'- PUBIJStED WEEKLY. 48ES iàS ATSON APPLICATION. MfJEIIAIRY MONSTELI TERRIBLE CREATURE IS AT LARGE IN IDAHO4. Attace.Psa-t, of llkalr- P.ci Nollow Printa of Fert Tîsentydîso liacha. in Le.gth-Ild ni.. earad tiren asIth et the l-take. Realdents of the little tosn ,of Chester 1.14. la an isalated [tart or lainnor 1 400entz, Idaho, ave, teld to-, the aor> = In C luthat ci, n irty . 'i iii ftîîcr air-covred huinan uoîr l'e tvas InuM nen Jan. 14, itien Le arpcear.-d anias a Party of >'oulîg tc-prle Who we. e akatlng on the river m-ar John ioîh rneh. The ceaue lourislied a club andi started to attaek the >,,i-vers, but il>,- i.acbed their wagons and g-I away in mfety. NMensoremeura of the trac-ks ahowed the crecture,. felta be tucoar> gusro Iches log and sevteu tches broad. wth the impritit of oîly Jour îtes. Stouk- Men report baving seen the trot-ks along be range Wet or the reer. 'l'le people et th neighbochood, feeling tîrîfe tahile eature la at large, have senti tienty Mron !ta truck. THKN MILLV!> IN TENEMXENT FIRE. flom Suffoeated i. Bcd and Othe.. Ar-e lsInred by jumping. Ten bodies were taken out af a tene Ment t the corner ut Hanover sud Clark pteets. Boston. where ire bruie out ai 1 oelsck Wednesday mrnring. The bu£lding in three tonles, ut brick, wilh a >wxdry on the ground fluar, the uicper parts of the building b-ng nccuplod ly * mbec of failles. The tire bad been aoldcrng aorme Urne betore it w'as dlis- oevered, and w nt hu e îre mn e isarr v d a R u m ber o t me n an d w m en w ere han glug trSn Windows and sbuulîng for belp. U. mjumped hetre the firemcn eouid GIRL CONVICTED OF IIRGLARY. I Irrtty Jeunie Green uf NIest Hurley, N. Y., SenstioegRe eus. utb iettinoudrrundng a ntPis hantîlet ut West IHurle>', N . Y,..ha-i beeli pisrtîy aolved, sud Jeunue Green, a 17- yesr-ahi girl, lias beea seutonci lta a ternm ofthtbce earu un thebo iuse ut refiage at IltitIson . Jenit- Geo roas ait,-of lb,- preiiiest girls in iVemt IHurle> and] une af the moot poîauiae A][ the >oaîîîg rou in te vilulage seeelber admirer-.. bot ,lie luclulht-r ehiad higli andi kept thein ail il a dliance. The itiigiarles buti caauîtl ýdfîtniaolhs. lu aaclt insionciý euîtaice tlutheb iluding hati beo efeet- et ino a i-ia>' rolivh shuoed bal te ork oa.s doue b>' inexperieucird boanus anti proltabl; roas ihat of soma-boul' iiinbe vitlage. The uSleru wîýre puzzia-itaheu Ihe>' fouant c sabicS leal liaJennie Glrea-nasaise tif the tieves, atilte; citrlti ltuilly eliere tîteir ee swta thiby fatiatiaaquanlit>' ut the snien prolieri, lit hte hon»-. The girl ws arnresteti. The triaulilook place heforeeJustice out he Peuce Burton sud a jury. The ovidence ra concluasieoutlber guilt, but there rots e% or> teson te beliere tbâtst e ad nuot heen ïlono iu the îbetts. sud the ait- thoritles expucled lu gel the test ut the gang îhrough bier confession, Bat ahc refused te aa's sorilihot roualtibetray lier cuntederatios. She sas fotîsti guilly ot hurgior>', anîd u in ior tae youth n-os senl, îîot lu prisoîn, battla the haîise ut Cotiga-. LIVI. ltlGH ON "QtEEtl" M(INEY. W«eehtheut. asti sece injureti "eomi Iodles vere fonuti ln the bots', tabre the Coliforuîan..ud Hu.mmasue Young Wife Vitiedma ad been suffocaieti b; thu amake Accised Of Co..tecfel1tiug. oui the>' lept. 0f the ljitret ixouaueoAfiec ts'u yeaes ot bugb liaving ot their sslouaily bort, tiiec ofutlhe-ic traHiino resience is Fruitrole. Sun [Francai- Tlhe it-Uma ut the tire are Ituliansu ro, Ulyssea C. Bale anti ia prect; yoang ________ ite bave heen ploca-tins jolI us the "AVUS INDIAN AT TRI-: STAIE. charge ut counierfeison. At titi-lt liase - as fo unti a completu countefeitisgoOut- E>ePuty Marabal Reacues s Shawnuer fl anti apurions coin ot the face valua " Rc I. Seing Tuctuneti. ut $70. sali toaho hthe eat imitation ait Fred Tluec, a tui-blooti Sins lae Ila gonuine cin avec seen there. lb la cburg- Lpain.11,,.gd to avbse attacka-ul hr,,ee d that Ba!r anti bis selle haro paltit pluesqusas. Oas lied ta a stuke la circulation Ibosauntis ut coîsnîeeteir dol- lb on d udearh b; utuuiners or bs tarse itetelstb iseaara. Baie teoqueni- tditamn and siomen. leie suas eino oti the race traeks antI aduits hurung sean Vat thaougi thIe preimisary torture. 