CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1902, p. 8

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Rockefelle r Items. lire. 0. AÂ Niobolas, of Estervilie1 A gentie fat of ,now Monday even- 1OW04 te lb. guest of lier sister Mr@. ing bruite a long contloued spell of the L . E. olcomb. muet beantilul woter weather ever dias Laura Bartlett, of Evaustun, experienced ln titis latitude. vlsited wtb ber cousin Mise Anua Mayi "Oh wby sbould the spiri of mur- Oronkhibe over Sunmay. tl be prend" when lie la liable to fait Fred Bapke, o! Waneonds, ba opened abarber aliop ai theietural botol. Lets al gei a gae. A large number ot people frein ibis place attended lte furrai o! John Melhe t 1Ival e on liottday lira.F. R. Anderson andi î'hîidren dowf udtobreak litîs neck ounlie aide- 'cal, almost suywbiere lunItie village. Coatlng dowu a long naturel bllI snd out on the ponti, ou au old fesli loned pair of lbobleighisha furnisbed great amusement for our youug people Ibis 'inter and eome of ilie older boys bave joined lunIlie fu. are paying a sumeushatliengtby viil iiy tie way, 'cby cannot Rtockefeller te relativegsued frieud tîsai(;Iuuview, get une 0f tbe noeus oanning fac- Ili.icries thel are aboutl l e leestublisliod lin, sud lira. Lyman (arutey (if luintortberu Illinois. It wouid uot Minneapolis, vlited afitlte homel~eoly iesa greal lelp le the town, but Mn. and lir@. Chias. Lîtel a lem, days would greatly beeit the uear-iy lest week. larmers as 'ceil. Our public aceho,,t betl a mlal Chiîdrein Especially Linhue. session tesI Sattîrday unidIlicu lok a 1Barns, bruises and cula are extremeiy Vacaionon oudy onavruntof ir.paIn!u and if neglected often reaLttinl vaclin u ondy itaceun e lr.blood polsonlng Clilîdren are Melles limerai. eapeciatly fiable to sncb mishaîts be- cause not s0 care! ut. As a remeiy De- Mis Lvdla Hnigge and seter Manda Wits Wtch Hazet Salve isauequalled. i came over from Palatineono Saturday. (raws oui the tire, stops tlie pain. sotin1 for a few days visa fai ltbornof î ir. biltIhe woîind. Beware of countor- aud tMr@. NW ilI niggvt lfets. Sure cure for pilem. Thee i plntyof ool fl tiR own IlDe Witt's Wulob Bazet Salve cured Titreta tety f cet ii iti twumy baby o!fezerna alter lwo piymi- for several miore entierpri-ss A drugl clnsgalve ber up,' wntes James MorI, stoe, milinry t3e sd ajewler iN. Webster, Iud. oThe sores 'cors su stoe. rnliioryeiJe sd aîese-lrrbad silo soled t'co t10lire dreoeesa dey. store should ait dD m'el bore. F. B. LovELLt, Liborlyville. Ivanhoe Items. 11ev. Bain uccupiod the pulpît biet munlty mourus tiadesîli. Tie fanerai Bunday lu place o!f1ev. Alexauder. wblcb occoreth bo iuse on, linday Ereest I)uddipm jofi (litsw'cool for rin ai I cocit wu au tuoesuatly Iowa whlirse eexpecte h, remalu for tlange une. 1ev. hiF. lMorley otiiriated Bomle lime. Erue8tistaonusof our momt l, large nuittion of grief strîmîsun popular yolung mqu n ud we wii uiss rlsîle8andilfrieude f<dtuwod file him. I rmaine 10 Rose illicemetery 'bore With he pasingRway f 'Ji 'hey were iuterrol. [lie many beauti- Whib be pusing i'cay ci .iiit ]futfloral trîtîtte. 