CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1902, p. 6

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NLY A FARMER'S DAUGHTER. "à By AIRS. FORRESTER. ' dc th CH APlEh XIV. i the lightî ndi iuiffs-i-ece f a YOUIug in Atter a ten ders'%iîsit ta MNi-, clos 'on. girl ef h a V.iinitrcd e-as oummeued houeotI i uler hem t s ibat t sit cacrfo "t, meald gladi i-iti-eu ,mansalon.i-.ber? Site sse to bai-c ct ailual t th wrote Lady Gi-soc. "bai ;ouî éi-otmbe-. nmade tue loi-e her ahen 1t rtiicikacwb, a a.; dear, that aur original plan ms aê oW'ht s fooi t am! 1 Ilmiiont thialiau Z goutte for tuu on outho 2Sth. uud Sir muoi-e br!" fa Claytonaneyer Lkes hi-. plana iniei-fecti]- Andi tuelefttthe ri-cen d the boume. 'e-itb." oui asttoff teu etertmiameut '-bei-e ut On the 2lth cf Apisinifredrietr- a ,onsicriiiaby gi-enterdeg-e offi-es-dom j f ad lto Raton Vle. vriy sec-- te cave riegned than ai tbe mansion ot siaici; ber fiend. but wiih simnt a Bounse f Msa tDouglas. sud ahere hbewmasuacre ot i vielef aibhigfrecd fi-cm ihe Obneatoa ,an enîbhualacîli selceme.a a.clcty o!f Mrc Claytonu Eseryone e- With uc cbharmiug iuconisîeucy eof tic nw cornei ber a-ih epen rostihie bouse balsi-u îiitred mac terribl hi; cbsguonis laol seomesi the olini us sh.-ît ber--t las k dii%,oi cci-saiebaies ac cu;gîse. tin ad lth sa-e i'-iti- mm.liiFi-si-ih !:%,]Y Hoeiili-gii'ted witb me-be ilmotun s sasd. bho-ni- nu;uîîssrîhy treattacut cf hîrn long- a Ou the dapî'mvsnsi Sir l.;t,,iuad .c i-. hîosîgt. biiicrly. -I love him Lady Gi-si-oFariquhsr ond'Mitssa1lui-i-e mtb ail tus bucat. sdI1liai-e lest hum' et arrived i t ti Sotau in d ont ssii--hhm anoîîuuied tiii ii,iai sii ils1îîi-ontI PTER XV. us A nom ifsiss u.o 1.u' oui or stihi'girl T[l'he ilarouet lon anaîthie tLondosn laO e-ho bad plut-at s i bur ls tuf mearsin sotisn us il- its b.-ghit. raa ag i-oula,. al *uch i-i. ho: lus aynitsstnssa; She ii-itaballs, ociafoies champeti-s. s tound IIl ny i-; .,uIsatIt 4ut tiimnot na l oiersaoBîmaduigai-sin hpares et on togeiber mabat it hi lin .0 Liin- di-uami-as a-,uni t iithe smm et the gay t SI tw e-n;acs bsicr' ailis ýpleasures sud dtcappontments. 's Hec debut Ias tIs take place t the .\I-sa. ioonee cf mou;. perhsps-hâdan bons@ of Ns' lisungias, L.ti-d Har-od brenmiiadsug a life et ittut, ieveiisb hop- Ucsoklue's aut, s lad;oceoiiig a sec; pncsfor the 1aI mtri. Sicdddmnt docided posinin the fashianahie moiid, dui-e t l i skspause uofietrospcctloa aud the entrce ta e-hase entetalumenta e-old ither @end hec beadlung due-n thi.e wan vccy gener-l; desred .ady (irai-eprectpice tistI eas ;ae-ning uaier hetd b< was anxiouathbat hec pcolegc should look or mske bec fl; trom il altegether. Aud se bc er bout-;jt abe e-as ne unpardunahim ealu that di WhWbcnutrei'd aptesi-c. dredei.onu aimeaiated aud coaid nul bring lecacif st the nigt of thechllt, Lsd; Gi-ai-ebasi to break aoffah[Interi-ource e-o-b Col. no esonta regret lnnung alinwee ber dAgoiai-. ti teicaxcrie ber se-n teste. Her dri s As if to di-s e lm at ptank cfsfety --f et s uaa'velous e-iteuees and softnesawae-y trou bis ite. Mr. Cisyton ti hi almontIl1k entie clondo, and bei-e and lbei- dal;mwoise. He eftetters ia ber theo, ever Il eréte iwftcst mwite fetab-a; .it muld flot tailtutemoitihbec. al eI.,. tiaI might habotiufakes et falcleIftbey ent eut togetimer be made a point w mailo. o eceping ber e-aitiug. He never Opei tu V«7y lite in th evenng Mi-. Hastings cd bis lips to spesk ts ber unies@ b.oe-ta appeares. As holerliedtheUne Ins-cernhb positivel; oliigesi, aud thon hua mords et eaugit algt of 'siufi-ed tstting lanae-e suersasnd tuants. Hec psîd other Tl vee animated manuer ta Lord Harodivorien Ue mut extravasgant i-empli- la au btui ofi e eatzng. He tood sud meulsansd attention, ta short, but fec Waléeud ber lItntlyi;:u t O-nigbî ho Col. dAguiilac proaeonce sud a;upatim. eu bail »ver thougbl ber besutttl. He bad Fees lite e-uuld bau-cbsen unendurabte. w lered ber fo ber gcace, foc bec pride, Tic; met ionataitty. hi fto ber lunemee; but aushse looteti sud On. ufthUe enteutasnments that e-sa in- 5 gila ow, bh.titîl@h had aàgi-caler tcaded tote ank smug Ue i-t elaim tu tumoral admiration thon eb adl en. e-s a sgaridcaparty given b; Ue eer dreamesi of.i Honorable Mcs. lVivien Lynedon et ber n "And aie ulgbt ha-e een My ite eautiful vlltaun theboaoks ut the river. in P..'sh tboaght "Hum 1 ahould bave No expense e-as blb. pareti, amuse- eved bcr-bom proud 1 sbonld have haen ment utfci-ciy imaginable kind eas to ho se et ber! t monder if sie resu; i-ni-es for provided. sud the weotenastu end in a lit aiermEcalue?" diapa; et nurb usosti; fireocta as mershb AI Ibis moment a voire soird closet10 raiel; secu. and a dance. Mi. and Mms..N blIa car. as thougb tise speaker badl di-I'tayton wccc mvteti. At Ue lent Mot- C vlued bis thenghtes ment bc decined la go, and hileite ment "WIi lb. a match, do ou thînt?." eihut hum. He did nultstcmpt to pi-e- He