk Ibis ila li sucrpooia. Ater which tormierly marked t festival. 1onsie lt f ~at OJXy à. o ___ srIre rsrai rl ealeaeghotprsiioaI tIl1 ever lest; __ ~ ~ ,v gtte go," and the stranger rose ele r tcspetuos nenntsd t bat ins'nt werled qutte a litIle bnI bDlasbaîg Cbaipaa 1u .tlbgtneîouï,*Mr ba us as eu 45ms~se~wanlly sud butîtoned bis worDnoaet tigit wibh the day. In the fir9t Plane, un get- well. Then sdd tht suigar. AÀgou mauiy -IthosIbt nié enetwlppn ne m bai e or -MeID Sb 5.u ebs het ee u l tezttint ont of tbdil ite norttiig, oeemuet colkaput the angar init bbe tart, but Ton many parents diaulas Chrstmas '*realtrle" bave 5.14ns Siites4 un wsfl sIo@> hupt etbisth stotkOu t wthearlate atll it oieting tir-iter titan the lied titimaie il barder te cream .and dons tuent thair lices when their ciudren are T-deyAs a tinrt sas me $6 1-ti isOtas sptis .5 b>ttn'l le dded. teraing Égala te t that tbliie tors p inaylac tol.cn lpwflud. net creani nearly as Weil. tiresem e nares aoe Ch'i5tDi Doroth>'. lu dressing, ifunfertuuate eneugh tO put etivty. onwthey have gouts troin the' rffl es cimier, - 5f7 saifles. If's a good ways te walk tht etcrallbenon flrr. er a germent on HLYSPESIIN. aemlrof ee et C. hrstmas binai Mao% of w10551 shen you are se tired. 1 de wish tablier Wrong aideIeuteout' ttugo catirel untiPars Ou bm boutas551551, sud muiebr mre hrnt e 50yen eould stal, agate. even to te tîtltllg rlttniioft es. 014 Egiaa Legoade le Connectleuoan nti tuet.'sudohe ti sked Sottly. a t hair. and dresa ovi rin.tll.Ltla botd cith the Trc.. Unularly Io this Irues whtrwlthe nilldreu Cli." ndthe sielc t bhloguf lrek aî n or iayaeteilgnaadiprülnt arry. hou thei.' hemes in .thsr cilles yee auy mnons!te puy for yeer ledgug rtr1 aelac thtcennectird witb the bolti. Oid authers Nousoaier limeas omna into tcliostoew-'csma ssne.'oe'l lebirteo rrctts sdgo au rohfegussdsnesllDSsdlseth aet l l I bàs -t X)nyngtt Dte r ok . Ail sait ell"ltr. iuttiobc full andi write orthtAe tree an thse hulwver and themaorw a tntelhebu@ s itsa sshunte te have te tellillt.MIt9841 dbskb ' apir:~' i.î.wbile le our nid Aalarîs il in nearty inuuotintantitn&co te isitua but ,,the strangel' began. andi then he akto o o fýrnfsi ruh awy h oli rc li stebiething Onty et the pat. Thetillay lanues J B!J4 et hl.eettr ai bs sessewlio cuuhe ad tsuiterti nitiibri5 ; as a prescrt t l lndt tr' thetitest klndoet ihait Spessnrincludes Il sarong then tiens elgit.anI1S Mmu adpis aeli.li~wneo . t enlean tmeeiemarn.gelriuck. c___ hat gretv lu the ttrrest wherebUneandsu d e Ilit tean Ilsgicuc.. e lIaI sud itot h .dg t t~ mebi eutlndef. s,ottttitgrwtatndCHRISTMAS 0F RICH AND POOR. ber grotte kuigisi sougli"tvi.rICl ts, at, althougi lâ thedhîlduen are -- etn» palsstle t-osoietraot- 1'Oh, .es, 1 itko in ae spitylur toue. iciibis qllai "Herbal,' tell» os that