CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1902, p. 2

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NbgEPENOENT OÜOfISHEÉD WEEKLY. AMMT IIIIIIII UATS OffAPPLICATION. SCRUSHED BY DEFEAT. OT. LOUIS MAN KILLS HIMSELF IN A HOTEL. tme Ldagios' .. v, n Wii h ir..o I tfmated for OfficeS.Iidier Thought Décai Rtur. t10 diiaImBride. Wtlalm H. ltoffoîî'ister f SIt bouLa. «4U9?e1e recordtir of thre gion of 13o00r, eommtted Stodde aithel ~PlRant mmm' otei in <bant cty, by i -ughint gdf with a revolver The ,el1 ltti te *6 oicide wns (L'ýorge NI. ikley of ~aam City. M,. Hlîn- virsas de- featid tfor ra-eeettou as sîtît-rîne recorder e t tb. egon of Ilinor Iy C. B. T Wit, and au eatiM~y nes' supreina ouxi was eiected aftter a aeuatiousi eun.«t. One feature of the truggle a *0maerreof ttro A. Orerbeck. candi' date ters preme cbaucelloir, the bihuct SSCIr la the order. leader of the appo M" o te h administration. Mr. Over- bock wax arrested by a detectis e as hoe WU Materiilg tbe Holliud building ou hie Iyttûtthe meeting wbere thse lection -aate hobeld. At the Four Courts a Scpladnt s'as lodged againt r bêé for carryiu, a coucealed wea pou.t »riands ot the Overbeck ticket, hiowever, pooeedMr. Overbeclis reieaae on ibond »nd hurrlad wt bihlm to the' meting hall. Ubêr thay arivést in tinta to rote, bis, è» vote baîng necessary to min. I11NR BRIDE WITH A PISTOL. Sldier Bouts Rivai t Alar and Weds Girl Whao Thotagit Hi- Deul. fTree yeaTs ago young Roibert Malient Wt Woodhill. N. Y., kissed lis sweethesrt, àvs Shepard. goold-by ait I witi hie ieuhDant tarted for ite Philipineiîis, le1 " okpart in a noonier of eîîgngî'nîenta md acuutin.g erpediti.a that catised 81eWY in receving is Irter.m ruiihome. OB a recat sdgbv, bis terni of eiltnent Sylatu expla'ad, ho stidîenly ticîtl lul laWoedhiil mt lu time Ita md i.s veet- »Mmamrins a rivasIl. ushirig utilhr1 Gduw*aie, the ex-soldier, mn lits s'eu. WM uniforut,,dres' a piol and, putting Me il.]te fit. wedded hlm aid îwet- batwho had thought hlm dead. 1319Cs.aury Trst Charles H. patiaun aud John A. Parka et the Kaniasa reamery trust huavs swuag the deal tlaey have been worktng m. t« the oraflitatmon of a gigantic trut bu tkm ina@.Il tha large creameriea of the unafty. The es' corporation le te bc k»Mas the National Cresnmery tîrnt ~vand se-hI bave a capital ofr S(lO VlauaasCause Hastoc lnsCoIaabss. A four-atory brick building ai Spring Mdl Capital strerta, Coutmbua, Ohio, c mpwe by Samuel Stevenîs, ubtlesale gro- IL E B. Robins & C.. and Zîtt, u. l ts& Co.. s'holexale hlemean ud ELLY. & Co., jobbers mu tisther. sas gui- bed b7 Ore. eutâiting a iune estiînated nt a"ot1200,000, pretit .1tas eeed lt. lnsusree. Mine ExPlosion KiltsSix. à. eoarw e foaPicteu. a rosi miniug eMM@ octed ths'a miles from Dalsesa- 11018MColo.. brought newa <at a terrible 000110" ocenxredla Oof thde mines hiemt$d bY dia Colorado Fuel sud Irou OmaPsny. in which ir men were kîllesi a" leu or more wounded. inu of tîtern ViNtifel aâtallY. 'Pliamine cauarht lre vld lains' wbns'ning. OuIcide Do"s Not Void Polie). IR a ms sCitY tha Court of Appeaue dedded lai the casae ofll'auuuaBrasfleld m . 1O a nightà otheiaMaccabeea <at Èraiteral imurance rders mut cherale o"«nde de awa ot Missoîuri. The State 1mW Pauvidea that it shall bcnu defense Ébat tha insurs'd cîimmitietl auîcîl,. DreaUmlld committedl suicide anal the Manabee. refused to a py te' talcy. Gigautic Steaxuahip Trusti. Uvldesice la accumulaiug to show the tOufttUof u a gtgantic traatatic atoamahiP Pool, taking lu thirty hunes, ail BridaS or Amnt-an. teruan, Frenc-h, HEolland'aaud Scandinaviau boata are non lnd4uded iu the propoed coîtlite, Brtish Forýer la Weaaels' coimmaud îf Bocr ut up s Pstral of fifty- men beiongiug te the local tos'n guard of Craîîock, (utte Coiany, on the Tarkaetad ronI. A fpes taggicra bave returied. 'l'te etioijr eii party are mitsstug. Uinird Stsars Wanta . lfiiu United States la prepuiug ta denia tudýuity tram Buigactu and Tutnkc> for the abdastios or Misa Stone. ullttr States Europe-au sî ii aon tI. la, te the Levant. Barr.-' Tbru,î0is Caent Fiosr. Eieveu prfivmîerm. heaîed by a coanter foiter named Mortarit.y. ecaped train th, tedosiul hrsOn at MrNelle. Tacoma. Wasli . by buceassîng through a cernent, fluoer into the air pipes. flama. ho Fi-.' 52tttitstfl ME FEolMVA rFTHE RAVE bt>BTY-FOUlR PROM SARECK Pre Mruel tiitySasnrI Asitîtraet Lsadinsgiuu, rt lThe l'ire Marqutette Ihtite a> (tuD- pol) y '.