CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1901, p. 8

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TM»sImk a 0 *it a wwwI for"un itunes. Thtis le tléoIl«udes Lom- e ne olu Nwbaril,.vitere te ylthesae coules- à.é& 1,'iasuu& honora ruide. Far days prooedinig Ue.Trns goc a-Ja»»"rloit shieSretta lu bolkud vth et Os .<i M d - wavgans Icadoti vitt aveemestta « tbt e o. l ngotgready foe sblpnt. Tiere are ail 3me go~ et aMnghttheforseanud deecriptions madie af sugsx 'teeloÎaÊ t et vusol Opm ansudholkov 10 hait bonbons. It lu wi » li yervillite dour -esit tfor uveelmeats atone Si100,000 libe 4M Msaopenfei ta voîcome la apent snaiualy on titis day in Purie. btus e eFaiel. J.eofty tluasiso moila Vaal;atquaýnti&ihs, oa&RBffl taTn oatrînse. for no French- celasle empli handeti. The day la Ilield vith exchatgeo0f Boum o f mammatproportions vst nibnos nileocso Iltl ti S New lest'. ove lu Per- vst n obnadteocso lXv o a . isai 21e1-anti la one of snjoyment and nejoilngu. tiouahouttem. Titis hall- TUE ZEWI$H ]MW TEeSR. 14te DmchImportant of the jeu Newv ar's day vas flot jogao-ded as ~~~hstlg lois or tn dja. vorà aChrtist"anfestival until thea jeu 487, ~~~~~e <eopcai 0 lothea. andi thora la little mention of It until 1650, vian it vo ancindut Inl the VeUmax O0F SAND» Kt55tNî. itnrgy. Mont countries cttiobrate New On Nov earu day at thi.enssian Yer'sdayonJ~auay lat, but the 'elau the princes o01te Imponiai Bebrewa celobrate te sIn SepW'mber, hmlly, personnges of te court, for they arrange titeir csieudar se- _*UMOlionleo and servante of the ordn otenwmoads h ua, caIne la regular oanti o angtthnomunsdastei teare elther 29 or 3oi dsys long poséent titoin itomafo and goodti vshea New beuae ith tIm lm a movable té the emperar, vho kisses alil tahe oliday. ý.ýMâànio ohile amily, andi al tae_______ hit OfliciaIs titres limteil, acording ltu To Get Bld ,of a Trn,îhîesotne Uieniussiau fasition. People meeting Corn. Îu li. tree lu Bbsift On Nov ers Fîrsta oak il lnwam vattr t10 Softtn t him mooa lter, viietuer acqualnted or then pare It dovu as toaelt as poiuilie wlth- mal., The tavoreti unes vito bae benout drawilog tht blood Sud apply jhtamlier- kl«d b th czr ae prmited t WntPain Baîn t tiee daily; rulk)ihitgvlg- lissti y th czr ar pentited 0 orouaiy for flve minuteis el naoti application. kma tebaud of te eoprema. Tihe A coomplaittor etoulti titi orn tr a ow ditys. oereimnurcf banti issing vsu SUp. lu protect il frum the ahoe As a cionerai pressed for a tinte, but ro-eatabliahati a liniment for enraies. brulsea. lamonosm andt lew ear &g uner he eig ofrheueaatism.lPain Bain la unetuaied. For 1ev Jus ag nuda lit nesglo e bh» Y. B. Loymtj.. ibertirvilie; Oais- Alexader 111. LKtPÂxn;Jon a ntzKE. Ivatihoe. ie We have a few Heatiîîg Stoves ou hand that we will elose out at avery Iow price. Ifyou nee<l a soethis is your Z i CA NCK BROS., - l.lbertyvllle - Illinois à -10 Itbi 0c OoYeo---...... $1.00 6-3-tb cau lumnites.......10 Z-4 1h. gmtqo$*io Cfe...... 1.00 7-i ib -, Apples-------------.isc " 4 Ibeo F iau o Cohe.. -- .00 S i8-lb - Eaiy Jlune ltas-t... Oc 4-à Ibo ?eaberîY Callea - ....1.00 9-2 t-- hugu Cocu---------..