1t tiousantis ut gond dollars theougli the le«Deput>' Unitedi States Marshal medium ut is bat uni-s. Pairia arrivedt tom Arbeka, 1. T,, quiekb>' te* lu the situation,. teldtheIte t aithak NDIANS TO QUIT TEIRRITIiRT laihàa=,unanti siuuglo a- unîetiut the Creka, Disasustet I sth DussesCovn- 101esge,. lose ati aiafron t he caîvul missinu, WI Leste tîkiahouaa. ~hbhlmpniour. lla aael tnspe la 'FThere ila amovemenunit out omaou h We-voka, rbere Tiner mwas placeti i fuîl biaut sud boit brecti CreekIninau la& .taoseili l thele lands andtIcare Okia- FLOURING AND GRIST MILLS. huma. The; su>; they aree Ureti ut tbe - long irasin-out metoiluoris thse hayes Ulheting Report on the Sanhiect commissionansd te IliairoDlepunarut froua the Cqsus Bureau. ondi that Ibm>' sec uni>' stâior-sla for the Thse mens bureau bas isoueti a pr-hum- future. Their gaine is ail gatue. The lais faar report ou flouuiug anti trust mull prevonîing the Indiana tram leasing their n»dets. It makies the tolîow'-îg ase- 1land tac more toa aeae lesees theni »g lier19W, withluncreases sud dotrosses pennileas. Tboy are uuv peepacunt s t lOt Number ut eota.bîise;t pedition to Cougresa as a lit reeoet. Ou inarase 17 ar cnt; apia ccumt oetIhe dcoutb the crups verea 7104 nrae5pr cent. age talire anti man; ut themu mut depend _rs , sac .ge r 5mb r, 3 7 .one- 5 charir>'. aaa22 pr ceAt. Mlotellsecoi sce SAVED BY SLEEPLESS BABY. Pumfce. $10=3558K. decreese 22 pt e -nt, CM tonaterials. $475,82i6,345,. increaci- Safeblovers Scareal Awuy, Lea'.inu 10 per cent; value ut producîs, $56i071, Ail the Cash Behind. MU. Incrase 9 par cent. Hotdi t Dut heen for a treee day-aid Enuner n L-itd ead bb h ieee hueglaes siulti tare secuireol 1% ecndse tLmtvlDsi alusble bout>' ai Wa-nîrth. S . .The Téscn section outheicNe o urk nmaraudera ie.e opea the Wi-oivorth Central i ited, ""aa boutast. sîeuck a Baiik safe. The explosion altuentee eujteh engin, standing an te îmct n father of ibe bol>;. ta n-as ici iîug la îîu ftujt ofthtie Oneitia, N . Y., station. Th, Il ta sleop. Hoeurop,îed the infant anti ngln.er outheicIl miteti Dur-e; V>etch or rolîr-ti tiafi lof t taîna. Thiasitait- .lbany-was tilted. Bath ongines anu dt he roluhor, sehîo dtieaîîuithebankos IL large Part outhîe station rooro deoalmoue; anduleidi. The latk afficialusliai-e _________ buugitî the libaba uew- pair ut shoe ndtt Bisai Taras.'ouStone. thetc fliîeacraitc. T'h. bod .offfrmier Unitedl States Mail Iloliler>- lé Reponueil. lsdge Elaser S. Dandy ut Omaha, Neh., ~rînv luulcîaur u ne listtus-u osti1tone. sccortiisg toau a n - A riýy mi obr )ýN- meScement matie t; a close fruentiofuthlb.Stîrinatheii.Mas- anti Bositoni lia lutina ftM juge Th dscoerywý malereporteul tathie psluaId uîtttrities àt When moving the corlin troni the rîc,-ua ng ahntnu inro s~nI Thefealres aecoas utuca a West Sluingieiih, xn ohît lut an noifieti VUU. Te eatreswee a naurl Ibte UnitediNt alesu tilu--utis ut Boiston. Wbein lifs, bull tLe fltchaëbuti ,on >a Canductor A. 1B. Buih,ioonua-î-otutIlet alait copper tango. Speinui-IisiuieuuuuurgriurSa Pi-oduict.of Mnfa imr n 10. dole. ýNiuis round îti iîîltils outtfIers Âccording ta totiatics olîtîe lt >îîealoot 1h,-lic eceasabureau. tlae graci value ut tht ItniiaiStrikra I taîuls produets u ofnauîfau-îuu-a- iti the UoatrutiIA. I.ilu iitthat>uanr ataî to, fitates lu 1900 ta-us$13»4o3.127,681. as îb .hut inlio,îanpî on ti- af the Pi'i>- eomaeetiroit $9.372,43j.2,12 in 1Iîlt. 85 (lent. ur oi>iye businin t.10th,, pli tacrease f 3S.73 luir ct-ni deier. ar oînuuuutttuaoritt or lîcrîtto six Wn " ed ina Fiht. ont Cicratur f at, vStîtu- uhauhi ke uoi Ne@bsx Wuandeed u a fîier i, tisteti tv ,1-'2101 if t,-o Dsua itrtetuis fa- la 1;. lull u but tiiuruiinu-ilif i t ptue .kbi.0..,een anparlichpated ul un Juet isuuecan stuil. taus [itiSitib> thue Oîo recc uit o ale; Co n t;. Keni ti-k>. ibtheSi >1e Si-ntu tac 11r-1tu: o uili. neutu uoi gruitge bota-e cNsa Bea'wcr antiGeorge Sctt. Sunixio tle ligri T-ralys'ilh Immu esoiroe ee saundeti, andt iee suil i,,, Thet-urart f eduaitutioa the liaiiiuh W-tIeul la lslauil-t tenuDesiaark ta Finda a .geTr-easu tile Uniitd Stnru a ,cuis it15ed the ii-Sîle Chinese 01afls lisue fotîlidt rdo tire 10t »tuit lia-uut Ila la iiu tu huiSiccitac; lie value ut oser 100000,fiso aila ini gold i Saatih au 1 iu ua ur1u l, hhani8h and aliver, sahich nos tuicutilinathibonaouuu str es'aquartera u tlheinoailaoe ehortacoaaCîasusîi- mîi-. court fOail tram Ilekin. nItd a asns The enecutirle cauiuaau, r thl ueKansas Pasn Mousatu., Iluirneti. C. A. lR. arilere-t NIittt Norton, the de- The celebraleti Saint Paul NMonsie; ,porttîeat connuMuîuîîe. ta iacaîe bisOffices en MountlAthus. Creece. taau iuarued re ainonce. 'Fle caauuuiee luohomo an ures- emli>',The priradrudnte nutnka pocsh i lgotiisg etarge îroettrredalngauîlut Nortont ad and Isent; others sere sueuîîîulIy 'n anti ausiloallita-u n oeîeey psrticîular. jured.Armeniso Fiat uTurnks. Old Naval Hero Di-.,TuoaentiArmînion bandus have op- Secretsry laung lisa recceuh da tîuraun parIl at Sautljak. ibe tiI ssudistrct i*asonneiug ht teer Atimirleu u A.utof utAsiatie 'Fueke; Inu in encoussuror i- Kimberl>'. Unitedi States iare. etreul. Ieen the Arneinta n(] oîla tetucbmest 41.4 et West Ne-selon, MNq.oi uTrklsbir.oalîste anttolt aotlcer andt rvant-l kilhiel. Fire RouteauHtel Ouets, Fivs hnndred persons. soan> l u l Fau SorunîtDet attire, lied trom ire in Linticil Hotel. Nt. The îuaîeatiguîuuun o!f uohaus ut tise ls. with the tbormometer oeae ta zeco. late IL C. Taluta. occretrueansd treas- AU escapeti unburt snd the tai-i proîlîn neer or the NV".strru Commercial Teos-el- vas savcd b; bear; lice taalis.An