-taiter Nu. 3 atruc thelIarlîtîr5 the tîttîtithtut tue harluor nt L.itgOU NiI,. rit aslule ai uu'ptiag t tutlu-r lu a llitiltit iltusa galeanodtutsa-anaitilci tin airsneitIotfs'atee 'Tl'usnseuaa.iir antI ii' ri-s'of îhlrîy fit e teeri tuteti off the se e-hucraft ly ltahe itt1i s.g cru-n s l th elr breechbhutoy oîuurotiîs. 'lTheculuutocrîrroît litfore da> hglit. puscuîgc-re otî]eas' 'ee rudels asval- cucul t> thesca-aor of socka as the ateatater puanDded on the bar. Signala of dialeesas ers immedîaîely blossu sud tle ife-sautinig cres' qulrkhy reapanded.l.inum ing tiir tîtortar out au the pier the ife- laver, ment a lina ta <haes'rerk. A heasier tape s-as Iluen bsnîed mbaard. sud te heu day hake ltera s'as salno 200 fuel long streldlifrttramthe pierlutte No 3 and the breescabaay appirsaS s'a8s ceady for ue. Orer îhis lune nine passieuguri. four of se oni s're s-amen, and lthe ares' of tbirty nere aately tloite thîe breecites tuay lu two houes. Ilî sa thrîllîag reacue. As ltse people were dca-an aluung the rupe the greot s'aves broka avec ltrem. and siu aere drencheît hy tite lcy soter sIen thry arrivcd os thie piec. Tlie0b0ats'as oted witl 25, (100 lunýIes of baeley sud 200 tous ut inerobanhise. P(iOL.R(OMS WAIN A VIC'-rtllt. Kas.... City Cana-t 1heice icti.gtu tlis-seRue-s N.t . a ..C. ChaurIes tlldho o. thle uroîri ior ut ut Po0 ol eitn. as asuotteu t otKantus'CitY of tle charge 0f "cîunducting o gîtttlling devIce. 'Thc deci.toti ias b3utuot u Police Judite Brumiiedtant I tri ar(t-'ilt betting onau sbars. race caunuat, luilsu- ofthIle decialon of the Missoturi Str i Couru, ha beld îo be bettitîg ou a gaitne ot chance, because if <lie racc olahuesti>' rua il la ouly s question tutenuiirance' autt sperd and if uiaiouestly connuî'lcd uasw n allo lu se ch ubsace ti- tut part. "Juîdge Itruttut ech cati ii t-nIer no tuher destaitu wte-mlte evîdeître ut land,* aod Ciuicf ttaî s. SViin lth, qutestion terst acoth ie NtMayor nsrite tut Mtanager SW'oda oftutle S'csiriUni'ontî Teiegrsauh Conipsu, la uitîtîser if thc pool roolas octuislly lu lugruioc thtit titane>- 0tu ouîîavule or utbî'r nuis tut ii luisci-ulansbets n ouhrne rRoas I fotit lthtthlIe keepors u't'hle rooatîtcuuaily oint the iîuuey ta be îîluucîuiun Iuist le. 'lh,- uleste on tsii Il as.'the t-ffrt of allilttig it> niitiar tuf plul retîtuot lioplenu i t\attas <'ut>. FOU. S iSdOLOîRADO iSASITAIO5I. GCnas-t Wilîliamn J. Pînar(îee $250,000 for the Parit.e. Cen. WNilliam J.Pl'amerlas gisen 100 amsen aud $250.000 lu foud a sanitariaum ln Colorado Springs, Cola. As atready planned. ts' uiltdings nIli cost $200,. 000and $W0.000 rsspectiely. Tbe tiret wIll accommadais 100 patuents, s-bs are able ta psy a fuir pricc for lrestmniet Thie clos& s'bo coui pay litle or nolhing seillute acconuîîodottla inte allierbud- ig to thuîu'iiith'er tufittyIReveute troîn 1lite largcr builinug sili tIttly asupport lthe autaîter one. The site s'ii hc ensi of the cils 10 sectrolthe putreal sic andl treedonu froto dust sud8antoha. The Clilde tlrexei Home for Pritras'wili ho a nieur seughbor. KILLEIAO TH A RAIL CUTTER. WAifaeuti, RssaI,.»d Diisg ..d TIs-aec (ildren Radis Be.-te. Seuglubore rsum'oe ediecovers ut s ter- rible îrogu'uy nt 209 Sîtrunitailes. ttutts- huîrg. A Polîsi amîuy uamcîi S euuiuch ne-ut', oitîtîl brrtiy beaten s'ilîa rouil c entier. The seife ws'ondeauilte s baiua di utsdutît h e tbre i'u'all children ws'rc 1utaiti> ciantI brutiscut It ta suphuosci tht il ictrul Injîurs ou hi oufroîon t it he s'îll (Jie. lThe ftitr atdttIclttn ss rs taitrutathe ituapilal. iucians su, Tu. Coil irewo, ,,Tinutes. t.t-t rti îitalin excust-s ii t e.,ihIi.04)( a tt uelis cîud iiOruegonu tîttuise laundu n- aunit uilaîns ss iIlui- tîtî tut' is scft lui, e t 1 iiiiîuîtî Ss t;S lof Iii tuu i ,htti rtî i n v ri Cliorla lItt ukuîatIs Si 1- 'tSI-u t .lit'lit i tyti. t ii stIi- tilui> iiuuu s a tmur- ilti s s1l"t. irut att i tf lthe li tutg luJachu t.ei', lîls lantifui iin laitttto ti. Frira ite hiloito tant utulu ot the eN-erersitotota a St ito aut. Bgle n't Cotton eut1 tarit C-'upsny t SarShaî."e . ui lCut i t"iiar, a Fia.11 lie'r. aIl ian,'1 cunhttpleutallt anso'hot sud Probiy fataiiy nauad- the eetent or aboutl$20,0. 0eu NI ns Mary L iiVlIoce. Site sas Liastf- Ricitud O-re-, trou luni ot oland i ,mnla coveruWagon Gute% & Br Wb ntursî goer lfeom ltuch Htil ta Cutînîtîr Cuuini>. Neh', 'Ovm ' grocer e seil ber famiy. and Wse at uned of Richmo-nd. S'a., suce iitneidout. lots 55alF allai Mai,> Kil ted. IturdiItchener rejrîs tut ti'eI .