theteparnlofhedyauytbi ew fmalaacetbien Yesi thae hI bt buc, nthe ruilnalllee i i olte rare reso't and hspyfo Ther orldr o e b,1017rnrrthresmcy =1 toork utît asabitbrltle POcketbook in i "We have an Ides tht Chrlalmasesauasthait Ibese oet&a larger aize or. "very net, se tortunaleli nonstltutid tiaetcu eue cornitelda. freonst gardent@, uU whehse cotserine, s silver dine anI.they are celelraedinruhomes eofgaintesssry for cartel e omalte sehip»and u npvievdlte maire Christas a happy the hlimes o! aie iwl I n the, a Lp J)lIl îî:I ii I II iihIt re tw wealth mnuc he ideri -write Edwayd rtiincroda" andi "whlch mai " aday te every chlld. To thousands cietqelilL-place. i 'tie-dlrtkei." h Sd l>gteBekt. "Yet oient a. o nactuel tanit, ne litile trauge." te the rentier wbe hbaowa o hitngl u os l ic lejy il euýL.o igà Dorth Mu-îyIunter's Calter. --rer -0te b is bttutî."Ihave mo., more louesomne Christmas dais ore &peutnt b iter, -"eef et Iirieîîds led à5 ly claitre bbey bave neyer kuown; Lin de- lainsi(Christie*c ity in tr.Illbla " nuishah notui t lb witt psy for s bed îoywhere thon lu these.-hontes et plenty. renguv h lis ontreirdofchtibg- grstr aenvrkon l weaTepol mntlciui h aveUr- inuLE B simpiaer brtafastfdr Yu.upur ma." lRicheion Cristae ane(,rentlieiocd. g umodibleIft ti bavtsettr tltede uret If ubeoqualii'u f yoare Taareacti a- MIICoABeY and a sdmbesta-tfo belîs out ot tune. rIingvas s tz o blic i1tt lubord, ntre noiso rt-in lu cr own homes their iooklngrandilutnetsrions Dois slus King Th ai ranger totil. m c sd tm-titan the first Chrixtste t..ay. and 1.It lf a coule'lie mteut liter was swaltiesd op lun thnaurslu t t etabl . ,rU7 *agt ieculsirocerettht cillre Ils tel»le tiey we Oar>ldhB . q mra'nduniDoroihy vas let lagain aInet trtrtgt'st uppeal te ,r tresalîbougl 1Insonte patis o u Aie nu .rsty ..'.r-51~« ki rexis.aterofthas atn lIl ltwUvdfinie tst or (mvartîli. FN __ moulr e ti SturaiAt 9 o'ctock et uight, wshen site boid log in oetier hornes- lu sur'h renteuibranoe. maetrmanry attracts bIs sh5ib5s&ý wvts t'sri> - h i e teofcthe .r.<u.r-' liea tise !abliens ofethiisandrs Wv ie O Ir ta lnosyn nste s'clrcb griletoas- fbefore -New Yera Day sud Dorothy slie ivn êu i)andcureta e, r.Atltsw Clrisîtmas te palss by wli srcely tiemonrstea rtue irtb 01 the SaviOtregas "Haenter vas washing the breaif ast duJMISe. Hanier remt-Iesi bomne.tirt'd and atogto b m.I vradrwr hrho ieNt.tr % riee c hîlletl front their tong ride. Drrothy - 'hohîeth-A>-IfeeadyweeCrcittse allt.'..v.e 0, diales at tht sîukt in the tarin lieuse Zivilt.'o. t5wàý"m te l'e ihappy and luabovnrr reitttigl au ols* liîcen we br iohe am hrredithot>ght it miglt frighlen ber mOtber te à i, nd t.tictimensrutoft thcers ie., rouout rIf Christbia mbit" ln trou tht sitting ruin, witli a flushed. beieldaiutf ler visiter, antigosededri teii ncrim. by hita aei h OjýI e fe salon fsn.su! notingutabout hi fer ihlet uigzht ai1 '.ca i ~ ,* h.iCrrtesA~. TtCrses url h etiI tbie rallieernte "Oh. lioroti eu." he seud, "do ion tast, sud conietitesi hersetu v.th tellitng' OIur "' /3 ,,Dit i ten yllt th hapsudpyoset!'