id, en' Asoocisiioo. îîluo ecoutly comioitbeaj jolaing building vas detirsueîl, saitlucuit unicluld l I . Louaui a bm-s anclstied et $iuOO.O00and showis a aboei>ige utorur nt$Iijc.0. Maladlutcëý fr oen M.McMKinley,. N.peaubaOut, Thse govervuatiet Hoîbsuti ia novr ne Atter au itvestigntion extending ouer wibthe British goverumeuu man; veets. irant Saxtotu. oupeesuing Sean, uf eniisg tire prutracelimgnu latelto1llsllnl o léwhAfrican war ou liuutauable lu-ms orlek. roaisiu sifuir uegl-c t ludt;v gS bols Uice EnglihandoutttcBoeres. le 1la o oucu-uotf MNI CEýiýiae; ant lias beeO in oaube riva 5e-ars. Itathisiake SîartlersMou.d Ciy,. sr,ruika E.S'itatë-Treasmirer-Aaus T1wo distinct ahucta of earthqa.uke saere lnunrtha tLe lDougulas Counaît tr-tit teSit in St. nus a n mai3, ut!tha uy u niti,, gIý x tolme ueme Siatliot tî-euuaru-eJohn IB-.liesere-. urg- eli', The iraI stock ssas lhuit> TleIte îug lin islt rtthmluiezemeui ut >0,e; secondivas mare sscee. l,, .iun cou u otu ioeanauiftu perlons wbo Lad it uýit tliraugb t. lo rebcgg ig1 h saý ud uhiscis. tauatred iii ii siîra. - ~Johua E, itîîh. euuiured,rt-acver outhea Buiaswey Train Kilt. F-,. ULiai:-I tittelasti "M",ient ILittle Iii, k, p eur men wecc i îurl; bî kllýloîl>u tc Aehr t>tk . siteai luitaoule. 'Fbe iog rsmllrod t tLe Larbavasîna Lumiber ~ i to»t ïCleepany at-Croas Fuck, Pa. The men w* loadisg loge on a car sehe a s.eu- FiIIenY I'sorlieeses. tBW11 rae in came dommi the incluse road An rt ocin conseil bas bet-s possei Md criashsd Ilo ite car upon wicb thei Ottawa. Out- extentilsg for the ycac mm. or. 190S the modus vivendi belseecu Q*uia andtheIbaUnitedi Srates regseding llshing veaseis. Licenses seil ho issueti lu the Liesolterza tue the pucebose of bit. Ice, seines, una andal al other Supplies anti outfilla,san roli as the transshipmenî ut catch andte Ibeaipping of creoss. The toc in $1,50 pi-r ton. MOTHER AND SON WB5PPED. Alleved iMlsîtrenitament uta Yoauug iVfe Armsa i îsuri Towu. C. L. Hucklebere;, a phulaîgrapher of Odessas, Mo., ondi bis mortier, Mca. W. B. tlockleheery, rore >hipped vitb rase- tildes the olbee uighl b; abour serent>'- fise outhIe ieading mnndsi vmen ofthtb tçros. Iuckiebere; la about 22 yoes ut ose and cvals morcieti eccentli>' 0asYoung roomas cosnected vwibh osa ufthîe beat kuovu familles ot Juhustan CuitI3'Mo. file 19 reporledti ruhave abuetilits ite, anti bis mther, utlanclascgod, bas si-vernI uirnes laken part Iu the roses. Fisoli; Hockiobece; tibrenlosidbis roifo>a lite, tablçh causeti ose ut the ucîgbboea ta swvbr ont sararrat for bis arrouL Tva policemen seere takiot Iluchiebere>' bc- fore a justice oftIhe Pence, is fater anti motbee aiccumpauying Ibcm, rohon the fâce s ee oveeposiereti b; the moL. Tbe Young man croalsafrippedti luhis shieL sud rhe last roalaid as bis hack about ffttiti le. Bis mothor wnos pulaheti ritb alînir obaisamant. STOLE FROM itS EFMpLOYERs. Yonna(irocery-Clerk EscaitesProseu- tion-Canuot Endure Dîlscrar,. F'or üare n;c-aeJulu>s P>. Yaeger, le., agesi 26 ;aurs, ut trureul nlloyeofutihe grocery rirai utfthtarga-F,.E catatoei & Braiher, in St.iAim,stole trainthis cm- îiîu;eo.sauwit h '.luaae lusi. (Oni eau> Plaint ut the f11n c we a-s arreil sanu be returnedti t hem alilte ninue;lie bati taken, anaouotiitg ta $2.230. anti bis ampiayers reeuscd tru prosecunle hîm. IVhcu hua sroooheurî, a Miss Ulelet, ho- rain tsare utfta-at ho hatidue. ohe re- fusîdt taSebunu. Smaeting lumier the disgrace ho canamitteiloicuie b; hongiug lilmself in bis faibers bhrn ai Oakville, St. Louis Coont;. LIFE INSURANCE NOT ]EXEMPT. Judire Jeukîns Makes an Important Rulinig Regardimmg Banki-apla. Jutige Jenkins ut the ItUitdStates> Courtut Arpas inl Miilwoaukelinsîle- uiiedti hat lite insurunte lolcles i-tariil amie the setuul toultie llan bt-t-ami-a phue lion of ite ýeulofu a bantruipi. ndt luauslit e surcentieceul 10 re-itis. l'ie culing la sco-. ant i roI applyin> ai iiti->l of cases. It taas baniiî-,clotnin the baukrîuîîîc; r>reedings utfi)as bit lVtliiu ut Chicao, anti reverses a decusioii> Jutige IKuhîsaat. BOI:ND AN!> aal.INED TO I>EATH, Thlevess Bob Ohio Bailway Emploie asni Crmelly Take Bis Lifç. 1 Bohbecs attacked Michael Sweeny, riou vas in charge ut a signal shanty ons rhe Pirîabueg and WestenRaileust. i, e Girsard, Ohio, sud afler intiiîg hlmvrocul îheough bis pockel., tubto hii puy, anti th"n set ire lu the oanl;. A pisaiog a rero beard bis cries for belp anulnt- rempledt laeoacnc bima, bait were ton laie lu av oe is ite.1 Shoots Girl sud Kils. Biulnacîf, Angoreti b; a îhreateneci sopos-atuon tramoua iaveotheori, Mn; Conset;. n white aie cvsausebeti at a piusno is lae liain itChicago,. iVlioni IVittmacliec ledtitwa aboIs ai te aoung ivuman roula prohabi; ftliresltis. lIair!n ou uuîr alec be enîletibis ounslire itb the sanie revulvi-e. Drop Dayton Puoi..Churge, 1 'Fie groati jury aI Dsyton, Ohibc- h cause of hock of erîulence. gtareti theu casaeutfMcIrs.IMry IVilor, wu lia s1 riiorget i s uh rpotaasnîug ber sittu. lIes I>ogh. The croe uriracteti cotaiterable atientian last fuir becaase ofthile ailegua lion tl it the u-liasf a ni i huacrutpur- sonsaocre canîsei b; Nies. Wits ce Saittîd'. Ideutity Estalliiahrd. 