CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1901, p. 1

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.LAKE COUNTY IND)EPENDENT, X. No. 12. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, December 27, 1901. $I.50 a Year in Adv~inr~~ 7~ STEVNSONTHE TAILOR. 1l. 2021 19( iois. 02 Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER -Schnck's Hardware Store, bertyvillIe M-- ,.linois. -,?ýUL MacOUFFIN, 4Ai00Sq Md Counsolor at Law. IOOTAAY PUBLIC Dr.r.Ç. H. Smith, OO* Iover Lake County Bank **ilo »a. m. andI1to à . lm. DAILY '-.Libertyville, 111. DIR, AMOS J. NICHOLS OP CIHICAGO, tus opened a ~NTAL OFFICE ~jU~yilo.,BuLlers Block, over ~U~~Wa' sore vhere ho mlv bc 1OU~hoeUou Woenday.. f rom afiOg ot. ON IE m a050550 lasand Surgeons. ~odnetbree dosrs usct Wholauavered proml 'i ddiaalva>'.il the office. 0 mv*wuMedicine. I. bsec SI.DARBY1 .LN LUSK, TIONEER. - Illinois. 1platig iaklg a t3ae Orr eaddrnss sud I vilI guar. .0 Bearing Certifi- yable on Demand. lIT TuSDEST.1 BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ILIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. @543055CA »LOIR. aj rEoT TÉLEMMON( NO 20.o,5. 2C5 Dr. Charles Galloway. OffIce over Lovel Is Drug Store HOUE F5OMi 1TO 3 AND 6 TO 8 P. M. 1Libertyvi lie, Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. )ffice over Trlggs & Tayior'8. to Io K sm. 2 to 4 and 6. tb S p. m. ktealtdence ni Broadway o.ppoite Park Libertyville. Illinois. STEAM LAUNDRY. Ail Work Neatly and Promptly Done. Bond Bros., Libertys'le - Illinoisa.1 FURS WANTED Highest Market Price PAID FOR ALI KI'IDS OF RAW PURS BY Chas. Stemple, Long Grove, [il. fISC I10 250 If 2 Andrew Wagner' AUCTIONEER. Sales couducted in bot the Eîglimtb andOnerman language8. Bilecesful sales asgured wb-erc ernployed, Gray" lia 1902 Hogis Went '%Iafl. I tree togm, blîten bya auddîog ut O adswortt titec veets ago, su ne- countes ID10thess, oluimncut tie Iles, veut madi Friday and mere kîled by Msr. em-,ct nt,,u o.tley te- loîlgel. lir. Distuiwee oison sol daugtter vtlo vers- sivo Iitten 51t tc lime sud Immcdiately tku tu hoCiesgo for treat- ment arc ugmiii ut towe, ces-lsud happy. Rc;îîiliican Convention oîf i7tis Juisîcial Circuit. 'l'tee "epubllcanis of ttheI.7h Judi- doal Circuit, comprialng ttc cotinties 0f BrIoie, %IcHeiity, Lake snd Winue- bago, are requested te select delegates to represent saldecountîca jus aludicial Convention to te teld rit ttc court boeuse luat City of Beolidere, at 1:305 P. Mn. on baturday, Jannary 1, lsA2, for ttc purpuse I of iuiating scandidate for judgc oftceCircuit Court of the î7th Circuit te 1111 ttc racancy causcd by ttc deatti of tirc Honorable John C.1 tiarver, sud forte transaction of snob i otter business as ina> propcriy corne, before said convention. By uaimons action of ttc coumitteo It vas Bug- gcsted ttttc delegates b this con-1 vention te sclectcd by the Count>' Central Commîtte of the Varions countieca Ttc basis of representationj for ttc severîsl counities lorrng said9 circuit wIll te one delegate for esot four buudred votes sud ttc majori fraction tbercof, caoit for presîdent lu tuc Jear i1911<1 Uijnîer Ibat basim ttc said Cointiea vill lte entltled te delegates sfollova: Boone 8 delegatos. Lake 131 delegates, tIcHeur>' I3 delegates. Wiunetogo 20 dehegatea. Il. K. WiuLSH Bcecretary of ttc Judiciai Commtteej or tire î7tb indicial Circuit. Read the INDEI'ENDEN'r and get ail the latest news. HAPPY NEw YEAR Ielcsrates for Judî,lîuuIcorîv en- Te Rcpîitlican C(oi.ty coîuimîttee met Monday sud , Iccted thjirteen delegates ttc Jju -iliConvention to te tield ai Helvidcr,- Jauuary 4thto1 nomainate a succesbor t,, tte laIe judge Garver. Those coon u acre: L. 0. Bsokvay ...... .....ssuxegan. 