CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1901, p. 2

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lo.-u S NDEPEN DENT p E3tD WEEKLY. - ,,?AMR PLANT BURNS.; LEADING INDUSTRY 0F HAMIL- TrON. 0HIO, DESTROYED. aa e Reshes Neali a-Milion il- ltad4W0 PersouS Ar. ThrOwa tbut et KnpoyuetlRobbere 0ag Watceusen and Robu Sale lu Chicsgo- I At KeLmilton. Ohio. ire lu tise Chsam- im oOted piper corka rauseulRa10as ot bon $750.000te $1.000.000. IT t as tiseet higesi plant or tise kind lu tise United In "téan d euspioyed orer 400 pesOni. A Il gtofts of $250.000 cot h utenaieled book hi &Pd magazine jiaper ce s eisoli>- deaf ro>--b a.Tier. wu, isaongaso a great la q9sntity of valoable usacliinetrY. Tise ire wu Seuaed b> tise explosion of a RUEa et &aiotiue in tise baseiof Joisn Kopp, a (Wl. Waa usina t fer cleaisang soie Po"-P di efthe ciarisiner>-. Kopp w as an ,enehi burned. Tise plant in owned b> a t emmUal of wihsPeter G. TbOmPsonf ti Cells,» Hislatise larget stockholder. r Tis e ocpany bias jusf rompieted a $750,- «III presseil brick building., wiicis the &as depantnsent sucreedeul iu aing. TiseP ,Mpits] stock othtie ronspan>- la$1500,-a 000 but ils stock biiseld ut a murs iigisa et ýfigure ___ BOLD WOEK 0F ROBBEItS. BSttle with Watchuseu, Overpoer Them undfheaa Blow Safe. Aftf, asUlting, oerpoweeina and gagging two watclemeu. te*u burglars whor <0oeed !tieir vral into tise building of thse %Lieago Wnecking Conspan>, Thirty-fiftfi &ad Iran treets. )casngo, robbed tisein ,ictlem of tieir valeatles, mceuded a atairwair leading te the offies of tise rom- Va", asnd stiti tise aid or dynamite1 wnreeked tise sate. Tisen fise> made tiseir1 mSpe alter rifing tise contenta of tise1 kest7 trou compartmeslt, secring everY- aking of value. Tise robberY orcurred Uiieftl7 aftte il orlock Benda>- nlgisf lonte nie houris Iter ose et tise wcei- un dratged isisacit Up tiestairceaY te the offies of the rompeny and turned Iu i tu I alanoet ire. Firemen stio re- "pcded rleaaed tise ceati-imen. The mate «istained a eousiderable ciii of reur>-c wWlOiswa approprimted htse iarka- Immn BOILER CAUSES DEATH. abi - cil ren Mena Killesiand lan>- Hurt b>- dci ttxplostci in Pittsbsirg Steel MMIL aur lu an explosion at due BIack Dinimoiid Cel iteel ceonka iu Pittaburg. at Ieasftee a Meu were kiiled. Tise liat of dead llutioeush greatly lIni-essed as tise seckage caused île s>- tise explosion is reiovcd aed tise Ni- boities recorereul, At 4:10 a.s.e ue Of tise duree large boiiei-s ou tise nons cide etth fisesll neit to tise Alleghseny-Xahley W« Raliroad racks biece op, briegisua ieatis aud injun>- to thise @0 emploI ed anid coule pietel>- crerkina tise building seitis ail due na machiner- In IL. Fi-e ceught eu-I sPreed 6:U f0 tise building le tise rear Oriuupieit b>-w tise MeNeil bailler- ivons, chics cea su001 h. reduceul f0 reine. Owitin thde hreekilietdu or vires If uvassainetefinie beote au tdu alan etr lire coolui ho turucd in. Tele- hu phsoue messages hrougisf ambulanices and u a large comber of nMen ceere aoae untise ni scene beginning tiseusonS of rearue. tn o a short tume seeen mien liad been teken aas ont and aent to tise West Penn isoapitat. eu If weaxsîome liffle finie befere au>- de.adu T ceee teud, and tethe ficbudieswere l no badl>- mutlbsfed as ta be tnrecoauîte TI bic, Qune man's isead swoa gone anul part j of h ul lega, ouI>- Uic trunkand aens ne-g umîina, .Pierea etfflic boilie ucor-ar rted Uirouai tise building eut on Thirti-d etis atreet b>- tisaftrce of tise exPloaion. l Ofiser pieees ceont fisrcugi tise roof.lise t lnferior ufthtie budinagiras an icextrica- hie masn et brokenniai-biner>- aud de- T bris ut ail kinda. Tise structuralIrian of b, tise buildiug stas isrokee sud tdeiatcd, gir- ef Ina furtbcr evideuce et the terrifie force ru of due explosion. Windows in tise dweii-i juge eu tise opposite aide of tiese afeet ceere iscoken, TIRUSTEI3 OFFICIAL is SHORT. r, - i New YTork Couiptroller'- EmPlO-C In Cisarged wcitla Ensiseilement. Chsarles P. Cbipp. fer turent>- yearsai truiafd offciai in the Coîptnolier's offire1 in Newr York, baes beec arrecteul cisrgeul vitis embezsaient. If in belicred ise TICKET FORGERS ROR ROADS. .a.ainltonaaconss silifully fit lis e.a uceeded n stelini $30,000 are 1 Oeug in Kami»s City- la Pceyinir ou lu due tesf seven years. Sonne estimâtes Unit the Rla ys. place tise defaleatien as higis as $,%0,.