'ciici 'ere received Mikle on luit Thureday atternloon, testufy to ftle hîgil esteilm Ii n end one o! the bravesl men liai ever !aced îhe decesd cas bfild. deatb puasti to bis fimai roatiug place.1 ,~TAk( W. are w'oul lu hnîo! beroes ouRD0 HNg the batîle field, inl theorm or n luthe trs 101h11lisikie sud lir. aund lins raliroad wreck but bers 'cesaa bero0ou W M. Mekle desirs te express thib a ick bcd. For monîlie he îay suiter- berîfeitt fluike tu the mauy trieutîs ing the muet ezcrucialing pain, yet i and relatives. alsu the soczeiost al eldoun COMplaiuing. AI'cays cheer- O Iiudli 1look part in te buril(et fut tu friende 'chu caled. oven jovial, t eir iored onte, Especîally dli lbey nt t1Oes, thinkiug mure o! oters tliau 'cIsti to ibanî 11ev. Morley. tbe choir O! bilsîf.He 'cas lopeful tha teoouthIle Ivaiihoe churci and Ilie pal] 'could recover !rom lits !eartul diseae earore. and tu express ibeir gratitude Luntil 1181arhe iits, Ibis nu doulit pro- for file maliy beautiful tloral uttrrlugs. served hlm for many mouis8. Straiglil for'card, huent, upriglit, publicei A Cire for lumbagCo. 1 apirgod sypathtieandprogessve, W. C. W4ittiamauon, of Amber» ai., spied symele tdporsiesys: -For more than a year 1 snttered hevsau ideal publiecitîizen snd f rom lumbago. i lluuily trled Cliamber- loving iosbaud. iNoue kuew hlm but llanus Pain Baim and il gave me enlire tu luve lm. -file fr tends wer relis!, 'hidli ail ollir remdes, lad "'1faitedt tedo.- Sild liv F. If. LoVELLý ltrlied ouiy by tbe Jnmber 'iti. shOM îtutAitLAKIi PIA1iIMAJ .. MEIIiEL liecame in touch.i. li e nire rom- Ivanio. WARRENTON GROVE. HAINESVILLE Mn,. Sch'cuudtimle rtteriainriiitg lier l (Nit liii,SIr ,ii, ii, -1i-1 i "d i , i. mother ibis 'ceoi.(tdi Ira. Shiepard spei i ridav aller- Ra>i.., i ii(hiii i noon aI Mise Ryatt's îechooli iciiI lira. liarr'Js andi uidren rpenti-'iî i.thliî day wstiliebrndattgliter belre. i'Iii Mn,.Clark ta vlatiug bith ier scitt 1:,.i Il-ii i. , i lu Wauîegan. 'cboae 'ife lani c. iI i i MiasdJulia Iludil peni part of ia'it i , iii... il i 'ceel 'iii retatis i rit Lake t oroit -i- i-1 i.11 . i'H Etîgene Shermuîn Jîiitît ('ie tel r Nil 1 i;'i, i i.... i I ... aud othere attend-,l ireUt,- mierail- i l-- i 1 i Lii lk bil ai Llberiyu-tii- Ii- lt. C.-iîîî . A dauglier caiitî- I, gîddi-tlt ie , i je il 1i 1, , ii,-. home of Mr. and Mirs. ( Jbîîtii u. (i.i, .îiiii I2't. Moither and ('imtld are iiiingi iilii-ii(. ke a cli Thousarids Sentl loto.. Exile. Erery yeaLr a large ouml)er îf lior stterere 'clie loiinge are eore anti. racked 'ii couglia are urgeti te go to anoîher climate. But ible 18 costiy and Dot alwcsys mure Ilit ble an exile wlien Dr. King@ Newc Dtscorry for Consumption 'iii cure you et homue. It's the muat Infallibie mediclus for Cougla, CoIde and ail Throal and Luug disease. on rartli. [ho tittdobe ttîtngs relief. Aattnding cures reouti frum persitenteo'l'iai beitles res. Prices 50ctasd ýl0ci. Eveny boIute goarauteed. bold by F. Bl LoVEns. Liberlyville, GB.AC-LAK llîtsej HALF DAY lIts8 Ltcta doftueou, of itugt v8tilug hon parenis tere. Mr. Scbuberl contomplatea building a largeunew Itaru uon lits iarm iit ftrung. mesurNe ony Gerit andl (V. Lueblie are Mpenidîng a sert s t.utttîg relatives lu Mutine, Ilit lins. Mary Setienr utîtrnct Itou,. but w'eet lrom lien vieitt,,iii oua er ater came homo 'cttib ler. Fred Judrs. 