îoc 5-J 3î anog Java CouIe .... -1.00 10-1i11) - Blaied sie-@......Sc 11-Fanoy Table ByrnP, a gai.... 30, 35. 40c 12-6 bhans Fairbanks Tan Soap-..Zsc 13-10 bars Guet Lsuudry Boap-...25c ALarge Une o- 14-Poloy's flauer sut Tac. 16McsLung BaIsant. i-aneExpetorant. lB-Dr. EBerman'a Cangi Sjrnp. >f Cough Medicines. 1 9--Bcsut'aPnintoearybiaisant 20-King s New Diccoveny. 21-int' Munule Cough Cture. 22 Chuambenlilos Congh itemady. 23 Fennecs Cougi Houay. V. SAUER & SON, Long Grove - - Illinois.1 DL W. the Best. We handie the best brand ever introduced in Libertyville, viz: the D. L. & W. Brand. Order your winter's supply of uni now. The price will aurely aAfvatice as winter draws near. Ivanhoe Ite Ms . No achool notas thi veear. vaca- tion.1 * lra. Dean ha. beau 111 for a numberi of tisys. She a .intproviug. A watcit meeting la being urgùd for1 New Years o ve, lu . E. ircias. Prayer meeting Saturday uilitl, lu- stoat of Pnlday nlght. tis vawek. ltrank Croukitîte sud Mater, Auna Mas, vora Chrisîtas calieri la towu. The Woodnmeu hava decided ta pur- citase oue hundrati uav ichaire for Iboir hait. Gond boys' Thte Mystin Workers ataated offluers Mionday avaning. installation tha flrsI meeting lu Jauuacy. Jamtes Van Plev, ut Chicago, spont huntay vlth relatives blie. He viii ho au altendanea at the banqutit. Thte oomnînnity fraleruity spinît la volli dvalupei lu Ivaubioe. Titis le evideuce-ti epcaliy turing vacation tintas. Mr. anti lra. Guldameter spant Chriatmas wîit tieir dangittan, Mca. Meikie. Mrt. Oîtilaslter romalulng saveral tisys. listrof s tiapacua intara,nt ouiy lu lvatinhoa but the -ounty !lu general, yllecfonnd lu other ecltîmnosoutheI INDREti tig'.T. onviSmith lua sibousymmu Ihes dayo.. lesites hi@regalar 'dt" ywoik a$ ltae factory, hîs ohalrmasip 0f1lte banquet supper ccmmittee santi se. taryship aofte Amnt, koupu taimon 'lte MOVO." Orville la a "-huiler" vito hoe underlskes anytilg. A hippy irowd ai Young people filîloth ie Docker huma Chistmlias tlghtl. 19 vas te iratparty orthlie Chitsmas vacation snd ail vers haut un giavlg a go0d haie, vhlit they cortsiuiy titi. here vas nul s dry moment turing ltae entire evenlug. Tiasa Uho are spending titeir Chitmas vacation vitit relatives anti fionda lu hvanitoe use: John Van Plev, Theodore Docker, Mary Docker, AIcaO E. Smitla,I. D. Wells, Hovard Bosach, Barries licainard, Ilattie Payne, Lillian Payne, Alce Paynud tiErnest Beckvith. Theo Chrisîtas exorcises la the Con- gregatlanal claoaitChirsîtas ave vara Tory fouit. Thteprograzu vas ulceiy arranged, ltera vers pianty of praseuts, hncluting a greal ntany good- nalured -"jasites,"Thlb t eatures, to. galber vlh shippy audience, ail cont. blnad tu maka a very pleasaut evon- 1ev. R. F. Morley iufleiiated Itlte 1îudîoaîons poithu ua avery sncess- Muneon-Arn,- wedtiiug