CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1901, p. 9

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ville Doaw wIt t e in. ;ite "y int la irýbt jr oref. 'e p re -,e'f 2 ut 'Z , us. CRU go Iii ber sa neàit e )ver UetOý'er- awewu i mo» lvG , le VaSas.,, ,ery Muebilars- remember vaTe t Chriatmas tie- lermy Ohnlastia' mean a "Iud of r1c. BCtuw Wr tgive et 5Xlia sorso t2, wve ially a"5 M~ onti iuntry tl4 (lie i to lasasW*o Orý tbe yarIséek e! i thé relienis iec seM te bi And if lm gra nid realljý cne ffl 0 1taa hav ffé , bat pleasait 1tiis isulas krlUe 10 ibt Y 2e to ~ ile 1e* aa - - - - Ill in ois.1 rKanaClauis 5.a "OIld Sherm" tiasie gom Inmb partnerahip thia" year and therefore their store la the proper place to boy your holiday g1uis. a,, bu e ail fiîîd lîie a;]fi li(in, i Musical Instruments Guitars,; Violins, Autoharps, [tc. fluides these i have My usuai fine cf Watches. ings, Brooches. B-acelets. Watch chaîna, Guard chaina, Fob chaina. Vatch charma and in lacd everyîhing in flic Jewelry fine, Nohîng s more acceptable for Chrismas gifta ihan a finie Puece of jewefry, C. R. SHERMAN, bertyvîlle - - - Illinois. M at (fristrs1, -aiu rI ft' -. 1 p iît.i ýut 1 1 t - 1 arg -taîuiiej1 -1w t ii i \V , -t \ ] 1 1 ruîii r--.1 ti !iff hIl i tîî f f t filat Xrî 'Xut :tl u ;î iîî ~ ~ rX at ou >tu PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of lnterest to Libertyvillé Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Elfect Sunday, Ociober 2o, 1901, St I2:oi a. m. TO CHICAGO. ani.tuis [»Part Froo New Don, Leav Lii,rtîuttt, AunaI 18 . ... ,. i42 . . . 14. li . C.ti-u1 .. ......... No. t s .i. i. FROM CHICAGOI. lot. Arrive ai New Deirot, Ch(i uî. î Arniu- t uttuti,. Il1.. . 4tut làu. M. ........... .' Ut. Mi. 5 iii a'1ui..... ... .. . ei. . Ji , 1, . .. ... . f, ,i .I . 916M ]I. . 9i 1.i, i .. . . r58if. i . I ROM CHICAGO. Arrive an Old Deniot m ui ...... t i i M. i i i i, ti . . i Oui, Ou5trLM. Too., nd .11 a loih . M .,1 bi s euîonable ( i.risttm 'the time approaehes to do the Wm, Steveuson had unir niamup ania wear off- art. 1lovtsied lu-bis @tore thîr 'reek. He Mra. Mary Filher ib vimitlng ber ai180 lia@ em;îioyed an irlîitional son John and wifo at houshba. NNic, taylor. Thingm are boir ,tug vill tiis eek. Stevenson. Sid Meaker bias aecepted a position Bond Broa. are meeting wiih gond as manager of Austin (lemeutm farni, onecensalu their team iaendrv venture, 0outh of town. iii fact are baving about ailt ticy cau Wný Thoman, Jr., bas renteil bis attend to andti Ieir worir glre sisl- (athersm farta, nort> of town and will faction. conduct aâme hierealter. John Lemoni who renta t('"b Buik- Wni. Walrond lias addcrl a stori of leY'a farm ounMilvauikee Ave,.liai lîlali grade cigari tii bis gr îeery audlieased the Cha9. Achen farm in the mearket. r manie vicînity. Mr. Actien expee!ta to Smith A Davis, are prexentiug thier icone loto the village. patrons wlth licautiliil calpndars, that Now las the tîme &0 get cuýir mil ws, tho-e wbo sait for thema. iiecry at large reduction lu rice, at Mius. H. 8. HiT'HL ir TT'S. Little Morris l'roctir snd Chantie Lîb)ertyvilie merchanta are enio. ing Me Donald have aimoat recovered from iabgr oia rde i ,v ag the diphtheria, as liai irsi iot. tstocka la gond asaortmenlts sud boyers Proctor. moivariably find uflat %bey wurut and at The-Wor--man faîîliy uho orruipied prices noue complalu of. the Caivert house on Milwauîkee Ave. At the M. E. chureil B8nàday nom.