8 D. 'rslcott.. E. L. Clark ... ... chas. Whtney.. ý 1.. IL W. Cool]...... D. L. Joncs.... E:. J. lieydccker... A. L. Heudee... l'sur Misc Guffnu.... Libetyville Dr. G. W. T urner ....Esxt Deertleld M. T. Lamoy ..... . Barriugtou Sam'I Biackler............Suiida i. H. Hoîbjo.............ernon Now, Altogetiser! I)îringtluc Uoiidsys rrcorrespond- sonts have rather ileglcctcd us, but tteY do so bandsomoly for us at oter scasoüns ve canuot itîîd fanît. Nov- ever, vo are auxions,,t get tact tote old standard agalui. \Ne vaul more tovus represenled ii, ouîr colurans Ibmu tu those of asuy otter county papes. If any are onl of statiouery, vo vaut 10 tuov it, We trust ail vili favor n. vitt comunic3ations 9 nort veet sud nov îlottbe "rush is oves ve wlattend 1taany terrltory Dot beiug looked after ty ole of our Our norrespondents AIl toget.ter next weck' HeIp us tarI ont tle nu-v ycsr vitb a paper tccrning vitb county nevo. Ebîlobi. Saved fils Life. "I vist 10 gay that I f,-l 1love Myrlîein10 Kodol Drossevola l',re.' vnilca H. C.1 Ctrciteiison. o!Havîi Mina. For tbrcc Ï eues 1 vas troubled v it d mets 5 Ib con Id toId nothina on me stunset. Maur tImes I vould teunualle to retaln sainorsl l rnod.FifLialîr I vas uunffued 10 my bcd. Dotorsa ald 1 could not Iles. 1read one of Your advertlsemonts on Kodoli DysepRa. 1 Cure anid trosîgît Iit air oesaud on ,usnied lis use. I began ta imrove fron ttc Brat. hottus. Nov I sam uredsnd reom- moud li tu ail." Diceats ufoodlCures ail stomiet troubles. soidbyfý'..Lyu, PLAN TO CONNECT UNES. Lake t>,îîrîîv and Kienosiîa County i'rivate Telephone :N-ein tb be Merged. A 11rîvoîc teleptbone Company doing buhli,,cvm lu the Sontwesitern port of iîeIi0sHiiâ Collnty ln arranging 10 cou- ocýt witb Dr. Jamisou's private lieu, wic-lToruchea from Milburn 10 Lamb's Cornera, [fruce Lke and WAadoworth, la Lake couuty. lu faut It ln propoaed te merge the Levu linos and incorporate as the Bristol Teleptione Coumpany. l'lieo BiIstol <omnRY han alr'.ady but Op a uetýwork oftfines of mort thon twenty miles lu leugtt and ollera the use of Its service tu thirty Patrons li six dollars a jear. 'The central office of the Compnsy in tu the village of Bristol, andfines1 bave been eiltonded iu oery directioni froru Ibis central Office to Salemn1 Woodwortb, Union Grove. Brighton,j laria andinl a round-about marnuer1 Witt e eCity of Kenoaba. MILL EXTENi bLINE. Reports of officers of thc luonOsta compauy ut a rocout meeting stowed that the tot per mile for the con- struction ofte lines vas about thirty-two dollars. 'l'lie cumpany bas airc"dy eceIved many reInests for crIfiglousgof tte ilues, sud ttese ex- tension. vili te nmade next year, bathî ln Kenogaansd Lake COUDnty. 'The (,Meer& Of t lecw Company are Dr. F. E. Steveno, Of Bristol, Presi* dent, J. A. lowbottom, of Bristol, Secretary and Trrasurer, F. lil Suydcr. or PlteasantPrairle ie bthe ' Gehcrai Manager or tbe Company, Ail the sabscîllocrs te) tîfi8 new systs-m arc tockhol(ler>,in iithe con Corn. Lake Count', Ammeecemeut i4aised.c lu tbe report of the State Buard of l.j1alizntion cornîleted Ibis eeot, Lake County i n eeuf the counlties wbere the assebcment on lands vas raised considerabie IThe board addcd 17 per cent te, the boasrd of reviews auacasînent.t Lauit year ttc Sitate b îard ralaed IL5 15 per cent.c Wlie no ctange was made lu tbe1 asseasmeut on lots ttila