CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1902, p. 1

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LARE Vol. X.-No. 16. COUNTY I'NDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, January 24, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. t Libertyville PAUL MacGUFFIN, 'ttoton>' andul(inaiîlrt t Lau NOTARY PUBLIC >FFitEDNiai LAKmt-Cwi if l-.N'-, Ut. N a 2 i. Viec. uI;eady i ltuur li1er. le abllahles o Prairie lnacre carrer. b chos lRu. ut Co. Ar et on Dr l t ýete o 1 ffrse T! mue12 mas ane Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith. IDENT IST. Office ove r Lako Co u ty Bank Houri, ît.,u a. ni. il,1týi T i,.- DALt Lîbertyville, 111. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. Gurnee. - - 1111t01s. . DR. AMOS J. NICHOLSý OF CHIICAGO, liuii iîhîciîea 1 I llinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER,P fAMBLING CASE FALLS FLAT. lceuîecaPtures 'lis daritWL KONWOL YR For just 30 days beginning Saturday, ianuary 25th we are ofIering over 50 pat- terns in spring suits for $16, $18, and $20. They are Nobby, Up-to-date patterns (every one) and wilI seli, beginning Feb. 25th, for $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00, and wiII be cheap at that. It's quiet nov., and we want busi- ness, that's the why of it. Lbertvll ios.L bowliing about then-u.lud reccived îLe unsuýer -1Idonia uot kow 'It ilacu nul ut-cru 1iibie 15-iut venilue- of Lime t-ii taglitearcminttyiutpatlii eIth tht -r-rpttii>, bu>t their seltîîrîî I i ua titoiacoinimeuiabt eltg r--t- ai tiletrt! for tb pem t iiio at ATTORN EY AT LAW, 1 ~ - : - -1'Il. I Tl M T I . l lI li LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. .%iimîttt-e tturu tht- Lake Ci-uiint> ~~ ~~- cîtien ui-uîratlu'n i LutI--laiof t K 50i. . la iL.A i u t-t u-mklliui the -I iret-It eubi, tE(tiit 26 S SsSSSu sas h tugi- îul -uîOu,Duerteld Iunotît, tiiunlirunît-e rpt-aui ots 1 iâhIie argaîîuîuttuuilutenid.4lui utive Dr. Charles Galloway. tîtu-niouTtI u4tht- ounatiSix metin-pra ilf tht- c,,ornittO, - nat ,of wLîuTî ad Olficeovor Lovell'ieDrug Store6 it-ver Lteu in a s ITi.olton lîcore, weue mO Um. ]PROU t TO 1 ArN tTe t- a. Tut-tet tt -It by iud- W ite and Iiact-Yfioltlatii, escortld abiîuîltich Libertyville. - Illinois -.1t1Uti ali Itîutt>'cîuîeted ui un Wites8 Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. )fflce over Triggs & Tayior's. -HOU kS Miîéàa.d .'iit- . -i iesldence on lrîtudway îIîpgiWutePark Lbertyville, Illinois. MISS FLORA COLBY PH OTOG RAP 1-ER. DENTAL OFFICE Lb A& iLibetyll,1-, llîtetu tIit--i- S t TUD O I N Smith & DavIs' milite ahi-t,-hi- iui"LieBULKLEVy BUILDING Iouud reguîa't u>tWiY ttu-sv. n- 8:0).mtfiiîj t-£TPA Aia I rty vl11le, Illinoi S. I 1NInDfV OR.. R GROVERonOR OPE m CVOE5 P hysicians and -Surgeons. Ail Work Neatly and 0O.M .ce- ud( rt-i iieni- .-t- tt Prornptly Done. of uuîe.Iui lit-hi I I Day ailîd nIl m etIR t -it-11. r i ,iI i A 1h.uai l ilti-v ah il-1 i W. dispense sr-Is-- 11-1- Bond Bros., liT i Libertyville - - Ilinois, £ak ~o Bak, FURS _WANTED WVRIGHT DYMONI3 & CO.,Highest Market Pricý Lbortyvute. lltitPAIO FOR ALL KINOS OF -Mgo 0Im- fis cu i tere-it 1citeuît-îî t i e ti cattiiîaable on il-rfnuld Andrew -Wagner AU CT IOE R RAW FUR.S Chas. Stempel, Long Grove, 111. l ih Ii t-Eu ir 2 Baesrîuîuîî-u u î-îîti-îîgin~ LtIN COLN %ILU SK, at-Ifimnau Itiuiig-'.AUCTIONEER. -- Rollins - Illinois. Stmceerstiil sales auu,îîreîl a C- iii lit ii.t t'. OftyeIstEe - Whou conlamplatlng maîimog a sala cati ueound or addrees and t dîtl guar. luinois.auge* mabetutton. u.5sp 1,i ti - ili-. ahweretîle>y'ni.a lu k uiin the-iuijut itthi-ttvunu 1rf rtutIl.veretIt nul Hglaîîît Pak, .