'Fle ma rîuo î,.nuîîîitduu-,,lc,-un a olae nti îiuiliiiti. Ohiotut nni-l a,îîu lu. litasbeei-dtntui-,ýl. lIa- u.,- iia> ul treelt cuir i îaluctrr iDaltoin. 0ai, lIita lunitulure. ,hîo u.hîtutti il,, . l satiltaI lie Iti.tia v uue t,,t nt it i i>, l,- lîecll>î v ,- i- uî t -i t-iel iiii h ter ataiitt Titrer hoat Dcuid lu F-sit. 'Flane naît-t>are (utndanaltfur wouuauhu,l. onaitlutl> -as ii, reauthlt o aguthernng uit hostile cai e tai tn a louîirr tai1 nt BeIIi-ville. Texas. The iuan faali; isoluaulasthe oalii eua vs ta li, or- ri agnedi laie akilit humiatn Iut., ahil',t lis-c ut te kilal-t aiece relatives 0f tus brai ulelulo. 0 Au adiitnt-e n oîguof loncîaîu een gi neerslb rîtagliau t te i-niira ascta of the Laske Shoire ttti Mchigan Sourteci Itailwo; ta us grauta-t ai o cunforuLne l-ie ttieouua euutntittteof athle >-gituttr-t uti1 officiais ai the rond.ti botaul) it-lu ur- lienoliteti h; the raille. WNidow I. Set Frrr, At Plititaburg.o. bMes. .btltie B. Richacdson roas acquitteil 0f the chaîrge ut bauing musnulretibeheiuuobn,.Front B. Richardsoun, n ooaitty îîerchar. ta-lia1 vroastais as bc enieet i bs hume Christ-1 mas esoe100 Pittabacg Bauks tou lite. Fouie natonal batiks in Pittabiurg. sMit an nggregatc capitalhof $1.700.000 anti a surplus ut $435000, 'aeo, nrcording ta ce-1 liabla repurtsa, l le merget inboaose1 finaucual institution Linder a nattionali charter. Change 1. Chînese Attitude., The Emupgror ut China grosseti auau- dience touthei ioate-es ut fareigra pauera, and. for tLs irot ima In blilr;. ecelveti1 îbem as repreaenlatis-es orilaauuarcbs1 eataal in eank ta bamslt.1 SlniukWsnss ciuSeni. 1 D(i tînîtukha suguuieai bt-r %iit igs.ssa ta ueccatthie oit-, r cftle Unîrîl Stabes toir lie tlian estIcol ilion lt,îl.the Gen.ILC. Haîbar t',i a t;ý. ItaraisittiC. ltî)buet (11uit . lthe 1 rît ut irlu Iloru i ci ti t lti ai t SCOUT IXORN Bt 1.1 FOR MURDER. Wituesea.@&y Tîies Oserbearal Rus Admît KIllinv 'i hle Nîcisell. Tom Horn. thei- iit. Iunuigbter anîl stock delecie. wo bu rsa arrele-t raerull>, cbarged sii the tmnurder utfIVil- lie Niekell. sonoa inîîotrou lluuuîaiua rancbman, wbo wo a uaosalnaîed last Jul> nease Ma tatiler's place, wssagis-eu s preliinsry bcscrg ioCheyrnne. WYO.. sud helit for trial >n tlîe District Court isithaul bond outilît, charge ut murder in the flest degree- TIi1- tesîlmon>' ot the prosecutionwvsa ut (lie natitseitsatioal nature. Deput>' ii.i-ilStatoesNiseshai Lai0a,.Deput>' Rît iffL. E. Snoro aud Sîcuographer CLor- .1. Ohubasa esti- liedt hat Ihe>' LeacuIlîtrît canfesa that be killeil the ho>'.ansaW-il as Roucbmou IVilliani Puncllot]iChîarlos Le-swis.,Wo isere msssinated i-talon Motinlain ight ynars ago, al7tseîgagod Hues n cnversation lit i»théfrmer' offilce. Stesogzraphor Ohalitii-iandI ri)-tty Sîtot wereesin nadjoiîîaîu t am. Hues tld IaFors. the vllnt.auati soiti, boy bbc crimes ivere comtu> ie,1 andi the amaunt ut mollY o>' e ceie. KILLED iN BATISHOUSE. st. Louis MillIo.salre Mur-rd AIter lIeln o b tiIIed. A. flean Coope, tlie mliîonaire tirées- oee or ILs Graham Parl1e Compuany. dîil n st. Louis n e érr-aallofai asiiitlt n vhlcb bis skuiîî nos îruîcîorî-îishile ho vas ta tLe couitý c,ît,îîoruthIeNit Tîîrkiab hsthu--William Sicuthor, the negro attendantî iii tle balhlitise. Whbo ras un dut>' t>,,.lusolic anîîîedrle. (ioltrs foutu>' oft rlieasii aI. is bildaIua s îiuon-r et the lDaiytin aireil poice station. A diamoral r >îg valuetilit $1,- 500 and a diamandl pinta-rn b>' Mre Couper wheu Loe cii rratithe bith> sece rounîd lu the hasemnrt outhie büthlicoise. The>' hati been cotictiteti uder tue ioor- iug ils a cevice ah>o>e ilue toput a joit. A alletge hamntant hertîg tceah hbtîîua stinùs waa founal i the- basit$()Oan atter the poliles bal baýeîî sîîîo The negro deciaces bis innocence. TRIES TWO WAIS (OF SUICIDE. Pc»usivanîa Farîîîorleadly IHurt lai Eslotoisi }l antas Binarîf, Deorieraledtiu dl. itarence Noilt a ferimee, aged 37. r-uî,lug ocar Erie, Pa.. sluaveti vuîîîlrtauitrage-lut> bus mm-uha outcumnulm i it iclil Afier sendiîng bis tamil>' ta thé ety andl luilaug tem an affectiontote t:reaseil ho laak a Package ut laslin o iditer ouIntlina t bild Ita o ck pilie. lelace théi>eexilo- sire unier s pile or -rones and1. srrrrng doses on topubc li-tooi-tls aiarh la the tia di-r. The ep b.i-aliesoffaIli, lus itt liautl andtInljured hiuîu orberwilse. bîutihe Injuriés seere tint fautai. Wib bloond sîeeanîîng teom aa lcaca r ouinîls hi-rean t tbe barn and craw'la-aiup into tuie ha>'- otor. flre.ha fs,îened s rope about Lis ueck and ton. ,eam and jumped off, Thetelal bcoke bis rock. DECISION IN BLACK LIST CASE. The Ohio Supreme Court Suslaîns ith. Nickel PluIe RBalsas>' The Sapoame