CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1902, p. 6

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r - ---' i e.'. -t i. 'if qA.Aý2_,1 Ithe dm~~~~~~~steuce of Lady Grecs. Mm I W to flb a'U04""s hi hadtflot been' over before. and a igo9u- sgit NefyY A tFsec i-:a1k12hà w»et l a, w f lus b ." t s19 1<. tR1 S saud questions about bis trayeis. Th"y ,;5s, »b b1,1a e had beau talking nonme twenti m-ai4tsa l rîad twbe ad lb. r l cf'I, "*ýfi à tbm fimtocompanies aud fig thau by .. . whem te doo Opeme; and te biisIeb.. ", n. -,: l 1- '1 perfect uncuncena. Lady Grace. evdett lIag - ý.b la a Park et tockwolà. a Tus. lau 1 lymot nowig thy bagen eah Oter --Q - ,àbrooss hseld la his igbt band. »urisa E .i h t yot t hey thiI m uth expired Francia Bacon , snd k u o w n g h d ~ s e u i, i c h ~ e rG a r r i ck , a n d G a l l e a n s d L o i s V I . , a n d coldly. due hm hybu'dlý1r . m William Ptt. and Francis Zeffry ot 'the-, B Thougb 1 tblnk 7yen have met beforet" 1 1 ,o , e, u iaailte iat n be!id.h_-,mrkdiuer astl'îy ' dward Everett, sud Bruce, and Oati-. ta . atiga1ild .< u hýl'mcould flot have a millenuluna wlth a Jan. in Inluthis moufta ,ied Peter the Great,ý M'RS. FORREST7ER. tosecsuiy ratier about so[Dethlng- W. .-ý1ur ls osbe h a fwo tw&witn 11 did not ouet as equala.' and as egavée.Behold, ieas it la possible ini nu taveUa pof wbomta waa peopleu ws 'H., . VVV - - - .. hlm a defient flash uf ber prend eYe. other moth or the year, the wondrouuagael a povahe . eupl te atdéwarthlo- -Her isdyship Preas'ed Mr. Hastiugs ta anatomy of the trees lu Jauuary the selfa agt e Hse taught tbwmt at u 1H PT Rdine ad stay the nlght t Endon Vaie. leavel et the iat rear ail zone and e lu. , of t i h t r me i oa t l onr Tise morn XI.--4atter M . ) ttIfa3'vls t r e linrgnatId, a rs elleivesbu ie ~pléaded an engagment et home. .mno seauch as s bnd or a uew btin- t. Fvr os hea lie orutea iuali atl The ornig &fer it, astigs',hui berinainaton wlunchte.iElaiwawarElreobeitappearlugon hthe treluncs1 stand-drbetheeariverhe Mos staa- bat, arectedises auexpet aB is tk ltter rsme to lit. Casyton, suisounleni stralght up te him- hefore departing. and to that hie cOmtiSêii ng with arma stretched toward heavenfet aiu iuefa epr u e that caeeortbis hbeliffs wasssuppused ta ."How dtese nocb words te mer' ed. Duriglnhbsbostesa dîscussed i(Copyrighit. Louls Kîopoeb, 1011.) ne of the greateatt vldeucec of te wstîve shipwrightaiter, pilot aud e.- lu"e vobbed bien to a considerable ei- .she Cried. "BioatdateY.nou ntryoer r rjetsfrtnetmiggeS - N thîs Dr. Tainiage'a tiret discourge dom andtb. pouler, of the Creator. The Mander. Ha changed the mantiners es Slit. The man himarit baed noIde& that base-mlnded suspicions befure nme! 1 II am a bout te appear in a new rote.- for the e year lha apeaks wrds ot î.sve, appear UnIY once ansu ndie, b tom n asc h uaasm i ji* W« MauPeted. Franicis ClaptOn ras ronid not lowersr anoaumch î in aesdwt tn îsc iWilrd; aecur1mutt its lm sdthe»e grsaitarma are stretched ds, ut ln their memory as the father et hie 'ilelimseàiidganee Wnldfecurgmnttupltet i ndt-cuuntry:" bestidbias b le vowed vengeance or eyea as te attempt telu jntify MY thst et chaperon. mSng talubrlag donbting. TI,. text la Bandus ail.,.1, ward beeveu ilu sent prayer for mure . Azgalut tha deluquet he woid conviet couduct. You are a poor, iiserable Otm dotddnhter.ndit 1trust "TM$ smonth shall beaunto yeu the bW-out eavi, noirmslled wtth tee, murrebat] Preparasgfer ths Future.. 