turumed eituan agi-; tat sud aet ber. Col. dAguîlar e-a ubube Uers. met the moc-iug gazeetfFini-a Cham " mi iineot spoii e sport." he aad to 114eI. blrseif, e-lit a amile tint e-auld bau-elie-T "Ton mesu Geai and Misa Wcat I roume bephihtophelea. vertu i1 thluk l ver; pcobable," Mi. Ail ber tri-enda ere tiee, &sl but une, Rartiaga anseresi U, I .etat an sd aIt iiat wwthm U a sores. *Oh. me5 thaItla byond a douit. s Of relief tUntainah.missed him. But hour 61 mont Levd Harold Entlae and-andhieimiliter huer more on, sud thecee-san nu igu partiof e Col. dAguilar. Frt ie toit restisa. i 'i cannelt oi-m theeailgbtcabsurii-use. Uen a htte impatient. Uhnnangrj, a»d ri Teur cousl"-and be spolieUihe-nurd thnn ae could have cri-ed tor tbe bitter- l poîlseffly-";our cousi la uery beautifol, neasutrlise disappintmeut. It e-as foui-e snd uay eueu do hetter." days ince sic bad -,eon hlm. and tUnahb "Perbapa b. chosen b; the desiendaut 1toid ber distncl; that ho îteuded te b.e of ail Ue Hasftingiiabcsheuces, e-is ibei-ese i* seorctullaugh. .1Fn.esot dean mearil; ou Ue esige oet' "Yeur penetrtien i-erna uuauoi;tainue nI the méats. Suddenly sice ard a fanl to-nîght. Niss Champion." bi e - oi-e prenousce ber Dame, sud a quhck t taicaicdmdi: "but pardon me. tise dace thililet plenaure weet te ber meat-tHe t la mioir. t arn guîng tu seek a pantner badi orne ah asýtI She farget lier angor,.7 fuer the nehi; journ rid la fall, 1Iosec;" ber impîteso.andi the weeu- boni-a sie si »Il b. mou-et off befare Flura iad imelaed apeut naitufg for bsn. anudi hoicd up t to Ilaimate her milingucsasta exobauge aith a glati amibe. bis nome ou bec pi-ga-m ei-b that et a "At moi I' sIc saii. "Ibldgi-umNIc leas eigible aspiant. She bit berlitp cgbu ao vnssoîre Youmhi, angil;as esic sae hum cross aii-ight she aililei, n a n hîsper; "Jet nse-ik ,a ever tu e-be-e ber cousin stoosi. and bond Iiiîtî."V te apctak -cihber. Sie euutd it battd thru aie per-ciivd-dbat heoe-as t »masrk Ue tender deteceuce ofthitabour- nîsgtlth lame. I btg ineard the ceunt-y girl e-hum osede -'ieonit in truc, e-batnme anc blid h spises. sud wbou ie weilremnembei-cd me, tual ;ou baie spiaineil jour autiel?" 0 lgorlug to hlm as oi; a fui-mers@ dsngb- aieo tîered hastl;. 'Tiat kept ou sa; a tr. 8h. turned 10 lie quiet, mlddie-nged -sud it borts ;aa îo malt." man onu e-bse aum ahe ieaued, mand began "Not ai al." leéon'.e-i-ri-d, it ita ne- te tain hi1dm eitb corne of hen oid Lac Tht iid ussi Loip ie amav Il brigitus suds1i-eu-t;. Be lstenetl "ll'at. tIen?" Féee îkesi, quiiiki;. I eiîh admirint attention, but hâti very Co.('mi igiilai- eas sii-ai if littîr tu soyi ni-i-lt-. Fbci-a fti taon 'iat kepi youu sas; 1' aie repeaird. t piessibl; boced. I do not tilktIan tel ou. Mi-,. i "This man iLa sdi " aIeSimituber-<'laitu.' acîf, angil;: "ie ides oseu cf ailbis "ouelne'sc-hncd.pasg i mnoue eacel; reconcies me Inte iebor- baiut erne," se hi. t.prsin rible tedlum et pendiag se mss-b timoe 't icin ors-ci-;bardto saes nciic a la bis rumpan; -- s - oIîni-tii -ibardl;, "ai t asaifie Mric Maxwelli waoan eita.rb-ua 'iihai iia-rice. interestîng, riti bai-hlor cf te-a aud- "-li' scifi ue of as; mOsst Bmuéire t--9 fort; lHe gave one un impression cf mcci ps-au s' menkness ans iesldîng uit mude It a Fse tri-mm ant d ad xos sent inci-utofsoi-pise le had bovin allihc-dbS- ' saI d, "the fb-ce-ns ai-e h.- tu rernin no long in île aabeseiiestati" uuu, uin hî îm-isbs. otfsbherbeomh .lie bad met Fbora iugtighlt iui frtht'atismoskes n a aeofd Chanmpion si-su cl tinse sad bldumaui-d illumiunésuetîe o hbe gai-seur andiriver. ber.'l'bei-c ana srsîstîucoi-rdu-a lunel saing "lie ts ruth-." ue -id li hetil.hla suinta nichube rbitus iudilastiel. aswee s sa'ots-t and ble a gie-oe; 'l'et Ius, stiltc'tii-s, Cajon ssid.t thi-ceadmirable qîmoisissfor o huBbaum I 'hkno u ii-fioot nis s ou. mhem i-eu do net e-ont te caeshoot' 'IIvan suce iauI)pi tesio-hon ymo idd Vhy abeuul I rIn-t Iaîu i-i; tn?" net sonie.'ls-eiu ireenl; I nd Meane-bie NIii- tlo s as u osusr] jiaimode iime; cuînd te seai tai- the ni-en te abee Siiiutriileas standuigu-ni anc d go bonntmte. I ,arne loue. i-eu engatauil ubiglsuvtiu r ttsî o ub ,uo-, Lti-ut lHarold. a bri-hsuli at i n hi-clips '"AleaLI-' i s~Ig Ii-('asta vas co anutroui shsrt ; 11 ý Sus- (ilsînot a o b-ir?" &cec Eiro utîl lbe cintiiup ic lier. ansi 'Hie mîîil itori-msac1ItIsi, leomonlîl1 Diones aieoîipesiin a @ecatence ansi choug- îldou> thiug ratîlsr hain sîsu-uilau ouc n1 edcioi-. She toit a ticktIitii et plofs- mi-comîtan> ."ahi ostd'd bii;.1tecon i-e wssi- heone- bts hniieface uot gso o lis igle thia,' i-le bruike oct beut ounlisr iuth gu usususo smhnlrousîsn.preotuti;. '-\153lite us s toi-ment 10 me. Sanie sucdds-n ihosugliu (i titi tsîg hi-c hotitimiii u, t1 Isboals ie i misciahie pi-lie sud t iieing tiu i- ove cao s oui- if 1I fuino ii i-us e-o 3eglati mcci- tn nt lutaber irsu.sud tIen hi-i-si-oi-d. Oi isv-11., - sacue" nesv i-.uueirai s-f cibrui-si. ni chu li-.