CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1902, p. 5

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T RIGS & AYLOR. FURNISHERS 0F Everything in the way of meats,' groceries and can ned goods that's best wiII always be found at TRIGOS & AYLOR'S L ibe rty ville - Illinois. lip, liip, Hurrah! Boys. rae- iy iew vat.t-l! 1 got il Brom'. Itts aii FAgiiî. 'l'lie Elginî Wl ail riglit. (;"t ant Elgi an>1d ditîî i Strahi. We sel n ich-kel Laini îîaitei îlovl Sgoo<hlisil v andre in ifaut4 aiythii l ils-"of Jewelrv. 'Wp lias e a clippewr griîîder anîd ai- to t4ido firit lams- work ini tlat line. Libertyville - - ks. oticai îlg insthé- e prepa're i COST SALE TO CLOSE FUR COATS. We have a few leit and wil sel) at cost to avoid carrying them W ..over.. L'I' m Mtl'f es e are clos- -1IUIII'~RLL.ig out a go assortment Atr COST. A few pieces of WooJ Dress Goods we are selling ' at less than cost. Wheln we say COST and LESS THAN COST, we mean it. Investi- gate and see for ...yourself... SMITH & DAVIS, OEALERS IN G1entral Merchandise. Lbertyville - - Illinois. E M Tle Lake tîtîtnty Farinera inaltîttîte, te be bheldli tGarees, Ill.,January V, 21, anti 30, effet priesa aggregating tee dollars for the beat essasys prepareti anti reat hy anjy boy or girl lia the ceuni!unoder the âge oftwtentyonee yeara, ou any subject pertainlcg tii the home or fari,essaya to ehaet ithe institute on I usaday, Jauuary 2M. Firsît erire $5 >00, second prize $2.50, ttirti pni! i Si1'50, fourtb prize $1i.0). Cotîpetitioti ipen te auy bey or girl in Miss Kaibrine Howaard, of Foi Lake, tue citanty coder the age of twenly- wau the guest ci Blanchie I riggs the oesyearn. Jutiges te be appointeti t latter part of iast seeii tae Inétitate. Here la au oppartunlty Mev lie Chase, oet bitte Igianîi aili for soinsetif ont brlgbt Liitertyviile tiî tse pulit Sucday merning sud aheoulrs to iishinoer. evociug ai; the Mothodjtituiburch. TheV SMCiiu Service Comml8ision Ms uebl Scott ts 1111te aIckasusRte- seul Itilil xamicattorts ai several suit et îcbaiing samok, ai tins of tht places la each state turing March and tire in lher hboanete irai t ibis week. Apri, toFecre yung en nd wmen Johin Mlatberwick, et Rock S aiiey. for te gevertomeni service. ,M9 > ahaa been speudîcg a Uiek with pensons secureti positions luat Year is aI&ters tirs Freti Croker. of througi lta-se enaminatiens .Pro- Libertyville , anti lra utNy.Iar, itably 10000 ppointmentà watl be ef Orsysiake. matie titis year, AHlappoiciments r ereilan euou ri are fer fle anti for mu)ai Positions e111Y r.HnyWlaisetndfon a cemmen scibnel education ta re- Chicago iaut aeek, aber, msie hadlbecl ilaireti. Salaries ai appoîcîment vary calleti by lbe sertous 11111088 î,i ber fren $61;1, te $12400 a Year with liberal ciscsc, Mabel 13prtag,.gt-, aittu tiiet promotioens afterwards Pelitice ila rîesday, Jau. 12tth. coi conidereti. This afords a god A. B. Lewis ls vsry 1t usîtLIrgbts opporiaclty fer People halase i16anti disease ai bis bomne ini Vaukegan. il 45 years cf age. rbese desiring planes was feareti for a ine os6aveulti nef of ibis tiati cao gsi