1 lm-ha weuld gel hum trausported-is tyraut. with whom It ls impossible for aléoiitor mi tateadoophetm-tcodngt m eed dauzothM ý >1ý1 ý, sh mii ot dlsappoiuit my espectations. ginuluz otmtouths; it saoli bethe tiret lu 8suOr rbolgtute,- tlb a- eodigt m et,"h et 'wife sud chldren abold lbe reduced tea arumau t ]ilveansd relain bier self-e- Ms yewl.idotnt oe bu mnhu ieja oynpests aslha pausssiluthe mldalgbt hurri- shhaa ieunie y0n the betinning t o I o s ab Whame and heggary! apect. I wnu not top under thse ya semae u . h resstn go..Igmete i albl h trt ot i heM ... i la Ishh av t g bckluEu- ou wtbio aoteroi n s tharealize the tondeat anticipstionlS. said The last muuth er the uid !aascn. n mer"ssad rfyu uuh;10sa bts.ia ont f h 'I ta h lbisafv sa e av obckt n-ror e n atebou t. d ab swet to-Mr. Hastings. -Passadtut falgbt, sud the firat MOnth the earthinluJsnuary tbei stand deflu Ysesr ta yon." Throngh It matts preaa EI iý1ý Oan," o ridhi.wif. " alai levemomenf 1"t e e, ndel ett- "Sir Cisylon lbai taken s houas lu of the ii5w year bas arrivaid. The raid- the inter. Under tise noma trou thetion for tise otber eleven menthe. Wiat . lý Irai hmand sud nfrynI ek adtedn.Btli u br eo Estoc Square for tise sesson." eabs COn- lght gs it etWedncaday opened, and Chlld pla i w At Ia nd, growtuni u you are lu Januaryen ion l probably beuFIIVUPOU9I le ten das' bler, and tood witb bis hack agaloat 10. tînord; ,,e propose te cominence occe- January entered. Elle demerves a bet- te manhogd, at* under ItLal sentimental in aIl the other mentihe of tho. ysr. Pie-1.111 sad ha ltte y ocit. rte djz te P et ier ou t e ve ti ese" iYla i .titlb. wo e asll er Dme, for she la cailed sftar Janus, ,or Phlosophie muod aud, bavlng pouss p rs fribmfeth r by a prh uso Sau th le hpopoeiurte nd. ta "Huforard yut u ave nu abutorîta" rai ceiitlaitlY. Mr. Hastligs." the beathen delty who, they supposed. outu Old âge. venteimalfeider Its nor tenosanuine auticipation. Âpprlee,- "Par tilaunItl nt ove- vr î cuu,"hs îf eple.cod ". I shall haevers, glad," as@ented Erral. preslded uvar doura and se mght b h ad.lotee Ohamdistatee in tmaounln eiseyn S e nt.' tll T O i l D t can ve P srl o-u g b t ." "I i d . co d y . .. p ro p o se t e bee lu to m a g o d d e il x p ec ed te p res d e t th e o p en lu z uf t em ec. t o ms y : '*T ie lea v c. th a t ru tled b o dy a n d glu o ms o r s eul an d u n t qent.11 "I ltise Paais.tThîs monti' ras1utfold called their muniein lunte ntsatmemrare deudio yn for auy trouble tisat moy comas. Ou "Bt hs s t d I jugo I "Tenîu o ito s erants or sud have taken a n t f lu.. l b.ra- uthe moutb beis ause. tbrwn gbtansu ouo, but the leaves tisaI nil ador tise other band, if yon expect tue much, , cauueot go te ail these balleansd dnners clotes"lliy. Ii cvee rwadtanbrsrm dsponmn illeyus.Cdae ne sre eugaged t, alune.' "Be ht sol I cars uot ber, but go 1 Sir Clayton's vol-e made tselt heaird severity of Ils wenîher. tise buugrYthauoerdbwsdheea.arsdipontetnlhaor.Cltvt ésua yu f e aih nutacbp- Hama ta as asreove. udhn~tilejuncture. almost for te irst tiie. roiv .es came duwnu eekiuz food sud di-- glalbs ave as muchbehauty sud glus-y as fa"thlu Qed sud tise feelinug bat bo rîl)i ou «Sensdtse adamee t. imuaud. l i a tadutbr atle ejaii Ae>o eigbc eth or h vouring human lite. Iu the missais of tiseir predeceasurs. Oniy nuit. do for yon that wbic le beat, sud yen1 jsi atternoon. Hastings?" thea maddle ages Jsnuary ras rcpreseutd 'h nrsla algt I a ed o lie naiau hd eroe." aded thea"able uabandwith grs afrai of ber He triit as Erot rederin inthetaffrsuggestiveattutdtInehiteosdgastsvelu tte ahoJauaserInmons .h lb. m<n;.thehewoThe erteleelevn moulh offtteeearelaa Wo* IDef S W ;a adeet "Elle tuera every friend suDithlmi-to ma. p the quarrai; abs@ Erl nsnEred tisefibot .yen suer, and boing the flugers. as tisougb lcreaaing dalilgbt. Lant month tise mua 1902 wnul not ail hae made sp ot gladulas C t _ - lcquasmtsuce re have iu Paris." nonld uet hoat a word. rimas ho apuri o mpaThny pa rtth a W ve -unferluz fraimthe Cohld. is taing a reut down et4:30, but lu tblm montb the or of grief. The cnp ftistIis ail made up .