- Cee À gang of forger@ cf raiload tickets 000. Chispp vis a boekkeeper. and aiso Chil Pas bissa oper.ttng is Kansas City- suc- relleved Uiec casier efthtie office for a 19 rE kouofuily duo-lug the lent test veeki, ac-miort tfus ever>- day. He would rereive cii siosilus t H. C. Townsend ot St, Louis, a chseck for, sas>- $1000 b>- mail for ar- P-ri gsi1passenten agent ofthtie Missouri reare lu faxes. It isli-iarged thaflise carl Pati."Tilumfsses of tise western rail-could fatefilat checkand put il inDtais teoil vous cili amount f0efionsanda et dol- pockef. Then, ceiile acting as casiier in trail is." fid Mr. Townsend. Doxens ut tise te absenc-e of due oiier officiai. ise would alot lergêf tickets bave, if la salul, Wue se- cashs due ciscik troua the cash dracer and tise eua b7ihie raiiceay officiasa put tise mone>- lu bia purket and the Ula Crilass oa ie. cbeck lu tise cash dracer. Tiebidnscouneted citis No, 8 MAN ROBS BANK 0F 07,000. Sen utoi a..ieowag te the Brasil Block Goal Company st Brui. md,. vere destroyed With Revolver a Loue Bandit Forces T ow ams taeuru a leorcfoven $F23.000, EjsptOye te Empti tise Taule. pau MtM but $18.000 lssurauce, Tise ire cria- At noantise ther day tise btiak at taf ~tsf taa b. slue ruant. As tiis plant Sprngdaie, Ark., vas robbed b>- ede mian. rea( ftsi poweren sd liaist fer tceo oduer Onuy one perionu sas lu the banS tise and z0a@s A idcrea sndrd persons bave beeutise roisber drove up fte edoon lu e Edi dm'w5ouf et empoymient. buggy. ge out and wslked t0 the cash- Voi lers deek sud vîish a revolver ise compel fer MlrSe an Retires. cd tise assistant casier f0 go te tise rauif ahi la coahidmgtien et $1 William Deer- and give hlm ail tise moue>, about $7,000. h&g.psidelft fthse Deering liarvester A citizen vis enctereul eas forced te <)oPauy.trausferred to is cons aud tisowce p hisesbauds, Tise roisr har du 011diti F. Howe propert at i ulertou isuniedi>- lef. dropPine $1.000. He juep- Dot at eand the Norticesteru trucks lu cd lfo bis buggy sud drore norti. Offi- vis oeleaao wrik 1,00.000. Tise Sfin. of cers toîîocecd and tvo miles ouf came in sol tisede markd bis retîremeut froni .igbt of hlm, Tise roblier iuspeul frensi-COU agdivebuainfu. - bis buggy and escaped lu tise thisik voode. exl lusaie 1 Channi.ganfng.Cleveland Girl la Plueky. fe Wllbi fer> Csanlu. n ufison of Mise lrneeCrlin cf Ceveand hue tie, xkiab iilisbre ientale voes, poeet prored that slle la a plurk>- and atihetie dit kMb ie uenotabcordMs. de wif girl. thongis oly 18 years aid and a Pu- br( a ut o fldue la ohrod Mass, ho-tlpilof tise Central hlis asciool. She cas orf eu, ato e andte rsoo n. dn Ts-returnhinahome froni a riit etfa ieuda geai.E~ceiscme andEmeran, houte ceien a maen seizeul ber and bisseit Mix Die la Trolley Mishap. "If yon icream l'il kili >-.' Tise girl Mix persan e ve killed and a nuniber quiets mesa asinuek hiec asemlant in tiursiol, electrie car checi jumped ltise faesasd knocked hlm downu Theii a the tracki t a sissrp Carre aithtie foot et gatiserina up lier skirtfabaie ian 6.Ibo igismouatain betceceu Aienfown. iaisatroBra f PL, and Ooopersbura. Tise accident vas Tise phent of tise Marlon Manufactur- thi due te tise cet rails andl snov, lue Compan>- frontlng on Erie Basin. su ithtibi Declaresi Gujîf y. Brooklyn, cas deaTroycd b>- ire, sud At Jeffensu.nville, Itd., Neweil C. Rath- James Hall, an acul laiseen perlisbed le buns, a teued guilif>-or maDlaugiter tise flimes. Tise lire tartcd lu a big tank w ta coaneeflon vifis Uic deafi ot Cisarles et crude glycerîn, sud, ronimuniratina te 0 GOodmaus. Hia puisisieset cas Bxed t ofiser chemirala. tisere waa a series et ex- l 9ran twc te tceeufy oue >esns le tis e i plosions. -t Issetian>. Deatis. Awongt Reconceniradoeu. hb Shaw ftor-thse Cabinet. A bine book ofthtie coucenhration c es Io Gov LelleM.Sha ofIoa bs ben In Southi Atrica bas een Issue&. If ýf (jov. ere te pM.tfoioaof brea hesfbthnshows that dunes Octeber tise deatisa lu Treted ,tse poitiono S-eavn>- ot tie thsecamps stere 3,1154,.oet viicisnuniber eirib . ie ansito Mssau ettde-2 (M33ere children, Durisa Norember e elted ii evCrae o Mauis-huctt, tse estsi eeu 2,07,of tishli2.271 is Whlio pîcada a preset privaie business, ,6.o hc l Flatere r-làldreu. Lord Kitceneer reporte serereniting Offée Gift tu Wellesley. f ai usaerous pointa in Soutis Africa, in Presîdent CarolinueMazard cf Welles- I wbitei tise lusses have been severe and ley- Cllege innounlies tisif J, D. Rtocke- aboutf equaliy dividecl btseeu tise Buera feller is offcred tisat Insitfution $1500S0 &addBrftis,. for a dormtory and a central ieafing ForDia ta Farmhou Fe. plant, provided mu equal salunt is added a hoo«Vre f0tatise roliege audovuietit fundfraimt her t Tise fanm bouse ot John Asisisuigisoubrces betore commenement day. 190=.b se., Sensuerlie, Pa. sas uetroYed b>- E Rveaid four pensons cure burned to Aîseeicaass Plans iberian Invasion. destis Pive ofiers are seri.,l> burued Tise crreapondent La St. Petersburg of lu sMd ljured. tise