ý ,ýï,ý,, ýýiIl 1 1 1ý _r ý - ý 1 "ri , sk , r- ýj ý_ , Il 1 ý ., . - 1 lý là.], - ,>.-, 1- ýT_ 1 M 11117 ,- ', ý, II ý 1. 1 , l , ý _ý ýï?l'pee- -- - 1 1 1 1 1 E m n - 1 - ýý ýý - l Li ï-et, 4 1 m z z Ltf-ýw"ým>* = 1 1 1 ý . ý - ý 1 1 _-11u4ý ý - i % q 1 W Ar ý- 1 , - - _ _ -_ ý- -,- ý - . -, - 1 ,.. L Il ,_ - . . 1 1 ý - - -_ ý . - 1 ý . 1 1 , 1 1 - ý ýýý1 - ý 11, 11, Il ý 1 ý ý ý - 1 1 Il 1 1 1- ý l 1 1 l 1 % . - ý Iý4;ý ý l îi: î Il . 1 ý Z - 1lý. _f'1 ý- ý > ,ý ý ý - - ý 1- ý , . , :ýL i .... ý . . , - . 1 ý . ý 1 , ýý 1 it'it e ., . t ý - , , ...... ... ........ - -l ocho te ho torsied tu mam" kt7 la Ibo le !.elm m,. 1 1 " . - - ý ý - 1 -_ - - - - - ,Z ý 1 ýý'1 ý 1 - or lock. Ille stood aalde a scarment fer hw , le _- A111111111111111111MI eoftýý ,ýý . --IN' - lm ho la du .. 1 1 ý ý7 - Il __ - ý - ettrally tailler *0 mita lie ,,lm-wad --à ou THE SUNDAY SCÉ.- __ ý ', ta page. and thon the beard the bel Vl . ý _ý - - Y i-o-% him. die r4bt -w-Y 191- brallie, *gt là- - , ý dorter close behind them.« A feeling bluff -'.."," -.. . t_ der the tension of bard wark la active, J.Esà0m Pm FBBRUARvib NLY A FARM ER'S or crept mie ber heurt. Site dared IM ý ., .. . of te -i.. elu now suddeuly thrivois. Mon. wbather ý net turn; a tallit consciougneau of what .j. 1 ý 1 1 2 e,.> . lit, . . . . . 4->++ ý was passing in hi a mind Remet! ta over- '* ý i Il they retire from. articuler or religions - ----,&*- 1 -, 1 . - Id wu@ made ta tel Thom rémaln- Mý 1, . D A U G H T E R . shadow ber. One by one ale gazait nt the . work, gemerally roi te the grave. N Tire Firet Prer-etillertibleul, l 1 portraits on the wall, et the beautiful. . .. - well man han a right to retire. Tb: Avis 4A 12. ,NltisIi.ry výr$e», 810- - . . - ý grarieus lookiwg-wualen and the stalwart , . . 1 ý elle a tient ,,le th. people ,el flotte lut Il la ,;o,,,I ,,«,,.,, ,jjih "r, J, none other ý1 nie.. ta .onie of ,,bore the prement Mr. - la à *photo beyund the rernela of tels- i llaleIýý ult-II, ii.ýI,,I, ri%,ýil aulong MOU. . __ 1 ,!iý,,,tit.g. bore s eh a striking 1, . il wo, es. 1, liervl'y ,,, Iloist be si% 'v'l. -.let# 4:12. @cap _"- «Y 1 WrI ýntiy ,die Irpil ber cy" train the . Inany a tiLuc before ,,,, ai,,, ,oud ,O him. She began a , you or you miel Remettait, stand la the 1 At the Harbor Munthe As bas loti 1 1 se lll,,nc sij thO pauspti abruptl 1 a il WB)., They think you muet be supprete- ý My .abject next Accoste thaRp lu the end .ilII,, th, Iý,,,,Iý.ý,t ,xhurtatirra Of Il likeness. r ib 1 toit v, Ille cill'I'n'ion ai the illtnsi'y .1 hl. ý od. Lýý -r lins et, ()1eA>L'ý1ý 7,1-;,R. y b OO 1 ý - From thirty te forty la au espectally ý .P;.enthýs and beyunei. My word tu th'-in 9 "d l"ille 'il et pobl'lI,.Iýýnré brutight ]&IO gralre. lie 1 tri, ha lit on tiers 1ý1 , vu gel ,B,,Iy intit Iliý,rI,,,,. ,ville Ji, uilaniffles. Peter ', 1 ý, bard Croc for ywing duotors. youing law- ' Io congratulation. Yuu ha - Il . . "+-iFtté+"i-+++--.