-a ged gâ mtr otfConsninbe, AgJ> thlik ysat-euh osts! aloDre andtire curebtiat aheuandtht' buby bal be'u seuy r '/, y.5 IrLi ebt theîsChrs vta ip recl l m.ncie tCosabnA.~ or babilail daynd, perbaps. ail nig b etfnule e eru.liig!uil bise C'bc mai, as s fly liactistr teviierl tiraiAAmut Kîte has fallen sud lrokeo Newi lears eve. as Doroîhy camein ateit, aswlh ciatsmomt es;sudpy ', i>lis n fcaperuc eau» t** ~< ber' an. sud she vanta ute come over ros> aud smililea froint ler mile sud àa à . iaad fsut dmoetafrls sa es;an matet api*tut'isttrtfutourilmu esa iyas pssbl.~bhurt! k rensrhool. sr waitouis- at tîters. No span .It yearu cap bbeyigt frro n r e ens .of LehmannWM- " Oc ys f course I ra," replied edtrItefinitIber mmvvstr uIs i-' 'r hei.,smef,!O ji- Doie. *aîrompg - s"Yeuich atlrwghtise,(and sted rondpA.i- -tmalin t-gtunwi'4ib eli ilhdffa ormntutbebwestn chitdhuod sud old age. aleoil aud get readiy: l'Il braI the soap- f.rtahui uopen lits nes'. A à o aat lleuI it hita ftepe tca atone anti help Yeu gel stateOan sd attet -W'ht does L rsi i' "site assied,.cturin u»- , mrutîuo a prem er ' 45rilset: ouilenjey sud 'viaeilbriglit. Wbat "I he tle1 fste hen. angbt. wl hinfontthe rngrâ eghn fc I 'qt e l fSata Clans ln a legtud inateati hât e o l finish tic wotr." tor freinr tse rsaea agînoaefVsftIta per..nally? Ia tht Inarla efthblun-* be alouly ay or ouand 1111811,we -il enn,- epled he eilvole tretsanda bthii sliving Patron Saint. "hahtri te cerne, ot conrse, lb mai bDorothy etenîlerti 5o.sW-il. "thact I amt 4~ l-r joui posiblechat ,Oei etlar. lyoer Encle Hiirry. just bas'k trous th.Aise iP',.iWàirm,-- Idà rlGo Tye"g se-iht u is nautie aDna,7u.Kodk ihapktned mina ion,'Pl n 45J'dy mi gUS> 1pe- àt6 555fThe total value ut trsde n tlu beias glui. and 1 amaraid tiere la 5anIa dsilugsdtiotu e itd uhtcrm ,ê<ts.e reoate tremendona propoertionis.Ac' afriring os. Ye are ureoîycentt ad wil ennndaxost (livie wtantill 7J, t»-u.ào- sarate Ifiresam nt attainable, but ex- cemng n.Yenar ses on re geucrousuile girl isho ssold cive .luoit 7» age ef . dirMu aP M*ir 114" ports ,"tmte tliOb tle American peoprle '-Atrai'!Wl>.. et course nst. Yeu n te etet o lelibatnd71.1 S mmeu amse ien *4taieId 'a, boy annily bben $15,(.000 an> d iogtIl1ws1 er lletmni.1straigît te bis iier'a home. upon bis ai'- 71> Ao .Zàe/e -P S A # 14-j'OY ta :' *0.000,000 Worthi. 01t Iis aum about al chat [n ltehe rd shoulti I te sfnaid ival front tht far nortit. aod flntitug heu 7lat D.i. . _ é w '.c aw . Hip ad isaline-tiri goues to utntmankets. Te Off' of. atywae' andl Dorotiy letciug h e Itic ~ aibn biel eOtire I~' Aad F.iib W.