fui information survive batititere là a siigi imPrevEà- about triera, tree, hy wriicg te the ment in is condititot ai time otr goiiîg Columbian (errespoatience Cllega, te press. tuvasingtn t. C. anti aaklng for ILe A ltter froue Mi4- i>ot 8Scitut civil service catalogue, nnmiter titres wriiieneueroeisii Nets Orleans sud Under iteati cf ralireati cewsa -ý Chilcago paper publiabean the folese- inig ILs hChicago-Milwaukee & st. Paul railroati iniend tule sasen lis runeicg tfins hetween <Chicago anti tiiîesp)olia. A asteelrabritige sillI be erected ever the Mssissippi river ai Prairie dui Chien tbe comiug suin- mer, anti absu Ibis lis compieteti trains ailrue f rom tMinneapolis tu La Crosse, ibence te Praire du Chien anti Madison andi over tbe es lice frein Janeevilis to Chicago, cutileg the distance &bout sixty miles'" This meaca Ibaithrough traies belasen Chicago antiMininea- polis ilîl pas# tbirougb Libertyvîlle giving our village teativantage ot being on the --main ins." fi l so ueans hal anobber tract ahIlb. laid tieligbt witit Ibe 8acîîiîrîtceunir! as she lias se far seen îî e.Ite is enîîyiîtg ber trip immsnsely. tir, anti lin. C. lilatelwere trown fromCi heir buggy f>eslay igbi, their borais being figbttnî-lIy miote irttm the 5 oclont train andti irnlug ao abrnplly as te eseriiirntt elr ig. Kra. Hacisi sustaineti ligbl injuries. Samuiel Triggs, 7m yeara Of age, bas been working for W. C. [riggs ln bis shos âhop for a couple cf assIs, Mr. TriggaSlella us be ta doing Il juat to keep oni t fmiseblef. MOn Of bis age are nol as a rnis verY îclscbievotis, but Sain May hu an exception.- John KeII8, ahe recenli soIt bis frein Bondont 10 Jamnville, aséte St. faim noar Diamenti Lake anti meveti Paul ilîl net; long rua ls ibhrougit eut, la back le Lake County again trains over a single tract ayalem abhers looking for a deslishîs property, tramla asmahesvy uas il aHIbe on te preferabiy leute vicliaty of Liberty- usa branob. Too macht delay aould ville. Naw John is aise, lRe Inoas renult and chance forem citenta ha lac thern ie no better lootiol any abers amt tissa 5*15 Oocaty. Atrnual LIEERTYVLLE LOCALS Mis. F.* C. Baies entertainedti Iis week beor ater, M@. M. 1'. Andrews, of 8outlb Mend, 1 ediana. tirs. L. Fulton santi ildren, tf w au kegan, spent part of the week wth ber saut, Mr@ Cý M. Fuller. Alert Lyons returxeetifront Lake Zurich Monday, -bere hb" ia> teeil empiîîved for hsoin. tutti i,île ou- i§umers iLu, Compa~ny, 1). C.iorimer loft fur Wîirertiîwnl, sM p_ titim week, tu e ltgonet'àaw. c moýre, on . iiisiriuti sc<iîteî'ted I at a Th. titît ManuflottUriii (. Ii>ttaiiedla atisi- itirSepower e.ugi e in nthe Ma> rou> laei'4r.v, tu [lia iuldIl)> rîItuIIiiig thoe nnre light dyDami>o 'rases antI satihicitue cati avoiti. 