'cte ,bac beeu e îiting H E. (ltcaaiins lumtty, rettînil,t,, tii hi home lu n Ses 'ItuIbte 'cec A numbur ut the Yiiong Pepeu ior bero atteudel the m"qerOade lait aI Ltbortyvile taht Frîday ereniug, iGeorge-1'. IROItotte8 noe,liiîtîtîg ireecivittg a ceai il uaini. "lIe t.iikspent; Salirtl vandatt t Sî 'Iay ut bericreitit, Watkeguo Miss MamtiGrmutan le peltîiîtilg uie Winter 'citititre. S. (,'LltWîier. lin. tinil rs. 1. A. h enicu epent Tborsday 'cilitbrtir (,aiin a! nue. lira. JeuneTe r ttti cct to uChicsgo Bslorday e-srug for a vîsit if ces oral tiayeý Alit te Youug people lu te'cu ai- teuded ihe lia8qeiurâdeai ir.yelie lest 'creet. Mn. Gee. t ofe!Michigan, le vlntttug lits msser lira Carolinte Cleve-laud anti li11 bretter Alonis Foi. l>ou't Live Togetiier. Constipatiou aud heaitli noever go to- geilier. De W% itte Lile Eurly Ribere promote easy action oft!iehe 'ccis tiltn dîetreee -I.l tave bren trouliletidihceetiveueas iutue yean, gays J. 0. Greene, Dopatuw, lad. -i bave trhed muxty remedies buti Lttle Eerly Rusmera give lest remulie.' F. B. LoVELL, Liliertyville. -My chblîti1teWorthlimillions tomEe,GU RN EE. SYa lra.M -arv Bird f Hrrisburg, t. J. ilurrila ibuifltiîtg a nos boue FIL., '-Yot i1'siuld bave bei lier bis croup bad 1 tt(4iPurchahedità litttie 0f OaI t of(litrure. Miînuté- Cmîîgb Cure-ýOtne IJ. R. iraclier 'cas lu Chitago uit Minute Cougli-are latmuecu're for nougls, croup and troat sud 1longRbubincue Itieaday. troubles At t sleOit-i' Ntaie cougli urv Washbutn, or Cilîlcsgma uea cure 'lib(i ta lc ltmtdriy. tfho roeEnt vibitor in tibte Ittn youngesteiiOcaul, akeit i'ti entitr' mlfety. Theo ittitr ues tîke thtt Iailien Mlrville 'cas catied to Riteerti and remnemben itew iten ilmibeiui-d saturdlay hy te teall o! is failier tharn. Rverv famtily meitiic iavera H .Fox u C .Dunswr botle o! ()ne Miut- Congh titre H loiat .R emnw baudy. Ati ii maou ît eidtsiiy lu in ai! Day ou buiness tedueday. May lie ueedied sîdden Amrrhtîry & inAtu F. B. Lovent., Llbertviil.Acupîe ary'sgtuArln Calrjseî Weasing. We are propared te 'coavecarpit.e and rugs et reesonalileprîce. 'our patronage aoibciied. SWAN JOuisei,, One Mlle eat u! Hall Day. 14--mu. P. titilige sindsy rvouiug aitie baill i bliDixou A.Cotetllied (hin ice htmie ' iîerday. i bey pubt up as ice grade lit ice. Remember ibe farmuers' nlutue ere next Tuesday, Wednesday and Titurs. day. Day and eveuing sessions. WAUSWUt<TI. Fred Shea la On lb. sl.k Ual8. Mr. Sianwooda brother, o! Chicago, ta vitiugbeore thisweek. MiasAcie Hagerty bas suffered a relapse from priuti a.t Mir. and lire. Feudîcit. of 'Nauke- gao, viaiied ai T. Strang's liaI Weeg. 1 Mir. and lire. J. Laitey sud family speut a few dayo lu Chilcago lest week. Isanc Bhields a lsepurcbaEed the Doyle bouse, ai preseni occupled by Wit. Rudt 'Il'he Woodmeu o! tiiePlace are pre- parbng for a Irivate party O\i Satur. day evenlng.1 E.. Clark lias returned !romilie cily sud willt wonk for tIrs. tDivine lte reat 01fthe w liner. A tese !rom lere aiiended Ilie card pariy sud dance gîven by ithe (urnee l'orester Tvam atai W dnesdaY y eve ing. Tlio people e! Ibis vtilliY