-'ss uIvifAitait but Paslat. ': stl Ibis Impotrvtatichedoniestic marin- Ibeurli. ~~~~~tsen twetl mutes distant. ipua alirai' atrr is egai naetnE A tew m om ents tater abe lood, nt bite neas m alter. bait de e tate ke p te a et-s ro ea a1et . Itu1î, ch- ---OEa 1h5 5 E u mSU .pa . 'wlieww ibli 2-yeuir-olti Nelat, tle babY C et trulli bisesreluira. 1ald M545 awà semona ot etr hnayntinisaiold h e' clml m@ e! the !smiîy,inleb eraret.anti catched r"Andi l'il tstway% iW glati fiat 1 itr.'- la 1141'o, Auge mJs't5 d int --. m.ae geterntag an ntion lu thca vorte. tb, '. ootSon. rei r heruftber and niotherdtinte away dose n I'gl *'~ ~ ~ "~arrsnt leOur tin tulutîteea e nîll>.i laued. lte- temtple in th ly a0 et bite sii hodiug eut bis lbond te Dore- -... i. k.,~,cai. en » goïa- taLyu -nieteAut. 0chr lAu inys. tear, are te' Jenuasm. tie snow-dritted ceai. Site smiled itriglit-tbs. tbecase, hi thir mens, 1 tournan , -i el ' .n.saliue poilà al ty . nuu genémai stherrtiay. abriionad, thalnka te 'e èt' Iy as long as they remaintdinlu igît, but wa luk -ere ittîle gr it'cr mgû a oréit#f """yIhetrg lterai un Ail mllon. Clae.1 iirlits todayiâtilla dti alo4'r-- visen a tara lu the rosi bld the sîtigh ghe burt fer a ulece.' n u oo.erinrlgosmt tnt ut isnthat she dit. There vene Dorotbr bas grow enuy W eil acriouult-V T eria p/ ss sittas « dsliats l.. re tm"tlieute Ur-ry taer. s. M1 t him ugbaf, u rd*sue, rallglesas"Ob. wsr i r p r i sn din g e l g h f u t i r s T M I lu a n t î u t hi S o r s r e o p l e a r e t an i j te s . M a i e y th e or a l u o nm l . , i ne other houtes vitbin sigt, bliir neun ed vitli .UnctehIannt store that sterrny 7ua .,doj deo.aiti.'t-ao ir"sotisillnvritin o ce ,uefelaouhe tint.cu.wll,*0 t est nighben lida mile aseiast.Y aOn -o eîgtmîtigo' tss ane t altirso hdlea siettess-les aa ver hiiatw stauding as lb dii upon a seldomi bsveied have conte obt-r tbroughlibis 'kinrue«; ni jyft Nalàl " e'gl Of. ' Sinores et otroîreviar ewuslya v. er day r e chrusetgot lac al* tnd she sW-tnders nem bois he ceuever I'.rs' utu1 .fs st é lsrÀîe!bs. nai a u c rtg eegms "w iiytu. r Il1îc rfcgin t ey:aai ut voi., tht' Inllic msteahuai vas a drearY IoetOfghtbsvor eubsrikddl,0 etLkusd. -oa44 rhsi.i t MW d ui 5.l hiugsare morr, profitable thoan a aucreha- dtrth lrmalie'iD byt Doth.>.dii not speni utueb ,tr erer have tîbt en rsplendid, big-' ou // ue. * idtfl 7sg', rfi of-'itsrBnobutorn.<beru lti2 uWhorts' eiitienata floiever. ShDjuu lon Aiarîci unteeton a trampj.