year last yeart lots wore reduced 1.5 per cent making the difference in lots and land as chauged by tte board, 30 per cent. The proportion of the two are this year botIter, being ouly 17 per cent4 spart but the feeling in tbe couty la tOit the raihe of 17 lier cn.t is aul un-t just v(>ne. A couuify olliciasI liu aninterview relerrbnig btote rai-e- caid thit lands wcre assemsed tigher lie the tîroît place by the local boarîl lu Proportion to teir vaiue thun vwere lot sud Ibert- fore roelieon lansuetius quille .un reasouabl,. Tis faet i- acýonld lu r îby somre ttroughthttfilaet that Lake county ls nov uis a y ideutillcd with Cook couinty by thec state commitisu on accouit of lits being in the Mamne Con- gressionai district and thlit am tlîey al ways filgtt Cook counfjy, Lake nlov cornes in for thec amue treutincurt jast Cook receives.i l'ie net asse6sment (,ilttjýCh(icago Milwaukee Itectrie railrol Oaw"iid ut 51(s vaas vilneaed ty about esut1 Immediage relative.sud frieuds. Âmoug t-tose prenant from atroad verote moter, brother. sud sister& of tte groom. Tte bouse vas tastily decorated i viU evorgreeu, tolly sud mlstletoe sud uo effort vas sparod 10 mate ttc gueste prenanut elcome. Tte bride vas attired lu creamn lavnsdowlu sud was stteuded by ber cousin, Miss Loin Âmes, as liover girl. Altor the cecemony sud congratula- tions ttc guetta repaired 1 te diuiug roorn vtore a toutfiifiepast avalted The bride la ttc ouly daugbter o? Mr. sud Mrs. D. IL, Âmessud in velI and favorably tuovu lu Late cuunuy. Mite tas bocu a toacher lu tte public 80c1oo1s Of the uouaty for a numbos of yesrs sud tout tlgt sautirio eugaged lu tbat profession. lier ple"aaimite sud amiable character von ber a large cîrcle of frieuds, ail of vburn bave for lier a varrn place lu Ibeis tearts sud uothing tut teut wisbes for tier future tappluesa. The groom lem ut tce tead of a huai. ueas colloge lu BraLil, Ind., sud ttougb a Young ma" bas already acbieved mrakcd succesaInlu ts eau profeasion. Tce bride sud groom vere ftho recipieuls 0f mauy elegaut sud useful prosenta, tcstifyiug to the tigh e@teem lu vhlch ttoy are told by ttets frieuda. Mir. sud lira. Munson yl tec at home tu their triends after Jan. 15, 1902, aI Brazîl, Imd. MaY teir cnp of blas tea full 10 over- floving asudanushine sud bappnesa ho wittem al te day. Tisue to Serttie Up. Nov la te acceoted lime tocaucel your obligations sud dont& forgotth1e Editor. We ueed the moue>' aud fel yon should Pay promptly. Il bubteea n effort tu burulat jon a gond papes lu vtlch vo believe You viii conoede vo have succeeded. 19 cost n. moue>' 10 do so, aud vo vould approciate a prompt setlemrent of subscription acconuts. Start te nov Joar righl! Notice. Hiaving reuted te Half Day Savmill, I arn prepare te, aav ail telogo fou cau brlug lu this winter. Mill vlU bc lu good ordes, go I cau guarantos good vork. B. 13. GLEÂSON, dec 30-d 0f Benefit 10 You. D. B. lilIchll. Fulford. Md.: 'Durlug a long ilucs 1I Wa.utroubled wiîbî ted sorte vas advised 10 try DeWitts Witet Hasol kuive snd dld ao vlîb vunderful ranuchs. I vas Porfotitoured. Itte hbotstosave un ttc tna&zket. Surs cure Sur elets, -ores.sud bu B= fboa» sîi. Forsiot b' PremIn yen tory clearing sale, IIUW IH. NEVILLE SUICIDES. l'roiîi n eut Grîsyolake Nifaun -ii.