(lit-*vinohot da ;oe take me ce-tuý-- i nir itth s i-ou. nditi-rint s auîle. f-si-'ho s--l trves te pasion. "I "l'mtit a in-e outhbMeti 01m i'glati glati tist ot]is, e-bm 1 ore e-lit 1 heoai s asîL, i --la-s1 itures-a o te luri.' stiilouîi trengcth. ai-clied toa a op.s»k , io sîemmmîrind 'inbuis mitt sii t k" osur le a paaderne- 'I am rtftgg i -ms-t'sorsd.-îîm i- tIsl i s1-1 t iit saih -lati that soeu ni-epart- yen" - I itml. at - -tiie.-a'dutuh tat I canuel "Miay- iso. ou il tu1 0 .Li 1-oisul autstoruaigerIotehibpyou eheu1 square'- 55-~to lai limas c icirse foi- joui "h dire ia; t Ldy 1;mi- ui--ples "seii, se si uuok; tmi ediousee yon , iulit Un il.t t1 réel ois lîtiîr-semai "But i--ct' rsi' i 1 ii-aassel 1.t1eu 1ouIBay.-" "Itisemy dut;t stu Isl t uy3 '-NIt ium lie .îsas-lbîsriely. end ai cf ,adu a-q..s guta S .0lti1ýn 5i-O u ' . -te in,- "hon nre mottriir 'oiuc usm -nIl I ti isu tui ummsansi ai-c sti-angel; sîtetcol Is-nsul.e g -rî. t s . s I- r -t lson i i, bis hirgeheai-id, truNc.-i a t st 1n.uss ics 5 - i. tc- i.55 lers *go."1 ,, Ci-1 .ss . uins. tns-c "alltelti-igsf -o-ris . ttlis ims--iimOO ms"aI te be truattul?" hah t ir . oh r i m. hî. 5'ms 1 s is Iruikon sou-sia,"If tic; us-og.-si, i'l'im i- ImsmtiiLu.'ohtp aimam unee e-lu île si- m't ' .5 miiibtii. ,i-cLuse iope iiioae wMoe -ndh i-,go mi. s reues -s. ' m- il uttý Jsi nlokI a. a m a -0lia F i9ot Re ina.lé ta niefeet sOddCflly adO 5000 stfore ber as pale as destb. "Wlll yen neyer b.e conviuced," ho sad, psslouately. "that my love ter yeu lbeyond seif-scekins. beond donhil If Yeumili ilt se.1 i miines-er seek Yeu again after to-night."' *"I thînk 1 amn not wcii to-nigbt t amn over-tired." she -'id,. cos'ering berself; If yon will have a; carrnage sent for. i *ili go home- Ile went nt ounceand dld fnot retuca to ber untl il was resdy; then be gava ber hisart ni-nd le,] ber âay mîthout au- other word. She never looked et hlm as hie put lier into ber cerclage, snd wlsh- Pd her a gravie gcod-night; but when the door was closcd, and they bad pasai]d ti-ough the gales. sbc threw hemýeif bi-k ia corner and sobbed sncbletesa as ah.l bad ucrer n cntitemou the heur %lhe mal bors until uce. There 'swire lights Ila te dinjng i-oin syhen she retucned, and ae c ould bavcec'ntered tl. but the font- mau -tondin the wsy îvsth a frigbtened 'Not in th-ce.if ycu plesse. ma'am; master dîcoît at home. and has s party of entitln. At that mment there wa a clinkiflg of and- s oia ouand et iaugbter. la 'ho-h a shrill peail cf a usomansa vole.l was ditinctI « vaudible. I- -sClii st ou toodîl toc s momentas Il iraci 10 itoue, thon 'lie nent îipstalcrs -sîhont a ordois. Il%%a.%i-rident ails bail noi 1.-s-n xpoited hoine - cari;. she si-stooi-sîipcetio c ink. IlaeeiO- ,d ,s f -111, hoery how had failen on c'.r anl she-' r--ilv renliti i'tlor knew hatilt waa lier mini was cxbasted, and >hi> slopt boi il"v.'Thoeumit day wheu ne i-ode ie theo parL. ati-ca. ii-; cone said- -11- tirrili l il s . Clart,,n look%! bhe Ilsolcoi tgo ioct sc tocoh. or she wli e ili-d belote the end cf the Sea- -Deai- Foc.'said Winîfrcil. cidinig aP. -wbat ails yoîî you lochoksorf ont?" "I think vesterda si-as toc ranch for le." Mira Cisyton anssred. *Stop mm ni-se. Winifi-ed!' snd1 *,Ira. Clamînfl cemed for a nmonment te ceel in ber sad- lie. Winifred raîight the brie. and stopped ber ce-n hore. '"Oh. tord Ilari-aid ' she cied suddcniy te the gentleman e-ho rodie beside ber, go ta the ciher aide cf Fce. and hold ci- op;:&lie La faiuting- In à mententlhe htbal si-mraround he?. nd bad lifted ber inte the caddie. trou blcb able bad parti; slipped. Mcc. Ciay' sun ecovere-d hcr-elf almost immedtatély. -Tbsnk ycu.' she sud. mu-b a gbaaty tiempt et as mîle. "a suddengialdinese 'sue me home. W~initccd. xiii yen?" *'Tes. dai-iing." Mm .Cisylon remsined the whale d&y an tbe sota.s. aarriy apeaking. Viîifi-ed Wooid nett enu-cber for a Moment. She .tbed ber torebead. and watched aud sothed biei- mbn abe turncd on ber Sida ad misncd. 'Tt my bead. my bead.' che mur' îored now snd again. 'I thîuk 1 amngo' ogt mad.' And tben Winifred thought Lt time te send for a physicien- *,Ili ta sni-cioua attecli." he said. mbez e bad ses-a her: "thbhi-sm aeemcta bave ceen oeercited. ln a day or i.MamUis inayton miii lie qoite bei-self agein."' (To b. coatinued.) A DISAPPEARINO STREAM. 