Cooge Gazetfe telegnapise that a ToeBave Foail>- Name. uuomber of experts represetina big Amer- George Vanderbilt anul brtlirrî seni an fimi have arrireul ai Vadivostok, ad bliatin o $59.00 n aTanum enroute for Siberla. visere tise>- villii id t ed oligaion f 309.00 lee Tconia factorie sud explioiftishe agriculfurai aud i bak faillirte abaye amit>- umme trousm juierai ceeîtis of tise country-. disgrâce.f Jams u e 1. aesDead. Fies aiUniversity- uf Utahs. i "JeaDi. Junke' Croie>, ceiter and or- Tise uec trahning acisool orthtie Ueiver-< gsniaer cf cencubsch, died n Newr sity et Utah, sithis sentîre contents. vas York.dctroyeit b> fine t Sait Lake. Lues $80)000. insuti-sce $M,000. Tise ire la BarzSd nf Christmaa Tree. thought t0 have origiuated train combeos- DLuriig a Christmas tree- entertainnient ienofetciemicais lu tise isisrator>-. t a eoioncd puliehe csofinluAfison, Kai.. Priscilaé Kertord, 14 >ein, olul, Railca>-Cislialo inls Wyoming. wasproabl faall buned e as Au eaat-boitcd fast nmsil train on fise vas rabMihi>- tatand-berit. Sise Union Pacifie cresised loto tise rcar 0f c reajrgsantug oe, d iser o isaiug,91freiaist train near Rawlins. W>-o, The vbic vu cocredcuts cttonSakaapasengers cere saeke op and the ire- D coes. man, Charles Bn-sun. us aseriousî>- in- VilerurVlla ntir.lI>- oyd. jureul. fl tsntirel consameul tise donr nilil of BSword ferc Rear Admiial Wildes. &e EDOlIa ing ad NMauufartuni-g I ar Adieu-ai Fi-snl XVldes. taha con- Irocap»at ifLoceeiile. O1i'u, Ti'se cutaulcd tise c-oiser Boston t the battle waa 330.000and but a sniaIl aifounit eof to nialir.ha ec l e, iau - isenu cce as ciruled. couue sic urd lu>-his iosu>- fricads ut Bue- - aieub r Berri1.i. îured. tn nim BuOttes enafor J, H. Berry et Crniegie Lilerar>- tue Redwing, ,wisle eunroute te ie home et AcureisCanuegie bac offercd Itudseung, ville, wsu badly icjured et New- Ilicu., $15,491)0 for e public lilinar>- buihl afaO ou tise ice. Senator Bers->- mg, prouidedl fle ii>- furishes a ite and le suad Wallis iitis a irutehs. 3.3 annustll fur mainteuance. The- L'aiipped sud hua tati ieiuied librar> board askoui Caruegie for $12,5()l0. - -.---Long Wili Leave Cabinet. .OnioeOblecta. Secretar> ofthtie Nar>- Loeg'bacati- Admra W. T. Saîp- ied Presideut Rooseet that ise cell re- or Admirai Deses tirs frai tise tai-shhlt iý tise uar future. qlcOett fisquir>-, lun Fcr me IkUs Clo.edl. etiSang ai ud lFcur ftouri mile of 1the Conacldated e t io, !u Millug Compauy ila >umiuapolis ues - sisabt duvu tise othea M"b5i.If&Xila probi- laceu EXPEL BOY FoR NOT PRAYING. e tisat nioat et tise mitis ot tise Citi ill be rlosed soos. due te a teniporitry creesien in tise demesd for flour froamJ broad. A. C. foriug. president ofthtie naolidated Miltine COUmPan>-. sud tisaf ver>- serios elemeut lu tise oditiontsa ulcis lied roipeiied a.shut-down iaf this1 re cas tis aontage f r i-ahe1 îrtiswcst. NINF. ROAST TO 1)EATH. t :20 o vere et tre ut k )r u MOn ýunre he l sciea Isle- nes uortif lire. Tise eut i ema les-. dam. o il roof rver Uni Au ko-en Killedby Px vloaloiOf sPittu- bueg BIa Fiarnîce. un explosion of gas 1n tise Soho fur- if joues & Laughiea. Pittaburg, at oclock Tisurîda> moi-Ding. cine mn isureed f0 destis, sud five others iujured, îhree of thseî 150 badl> tisaf recoier- la untikel>-. Tise hodles et ictimn e-ere terribiy suangeleuln ed. Flue pensons empioyed near tise ace are uaccounted for, sud it la unown visethen tisey have perised if. Tise damage f0etise plant eill uti te $20.000. Tise explosion Oc- il lu oneetortise big dsast furnacea- msen were nf werk et tise top Of tise ace. orer 120 feetf truietise grond. yewere eciployed as ilersansd cere. getling ready te quit weork. whee tise se-iicis accumutteted ijescfuînsce. -dcd. anultons etfenoltea mtoctat. i-- cud slaa ceere tisrown ovor tise on- nafe mccn on lise top of tise stnUi- XVlec the gas let go a penur ce oas the u.mahl pltuforcu about tise top. msen msade a rush for tise elevafor. ft isaulgoce downuand tisere ivag ne %pe. Tise îomp Ineant deatis. andl fe a on tise plattoras waa juat as hope- .Tise masasesofrniolten nuetal and ne feu oupon theni and buîrued fen muen ceatis. Tiitbodies droppeulfoteh eto tise uill elgisi>- ice feet bclew. ry boue broken. fAY CEDE ]PART 0F ALASKA. ited statea Beported f0 Be About te Gîte Up Luncd te Canada. Irviees isreugisf b>-tise steamer .u.fIit tisat tise people of Skagnay. Alasksa, murs exenciaed orer a rumu tisaf tise led States goternment till cede to ada tise territory bionderina ou tise kat iver and Pyranid isazhor. lt reperted le Skegua> tisat a part>- Of ,i engineers je now on tise wte!f anid isarbor to rommence a pneliuii- ey serrve>- ora rail read truite alt t er the