ýý-eFi*iýty-,ftT--,ftftl"v et Ir Ile ssývl il, Iil*:"ý". le,, to, 1 him, .. vers, vounz merchants, Ioung frermerse, If net quitri through. You bave trafely lvlls la th,. luilist Or jos iloprotruptu soir- - ,ý--- wÜr, ý t ý ýouIIg Illechairics. vritig minist ers. The ---------, ----- - turned ,harply aý.1y, tI,.b.I..g ... ý ,,r...,,l tire nos lot lire and #ru about te ,non in Il ... ... Ill ,,,,,.Ii 0 or the temple CHAPTER X V - 4('l,111,O i, 11.1 U, , ; n .... ,Iý lie. bill ,,,lk,.n very ý fizhtIýuel, ý ý sti*Iiggl(, or file tinettes lu fur holleut and ,air, the harbor. Yeu have fouglit et q loi 1 IN lie [à Tlný 1-1-l.iI.sii,,Iiý.ýel authoritien -: ý!Iý >ý:ý il ý th, ,,,,.,!t ,If his qilnt s'ru- 1 - NIV love. iliv dariiiil lie cried, in a 1 1 - lII-li'r'il and reintitierative recognition. k u te - mes log., M',ilýin a Il, , ,,ý..iý, 'r 1- ý - ' . - -_ (lettvot)ur«. mil tire virer la over--here 11111 t,""Il:,- Il,-,i,,' lol' v P t L Il 'see.")a a v-y be; ... I'f'.1 1 'l ' 1 ",,.,Il , ,,,,, 'J", h, r,,It IitifligtýI.,ji.ý pivaed 1 devp, stong ,oive, ,*do Dot let us ailleurs- . IjIý1tuev li'l people kn.w bolv te treat ..il th , ru . skirmish with the remaining Il ,Ciel ... III le,- ,,.,I,ý.,Iiis.r,.Il rital the temple 1 conte ta London, ý,.,ýl ,,, ý : 1 Il il ', , il, She -is greroeful, naturel[ .and derstand ea(h other any longer. Yeu lui- - ---- . ý 9 i)--ý)ilýe without patronizing thein orronne joli by courts, the once juin the 1't'f , ,1,ý 11- , 1 Il l' ,, 1 , :in 1 1,l)ýseq,%Ptl a certain frauk- cd nie oncle: voit dû love me still, a little, (copyrig .1 il t lie (,a,- bien,] or snubbing them un the sin of your erre bleuet sud tire sin ut the j'roter Ivre' . the court et the 1 I il. hi. l"Ouis KI-P&ýh. 1902.) "" würld, but 1 Vitae you are about doue. collerions; of %%Itili, a strange on,, il tir ,, - - ý I 1 ý, - ý, Iý,Iim r ,,hib could not fa;I ta should there bc mistrust ROM an unutrual standpoint Dr. ther. grerrit ']est l'f 'r'l.n:, 't, 0 ')il' the t'l'rt't'g! Joseph §tond Thore may lie @trois Work for yen, yet Il 9 lit ille a ,lest ,.nI.I..Ure open te l . S!, i! , 1 , ýý -I li',ing and adroiration. In - Iý, ý 1 .ý,,Ilitoiýetraýiýnthyl Talmage in thii discoures hook& #il fore lifirrentoi, et thirty; David won à attrait or large seule. Bismarck or Gel ý U'.'ý'sill"Illut bouildil ,,Il all .ide" by mat- 1 married ai fiftIý,,ii ý,- , Iý !-- , ;ý l I ()Il,- ýI , ho ,-Ili-,] ,)il Lady (;race l'a r- Ilis mords were very sweet in ber cars, 'y the duti« suit trials whieh bél-ng te ty ý,iirs old wben lie bellon ta migu; vortuy ,,épations in the vIIIIJ 1 coeur year, older Ili'n IIý 1 - : ;,!, l 1 ,ýý l"I' Il Sin, au-i Ill'inifred were >,itng ý but the false pride that huit tormented feu the different derides of loulou, lire; tll:irlieiglit of 8(iloinoiJ'à temple won tbir- 1 Ililivolit I-I,,I-ri-,] porirt-os nad colonnades,, di«olute , haractler. Aý il ,i irý J;.Ii Il, "Il , ,Iý,n, ý lz', , tort, Pantois etc., 10, -The days or our ty c prime iiiiatuter of IZUSIanti @irons ai ru whore groujos Of lo-ople %love vient te tiret* in ihe drawing roon .'ivé ý ber .sa long ml net let ber ha happy uhit,; Oh--illit enterra open hic active orty two. Haydn e,,ntt>.glng bée cratoi.