Tundsy sud tai Amant Banquet Piday nîgil. att.entdltae Chrisasexercias tulers have bat-n racelvatitramm any Tuesuiay nJihî. sections orthtie counny. Ail are Tory Sebool bogins again nexl Monday. ntucb iulorestad. Every commitltel 'wit ual starl bita jean vitit a doter- vorkîng vlhtbhe ulmost Onergy ta mînlion ta brTeak aiii past alleutiance make lhefuanctio u sncasfui ln everj records- Il cao la oue, respect. llie folloing i la part Mite Hîllard Amaes le tae lateat addition progrant addition are tu utur -'grnup tif Young peuple. We mugic, impromptu speechies, etc. ara înieaeed luasc hlm aIt t illeront Toutstr. C. A. itactrldge. galtanringi aftler hie yeaca stObNence. mSitor I tont.- ...Leo P. Jeanine PuîZZtIUg social a i te bhume utH ~,iî.cue ---Mcm. Braitiorr -How ta be-one ailAlumus".. ... Van viev Tuacday avaing, 11,c. 31,-- - - Mc. H. P, Wels given under lte auspices otflte Ivan- it-aiackt F. tîlluie huae Sunday teituol. Pruceadmta lu Op iernirk --- -il...... LWChurchill iiafray Chirialmaa aipabhaut A ioiiy lssiW&rks tBIl'rvousTeitbers lima .... c..v.d..... ......... John Van Plov tiepruvided. Refrotmela srv c uir By'...aîr.< .. ý Liltian Pate Admissiou 15 cuh,. b-hLadies'«...M. C De,-ker PRARIiE VEW. A happy New 't ar lu al. A. C. Richarde lraosac-led buslneas lu Waukegan Mouday. Peupla lu tis vielc-îoili re Iouw îusy lluuugtheir ice bouses. Wilil Cou ulisa nenled hie ftbîhr'ie farm for ltae comning ean. LouolaKruger hansolsubishiepoutby sud egg roule lu Chas. Atbrigl. Joitni IcLangittin vutîteili.s brother Jue and ianthty at Acthtîglun Heighlas uoday. lire. Pegatow sud sono, Hecman anti Louieste spending ltefitoidaye wilha relatives lu Wircousin. Mcii. W. L, Hulcbiigs and cblidren, of Otan 'c lw. are ending tue bott- daju vîi irelatives haro. NWe are torcy lu hast Chat the intant daugitter of Mn. anti Mre. Wm. Btock la Tory ttc-k, tir.Lockyer islninttendiou- anc-e. Ilealh aud Beauly. A tiani cuîttitatilmi uaîaiiy te resut! ta ta orii !ît lIr ror ir-eitar aetlonoth e 1îu t.t us8i iatuco a retuseies taaitd off ttî vitlsmitiýaseliputretblond l. aptes. trolaitd oiettieecuptlons tolhutv Thtsi ittitnirsetliitlci!thnnving ut the s tons wlett thet buvaIt taitll tu c-mass. De Witt, Little Earic ft-writ area ivi [&motanus for rnsedylnu tIis conditioni. Tuey tîtan- talctlttic-îc eranti pruinote rislar and tîra1ttbyltton ot listowelsruit flu -rcast-t, îiriting. iuilor dîstritta. Saluth. ld itF oatLibertyvitte. HAINESVILLE t A. Fetiiau is lsid n)uitil ll l amne bc ký Mcam. (I,>rmati lu vigihlitg trirînîs in Chicago. Frank L.swtitu asuittitly etinulant Plate uuuvilig ii kancan in lte ocar future. George lienebaini wu& a t hhcago vilor Frlday. Miss Orsi-a liulterbhai lbasbeau ou tee ck ils!tutorucviral tiys. The cihidren it cîiyed a Chrielas reat Itt'aubloul bouge lnidsy alter- lian- Seituol ita c-oaed tor a short vaca- lion. The leaither, Mise Look, bas gona lu ber home la Waukegan. MiesaMaY Clevelaund, ut Arlingron 11elgitls, i. homo for te