were 8bý,cküd to hear ofthile suddeu dûalli o! wm. Melville, o! Eiseeti,]eset Satur. day. F. (;. lietineyer hias relurned from Chicago, wliere lie uuderwent a 81uc-t cesetui operatiloî for sanabscees lunlita. Thie lieunltr iodge ueriorlud at large crowd frein te Waukegau court Sa&tnrday eveniug. ttefresh- monetti ere servedilsud dancing aud other amusements inclulgoýd lu. lu- aiailation o! otIlere of lire iodge witi taire place ai a q:occîai meeting uext Tnesday eventng. ilarri-ou Hijver hua retiund !rom bis viiti ut Hofîron. jams I)onaliee, of Chicago, viited Warner Coiby ovor Sunday.t ira. ('. E. Howe spetut lahi week vîihfinonde ai Detavan, W te.1 Mise Lina Wiiiiamaun, of! W adeworth, speni Suud(ay ai Ir. Lewtu's. Mir.sud lire. G. A. Hiver are enter- tululng triends from n tniate,. Y.' The dance 1teihave lieen led in Hiverasbal, Jan. '24, lies leen poet. pou od. mies lbubv \eliis peut Slunday aI Guruee as tbe guete!flMiss Siella Dlx on. Chartes i.npberger ani Lee Gibert,1 o! liravalake, vere ItuelueRsecallers ou Tliursday.t (ln Satîtrday occurred the deatli of! Win. JtMlileo (rr'lhebereaved farniiv bave (lie -ympathY o! their uîany finonda. Dr. lcCiarabian leuves t[t. 'ceoit for I)lIaliora, 'chers they go ,rn account o! lia. meuiaaiatte l,3 iteilt. (Ce are eorrv (o tIse teut. 0i. Howard, ot Waukegan, "as a \eio caiier i hursday.1 .%ra. Harrs' Dunnili, lof (hicago, la vliting relatives iu Vîio. lire. John Aliart sud dauglittor Plis vlmietd relatives liere Tliursday.t Mime.Avis Cookt, oe! Wuconda, minent8 thie tiret et the week wili relatives.1 El Rothi, of Wiisconiat,lias etaried a barber viten it Jolin licliardaon's store. Lutlu antd dser îpnStuudaycd w it thetr grauidiotitor, tirs G(ar- diitier. !,etsr JblI intg uand A .. Ray- iod ttpeut îIowlaav ad Fmeday lu Chicago. !ir, .John lieing vistel lier daîîgh- ter, lira. Mito lltrtie. ai Freoutnthle lire Wi.Delano, of Sandwich. aient part tt toe tek ut t ble r ier, Mcr. Mary Parker. Robecrt(ira, gtîr, ,r , andt genttlemunj riend. oet iihcago, Sutilav, d uaiet home ut udt l ak. lire îlot, il 111r retiirtteihome, ait-r a pileautnt 'iit wltb relatives lu chicagoî Mira. Hogati sudi datigfttor àilite, o! Wauikeguu, vs iteil friettds in tbis %i(,iity tlie pasi wtt-k. Mir. andtiritiyveater Wagener and ,laugliier, ot Wanconda, epeut Siinduy xvtin Mr. and lire Ciris Sablie. MIr, unidlir@eM. C. l)ecker, o0! GrayB- laite, client Saturday and Suuday witli the torierSe lter lire. ICharles P'arker. Chauucey Jop8ltn atiended the lu- taltatioît o! el3teers e!fliizpah Lodge, M. %V. \%., ut Waukegait Wedneaday eveliog. Thein ".oily Robets lihaita very tleasani tinte ut the borne e!flire. George iuseu, o! tort 1111, Batturday afterneen. tIedamea A. J.itaymond, James himrwatt anti L. V. Lu8k attended the chtckeu pie dinoor glveu kit McHettry 'Thurday. imer Francisco, of itingwood, Mil- dred asud Lucy Stevens, 0f lioHeury, apent Sundsy efternoon 'cith Mises Rose Buson. tIr. and Mirs. Abert lRatgbt ne- turued borne the firet of heîle cel, alter a very pleeseuit vîsil 'ciii frieutîs sud relatives iu Weukegan. Mn. and tira. Wili Corrulhantsd dsîîgltenMaiae, and lire. Vogie, tof itolon, attsuited Geerge 't aeey's fuueral