înîi ît A Wallt uaStîlt'the IlAumnuill, inu nar office tuaitien.ouis Bothaias iae' Belfast. lrcbsutd. collapts-u, buryiug the espeul Gi-n. rure Hlitton ftee a sleven Opes-atie-ess-ho itchdel tosy us setmaat miles' rliase. (lie Itor nuis tilleul litd hiîty tie tatua prisosers Suuae it li, unsv tpiu lati utl ut f I iettut, I tto itel a Mteemtini -ntti> -1Ot lit-b a reoiî Vis tiatiaîai>slopitedreqsquu.ang prvu prietoit d barteneleenuittho tise ru fane isngtuago ln <bie oumis'usand to "ts notices fItlidingutrous tii asear oit thse preisea Fatal Exstititaiis p.în The erPlOiastu(tf tIc tboler of a shin nng Min nhll ise Matreria iu'rdbi lb village tf l're.-'l SI tar. ç It la estis-ti-1tiI îx1'ua tron sr blihed and 1usd ijure-J KiliesIsa i. iSitut'tine 1t'Ur miliera s -tI u-i. -lu t eualy hart unîta niniti.r 'f-.rui ouzly lnjared 1lu tui -itrit.ic' hiSi-m mine. loctt'd a iuien tNU (uite Cui, rutjiiruch. ibýnciatn tnîtuueuItby mou. oand tthai leboit ut titi ' n 'iî' .1 et u tuiti a tin wrosi - i utan igi tsit ttt isti. ticsu f- î1 t RIt it ils t.tîlsti sfue 1hitl ,tsev tuat he i. uiilo- iii'.- tt l gu it. ni ilPtî - u,.Ii 21S it-, ,uti N îuî bîiuk Xiil dh III~ ~~ ~~~~I mu ' ust itu tit).. .nl. S'u t uI i .îî ît ' .tti l lu u rions, TIhéac-ul.ut -a.I-1 i ,i lY& pvretare «uposlin f 1>c.uî. ttn Fi u- Pas. l.uî Fis-e iho Ls Anglet, (ai. lu Lo Alugehes. Cal., the lRes & Iu I iiittlttt utti tt Wlw.hung bock nus aimmt Inîli d e- î'un fififeem $ aiuyed bhytire. logeduer s'lth <e sa- ' f1t7 utabBliment oftheb.Huyden & T-eer -.eEurtj4jsaka lu Meut ut I*uis Company sud th. cofi. mad op-c neo Ieitiirbie cantotuplies *~ofiN.s'mark Brothers. Loua $150, . luiliebiSer' "t-le Sîste sf Guerres-o. ,maMecrla I. s-esld ta lave oceaesued s leununexîreaucy isIolent eartuqtîake* ahock s'ai feit taIChitlpouulga. raaing a gi-est Ionsa utlireu sud lujuttiait any fiai-suas. Dtsails fronithlb. îrekn dis' trict arevecc mtager,.but caterilig re- portm Iuidicaute titt robshiy 3010 persani s'crs hitheut and as itutu mure îujurcd. BOBBERS STEAL A BUILDINGi. Sti-otmra Ruuled A-'y, the Thie'ae Attessslti.r, Al».oIta SitLot. TI',s0rohhî'ra pîuud sat silta oNes'hurg. Ohi0 iotalter dsy. oîualnetanly itolit s buding tram anoihtor ottas ot. but aifter tes boulenluru-iy reîuoved te structure. tred lu sdi îhe lot it9cf to peuopie reidlug in lie siciiîy. Thie store building ta te piipert>atfliaivi Wal- tees.,stio useu l inea o uanlei'sitoî lor- îog te sommter. Ose day %tollers fuiunul occuasin ta go tu hicsuit. ald <nu-t non his assonisimî'at ta fuîdthtibhis buildinug botentirets disapîueàrcîlahi that tilerur ten asfot i chut lertIounte grutitit 1 mrt the site or te--itetiu rc. i ltu ton-ntitîtteul auttîltr3aituotte ulue roatietsofutthe lbralitu. amudtroutndît tat ina rien haut eonou' ueeorly te pre- tioitstUttiluing se-iti n tl'of horiesndti a buy rock an(]uhlit nuct-deil 10 leur tite buiiltlg luýt utasd la o th bir se ig n. The biuildingtitse-uîaticait> alurs' struîctuîreone uîory bush ant-Iabolt20x M0 feet un dimesiu onlis. outil the lurglara ive-uhc b ardt uuarîs ut llotay tuarutuf ut lîtîvîtantil uuuuiîîg iti- ultur iputhu ut ii DIMR-ailO(ti. Il17t1I iNSANEI. ISs1iSaeus M..onuf IlihiIt, l. ls., Ttiti tif Kilstgi a Mossil,, 51. Jumus Niuuheur. ctellu ort hi-Iltig luttai ni thueStotu itututue u-.>îiiiu -ut IiLoge- rtfacu t,,ietitnie uu le caîunuiîteîl lu 1STi ieutintîs 'til le at>s Itelttulcv of til ee nuový iseins ianeit. Ilu 15, whuslile tîts 1hl tua-aouI, antid îîîîlîî t i airtlroiti i't-t-r (llas of Big ILîîi id., uuoctitan.iH, sa(sa ait ,, nîtci liniiith ia hite. andithai t ili'alol tivoît tnut-tuuskhli tus hunit ulieluft the .- lut itutlut t utIt us iere il ru-îaauîuîlCl l-tlrl-il tt he tent ititluig 1.cutAt- a lnsnutirîty lu turhitut n tit Sttîtu c ti u arnet fur >uusitui1t lu, vîu ii le or0f lu urdter ut -e ltfi t ini SI IC1 II-t- O' iitiAilS.