hlitisys. Little Herald Ceveland accontpaoled hanr for a vusîl. Mn& C. B. Wasbbtîmn ula taing lu Ormysiako vtiit t en daugitn, lira. Orson Wasiburu. lins. R. D. Parler, ai Davue' Grave, la keeplug bouse boee uring lins. Wihtbrnu'is ab- sence. WARRENTON flROVE. lins. Wili StrOug vas a ity viilor recently. BE E irsi, li Thoamas antiB. Colby are filllng rltIehanses titis vool. Latiasi AId ut Gages Corners chutait met vti lits. J. P. f3herman Thuraday. Christmas Iree anti Sauta Clans vene an taeprogrammeailtte M. E. Ohurci sI Gages Corners Tuesday ulgitî. Do nalt ail to attend the Watah. nigitl moutin g Tusday lgitl ah lte home otflMr. andblire. Slnong. Al kciada ut gantsand amusements are beiug planuot for te Ightl. Ladies bring baskets. An ilvsngelistes tory. -I sulteret focr eins vitit i ironcituli r tua trouble aud triet varioos remedias but dît not obtaîn permanent relfu ulllI coin- menet usiug Une. Minute (louit Cure.- vrIes Rov. Janme Krînan. evangllisî, ut Belltive,111 i. '1 have Dnu itatian lu noommeuding it taeail uiffers truin malaies of tiis kint.' Une Minulee<teugi Currs iRont. Immediste relieffor eaugns. e4b a&i i hnda of tirou idlun gmiï. lb W ta5 1. n , ,.Hk~r ais b, F. a. LavaIs.. Mhises imeaHuaonsud Helen lRay- Smoud ara home titis vaak fron tbIem etoitutles at ieilanry. Mit@a ide Smit. utCiticago, la speunuug lier raa-iln aI Hoton MrI nsd Mn@. Abet Riaugitt speul Chrisîtus vilh relsîlveg lu Watuke- gan - Von Filt, nut Waukeaso, il viaiug fis ncle, ChiniaDillon. A. J. Raymndniedt f iseitaniue illel te paat vei-k. Say@ He 1N'au Tartureti. -"Itîtffaei-ri cbpain Iront cone,1inoîill hardie watk." vnitos H. Robinson. Hti- boroogh. III.. -btt BunkIens ýArniwicahoIs -'oulitîly unit hon -Actes 111e miaiso traIns.trrilsigt&. ge ort. scaida. buttea tnt u uers.itcttcut heaiut sf ktn dtises eandi I-ts.Cure a-ottuti .BLv, thrtviituarÂsant PSASMcY . nu-iLL GAGES LAKE. ut i ti s ý Nu-ut i-ut tri ui. r u e ii vtittor 'tu i ttii r- ut i ni i. ttugi,- .hîîîa- ,t.-tr t 11 %Nui i-g tti 1v sIli. 'lt it.iIltu rît)a liiii irK. titir- i t u i .tu ut-- tît itîi-n- trI nd lut Wttltti ut I t.giithit i ti î1- loti tti ut-k. r-ruîî-r hrut-'ttuth'.t tînt lb-r tt IlîîîuîîîluI4f slittittîth i t i r iti r. ut-k. tsu utrî r-lu-is tt ilt ti~ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERbS Furulsbeti by Lake Counity Titlla & Truit Ca. Absralts fTille. Titllas (iaranteet. Mssonlc Temple Bhdg. Waukegau, Ili. Lounis J. Ornunmx Sec-j. Titto H borot & wf lu Caterine Fal tua lut i Ilîk 2 tJratt ii Wat kOicitu Wtt $. t..ti..a B A lui-ýrin & tW l J T C Hittîn w 's, BOs54 l Ortnd Plank catîtof Pca2-45t12 5.46 atîcesivul -t.. n ut C H Hoye, d& vilu Mafx KohnOr ltt 1 lu l tWright s SIt ta Litirr. situe v d ..................... ti.. .t J E GaIner thtw! ta Otto Wae-tti a lot I Village ut Wauunnda ..............a J A Fred & w oJ T Judge ltt19 llk t1i.You t&-Hitteitu tuti lu Wauki.gao w dt....................te 5u ai D B Sentir & vftol Josepht Wall ptkrt S % ne iX soc -at-t2 vd----------...uit ai E J Midols & vitoJ E Trippulota but 5 Wrigbt'e add tu Lîtbertu ville Maria L Baitour lu HB BBafour sw M - Â (nesesic i25-U t0 acces leiad L Ballonclo H B Baltour nti qr ne étrne qr& apan 0e k ne tir no qr sectit i--t ............... ---t 1ai l' A Robinson & vftot C W Hurt- neper lut n Huitinsonsasuiau tiralrairand oland adj vd.