-Detroit Fure Anset Bost'.t1ani. viso unv,-. -etri te gntbieya. ('eth- fial ii roePt t5.klt ti»meditabti- Ite aus t . sn ,t.e/pt. 551 f tr- bIilitu.. ilou r" - ,cvurr Fro teyasith finalCiyo erualom eneugli atbbche iuiuw te note the fcw. Press. Gasd #a»,r ag 5*ii, e g it its - nnr altiitîrsinZunthe pasttw( lseic a tnprou the aucieu tcli>e em.amr- bit. le-falliuit flake«. sivauce messenl Li ___ont__________________ et IwLkl.:. - - pltiy offtice Bockptthe nlféma'imrIL grisof tbe colliiig Sturmu. and then veut NEW VEARS THE WORLD ROUND cLi tt gdaie Au-sairfaa 1lilthpNeue. e.td-ocmuo aler.anbd about the bilatidbetsebeti tasks. Sei Fr ued u suass a5e es..>l i e nr rigpessr ahr.sd atiu mauch wssthete to b ,doue tht net unril Ynctiona i i Enupean Calmeta te . ' T/7-1, ued i suuiif ru.t Cfrse.br ags 0 te e y, tu f-, sud ata prie-stu lugorgeons robes. hearUig psia the nid ciock upon thc misotelt tsvsued jolcluge in the trests. a W---W ,,4 .n toléa t f'lit y, u ilittr-et idot t Ou. ârand eoletes u sstlandialet, tptU rire heur ot 3. idi totthy puse for more B rlhato tbcL-'~ ,te las'. e ous*s ad lua n îsetyieuatte liS. turthbehtrrhi 'r ,tîila. thon the short rmit eisih itbe ook bie ' rt day orthe ysr Ai.4.! sode ve/euSePst -oeln esu "rItrr--t'-c't untîre f1înesi rh 'î temetltetone sa Dr" désr rotuol licn simplerlctirlier; ieiu, ssith Nel - -catt ggl s .Rmn-st.r> 1wl"7"u nI '"d n ïktttti,! .111 es. surd it tthe sgnal fremin'hicpalrJludi iit iean s c t aldgratefuyttimbriisort( hRoa'AU.! cai// tt- h,, >.lea urt A/i .suat' thteh tsAîurirocr b> tht Sittng imes. So csiuly sert'c WC~~. Alhu/ M4us. .4 - u tcais.csDiyf 1rrc t. pra ttgrti ht tr~'nt tîs-, ln. tolloet by thse tr -sh-ie to1 a acgacs ut bwasOthe prescrtiut% a *tlusIR-R Y Ff.L TON lttecailte ode looPm v er eehas to as frlusth a tt' Ca to- trimettrrttrr.:',i Us tuefr l uh sertsiirr'. us rrittng. ALt 12 et-'lenk- stortu IlîcIi grec n. Tht sais was talliz i b r>he y crc a ges ;lt.. I,tttr r-ctt.t 1 u tFrr t'i,,haltais nis W". rx >o.lii.- j> tbýt t l tOu z.t en sec the rourrrce rtfIjprofiîte» tise Au st t'.tttr -rttt ru h. Lrif1erritCt t.ta a fornti3 ri tt're. and tsIte reîsntmbercd stis ' Empiros. antI qute IiLii. t c" rt. nt.'t "Ipî' r'rt . ii rtrru h atvta a igh et relief totit ler ftther bad salit1 ,irtiî'na.ee te îbIýr1nri iire(-thrre we.. ail rienr, got LIti. u tr.Sv'a un î 5ltt .t t rti""-utue stt-tts, rrrt-oiy te»' belon thieusaià 90WO sujcs svrthue"9. dit1 ') rTiî. 1-trtcromi, 3:,tsitest liy Il. Wt&<#» éïtock woutrtutine înbbur trttention un-rri >cîrsagot u -ta.o r.a 1-1'aLteI lssii abe n -it w ti ruu fAe sooiitinet retuira titat tlin t issu.g utmi -À Crita uttgî. for the u.tility te senti'1 5 - - *-t' thet'o ihilori»in l a r-clt u a UWM As stAe rt andi buetia tiresy lîtie purs.ofgli te rshe Iatiarii.s Ssr'III i tntt.pttl55at cltl5ti5 c A 'rv h ug tsieXviii,' u,t ,rrî o î.