Ciourt ut Ohio.ri-nulreda decision in favoteouthle Nickel Plats Itailwaa>'ilathé "black i>t' cuse.lrtouk Sltaffer. diseho oeil tua- pariicititug us a atIne. socti for daittnciairiiiiiu ibo bu couidti u ac- moyiment un any ailier coat beatuse t ho Compauny cotuoset ru gîte lutin o cerluficateorutsevice. rhe CirceaitiCourt froui frtehitfle.tand lis déecision asai- rtil-i l;riho Si>lu ret Court. s'-lich b0ltls thutr t s tllie rîghî of ever>' peeson ta etullo>' or refuse lu etlo; -yWbouuîoerer ha- tua; st. anulhot connut he calletioloip n 10 010er for h>. juitment In thla Iut rI lby thle tutlic ur individuelas, lutteciii>the ua)iî,u S li Prcompt bis oeicîîho coiaiii-reti." DE,'TECTIN'ES <UARI) THE SOIPtis Imuportesi Me.Refusse tlu NIock fîtrlte B.,& O. Cna lui.Isndiana. Futt> îo eeu ti-cc uutîuret hy ihe Ball,- miîoeîand Oh. Souihwe-arn Rati'iiy Copany icitalle Ihe placesuofuttintera roa enî ontui or iibliigio. itiTh nmeu) taeu cct a tb r,>gh a Si. Lauis cutijlot iiu a-ur u ucuanIdt reliceu li $1.5 ila diltit-N\lt néetua-i tcl arr icI1 andi [earneltI li ir ao ointe Iras fnaboutu twe-dur>fit>- utr> iin-ttetauu(-ul rouao t..o wti lit thue îî.,lu ii. aouls l lt u i rue guird>rig tnu,I,1qlu amI i ,.t I Great Ld li t .1Jî,îîraîî Ai -uriotu, utîtllitla, ou,riot tht li thue -litIe va, i,700 roluait iditrîui .- sttuls af tous oif rock aaan it tîaabll l lrou, that raaîuntain al,...e thue I.a Chaunce NI iîuu (Xisimpaniiuî -i titur ai l ,onumdtîely &tleauiîuelil fuir Ilm dsl- ltnce. ýI->itii a t-ly u il.0eole att-r O- Boit, 1- ii> ttlu ialscstr Thia,- ltly out\I.C. Jttliusu a n.>, tu iu te eti; a te s'ks n-n-ru t r rut Doauglas. NVi aJohnsn-udippli edl cv- éa a uts ago, atl il laiulieîilthul ho t comtunued s00>1 le isiile iontpoauiii>in-< Admit.s ilitOgeof SarNOil, Johta C. liai]. cesalîer uandtibakkeî-per of Su ft & liaButte, Nîutt.. lroîucb hotîae. na-a un r-ti on a cheirue taot grand larcenv. liall ubuhot $3.500. l-etîdmita Ilus sliortuuga- tut. I ays ho losi thé- >005ey la caîtîtr at-lk -ijecuiotiana. Kil lt M. f.wilhani A. Geurge a k--. Uuiiugtiî. l a., turfîn, fatlllu ossuutod bis oufesilli on ai, corluau lie beausud face ta an tinecogiiaitoll t mtin.sliersatoll 001 peut- etrioteti liait a ulunen limes, lia- ocapeti an a treoglîttiu, Riait onm a Steamer, Newss >buý-» recetuoti thaz s ial: bruke ooitaI>li,- Pacii eimN avigo- lion Ctanir>ruuyc at-ami-r Calunîbua et Paaman. aoui [t' ru evra i îenbers ut te crr,î rnc erbaas fâanl;,or ai lî-ust latngvrù- N . wintied. Ne-sv tasti Cur Norllsweoleiri, .\fie-r au cai ire scotch oraile a ca- ivseiî utlîc * r; orEvanston, I., baveé tçiiI t Eîlîîuîud .1. James. nuwor thl,- fchui; ienlga. la Ihe ireuî,;erucy or instlutio11 n. 1~1d 1plm eongress~ Dispatcýhers S.y PIreaent Bethuîd of .ni.tait..I',i t ttt.iiititti ii> i- It t Seudikig Ordre. 1. A.lîqusalecl ii l t- eatI.k, iu p',ltt Tran dispatchers ofte caontery ut twuli-ctuui'i nT h. al] possibiltY Of eallusî.,îus reiuioetib; , y tn î,[ut,_ îuî-î- tioing avay sait theu r>e-,cnt syaien o f jîit I, Iulîa-i. i-r cut i 'l-V, , l ut,,,? . train orders, ihat vn cna uenuusicrrretod e,,, l .iý l. i unrl t.ttuutA - t anti signais ibal na; lit ua-iseen lati ant ..a. c ru,,o a u-1 tI u I -t oft Iese asiqa>iteiimethauls iltcprlieu u i t tlleutl tl -u poqe t tasubsititutlei-ulaci-l eecti-îe taluta > tt ic -., -.-.tt - lu the enghne cab, n>futil-4tt a lwoa s frit-u". ,-.. rIi ît- Ai, tý cou lie sceannulud i r lanu Iiiistitiuuhc ur- ii.-ltutoî t,.-itu at,. Il se deaicetdIi, munite usalegnkards'I-u itic tal..i ti l agant rrectu au Sk eau >-vîua-fî-.-î asn- i îrrciitî,:l- -t elibla-b>' ual icu-.iug tuaa titino u iatui Meiii. -r, lîtul i oil titilc1-.to,, tu i uit-eltt c i-îalcIiiitur-itifhieagi- Among alliaru i.>large 9animii. usIA. îgltt tlC.-ii,.t u i, r Miller af Anra-nt(i iefuîispît, ta-r ofithi-e uuittrta rti u t > a Cbicago. Burliîngîu a n, Oui n; Itiiil sc.t > i i-tttc. inar y. î11ifaiutulti otectul 1>,19- itithu ... trouasarc,otin lut eu -ttri-(Ille ii Ille ai- j lt ha-S-, i - n: !rtl, lege o uaiouanhu-c r ta4itia rît tritrîýi ru nluýr->., > , - - i, î,.î .~-.. and insits ii x ha trtar itl vetuai 'l ilt It. u - -a r i- The ulauiîîu cf'if lit ,g tn:ii l.s ltngif lt uuc,- i tai lTu-utro. ,.-.r tlle teuc"t lih %l i nt Irais-> aftent-a ltugu- ci uniitl nit.. t ýf tr , , r ruin rkbty nîtlîs a bt-aur. i-ahid la bo ,,lu l t .lititt.a.g ,-. b ta utsafe. au tie ii,> aut l lvas out hi-r-ad 1 iil , 1 1 i i . t- iaii tt b; the ecabinet-r , ii .iau t a. t tsuitha ,pietl. it-.i N, iu-a l t ni, -, Aýiitomati> hblock r-hlihglu n tco Itii-tti -the enl, . tka..- l gifle eab,"naid Mi. llehr, -iaaans Juot t uîî.u-îy - -na-I A l'i 1t ruIlruir twu tiuigu îluîa ina-; tire c-bar urswhîie il,cc .iu.r t-r -tu ut.t. Ill' lte trua i lulI nî-ci nheu the; area iil trnutri,., i.