# ,life 'sith a HM'îot Gil.. IlariyfThursday morîîîg liigt B. oeile f GrayslatkilcI tiseif, lu te luscment of i. hIOm, [qplaciug s gui, t> tis bondad d ii8etarging butt Ibarre]$s, llterally iJuîg(>1titce top of is bead. Members of bis family ecre lu ted i the time sud no one "Ituossed tte deed, thonggt a note Ionu i afterwards ciearly etablishied lit to lic suicide. Mir. NeviLi@ @peut Ctsitînasi witb tusl famiiy, apparentil il) gond spirite, tbougt nse did complain or not feeling weli. lie retired nt nigbt, sleeping witt Lis souILtuY, Who tl tifled at tte lluuet bie father lbat! 1 cen resîlees sud tad riscu Thursal qmorning about an tour cashier toalubuualand gono dowu stairs, as te upposed tu start ttc tire. Roy did u-t teas tte sbois ired but his motter wl>, slept in anter ronin did. tPOu investigation vt a ss teir torror t10 lId the huaband sud father lyiug lu the basemeunt, bis foittres mangled bey oud recognition, lu a pool of blood. [uder bis Dock lay a stot gUn. The body vas but partlally elotted beîng in alun -loves sud otocting feet. No possible ressort nouli l'e ascrlbed for ttc terrible tragedy. Mr. Neville vas a teluperato man, eonsldercd voîl. to-do, lu:tîct waajrsputed tobte vortt frofu $25,000, to $30,0i00, s ttorough bualuess man, respect.d and honorod lu the cormniy la wbieb ho lled. Hi@ domesticIlifs vas hippy, te teing a devoted latter snd h'îsband, and grcatly attacted 10 bis ehlîireu. Ttc Coroner's jury composed of E.B. Sterman, foreimu, W. M. Em- mous, D. G White, Ot Iii., AGir. dicter, Frant Cooper sud 1O. Fritsch rendoredesverdict aqfoîl,,,,,-8'Sicide by stbootiug hîrnaeif lu tt, lead itt a @bot gun wbilo teluporaitlInan. Afler the jury vws diset- rged a note vas fonnd vhict tenîlcd tjutitantiate the suicide ttsory, but % fi > to nl te nature of a fareveli [, bis famiiy sud not offesiug auy is'on for tte deed, it vas dccidod î. t to mate public. Frorn the disconue'îeu Mou. teuces sud peculibr comp-m TiLn l as evideut Mr. Neville vue unbaiauced when tie vrotc il. Tce only possible tiery explaiuiug tie mental condition itat worry over a etronie stomsact trouble froin wbct tie suffered caned btu t bebcome temporarily derangel sud vtile iium snferiug te comrnittv l the deed vhicb bu tie iglit mnd lte s.uld regard vîtb horror. Hungli H. Neville vas sosociated itt ficm trotter Everct iuttc crosmory bustiness at Grsyalsk, adsud ex.r L ibe rty ville - - Illinois, T 20TH CNTURY CASH STORE WISHES YOU ALL A Happy New Yearw! And would Extend to you our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage we have received the past year. Our stock of Rubber Ooods la complotes Youits loR CASH, F.W. Parkhurst, SCHANCK BLOCK, A.Phalt yU czosaiti-nvvaiks Ar e I.beit and lÇ'tn. long rmn the cheapeit. FeIt gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. Repaising doue lu irmI clasa atape. *newly prepared top dressiug naed that mates oid vaits uoarly as good I am propared 10 bîsild Portland cernent sidevaits. curba or gutters. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL Mc00i.E a»r LIBE RTY VILLE. F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie AND Granite MONUMENTg. voEK 4 0>' xvuar Coresp o f@ WA, Elgin. IS DIS14ISSED AND RE-ARRESTED. Mosi. Il iutz Ret tr ned i i)Cfi lcago. I'eiertss,,îfiel. MIrs. Auguat Hinîz vhcu acraigued lu Wallkegau On s charge of adnitcry Friday vas dismis8ed, upon requcat cf lOates Attorne-y raicott. ëSte vas immerneliy re.arrcsted ty cbief Green on a Cook connty warrant ou an adultery charge and gagen to Chicago, vtore lier alleged offense vas coin- sitted sud tberel>îre whe vssld bave to ho tricd. Sbe valved exarinatlon berore Jus- lice <0. H. Woodsand vas fheld tete Cook couty grand jury lu$Sc bonds Ste isnow lu the Cook county juil IS REPENTANT, ln conversation vith a nesespaper man luit bofore