$10,1120. Tae-e sue-r af Lotusas ilie, lKy. F'trttucr Ctt hn-u% u r SîujtclIL S îuîugs stiti', i u.l.ttti ai$Iii 21 lu t eet.isiiutuý'- a tlt-ttl itittt.i iii li Lîitit i1Iv Sîulttg iiutttt-.lsi .ili l SNt i-tttiur. tei-i ut tortIli, .jhortjig,- usn tnput hIib'ied iTa- icliuitt oY,-îu uts methoul iîuîolut ailiet fur a ange amulilt t ta iiitu'tilt tutt teicotdloo the itab of tlie chieckhbokite utuae uit auother minuand asautalereatuouait, or tleave a blituk antI mats Ithe umoîsul namisal. Tht' final îoîey opproipriateut nsa by s chieck blted Out.28, 1899. Tue recipla of te oftici lui ig t ogain- cubu-ucî use e$1 0332i.w. FARMER ANISIECE KILLEII. abitessMua-des-Coupsleuat (iaesleal', Kan,. atnd 1-tt ztoa Carl E. ilit. sgt-J 5u,.tîttut its nuccu. Misstll l' eter.otu, ugeut 30. lita biuse- heeuire s e- i icas enuIuutrueru'd au tle liltoilulte, thbreuti-o frît G ruenîc f. huait. Teuteihle hîtîl iîuuîî nting soît t-ctI lui Y antut t . ii ntttott tacanI-t titi îuu.u n t-tt utai nthile iuihcu,%vlta 100 o uet hulitn ihis lut-su. "lieWoles- a ite as luyng an a huit t urritte-it onu' butlet boiet hrouugitier li-nanad onu' theotuthu ber ni-il 'Tue Ihoae itaîlbeetu Ta-ais, ld I v by Ratites- A solititouiutît taisCity Southieru u atctgcr tra saa ehd up hait a mle uuîth of Spire, 0k.. by sece a nuohe luen. ul'ie enrea sud mahi]ntarOeceeon- tereuil Iltoralste lu the euprescar s'as ootit-t.liitbatti ngsaectreîl trom il. 'The uilîlers tmuni ouopen the throuugh m sate, toit folcut. Tiicu tes rufl Ite nimail car. r 'stPattandi tutetur Bth lie. St i-. ELuIn otii itchus,lliing un the fuit flour ut an Eliii. ieel uyortmn'tl buildiung in ICincinntit. seas tOISa sud- liely iii s ith iîeurt troubhle.lic. G. H. Thliiman ln ooallcd.t Sh itedjuil es h.' butor u'îîeru'îithue leysrîuuents, and tht' uutot(e ud iiiii tîtol tateiy on onterung tram t'nhaustiou. catuaed ity cliutinug te titîce dtgitis ftlattrs. Gue- its Nes'Te-a-nis-y. Ont' of tl.lth oti uapaetiîut ueveiup- mncos aI leu-auuîînl.'Texas. s the udia- nuiterlu or a gitsiunr 5hidhi i5ntit on SpuitulluTolohîigits h ul s a itnnd fot trom thelil,19911)0 tot roni lhe nu real uni. anuti a ateri loi-y sebere two oor îbnu'u' asti-nahasir toiled, , 0te ta îet'îi loto o t nit utters. KiatShlitid As-m5. At iitit,'ttuug oft laîuîît lu> his Ilar seotpublic hteresIt ivus clîtu ted lu lue teo e-ohattigsauts of te nitilua-Ile ltîur îs r ,andltIth. li qaustion. 'TIa Kinugss poeclufrui.the tuînte itefendedu thue t îilîît tf u oteea, ouid esîuite ne- potrt o tf i rue-iîiu-s te liBritilisit auuicra rtisiedtitir trentintt of te Boes. isuduse lis-as- dittarLIme. ('bit-f Jus'ti'e'Bartorut of Oklhiluoma bas losuut-u au order sautuag tit if tIere le tiis oui.' clon-st ihiluI of at iool age lu a o neloot districtlte aut hon tieiaimiitntpro- sd tau'utseparale nciuuuuuitiuu:111tutti îttubr. 'lhis orutaltes i tuhe-unt lie 'tuerilar ind leltpeace ver>' en uenat 5t' i te vu t tous coustes, SosundSume-tsîi 'te auttînîlsaîser Fuitllitiu, opt'rsî- nsg betwe ec Seotîho.Stuil. I.atoiter tuti ssay hurts. airut o rot t or reef s uhîttdistace trustit'ti.î u bruni o t< tut oid lu uttur sanolin tua teet cf Tttii- 'l ,,,tn ger iiit-trew ail -tt', 't itt0i tit th,-i ubuata Oesi, Takas . v, l'un s. 11 iv ii trs'urof ti'h'e lutu nsd 1- 1 tli t-t, il, ii.--tttir etis i lihlga- t, niu iici- -os. (luit. tloî-,îf Indiiaa S'îStlut c lîtnno tutti a iit(io if otiter Icin,I, u - lr> t. lut>ne ouit 'tuconsio %vssmssoru lu as5 ltiiisttttur Gi teraila W.-..'.s Club Troahie Settiesi. 'The Cliasitn Sman'a Chub txoueruted Mmcs.Alice Biradford NViea tramx ail s- Spouibilily tas- tle anonymaus letter al- tackîug Me.. Farmuai. t," oon a, b %N"il," -use SAYS BE BLIfW t ' TUE MAINE. spitomist ffcelr DB l teto ansa War arnd lievenge Hi-asacf on Weyler. A rcmakabla aor i t, publsed ilun Ottouha paper regarîlti the blhiig up ot lthe bhttleahip MiTh1'e report ogays thit Infotrmation baaschut.' froni the bine Rige sgncy that g Sptiniard ou s riach lad roafiraseitsehile dinîk ta blas-lit aUP the ahip). saytug tha ie i- lIgo u inte hope of c.tiaîtg s'ar betertiieîUnstite.d States nadu Sîia. ,The Iti,,gîu-a auta the et- tet tlittiîre Spanituil tas once au fl cer i the Spanisa n il Cuba, nad that ituietitug e3lera s auipîîuît he berametaila- gereil aI tbe bruall teulteut srrarded tcriaauaen. sud said su. %'eyler at once orulc-etietaader otttThe Sp)auiard's usaines said taeîie-NManuel de Silva Blrauga.VIe sous dischutrgeu train the army attier utrourt mutetti 'The htos'iug up cf theNMaine s'as d,ae tu glt e-en ',iith Wtt er. Braga atus il about the bar- bue unît sas fantilir seitt cuploale-e. Ilis it:Ilîea usas t,,titis up n Spranisil luttlt illy didluututithe Misae tus tie,-o'-t calcoiatt' h to u gt SVt>er out tut lliturer. Dresscudtain n rmy unitorni he hou no trouble !it n.tti-inithe guardst ta tle fartification, aîud sith hia os'u lanul he tout-led the iîttun 1ha1 destroy' 'ut the Statue. Iluaut"lv lie ritaugeulhi.s cltiolîs and leuropeh uit it""ont'r sa s 0a ty llobg ocapv ii i-tivI,,' ii Bor i].lilNîi FA.Lof ngt.ititho Sst rusuy tti ustise.Ai I iiilta rittiîscut i 1-utr uit ira higit. ii. lut-u oftu i-ur.t lu auittuict aIe htiîtt uipel iii t luITh,îu t u n .tt tutti e rats 1ý1t iîît. - t a stto agr ius li biuit cin i te balîht,> 's tlevi ofut au-l u> ua' ttu i li 'l'h'.'lhuas on ati h o- situt'i t$12Ion hîtireidý tuW. .0.141 Tt lîîllîî jtuneulvarin ulie r a. tJ.e. or ilt hea-u t-tc t.t t re .1itutiit' illt'C(ii - -t taîuîtaant ut <as outil '.1t.