inicrior, foliowieg the olul Dalu i1 te tise isoîndary lice and tiseuce ug tise sanie route to Fort Selkirks on e ukon. SHIPWBECKED CREW BAVE!). uuonen FAward W. Young of Boston Abasadoned ai Ses. The Panama Railsti> Steaeiship Cou LDy's steamer Adrauce, wtiini arrireî Newt York tise uthet day from Colon, caed and isrooght te port tise captait id crew efthtie tisre-maeted scisooner wnrd WV. Yeung of Boston. The eng saileul trom Georgetessu, S. C. ýNew York, luniber laden, sud eas aûDuoned ai etne. CO&l Siortage is Sf. Louis. Sf. Loula fate@a s hortage of rosi ehii- et oui>- forebodeasaufferlua for tisoi ho"se upply lis steail. bof whiris nia>- ift Lu a generai tic-sp or tise froa.s oupseles' nuceeroiis afreet car lices. Un perted s"ro steathen. ilipper>- Paru tufts fisafniaise isuting exceedingl>- dif uit. le@fines acdul 1ev cter tiat ibar d up tise ferries. combuned cuis Otis Bcfnulties of transpor-tation, heu ougist tise sîly oft>-otrai fer belon- th rgent demanda ofthtie market. Thec Stote Noirmal Scisool t et .i..h-nui11e 31,, sas destrorcul b>- ire. uuîolcicg ,ioac of $20.00. Tise buildiltcao cean- g conipietion, aud wse-stcill unaflue bande )ftisecontracteae, N. 1'. Fi-azior & Ce. ) St. Paul. Mica - erboviii sacý o fibii- le oec. c is ieparthaiiY noveru l'Yf un- i i-aire. Bidea Behind tise Ongan. At Fincio>-.Olîlo. ifolomniosSisafer. a weais>- tatmcir. isabecu soed ton $25,. )0 damages b> Omcar Watsoni. Sisafuýr ibonud on-r tu court on a cbai-ae pi-e- .nrred b>- Wstson, csho. itle liding he- hmd tise parlern argan. heard l bîi mate lve 10 his >-otîna ente. Bshater l -,0 >cari olul. Oua KilledasudSeveu lsred. One peraou ceas klied ced seen injui- ed b>- the fali tof a pasacuger elci-ator su tise depantusest store of Si-heper Brothsers in Sf. Loulis. Tise drop oas nousn tise fourtis floon to tise baccuaict. fl in uot keossu stat raused tise aci- denft.____ Sella glanes fu Bay- Bread. Tiscodore Cablilar ot Sf. Louis solul bus abaea for 10 renta thafie niigist htuY rent! for hia&celte sud six cisildrnc wio îad been lu dire ceast for several days. Re liought two ioavec of bread sefs tise mneey cnd seaikeul iomse over thue enuc n bis stoikiisg tee-t. Orphi' l ouse Witsout lBent. Tise two-afer>- brick heatlngý plant of thesa t. Francis CatisolirOrpisans MIoes.i cf Tiffils, Oio, was almuet entirel>- de- îtro>-ed b>- ire, Cenditions ceere acrieus for tise 300 ilucioles, ai tise thermometer regiclered anound zero sud tisere was et other se-e> of heating tise Institution KitubaitIn Trais Crash. Nout-tsboumd Sunsef express Nu. 9 et tise outisere lPacliie!tailroad and Sonee express No. 10 fronm San Franccoolo lded ueanBSliuas, Cal. A part ut No. t. cesi destneyed b>- fine. Two pei-eou cvens killeit sud four iîîjtred. Steamser SBan Ie.Wreýced. Tise steamer Sain Bus, stiicis lct Sou Fi-anisco Nov. 29 for Panaatuu. ta wrecked betceen Acajîîtua anduLta tLiber tad. off tise roaet etSalvadour, acîlsje total cirt-ik, lier Crev Rad passeecgui- niade tiscir cay je honte foteL.Li-tad Iebiladellehia Onde eul1Panama. Itueli ordtnrs luave bei-n i-ciiiculfroi XViiuuafn direcfting uta flicecruulut PisiladlthIia sajl froun San Friici'sc ceuthisIl apecul focrIPonauia. Affaire o tise istisussare cppraachiuga e rii.c BuIgliar Kilts woman. lluîrrjet i'. Mli-pisy, promjacnt cisuunîi ccd euciety rciries, and treasuu of tise Kingsley bouse luud, cuis nirde ed et lier hume in Pitîobune b>- a bur bar. The muerderer niade bis escape. Ausof hanBoudai, Proa.csed. Itepreseutatlves William Aideu $mi of Mdiciigait basntutedueed a bil i n t] REcus makins tise btffliiy of WI.ill MeKale, ai.M a &&Ulme Sondait. Publie School Trnalees tu K ansie Ejeet Pupil for R'l iginiiS Reufsons. Tise 10-year-old ýo of J. XW. Wiliand. s steats>-grain denier et Topeka, Rau., cas expelliel tri-m tise Qulur>- street i-houle insat rit>-foi- retosina to tale part lu tise religuuîî exerclees ftise openiug of tisclool. Mr. W'iiiand sas- tise hoy- as actifutLiniter hie inIstrulctions and fisreafeus f0 tuke tise maffer lufo court ton mcttleuncuu. "I ebject f0 re- ligion lu tisa puh iii iiol. said he. sund If necessarv 1 I sll bii-uaau action in tise counts to «,ý if tise board of edu- cation can force mei-to allow MY son05tf subimiftusa religu.uuc nafrîurfiocs lu tise pihhe di-ails -'llie objectiona of Mn. WVlland are niauf>ini conesequeisre 0f tisa resolufion preseuuî-u to tise board ot edu- ration and idopcul et tise lait meetingr tisat tise reaull r uthtie Bible sud ne- peatleg of tise Luu prever af tise Open- ina of irisool en, h uforulea be Compit1- sor>-. Tise reei-uiiuioc stas drafted sund presenfed te tisebonard for adoption by Dr. J. T. MlFarland, repreaett tise Mlnserial Union. 