- .- ta tii Geu W Hall& wtto D 0 Bayertuait 8ýse O 2t5--i10sud pat nvtir si-c Estale ut Libitie M Lovejoy ta Henrr C Lincoln luth acet ili atos a & t antdtr-l ----------------.. ...1740 tU Geou W Lovejoy lu Hsnry u0 Lincoln 21n aos ln aoc-n 3 e & ta,4a-tint- - - t 1a0 AI Wiite & vi 10W a Smtit 4 lai808anaRuvrtseat-4s-1 t cu... t w Wn H Smithu & vtf t I1 Takerlot n itik n2Sulîhu adt Round Lakaî Wnt H Smtti &B vtlotF D Smith lt n blit s gitsatt lu Round Laeu Wnt H Moniytbr u hinago Hanr- vsns Foundrr Oo 5.1 sela an e cor ns tac8 sar sec -at-ta svd -acte... 26t0 Wm H Smith subdivision of stilota knoWu as Win H Smitia ato Round Lake lu moilF -.e-to .. Begi. the 1New Vo elgiti sebfl fver ille s~eis~ p ebmD~ ett bm e esiji "set of------- iuse «rnis.... Juatlaafier ithe shaoting of 'Presideail MONIlniey, tva 11111e SheridiaiBand girls, Elizabeth anti Marion West, agoti olgittanti uvo reepectiveiy,.In- dicteti a littho bIler of syiupslhy la Mis. McKinley, ttc lestor being vrltten a)y Elizabeth. Satunisy lte 111810 <iris reoived a gracefal acknovledgment of tljeir ejnttiy frointUrn. McK<iley, -e black bortierotinanti beulung expIes- sions uf ber apprectation. A'former Wanxegan Meliodist pas- tor, 1ev. lune Linebarger, pastur ut lite liathodisl Eplscupal cinurchi, Citi cago, 01(jest summums ot Beloit collage andi oldest active member ufthte Rock River conferouce dieti Suuday at Wes. ley hospibal front punonia. Deatit vas nuexpecteti anti came at lte endi ni ltae third day of iliueas. Isaasc LIno- berger was one of lie best kuovu preaciers lu Mite Rock hiver con- Friands outi.% Milnule Ponsonby viieho snprimed la learn ui ber marnlaga lu November ta John Broecker. Faliter tiavîn perforniet the ceremuony aI lite parsonage sud lte affaîn han, be-eu ke-pt a secret amouf ltae coiples reaitives. lMr. aud lits. hrnenker vii rauîhde viti lte brideas motiter lirs. Johin Ponaouby for tae vioer. Mrns iioeckur Ila rs. Pousoubja e-hast dangitber andi l Weil kuovu sud pupular lu a largo oîrala. Mn. Broenker la a mechinial aI lte vire vorks. Newv bous ove Mie Luiu POusoubY jonugoat @îiner of Mir@. Bnoecker viiilit jmarrîidlgoAthnr Lindssy of Chicago. Faîban Itavin viii pertoru lte careuiuiy sud I illi doubties e b a privale ear vice. f vo frelgitt train. voe telocupeti at midtsiglitl taltvark Thucsday neaît 22nti treul, Nortit Chicagu, un the E. J. A E. oad. futtraina vor, oomntluWaukegan, une fnom Cuai City, tbe othar frunt Joliet.lTe front train vas iuaded wîit coal, thte 008Ter vtit othen marchandisel. lu roannting ltae cntve noar te allint anti mat approiciting ltae viatincg, the rean train crasitt