'h. Dry Forli *fAsbles' Cek. la Nora-hwe.tera Utah. Somne curions cou-dations are beinil made by the United States geologicai urvcy. A recent report tran C. T. Priait, one if the bydrographera of the survey, ball reported Une existence of a aitreau ebose mater, ln the sommer season. enttrely vanishes mldway lu Ils course. The river la kuown as the Dry Fork, a smail sti-eam Lu uorthwcstcr U tah, rlbutary te Asinle; creeh.. About four- ceen mites fi-cmIlis source lu the Ulula noutatus tbis stream i-cachies a large bastizor i-lnk. wliose watts ai-e from 75 te 100 foot hlgb. exceit oit the up- sti-ena uie. The poot la apps.rcntly bat- tomî ad the waterIn luIl revol i-ea c'ith asoes.cii-culai- motion. caused 'liber b; the iucomiug waters or by indieon fi-cm belce-. or both. The oniy visibte outiet te ibis pool la a flan-cm rock cbaanei"i.f riim bu-b a little mater IlowiL, but la sooln lest te sIght a fcw hundred yards bcew. A measurement of Une main strcam lest abuse the pool sbowed a volume of 96 caie feet et s'ate- paslg eacb second, bunt this enu Ore flow tllsappeai's lu tbe basiuand the stream bcd foi- miles bciow la per- fectly dry. About scu-en mites below bhis iiiterestliig licol siere found sevria. Spr-ings. otie cf tiîom lu a large bote tweiîty tive leet lu diameter and twetity reet dve'p, whîî b aitlimes ai-e cmpty sud again ÈIIs'd witb mats-r. Itla tbouglit tisai hii tner whicl i dsnp- pi'am lunthe upper plo insunuder- gi-ound stîcîs iselwInsith e gravela wbicb foimtihe lied ,-f the stceai.and la tImes cf coîtîfeli boas ici-tissu usual appeurs ngîîu inin pait lu the large Spinlgs l-LîW. Oliita Contittutioni. W-r Made by limite. Au oticer non na Eugiand senda the folles'iîîg i-iciy fi-orn Siutîs AfrIca. for the at-v-ira(of if v hbe vouclica- '*A brigade bad beeri iarching witb scorcet; anu;food uer ntirly twcnty- four boni-s coîîtlîîîîîusly ll'benIt hbllt cd sud ratious nîepsoi-ced eut sud the s'iolii u-g baitlv-ouiiieiuved ons't-i-gi ment ws' nssked b; the bri-gade manjor te ex- îtsguish 1ls tii-es. as *iley n-ci-cnet ln huie e-ita tiiee of lthe i-igiiooist 011 lia right.-'hbe C. 0O tsf the ri-gIment lu question i-i'moiisti-siî-l as strongly as psossible, pclctiug o-ut tbot If tlhe tires w-rprout eut Ibore nould bu' ucither lime uts- fuît (thle latter n as very sca-ai-nsd timlted lii quantit;> te gel the, ssokluigtllsbud before ibe troopu bad to moi-v-b off. But lu spite ot att be vouid say th e brigade major laisted. Iffeges et Gee en Latins Chucebea angae u îOsttua pend. la the place eofa&U places on eath weie peace sud gond e-l I nght b. ex- pected ta reigan ndisturbcd a ierce bat- tle lu wblcb irs men mer. dangerousty woundcd bai recenti; talien ptace. The. acene of this sîruggle mas tbe Chrccb ot the. Hot; Seputcher ai Jerusalem. wulnh la bulît on the site of the supposed tomb of Christ. and Uic combatauta mece mem- bei-a ofthe . reek and Latin ebursîbea. The lrnmedlate cause ofthUe troubla was an attempt by the Latito se cp tbe "*quadrangie." or court, arouud Une churccbItselt. Thi, s.laof coursae. boly gcound. and the prIi-llge of keeping It dleant; swept bas foc yea s een clalmed and defended jealeesi; b; the Grit cburcb. Tbe Chai-ch ot the Sepuli-her ltcelt ia looked after hy a ricai- cutadlan-svho, b; Uic way, masone of those njnred lu th. receut hatlle-and a 1cm asslIstanto appolnted b; the Turkish gai-rament. 000 AND REMARKABLE THINGS 0F l.AST Y EAR. Kentucky's Bigh SlangbhtOr and HI<ls Whlaki, Marka-W oudeesof Matrl' xuouyý Divorce, Travei end Prodnc' ti.0 Record ilceakca. The ii-st ;ear cf tihe twcutletbcecuroy ssii'many cm i-o. irda esabtiâhed ia varonies lbes or Issu inu actîvit;. New- Year's dsy there o- i-o iitrl;deatine trom violeut causes lincious parts of Ken. tiicky. Tbe record _it s igb ataughter mark. Kentucky ai> eclîpsesaait records lu anether directiou. tas. 29, a Kentucky flirtm uold a Chicago bouse 860W harrels of whisky, whlch La ihe tai-geaI single transaction la lilqor ci-cc known. The matrimonial Usoit usuailY ban big tbinge teabow- lii c3esc. Alit nuptial sîîeed records was-eii nîashcd SondaY. Aug. 10, at St. Jose,i'îiiich., Chicago'$ t3retne Green, e-heu îwcaty'aceven couples trom Chicago werî' ltfl; spllced lu une bouc sud tbree-qiîat irs. cccouple thug i'cu-Ing tesasthan lite minultes le go tbcougb lhe miii. Tl'iic niiter n-hoa l 1901 cdaims the rcci i-sie-Uirefeceuce lu the grand total Af mariaglesudndft- necats, eonuccted o th a long miitera@ life. la >ev. J. Ni liougt; Of Maonc City, lit. Durlng hoic ai-er ausae ici- *r. a perind of sou.- isot; ycai-s.lie has married 1357 i-octupli n d couducted 1.00 fanerais. T'.,iing tce cd"""i-e ide et mati- mony-a %:de pecotliarl c ii-blu pced records-euoe ntu -onsld teck le Chi- gags, Oklahoma oi- thceIlakotas for in- nec,. The Chiragoedus-irice cai"- dar for tbe ear tiinl Li' telar per- formance lu the ic isirIl s. G. hrucgec. Iltanok th!* lady s t-ic legs than tri minutes te conviacei-eJîsgc Donne that "b0 ougbt t)s b. eut hume fi-cm ber bus- baudtHenry Willlisiu liueger. Referring tca tei lu ti-as cil Itcertain- ly e-as a giest yesr for the automobile. Even Ila the»e daisofcf-iou-i-ceort- treaklng snucb a performîance as that af Henci Foucnier, the Fi-eui-b hauffeur. who drove a beai- Fi-chi-ri-eing ma- chine àalmile in fi 4-5 secOnda Os the Coney tsland boules ard. in Niscember, e-as moat noiee-ortby. The long-distance i-ecord foc horaclesa vebcle, e-as broken b; Arthur J. Eddy. of Chicago, a foi-mer pieident efthIe1 Automobile Club ot thst rity. ln sxt; deys. tro u#a. 1 te Sept. 30, bc coseredi 2,900 miles, traveling tbrotlgb Michigan,1 Indiana. Ohito. Pennsylvanie Nee- Yack. New Jersey. M&tach-ustea nd part -f1 Canada. He a-ced about 100 miles1 a day. and aItîmes malntained a specali ot forty m=nue anurouc Wonder& Incident te travel vere Pro-1 claiaaed la other classe,; toc ezampie, the nncballenged record ut Chai-les Bel- laany, s Burhington Railroad fii'emaaas W-ho lu elcycu ycars et faithful nrlice traveled 000S40 miles aud shou-led 32.