-tJ-SO Madame de Si. Geran aras au oid frend gised. humbli, abiecIi; and aet ais h m pn opr th mai. We bave or militéeoutwodrotuter the arm. auzies- dsys are gettlug longer. The sunrîse and ut sweetuens lain alpld. tul-f 1. «ud lame of Francis Cîsytons, and abs ,conseuted te recalve bis amende. The, dered the borses 1orthre e-'andk. t0v. ot theraranîb that muettlha ki- tisa sunsat are tartiser sport. Sunlight lcwvnteema pue ae o ieur M -WW 1- . bad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o eesm resnteredrmtseusayassaafrn aIhr.Br Wiulfred bit ber llp with velatloi d, id ntedet rîiia iiî,sdtseal esr udtceluu toegaes ofthe _111101110111101. esIbael"hRae r ugsonther trdasti ohm id as maiedit a mmd oU. Cîztons Mr. Bastings saw t, sud mould havaex-. for nstdof dartifidtcieigtd rgemins n a n the e n f se ougI aie hni ,g e a 3g4 - tLe"es, asummu lboptv,"geFuran Y onfieer ardoa n su mn ie ha sebu- cused bînselt haid Ilbeen Possible. Yes, Janury la tiseopen door ot the frotda l atrderhgoizwl i ostte hnynwl atYmI&i » tou, umiagthe rIvilges o au ld evr paron awomai irbehad o eýrd teyer, sud throngb tiset door wul came lgisI."Tise daysprlug froni ou higis baths (d. Yon will bave questions te décde af o aase fleni, paid ber a mont untasbiouably mliated hlm? Tieose o cama round;:lh. offere t nat long processions. somes ut them visltpd as." We sisal! have mure liglisa mih ici lii meed supernatural Impulse. %V Q W .- de.ý sonly visîl. and @o.reelved hbmin lu0a*s*s Il a 05 .* Mount ber. ergPel evsadsi@mrl.frtehiemoelg orhecuc Sr iit ndouwlb p tke ý um-it e lgat simplidty lu ber Thse Champions mes. perbape mot lb. "Nu, tisant yen," she said, coldly: eeig ameIslu sm yri. o iehomofor te nigb o,-toe siurci tet igii, ud aon Il a ap tok er boudoir, and ras mont grsclously moet Muuld amllY lu the rerid. Mr e. tek.lihaput ni> bismoue une nhosa stîli ers nalh cypressanad mistietoe. They ave forlima world-light of intelligence, lîgiso New thst tise train ef monthe bas start- .11V,,OMd tber w@et* ; UlessBd tu uccede te bis request. Champion wu proverbaliy Indîfferent te 1 have tesîed. eomîng, sud notbluz eau teep them back ut comtort. llzht ut recre, ligis ofutevan- ajti ae -ayfloe yFb th g ihl v 'M madme, 700v ite." eise sald, in bu it fa is Howard and bis grand- Slle aeemed te deilghtIslun ounding bina.-tevetotaîeemoh. tnI gelutiom iht tromn tisa face of (- d, e tpsJua olwdb e-rthS an fba1 çmmtI 'tt le ieo'cict this eveauluzcildrel bailperptual altercations; and. Sha kept persstently ou tise ther 'aid* 1 thI ie .ha ofuthtie grestest î.ars of igisî fru. the thrue. Tise day enîseges rth it O one assdMRI m ta oý. ilttrhr yltel.Ms C e n e auh tSrCaton, and sarceirso2.Pe- i ae.i alasrd ihbislg yLittle, and thse reig ut sunuight sa a ith las f§ere inda; and April, arth"MIls u» la1W. , î «= ae ha honur te calu orbestaddtelnMmChmpin umbe ; al, fsBT lMai, P afwltte t glascndwblo.-sin tts b-te .the operuaud afternard tea ter seemdfar lama sttacbed te each olI- entilytheî duame te s gare. fr0, whils addl . Ntoa sdDtentoa ot mauchi nrsasd.but do not damplseas somîng hemorms; and Mayn, iahIs Ilcr-ýF w ý M *e belil given hi the Ducisesa de Beau- ertimhan toranarly. i'er&aChampion raslbtrto topra4imcs bad been brutal. codrveamies ut monalend ylautw nîlIuth ins Jsf nurmi n dlogt dapla ts vag: adungat.nitD is ja hore rp eC." ubhapW sd dlmenttnted. Her amla ."Come. Winitreui,'outld Sr Ciayton, b.osttled.' Tesr t fcruntiou and de-t hsJtry adomt epete AMPrci Cayonbet ve br iir as ta mare a brillant marriaze, sd>tea"us aitlpieca or practIce for tbronement y ileabt nil ettle Coban frt thul more llgist Incomlng for tlimabets; adsud etmbr, itb i l drinlu Ami U'leà cpital. oCts antonpehaut wt olerdiftiser &a" «sd kissed it in s marmer aa . The groom bad!tome -P taun"an- d Porto Ricau sud Philippine and cburch and tise wrd. thougzifIlcoins li ves; sud Octoharmuits t@ rusts; sud Pays Uilkt bais sdlled aid astoul hea cnsbten a u 1 oadfasten I. "Dont open it. Muson!' $shunt- Souths Âfrican and Cbluese destiuiez. Tise Nsionli. Âs ne arasuor lu Ibis sessen CA. et freqeautan uceurraura'at 1";.UbIw h,- .il 1 sa Hoad.