-lîul te seroc hie Matirt' ep tittiicintii.sutout wiitut peiuti u p letiti iî.iilt it t u- tît stueni toreent- y uttutihntigetîht lite utntttsio rings iîîutd i $2.500i.te sNa Piiiin t tîled terbes u n e iu'ttiuit es ng fh JesOtorek onthea tlor tiisnicsu th pîe t tubea amuseel o the t.ouu umi th a Ir> caThainiti st eorapcd atter tiruug sevitral aboi. st Mr. Varda.' Eaptode.. J. W. MNarinu.àaKnox.ville, Tenu.. citittieriiknus lijure,] by lthe t'- tlit att o f ta thuise utoflias', erut ir iti - tentitaciuitic. lee vtus otaiupung lu-t. tnsdu to og-. îiu-tua jiachagi' ail ines-ltut a hlii l are hbons, a îlîtîî s Itu' uti iut 'eviiltre toshu hatlita- tutti siîuueui u tu thtiaiîttue orat aSes Stick aîîuî'îo uier iou' rit l)ioeuuTas.-o. Mllions. h Its - a(al.ittistailimporiuîtatrega sun e-lt>htti-lututs iii .acr-euttnut eiîu'e I uni y bu f tus hrfu tiiiti rt-st' la rush as tii,' huis n ttitit'isae-'î-edt 1 undîcate is; bat oieuîîlrîtlir moîurraits ad iteen lodgpd iun Ji-rat y ('tirlucuvuer the dary -hrunlieus tIîuuîunîvas îclru o iNets Stîti. it.v Flerai , nlrgt Bs a ttre. Suxis guti' ,actuiel setli riti'.s.fougit a deqia~t uu tt is' t', i lu r s i's ut t hi Inutepeuulîutu, 9lut unthite it('tihtluie('r- lOce gutarîl st'-s tiui il tuttindtib ti-rubl us cca ped. reeiu- l uti Lai itor Red-s-a rouît- or 0itli, Cicrugî t îror-i tra lui Frantk B. Sutot s lia lasbru-utin chtarge of tii'he of ettu itthu autîr lwtice i (u n,uiîîjiu.îî if ttre ii tri ant Tinitta Itertlul lut t nil. note ttt titkii rul otu Of thelurinrî ,'Vhs eetcr vtof lirteS iniSaohLiug- tutt sîret iigu croanug Shite rie ini lutianai)uai.e,iiocuumIuod ta t e wiglul1 tut a sort truite conatitif of issa trolley t-t.uestutti utnn isnTa tst'vesethun s-rt e î"îît.... î intot It ier i 1,tI al te-ena re,,cuîed alive. Four sec.' iniured. diticago R.iiseay Statioun AlIre. lrr in tht' ticket office ertIhe lUto1.1 ta tion, Cil anduiWeis~tlAil ci t et ,s Chicago.itutti. t lied 5101v rsiiis'y t'ai tuoyes, rauisu-tian anir aatis 200 Ipatron.% of the rital1 n thei.'big s'îu t utsrotu n d asreckrd $12.(Miiwrtl of lrolrîs. $100,000 Fis-c Lain Kahama.. TIecMihtiganîtBuggY CoIutîlu>a 'sfour- alors lunchktututory burneulluin auntia- zoo. Loua $li1mi.000, abouttliait cocereu hy lneuroltci. Thels oîitponp ia nos ecrcct. itg a arentewtussetrnla Manuatur- ing laark olureoutlupart ofrte cuîy. Fia-e Bagte. Over s T-»n. The butsiness portion of Ëuiaburit, Pa., s'as'ept b> fire theotauler iiglit, sert-rai importat luoinies buildings teig île- ai tyel. Th it, nuatge alulnot t aabouit $3300 ule t îîu' sen a-ulcy s thoat tre pruotectiloti lia-id Sa Grad Jut-y. tjut. Joahna\V.Stark of th it 'rginia Stat l uaint. changîtI e-litsesnuing oh- gcen.' malter uliouihth le maithihle Itres dentotuft te Uiteid Stuti,.lu ,u n ' tut tioti'eu.'u.itd juiny. sahiititsua Vatiuttu ., in ,X juil. 'luit tOlia". attli sau uthui t eu- orsu uthelic ioliltvof ueutittttt i l> us -cotouuis d'chircully lin.itLI. Itrantet. '. un>of thle Nu tutu ',o Itoacti of l li irot-ttietsAre oo- .Tttaet s'eu c ait c.' I y gin tehile ut storkin u the bluast ttutt r uftt','iîdusatcir Steel1 Couijoans int (hioler.ut Shtow. Ga-ostitof Canada. Complete retarcs tram Cauadien cen- sus ihon population atr15.369,6w,. au lu' creame of 536,427 la ten peara. the west- cru provinces maklng the hast ahowlng. THE -KING.1 BRITISH PARLIAMENT RESUMIES 1IlS LABORS. Resti amp Atends teCreoie i'oitttiaee Huit. thesaKlng Stceech firosuthsa Thtrsse r.. l a lit Cfte-n -RsIar Defud Hia SoluilerS. IKinug tSI ard a lîtneil rl'tli ttin t sitta a iîr-otiniu n i -liiil iî ,,n-ia ut icarto titat orF.1l lca tît. Thlelprot- c ssii ,tolathe eutottft1.ordî, mt',of t he saine ritararter os tîtat v'ltîîcsaeîlun tue Oct-ltsionouruthi lie îuintîg ofthe- hast P'trli.