biere Wedîtesday. The çqtartt-riy cuuferen-, lit meel aI Raugbt iiros - Saturîlay atrrnu,tu ai 2 oclook. AIti iîirered are In- vilti lu libe pre it. Sîînidayuflter- uoou lier. Enugey. itie preeldtng eider, wlht preach eai te M. E. cerî. Hlow n To Atotiis. The idema uit the body seme- limes ueds a power!ul, dtraallc, purga- tive 01i bas beezpiuded; for Dr. King s New Life Pills, 'chicli are per- !ectly haruleas, gently stimulage lver and bovele 10 sapai polsonouus malter, leause the systema nd alîsoiutely cure Constipation anud il Hedaohe. OuJy 250. "od hy F. B. Lovera. Libertyville; GnAtiLAHU PaJaaÂo. X. ffle .g*d Wood li; ê onday. ]di"s InU Sabi vlied at M. Eraus' one da. tftmnly. Wil lLandau spetit Sunday wigb rela- tives Btsfleefleld. lirs. Ohas. Eraili vielied witli ler Parente tu Chicago sieveral day. lut week.a lieas Olive Bizenthaler la the posseseor or a new pia no pflrchased aià Lyon & flealy's. The yonng people o! lb. Evangelloal churoli ttended churcli t Norlhlld test Sunday evenlng. J. Elssler, Jr. brouglit a vicions brooco BtilMr. (larme sale near Palatine. il takos tbree men four bours to liarneas and hitii Il up, butk .lake says wheu it la once hltcbed up Il cao go aix miles8 lu fifteen Minuoies. IIHrlýT/ MROOL. 'The Ihird monili ot! chool endsd Jan. 141h. The lemislun eveulli grade are rend- Ing «-The Courtatilp of Myles Stand-1 Edwin018Ieslete only onte wbo bu flot been absent nor tardy durlugîthe ierm. Wlliti llepper. Lena ilepper and Edwin (lies were neither absent non iandy durlng te last monili. Cors Oises 'as not absent butt 'as tardyt QUENTINS CORNERS. (ieo. Grever le uursing a carbnucle at present. lils Anna Baker visited frleuds ai South Chicago receutly. ()ur cheese !actory people put ln a1 cartoad of cou]tl bs 'eel. Wedding brus 'ciii 900n jintgle lut tii vicalty. More aube. B Nemejer and wife 'cere guiesîs of Wtt. 8tocket taitMondàyý ('bas. Kleluschirnldt snd !amtty vis. lited at J. Si'irms ilent Sundsy. Kart Schultz vîsîlel bisl step-non aud famlly et Danrilie, 111 , rên-ently. t MIre P. Ytoung @pont a 'cccl recenllYE with iter Mater, Tlle Dian. lu Clii.@ cago. Mies Emma St1-tu. of Apleklsic, te vistng ber parents at ite Corner, ait prose ut. Mathiase topp's heaitile 15very feelile@ tis 'inter. He le eo tow now ibat lie1 te contlned 10 lii. led. Fred Knlgges anctlon male wua geod one. Cows eotd as Itigitas $501 cadi. Fred bas îlot yoi decided 'liai lie wlli do lu the future. John Lebman lm speuding a few1 weea tu this vicînlty clling ou otd frieuds sud neiglibons. John lias@lie same fuit Smile as o! yore. 'te prospecte eeem good for a ltullef wiuier yet, go, boys, gel the old "bhoss' sund cutter luo slipe for u old lime sileigh ride ont-e more.t Place yenr mail lies ootveuient for1 the mai carrier; also bave your mailu addres@e.d "Prairie View Rural De-t llvery Route, No. 2'J February lt teus near, lb li telephune Ce. muet bave s greatI ncrease lu work, judgiug liy the1 way iliey are puttilug up more 'ciresi riglil along. "bey n0w have roum fori forty 'ires on the mainulineobere. 