-" g lb. Asvemisrare tbIlsInisukagltesson ues 4ke», lderIte. Thoan haretus-ned tth er taetocraree llqlà e haronet. "Miss Eyve ls goiflg ta tamest year for msny a décade ponshangradnally goins tonard the longesa deyandy -e, iblaCrita ia- p y ..l ÏMeeli délivesed lIs message te Paol bade 1reaed coutaatlyit lier brother, and ths i.sp it." dng ls mIlions et grave% sud raesaitltsuofucat somtmer, se out rurld luasuerluz tues. Match ou, 0 bottelleu 0f thlb., 'bar MM-biy. sud tlselag her coldy, jump- ]last aud eruin part uf ber niortlficl- And Wialfred Immedately put bai millons of marriuzc altara. tornard tunard the long day ot emaucl-metlahergensoteYvn1- ý ad lat-hls braugham, rhici uswu$ nt- ten ras that lha had foleu desperateli isorse eait. sud mas over lu a'momnt. W. can expert greater events lu this ptou sud Cbrlstly dominion. Ifho" yandtebiaeyftecetre!Mth' tedustaccee hm t hesedwihWiUeg .WouM. oldsnoelunthe staresud the cisurcis aud tisesdtiebgdsetbecnue' ah 'tdU e ouayhl la l. ta "', u'Ove n Wutst yra.Wmu s. "Dues ahe ait relIT' Sir Clayton asted Ysear tissu aven hafere, for the muld ou anouin the menthe and Yeassasd ____________________ Maftmde Bt. Gesucalied for Mnir. Breil ad OUrHorard had gonsa te tII-umphantly. tumnnng lu bis comPamsiuu. population bas se rastîy încreased lisera norlie hamunsnicoid, but ne are onCetrs lad pse ut l]heý aI Oe t h. appolnted timt, ad lby ianuand uffered tatoit.Winifred te th* l'Harold Erskine taughtalber tauride." ar n maymore tissu lu sny otisci-year tise ai te Juy bvntss and Septeniber etrivraof esdme pbave d utidlotatel lb. 'spet teeheursevsr7 piasatly aà lIcMenor. But oh retnad-not blteriy, Ennis repiy ras legs entbnslaatic th» an telauziansd meép sud triumph sud per-urcisards. ocesuu teruty. but noue of ail liseniboa «Pst, durng wrsa sventl gentlemencu t nu l gly, but irmlî. "Tisant Yuen," euI ai etec u. Time mlgitier nisa a0fecbauism Do mnual adyor smause bartrard. 0unt ua t endieriigiser iants tou(od or et tb*s aqualtance dropped iu ta sec aeuiseald,"I amn suresyen mesu kludly. haibeenunspoten. But. nevrthelcas, hava sncb rider anei. Tis a re. are Du nut guoont and askthtie trees folitatalanger ronafont or matle more ma- to Radpaid thels- court te elaher lady, Ton desplsd ad u mgbted my doux, deax be admrtd aise gnscetuu figura hfore tludltd lu furnaces not seven times but nitis Icicies bi Jauuary »ore isetiserutceorsîehaIbsiefitmnt ost5 o aggstd nc fthr isn e asaiva sd nl irOhm veardnyadgeàunely. Whou seveuti limas ieated. Tise velocîties tisey wnu ever again bisiosm lu Mai sud etthe uer yesr. .e ftisle h I eschroman ieeted car- accept anythinaiztaI i onbad@ now."' And thai partaid, SirClaytun pressed im a luwnirliluz Irouzi tise air aud mailing the lestlu Jue. We are movlug torard tise ..1 401e t 50bar looly compoauien, rimefor1 irHoward lsstaid t! fbeiug dspleased dine here tise follu rweat. Betor uos ansd Iunueiing tise moutains nl morlds redemptonu. Tise frozen tear@ _0u MM-wuasobrlbht sud apartling as lu snd offcudedras rallier gratiflasi by au hie ausnered,.lbe looted et Wlulfred, matae uuprecedeuted demonstration. milmet, tise river ot gladnusa ili ne- ----BS "' ' ' 15S *0 Qum dsys. iudependecse fspirit wih liehaconsldar- risue gaze mas fixed biankly lu lb. dis- Would te God that beture tise non open- manme lifon, tisa crocus mîlI ie up -Dut-- " a m la I l P o s s ib le ," a is e th o u g t, " f r e d d u e t e t ie b i e b o o d h e n h ri te d t n e a l s d t s a t m m g s c a . l s d e o h u r a t i e aU o n u i n gp p s a * te a luiffaeat e s esatre s fru theChamions i miiimate bers-lova mer' lisevomed. tu lienibla rlth tiselent caunouade sud star iiiopen tise doon, sud pp-15ppppppDp igss p waation on «te a 4111111l', Wluls-ed very gatafuiyse. impatieuthi, aud lha acceplas tise invite_ the heavena ces. teluiha igited uni>it1 tise snmiea ofthIe wrnd nl"groond -___________-_ Th" lbal seau caough et tisa opra. andi epted another Offer that ras made a t -useîcTh,., isests.nt u i gst. en it coagise baiug called, theî drova hbs. The momnt kiud Lady Grace heard lion, an mioe conflagration ut bumesteade sud armas", ailoras-t!udtise orld. Tise Janu- ApstVl ork.-D uetelise iesana&D ifliial i= 09 te th. baiL Iu the tiret men Mr%.oftlber Youug friands trouble aise Came ta (Taolie contuuued.) tise fonudries thut matre mnords leha r- ari ut trust nl haeaboliibed. sud tmah. eillsetrlimtetie<Jd . lm Itgtv«s antrei«&"8l s d lte blactamîlis aimlps for matlngbains snd radiance ut a divine almos- s a h rti aeteGd - flgto cure. t allows 700 <o Osyrtemet« nih Ms. Hastngs. Bc arsu nsbere tahndns t w- loaiars.phteniI il tsenaIoslIienro ultenuleme. tssaa vEn-apslltul, oo 70 an.,Th ml -"took hm s& M la d the î jo le l le ancer a do n V l s t oeue. But su, e rsasaion PO R Tru U "I E H O EL C LO C K S Q -smPas ent Opp rlu Iti sp ec Il l a 11 b er nat oio s e.Iiyîn ot rus-k, tem yen. T ise pr l e ps o land t iahe oo o ea" L b I D$$mon t#* , "Ur husl Igmlas aay," mIe rhlapered. Could Indana Wluled te tige heeFarm,- «sud 1 sll dance to-nlgt te mi iearta until afler lh. tunea- ansd evan thoen@lie Thir Irsitatis nfuce UsonS asau- The fsont duer of astupeudous yean it thisumasi onr grandilldren rîli preacises. Another duîy oor mo thlie thousmiid5oedyspeptloebav e..tmt. If hb.wraieosr bhonioud uoaclunig ta bar'old frend, Madame de Mou- geru Tryin la simee. hbtasloénai. Betone muny ut yon tbere see and hat I. The iseavens mili tata priasthood il ina tfmesilator beomecai tid attair ev57Ftlling 61= n . rIl h taie ouhautoperunoypart la lb. conflict htreen rigisteen-G> omu-t.v .". lx en la uneqtuusled for Da i atmb tïoou",siI ut us."tolleu. sud couil nt boerzthe thought Il la tise fahlion rPoitugeeoc lwmts fo aîthe normenthles-f ,,otumi mn.sudsn a ha islue un' su d anmau Catisol . otliu. N.IT. ftOat o Tbhedi u ras they ames-r tIalgh u aGaems t0a tsite tiheuroutnlwce oven .Heaven bappien or moe miserable. Let us psai settia t arîgil, sud setîle It forerai.mnCtole roln N .. aeuptb pý 1,, rsudseing totetiies-throulnzhtie magni- tient un havluz the girl, oem aiblead euh tuera s y, fer certainly the pan- bat ltmay lbe a year fltisa m idus Tise month ut Janur bas seen msny Tise Rigiteons Ide.-ln tise lluor- but de Y" lootC55Ti0Methtle to i . oay emuaed foraveryde-i. otollspie are net se keeai about the. profitable ths specdi redemption ut thiseIeisphe utf tise mnOtstupeudona events l is e toi ruggie tonard lise rîgiteous Ideal. Vepsui oui hy IE. 1:013=Wmg1," Scatitee,vao htldfo h aet ae o eydal. h Sddeniv M. Hastings f ai emeac adm e olî s, o. f tisel ime titat tiseyrequire te Se Weuid to Gud tisaIIis mighiest ha ie year nOnid's bialori snd a roctung uf Craies If la tise propiset ohat Scekous soclely TsA 61. butJecuutaia . s caz asbis cmaae. s an d trooembl ontiy lu gite n> baioetg. n gtii Wu-se lndied thus of Itu fligst. The habit iun blcb thse tiree great Instrumenta non suwr ad lb. digginz ut graves tisaI bave ut- npmand. Eveni man may bee a propisel ________________ bb ooh. pot lubouilrimfiibtsesa ueetlu tise indepebdeucetmasedandagod. fo ione-lMb- lao b r f c . i a r n s a l b T o ratu re