- 501 tons ot goal on the way. lie n3ec lest a trip or reccived a scratch througb arident. Rallcoad men aY tUtiat in lAa case of physical endurauce neyer equsled. An cugine on the Gi-et Northern Rail- wes, lu England. ahi-h mas built in 1870.,i-empleted in August an aggrsgste ot 4000000 miles. hieakiug the Engliis record in Iis respect. The speedieat long-distance detîvery cf mail ci-cc se- cnmplshcd in the moi-id e-as Ibatoftthe consgument e-hicb li tSidney.sti-aLiâ. Oct 15, for London, Englanil, by the American route. A distance of 152tiZ miles e-as covered in thurtyonue dasa.à saviug ot four daya ni-cc Une Sues canal route. il e-as a fruittul year lu uaprccedcuit- cd finaucial. commercial aud induatrial tcasiactions. The lai-geai aipmcnt ut gold e-bu-b ever teft New Yorkk lu a sin- gle da; aoc sent to Europe Nov. 19 on the stcamahîp Kaiser Wlibelm der Grosse. The sum mwas $.5,53 .N o other slip la the monlda istory bas ci-cc hee a. iti; la den. Anther record la uotcd Lu the amatemnent tiat et the opcnlng o! business ou Jai; 31 heti Uait- .d Statcs i-esai-rybad lu ts possaession Une argcst fund of gild beldi b; an; na- Uion lu the morid sud the greateat ci-cc uwncd b; tht, goverairnt, the arnount ieiug $Wi4,35-4,279. Waflstreet hadl à record-breaking de; on jau- 7, -siheu for l'tii-srt tur n uthe blatocj' ofthie New Yi-k Stock Exi-bange mors than 2.000,00 chai-es moi-e ti-ded la onau l iancduri-ng the iehours ut business. The lai-geai single ecier eeri-gis n oufr e-st-bo aanarecejved is; an Amnerian manufactui-er trom s l.ý,cnaiirn, the former sgi-e.g t- deliler iss bis custom- ci- 2.0000 imepiees ibhis teelve montha. A-iL. Schadfer Of Edigar- Cous- t;, Iii., hart sted tbe iargest cerop of perscorn cier gaihered un the worid. Fi-r bis 10'2 sai-es hbe d 18W0 hisheis. a yieid ortaalutile ovsci euteca bushels to the acre. hI-ecst hum $17 an acre te iaise, sort. abeli auni pa; gi-oud iet. The minier w-lent yleld ethansasa for 1901 maw.. b45 u4 ssheis. valued at $W.479,540;.and hi-cakiug tbe preccdîug yesr'a i-cior-i b; 13450.070 busheta. These te-e ws-ie the iacgcat mbeat ci-s es-er gi-oms b; an; State. The ii-at year ofth liewc osniaiy mas an ail -oud i-cc- ovd hi-caler foi- the faetrsrcfO the Unit- cd States. 'rhe cuti-e ycar'a amrpiusaoe the producit f id andI tai-m sohd clîresîlarnotied te ns i-sta in $500.,- 000,000. Chailes M Scie-ah. presdeni cf the United States Steel Corporation, ilaua- thorit; fer the statement bat teel ban suppisated costton lu Indîstrisl kiugsbip; that il exceeded the uoteten indust-y in 1900 b; more tioso $100.t00,000 sud for 1901 e-lit excee i t b; moi-e thon $250,- 000.000. Reports et pig ion manufacturersai-ou-- cring produc tion Lu Octol-er show thal thcernnnth osas a record breaker, the ont- prt reachlng the giestttla i .450.000 toua, or nt tic cote et 16.800000 tousaa ycar. Alil prorieus tonnage records wei- tbroken darîog December at the Csrnegie qateel milis ia Homestesil , etotal eut- aput fur the îîîotb being 825.801 tous, es- clusive et ai-moi- and sailîci- rgoveru- ment plste. Thc distribution et mages et Dec. 15, roverlug thi-s e nochaggre- gntcd $5M,4i)o. the biLgest p~ay do; ci-ci ku omu ai tht-a plant. GROWTH 0F COTTON tNDUSTRY. Manuntctung ua'Suie-a Stlafat.r;lu- cr-elun t..t Te- Veara. A tahemnent elhisaitiniatticentent et thee ction mnnufatniuriusf indut-; ut the L'niied Stutes foi- tise ocar 114434).asicm paresi miti 1890. biks hceu suedbsciv hi;îe censua lui-cou. 'TIe satieluetefl ines tic total value c or-tun rmanstta-tiLg producte nt $336.974.882. n gain et mai-e thun 25 per cent mnuc 18910.'flic um- lien of establishmntsin LuIhl0a-ns1,051, s gais ofut 1<pccciut he capial ernpioy- cd, $467.210.15,7, s giLu cof 32 pei- cnt; saaied offictuas. 4.996. s gain cf 84 i-cc cent; ameunt pais iInsaalaries, $7535.129. s gala of 117 per i-ont: ai-ci-utcnumier t mage cannens, S8,la gain etfliM pei- cent; ttali e-ge iabr. $9384532, a gain of 36 per iet; ceut oet mtecîsia uuacd. $176551.527. e gain et 14 per icnt, e MILLIN FOR CHARITIES. Esîluaie. of Masalîcuat Gifat. suiga s Il a rei'es- of- et isncos conditilons ansi other malIers, a Chicago paper pt-unisa comnplete ils t of couui-butlonc 1; phlanu- ibropuste li- 'ili ans irLect giltiduing ntic yesn 1901. rtk.'lh Tic yeuc e-as totalert hiegift ai-a-es $12388K732. Ticmoi-id bas novor lietoe etomu oui-i geuci-eit; as îbsc se a single ;eai-. Of k ihe total otuserînt caoiteebslic ,gi-en mc cuhucatinai institutions the. npriaicii- am rumc l'..