- now owned tîy J. B. GOîi.-,iniovf'd to lng Dr. Robinaso l deliver a Christ- i bîcageSunîiavmas sermon, and the Balib2tt srhool Newi Agnt Li. Buier Je vielllng bi@ 1 vii li e prescot. lI n hecxeuîug ai piarents. in quOiOcy, wuihitliaiconnts for 'be a acredconicert. Al Iied. thi tardy and iIrregnlr d<illery of 1Zero veathpr ibis i. ek dodîleoty ilaiy papers this yack. r of it. The themometer h 'i rngeti Sec (iray'a of Christ mas aIl tLe vay ir,îm zero ta 1' uu ou aod goode, belore liurlog. Ahlai Chnilgm«aI al èeem quite estiafied witi wintersa treei andi decoratlona. 10-2p 1irst real deminostra9Ioor 1e itenre. ce ativerileedti o occur liai Fine mîxetiranudies, i rentsaa gbi, under auspices ofthbs po Und,, ai WALROii*'iu- et Vigioti Club us nec- Our memobants aie tu lie ,onmendedi posiponcti îuing to the aiuurm. -POU ibeir bpe0Iidid Chri'teîss di. igbt it vas beIt and a gooti piaye and dtecorsione,,hiîuchîare uyd certaiuly pmovlng mtiau uetr., sud therel, (ne mi rehauts iro lîir te. yard. Fctiiett Bros., whlîn drii n a penltry, butter andi eggaiîre lu LEvunton as Weil as attend tine N unir us utero Uni. veme>itY 11 ai atplace, we,î tinfoninate in baviog tineir tielivu rut herse anti fielgh atolen liaturda ne nsof the boys vas ielilvering g iantihati a f ; lefi the rlg la front r a reaidene uhîle lie vent inaitia fuir niaipurpose. Ha vas gone perbaps r 'a minutes. Wben lie netumneti the 1i.. rise vai no- ulicre t e hgseon andi1 late thcy have folinti lo trace ,nute nig. ln the sîsîgli vere ltopfti butter, a case of egs, blanki i, itil fur roble. AlibOnIgh the Police t)ti (hîriago anti aarniulg csuies arýi ilages vere I noftitiet i unce ibey bau, (ouled tele Iui1îfax aDaY Part cf tht .U, Wuproeaty. 'beautifuI hand decorated porcelain ware trimmed in gold plate we have: t'%nÎtket trays *Iaying carci cases PoiMade boxes ,*n holders T'.'oth brush holderq. Jewel boxes, satin lined Handkerchief boxes Cigar jars Hair receivers Photograph hoiders O)ur BMaititil url M ii i (Ifîîii X; Mi fî!îa,-e olil' atix frii'îif'-. 'l Ire bave .a-fîiu. utfijîil \'aVsc-. IlAîti iaiiîtîuf ('aukei .Jarsu, Vater 4m EIxnîy WSili '.iîî:.î'I iIt:ii-x flair Hrîisfies fisides loîîîi theîtîr lise- * giftai'! iliilt' j rliai Vii(J iu( lte d uPflateif iandifSterlinîg 19ýr Moinfi i 1 iln Celluloid Novelties \we have: t cases f romr $1 fto $5 k boxes ýh Dîck holdiers Photo frames Stamp boxes GlCove boxes t Ms Necktie boxes -;1ýdkerch1ef boxes Pin cushions. 4 13Y HORSES, ROCKINC HORSES, V DO LL CARRIACES, SLEDS, WAGONS aaenati's And ail the-usu, if toys în wood and metaf. Si l tu itu ft iuto u l. (flîli'a i au't ~ tfl'sfîie-ais.. 411d :0 ' ativiuI : Onuf ( > Of>1lii .