- ritailiver for ouc loir-pos. or auothér. as lu Iller parrigionattely; illen. il, Il, Iý-an1 il : '%Il ýl.;ir,*' lie said ta %Vinifred, even il et the crisis of ber lire. Sb@ Ysare are thmescore Yeats and leu." ininistry nt thirty yeare et âge; Jades "The ('rration," et nevotity yerrire u; ý a public plai, or femme. Thore wu& noth- limpossible ta ovei-,,ni, ho , I ,,ý.In-, il L t rs any longer. My ' drev heriitelf away. The seventieth milestoue of lit@ Je bere soit] bien for thirty pierres or attirer. Oh. , a gr. livarrates dolug saute ut bis iwst hum ont of terrier lu tire itx%4-tnbling of a Il di'lke ,i::,ý,l ý 1 '. ait ghters are coming ta stay ý -You have seen the ,vives tbat al] the planted as et th. end or the joumey. bc tltirtiý,8' What a word ousttwtlço lot m-ork :et stleuly-four. feinte trolley thinir. tr,)ýll I., ,iltii to a z4alou. Jéw. Who fordifferenue, ho bied con", lie, irail titkIn ! _111 Il , 1 . triuruph il, disi trerrit ber with harshu,ýs, vI-rý ! - ,i re in Ilurstshire aller the season Je ý former Hastings have cliosenýome no- à few ta beyond il Multitudes never Ywir deoalfic Je file one tant wiIl prob- ý Ing for .11 surrééding centurion et elghty- hall Il lo- 1,ýligiI,ý'. t.-U,ýbilIg ta lm- éLer avray ta Russia %ery youilg. ,, iii 1 1 vant Lady Grec@ to bpare ý hic, ail fair. I swear before héalen nous mach Il. The oldrut person of modern ai)])- afforti the greateet oppartuffity for 1 one Noah Wella-tor. crier making hla piru ýs. belonging friendierts, and intýri,,ýi, ,Inhnppýý Th ', 1 , ... li ,i v.ill net refuse?" of thent, have been lovod and révérer] au lime$ exPired al 169 3earo, À Greek of world lonownelli dictiontry. bord et work litit thl. J"',sil, S.,.IllII,-ve bc boa aeglected leur. Slo- hall 1 l% I, d'il 1 1 thilil, -11 would like ta go, (leur, you shall lie if you Ivill bc the last of the the nain@ Of BtravariJý liveil ta 132 years. vIrtory because there la the grerritest Roi- Outil elghty-live yenra ohé. Rev. Daniel te, a ,,ý-iiti..,, l't'Il exclusi'é ,-aýlý-recot- dren-boys; and al! li- I- v se li 1 %, ,ii-J ý,)u ri(,t'.," Lady Grace sait], quick- i race' 0, my darling' do trot let a foi« An Englilshman or the noms or Thomas c@dglty fer Ktruggle- Read the worlII WalIio praying in my pulpit nt Orne lion- oixd ,et oul., illat sui le projeulerprution ut boucla up in thora. TbIn rio, IIII-11, th, : il pride moite ail our lies one long éditer- Parr lived 152 yearI. Rature th, lime history end trouve what are the thlrthleu tirent yéers or nt.. Humboldt pruducius tho .%[,l.-,.Itil- tl-II-lIiiJg, eu recentlir oulie- cela of Romain killed thtin, nud lh, -1 ý ' IlVinifr ,ad if for good or tard. Alexander the Great thé Immortel "('teutuOu" et etrventy air po.od Il. 1't'l. )I.lý,I I-rtIlI,..kti-Ii. would bc 1 et answered a little hositating- nýss." " o t Mages people lived 150 yeam, ganst died of the grief, ý iy ... the affirmative. She would rallier Tearn came into lier eyes-large tes" Yeu go fer enough back they lived MO duel bis Verser nt thirty-two; Prederick ) en r.. Ilvilliant Bistre nt »èvýnty-6II ruinior. il. li'vir ,1.1..,..