1 Chas. lMeyer buas sotd hIe farm of 1211 acres ai$72 per acre. He retaine possessioouutil une yoar frutu linel of ilx Marcît. ltiisla a cash sale. Fred Fullethlmi the buyer. The fermra l knowu ue thte Geo. Ela pluace. PA LATIN E. tIre. liîtwme ichidren are ounlte aicklixet. Mir. Widner, of Buffalo Groe, wasi un Palatine recoutiy, %V, tunintn bas a cbuld rery alic 'citli dplitleuisaai presout. Mies Biancb Scbierding speul a few days witli friends in Nunda recentty. Mrm. J Il. Sclierding viited relis tives îtin vauston sud (hicago tis week. Miss Eutmte Fleury, e! Chicuago, le apendiug a few 'ceeka witb ber sister, Mrs. H Schiopple. mtien Clara Geke attendod the fumerai of ber cousiu, lire. Wfllmau, lu Jeflereon lTuesday. lirs. lieu. Audermatn aud trs. Vantiue, o! Chcago, attended the fneral o!ftMr. Grole Fiday, Jan. l7bh. Hou. Rfobert C. Brown, One of the Most Promainent Men in Soulhweetern Illînous. Robiert C. Browcn, of Sparts, Ili., ha, represenied is district, the 48tb, for six yesrs, snd 'cas recenlly nutified of bis coming appohntment as clerk o! the U. S. CoutI for tie Souibern Disbrict of Illinois. He 'cas litrui iui1859, and bas worked bis&'cay 10 theitop simply by force cf application. euergy sud good commou sense. Aft& wonîliig sereral years as a blackemith, be studieti la'c ut nîglilanid waadmltled 10 the ban lu 1894. Be is a promiuenl member or the Knihli's of Pythias the Elîs sud Modern Woodmen. Fsbmuery 20, 1901. lie wrilesauas ollows- 'Pepstu Syrnp 00o, Dean Sirs-Frem careful sud varied experieuce I desire to add rny iestimony sas to the meril o! your Syrop Pepsin prepsraliou. I lai In rnuy respecta equal go the services of a dozeu ptiysicisns, I bave used It asi e toutc sfler severe Illseaand as aa slrengtlitener forte stomacli sud digestive organe. Iu One ceelu particulur Il 'cas o! estimable value In my hoosetiold, and fi le isth pleasure that 1 testlty se tu ils Worth as a bouse- bold rsmedy. Yours respedlfnfly, E. C. BEoM'N. Representative 48tli Sena- toniai District, Sparte. Ili. Dr. Cald'e Syrup Pepsin sud Herb Laxative aompounud i sold hy F. a LovLL, lberyvile; GnC. IIOSETSWanouda;WtLLENTau, Eookfeilr; GÂTEÂXU EAUNCIlu 50 cent aud SI fflu,& D. A. Be*ve vas a Chicago visitor Baturday. Wm. Mueller and sou vsiled relatives lu Ohloago sonday. Ed Wilrnan o! Deerfield wue a local visilor lut Salnrday. Jobn Lartz and family visiied frieuds ai Mayfair III., Sonday. E. J. Hofftn and farlly of Milwao- kee spent Bunujay baers cilh relatives. John sud August Burmeister, of Mlenace rtsiled friands hene Sunday. Wmn. Krtieger our geuhat blaoksmîlb spent Sunday wiiiî bis folks at (lIen- vlew. Walter ( tarit. of Deering, furmerly a studeut lu telegrapliy bere @peut Buuday here. Gaus. the barber, says busine@ssle ruahiug and If Ilt keeps ou Ilils way lie 'cilI bave ta Instalt suother chair. John forgot is lunûi luntliouday morniug sud 10 spite bis forgeifuluess he 1001 lîuchî atthe Grand Pacifia Bolel. A nuîmber of our youg people ai- tended the Masqilerade ai Oleovle'c tant Balurday and ail report a moat en- joyable tirne. (iieuooe sud Gleuvle'c are laking adraulage of the ezceptonal fine quai- iy o! liteibers sud bave arranged 10 bave thoir itebousfes illed 'cili i9. A bonicous four o'clool supper was served ai f$L. Joseoîîh's Home last Sun- day sud a number o! people from Clil. cago, came out ta participais u lnie feâtilvilles. The N. B. A. 