-ilîritT.tîfen tif Lakte ciîuui5, Iaptujin t i. lhiat,t-y, Mayoîr (,rtcit of Lake i jreht, ilIf.dîutkmoiî, andl M. Morton acret b-tat-tubets -il the coitâtuiOtte Al îhe thue tbcrn- su ornue I35T)men tuiu5iig poiiis, amîi i te uder maint- tai u-l Ti itiiItite tuncom ittee. Wit Ltrdidi hi-t ci-utit Lb lýf as lu a tiitht-r hi- %%îîîîtll Imedthi îe t(tî, brut mii lr,üi tLh- î-untrary TiraitNMarren-t mimmitett. Ai ciiritnuuncatiiu flot-unthe ptem.dnt of lt>' %\ at-teuhi C-nTttt-t->'Aiiocstmon stuti e u o ntu-li t-rrt-lutmitxtel iti uîvurtg nes if,alitWhebuiulit'd frotté Warrern luthleeut uofthtii-Rebllon weet o li- pluceni ullnuthe propîîsed soliTieta' monumntut l lie rcn-ed in Warren i-imnete-r. I Lie cîmîntîcaruuun sttlest -This MoLUî t iM tévii Le tii-ct edlîutri îuar ot tht- W uret mu lt-.lie e tht-vliving or ilendt i tut oulit, dt-Il)o mI ielrs u, thLe R. fui), - luit tlu Ibue x, Li, iteted ttt- lii i, uilt-lu-u>oil tî r (-iinuîtry lir tthe' jiat uirt lhuiîî a ii- it- iluithe ACmémp til)1etti oiiit y vmrmmun ru. i wil Ifui oi ii.TrtN- iil,-I ti-u elr, it lie at--afuit ioiiuu- lita- ulrtl- 'h' kLu tt,îuuthe lbttîlniîîîu uithlItexi- a -îîîî - ountte Deleguilea eilli ha cliii,,uiut 1h01 t tae tii the- cungras-. mtuiîua iil ie satourial iiuventions. toiuitgresuiaiFous 19te canduidîate fot Coiigrautsiiial Lii ii raTéud G. It.>yo andîlA R S -i ,iial cî,uIest Pt-u-hie r,.prett lt-,iTî,l ip ii e t î j- tuuTt >îm-n te unli' i-tiI--ru wi-lientre Grand Bull. Fibe Lakelouant>' Clb i ilIliols an- oîlicr ofl hbemtpoptîlar dancesat Lilierlyville Town RaU Frida>' Dght, Feb 71f The>' alcasmprovidea agood time, goosi mueansud malttain good order- Atridg, la ho serve supper le haaemnt 01o!tue hall._ Lant (ai-k tWedneu(ilitu littrtive lJoli itiC. Peck IMie ut l i Mai- joîhti, hI-ebafl atl to ltirrirut kl-asHome. 1--Haujk>Arnold l CIltago, Aruol Chue,, Leu.cgue lielegateis '%i-it I'oid 1 oî Ai, itatcýli lt Tîias18Isse eAttorney i Clii, ior*% oîkeganu u ta ave arguoed Ibefe J tdge lianuelI> ut W oodmtock SutitLrday blu lttîmîf 01 J. Bl. Maaon, cati- pîiigstît, frir a teniporur>' mjunCti-in retrating trie îîrtîrmetOra nofltmet 1A ' erttt pool riant fran a ltuwingfur-e trier gsabîiig. Ille ee wak tott argueii,lIntactf dl ilt, and Atîiîrue-1 T levi, tlm suti ti iiTT oumicij nce. ili îor etiai;trtie letîtion for in- J iticWrlhatîve taudilig Inl courttIt wus tTtciiaiTry tiîu t IhLe iupported b>' sf1- davltii, ruuiiroue antd conclusive.f 'I bmet. iL tTOTilmiimlsattorney', Mr. TrYi, miLa mcta d iiTbtain throtugb trie Iâtlut.-!