'Ià' titilectors ai itbe roiînd alter Febru ary lot andt tey'ne boued te ge& YOu, so why try te avoiti the inevtable' 'lho local W. C. T. (U. moeelaUit tirs. Elizabeth Peitou, Tuesday Jati. 21, ut 2 30. It ulîlbce a mobers moeel Ing. Mohers are erusstly ret1îiateti to be prealent. Mra W .1.Bay anti 11111e danghter Eva returced tiu iheir home in Pro@- ton. Mine. Tussday, aller spendleg tbreweeka sitb lir&. Stevenson, Mr@. Hay'@ ulster. tDr. Rtobinson laI i Mond.ay for a trlIî te Floritia anti Louisana.Ilie bouton- gagementetut lecture itu several uni- veralty iowuis enroute, anti expecta te be Roee wo weeka.lieS. f0ee. Cboae. ef Blne Island, whI sîtppiy bis pulpit during hie absence Chas. Iilin&ki bans ilied bis Diamotît Lake Ice-biotse aud states bie hI be prepared lient snînmer Uintieliver tu Lbertyville itaitrta pure laite ire at 25 cents lier hundred Pound». 'I bis ail! sureiy C1-W1,jrseiaied antiMr. Bilinski shoiîid reciive a Illieral patronage. The American Macaroni Coi ban In- voated le six icait Legs A peu Pas been ut santhieshoga comfortably bouseti therein. Refuse frointhe faciory ls beieg fed ant Ili the expori- ment proves asà profitable as Il pro- mis'e. the Macaroni Companys latter beatia aill bers ater reati, -Manu- factures tof the Flunt Macaroni on Eartb and Dealers in Fat Hoea Whal almneat provei a diasaâtrous lire occnrred in Mobt. Scott'm bouse Mon- day mreIng. A spark frein a steve le the lanedry room lu basement of ILe bonue igniteti somte paper anti before the tAxe wostisaevered intehalgaineti considerable beatiaay, having aimoal barnie ttreugh the figer abeve andi 11used rooma upatairâ aith a dense 9meke which did conaiîierable damt- age. The irs was put out hefîîre any Igreat damage a donce Mfr. Newlaiti, repressuting Fiat- M Rtyle .1 Co., the Chicago jebbers in canneetigonds andi manufactunrera of cannieZ machlnery in le towue&bis eedeavoring t interest Liberty- ville business men anti farmer@ bere- about@ altb a vlew to locating a uéacclng fcctory boe. Severai hue- dreti dollars te stock as aubscribeti anti it lotks as thitagi be etiaI aould ma- tare. A taneiing tsctery propsriy mareaged acaiti certaiiy prove s boon te farmers anti a goot Iniventaient for stock-boîtiers, tfi 8te b b eîed 1Mr. \ýewland ailtnetelwitb squt-ceas lit bill endeavors. -:.-ýBELOW WE QUOTE A FEW,-mc~- Men's Suits. Mens ail wool ati part aool selta werth S$m M010114 (K> îttiU) I»»te 1-1O Boys' Boiys ,iita Wrtht $i tu cuise 50(l te .. Shoes. 20o4 Ladîiem Bym'an d ( b ictirenc a à14 t es t lt ou t-af-date. , ITLUN ai rtbfor servio- anti 1 durabilty, per pair......................... UU [an7ant] Our ILemust ai l wet>i, part w d n cotton1 geotis are the betit e v e suits. ii.i j 0 Outing Fiannel. i2w, ytardi *î( tg , itiii tîîî'ime, ti cte- i.>J o,1, 4rt,-. i'p r yard . ... Comforters and FBankets. $1.900 t frtera at . . . .. . . ...... Giassware. A tine a8stîrtnîctit ot plin altsil>y gias8ware, choice, esctb.............. WooI Shirts. non s'& I hirtis lormierly soid ât .?2,,w'$10OO Ladies' Uriderwear Laàdies f50c leecm-îderera 5 per garmneni... 5 Work Shirts. Nliii am54 rk Nbtrt., titirsgiitr t ald ,t>,' ckitîdut, ite,;,'tii1... Negligee Shirts Men s reguiar 5.7e Neglîgeo Shirts, Iilitly 5 soileti, to close....... ... 25Ç1 Men's Underwear aii u bd1uewat i Me .libeiIudrer t et 35C $2>>at Io ~Mer's WooI PantsI Ladies' tMose Lades* eI lie>,,1 j'Ur j'air. . . . . . . . 