-c-rl rit-ning jusc bi Ihit f.r a s re t' i a s ihe Ob I I I tour ta th,'tli e, Dorobltr theagbtsli., shr'tTh, ta l rvreti 19lé brio itile- ate latt-is clck, sat1 amontent In tht courte of Europe New leurs sLiîtertc r ttr.tttrrtS etebtlr uînii uth h ~ ittc -nteot'katkc lrif t tht o a great dis Attlte utinrrnîis btgîu ste de net alràý s kbev ut.L nbee. I mur Ibi a litlie@ h t'ftrrt l'ttitt, ir tIrtl. trsrrtisti),gan i edi.' natitu.Iî O uta nntnily kie laiseousgnthuickd intey -tmi usîth tite]tll eesuý I' tIsn frth" gte ýyseIrtir îrurrcr tierr o grl~~înittrî' îu a i s eOtis- door. lhilt.rtiîtv laidl Nellie lu ber trLh tht dey hy atendilgutrhrsatterseanird sse Iînle Scrsltung 19u ftlteorifmrv1t1> r t>L ttitutb'rne-tidAt o y- 1r rilt rir ttrrL 4cees an tnes eiiymeri asti raJ-Chrlama, ecoabrtsrie ii.te i.i'nitAo. Is 4, "T ' :ea' ' irît.trl.- ànr- I r,-stn-tle Gtt, tie nn r culnt ft. openi, sud tere, te berr they erc tAi e t iîgntires eof rLiurch.- tirettuitret nioitnta ie m'Ca te b it',ora lutf lutu tifcit;yýll.Bl e lý w t W,, su bavefwtAiev-rîtrîree lit.'ttitiant.llr'tth sf io n ii. Ar.'alin. Titeale aaavbMsees gý,11-pree, Ftco a grl earded, ough- rtale, arnv and iffoit tee Corp ' suriiâsitîlih furrerLarltuve -rnt'tW»tig i ai ;îîîtcarL as tlgut d D latli tit 111911, .ed. mMaOMO iookingrut rag-iA tramprthorîgiti tht thteIbusiacapital the prrnof het ihn l, villI iimplfytr»tthe iWngor s îrlkuni. Ail tjA"aiOut ninnris'-t. rttt'rDit-t'O. trlli gili i-uithat vins nott üsreiie I ItYierial turnul>, p1r'natgesofutthe i-uî-'vlei ette.L abri trthfo' isu -le l' oiltia'rltrb tt itt tli tvau cd' autei hng unfr iugiiza, te ttîttns rqortaiarle s ahotr'- oolce. 1funottacr's tanI sert anis oethbfpalace ihese eho avirtîluret tire u, " thtbIlia ,tucorete i-, tt trtnLlr boy,'hr i l,~ ha ister" t fer tti n ,iii.ry ea se ttc tlettcuntlie' in sni get warm rorne iniregutar orier t reseot tht-h reaesî apnes.s ,ofclose i-r hve h br'n- . viiîsp havthe . 'tjl i AIl Tar.k.ahllt', b-y"mijoter!"n inn t bot II tt'5r ,n gaIM WY 1rcittie goiog i-cthn ntht aient Dore- bornage anti grr.Isîtbis e otht Euiptnrnr, thît itsntvu I. e.Ja8 uul sv-tt b'làr!î ilrrrtIu ii>', ~e1 i»~inIti-elr-.thefire Bt lasmailvo doc.ltvor e ',te es etâtCr,- îru li 11t LÜ4 f.1pptinaii as tie trurd àarts.>. cliims I1nrý,tu% ir iti.'. thfrou etsam dgUîl h:ni lt-en tittrbi hrtt haa itiil: It a ho kisse. ail bie meInuIIrs rf bis frtiI. antn.Th mte LaaIlt tes ehat rbi wirtth e flitr na- tiT . ut tht nir i xos ',ad..Abveapet» ut, -rlt cnrs rtuc. r-o site atseutr'd te anti al tlie big tti nu lilt l te'ie tIs aL-stislcaju), it. Thee l Wa of tcu' et vibclaoiri" me3 ritI uilau ntc isIMis Tr -rt bttasfodss. t ii.sgt rs tIa ni rew a chair tor coringtutothe Rrssian tus-hisu. Peoi.. pentîtoti-t rse athr.îe mnb'i Iebr>nainl th have ' ..Gîeet bat> e wriers e bier yhi' uneo îr .euhv pans e bîtrtl.-- t tt- r.ritg Ac.meteing In. the, streî luRussia On t- 'Flic- lteps oet Iose vwIe hure aotitditre huriis tr fies' oui bide sr u> av Gmsmls"b iureit cr hi-sg -ota boiirsigcidy ',I-ut tilt h» Utufn t arin!" inqftireil Yearo ksa ech tther. selethen r'rî(uit' are 'luymerre opicteil t'h ieuare the,0besuhenttoIIIlibe sils trebathtt us-s1eo satvuIblitiiîaa.