îî i Ciii hr iistiiuas Gifts foi' Ï% m s e xvt-' li v e wi1 o l iu ii(j i us ia f h ui île X u lo fl l\ g iicd s fr ii i w h ic i t ii et.iitfiiiig Imi-l' s'ihit aist jiilflr.. uress goodo. i'ruigs. etc. SMITH & DAVIS, ville - - - - a - - Illinois. At the annual election Acme Camp, No. 174;, IM. W. A., seiecteti the folinu- Ing oficeas for the eneulng year L. J. Webb,. i. C , J. A. Treptoiw, Adv., Hi. C. (ileasou, Banken , Lil, W(,iia, Cleri, i5!atuOStapina, Esiori . '].. Pontei, ,W air humiii . . i M ii 1r, iientry. ~ryhing for the Christmas ..... dinner... your Turkey, Duck, Chick'en or other NOW. We wiIl save you a fine one. rRIGGIS NI) TA YLOR, GROCERY AND MARKET. CHRISTMA-§- '-»--PRESENTS. DOL LS, BOOKS. CAMES, FANCY DISH ES, CUPS & SAUCERS, VASES, MUFFLERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, N ECK WEA R, C LOVES & MITTS, SLIP PERS, UN DE RSKIRTS, DRESS SHIRTS, SWEATERS, FASCINATORS. FANCY TOWELS, FUR SETS, WRAPPERS, WAIST SILKS, FLANNELETTES. AT LIBICITY ViLLEILNOS AT THE W/e have a guo i ,ii 4sortuiieiît i if t îl i l.s (ifts suvi iam TOILET tCASES ANI) AI jULES, CUTY GLASS IiERFUJMTE BOT'ILES. U1SEFIL N( VELT11 S. T( S FOR TIIEC('IILI)REN. Lîbetyvîle - - - - Illinois.1 0IWANGES NUIS- C'ANDIES A "iae"on thehbolier ai thel iglit plant caunsed a temporary aliapensmion of ]igbý,servIce ibis veek. Monday nlghi four exporte fromtChicago lîiche the icdefective portions andth le servIevas reanied.('onsiering the nature of repaIra mauaie the delay waa excejîtionally ashort Dave (irliitb hitcheti bis boov nsi front of Schanck'a store fur a few minutea Wednesday afternoon, whie lie atteoded to Bonme trading, but It was long enough for somte miscreant to ateai from h»e rig a fur robe, in consequeoce of which Dave waa as mail as yen get 'ciii, anti ubo blamea hilm. Satorday niglit Lîbertyvilie Lodîgc, 492, A. F. & A. M , eiccted the folio%- lng olicera for île eniiog year it. W. Butkley, W. M.: E. Il. lSmith, b. W.: Tho@. Corlett, J. W.; iJohn AistIn, l'roe; J. 0.. Lee, Sec ; eo. liood, S. D ; Ernemt Davis, J. D_ C. 1'. bHiiher, T'yler. Large tangerine orangea, 3oi cents a dozen, et WALiiOuin'@. 19làb&s been thoogbt beet go omît s Chriatmaa entertalument tbis year, andi connequatly therevlll beno axer- cieleei thIe Mthotilat churcin. Hou. ever Sauta Claus viii delivar the usual 8011001 preéents to Suday achool aeholara, and anyrîne wiabing hlm go take aiOng proetetfor individuale May leave Rame ai tha chnrch lecture room Tuesday afternoDn. Thia course seema wise owing 10 fear of a diph. therla epîdemic. It vas concludeti tIai tn have the eblidren gather for reesaasil woid net be prudent at preaeot. Charles S. Dean, of Nora, Sprngs, Iowa, tarmeti the --lowa Cyclone' lectnreti S thei M. E. cbnrcb Mnnday and Tueeday nigota under auspices of tire W. C. T. '. Mr. Dean la a very energatic taîker and weil verseti in tatîstica reiating to the liquon traffic. limait audiences grooted hlm on both nîghts daspîte tins fact hie lectures hati beau uell advartised. Thora moims a ad look of btreit ln Libartyville lu tiemes pertaioing go the saloon evil, and the irmail contingent of earnest temperanca vorkers are otten dis- conrageti on that accounit. Cali et