2 I Crokinole Boards Crokictie oardstottclone, at 75,55 To properiy appreciate these prices you ought to see the goods. Corne in and let us show them to you. Yours for Business, Il. B, Eger rttrlteiltte tlrmt of th- v eli frein a week m viait 5 it rcit tires InLIa aloi îti > . 1"ale,%i t- lîver balf therteh,rs, Il ai-aistir titi iecititre on i Frtiay niglît art-sict t takeni It atll itrttiitly lie set-l Itl teciidanti w>- luitlîioti al i wi lIV clore tan îiiîasî-l le-har %I r. McI lirath. lira R tA. Piotîto in ait1, lias tîî heen dtieeriti Cby ber lhis>atl IF. Petes, recenit jliîîilîrd ofthtei Libertyviile H>iiei, ]l-i ittlhis as lft soins aceka aIl, bas 11K suld l-bs busines ber>-. i lie- tory gi-a hi, dispoacti of ail tht-m permunal ettei'ts anti left Mrs. Vltoiw itoîtiaoY nieus sebalever. flta iremetiti whoii abolitéis, tla sati, an- tnukiîîwii A itetitien îs ii irclitioii'Airutî aaking Prof. Ilsyli8a, stai>, siuent tendent of Iîitruction tir adiqit th, refortu ppboneiic apellîng ii i a t diocuments lsiietl r tit ilm del) art- muent. i usteati cf iirîuiltandttimi lar atirts, se shsall bave tibrî. 1rgratiî tho, aliho are fîrtber maatniîestif thi referin spellicg rIte tctatge im reasonable s-coîîgih l ti t L ii cititi biard for those set ili Iltht-en ttts give up teunniecesiýary gît Colhyvs> Clearitiig Sale. Theeesnterprisinig coeeritiof M. il. Colhy .A Ce. ita alargedimltsay ai lu~ ibis Issuie caîl avt4iîiîte ibeir de- termiciation to -clear- bices îof ainter gods, otitiaant ii nlsant isghily musset andtoeut >-dat>, geetis 'lI i meaca igecuice argaîns uai ibeir si,,ns fer the Beri sesel or tuai %'oit cani bant on asiti <tiiis sI% e liises. Ha bas the goîtisL ant i atht-i jauit asui tivertliset, nevetr -iîiititîg prîrea Le fta ni et rsîy ti lise iii te le couvittre yotiritelf it s eaite examine the bargatîts toteti ýiieth ie the ad.thoibn Cali and 5>-e il> getii. Ou'll save money! NDEPENDENT WANr AUS @RING BEST RCSU LTS Ghina and Eaîthen Wares ( hum h>llîtteiS. t hililil fthî iîii >î low f( )r .1ei - selvtes. ( )h) a t7 2 1>> l si i I>V itii-1'\\ 1 >>Ili Chi lat. itîî l eIt 1>4 1. . . 2> 4 >t. i r thi BO\\>L" 1-k 't \'ryi- îîge a ites ti G i- ..' i '20 &i>y h ) c ya t uhl~îius. .. . i7» 3 (IîL lîri wi . e îîîîhi. i .î.î '20c Lîer vl g ri - )\\1- Ii.o.s. Foa w ectehoIn your pla.ce1 ' Alof business or your resience. Voîîgettue iîîcrua l-e> .a,1.grui je i ai4the Lk LLiberyvile. Illinois. Great iave tut la-s"t Wsil, Il paâi r tsf ,ock- mite EN lbS Do y<uî takeltue IN1)EPENDEINTI If not, sîîbscribe -aton, for througli it you eatu get the MOST, BEST ud LA.TEST NEWS. 1 7 m 1- 1 . 1 -1 1 a 1 l- 1 1 Commencing Monday, January 2Oth and lasting until lkbruary lOth we will hotd a special sale, consisting of ail kinds of winter goods, broken lines, slightly mussed and out-ol-date goods, and odds and ends which have accumulated during the year. These goods for every day wear and durability are as _good as any and the prices are in many cases below the actual cost of production, and in ail cases are such as to make them -genuine bargains. loc 1 r lEi . 1

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