'IEStaST<)liiucRP Led bW uat TiaIeu et St. tLouis. lu tihe St. Loutis Ciicuit Court J îîoge Tait>- decideul tht strikce cecre Iceful and tlîat an>- nunuicr of ci-eiMY bond togetiset foc tise Ouruu f eurint & dcmanit toi-an iil oui- utofcages b>- leat- ina tise service if thisir eiuîullO>ere. lise ccaae lun viics. thi,icieiOn iras renderrd vas tisat of Elfiri W.XVCise ag5illet Jeureeysnen Sfi iififfere L1ocal Union Ne. 29, Steanififfu rs, lltprt Union -Ne, 33 ofthtie Buidiiir Trades Cooncil. and 170 union nien. iohuuxn recasced se de- fendant. in tiserace. On \Ov. i 18tthtie steailticra treci. for biaiser stages. Among tisose stis refueed the demasul ceas Eiisidge Ciasce. isiad of tise stealo- fitting firm ut Chuse & Co.- seio securedA il teniporar>- lnjtuoton fros tise Circuitc Court Nav. 9 to ru-efruîn tise unoc& fr050 in au>- manuer tntei-ferice sitishiisbusi- ness, The court rofuseul to niaise tisaie, juctiou permeecuut. BUILDING 'A iECKE ED OAS. Plomber -llh Laap W.. Hunling for L-eanocul ila-iisersIf. Esampieg gas uîul a pliiOniliictis a ap se rcked thu- baurber sisop of Vailn fice aud Edwauîl lKircer lu Clcclaend. Tise tw-eslor>u friie building Orcuaticu b>-tise Keruere as a sop acnd dwelliug at 1495 Lorele street c ae blowntu toatosos Tise tceo Kerucre, tise ploumber mnd i rusturner of tise llîlei-a lucre atlown ouf of lise building and recdered ucue- aijoua. but stere Dt fataif>- hurt. Tisc ilplumber ws ahiuctti fur a Icak n tise 4gag pipe -iitis a fîgist and ho found it. rSINGS, THBEN SHoOTS BIMSELF. S ffe.alMas, .ith Ab«.»sail lneud End* E.istence. le St. Paul Christians Thomas lhisi fennen stood lu front Of a nirror in hie roi-m at 12 ociock XXednede>- îisht. ch ana -Du lDuLiegst %Mur lmc Hcrae-," eand then fired a a lelet icfa bis mOhO Me dieu listînt>-. clisuteseee iad s it saaloouand c restausrant. itis vite gays5 n- tiat hohiaul beets elr a ilctora i-are e-fer soie yeers. acd colici-cu wiuis au ab- i-scece in biss ead le tluai 1rrelu-d c is e bis i ele andtddvor-e procce-ulIngas were er commenccd. g. as a. Atbct I. Ri.. ouio ui fle.-i uu Aoelbedt l. ig, na fouît -oc, ucti honie eteofe "fixita iif.ouiac-lu ded0 b uis enece out>- b>- î.cîtiiit lrcc s .Mchpiine iCi luBruými ulic. lifi h. is for0hine uiun jccliaut i ii.hIc.cThue pryo fît ton bis areî1aliitli e fl- liand freuouutultofisot race vilou i cNu'I-nfh frudiett fo ac a0atce10 Think Suicide Iilird MAIfe. Thie (1eal boulii-of fJohnîuV. BuIllnd bis us fi-cii-i-e fouuuulat liiir hoei n P uir- suai, Kalil Bell us s iat rîluoui icluf rcoh e.fa te canh ].anî ou f ci th-is MIcfhui jt Cisuîri-ishisr, iaif u uicreporti- cd ta be je romifiui-atiii elc l uuuucfe"e. Tise bodieus cecie tyuic iii t(fui-itur. boh tabtbed tu deatis. lil-i. .îfupcinît fui stife maeorr and I cliuý Big Theft 1. hi if SereCI Thie iv uic a stijr oti Suif c sli-c Bo-ti foccs h-ct ceas aeuuuu li-c h t tii- u cultes ofutoick. aacregatiigiboi $.tS In value cvrce toien tulh, offic of i proumirntf rokerngcC ltuuluut Sepifuniuu-i Tise fui-t hou heekelut --et outicoc le the hope of recoverio-, tise ccriuutcatica durouicl priu aIe cîsanuci1 Steousaer 1a Wr-cked. 1Tise stcamer KanasIi -IBell, urlicis ruaitwc-iclCiariectiuand ilontiagului ci-y,NX. N'a.. ceeef over hidi No. ;1;at l5ot Creoi- uli ler doui ti-i). hi-oIc lu tseo andulc a total sreci. Eu-lut or tise ccrw aIl deck bands ui iI rouutaiuus. ceere drocîîed. Alhetiiiftici-e of tise bout sere chu-cu. Oliyer lHarrifloa. nae Oliver Hcrrlman, Si-, - uc la scahd 10 be usoi-fisat lensaf 5,0041M>O, ibs ucc rdcciuîred insanîe and i uuuîpeteet by a r ommissionl atd ua aberjfujur ti-- tPort Chsester. N. Y. Tise pctiluoOa mode hy bisa iglît nisllrcu. Mu. lttraunla 70 yeans old. ____ t Grond Broken for St. Lois Fai. l-Tiseiist public celebraif iiin lionner- tioc cutis tise -uord s fjir fo ho o1eued n St. Louis lu 1103 b iniffineeloretlols utf tise 1lth tis uiversar>- if fiscLouiacc purrise vae ibelidFrlItanuu. n groued iva biok>etuonîle ie ieFIourest Park. Sicrefory t1iiac. ac0,ruhuog itua mcuti1 t>-*szi-,s ubinet sui thi ia noîtaitîandi i-cfurn tote lue lankicE ic i-il s.Sucre- toi->- Gagceuvit, ceifisir auili-ii lidu ny fich u-oe XVirit contue frouChicuiltu, tiit ltyruts E. Sliiuii ot tenver has cuuuriucul i - i caBilîe, an opieraeiOgi-r of soeluueie- fMi- ahi1 i-att h - Sheui nmode seci-ena tIileocc ot of tise Mllie Cisson hîfone Bcey ic le.s Billof Execlos. Admirai Si-hIe>-. tirougis hisattorneys, isan filcul siti tise Secretar> et tise Nary s bill et exceptions ta tise najonit>- Sud- lnait dute ropnt of tuquir>-. Geucra Fauanten a P atiner. A son cai barntç Uni. Frederlei Puit. stan. wef tBris. (jeu. Ftuqton cftIa»- ma& t OsisisuatCala PUErSIDENT TAICES ACrioN Rteiskes?:u:ral>Xites and Osr Ne.i or re . Presideut Iton saelt uu Si uttîrula> pli- aucî ssceil tLieuît i'slcnA.,oo.upp.O p ai ni pi ai y recri q)pro Deil aItte ar1i 20t le pret3 publi, Th( te r tsoue lbor yard, Ani rad, tor and tes[ Mis na, den tel tri Ts doi bis Poe of tis Ni la, Sa ter thi L Ot 3 l 1 1 e 0 u l n in Cr as as eh >se rý Rit ýn- re- lif- ýve )ër 1 or.