mlt e obbtrarin, vhlch vas procoedlng sloviy up lte grade. Tht reanit vie 10.1 lte cs- baoseandti Io cars loadetiviit cosi vara toiescupeul and a lbat vrenk ce- suiteti. -he tlitcaacars vere ladiy smashan sd attenvands hucned. Tue engluasvwu dansget coniderabiy anti viii have tluo g ltaes$hop@. Parin- uateij uubody vas hurt. The brake- men iht all utatI ltae cabooge sut voTaoulte cars. Hati snybudy beun la the caboose, titeY wvund have beau ktlleia. As ilest litera vga nul aveu a -narcov aplspe. - Williiam H, VtndOti. Speriutenddat uf lte Wilder Maunng tanacy, met vllh a terribîle accident Thucsoday murning, as a renîl o which hae dieti turing theaveunu. Whiae valkiug belveen lta tlawhich contaititot Ilquits for bsnlng purposas. ho misueti itls footing anti fail itaad-iuug loto IhA bOiulg maeit. lias crtes brought vork- men tl&hie iti a.onca but notlbotie ha hall bon lunua as couîpletaiy as If lha d beau lu tonravaalmomntsl. Front hea lu oaonexceplitag a mnail sPot on hls cheait, the vlctim vas listred. Mr. 'Verdon vas abolit 501 jears ut sge snd came iera troot Huston Ivu jear, agu, thaving h-l au IMPurtUnt puaIttt Itera lu lto ako charge of tho local t.anuecy. fltacumpsày bas appIolltiMn. Verdons sun tl uccuet hlm. Ho in a Young muan, being but lvenlYIlive yeace ut agi., Ihoigilieh bas badtetn jeant ezperiiîc-e iu tan- ug anti 10 veli ititiied t ll ilita Postioln wvil i"î h aissres"I Y lntn New l'car FunnylitutaiL. Hait, glati Newav't01We do eut aak Our vues jou asionît disperse. Wa nteneiy urge ltis simple lasI- Pcay do nul Malte thom vorna. Make nev nealvas uiiidty, or lhue, 1 protoal, WiVIen Ihe tinte contlakeî-p thîn youull un ahort ot lest. Mante-DitD alar Fresbiigitgive Young Sluvbuy auj encouragement at lte Nov beans bail, Clara-No, 1 tik nul. Sb@ atiket hlm ta uuscry hor, Ihal aail. "Maie,asaket lins. Dnabn, eIIry dosa mauj mon retoand utgiva np lhiritbat babils ail Nevbearse?' itRecangatu luternuptet Mn. Banitan, "lthoesuant 1h0113hemfielves. Thej ce ,brokasifte-r Christas. ,II dont sao vhy Long Jlm otsm sitoidul lac happy thii.Nev beatag day, sidthlitaGeorgia native. "Heas got six tititieu, lauebhlîdren, asu . mocSpFlmna 'tlit laI amIn neyer beau spollet by lte governtinu." lieGorry learpinglyt -Tiinmakens iv ganusca bo gui'us e thbe Icuate, bedat! Mca. MCGOrrY- -Nov 'Yez mairetuot out? McGorry - Male ut ouat? Bore, nov: We boT coit veahher Nev Tests. pitviuýva ou't aa ut; ani'do ditey gî1e8u aveu a brit av frost ou dhe Banni' av July pivlur onttngues ana hangînt' ontt ddite Oeil? NaltSoI- yez cnutieull.t, beadt A Cot Canugi Medicine, 1 finti ItiaintaluseCOutat lened yih ,an ,xellei memotlne. 1 bave beau suifr. lngf tram a severe uitagifocrlte 1aI Ivo montas,ant lhan effetet i ur. 1 hae .; - - 5 T i t I s l a lt e o i n i n o to a s u t rL n" olt at oa esottineients. anti CL bon Tlunai-n sua fitàatht T..ubl- . T, lbe Ta.,i.s. The poor lSaxon uwln li e Mtay suff,.r lu the EEniertîll il trere la a etury on rtl-trd ut iliree Iiabuten rusbiing nvay troma the. rac i uieetig at l'unchewtowin i o e-t(i a trai Ii- îk bu Dublini. Ai the itourent :il r.