îîîu-ît utftKinig Itilsardis tctgu. ','hiie 5 itiin teti liebouse Serescein thesaunie statu pagtrtîy. lhe sai'e bis- torie drosesa n td te miiriertestval ut au- ciaItfoi-uas. The ratite of tîte royal pnreesoto, thîtgb tes tItan a ui'etin huuh'lu. s-as llîted s-itIl nire lb ait 4.100 tru titi-ç i uoau onI 1.00M poltivittuen. King Et(Isstril tuttiQutten Alexndira sccui-ttîd Itîr tbroîuîs lueetl s rasupy. wit th ie lit iiieanilIc teettWasles ou cîllier Rdeuit ftiti-tIi'lh tu-tutr lit- bers outheii'rie"ovalfaîtui;s-r, souteti un chaira asiihe fuît cf tthe' titelsleuinit io the. trti Tii,' getut ent ou ut s ofui e et us110chRted. Gen. SicriMichtual l-titltliiih. îuslits sýg unt- utaneul th.e aehernu- i tewitou tut oie fe thie Hotusof Coiti tut cutish- niait-st ty reul the speechi frtunithet uicune. 'litir ims- Jeaties itunroturoît sîîlulaofouture'ou truimîetsanud attetîds'ul hpthe samneeugai cereintoîy as icromnitied thetr euîrp inta duelbouge. King b «s-nrt pýesulifrosn tule troit. sPeneul sith u.r-fuît ce tu the t-tir of dhe Prince autdItru ii est tf Vila lu s- tep s'ere cverys'heri'."Raidtulli-h, ug 're- i. tistu t tut celveul ý l Itî lîî, 1u' "tu-u .f ut 1.- : tlt 'taffI sf 1-1iittui uti ii . p i lu. ta peestence sert I el t, t' i e1 '1u. the bolnda t îîîîîuu-gui tiiili tl'y which te %iig rfutlti ii tls it tainou It ri-t'nzu t (inuit lîr 'a !' iit-0 seul fotntigriu rt ies thii nut-u-i *'ýNly reI il uîl ti.-iri sr -O tnteu h e tut Il fiiu tlîtutulu Clounîrouy tu catto.uîu thuel u refers-uce litti- Bit -In sut iss -usitas tudefini le a. teu, etctt u isl ject made in teetist aîf aîlîuuui augles tram te tiurone. 'i regret.",sauthis tunu'tv.'iîttt ha wir iu South Attica is luit >î.tîî thoag thîe c-eutes-utofiluth, u -la, heen ftutratbie it cuir ois.u l, ic lu sur Iargi-t.iducu-ul tit iultutu--t il. b-tCf resumvd nul Iii> aru tt, ii -'Thie soc-seiy fuir nliig tit-, , f tas teuicîpaseho hase uitst t h le c ol f saC hba aifuinueulnue i c( nuttuu agah a eaiiitg ivcf ti Ii, its il uu patruîuîuruffeIsof nu- tut nit-, fi tht-r îîîîttingiicii 1aIlutri u i tSî1tîl cotuînîuuusult c i'ltlu uti'nit Zealsno., lu regardl to tii.' aignecut elu t apee1 e'u' sotl '1trust uts ii..t." lsad 1telt.' alîah.îutuuîîntt"tf titi' t1cu 1 by wsihutît ilu - -ui ueilt. tut t tutu lieentitnfouirv e u'utiîtu-î Iretheil i -a titnouf0f Ii portantcuoeil-! houe conIi vustettii- tri 1-ii f ith T'ttited Satn otri 0lui,tii-,ut.î 'f iuli seil f u-uti-i t ',tlit tutu,, au interoctîuutuito ttu iotitriie that uta neuthtt t,Il l iii ; jtIttti i, i and îth t eil ieut î'uui et., (oIl anI abuîttuis ut ii utltilt Ou the,oî-ning (lutof l'.uei-titl aggreI'ntII -o f til t-uý tu i tbh,> ae nch tri-uit. it lîtt the l ubi t e tereat. The olti a ha lt]ieguii ut ientsw-rotf su it t iitpet-il tutu Ihat ti-y dticuslic n le. fIntu ru lutry in the, h lîtuiot fi-tl i s uttîl uit i u JoIupit itli hul"mithInuni u NEW ROCKEFELLER FACE. a uiinglîliase dt thses oeu t unJotthnit). Rocufer huis itînt te iae aire. tie 5eecit miiih thilner ait1t ittoît '.rly ats a SN'- Yuri dts- patuit lIts iair has hogutu to fait nuit ootat thululluio ia aItui n ttin,,"--- bniut. Ic occls lu le mure eo-.îiy fa'- ~ -~ fore. Oit lite va- _____ tate otf ,titiaires n the locantiic hIla, ltortntcit'r afîenu seocks for the fela. iutuling ttututa reunluhis9 strt-cgt, luit tua s for lits chitt tie hîcu lun ait..Af- tir a fu,' ia tif eerluoa ite ils uta sc lta suJtire . ROCKEFELLLt of cracke'ru ait. iki tut ad niIlh sehi chi sursui utnt aîuuruîcatuîes of 9" "2 i gle-un.fui- tul ttti, lutashit lin aI îu'uuîuu-ruire ii- r tiiotu lloîtulluitt. lsa tlitti' a tlt ,,t,,kusrui- COAL IS SCARCE. fuis-'liis du.suuîtin. Siiitttagi "8a mi5tuutuuot- î p u ri ilite t ttiroatinls a ut', t-c n a i. ci r ,itiaStita. utt paSie t or t t ouherlange'( ii- ut huret thc uuîuîuuîuuîuu i., front a cou fumiuitte us ihnt'tett. lîluiro acl tîlI i us -8.55 cutii otua ut ttihie nus' thanater.' Oas ut the- satre tut luai yoar, s', touaopirolontge]s'trutehe l anthirncite c-gitutu ad puirsh>ccd tle it daatry. Pries bhllsehotesots ond relu are biher tlan oue peur ogo. butili ade-ance wamade bef areth me il edjgrss. The Seuate on Thu r*dgy for s brief mie bu]adri der uni deratiou tbe bil re- s uig as parîment ot cammerce and the A d"I a o usa s aed oealias' bat the merl-e-______ ,e s havae oe hoeamended In mauy part-_____ tirulara befare it eau recel heta at- T'bevolume o utuinless SO îovf th e M 8te Sriotis objecýtlaus U frile Ygutr all il Uod- weerased ta the truuîfer ta the' Provos- --- -îO tr ths-ya r o fi enl 0eaimu na everal important lho_- ilondtittt o.' t tIlitit 3c. i ein resus uoev a part ut other dejîrtiuenîs loge atifilticit t routislefr titi' itaIt tt of the gos ernuteut. It wsspoiuted aat in Jaiî.tîîry li-crit .Ill ier -itt tier thait if the bill sa reparted beluea las' tt 'the r'îer7-liottît i s t'h tf lit a>'ir. antI t w'anId create the grealeat leltactmnuth, itosting fl iltak îicaittigi l5 illiti ef the governmlnt suit <at the aacretary utitliY 9-J ut commerce soald huve marie poser Oneaoftifl.'lo-t î'î iieut.ta if il soiid cveen thon the.'Secretsry of t he Tresitir;. <conitioniîtouflîi iieittii0- soliiitli s ut Notice ut s-ertil Important suteudmenttihttnkltgiîti ît iîu i'rttlly. ""tîu s'as iven.'Tbe bHousle concuîrrent res, -b!