îîîîîl ety Ons Mondai, by i vote of 72to,, .ltse Ouli,.SI îîîîy cimec. Benate ratillid the Haty-Pucefoeits sîî.îîi-îîl. by misa canal treaty. Ouly Benatos 09, tîi -c iln- con. Blackbsurn, Culbersoss, MIIoy.Tel- tiolIl f îth,, priai- ler and Tillinan voted agsin.t tise conven- detSiýtir l ion. Belley paired witis Depew and sfi-______ NVa hi Ict e n a.Rwllns paired with H,,nnisid sm ilcur iil ter...nsud Quaydld not vote.Tise votec ountrhleoth sng cîîc. i l air vaws renclsed tier aimontt Ste houri of tin. Wulth *sb Oi-h ltirit l hIîiîlî- discussion lu executîv e ssion. The le- pied the position or t é M. ciACLA. it, l icîuîi rîIlbate was coufined to discusion of theé~ n ecuds.~ ilcu. tl'iîîîii e ale mou M !rtasofthseareemsentand tise poilein elu city. tary Loing lIr,oîiîîtilîîýIii.1 t" of Ita provisions. Tise principal speech U~iieiilll o ivior flic fininîgi. hueîr l ssa.-de hi Senator Teller Ln oppiosition Jdit in hnsevre îgo iry, oroifiriîgi thi reportiuî euh te the treaty. Among the otiser speakers nsatbon more coniplicate Cil hv .iliiîi1 îîîcîf ooie. iaidîle- werie Scelors Cay. Fairbanks. IsicCUso many nutisi nu 1l-hai ii îîîîî iil hi-r. McLaurin of Mississippi, Cuiberson. yfIdustrine% libt sela ici,- h. h cil iii i- I lci hiîit limro- M lory , Tîlîman, flacon and B ats. A of potpo nug delireri"5 ~. ii'- s-iiîy illîccywce esoiiilion heretfoore offered by Mr. %et îrvtalyîe-fe, rnale ilh. reiiLicii Oir îtlluîeal and lOf Missouiri instruciing the comritte on Donl & Ce.s Weekly evtww ic l f-cbcsîî. tse jdi ciary f0 icoire lmb tse subJet Bn.rý' oa eo ce ai-î-î l- -ulin norîler t et aacrhy sud te report s constitiitionail ii- cellier of tise stage ibis -Clary f ut1o.i- NaYcLoingr f0 iicmn metisod b>- which Cougress may legielate eat, il as it lins lbera by â eeignatiiorii if î:, . sMcli.a, ho for thrsîîipprcscuon ni anirelifland for In if r xce-tîonaly ai âoic1ialli3 îîîcgii liiio li[e-Ielthe Cont ral of ecerchlis wassadopled Y Vili-iot tI cou. n cet, gelîci il i o luîouîuuic, ccv> tise Senste. Tire Senate confirned tise iirbîg olie sitryAud s NeI>XIi» i. the il th of The nomitnatIon ct Attornfey Generni Keox. !, -O ieOr.iiholiay-d skid tr o utheiii Sîîî li,. woît uid et the ludlciary coruinlfee réportinif thet 1sot o ic u rvoume-but th e ch a rg es nma d e o c re n ot u p h e ld rp aio n dnuit au I I- o0 ali s P urme b o investigation. iinuy lisles. clothiizu a,1 uliber gouili S On Tuesuta>- tise M oise decidd t a ot e reorîler ,lýilli.s growiflg ost r p o n t hse illi t e p r o tid e le i p o r r i r i e - c o n u lîl 1 i, , c h îul s cie tr a ie e t~ , ue for tise Phsili ppine IlnsW be e-ayqit xe d a y e t 4 ' c o c . h e m e c e e r e w a s d i s - i je i n a n n, . i i 0o e n g o o d , cissed ln rommltîee cf the whole"'lues- lumbler, loîî,r.nai snd las* î î day sud w c x t h s uiJect f t hese tn t de- nu lcan es lc ti rus sud sfte tae o ft he se sion. T here w ere aever il ra l] utof uf ibe N oli l a livel>- exchaanges. bot no dlspisy of temri- ritual Consei-lille %wsltilngs Per. M . Payne ot N ew Y ork , the Bio r >ear's arri ai f0 ula e hu siise m leader of tise mnjorlty. opcued for hlm der boouks of lenditbeug lrod ae, and uwing lute eIndisposition of for long periodis ead.i Mr. Richsardon of Tennesse. lise iloor goîîd demaisd at muet marksets. leader of he uicorit>-. who in suiteriul Foicln cOon lf alcuatrs ÊIn. from an attai-k of tie grip. thse Bl if o t luî gtîltisteir second winsd openiai for thse Deînocratlc aide devoived Uri- giten them i t up n Mrl. Scsacsn et Virginla. Otiser e îirea tee. îLierpool eheilsiîecu e - s~opeeches were Mose hy Mr. Grossenor or crop ut ier" 11.00W,000 bale. a~ O hsio sand M n. toberi s of ot oulsiana. 9 ,74 ,01A)J bai-s ludic ted, n a lu f a o y r f t h e l . c c d M e s r s . T is a y e r ow n a d , e t r &A* of Masschsusett. Sisafrotis of Coordo, pîice. D e A r m n d o f M i a s u r i s u d P a t t e r s o n l ' l - f r t c t i g e h O o r T e n n e s s e . n e P P O i i lt . T i e n w T r a ti l s o r a t r e p o ra t s e O f 0 0 1 asalgum ent etf eornm iftecs w ss msade ri ta streand i >cu.I t is Yrepo rta f , "s tise Seuste. W isile lise Senate Whoîlà W i u dolfly r tu n f* Iex e ui ti vse î s io n S i-n a tor Mao rg n m ad e u c nt orei . isa t i ity ro a k 0 I I- au effort te have ise Sen te o itke big t o Cre l u lis e y Brut w eek c bi ll n tiso r iin t h atise s o iifluu f a rn eu f fl ae f"c ar d ihan t Y did la 7 t way for tise proposed litismian Canait heoiecr to wek or t he-tWO asro si Co sa Rica nm d Nicaragua tis e s e t ScXOO . o er th id * peclal Order for 2 oclock Wedneady, eecu,111.Aa ueapotic fIr flc,liuf ii-fi but tiseBeanate derlined te moake tise or- earfiiitc0of 10,5 systchi5 Je.i l it . le-ttoli ci'or tiois lu der. Borne Senators expressed lise opîn- per i-s-tfOn a total ef $119.22 y.