>'titlittl flltaLeague, lit mTin î oTthi il -rij ýgili>'J. I ieraewus rottiig h ft fut bleu tidio but t0usk lircb, r lime, TitTitthe riagceucoti- titiul oeln if-t i- [n au tutcrvi ltw Me. Trvl8 i-upresaied titit iligiut ton asu liIiwm -q'ILaoitcxpt.etd, in trie liglit îîf thef faiýt that a i iticu o Leugîme had been ut-gani. i dfortrliteexîre'ts potpose oft tT puI tg thLe oTjTtitot of tftepoiolk tuTti otOueTil TiiDertted tria tuuhtP, lit I as timat i a4iiT. Ladexpreghum isit TlfterCiimtitTTi IT, tu-cil uc tilt-tvmu-uT@ .i. l hoIfs h'u IAr tuTu10eVtil ruue foruuîi uttrie pTTliTTomeutfwiiîng onTt tIie gunîbIllng litai taltideeemeîî iT arotilîht UIT the, fietf rite .Xiim tt-nt-.- of 5airuitit-itufi Utli un uIt-gaI ciarac-ti-r lu a Lttierto taw-bding1 c .mnîîuify, thut the- meniberi, ould ut Iraht aid the slt.Iptng of @sld ImAti- tTitiTi f lue bl ig tm LaHc alliuav i oif the exiteince uf te jnlance and 0ni the lattsaus expiolird ut the meetings1 of tie agna îlot tii T>' utter dîtgu8s unit disappatntiietit, alte calling Hp- on tLe iilllcetu i fthe ]cagne 1tusuint1 me, and alter Ding asucd ttuat Mt. GTrtoiî euuld go ta Wuodotock with nie elit a large nuier o1 witnegsaea ta support Our petition, I round thal nI a inigle stop Mai, taketi to mecuree alIldavitu and nut a Maun es ou triea traitii go tu Woodfitock 10 support mu- flt un interview elit a leagtoei tiemliee iT' t*leptiiute I eus totd 1 Lad fatuted lu ont petitton that Ihete was noise and disturbance ut the gambling place. aud haut wc <eferiog Sa ieagua membarai do not know liait mich in athe tact. 1tilienu bked hiM Wiat le tee corld ae 70flpeople Fui tre Rtir-jl Free Dliîluri lU a lett-r tliIlie t-tut I-Ii i scuiatir MusliS,a- "I1Lore lm i t-mg pimted itu certaint papcts li lllliime a statamatt tt am rippaseul tiiruraul free îieivecy. Thit ta an absllte talsehood, unul eas prtnited ttlrttink un saSNe Yonrk puper. It tu betîg eopied n sanie Illinia petlra ai)t-i uently bieve It taeLic t-utc -WilI Yeuî nia tue îLe setaIfîuuitlce and klindutouu luicuirtet iPot four >'aara I Lave tecu un lime Poutuifico Camntittet-, tghltig it lite extensmn of tree rutral delvery.I1ilog agîT e- quehted tfetc Puiasîte-benetai tii racommeud an lncti-amed appropriaton, and 1Imil], am cbutrmu o f the olTTt- office Cammitîe Laviliig in chatge îLe appropriation bilfur tltat puepuise, doi avar>-lhing luniy po wer tVu ncrouso and exteud thoelfree rural syatcm în thoeIUnittedlStaleti, ail îurtiî-uuarly tu the blute oîf Iltuoit iSmallpoix in Lamke Shlore Toaîris. A irmalpaz scaru- irevuils un Hugli- land iPack snd Glerîeu- us four dwecl ingg whcrein atreîi(tuiu of the diiicaue hava beau aIicialy iuaatitncii. 'llie caies ara thoigl hoeLave îîeon contructed dTituttg u bllîîaysM Ns CharIot, hummermoan, aIfV.isconsin, viitmei frioulit îu ligillautîlPark about Chiriatmas i, tnîu hSie eaulakan iII, cilli thîr lui( kuupîîn Il eus tbought theu. Diîîrîg bt-t vîsît a brother train Illu- i, - vliten(t Lot. and uhorîl>' at-r Iii im-îattl t m eus dtau'uveei r Tu NI -ý, i /uitirtun biad annaîto p ab i linIrg wai s immuîned ioI C hi uI- uig su ir ordît cii a TIliaraittue-cuu IL tNuiw titere art- luir ciam,, ti i 1ucoe- the lîuît bioTardI-rit-edrt-i %ii -n uudv Iiiget mhiliir . 11lu- i fghlandl l'utk cauiaulu-rabfte IllTuI-Iuela eui.ttu Neithir subu,î an I usS iii,tiiit Neusi 'cm, -carce. 