t e F lot s C am p on . T h e la a p t ta b e lrrlta t u g , e sp e c a l iî lu t ie chi sley use ul o n secu l r p urp os es m g iso ecte uln atio n s, l utfile m n t is A m er ica n fo r g o o d . T iey io d sc e r u t ie w tm ais bisé., Tue nords. "'Are j'en illi?" er e tributlon wniimi er ronduet tonard Mr. nigiso, Wheu your bied (liteenugisa rorhd's evaneizatlon-tise tehegrapis. thise eiugton sudButkerHilîl sud MofutGosi and toler tiieniave rpheta.T bse hl p,butaet that moment ha cauziîVn csra sd vraa br .ara ltieW isban plomi téléphone, thse pbonogrsîub! Electricity niouthsand Valley l'urge and Yorktown. VtlhuanTohe a xvIadl sght et Cl. d'Âganlar adianclug, sud raLord Lancluz nom; hia tatisar haidchance. ta b.eeiton.etf be5e iOni- bas sncb poteýnt tougue. suici stsong ai-m .Ianuiy an tise proclamation tisat aboi Mortel stnîgghe towarl riglteousuese was flscreetly saliat. A Q"aslenîce.beacu @Lx menthe, andlise vWas asu ters, misl rings îis tour snd tnenty mué imiftawing. sorti igisîug fot. tisa sisheuAmerican larv. Thongisat the îles' C. C. Roop. Metbodilst.IRochies, Us.ea w »u sdecdad bon. passed betreli themn, Indifféeant te ber as aehad fos-merly etetaRItmiudolglt, rîtiî s pause ho- Li emura tu me that i msy haetise augel lime tisera es-a tmu migisty opinions ter. N. T. A li ghtyIL sud th"i bots mnvcd o. Wheu Mss. bien ai l.Ad, mon-s lIsu 511. Ihels- tb.dosuns wriim mereiy tmu- lIaI St. John swan ad huard ln sImca- sud they neye exuctlY eppoed-tisoe luntellectual Di)elupicnt. -Tise lf,4 Claytoc vtur»a aifnd Madame de St. positions neret »vermeil, and abs mas lin s wpcalon f is e redikridnu. tnahtee agldocumenttulttier a uouea piindon is g-alntfî'nr t odm lIe fast ot meunisho tood taikîiz ith ber. ~cd~leO-e ia emnhm imah ieetbihet i Ltlu the midst ut heaven isavin tise erer- and i if10 eye put tu vole lu ail tise Thyweobiged ta sPeak then; and b su ad rben thst falt elle h. trovs, sonorona morsu(sud tise SUPPORtan luiugse uprai nolsn tioBse ttseSui."ialam-iyS e 0la not te ber tanner moi-aIs tiat mots arhlynasshMe S' wbyrsalth ail bar gtrengtb uf nil, te mater l -aoill) iaimiosmusd t nflopeltc eah dunie tsry nat iStatedofthiereSoh, "halian venn isem noe e muîaui ie la lasriat yr.amze sf1 - 6 en1 e v.saraIbm el. bull- urequtted attacamnt. Lord Lan- fer wldeiy. go tisaIt wnty-four may lssdkndebadtogeadpepe'igvote ut "No"' Tise Peu nîis nwiicisnet mon. moral Iodai tissu sise mas 1r3Y__u1ef b ~~ tee onbI asm.Tha rae erfcty cuneyeus- aineo ilber;-be ras idir th* tking rlt i tervala!, dulgIng ad- Tisci maretongues utarfie tism at on tise tise docuent nwaa8edt u ieit l iepî;u aotO îi eiin olue0 suu~ dises-t .their conversation wrasismply edruamnesfo fa;h ai sr l eln.g issf-hour. bauds ofthlb.disciples at the Peutemui8tstand tisaI conOsineul tise lutare neluva dévotioni. for eise mas even more rellg- suéh that the tmernt aqaintanceu mîitstaine attention lu public tha is aeitada- YT ata yaihappen ta rant ta> kuoansd nhî nt tise nos-Idcalled tu ( iboul adbyaben teoiinlluei h PZ;Ltl ebe neleta av e e d ; le d an ger r a s lu t se fas i- w y o e u o n v r s l n s h d b utotiepeeeofaci dte-lilvad, uttas-ed anethsn mord ut lova toiser. bsaly mislmisoetthe nmsters lu the leai loangue ut electir fine? Pretare 30 Dcaato0v ' pnene it ilisculture tisaI slie Owsn ber progressive I a st naithe mnfe sc nh i autheHa nas knd sud tender- talber, for tise mendacleus, andte lbosnt jour liedbatteries sud mate read u lint opon tise erasures and lntes-imetious. Tise fusi- edvl LJt-lof .M se t 't.. ns zenes-- dtepnetisaesustieti luRanti-ye theti-evei-aye bassaenoai-i-iosuuludnpwudbtforsCialtagor Ouhay baarsomndcprcutI m o e ha t e id w ih r.H a tiaskbt eois f ol icu ti nes, but a b -ave, g n i ea si om m unicate ith os rva nte, mver il ." k