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~b nretigiî~ i i i. l i i u- c fuît ou 20.5 pr cent. ti l ny brougi, il i titi..i ii ii uoAiîcîi Ion tisat al generai fetrgliston sisoutd ~$441 l9Y2,55. as against 3&24i 2Il: wf~ o~. iir,îlfl, t i-a.iuul, . ostls:uedhioutil a te h oi sowî!ug 0 - rla.t yen . wheu thO e 01 i. iii fui f. lu~ tise regular session no business f ot m-stiesldavy rie icclii iiî îî i i portauce waî doncoConuditions L seat of iili e .ki i i- u l i OuW ednesda> tise Philppie tariff bill bicagR . market have i>- iilî-e s. îeiliu,îlîiîlîc Was pissei iy t.liione b>- a vote e iore builiitoi nt miom, 11Oc91.Irýill9 11 1 ltlluIci 1 te10129. two itepobliaus. Llttieiieid 'sho hasl lie-en batare sud weei t'a ui îîîîli i ii l i l i 11113 e t of !M i nee ad M i-C al of N assaciiosetis, er prires for a w eek fou rn it1t ' Dole r igh lt ', f r gi- i, . ] ait oie i , **îl g g w i s t hse opposition . a d tisr fe tadieloulge sny am o u t et bO N1111 la ofll- c - ciiIIlig I.I huinalIiljiii c i emocrafs. tIaee. Brousesard seud Rob- iow Site. sud. altisongistisai f n o f i i-i ii i o n-i i l 1' i , g . , e r t o n Lo i8 i a c o-til g w ith t se R e - p ric e d o isn t e 70 c o n tw o B i diîîîui ii ui S iii u iuîîîii- peuirsu najorif>-. Tise billi Imposes lisheadvauce tollowe-,daud tise .piesI, let dcclii i lîiiîo ,ti,- i.liilfic Dingie>- rotes o o lie e term lsewas aplut14sete SIC à aw rt ti c i~iîcf ii- ii iiiiiiiiirclor Unted statr" frocs tise Philippines aced 81. It. iatS c ek 0s A d i ra-îi li-is ci i 1 , iir i 113ii, ii the rates cstab isiscd by tise PhilipPine f -i effc t the cloue. T hse i rit>- rcîîîîit .tciii.iî.n Ited tif)3 commlscIoc on goocis ecîering tise fhilip- tisessc-k vias 114c. te rcoiiiu il il lîîît ii. c l»i iiiforI ieîi-aio sCIut7 h W ter actifl iiill, I'.JI"Iîiiiîi-s i, i pine frouo thseUnitedl States. itie clalli eair inodie. c'-Idaiiiicîvl lc i c i protides for thse collection ertonnage have made Op hrmis lic italtaxes un u~eapinc e seecu tise Unit- gaing to bring more mn*.1 ciceif.iiîii l SInii iiii d States and tise Pl'ippines. and tistai cllîug sery bisgis heyar tel. ai- ilî - i-tii-,,Af]-toreign seseca ia sy p>betwecen tises so hest fur au adrauce. Tise i-al SilMIi,-g îiiî fiisIlii- o Porta untif Jan, 1. 19f013 Presîdect Roue-bougist Manitoba whsst Picicetî.t- itI- c o- ofvel ban sent ntise ëSecate tise appoint- ucaboard. and hae vedaeed, The Itc il th or me nti of W iliamn l'cin Nixon. W illiam li der tse A ierirn. Thm !en Nil o hý 07l- P.W illiamse a d Jonathan M erram te o h seat la movin4 reely . lS - c.i lîlcri ii itI li tiruuîciiadfIii-i oîetor of roton, assistnt tresurer nulîca ii tse seaboard himai and ter chu fi l cli uîuuî1 'Fl. ii.îIiian d pension agent. respe-tiei>- ai Chi- *en iniprefereue tofisc fies tr lei- l t i ti -tit ucag. rt- scaring tse periosi cet m iles liasnfii-cilicîou and depîtîng à~4*~ On Thursday Cocgremq sdjourned o this batltis e bull bas lise b START WORK FOR THE FAIR. tif effer tise holiliys Rtoh housesuili Tiiere stas nothing butta a elpb Ieet Jan. 41) ufis tise srowed porposeetf s inloi-se graina. aand coditi0O5 'ceident Frauda . llîsSuoade .nd wîrkicg in(iticfrioily tfaclose tisesession ihiinged friot those of à nais 5a Firal Tuirses iiit. b>- Jolci.1.Thislthiiian canailiill cili i-age un !iay crn ws5 OO'iu i IVitis a c i.îfiîcoîiI uLil ulo t . i-h u.1 iiohcîi stisn Congresretorns to sudeste 44ilIc te 45%c. TW4 irt ynsol. run :i N'n. L M'tiCOr ou-nimati î- ofii-u tse 1l(iîse iofi s et aietDlunaiof Ue $s n e-ofit foulîlîl.