bcng taketo oChicago lirs. itz, for thc irst glime dernon- sitrated ste vps sorry for ber action@ sud tad corns e 0roailze ber grave position. Duriug ttc Interview sbie vas weeping bittsrly. Ste suld: "lYe, in awfuily sorry sud If I tadfil tu do over agalui certaiuly voniduIt leave tome, thongh tell youn My Ilfe at tome vaut aIl Sunstbine. I do vaut te &sec My son, Oh, 80 badly before I retîîru 1tt Cicago, but tie waitodlbore as long as tie could and I tiaven't seen tiai. INo. c have no& accu My tusbaud. If I get ouI of tale trouble vîlI I mate amenda' Yinmay bot 1 viii. -Nu, lilI tave nottlng rmore godo vitb Pet.orsou. He tas not auy ofrnmy moueY. I have ail &bat i.laoIs and wbiat was speut, 1 tad rMy stase cf il. "Before 1 met Petecrs, i bai talked of leaving tome. nad tbld rny uabaud 80. "(Jt a divorcef no, 1 shah nol try and vîl lot01proveut [Dy lusband trorn qettiug one If ho vantai il, '-Yes, if ttey vaaie 10 corne tact tome if ber i gel outlof tbe trouble Fil do se aud try go male amenda. (la kuovs, l'in toiug puulshod esungh.11 Peterson, Mrra. Hînta companion lu difhellcnlai held t-o the Lake oouuty Grand J1ury; a protty predlmmnuthe pair bave gotten tllomsoelves jute, as the rosait of lesviug toir familles sud goIug 10 Chicago vtsrs tiîoy ad- mit tboy llved as man and vifs for uulY a few veets sud vero thon arreated. .Ime-Munoon Nuptiale. Ou Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1901, ai hlgh noon, utte reaidenceo f the bride'. parents, Ivautcoe, Ill., vas celebraled the marriage of Miss Eonice Âmes, dinghIer of lMr. and Mrs. D. R. Ame., to Benjamin A. Munaun, of Brazil, lad. l'to ccrcrnony vaas prformed by 11ev. Rt. P. Morley, cf McCormick Semiua.ry, Chicago, a former Ivanhoe pus, and WiIb the agent 01 ig#2 we are ber tlhm m«r prepared to mett twry requlremeut of wMI drsem t.. r imaiOhp to est Som~î leuth adMr lteu~Iat for h ýlity, Mot. Ihn inie rosi» tresanrer of that v Hlgu e vas a muan vboso holino vas nleyer uuetioued, uprîglîtud honorable in every business tranéaslion. lmsvile, Iosmerly Mis Ita Price, of Wsuconda, sou sud daughter. sur- vive. Fuuiesal services oilbtfe tld Sue- day. Ttere vilii ho s bort service at ttc touse luatemoreiLua KIluo cloot, immediâteiy after s hi, Livervices vîlI ho ield lu ttc churvit, utermeiit being ut Wsucoui $1.50 a Year in Advance. rs m Ouîr St4*îre îever mtîv~ i snc a tremendous ""il *scesîIXnîas tradvm. With ail our new and< added faci1ities anîd w itih 2.7' people to serve ym, we were stilli îîîalle t îke oare of the great thiroîîg that îIaiIy crowdd ou lr store. AXny mistakes that wert, mîadet dîîriîîg the grtat riîslî we will do oulr hest Iow) ct< orret. Remnants ........ Of couîrs&e fte remnaiits are the ijattural resuit of sucli great selliîîg. These short Ieiigtli.- are the reniainder Of goods Iliat were yoilr *hoice () our stock while at its bemt. The remuants tlîat are Ieft go now at REDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES t<> clear olîr stocks hefore the inventory. s rZOW PRICE3 Waukegan - - - Illinois. WEATHER E1-ROFITS Tell us there wil be ail kinds of SNOW THIS WINTER. We have the CUTTERS AND BOBS in readiness and at way down prices. Swel.hody C ftturs for ................ P'ortland Cutters for .................. ............ 20.00 Mandt Steel Keco Bobo ... 17.00 Threce Kne.Bobos.......... . .......16.00 I vo Knoe Bobs ............................ .. 15.00 They are ail weiI made and finished and every one a bargain at the Money. tI. B. EGE~R,

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