> llit >a u..nn mcd thietrinushaboulul st>p. Fbore ahouit n- h,îu, i î. Sr î 4ituttc te nao srtten aritees. tii>> - 1 u-rli ,,, t uaul ut- lu... t ' This systerniof acrahIe blocks or lilbsitIl l,,Si ut- -,ie Sh etitii ut-tii ln engisueuhbslias heen shuat lbc regs- a 4îîlstutîaî- tt ,l;lue N. ir1att . ile. Surita s -aeun s bu-i lualled in uýn-e ucrluili -i, a Ilut, i. ali tiitl>-,i .,iiî.t lte Chicago asti Eastern Illinois Roilîrustidifola t enutîuir t r lUeii. I Sit unesil roa îok the initialise uta tringiag the N-a aiIi.- system lu operfection. The Penseer lu heldt cthobe une u ainutauNote. on wom the safet>'ut[tp l.ugna llsiî.cîcî li he Cliti>-cc tuiitîlrr las depeuts. M r. Mi lier insista that tisbIslaeu t ru alunatuo-tSlutu> an a ircalittes rat mou's lit,-andt htrue utbig oassistants are boulue JY la;tne. Wu Sîs'aysalat rake. anti heure ltî rauti sncb iGovernine il]ti-n>.l.,i tilor Mon -isitb oegligt-nee .or rro lsea i.pro-a uuinu for. hua- cl:rtot rauc t[ro unju at. crauci1Y un thrie ai sa un New. oy Miouor Note.le ett-eîîîti--han-rrtlt. 'Foledo, Ohio, telephone cumpaisies bv eb;u it iohatto uosiapn sv* ion of $.t.i>lî0 s ;euîia [ote virlaseof heen cun-ioliduteti asti r-mretitiuu endeti. sI0easuenît iicîKitle;. The Chilian cougesa bas auulhoizcd The Scnt-itu-baui cooi, ruteul the foihao- the issule cf bonls ta asccore a on uf isn ouiunaIlau- is> taB. l-i-rgin $12.5,00.iiJ Ilalue at îu tof lul qndua tai . V. A postliveîh-uu huertaesIni4hedl ai Nartin ut Indilua nu ta- canuussirunor ltescb, Kan.rtla Wu Iilliian G. Stuith as of iînnubgroluîakt San Joiue.Poretuolieu. pustimu ale. Stcouumitîeeaoai(tue flouise hnotung- Ex-Gar. anti Nfrs. leu P. Mortns u d n il en cu; ionu iiitilt-o lateteIe-u op- Na-w York aololîuîn-aa, elt gm of u poîltn-dti la etia te viacu iloanciol legia. t teir fouet tu t icm. NIli.cs Alice Ni u- ltonaa c ne-,ýs, r r i i i ol triaut(ti rto. 10 NVuthroîiltahucou, f Na-av r> . tluuî liaukul i , t> eur snat York Ctiy. luktrla hue ta-ton- 'Matrîru iîraica ua- tf .Arenotinec, i nucstbg.tlut t r-uauîî ruStiti.-ta Ikutun.. tac shlut inite aur>> hi>a tc t un in uit uitr îî,,t,,-it anda il [Ililt nitîl inb Lis sttire. aho wutc sloltienir hu îîbî ie dii> urî îu, it>atl a rrur-aaca voulu iido if aanlet- unît-il>0 olt ihlmaîsp ut .îufî'loureruîu i l The uotunul va-a rtil an liguht uni-. faty. vu hou-a lut , ;ut. ,-n iuit,'arin ururta l-'ii>teinu Kuth iti rlaurt i naninienaa- of a-t ku ailta rîruî , iu-ill bit]. ,,,flut il, Rtichatrdl Vaguer, liaditn iN-rorkai. Ste n-îlru utikuî ril. i aieilorivia tais o noite utthen e riuuuin Iaio-I. crin-> il.-lu i tutta ta it, a-ail cit qii, paît> ittlIta rvinug Fheatu-r. lit-r faîber Ilu1r-a- aier-ticuu -trr rosa a îraîuiiest tintricaitmanageru - nruofe-iat til]fi t»,thi.> illueî Berlin. ut pesttns inkiaiti uteriii inte t ilt Ben Daniels, wisb ias juusîtes ap- Outasuiuit»uk "î,o e o-ati0 re*i oIl poinled itiedi Statesa marsaslfor 1-t's-j ai;mchiaiîe no mtieo .îjeo ustuh r auna, turmeri>' Ilved rit Dodre City, KH., 1lteim sion Mentsb iLui, meting in utc' sud vas well knowu lu Kansas sud Ok- gataîza suteh yncîisg la matde s felua>'.1 lahsoma pollUes] affaira helore he jolned JThe teel eacte araeis-en Juelzdltîoni R« ehsrouas ier, us sf euss. 4t 'hie ut t-l 7 uta--C 01l..a ucnitiv, $1.25 r. te, 'hl. i-ta, teu. .e$301 lt l A;; ai L, . N..:' i-il . ie tut 144; t rer NI,. t, 'T 5 Net.Nu 2, 40L r.41.l ute N" . 'Ceu, tir57c: - lui nu>- $1 ,>-li t.,l,,uîtau. >.. o-b $630 IIIlutgu. I huit-,- aglut. $4,Mtillu $6.00: . ,e. .î,înun uu s t t u,, ,rutii-I $2 'tl> ftua$J50; irlueujtl.NeNu 2. S7terît svtu t-aia, Ne,. 2 Il, a1e1 ia t i'2, c;,ue t e uN eS,. *2 asbite, 481 t,) 49e. $3.(K te i, $G. 25:nite.$2-7.11to $450; ta-I -aut, Ne)a2. aie o SSc rnroNo. 2, PS-lt -!le:; oav.tut.. Su, 43, tua 44c; rye, No. '-, GlIcotic Cincinatui (rn. 030ter$t;.00: hoga, $l0i$4f th-t>$2.r, to $385; sltati. No. 2.-', tua tle) );cura. Ne, 2 Mci-i- teil , rî 1u4 ; îuîut, Ni,. *2 iàiod, 4Se r1a 49o: -r> t. Ni. 2', (ils ii to 7v. $30 lx Vr $6l20; sicî.$2,50 ta $400; ta lau-il N), '_. i'. e, I;,.; le t-îles. No3 >-li),V. , - ta Cri. titra. N.o 2 No e, \% tir hNu. it. ,.Nia 2 iaisul SC [0 47e ; . tut... i,îs-t 57c tui 58e;oatîs. N,. -2 aoiasitLI-14ý, 4,, ; v. N a.ut 2 2 ne, 71- -l i e r--i, [t inuit-.$575. NI u-iii,, Iht tt.No. 2 nanulueru. aioe, ru71., e N, t .7( tllu (k-; outîs, Ni, 2 rktc 3e - 44; c>-, Ni,. 1.(;oc $31111tr, u$C.75: hîau. tîîe, iui$.:,.0() ree, ti; :1 iia.