dhsape aet. sui o io g l e. to ey gast nd p nd h ca o nieu oh. rant home the raproacise liber- ouibeurt lits his ould neyer &gain love one s Gallego snd the other a Purt-u Fnhnnre hanoti fJna iau Tisend oith anlia Sotistoay Osnng t au111o.SndOR bauu arl, srchl.dlb 7U0W sal it ltelni ton the ime ohsit cdlient Inuaroman nisolied been capabe ut cld- gese. Inlu tcis a caering for tise bas tisa gretet heîgnh ofamidpsuaralus. e orplte ancd as eSo -dye Oîui nfn aatiif ne Sudaîcun peelu r , ào«:112ea ., bis scey,.rile aise neyer gave aa n- "I nu mas-sy!" lra voned toulber- deMplsd. st-anges-r ltiout isoatatlon. eold. Tise rivera ara bouud lu crystal flote and cornet in tise sainieurchestr5a. 'al-ctils oehi tslosment s tise Papes- tsiy V«1 gle thenzht te Erroi Hastungs. slf, "sud mars-y neIl I s1abli neyer love Ha mlllie ith yelsion a minute, ti-es éshins. The tountains that madebiais- Tise Norths las but its factories on lise atadotethopilgfslon It rats Ibrea reets etore Mr. Cîsyton Ranyont but Evelyn. sud ha dus notcarsansd umiing, thongis iait-natesi. anad, est loupin lutieseummen parts lion tues at u ieCiatiouhaad i1 ou Sundai there nIl b. a revolution1 retus-uad te Paria ton bisa ite, sud dus-- for me nons. Ifàa mn as oîd os my grand- Iflise dgtauttais r-n jusigment about net une jet, tonrmvs-y drop rould bha batiote ud tise osbentand t ut o- inlIusts, If tise li annolilt b. eni-rI~ t mon tisa ery ise e fl Aoia atiser rit e, sud lbe bas tise cocks, haiewil nmotmd sayniggo~, fsoseu teat. The leda crauncis Orouzi l aieo to-ny b u-nu-Ir ceil as nis lanOm It moulu> muaI atari day. rast sud vieilie, 1il ttashlm. Sunely sdJlhsa a rkmts aod lis. bard anî,r. Waraneaî attire tishe.!ai-oboes. lattorneys itilîoual pisysicasdfiUtte iesaloons mers legshiy Snpes-',ore-premptlU be an e radudty'anton baend0 llthrates-ti ass isa ta ablordicoutliuss, ct r oia. il niesichantera open for er tInhou o tua.Ws sy IitC 1 avuelb eatailug e uiloe!nardi-oheaucaoafford la put ou tish n at wel._ p dg g. badil en àLitteenongianboyorlui-s! taismaImalnefenl oura1îregretîntt tse tîmry itutnrexciantes, ts moat couaecnatedasouid saloons bave special prvivleges'lhe lIe hadisena ttte îudau trbes-ug10the long misrus- hfora micb h, asrlleu udo wu@ rgof tad h te ieeleuenta. Hardeit of ail tise ln. 0trsm Irmupm-aîIi ts tmentatitv otolbsolpt.b ac sates tm m tber. taise ults ier ba s uter standng.bis more conceitesi tellor servant wnDmontha for th.pouer, jet ifeth - ent rtsapolaain tJn.M u utbv otisemitaeoutb!ledu Euae hl thseltran l e ased subs.i ution atandz.mmre pa-bably say nisalever iret cmnes sou of grealeal geflas-sity ou th e part î1863. lean u ts ioe hyadno.ots raarel y-mu-Isd npcoussu taohb$is tua, mure heesitul outlbis arn uttht proaueroos. Hon moi-h a Brut- -Bt ettheaîs of (irndait tMehe. sud-mail! ais* almost isstesi bina. wNom CHÂPTEfRGretXII. aud tIen ba rould mata a gseaî effort, Wiults-ed mas nelongerunuhappy.Bise cemfort tissuoetyous- deslmee.Thun la tue ut mai or a pais- ut shoea un s cent usthermore, I notice tisat Jannary bastmars-ev. y.Dr. MuacArthuir, BapUsot sud st-lac tele hagod and patent sud haditutoturgottan thc old ta thal ba! th@ instsallation et tise Gbeegu altneOrre.i mitis thein uativlOî et sua.rk Cty. tee tuaqnsreîs nih in, bt sebean u aupped no rudely, bol others isad ln Portugal juslifled. as tisat outhls es- adte lguemnt s e utu t Jod a nowa outhoe greateat amuigthtie natuons. Ed- Bamethitag Rndlcaliy Wrioig.-Wbet ra&sua.blitsl asd iliitemperes that lier nound themnelvea round ber. EBis adalman-6wliss nti s u.