-O0. tus harities t.$22214,470, teui-burches $6.298.489. tu nmuseurna ansi ai-i gnlerieî $11.133112. sud to hibas$15.388,732. Brînt Nem. lui-a Ae Àpeatoffico bas licou oounbliisiicsea Bingen, O. T .siîito ,nsul ]G. 'TLuomes ras posttinsic-. Fine denîrcyssdS-o(iI-rs ioîurtmenb a.mi-e In Victoria, B.t'. T'nu-bos u s- jtimnatcd at $250,00U3. f A nem recordti 1rio' for sAs-satssiitise N, Nee-Tort Finc.itise wnus tali lisimesib; s sale et $8000 cr A bill ba$ been dnnfted lu lia Attor- ýd ne; (eial's office. at the 5elost ni y. Goy. Nab, providîns for a corporation I tu la oile. TERRIBLE REBULT8 0F FIGHT IN PANAMA HuARBOR. Five Veasela Reporti u snk-Tha'e Rebet Bouai. Loat-Teo (loaernmnti Shipa Aisen, Gou Ibte Boitosu 00v' ei-no f Pa..-.K illeat. Auiricîs us -ru- rceivîl ta Ni-w Yerk, Mniausiti; itCoSsi. . 1.R.Shoici-, gî-ui'i- slpiti'i.tistitonfuir ths' ltinu itailis a3 ' sgthot thi-s lu- surgentli sut tors i--sus-i-rucnueiusuels huit bot-n .1111ii t Iiatie 'l ali i ugugî-îaîît n hianitla lui-lir. 'Thc nosi lîîtîvlu l-gui ai ci eu-loi-k Ln the utiiiîg Li ii i heharlutti 'f Pl'tiau. The i-es sutitutur; lstIc îîîieîlof the steautors l'.diiia.tDaieLîn ait-iGauta. '1hey atteiiiti-d to fini-ie i luiilitg ssff Sacana. "liteGu i-i-ulielt-aii olîa cre the ('hilcan Uteus- astn îc la suisui-u. hie Pacifie Stlii Nas ig'iti.s ouoilttUitt'a steaumer ('ii-îitsî tidthe- l'anntsuaCanai Cemî)t un- s it-a ier Tha-o 'ite ts uanidn-as ossCOu(lieGi-oAibin antiiih,' other taso hal oi i u îlsuurît blu;,I,- '- luttubiatu t; tricii t. tTitietUnitedtStaica crulsî-c I'il t i là n l oto t s e t ti'a-cuti' of thei-- lig. t 'Tle Suiteiî' l.uiîuîs.ît i-cii uslth,-. foiîîsiug v-tuliigi'îisfi-oui ( sansul Gtn ci-il ssPîîc.iauunihîittlui "lighttîtg sinlii>. cssExtt- -,il cittellitil g tt- iî1sual i- i4 iîthe î'capitaliouithels'Stete tf ltsuaitiioui uni. sofit i it ooo'i.owt Cits-s a in tI- I .iisi, tau orfI'iitutt It la on tise (,Ifoit uituasand ouîîîh efth Ibelitliutieu t Pl'suisuui. It 1ta il' st5iting t-palit tf tei-l'aiiita u-ai Onit la a favurite isîuitu,- intus iti 4(looisi;"lie Cul; Coutatos ssa i ilsimiifsut40.q551. aoi Its more lIportantuuliai-i standls ion sp- ninaular tonuse ior-land,.arrotsa ahi-h it4i etreetae etensi frusi ui i-itii e.a.Iltita a bishopa s-e, ansd issîs s laîî,loîn sallie- dcii andi tise ether t'itlsiiie churi-is. Iti has a nu-usai andsi s-i-ih piuury scisools, ail sîsmiuîns-îl lu> tit'he smîO Varions i-suis suie sshi hltîîristel; enjti cii bas' les-,n ihîiiiifuir oi'iutiui unies. l'ailil i s mtlip oii a ami ii ii- e-spa- 1 pou- tua apsuaiu, I iti-iiii I-ugliah sud Partci li. in.Thlie i-i--anuitful of the tis' alit 'îuîî,nîî sufi-tit i îxii-en isa imeDt> sule tu's'. mus1slog iii ni, l bIiii, ic a% aisihr Itu' iýtamilse frisusthe shore. T'I'iiltrîs1ra,îrsî' nh>us ni'rons La-tsansd iimils" -e su' boc lige. 'lsbeCi-ty; tuasiît i ttic trauhe. altboîugh Uic Coutry; ruitlau--su La ttile I us a station foi- ihe-unilastsi*"l nUnrleS et the Atlantio sîîîlils--se ta the Sith and Centrcal .Nulri-iis i-rimai sn the l'a vifle, udItla the l'a- Ocîtermtinusa cf lb. Panama Rali-tall. o. li bconîîacoîatht, place muîh Actuluosal n lie Atils ide of thetaihiaits 010 PATH' TO LIBEF,-rY. Pso unMeNd.ia . land. Fleven ut the montî desîuc-te prison- ea lu the iUîiuti tates peiteullai- oun %u'Neil'a Isand, W'ash -easped Handay atterýnion Il as theumont ldsting andi ssi-casi liii lbi--akiîg ever attemplteil lu the Siate. .A, tintt--ick-o alilet ccili Na 10, s-bit-h ms iuipesi b;Con- victi ayo;en asd liai s. ri-caîrd the mesciifetxci'pe.Tise 'sali in about a fout thI-l, suit the fluoro e Uic ccinlaoe the sa i lhcktasanausinuscovei-ed eitb concrete. A tunnel e-a dîug t Uic June- lion of the e-al andlthîe thou-. alcPiag oasti e-ai-dl;,util it tormias onuection mth Une air chanlis-r-abontii Io tee! below and s fioitfi-ouIl'l ccrioia- malil etthe Tbrutuigh ti iar i-bniulw-r tbe 1I-risonei-s i-i-seIcifiait; fm-i-t tuos',is-rýi-t opini-ul luto the bluier r -on.tut i i.iibeniag biun domrere.iI> t'iy , lau i--n ui T'i . ls i-te e-as occoiclill' uts-0-O att- tbm pri-isi-cs it- tiou-il -Itus iiali, issu su tihe liscIiulAci ut,,' s ir i-seuiloiu sicos tihe ciard I ii i . is-th, - i l lc s A tee- lardla fi-uthtit' jriso giitihe- dense" iimitiih-tuilr tt,îlim )ii uîa acf te -u- sut-tiiri M'CALLA TO BUILD CLUSHOUSE Pele l Ney 0 n 1,1 51e Oli, M ., a ,u a-Puît sÉ.