-;O I;i r i t l--t-t $2 SI to $Ii 7>>1 laiault. , Cuuron ta lielai $ 7 t- Yor W.5te 0>1; uo $3.00 tua$G.05a; $2ut-0 1ta$45 ssint, Nia. 2 aeut, 1S(tk »S-de; r0ils, N . <111e ta Gr; cars. Nuo. 2 sâtie, 48t,' li 490, Lurter, creamner>'.22c lu 25c.ey ggs.: veaP %Maia 2ce tile 2ar. DUST EXPLOSION LEAVES TRAIL 0F DESTRUCTION. Horrible Catastrophe ut Lenat Creek, Iowa Wl,'..s ad Familles or Min- tomabed Workers Cause a Paule nt the Month Of the Pit. Twenty-nine minera were killed sud eight seciousiy injured iu an explosion et Lost Creek, Iowa, and the workings ut the mine ara serosly damaged hy the fiee whieh fuilowed the explosion. Over 100 meu were in the colliecy at the trne uf the accident, hut orily those in une por- tion of the mine were eut off from escape. The accident ueceuered juat St the nous bouc aud wax wbat in known as a dust explosion. T1he mainer@ badl just fired their nous abats, eune ufwhicb failed to uperote as deslced. The burning powder iguited the gos sud lte explosion follow- ad. Dr-brio wax blowu ont ut the sbart mouth taier 200 test in the air. The top works were au serluusly damaged titat il wax some time before the rescue partie% could go ta the nid ufthtie eutomheîl Min- era. Famille» ut Pis Nantit. Itwas Just 12.15 wheu a duli rusr, cuupled with a abock wblcb could ho telt for miles p round, told ut some graveascci- dent at thte mine. Witbin ive minutes the grouud surroundiug lb. pit mouth was througed wlth thes wlves aud the families ut the minera. Thon as lbey atood around, sut grasping the tuil Impurt ut wbal bad occucreol,trom ontut ftse pit mout buhrst a .s'att of dlame. settlng the top workâ on Are aud reudecing tite work ut rescue inipossible. A panic immedlately followed. Many ut the women, wbo did nul know lu wbst part of the mise their busbsnds bad been working, ruau ranticaily titrougli the groupe ut men wbo were gotbered tageth- er exciteîlly discosslng menus.uf reucue, salue hunting. valnly foc a tamillar face, ouiy lu be toll arter hait an hourwscsarcc Itit e beead Wiec of te famiiy and the bhnêd ut their hausehold ta-s sî,me- where in ihose warkings feîîm whMbe vicious Puits of Idame were being spounîeîi fQrth. Set eai womeu had t» lie rs- strained trous leapiug itt the mautis ot Uic pIt een betore the lire waauder co4trol, aud Uic physiclans who bad toron summoned tram ail the noir-by tawns wers huffY immeiaotelY uoustheir arrivaI lu atteudiag ta lte ta men, who, freniod by titeir grief, were au the verge ut losing titoir senses. Reacue Partir* Have ilflrulty. It rosa o'clock betore the resrno par- ties wereablhe lu enter thoenmine, and rohen inally the cages roore rigged, the fire under coutrol sud tbey roore iowered1 into the ruined wockings titey found eti every stop cbarred bodijes ofthei men wro bad been klled b>' the irot ahock and one r wose Carpsca thai fidaies hat wrougbî 0500e, burulng some oft Ieni su badi>' thsî identification was harely1 possible. Thore roore 110 men St work in the mine at the time uft he explosion, but eighty nionagedti t escape. compara- tivel>' uniajured, througla the varions air The totol prupert>' doinage rouinoui ex ceed $10.000. The mine sn orou-il by the Lost Creek Fuel Company', aorshicb Charles E. Lofianîl, Frank Lollandi, Il. L. Spencer and J. 3-. Timbrelor utOâaltiasa arc principal owuers. The town of Lost Croek han a popule- lion of about 600. The miuin uwbicb the explosion occairred la kuowu as Rhatt No. 2. and was opened onul> about one year ago. The mine selaists output ta tife Iowa Central ItailwaY Company,. The mine wos imite receutl>' inspecteil b> the State mine examiner and declareilins good shape. Duot îexplosions are caninion in bilaminous mines, bul aeldo nalftmors than o single ruent. NEW SIGNAL SYSTEM URGED. 000URÇ The Hotuse veutito bcnmmlttee uf the whole sous atter opening onuIVetinLeda>' suid reaumed the debot rioun the generol deficieucy bill. NM. Padgett ot Teunesee, tite Brut speaker. advociîed the udoption of s decloration in favor ut pledging tbe United Stes ta gîte ludepesilanre ta the Philippines. Atter morne tiirher ro- marks b>' Mr. Chandller ut lisaiiiii aud lie. Zenor ot IndiaaaMe., Wtsai of Indiana closed l e gêerai tble sviti ou hase's speech lu detense urt ie oluiin isîratiau's Philippine polie>'. lirriliti partisan dehate. llglbtpnt-al b> anc %hart ut pure uraor>-, marked the pracelingicî roben the Item la the- uige-t ilehelen,>v bill apltraprluîiag $S<).fflO toi. oitniit:iry pot la Manîla caorn tr ttc c,,îsiIr-,iî,,î Congtressmao Cannon lic r,-, iait imii, s, menttola tppralirli-ttte sfitît- cinfoir "abrelior anîd pirotectioor t li-l.ltod mon n otirel'hilliipisi-. andthii,.Di,> craîs bî,,k Ibis iii ca'î"i .la ti- tut jections lu the Philipptin, ofii u lte admini-itration. l'ite auiu-nitiir ii wau Adopîcil b>'avMe liii1127 o> o-i ,, K1 osYs. At tbhe-i>c îsîo f raiutine- hi>i Deus Inlu iti-sensit-IMr. Nelson - hu i, the bill esiabliahina r>i- ýp,>irton-al utreom- morce. IEr.Qiioriesor tNieini «-o an a menu moIti peas-il irithln> thle Secré tac>' ot comti-rcc aholiillitecompil,lii contrai ofthie wark u orilîering adtiti%i trihuîîng siaîîsiî-l iufariitti)iitîîaîîîî.îllî relating !o, hi- sîljocrî coifieilta Ili.ide.i pariloint, nanti 1, tiîiend-thili eitii ut Ciiininei-o lal hase îîîîlîîîî ii% tt cal îîîîîîîil al] ilier îlelî.îrtmn tit, ail li, gaoreluuîî-t fî,r sîtii-iî-lila ta luh, ie Si-nar lI-icîîîu oas lit-vetiral.i ,zire lu Str-naie i:lae Thtirsaiy wliî a-.. et-slliiin f ,-the îîît-rr ir t-il o blitutil,;rsiuiuii Thici li l:î ii la. tuea i. i t f rt,-ed rIii MiiPti - lii. ofiiitti ii ta in:i "l,r> i ia.he iii the piliti iii - -ti ir N.Ir..