1 News items are ut a prommnimtitmo> duys. Ittmuditîl luit tuî reporters aud while mear e , o t Iolizilig, has ne lilrdl>' tin otf our fut-ner roadora eh, livec i là Lake County lu cuti! iiiîy8 but sold wool or poek la JTiiia Peck. of Wanîegan. We have aIl hourd of how the pioncer luemera drow tht-tr produce tii bis warehouso, esit. iiig ln lina for bhutrelintili ech mhîîuid ln tîtrn Lic reliavadTi lbis lbail. John C. Peck, wha eau thuas pronii nently iientifitie lîlu th un>' hala Couîniy hietory hlai pRSseîi aWuY, He (lied utbia homne munV uukagan at 7 201 oclock Tuasday night am a tesuit af an atuel of grippe. logether weuh compli. ralîins eh l e cme uii Tthe o geti mnari. Mr. Per-I eus iorn u îtt iiiiiieoel oetmnlt, JunIl1, lIt IIualtiCama ta Wsuîeal un l1856,, enterîtîg tpon the bunesao! huylng eaul. lu bis ho waasignal>' succasaîi ni d biisbusi- neas grav te large proportions. He erected s vucehousae hicli cas utilized ln tLe cool business ummars, and la the winter l becama a market for poek. [bista raougliont ltae yoatlis place of liUmnsIHs vrai the centertif mat-h huaI- tît-suactivlt>' as trtngm of fermera' t-ut, m frithe large Iriiotar>' terri- tiry' cameTOdaily weuh tîade. 111 luIs Voitnectianut. Peck cas wielal>Itowun He t,-mained cîîntinutously 1n tLe huai- nous of buying and steliuig cool utIul thtae or faut yearu ugo, ciii ltma ex- i-eption af the yeur IN9id eeutill hlealîli occaioned b! un sttack aofla grippe made s tentîorar! iaiandon- ment nil the busineu neceasar>'. wàs unarîiid and Bnreriiered aumsotu ub Iiieehuu deaw his rt-il et Slge htam is a amati MarTi, vîlleArnîold itanm i ij' --et, thrae iriTTut. Arnold oiddcttly tiTned andl itriîk irkîeîle- toctive a bLithtaleut tim receling 10 the geauuid, ut;ttte saiT, tinie sesrling tire atm that lield the TTlii.Sure- han Irieul tauiioot, but ioai piterlesa. Arnoldl eiiiread h. revît i e andîlam- capeci. Siteehaun ud his lattir-r tuepli Drescol ecea aare thrt Arnoldl lurmnerl>' lived on a tirminti Lake Cunot>' noe liaitDay andTil gesut-d bic woulTi maks for tisaItinalîlty>' Ilie>' reuctiid the- vieinit> af 11atf las' lâte Thuruday ataternoon wti-rî- lIta>'met icheard Itedmond,wsiho Lad mat Arnold aboutiIl o'cloek tTe nigt li e- fore. Arnold kuee iedmonîl sud ujiokeItuTbriom. teilas bg Lîohaeau go. ing 10 Mitchael 0'Boyle'.i larmtta tiook for eork. %% 11h thîs trace Itheileteetives made for tLe 0TBoleiatara. tnterinthîe barn, hie> monted tlitheUic lioft. Wihile waiking over tht- tiiî lelective Siehti t, îi.ed oua a nia>, 14 that sou, Mile n-ainT- a hit- Infilth tii- liuding JTi',.. 1 bIm u1t Arnoildl. Isante(i a plaT--lii tumrlep. -- %t-l, thin M bhieehu, relied the officer, iiolling aBide the,' La>'anîd thriitrig bis revolver iittlite as. toiiuiied pisonerea face Ariaid it-sped ta biesfret andl tout-led fot a revolver lu hi@ brecait 1)cket, but bleore fb-c old getiIl lîulh Dircol and Shbeefran load the drusi on faim. liheehan lonnd bisolaon revolvar un Aýrnold@ pocket. Tiaey deova tho prisoner Ia Lake Forest sund tîîrk hlm 10 Choicago an an electrie iar Fouailer of Rueeeli lien!. William Jamea Meville, founider af the village of Rtt.eli, 111 , ut-n ut bis home la the village iaat8atur-iiiy aftet- noon alter a short itîni-su lromr pneumniîia The deceasod liiretbotn a resriient or Kenonha c'uunty and Lake catînt>', Mi., for thee haut thirt> yaaru. baving coine b liaisentant>' tram lratand ln 1870, and wau the owier of e large