\uiel lac ('Apti .Iii Il 'î 'i nI.. i-i' st, 'm t 1,bSi Ami 1i'la. u -ti. i, lha, i I ls h i, ni i a a ii 5 1 tus nidmy sing 5i--s g -h s it u i. -l Issusdha m puuoIutia >i.,. -u ia lngtheiî-mî iuii.t. 11e-Ici lM-iiii hhen ffiiiiiiiid mi- i et.Fraude A 04" 7 The galant Wintbrestmnt bu thé brutot the flghtlng lu the Vines fornme tîne, sud a a tt *i à brave Amerîcan lad boas son.416w». with bIs face te the oe. The third Se' verse wblch bas; overtaken tbîs reglMlélt- receti; was that et the day heUore Christmaa. n-heu a detachmelt tOf u- - pany FI wass aîîuahed b; a band ef botomen and a lierce band-to-baad Aght feilometl. Befisce the Filîpînon wefe driven off mviii Amîercian soldiers wer. kilteil sud six ssiîli.Amiot tbe lot, ter nos Canîti. t-i-ibisA. SebOefelelOf Rochtioli.mite tsfthe hi-a-et soliera lu Uuclc e iicac'ie (apt. Sebocfel hegan buitii-sghting -ai-esc i-heu a atudeut ut W*est 'oint. lus name mas brougbt inte consiîlei-slle pcniiee duclng the Investigation ie tothe îdeuilof Cadet Booz on the student Who bn ippcd evm geai, the, lattis." a test feet 48 met an table toll *eai glas wi tbout oi-ek. if Fathe Aad , Bo n n Or se Tm ib L a d g y , ,lut a Wben Ni Can bar If en ,ef courf Until And tii. And - But If 1 Wby. Or pots *Cause A-ad *as Yoîî -Womm auss, iails HIsau 10ibiS CLAI. tiue oa aite Ibat sas brouit b- fori- _umth irti;linail, ire oet liu golng disin lietuie hlm ln une dayu. HfiaWo-u uts-inlpi--scbas lione releliratesi la the anîsisosut1 ue inaiLtutionk. Sebocifel e-as eueisutfte ii-at nie" terllmhSau Jussu hslh île e-a pc-ent at the alege et l'ctin. ant-t si-asuit abhe lu tbé teed drieiathi' icharge io milci Col. Liau'im, s oft i nustrsthile Niual b. as tileu. IissiSt lusffrl us thse din ot a lrsernneut ttti Cîi 'il Vsacroictran, NO MERCY TO REBELS. Reconcenilon and lb.nt, n.ariîg P.csit af PîlisulssBagmua. lialitng taulcd ul hucng 15-nyesrs' trife lu suihuuing thei' iturmi-uait in Bstasns' ga 'i-ovuncc, li-h li-a huai aoutb ot Mnisustandsou asiu bs-eue s'onvinco liatIthiaittiesinseut osuthibInaurgent@ la produis-ii-e tut nougu-id i-i-ula. Cen. J. F"ranklin a-Lu, usiluar coummuander lu liaI pi-sussue. huis des-idesion lb. ea- forci-meut sut tie mari-nu the meat vigor- ouianmsîdeti(rmineti tasion, invoîving ne' -naui-eutiin a m iuulied tai-m. the ap- plicioîsufetmacisal lase luailHdiceclons and the an-psitmg liaisuit sud ponah' ment of nativce- ho art s. &ptes aud Irai- tocs ta tise United Statsa AIl tuis ppeam r iu.ra long reporIto tie W'ai- Iepartmeni The recocen' ti-atian ordec ini substance pi-ondes for Une esîabilluhmeut cf a Loue ai-oud tie garizLona tutoirbs bthe fri-endi; Iniabit' anta ai-re ha' -rcqai-d la came under penalty uit c-mutIla atisun ansd destruction of Uneur îropri;. Ibia sa atdle b. uees- .asi-;t.ep-veathebcoi-tc-iou uf toreed contribustions fi-uni the Luabtauta hy lb. hnuntgeais. Tic militai-; ollicers ai-e ai- soeiite iilteîr icic e c-saries of lite sud t la proulared t Iboth people me; celui-nes, sosn as lii.cufuî candi- micsasrie eistbiahch. 'fbia oculcinusfsulu-ed b; s longit e a- lh b; l-a ltiI ie uaaiîon cmeumuI- ci, -e. inenluuting ua ixing conditioni and gu'inmt bsrns-- hem te pioced. lie mas3 t u -îi îstie at the lune- ientiissi s uffer asis tise gosi;, but lbe gisreaI faisutti' li-cam-t uumboc -nL t- bosîgbtsablui touet b; pullîug a hicsmpht endito te is., tuait riedUi. Tic-e- t-.Itruoiucsa'ia liii'appliîcation ot gen- -rab r-lu0c in of--i-oc .hiag tic Cia-il Luri luihý - ut.-. hSrtc, mili hpri-- -ails regîtris su suîsuucgî'sî as a guermula. s ljtii e tiis lait- etf'-louiiid e-ai-trai-nsd îîju'tustti' mh-th iii'uisby e-herever SsmI la is-ti o - ualiii engage lu lb. i-il "-s Clt- eeusl i- orATSR AIIO OS fqlîer F W'u'tl. t ot pit. tics e lies ta W. A. A oui Le Ly Nes-asFareaceaFind sisa R.sing Tiseici-gi' nembrof c imme cemlng jute i-be Nebraskua Stote Aut-os office toc soamtuossun sos sandi i-ytsi-mtehiaeW te île dia.mii er; lhitIBorne f-rmers sud rancliers in the wmust-ru part outhUe BIaIs have g is'siteuts' ýbusinless ot bieeding iht" inatiiiala tfr-thc boti-ty martet. Iniosubi tLnaîaî-s sritan mas tound to hiavoe r-issu-iut-r,- tisais100 -ai-e lest suitinci fi--mianiuma1is15lichast trappeti oi îîneuîî'o p fisc uat porpîsce. Otier ans"ea -ie uuenihiil aloi-e fi-uni lite-ci to mi> c f ith- ,inal-Oimbail liccu eai-cii lu Ocîoe- ismum Ns - ubur tise; mer. liliesiand ilsui-r. alps lirýeiitesi for rt- louitIn ci the '-III. e ,f île suuhi- cîlu su -acitomiai;. Tbs- Sînue n- îtiîîrîzî.s tic county oiti-k te to a; $3frisa île ceni;funsi lui ens-h-i5v-ic s(ýr-r"asst ssnip preseateti. tattIl etisfiu"s ils' fui-t te the audilor. mb5 psuys $1 aihuuîa.FOUr doua"s ,,s- ca -Ilsyirss>-oe pays btter th&,, huit ratOl iisi indntiiai;sonne fermer& hase turiuaut tli- attention te Uis lu- sisrîr; '1ite ais' 4 o as sed ears smo Ex-sesatou leds a New Yoii- hank- usun ithe as suf alsci-oic wei-ctheegreal lnsag..d i sue lutxeiiîuuuse 4.riplinsby. tos'a otthe caiuie anti aiecp men. Iu In mptu rît st ii, mo-fuîuthsîîeîs tufI hoie lmet(isn yors $17A0,tOOhue becu p&14 "mnu'; ))iu et sit it i,ýii iitii ' ti galuai b; tic Mtate siono as borimt;. Wall nsi-u'et,. s Si'uiitui-Cbobes A. Whist malles the State autiorîllea an Toens'Latus e"ntei- iat ihuosscbefure. giicri-la tathene La noîhingte10pievent Tic frcm et c' . '[mus suie &Ceo. haul-r@a imus frein i-ucning sas"sîbt i-ncb if h. sud bhrm.n