~ t ttir%'el r0 egucot. affet' smomtuniOrr i rcnt Tltc tasorei ours Who bave 1lireset fthune' Who have luitte. e areý e lytty tu dîI'orsbionebt r >rtos t<r ttlthrtgrctCrscalujybls. osO iirrlt! it 'rtar' rruîîrrltestr sy 1 -.ir I ik' te tlvi sburr-tandhbouge. uiaili h.i, lmdowu al.1hogilteiitboJytIÏ bte e bnIe Czsarîtalrt-e pTilte scie wtt t.t et 1IWvaitl, lon Cantileuiu tr et. Or miidiCusrne seitIl.r. ~tSru. ad -')@Ir. *orst amoragt I jr- îîrrIlîthe littlniokltseu he-t erfer once hnsunilve u Ith an h sseî neonilios' peupe. lu takin ll ttwn ou cituus Iutr' otttissrl esv ytf'LTiiute b e heir csitet ýt n ol o mi nsut 0t e uîil Il jswt ti ese odileurptaliug suit tbrg*UIsg -t igri î thnd iue r 'g f A t' a d r H . a g t u s p o . l an d orin t 11ho113 t u în ar te ofrit- Wt tA ug rindtS c t uf- s b a l e l was rttlt- in mointece e! a im ,bu (,tt t)ish tu'a - Yu ' tuba er-r- ws 'r-"ttith ti r- nicr- tur- k t e 'r'if%, ite r-iîettm m r> o u 10 ttirait nia ' Ion th t s-sy ee> th eu g b th e. b lo l ro i. r -- a t if r-. l u ! s tick t a d re ss.M err y o tCrî i st roalsS , ligrtr tt-ttratîtiu bbd ypour' nvy thet r S, and then otet es ow r -ouiit cagodinlohtisit .rrs.liittchi. flc ntrtorun Eîtrros Erl îtth, tise n h euthtbtreitier andi tu clapl a blunch etorli pickr.r.l un Cut uSlinLtS. - t ' trgl"s'et te iw etheuiOeritr .tasnd rtî tt oal sithesu, n eOt arn es bhave lets TIestont eve ws fiste.eflic'niotis9as tht rom'an. etl 1q02 A "rg(abmno.. i t rîrornrîsrthe e'iîu t-theroaîc, n a f iaetmens lie itappleetteu iinnai. eproînut uag trot selirbea 1 arterotltt iftdcitttpeupet al' e utinusta- omisu ou earbli it 5ie ouI! knew I isc. lé ca 0 kes otcil ptils A gouId a otiuJoyuIe. ,4 stiero. lritt-r-iaettre sconiel b i uptes ernseb It sauptt nngit frein ri-bnd. igiîtt eket.MiI'tarltof.îon-t at eors.O prini sit'norenth re! n ite u blpet b4Qu h lrLusS tic Bianvu pairen. ferthe srine purçuoe. t-a hlriili snv et ando t't'.'r'lrtitay t-t aitry o otiorita.th- wI lidte.a t cngratuluaOtionesi -moutislyPacket. I r"'.gnr-raîtn. r'l'hs'-rdiversion cnstaate Tiniti Ii'-ti t Lir t'bttîtct ..a1 sthserne Ds - ~tinut ire tu tatlr'li etrlbrandyi, tem t , i i,,tt,,hi-l Al'iPrin e g tAiste ncan.te ItîIay-er ctr cr lu pieh ont an ruin -es 'rortie 1'(tOt hefit ilic as welI ".InEcnunthit'stiaa.Iscelnhiated ios whtic vr-ir tword tîn'own a, tIIIItioi' eh. r har-t thi rrri eno t' L ih "'oe h it noi tthusiatýme than aciu tc rife til bt ta 10 tes- ' 'iyshece eIle. Itvery 1irsoou seli cri ie C ut 1tt'ittt> rr ht- Etutre -. uit ber lîtile. i( id bth e t Dg i rîtu_.uni te. oit Euz ýH o w ss Ssrpr el . vo r îr Chrstiat stec kiug l" iob t., ovugles- rdeclsAs 14e - ksbor, s aey cu dreu. A .eiioagMW pekluis rea tilth ol a.î.zhgaýtt