Irmel of land 1n tue two counliea and a Ob wyears ugo Le fouaded th Vileq t ItUase, li. 1h.b>' subdIvidlag orée otz-1i1@firme tata town lots. T he luneral eus Leid froni tLe late resîdnecoan Wedusdiy uteroin and the romaiusm ntrred i the ldeivJltleplttatuti akilicemtery. A elle andl urveral rhltdron survive. cantaotl», lu t-i-(Ie ttiuTro le -'uatliiog batert ilan te 01d.rote abuiîi-tiih, ding. -- i-it %;eWc lti li xpliunngi tinta ud th" Iii'luri liai uiti1-n ue, lionsi . lii tuTti t-iluîaurad of onefoN-,1,--t1,ýn.a thiug, il huire tam u>' utes warhbt> fu r fr-iiiiutt fi S tii t. i-theIiiia pîthulcatoU, tht- INDiut-lEN-tT gela il. factr y.teli.mI ,urltî-t ited liim Rav. J. IL. yiuglluîg, patort îe sud ile IL.- ciii ttgraluiimt tas ual Bedford i S. M. E. Churchl, Cnmher- diluastraus ta the cItent ufthIle previOlua aud, Md , ss>'s -l'11allords me geut une, a damage ut sumathng hIke $1500l piaanursta recommn iOhamberlains ewssutainad, wcihut-8 unul euveted h>' Colle. ChoIera and Diarrhoes Remed>'. I hava usaeditIlasd înov oibs wheo insotânca. hava neyer ktmowvu l bt ati. For sae b>' F. B. LovL L ibentyvle; OuATa. INDEPCIIDRNT AND tNTIS OCIAN -Ou LAI. PHAZMÂOY; J. MUIELE Ivuillo. $1.76. Embroideries \ , il i f - )i l iii ýct ,)li l( N I i e o Iniported Swiss, Nainsookt and Hdmburg Embroideries. t h e I-r i îttT iti tt..hiî t \IT I l il- rth, Iîl tluslin Undergarments S alo a frult mt *,if h n-\ ty itofit ali mae 1 t- 11t N i al1 ti X il h ,to rfle ti( ý :t G.ReLYN&SON LFAS 2LOW PRICU Waukegan - - - Illinois. ...IARNESSES... S~INGLE }IARNESS. Single litrap .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . s 8.00 Fobded utrsp ..... .... ..... .... . 10.00 Single uîrup, nu-l thiai----------------------------------------------1.00 Single oatrup extra ilrîulltyi ganum u r o n.. ... ........18.00 Place Vour Order Now for Iaî,rreufoîr spir wurk. Ve will give the mole illr-, îttoiîtiîiîîaîitI han e it ready Priv--esas lItw a-, iîrîrei witlî good 'anorkîîîaîiîhîip and quality. Lt be rtyv 111e C. H. KAISER, - - - - Illinois Weather Profits Tell us there wii be ail kinds of SNOW THIS WINTER. We have the CUTTERS AND BOBS in readiness and at way down prices. NSweiI-body Cutterst r ....ic...... .... . 0 Pattiaund L(nlteru fuit ......... ...... 20.00 Mandt Steel KueeIlote ....1 l7.00 'I ireo huce liolua .. . . .. . .. ... . . . 6.00 I cii khîte- litI,. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5.00 They are ail well made and fin ished and every one a bargain at the Money. M. B. EG E Ri Li bertyvil le - - IMinois. E.WAUKEGAN.7 OuIg. at th. C-usy S§at aiimmleeat At tlieir meeting Manlda>' night the oouncll granted a new light franchise b>' a vote afi5to1 3, deapi te strang public opinion lu oppautialn ta the moulure. 8. D. TualIot, F. Buiratow, A. L. Hlamne, and M. H. Rusise>' sacuted the franchise whicli ruse for 25yeats cliii pructicaîl>' ni eemunetatlan ta the cil>'. Chiiela Green and i >reli hiad a diae- agreeahle tank Manda>' moto iug ciman tha>' made a raid on a crocd of about lilteen comen, loroigners, vWho vere "«Lning ooila sthse B. J. a I. yard. At a hearing the vomen cee&il fined $2 and! conle, or 15, on a charge of dia- orderi>' condnet. Tiahebahleslae thaît Of coul thut lias been lu progreas