'cul give a grand bail a% Itamelowsa Hait, Salurday evenjlng, Feli. lt, aud îudgiug from flie elaborale preparalions beig made, il 'cul lie She affaîr of the seasou sud ebotîld 001 lie mtssed. A Chîcago orchiestra lise been eiigaged t0 furnii ibe mumie. A cordial invitation la rxiended tu ail. fast like s lire Ibat breaks outi aew aller once barlng been ibonglit ouI, 80 have the opposera uf Incorporation burst out itib anoîboer gruundîcg. etforito squash our sueceeslut juder- iakiug, but ju8t as ibey sald before tlie election that ihey wouuid spend ilion sandsuf dollars sud engage the boul tegal taletelluflgb ort entsrpritnig more but did not speuti a cent, piot se muchi wiliteir prenant t alamout &ou. They now châtamti have a fond oftone ltousaud dollars wltb whli te atar& their almlege cruâade agalusi ontr hucorporated village. Onuee!ftue lead- ers 'cas asked 'chat poinltlihey bsad upou 'chicli lbey wouid endeavor te base lteir accusatio&,'clereupon lie auswered they lied no fuait to llud at ail wJhl any o!filie proceedîniga lbus fer bol tiliallie merely wauted tb- mit a lbilielore lte suprerne court io Malte Il appear as Ibongi thte majorhly o! our inhaliltanls, wrre upposed ta Incorporation. How absurli te aLy fair miuded person, titis must aptear. At the ieeection todeocide the question bo'c elulboruly hi was enleutiod, but bow triurnpbanty iliey 'cure defeated. Wau Ilat nul eitougb ta cunvince Ilium 'chaI i i'lii o!filie people wu». If tbey are erut o ueutertaiu an Ides Ihai the people cf Shiermerville wilI con- sent tu suri a 1,reuîosterou,4 endeavor io ovsrthruw 'chat titey have e0 esroestly 8upportod sud lioped for sud bave ut lat atisined lhey are very machli mhaaen, for weid it uoi bc rery rirlictitous iii dislereoiw, alter liavhug incurrect an expenc4e o! severat liundred dottare upuu tior village About the uniy tiîing ibat te Cauaiîtg the opposera ail the worrtmenti leb iiew roud from lacito'cu wlilcl ce undorstand ta te lie put Ibronlihbunthe nlear future, 'lin 'ciii îtoîdouîbt etîli divîde minoîf îur farm prolierty. C LE NVIEW Foute bardiy litote Je, ilw, lýe drviea inew tmain MIrs. T. Luces bae boeenentteriug from a severs aiiaek et tire Grippe, but ls 00W irnprovîug. Lest week Tbjursdsy lMr. Sceitg, of Iowa, sîîld s carload et cîîsrcuaihlt tirotberîn iiawm, Chas. Reed. Ou Friday evsung dau. 24,thero ciiilie a social giren ai the lhome 0f duo. Clark lu 'chch att are ioviiod. Sattîrday aflernoon lire. C. chit- offeraon SOld bier bcuse-biotd goudas ai aocthou. She la preparlng lu roluru tu ber aid bore ne uDeuttant. tl'ho Christian Eudeavor iopue for Jeu. 25, i lmMiions.- lu place cf Ihe regniar program tbe eocietv o! thie Congregationai cliorch i 'liigivo a special program. Friday evoning a surprise party 'cas beld lu bono o!r(Gerge Hutcitingsâ l'ceniy-ibird btrltday. A nomber o! Young Peuple 'cers proseui sud ihey report a good tihms. Frhîtay Olght about 9 :10o 'clock the io'cu valartled by s burglar alarmn. A man Lîad liroken a pane o! glass tn one o! Geo. Hateudortt's windows and attempied to clilmb the bouge. Policeman Hiant vas seul fer, a 'car- rant 'cas lussued lty