Iicieus)y itinstsoitteornuti-s desscec te. lit Nos. 63 sand iS l(':b.scc nd mu la Said Luegmsuuatussus s obn'eutcauuuîbuteu fer the sie- i-utt-t'ru ici n'îuc'a sainu Une iNemwh.rk Ssii,-k Exvhsangi' [n Nîtu;. M01ihil.Lit il-er t a i us-e~a' tiildiun 'hxtn.'suii'îsu oi-edfrein ,' »luth IV i tt'.a thei 1 ut-e'tiln et anti y jc~ moe;,' t liis fri-'.iiegs'tgei-tiai a gooui naine e-a luitiir ibuim niras;. auduthe ec- Benaten, we-l unirotisre-i tus usmus ise lawe, went ta isouile a t-sss.Ih,» sece.satol; hIinu asale gîtosa îlot Ceplaîn Clark Ilomt'e-si aitr-g"mne u itsnu itax 1011 ilit iiil- su> il r rtiliion hb; sirvtng menthe ngo e-ns ratosi a nîrbîlotuaire. laie. MINERS IN CONVENTION., ii-e futre tIti'BiLibsihace caplored île Spot ihi-re iben. Bohae-as s tee- Ncarl , a .04>0 leeîa iAteileece itrusr. heoue. ,etldi Youis1ud.hniug lMr. I'hlbbiîua hca ucceeded lu Neaci; 1.11h43 utuimîrî of tise [mUunii mrîsncruîîrthat ri-tustaugerous eu-ca MineaW1r'ci- os- ri-as5 u-clu-a ssenv pi-sent ssliu'îumliii mu i ý rutfui-n. at lie tlii-umsfnli aumsiiil conentionma sai htltuu '[bîcu ('sîluaisisuolttisatihobIe- t epenesiiiIsu itsi t IL,1t lb.hitiaua hOu iil tîe Nltisuit' srobmum nîs ucompeteut 1ta lis. Dlesgttussoi-e ir-au t tv-som tas on-limv I i iilut> hîlousu l-toui- Stutes ioiii'uusti i-si-> ut siti-iiiha-cl acmnei minluous sdm hailsisbiius' ilîîikuulmiusitoîîis s tb iii ut tissu1 îl hae; coultedis Uitedi Sta. B lT-t ilii-st. lh ii ui.ltole tm the b sitis s-i-lab e hu aid gad. BiitishI lusbuscliader,'i - i u sii intia ucoln- neTo adgrd t-mett>ui but u t i 111'(onlmtitii-ta. sss the 015rui. gucat of i Mînsi utShiibaish.1 mii uitl' iioisb in luti-3t'5 oat cauacd the ci-a. liiiii lO<a 0ils unî' "fthemiss- u sei-iuu lots tutuiet Sisei-ulator Phullîpu 5 turcs aofîthes'.îuî s-tsi s-mbuttas i mi sii ati iii mi e ticela hope. The ecuýti itituts sa u m-suîîîî iuti toi-niam. tie joinhrti-otre wis theIti-era.itsi-e King Ede-o t-sin usaisi, se@, th. mu of Ohio, 1'o.uus>Is auis, Illinosis asurIn- ot tice-ai-, subimusa ieboacouatsd m dianas siouhti hîgin. 'hils last confier'.cuideflce of uery good eemigit for «Se - anc. mwiii probsimhy lsat for ten da;s. hia age. i ait m.nor taunLY BsUI-squxas Who b lsi ieguin m-s ies 'tVari-ous oui e religions sects e-liahave ihorchez ef liei- Oaa roundabocut ni-e, bia er, ai- Iumed te boid occasionsu] ecsici-s lIere. amongt Unc the membera ut the Latin or Ruslan and Uic Gceet chui- rae- ho bai-e lust corne lui-enfi-I. The guacds genecali; land thein bauds particulsi-ly full afier e-bat la tuowuas Une "miracle outhle saared fOre," milci consiste lu the appearauce ou thc allai- ot mysterionualonguesetfuame at lie end ut thc arr-ires,. amanifestationi mil-i outsiders genecait; aitibute lu souris rcu-ver tic-l. Upon lie appemi-suce oft tus f"tie emuet violentssct otfmnu-gty Ilu varisil; rates place, and I la bard mort fui- the guarda te pieseut the rlîglOus fanatis-.ram Inîtucîssi cdi ttur. Tiec iusiody et tic bei; tabe-uarl wu$a eue ot tic ostenuiibe iscae rthl.'cI menu e-ar, snd as tus l ulîenictY tire bas becs conulitamnug atuilenta loi- centuies. KANSAS' LATEST PLAGUE. Pei-î»Dogt Rend- (:-]a-.a1,000,0O A.csof Land. Woric b; tai- lias thue terrible pisguls ot gcaashoaupers ocf his.',' uhai of the pri-o-e dogts-rmm abtlhKansas aa Dom suffersng. These sctive litile irestai-es hâu-e rspinred 1,000.000 acres ef choie fsi-ming land, lurinug t loto a lenaraies of &and hilhia nuitmounda. uider e-hI-h Uic; matetheur bouses. Kansasaoffeca $5.045) remard ta au; On@, we- s-uaceasfcihm ecpe xiii ibe peut. Hundi-eda bore triei. ici acne have suc- ceesird, assi tle ucm4ec of ltiLe anil mals la ini-rosng.i An officia] report i-s-os-ciFi-issuielsh sow$ liai 1,2'24,97,14 at--esbucbeeuî roineti entirely b; tic pria-uriesPg 'I bei-c si- dug tue-n a insome efthue siestern Kansas counthiceiug i00,000asors. miierelu nu les, tinuefflO000 luttayascneround. Tic report aise maies ubat 1,400 blauhus wecc.sent eut, sud (M rei-'Vlles tabuistesi '1heze show ibsi liofSet ic10, ocnimes un Kansasarsie ufflicici nuib île Peut. lu WVallace Costy ailb thmei-utile on tne range bav-elies-n taken se-ay, becausse Ue; refuse tu est Une gi-ses he-Iictic doge have iun, InLuhogan Causty ai; i-c men ai-e pastauigbut hboithlb-nemnber tic) didlent ;e5i-, blruco e us-ther aidle. hors., uer sieep sii eslt gi-usesatuer a i-ahi-le dot bus uibled Oi-til.L At the lesat sesiou et the Stute irgia- lai-re $5.000 mas spîtropiatesi te bc usesi in u-ddaug ihe inîeci-ici ectiosi cf dogc. ln esch townsipOse man e-as oîuîuel5ied tu bu; ansi dîirtlsue poison aboce tie bolea. These mca. 54K4 lu nusbrhor e bocu buyuiug potassaandsh tsibuting t ca-c rie--escs natilusuc-- ouithe dogearsie oui-e ninistia iîsu e i, tic; lieing toc cîuai9taf io oituieai-seniO midi- bas bei-nilu slnistemsptîng bta or gi-aa ans iditi in iiîriî paibo 1 TOWNE ENTERS WALL STREET. 1

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