b>' womon hu a8umed a sermons propor- tion and the autiiorilia are ut a loar iow ta stop it. Prom anc car reconti>' 2,500T pounds of coul diaappeared be- lare il reuchied the cunuigase froni lias tinte It eaueigldIan l. Thae omen vimtt tue yards us 1h raktes aud uimtvrils, got rugltitothîe cars and shovel IL onut au tiougli the>' oeued It. The uges of the tîne til îindlýuy ronged] froni 14 tael10. I bore in a ban oun poker pinyin g in Vaîukegan. Polawmng t-bse>' upon thte art-to f [ed Weil lut1 eel for cooiducting a paker game sud the lina if lr anisd Coiteshave como a iarge nuoliber ofaI atstfaIpot otdlnat>' t-loyers. SuNout erthan a dozeu or ulteeln mou have been quiet1>' talon 1n b>' tha police and ascii wu itned $23 snd coste. I'l e arrosta waeenide uii as tittie noile au posstible sud thie liaI tuceludes s tomber of youuig mon well knawnintuhe Cil>'. The flua af $25 and ronts mmpoed uîriouthoa eus putîl lu colincase. ln the casa aI Welch wiha eu lned ta wlthout $30 of tue buit, Mayor Pinot eeduced the amOunî la $à5 ehîcli Welch psid. Tha police evideat>'arae atchifig thinga elîli unusual keoninesu and eeta the men wha ara detucted elt a spile of chips Defora then, luBsaneientstances the owuatrs Of the places Ill i eut he guniu have buen fotîttd iragoiung, ere uras8ted aud fineil. Thie Aidan factar>' was vuumted by lIts Frida>' uighit utlut ueel. IL apT- parait>' originated frani au ovet- liosteiletîanellng oven sud Comui-t lcataîl clîL the euameliog rooanudjotu- iuiog îLe avenu, tisurooro lîîrtuîng lthe West elig îîf tht- factity saitlbcltîg sortie -40iOut51, feit Ii litugth. NoTtalîL 4 tiiliug a lmrýk atid00usîtîetulithe l ire depislmrit tp niaIOxi-elteiltt eut I. oiticet dod tîi- ,i iiitîg tht-lire 1 vli (i tii li Tu ejat>tent andTthetii timt alo ctîîtv a th lui ni-htuer3 - stouk. L ali giiivil l tiToVi i- f ouifmtte utâitlu l md j ut-ti . , l vt Ii,-th.. uike wlmlittniert-ui- Ouiti iiiitiing lime iiittiiiT tTrti'Li. I'li" tîtîti, ýf A ilîl à. rO-Ti -Tti i tlî-i tt utu I trI (Tu 8 tir 'Aluthtif1Felîiiuary lasttheir Iaci (r>' on01 MiIl strect osu îesttîyed h>' tire, .lbut hY Ihe Pl, Y(ic-- fitii oîni- ak Whether Banker or Mcbanic you casa figure on ultra-style and long wear in Longlev, 10w & Alexandcr Hats. Thlry do not uîreth out of shape or fade aind the etitchin. doesni't toril into an unightly green. WVhen you nrar a Longe> ,Loir & Alexander hat you art protectrd ly a giarante. '['bcurenney Odat nil gt - i a cîotbat a ia ut byvoua aLongley, Lou & Alexan,T ci lIt I and. Langley, Loi. & Alexandler glo- rand caps arc fair in price alto, but way up in goodneuss WaIk in tome ofi tI edays and ser Imr lie- lino iof I:igin.tueglig, e S îTrt., 2oth Century Cash Store, E. W. PARKIIURST, Prop. SCHANCI( BLOCK, LBRYII,14 Libertyville. rred Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's hardware Store, t hal by vie. 1 to me db. asubmr. A. D. nkm&sansd Il m.m1 satur- A. D. lus. ut aftasenrm of i.h,urt Bous. t omnnîy of N.rdmtrmd and siaIs 1e aI essarter of 1 - 'mu mmber bor«trisu tise Il cats. and r. aim )y Elia a Warreni [lia Gmoie.r - er lhusband:t a Poolol. s i-s la Iths 81111 1tltit lime do. i Edmunai 0. - lmn a. CookJ bILAM LAUNL)KY.

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