-Chsabers' Jour-a ts st eva-r'(olOil un.miuid Burt. nus huIbis mouth, tise lu tise fi-st country on curtis sud ln _______- a eates b>' eus- rmu egiters or ms-sp s-ve nigu- tnelg1rn;ts ia tts îietsdnd designa ays tailed. Elbc ras mains tru moobranom-ber dean oid madamu a ail uansmbmt sidnln eneonut tisedelgo nronde Bnjamin ind; telligencf e i situand wof ea- ! tres résolves as aise sat looing pensive-and kIud Lady tinace; esciasaeemed la vie etoietlnJaunari bih auni, et ns ,uooFraunfthe ut li iosilohernd, e Wainintepine vryyor oantholnusaits o eu-n ly isto tise fise. on Iis iarticnlss- mor- nith lb. othas in lendennesusudndmre for 'i.ofîeî ti frelas bart iseansietis blt Frhanin H fPte ioohie iaororrld, le lag. but Il ut a anduien lier t Ohougi be.Testi mers bsn.t h iels eat u teti la . rsot fte itre olpi vryya olnali nig hi mot uuexpectedly Put te Iigîl sy thc Iflwura abrigis, t-cacherons nauring As I nandaseeddom-n tihe treet i ne- gas-mentsansd thee hsckingcouh and tise Sir John Moore of the nilitfy wrnd, early existence, sotuethig muI et BIe i ahs-ipt outrance uf ber isnsd. lunsoi-h April, and esle but! mat come la tiei that 'lb. aald tset ras pavel rhiasie tnugaoutthose nho lbrougb Robert lunns.ofthtie pordee rend. Poli- radcalli msont. One couset self-BilH a ,1 , "Innacia'" @lse excli-ined, rising sud trai henround ot viite tu the conserva- mllb divers sud many bonideru wiîeidestitution finid ta uen wnter su aggoes. canprthet i martyr wrnd, Pater the destruclion Maiyue toul ndlis e lamer-1 tuasmuz bin toryi sud isoouses. laden rltb cime doubtleasmore tise romains ot SOIDO oua poyert rcen usehlul r unre , fthce rienlyoi-d DasnelWeb-ilet.toefCrtian luges-sou adsis- "Tes. i1 bupt5se YOdO-i.d nt ehpert forera. Bis, laid theni caratulhi oon h.ancleut fortification. Tbeî rare roug i , dlsbldmini or one invaleod r on.ete r ie sotesannri. îe ienon isud eaiutlte sdBu i e ards, lue. Wist awuniedar! & imo.t long table b>' lb. nindur. sud proceedadd tam utofseameansd nldgaa sund %,aOl ns ahmef-unicsacsn tero h tî,a bn n budwayo ie n trosen, sud tise reul ni as celui as desth. ta mats sehctions. Shiq waa bendiaz Icys, sud I msrvaled greatii bon th thengistlb. mmd may b.e bowling aud ite l1s5mnia aitucut 04.teibsaaspit elvn uo Ring lb. bel! and ordes- ne sons lunci." oser a ct cristal vaut, lber banda fillel peuple et this otisrwise progressive Rigi t tapentnus. iaisouîui net monder a uer translation of tise HolîBible mas Goul aud no isei-nfter for tles 5u0. h. ice- A terrible fear selsesi on Fée. if be rlth delicat tesni, mheu the dotras mosiqru cty aloosi tas- t. if ne cold iear a voirestiet ras beard ondened. Tiscre mer. Bibles ut ail tinuis ras rigit.-Rev. Dr. Leait, Methisît. mrcu a, ruasgyagnisd Jealoos about SMr. Hat- Irownuopen sud a seranI auuuuuced Ja Inapasn esclacaugiiî onQGallée.,sud st the zates et Nain sud abs-oad, nome pt tbem translation@s fr0.n tegs, risatWmuid liesaays beu be tuew r s. Bastings." EHa ras ll.nthoona be- murs as yig el h te l o Bthesatisn. . - ~ ~ u Hebecisncissutiek YIcmtntci-en, Pit We NeesiP. Wstlenes a o1,avsouis* tent durnsurbis absence&aise iad. heen1fora aise hsd trns e fnoru. AÀqulct thrll ditac. isdoo t eista a t."us Hbe u istb uuieetmS.Ptau~ s aFsasas,~ co»tusosllin utise sutety et Col. dAgIr tpesnadauced lbrougislber velusk"asix ansd b>'derm!" obougist 1. uhayed itaflre ul rpe, e, "a oI for a Bible trausisteul 5Y a grOofuttise have a wldespsead regard for tusrougis I.iato unfl-,stlmom nt.b.hé dce lb "erbet. in Ja es iiMaen.i-ne t rongis lb. ran k and file to %. tir Sh led evý fllyreuizd colJdu eusncirseaup nide hunie u fot it b.ns isbae merde lurVictoiassiotheFrot.fgottand t ous- mcld i.g amtes-md ogbnet, 4-,.-..m -lplî euideVu 1,I...i-, .A-d 1« M e n iic h ay enwerd u Oh. the might ut tisa coid!Tise arc- lkdteBbe bodadapitdao u iiesta ilcs n h n *a ___,.,ý_ýff;i-,ýfnrmen atewar ---l-_ _ ,.ýý,,it!Sale ir Bi11111s, w--. 'J k * t 4 a 4 a t ¶ 'i 'I s, i

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