îi liicg,î lii. clfmittt-P On ierc. canais and cofn- re wek. V-stern offeriige detiîai iil3t ilc gi ci cc-.Thrus>- repred feorsly tiesudcishipiiig devenaut lmitt, i u f i uni e ii f t h ue s e r e a t h o r i z î e c f ue c n s t r u c t i o n o f t il t î - c l o s e L i v e r p o o l a c c e p t i t E x Ii i i o i .t ie -a n a l. .A lo n g re l o rt ces aPp pîa le d uit c r e fo r ie tir i n l a l i o te tisebilîîhsfuting us hy t cisotiid ticpana- iar scarcif! lioi_ __anord W frtI ed b>-( cgi--c tits i the e uncratc rtitei tse mrement. &Bd cou d i r f c 1 ,ý 1 I Il a d R e p u ih tc a n p t it r îr c i a r e q io t i -l ft e i s a i m a s o e c a f a c t o r . T i e l o wi i n g R i i . o u i 'fs h o w t i a I t i- p o i ti i a l p a r t i" a a r e p i c dl g - d fo r c . i t î fl i l 0 W o n t i e g W c U t ir eV o i r O ro a n n fe r o c c is e i c a n a , a n d e t r a i t e i c r e a c c o ar u m p t io li n t i e t e t 119). Bat le y AfroiD Pre uiet Nf iileys speeches and W estern hlioers are IndIffereit f i re d a i deli i it o f c c i - c ltn tm e s a g e a r e p e'- T h e r e i t e o f a i t g r a i n a se r e s ix t g u lit iles e te d f 0 e m p h a iisie t f ie o n e s ir b lit > - o f w ci k w r e o ly 2 00fsd 3 ,0 0 0 b u ll th e v a sfu rt ier d elay . S îo l r C u l o un p rese n e d l gh uiot luin six e un the, sd t s e in rog c.- onc fora petifon fri-uic l(- C h iago Feder tio nti f r ths p rod % s Iuc 1 94 each Satv ad t,ýritofLsor rging flic paage of legiela- i-lui-c sii-e ooiy 35,000 bulbl 1 r it® y , iil fý r I . R . k'k -& ý C IS d oi n te i iiit fisc p o e rs o f fe ie r al J eîg î- 2 ,2 0 1 00 W b u ale la leg s t ia i i Alakaeu- fri-c iiiand une fuir esui to icsfe ecîlaite îin ironls in aler Shiptaîeuts were 483.000 -m ofthe atoi- oar iils-ctroubles. S-atirIltocr lias întriiuceiia atmivemeent of ost os i mei Tise day o icliîlicl nit 0li-i bilt te tise eff-it c lihi cpccdung before tact ycar and 200.OW ero wsa eax h , aarci-iii-fiii flts -cfitiiiaJuiiit.lise slpsehit. 1 fwpercuio vihu ite lcrcliuuiî-c fshiptents o euîcle or tbe Ï4 Te granleparadeA isbi, i,, lo 12 187,00poundât, and tied acooct of tire iii -iliuici i ceeiingi hîrrmnt luu Id Poris, anat syear ago wereluc ronster tire bhi t l i tcuruuîl lumai. 1itio. oîieds ineafe andl 11,601,000 pîgj nil for excaalîfluin tuailutossicleiu- tic Si-hIe> rcfoeed offer ot $500 a nigist tor fIog receipfc at Western poIl.f tise dggero f t -.uoltfie fi-c,Itî i 'f fort>- lectores. weeek serp.7,30.000, rempaéi .1_i dirt, aud the-coceli c ru uland ilicr Canal hill iselli e takcc til>-in fise 000 tise previoaa ceeck. and 48 ed choc Pri-cnuiîat i-îii.f.1owlI 1,3ific îuîae ou Jac. 7. et Gcn. Bates. Coiigi-si.ciîiii T'raciucy îe,i Nainte or Xlre. llîîtiificisebeen neefor- other liromucent WorlIito Fairce oîi-, cdlte tise Civil sersire regiter. rVg is 2W Tesignte bof tie eegatonbilig A Àblui hasbeen introudoed in CýoccrIIse fil .IsA < thietcte oft fire u-îh istuu oriehîfîtiOl e to ulue Si-hie>-. Sutpcon u d Clark c-I'L EWU~ Mr. i-ranci4, tirucil Il. Spenccer aeu-in rl others modsue bifin-taddreIes. acnd et ', Sencte directil juiclar>- rommitfe te >scg-.-afl.cmiaX oi-iork tise scitici. y of cihu report on tise poceer of Congress to leg- $3.0 0 te $5.75; lisage.sstij isad c®frne lantleigiho. aujouriîitii o I' sate on anerrisy. $..5l 03;sep it te Coileucl. i lîre tfisciinaOhl pluîiiefi ecretar> Ruiot duliute 0postpune te $4.15; stieat,. Ne. 2 re4, 0 stas rarrilc ouft. Ari-luisolu Kuice pro- Coban elenthoce nf due reujuet of le.i-orn,. No. 2, 63C te (04c; ont is4 nouneeu fice invocafionc Couaresbolac Maeo% supportens. te 48c; rye. Ne. 2. 64e te Tawney. John Allen of Missisfppi, Cou -Admirai Satnpcon a e ewoest'a $900to $1400; ppàâ Jef Dcvis otr Airansîooas antotiserai ai- aclet tise appros-al et Admirai preet eT1 .0;butter hoe dresed te niItiig. indigs i th Schey cse.24c; eggs, ress. 24e to e Guy. Vaun at of Xiaccuoia, Suriugc Secrcery Gage ceente Coxagnese to patte 71Clte saeepie-Cailaiip-. > of Nebraska, Show if bIowa aTd Toole or lest alvine roiiuferfeiterg twinty-tis5'G $41 5 bos isicýae lit Montasn wcrc acona tise ctys goccie. reers' inprisotiment ou their second con- $6e.50 Chonie.pie viction. ceeaf. ComuSite rime, THIRTL[EN.YEAR-OLD HEROINE. Philippine commtissonlureport advuscd w- stisite, u 2, tie to IMMoat ases Pasaitgcr Train froua Plunaging au esnly cstahliehitslctoetcivil govern- 49, f0 50, Tisrogh s Biridgrenment for theIsiiand-s, iecioding a legis- St. Lous-Cattie, $4M0 ta J e s ie i r l a 3 -y a r - ldl arl oe a e c- is h > -- $ 3 0 0 t e $ 6 . 3à ,; s e e p . Jceee ErI.a 13-ca of gir otAit Mn.Verea.tise commtfismioneeior le- stieat. No. 2,82: tu vance. Ohio, ais roie. Tii luir uia ece ecoioîrîaia uliisci(ii f tc us.N.2 cueo ihi a ficeccitri-ineon tish iile pA'ýrýreuîeil.(, souc atttetisecC; et- o. ,li-f S. 2 cO-landS l ac nafrth Crit-Nl 2 6 Ilatecu Rilioad 1 us sreces. pros ding fisat ntsoed ci-e- Ciucinuti-Cattlee$3.S0 ocur te ocep sueatapa tin>-be rdactcd.$3.00l te 3$6.40; ahep I-ut hu nue i0 s otto bm s a ered eendti lo e 0 o S c ta S c y , N . 2 fis-ur liitiruultof roeuii osecr ant unatiialy » o'lit. i0-etoi .Cati. 3.5 t_,. Wb$, la mau ispeS tiat s a cIt et tri bopper; dri ber MM ta isq L*ig i 1 ' Dffl 1- Pl fit M d L E p fi A

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