lagisîrate Sirayer and tbe burglar was arrssted auodlaalon to Chicago ou Cibo 10:201 'clocit train. The burglar, liowever preved lu lbe uol a reai burgian luuistanie man. APTAKISIC. Jake Gloden 'ccit ticthe cliv itiin- day. J. Horohoten and 0, Ilabe ve-ut lu Cbicago &tcnday. Mirs. Oies sud Rd Sctlev veutltu Rtnkakee Munday. Mr. Herscher, o! Kauîkekee, csited his relatives hure and ai Long Grove resoeuly. Win. Whigam bas rented is fartn 0 a Obicago Party aud nented P. Buaohie a dwelling place. M M M M MS S P? ÇM SMW, Pr eh-- SC1IANCI Li be rty ville IK BROS.9 $ If it Rained DOLLARS It wioiild îî't mtake îîîîîîlî <iferentce hiow wtt st-îiit our luoîey. Buit as it di't, it mksau aII-tired difference whether yoit o;îend it wisely or otherwisely lIt is Our llonest Belief '[bat the people wliîj buy their clothing Of tis are liore mcorioinically dremsed-wtt aîre sure they are better (Iressed(-than tlîose whio (on't. It is p~ractical ecoîîomy fi) bits G001) (ùoling (our kind) Men's Overcoats, $5.50 to $12.00. Men's Suits. $4.50 to $15.00. Boys' Suits, $1.50 to 85.00. Boys' Long Pants Suits. $3.00 to $7.00. V. SAUER & SON, Long Grove ID. L. &W steBest.] Wee liaiie tthe hest lîrand ever iîitroduced iii Libertyville, viz: tie 1). L.é, W. Brand. Order youir wiîîter's mipjily of uis îiov. 'ii-'rioe wiII i.oreIy aivaiwe ts wiîîter drawis lîar. WRIGHlT BROS.,I ILibertyville - - - Illinois. ...PURE DRUGS.... At Lovel's Drug Store. âl TOILET ARTICLES PAINTS PET ADCE AND F. B. LO ELL Libertyvior? E lîoS . Reînarabl C re 0f rup. ES h~ifa Sl seavdmyule byClu ear e d u sd ot ! ii. îrai or !Lk t ita t l ca o y prais e h eogt .'d. e tl o iitoecdteueii '1Crup , T TiE OF IIAIN. v .ddu fDomir.A . bavb a fb oit steo gy r eg . Sre.,g, tH~ry..Beiian I o!melani (Iodw u, S Romatî d y .n gIL tu o e tuNrral n dI h o Sae hoe Mylieb th porebaby coe uid ur. t the ait u t ourtA.D.01 B tbat I canot prais IL entig . hou t oa S aýof bdl l adte me ., bha beaileofIL g nA E tueele resîti 1dr. ut th. aidoroîh.CurUes as diected every nu mi ute, lot I lie u te lnifv rofW kICad Coeut7j! homre wi up Lauthen Ipontur e oli e h. d a .n luslaI uehlcA.D . bar lydrat e.t Ir if , - k' 'er f»0esh ai t, Wasgong gavho e t he e dli ine dait. tthce ite.t fthh.ola.rdu ai aiul Ie phleer tnmul o éhi muti en lu eut, foiior aikdnrbdI lEtt great long strings. I ara positive that g1uat-c! i' t et. o 'a - a nrd lt~at l.1 if~~~~~~~~~~h I a lt u htboieo 00bleutt-east quarter etofcton bnuer- inedicine, my boy would out be o~u Fourt,-su(là, lu Towusilp Fortr-fu,îe earth loday.-JOIL DEMONT, iowood, Noroih RanireEteven (l) E . of tiM.t r1d Iowa. For sale hy F. IB. LoVEL taIunt o! w a (=ite Ilai lwa Libertyville; 1 YLB PtR ÂY H.Ptlifit of wa r t of uthe o ta1Il I à. Ma.I vmnhoe.alilThirty-ilve 1(U) ecres more or lm.. D d tedaiWankegan tils Sidar orD~ IN D UPUDM MT. IT LI D& 1 .% :t.A D e. , EL . 3 . M1 L:STOVESd: We liave a few Heatitig Stove4 OIlt lianl( that wtt wiII close out at a vt.ry low price. If yîîu ijeet a stovetUlis is yoiir PA ttoüri Libert ID Office Houra et Dr. C urne DR. AI Lit Smith rouned 1 8:00 a D.. o. Phy- Office Day ai WF Bout 1 m Vol. 1 Illinois.

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