-a ofrtleE r'tI i't lotion îîrosiulitg for NMcKinley memuîîclîitii.' Irîdî'l litI)lîer ' o o îîly trvi asifl ex ircias l y l'iigreae lunte hall orthte bli ii ra ts uer> aherti- astsii iit r' 'ltsely Hot.' to i IreMetîtatis e. oun'I'urailay. tfil,- i hacaîtîr if tit, i u-itritiiw '.î i ht'h I'eb. 127.,ivas aa pted. titi v uekltu u. a ti i rizaiDit By n atrictly partiqsu vote a tsaaîeii.ilr report eou Seustor Frye'îs sip aIlbslily l'ds~tii lmtalii' r-i ri-h'lriittt ter bltl ws a îtlîarled by the Senate comn- atilt ansd iti'. roui iitia iîrobaiittîvaria milile aucImm esce ou Friday. The col lIn- ' iiito iu-ttclt Iiili sit of u- mitlesumallee everal liportanut amend' teri]. Tte report sri uithtce varionus it s t e fta le- bill. Ose llos'smail car- h.' lte if te iii sndu it eel ittdiitt'y ryîug vesels taelie iller trou or steel. fiiiti tt', j'tsttheutr itrit it gbndl- iltetead ot steel onîy. ai origisslîy pro- ltii-ýassd tila n i iaar f, lu a iisal tor- vided. Anether redores ta 1.000 grass ii ste'el tMuail lit fair Iijatitli.'e bav, regislered tous the vesseli recelvisg alit-ei't . ruitrItaetcitttt'5 iiouuly. The Democrat, voted soldly for I;tnitu taeI billets habita' tîu ivivered strikînt atît the geuerai shaiy provision. a XYiiitttte'tiitstiat 'aîota lte uile as 'hl'h.' ueor lteprenetatlvez was ita ru o $27 i54)i ttn 'lalliitattttui; ileesian leas Ithatain bîur Saltrday y -s o îr il, fleiteitalit i f .r tliti- Autiiricasi rau t inte utatias v a saated. tbe mniaikna utt'I s ota l tyiiiri'e ied. but i Imotrtantftentre oif ahidi s'as the re-knlofMt, wiiarilelt(.btli pîîrtiîg irMeCarilton, chairînan of tleb. ltnaItsofutli,.trttO tee'l men coîîtillittt'e on a[iprcjiirittiin, otf on tir-' i i llt IM - ,r tti ge-ttîit' b't illi. Theiti lti -airies* $ i;- 1l1ii lt3> l t ilattthi s'lite t til.8 .72 7011,41t5, ilist i bitIcI it on i l,, t i e l îrnt a51toit liIî'partuieîitt. Autitng t. lt ttîre im lior Au lituiit'îl. fltanirturi'sn 4tael tn I incîttîledithe bill tttI tl ilern'tiiiiltni ade anouagri'i't tuttI ilins lu bat . .tare nu", se îl i the'l 'in sleuî muîtîtfeturera. and tiillis'ia. Ithaesluthelîeo insutîfar t Il--r-su.It lteatt aîîeaoý-e if $1 it ton la riîîr,'ra a iit-t. i Ih crpl et î tte pi- f w i. vr iish v reîîîtiîî il$N1NiISi:rOntieton tif Itelu-etifiî i05e-hle ee .illa bav. ji'liv i'îtldingr at Si.Paît1. Nitiu - $100 1 oî i pl 2 i: g 'ipc lCic.iijit-iiîtif stfaile f itiii'haiiul , i < t p i uit, t i'le mau i fr whith La etii i u îî. uî y-lii Dit benli,'hanged. $15 ccl;postlit lîiolnuttli ientneat t'ý-tt'ril us tvicil it, \îrtlî"-rn protacer tit ti e st:iîc : nuia irttalireýy - uute-itt St ,ch s atthe fiit'Dces $310 ci eii-tsia f iit 1rsî t,'y n- '-- ii- I i-- ttite outut. r ià tei finerai of Iris lutaIM, Kilt-y. i 2X; SiS.s45 itis. li anli. 1, tîroilial in roral fres htid. $15i nc.-eiiig, 5 tiffe-n ut ta eti.rus t uopti î'.tai 1lIts seas tici iiilNtii ii i etorl,- 1-.~sl. tre s-e iliitte iiith' teg-o ii ti t'i o.. 'ilul -n'- a .ti, l t tasgriat reduc- u'îrriî-î a total (if St7i4Zi iti.n ,,ta freouin -et. le-tbib an lu lhýb,-ill rrriîig $,ilSii(5i toe a tutu itu1e 7 cîttîst, sliýiesolîîuhe 'tig tory posit at iIl ail. ilir iitiin ltt ire tila aaiîîtî i ltt îi îl "g,»t , 'ts e' îl'lîîî'( r i t t1, tii- ut ii' llihe t le- itilan . lseesc . M ai et ist .taateai, lttatliti lîs. sit'etîi'1-t-k Saitt cpi)rla turing ihe fIrtaI iat ifthla art, W ltiiî ,î, l f i - ,, , jlnMtitin uttîîl t ir- ".s I 'î îlrahily as tt i . 'th- . ,- î it- trulu ppltittut, t'euttiIlila or, tii-y la tiie suIt-vur triit.i t f f lt <(titif-r ti-t--riietti'yt tagel ellu e lit oller', Nes' prit'es au- fututi t l- iiStît i,t ittrt Mttit ('ilit rus ',rd l'y the las-geai Ctr',tratin are tit iu tIi itut t ititi -r lh, l t,ttr- not So îI, expei'ieii Ibe t rehll t - Unt -il -un t fIL-uitiii rallier liutet. J'rires tfetîltan gidasi re tIril -I î~ îîî . Itiikîitî sehst.a-î.Lut ar- uit farge*r ibaa te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ý tn- It -li li "rtiii5t Wh,Itut ourrut tt-setîeitman.Atta iiu jrices las'Il hii ui ilt iio . ltt are- eîs.iabrîstla Intue n-imsrket. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I tutu '- - I-g.itt ttt t- afotissr"tite sl eu it generul li-c ii 5 . n-t-l-- jtt It. i ltit disuce utf rout 2e. l, 5 cents ,i --s-" ia.îî ,t l -: I V. tIl cýlri 'e,1i j ii -l. ut Itir ini- 1irîTettiiol ctrijI i. t- r t7- i- i LI tt t îsîrk l, : I1 C& ý. -.IdlIng sD-i lth e ithef bat I J -t ilsuit nd-Il-,t .111on an el- te a li , .,It - t i , i i a i lrt . r f îtr tas e r il k "uutttIl, -tiettiEnltu iii"fIrsue-1nîs 11 a.-l i-taith. e 'Tbls e- - i f i . id . irhritîîl Iid ti e f ieadyiîy 1.- gtut f t ts. roçerty ln 11e . iiiiittIlisetii trewts e l ite ue if ('lIi-ago t-tv îtîveutme-ni tartitus a icea- . e NI oii ttI tf Nisit lt taring .t lin teitg itail,. suad te.fini- a t. t s--t Ir -J -rui.p.irit' tp i. tl Tî't Mr.sî eitt iîtît. Mi.rplotes vii t eihLuetii',,iivaluaeutorrial .ylvoa. Mc Witssu. iiinnos. and %Ie. chaugett nld seciber bam belpes bud- i A'iiestr.îlbama. a('sirman luolge ers la malle ripit pet ew'ih the s'aIt. 1- rptelti, Phiiliinet' trifr ilutnd wubitI aloi-uansd bitelr aid s'anlulhave 1 gave ut4t te t fiiila i e s'tîîî t colil tit pIn data>ed- f " ,l liiik lii-ias î.ruîg ix ti- gr.-ater <be ai'u i tti t',of l'btliips preripi- . paîîrt liift iela- -s a as t thiteisotre rt lîiî iiitaci-Lofnaf iorge bolditugs of tri ti îg î.e tii- -..iiiilti-it Jif t ii- grine andl illrir a bsu lu manipulatlofl j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. ettttilîînîe--- st..iitti a a i â,>mptlixued b, îIpmentioma t-rt tt utt-f-r.t olado fiii 'tî etf&alled fallue-.Non.e ave'urrsd. 'r s -'.-tt, tttti It, -ire s i t I-, lt'hel e'u eshîî h rimae sitS the col- 'l b tiii . leî ttit o ti ifit iltu -,ti. o in n ni.. Oftis -beai droppedt te tltfii,»frt710%cua. a geinx àh g p , r141% , e-ein te n -kl . Lttsu ba't at - - - t ii-1b- iil oiu. a fI SI n t.a 5 f litý t.i'lti ontht'e a'k'. t", ilt.. iltut iti ii f ii ituia rt- uo-ni-u. a'ra- losait ff t 4V e t di. iti i. itu iiit ti ti licte ii ie. IG4uîi. gas ,Ir%*s4 in uthe prîtianaf ouri t -ait a îtt îiiiitcn ne-i sà- jîttu it f- tu Ii îiit-rts.~ , tc ! lie rP iryaidel; One fi" t4 1 t-.1le tb ,. the b i st.'t.S iuloo tegoertua and w-, g-n 1 i1.t ie' l i. - llt . M oits t ;ltt M Sttit ct--r sit oS o tu ti.t lt-t .-. uti titit itîtI vt- 1 icoutur n ht t li,-Imperisi Bank ti, i.' - ttt ile intif ' eu iruOf ii s ii ii is tE1Vt 'ta raiee t lit Ilîîl'e tit <i tir t:iît ti~t ti' plic ut - 'i at 'tlae .driaeu it tiof iti. i , u ' tt ltt!i, t1t tt lii -ta% t.l t Le ir-t4 t qa i, aî'iuan lit i.i ~ titi-t-tu t tiluutritatis'utttprem ui 'ItS ivuil.(P, Il'it.Mti e'f culea e'urttua tae.l 11, tSi. N Ii iit '-u mtItN lr I tisi iii. iii t 'Jii' titt un f Noîaitsî tti\ie. l il iiie i rîrtat attttcîu ta prime. til t- i-r t I $3Stt h u .5. ut1îog graîltia ittui fiiii$42it -) G ti i uftrlua -ire, %2.IJU III l. lt uitli i tr h tti Il$47-. î1,l. it 2rt il t. 8c; s il tiiu tl -iiru.;, 2 1Nt- Ii2i - o p, tîm ilS Uttî ..ti- I, i Il.- -. tj',. 9hti 5(j- ptea Gi il.$4;7À)t, it - h - tu <iii $4.4t o $tii (%.00; itlt.itt tilte it riiere ant iItlititi liest S ,5 - ei.ttu o heaj biîitgOtii itriout the Cho.ugo I druitiofi' caiii adutîdsiieorganiat, ttîs ,î eip- .i1, iI. tata. No. 2 white, ile t eltChig '0- fi, 1 Sd ît$630; hugs 1 rii, e$r. stet t.$2 350 ta $4-50t; GoS. \V. SI Crine of Susrtsîî nta.'eis .;cors. No. 2. s stud la aveo îbleuî ati cteul as the suc- 641- ta eVt. ,ut tu 'Ni, 2, 41 to 47c; ty. rîsuar of Srcretor r> .îugArcortlîng je uN. 2,. , ;; th.a iltrgiui ttfiite.tha ge' s ittao lue I it"ittit tt i Ciii le $24K)ito$5.75: bagg. moade tint-h îftî riltiti u tiîît ettt lOft1h. $3,00ii tiil itti sîe . 2 3 t, $&75; lmiot ~ ' ' 91";îciorui, Xii. 2 Ma',oct'.t ouoaIricltur e md i.t.t t- t s No. *2 mile& Itîte ititt p itt i lt t ugrîcottîee ii 8Cti4).; y, cilr: t -W gaeutt rft uibt t Ltto- C ittW, .0ta$5.7A;: baga. garlo. ut huis$3-lMtit. $i ti(. ei .520 ute84.00; 'c part ici 6, "Thi A t- palmo. propîà.' an i-tii ta J,'r ologi t' mont-y à noun Ahu h W'alla Prolti. np la lit e. praotes tdemt etart dena e atout. NI r.t tu Ps besi u 'rht- nos' they ologi atuiti they tra m and a us' curre aies. ItDes dent. rove the misd en@ :t ti eutt It - the ing ped dy b not te hsd laeli 00 He ped. brai It i fro. toi .taî bail mii tre wm If titi tit th. it il, t fa

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