- et fr, utille aeeiîhî ii II, in ii -t . tlof, i-e lii"r iille> oi-invi o'.liiii -rîtli Iltisl'dqd i 1tht - î o,Iiltîi-aî iof île cerul i l so , iiar l,,, ii, ilîtîse il i i1 i s' lii ci h cl iein h îîîîîlî-r t,I i il i-, Il, do1;.isriti i-i ntIl:l i-le"ils lîii itniiig , 1 ite lti-ut-s1-rut ib.re tt nng-rthl,- rion orl anîiii-itttIi-rii M ri-t-i fol ifftri tnt tai0ti - rt-st-oIt. i l r9ital titi- l- lui-t luc rirea- i- r it> héii , @iS tii ir ,fi- thu Ne 1h1 t iiii- t r-li i s- lIte ii l ri.,>> c O ici-tno lin î,îîr oîiif t,r loii îiir--i tor iei ji t-ui>n effote -t ulin thru 7>1r il(!(W) lisr Nt ir 11,11 u r->ilCl,îî il>>-1 ui r iaeî tIir i r-ii ti - .i.>ii i ot> . i ii prpjtii5 iit t if Sifor lcoll>' Ir tiýre rocks.oluilsh rgna trMrie ,rit h 1 Pz, sai-tntaî theos i o ttiTrî Ih-cm ,i e1t-ce>> i--lite uilîîit t a.:-ii 1:smocn. t>aut îr iilrutu.îih '- eal i-n li-nOn h. r-e t- e oui j, ii lie ittu ri--yiuiai- tl r a i. l l- t Iar -ii Niti -Pl it - r ilii- i lii -t icr i f1 r b. -Iiiii-,- ii in i-ti-ittu, t> l ire ifou - iii- jThe steadîneso u bod- N ~ y rk itets ta- s uuîroiîrrod loy agir 'as ilt 0Ia wrild tk-rluplusflt* IIil i li gre lit u vueIk. Theîo tatioiif subit-ltbet il;; îlr r.tue -course outeInd* 1111,itlriti1lteesciry prollilse ut Impris? itigt-tiit aic.Iiarabliirciports coinse ltiiàir ictiosort. bi-nYtansd white îrîuir-eut iefîrulenai jrodutt. S- t ftti iiciit î-ltt11 lmî-aîs are geuieraily oeil ýil uililiti uit rilerà. Tbrttheb iiitî-uîiil. îIl ilt i pecial incide-nt utIlî itigo ,iii ieIr gristi p.etiperlY Il iiiilîîi lîtitair ii.this eitî4 as a0gno >igu- Ir ims tf te iti g rher linpt>iciuanve- bsi a1l fiiiii 11f1li,.ciials-datiradte c- il i tiilii ttas r-î i»pri-lit snutfuturie t l niii 'ie li, sIiIntînilgsout ralîade f,i t-i rjils las ihe facililles of Ibhe mîill.ritt ucîh aspiînt tirit tire total 0ont- 1,11 iftor lýis n aa lutîotcuti rMyoi> a nad- ,îîîîî-î . l'Itd-r Ibi.» trititincait vi, i te lie Irîiigî- if iltie iiltI-IelialO lt iil.ittiuaci li ltlli. Oite lara.- cond le rvloîtredto iihave plbere-i srail iler stilb, tt- oît niavti i- terrandluIot>i-rmmay lie i doîîîl ill ltheliteasme. Fliebridge tidtvIi,ttirai i-titpa a>' ut îlîîUnitedl 14; ieiC.orpotîtaionuts lann îîing the coîntruct-itn (if itître- lati,i) .> s-ti>'bas Tho -kev iati Ijîui nîîroup i-s ndil>' -nulc îi,îlI iî lttil Inte Chîcago dis- tricî. %Virle-irte] wîce noirs art, 6cm t the aîlsouî-î-îl îîcic.-s.anîd tlîec into me tarik ut anîtîhî-r imeeting, slieh suggestg thei I)toailIility ut asotber raine. Western lieraronletîs îîîtîaclîîcers have sdd.al 82 a lo u hiipriv- o l, f bac iran. Eastern, liiinti tai-I tirers hare matIe au sîlvance of fi taon iil]i>lai- SAlue trîîîlet, saiI as the box i-ti-oui ltes u etthan theatera pri iîiiiutiin-iui c- or. lîko tin bota ici itu l, ceut,,îltionlias ixed lt- c- it ili u-ti-r 'Ad range 04 as vi- io iîlation. Siltilî JlîîîîgIrade ni llie -., iiî oin iîîî, ,> Iitrasloiîisarig trec cîul ,1-întetaîîakiag Iteoss 'h.be uili au- liotf saol gaie fient i)l'bi.lt-prît-es laîre. bu t blti -ta" htt1ifor b gb--r îquota- liani, Y a clioare su-a'l; loir it ilIout vos- terrai chanîge.Prini clI tîhoscre ir sud are holîlkolyei. rotii-i-tons aesentc, tut ltuyerîs pue-hase loli>' Thte cawm matý-nul buns 0>1 înipcu-eîl aulinspreniouq oneertaîn ThtiitO Ue li-itthec tradte go.norallyis in aotîtiartsry sitOatiois. tIhuemoîaî,-aîîrce ittî;ani t he ulia i ut -Ihir s isa Ilîlta-urinas 81iwi.i01 lilias hein liiavi-ri-il trtii18I efrt- tir l >1ttill-ýa Sptîîîîîîland nuw ct-r ri-u>iitda iat ýri- ,tî r!;Ii, tIi. - o t thîe risw piaitlPit iii-lair tîtIi an- t o fios.. atr oufcilil qu.liaitta.o iii tirlii. ar tero fuir r-ig I tn- lii tltii stiI jt.iitrls uiiii-., ionie- 1, ire n. lu iLa-a,- îrtîu. sf-atiils the tîrîs ut 0v-ýr 2fi--I Il ta staîr- iletLs te total coit rai tf i-trucliou ot eightecs bîsuflings, mosîly in [ho busliness district, ttr w'hlcb plasavse li--s îac-paoro-î l parînts or.- otuOitugîlîuta i:. the inir attliaî,la- ltriI"lr vta,-ilti] liki o ta-o isi riai lt-iirtî-t iplf i-tI atti iiii ra tcui;-ii, Its, db-l.g llItOuir t»- aiib t>I r -, îr îiit, i ilug i-ta -aitl ilar-.ttr kil a r-la-tri- il1 l illatirat t iitt ilt, a-i a r 1 i ti t a, -ttt ta ii tt trat.>ý, n--r.i.-- itîtl Ntt->-lt.» ai. i-ta--trac !-a.' ie t and I>r r, , I-r', , î,>qtîîkî-I.1s i-i itttl fr> 1 --lx la inl i. 4 t taiN t. u of r. rb"il> itit 1'li g lirlf- :I t-tii lrk . i -t ri. jtî.t - r - i k. r 'trl i. At Ai a tîi I-- l'ail t ruaI Oii / hall u1 uRa t Ma 1 iail Iel lai Bt, btat bau 011 th- ni, th l tlu lt by Trii Frank anal 5roi bas resîig cd an -ni, taira. A- Clark bai vesideniel Urhi% t bisl ligo callil aop the 1 'iit tdon, tat> day anal or l'anal cap'd, o nDlta Poila Il Urdoi 'i gil ar bure. 1'o1 thrtigh cull t- for. al, self tii foi 1 -g 1, wt, h-t Ilr biol i1, da,1s1 1 Chiaiu i.is amt lu- luru