Mais. H. S. HuRBOUTTaS for handherchilsi, ladies' tIoa, ladies and oilîdreus golf glovesansd ailier articles for Xmai glfts. Two chiidren of the timonier famlly living ln zooms over Duseoberrye wagon ehop on Milwaukee Ave, are down vith diphtheria. The family le quarantineti and ai an extra precaution achootlias beeu closed util Jan. iith. Gertrude, four yeare nid, dieti Salur- day, of membranons croup. Il vas et tirat reportati she had diphiherla, but the very nature o! ber atiliction contra- dictaIt. She dleti very suddeuly, ili. Ing up anti cbeklng te destin. Hou. aven thoe la n doubt but the twn now slck have dîpinthenla. A traineti nurse ls ln attendance anti everythlng Possible balng cloue for the patienta. Mllilnery very chemp at Mits. H. S. BH 1 tLITT'". Couglha and Coido lu Childre n luse anti praocnube Ciiaberialîu Cougli Remoîdy fer simomnaili ebstinate. osrotl.d -oîîuia. viii dIrce-t rasita. 1 irnserîbefiL teo eiiiiln o f al tiuns. Arnmuid ie rciem- uuienîl t te ail iti noed and gsei'rng r'e frein co ei d udouîglu and bnoni'hiai afile. u, nis. I o non-nareetic snd sate in(lie banda o! the mot iioproesaionni. A uni- vergai pauses for ail mankind.-Mas. Jd&UO It- MELENIJ>, hM. D_. Ph L). Chicago, 111.'ruila nemedu il, for saie .ï. F. B. LovsoL.. Lihetrville; iSÂTSLÂS HSÂCuJ - M izL [raouts,. TO CHICAGO. wEEK DAn, Deva nt rom Old Oepot. lt.rul' itijk, u iuau L N~~~~~~~~~ ~ , i .li .. .30 .iu 21i 5 7 llt ior . .... ii l.: J, t MS I l. .. i405 .pl 145i N1, f z . lu. N t Ou)îr stort- roîîthiî Le to 1wi the îiîst îîcîîîar plae iii towil. aiîd n() \ýmtîiefr. For we hiave the' inost attractive aîid pleawsiiig stook ocf (lîristtinas Goods that lias v% ur i îieI n oi 4 t togetiier in Li berty ville. We v atil, wI XI xi t d i îpply jîîst wliat every- body waîîts for)i (lis~timi . 'l'lie, simple plain taik cof The Price é hat is Right is mir voit- viiliig argiiniit. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYSI! Meciaiiual 'Iîîys. 'i'ys for Boys, loys fuor Girls, T'oys for Ciiidrcîi of ail ages, (lames, Blocks, BookCS, DIls. No matter what you'N.want yoii are suire' to fiîîd it here. Anîd, as we said before, the simphlle plaint talk of The Price that is Rlght is our convinfciîig argument. IýJi i i Our as;sortmeîît cf GriîtIe- mian 's Fîirîiisiiiiîg is coin- pi'ete anii p t<î date iii ex cry respwt * * A îicat stylisli tic makes a mcst acceptable p res- etnt fo a mail or boy. Wc have aIl thec iatest siiapes anîd -oi ori iigq. Sec thii ii. lFor thte Ladies' wl' have cxcrythiiîg that iîeart couîd xisli. W/e lii c-iit, spuice eucîigii ti i ciiii'ate the iiiîe'siaiiibes1,1(loiîe arltic'les whiîu'iî* xi in ay iid lîcre. (Cille andîîfsee foîr x iîrself what w lia ve. 'I'liat is thie mict satisfactîîrv XVliX. 'Weliav e everything in ther liiîu'of ('lristmaà ,roiecries. Letts hell> to iiîîake xciii' ('iiri.stiiasdinner and f iaIs are pure and fr Jî. .ust ini. we want you to corne and lse cverytiig just as ofteîî as you uplease.('orne ini at aîîy tiiii. Everything appropriate to the season. F. B. LOVELL, Llbertyville

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