î hi frnm a long diiit utcluied utllt t itistation, sud itle thtree mi aia iila. lal lte carriaire ivtîo vutiti-[l tithir pas- seuger. Amt 8001, iti th, liali ri-gultet their bre-ath oni- sait "Pot, hbave yuu got Iltfiitî, *,what ticket.? lvi gît titi. l,lfp! 1 thonglit il'il toi reu îist thl t -t iln lun thi' thrahuiiiiî ae i-ii g,,t *iti iik *"Ou? legîîrraî , ilii1-i '011, ailî ttiile u,-fr, t idu " alti thte thiril 'ie- il citaruei-us rolglît frointth' ttiermollie ot tilrelauîi. The nid igeiitliniolîsîki-ti nir bis newmpapler iatititii Ii "Yoii tre q uiti mu te. gîtîll -il.t%'it! II wet- eiith' nîxt tatit, is Au 1on iiii tllie tritllit lîulied itthe Iltte geiiileutti l jutitpesi otti i re backlu it11h tîret- tirie li, ti.-kete. Hnindltîg heu ifitti- i îittimhitîetran- gers, lie alît VitIt. 1*11 ti-lt %(,(, iow 1 didIC ut1t ititl:il,- ii lirtîliit Tick- ets. plttze. tii-kits. iiiizî' " i-1tiensd these beiotito iithre- Sant i lirista lu anaharutirioi- ltîr~F-trntî.s la Strand. "Il le s'uinu. taý- theiLondon cliruttht te. Io N t.ititîts. atihugh lbe irs!t atliettiit htti-ti l llivnd lit a s itilîti ttuiti- ?.)r tohe berv- auci uf t1e Aiglitîtît rtiti. to, utttigei, tt .11 iiCt-tiî if a foreigit niainlîtd i, mtîi iitt wna Itiitiqri cili. eto h, . tred pas- senti- Apat lout'ii1t,-ilvs.igrtîuç,s ut trgisritht-r,- tit,.î -iiNai s îity ut pt-l t - ti-t.- ti loit , liii- b:...t. il. it e- ly fur tilt,- th tf tt4 w-ai,b rfallpent-e anti qui. t *"'ljIi-.%.ivouli hat t.fitit i l tHlir. ti te wit.tIlltI St. Xî l, f fie if l»lidttg i-j il i ieit iii1.:i,1" -i ita 1 sel',i- lce lu anîtolli, i l- rjt ,il sirts tif bbclj1 ý t Mt a stitii :il 1 -1g.t I m l etttttîî- i.i aht'i tii-fil..rIt- illIait tiausaiiIit-a, ateti t Pttîln ctt iof ttt lai tIc lîiilia tit ti tti- t ilit iv AIt)tîtl ne tttl ttiriOan usas Cat4u n iuird I, ut rttY ti- r-..nulruu- i "n-V i- tîw ir-r .t1,tfu ut. tti- jilgu-ý -iii Sut 1ýlIf otiiu iutoandAht lai Obhibni. sautu. titittitt.l lh titi l111 'tVttrt-e lui Situtr u lat Heleli iii! tir r u-iilits itutif %lu ut-n lits itaîf ut tus l u t:1111 u mhtinit N,,,,ittî ietties chîttîtti uat utulut gi-t ut-ltfattiumtliaut Su tiI froi-tt tu ' tîti! i-on ît.11îliait amn "Stop'" ruari- tl ltejtlgi-..I)isLtulds1 lte tcîi ws5. Wletit.ter thte signajture rtf titiEng- tutt1 i klg t0t. iueetIlus nu-îuire ln ati aus- htOi-, tbotk tir ,-tuuewt- 1!il lacîittoln ary tu pruvîde a naw lien,î tt-îltIt ot ne-i by te hiosta or tie ti-iîer gîustu utle,, il bu Itndîed Itiîcm îy lte royal vititor. Anuter Point (et eique-tte cotlttedm whthi peus anti taper le biet a lelten to iaouerelgtt le, tuttten au tItick wittupapeun one uie Ieonly, end 18 plareti lu auni-ut tipe large unou)gi totacontîithe bite ter utifoi(lut. Ah.esiThý,,. "I hope." sai ite tlrttnîuen. 3ou ver,- qulle tatititiWtitd i i! jreport for ltae past tnonlli.' 'Well,' cepliedth îe head ut thee 0cm, "ltera wtt une part outilb hiat neaily exeedeti aur t'xPectatlons§. "And vhaî vasti bt?' 'tbour expeuse bil."-eatholîc Stand- acd sud Times.t A S-ot Pau. Calltug une day ou a Misà Ferguson end observlug a flinetoieysluckie lu tati hiosauos-oen te door, Sin Walterc S'cobb Congratîtlated lis trIeaIou île aPPearauce. Site spoke ut Il as truîm- Pet honeyauckle. «*We-îit saIt Scott, 3e'itnever conne Out ai Your aire door vithout a tiourîsit a' rumpels!", A Dixtilinetion. "1am lait," saitldte tiend, '"that1 iemanager 'on lias- e ttIvai;paylftg ao sfatUluls asalaryF' 'a," asvened Mn.r trildg. BUOas., Me buus mgaq" mhancmv. o suge gif 5 i a mtrisilutaI viti ansWho ke uht Il sris Ie elldeai t ne' thre ofd meib omorewiggv show whln.auîthn1haveip hai On t' ale fnl T1 y dTDM doney werk o i bn t t0 n Mes ri evnotlced ou f1"110 ther contu iK4hsd Ire a id frsiei ta i n a heb>oS ohaIt ti ae. th 10 h Im uid rnbavle at s iter- Deigl It ib hmotree trpt gandesihihlm ailndtht »1 Ou& ldâclemd tvrust hist thiug know that t rtangSloiggs wleiorthe w as nuticea n h deflotr luîigrtlng dtul enteudbve gageat a i tite, *A lit i etie ppie tript gvMnIt 41ba ait c it in h splendid Te ner ge ho tuppiied litevter. ta y af colnd ter '*r . oelr e Tsey ad i.rt1.hyun cr mlo, Wbanlol. ant an rmau .n4 ut t sue lu Worthi Au u% nt ro dpl har lvtudortpglu, ed cagut tu, a l bi iluse110ggra loti fuilloats-for a trsHo titerni.-ute arnke oe "Aitîkeape u athe vn, orehd. l --ot of dbu pti: ient trawies.arinet onla t supe o în the r thtuxnl . i an ted ora- rurnmn.1 dcav, lIte eliiel l .It smi oe.-.0 Geat tttnsru r~ l lt.. us e or aremeot a.4u wase req i% l ualbin urnj4 twletlug cint rh1lluise onutl wilk tuetier £5 iti hy~ ~ ' a trih '-utsu 'dv suci se Il e gvn us tht'ther Tor coianuIr I uaehlo ut lue. teritlc that an Afirican mlontt h' ai ringshd ylieretra s Enrfoeug ola raefrue ort' pis due hIle e.,tIi e tu lutei.C Treat ahent mntN ofe Atre ile-n r l pab Amerle b'ody.r'l'lihuae n arretives lisdlht yeaandr, descr be. oane g ethiaauthe eas wU * C a trigliuearedLaveown rolled hu lu ivenituthne othsi serve lu th foran APie sud bTob slf; *be ty ko a no ot outreforere lu natu tech T11ST Theoh u Pipoe brugot e Theemailetctionueofh.eli A rln a nu giadi b hi.evtea "okurnbakelite anaaie Wlg liaode lureythan uar dseL e sa; île lesaine taherte *h plural p reaun. Ordof tserve la auj eor aPietndlxlng n sxe elo; d* ityki."D Tud, ortHarisletDos aliiim reaymade tîîov. ou l Sltn-auula idts t Tyuor-He thld me iid'bavue taasla A1es vitîte abet a h u tlu slral uunlght-tSIgtl wleelk a femo ara Tude oreHarrsnes at redmadTbye o MEanetwo evm topev és tcstandwttsuy~ =sa 8 cents a pound, bwt 0 you mn be« otwht ou w fr at, Cok. Yoia." When a wornan buys 90sa. len hases the two value&s. he sesunu hts She oyvericoka wbat adu reoeIes.o<,8à ckof rorY Scap pysbaàfrom t.tx seH 1Vegetable 0on Soap. Jvoey Wflý tl 1 1 IT BROS09 Illinois., ot m

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