«Is. livre il Won The physicien ai Stý I'v, Jburg ilIIt [ tl,,t ha- rino; but shé coula net beur ta that gatbered and brirrimeil tirer, runalag yen ". Wall, that was necensary, W the Great made Europe tremble with hie 1 lenruilla Italien ta un Io rend Dante In onlý et f,ýi% %In-ýs 'inic Ilicy hall ut cou- end thât elle ,hould rt,!,,rn nt ,,n,,, Io ý ,, en, ,Z,,1>1),,,,, ,,, ,,a if eh, hum malice. down the fair face and mailing Il ,end. cause the %tory of the world muet coins "mien nt thirty-tive; Cortes conquéred ý tire Original. Lord Cockburn nt oighty- .1illrI.1,!., iil-ubl, s.-,-ýi,,I-Il tire exécution Paris. "Il Ili, the .ni, met, to Ille fil', 1 Th, 1,lidon solison was over, the park 'il loved you one." ,ihe liait Robbed- down lit tradition, and lit neelled long Mexicla nt thirty; Grant fouillât Sbiloil 1 noverte writing lia ilpat trottine. John ,or rio, I.:%,I,.t. ýlr ,ho, now roliuium, and Juré."' bc ta'd to lie, h,ý'i'..,]. .1, afier ,1,,ý,irt,,,I. the handsome carriages galle "]()N('tl vou with ait my heurt. as 1 coula lire safely ta transinit the news of the NN't-.1ey etiýiug créât filleillencée nt fial iro, il -é, .1lriiiè:ittg tri) alcain more vit- illerels yýar., .,ýâ,y al.,,-nl-,,, shý -t-in frorir (lie streets. Winifred was staying rit, let love again. I waq only a pour, lit- past. If the gerrierations boit been short died nt tliirty-seven; Luther won the Ir 1 rive. Williani C. Bryalit, without apocia- ,,r,,ti, Ili;- I -r Evoiciffly the apostles 4d to ber bierthplace, and lhel reltcr a lit litirýt Mentir Witte ail ber cousins- lie coiintry girl theu; voit %veto a bore lived. the etory would sa orten have of the réformation ai thirty-tive; SI' 1 clé.. rondieig in'iny Il "'Fhanatulais" Inoiil I., >"].IIi......ýl 1j"W tu lit, Il witb- time. elle -.vered. At tire Frencla lý,1,)ra ant Reginald Champion, and and a god ta mie, soiiiething different from c le anired Lipe titrât il milirlit have tel ail Ph'ill, Sidney sol through by thirty-two. 1 'At cighty titrée yvars of âge. Christlau ont litre, l'ire; l-, aloI Il attention ta théorie court elle wu@ greatly admired and souglit ' jýsos and Ada Fordyce, Lady Velue- any one I hall seen heforp, aud horaires autray. But atter Mortels began ta write Thé gréaient deede for God and regainst ion and ,montera in ail déparimente teint- or ,iiiiiiiii: rio- il,. ri, popuinir mympathy lot. A yoting ma n" of bigle rant, ,on ton's daughters. Sbe bâti met the two 1 ivres simple and ignorant, antl--loving. fil: dotent and perchaient told il train con- litre wrre donc within the thirtlëa, and 1 Ing God lutter bocomins et-L)tuagenariaiii m;,ý il Iili, lire Ilit ,;i,,ii. The first Ill .ceived a wiid passion for ber. lie was latter constantly in town, and been on you d-pised nie. and Yeu treated Mine turY ta century Il was tint neeessary t bat your gréaient bottiers are now end be- j und ýtogenarlans and nonagenatians te) do, li,,%t,ýIr, %%tri te) arrext (hi» preaeh- «O bandsonté. lo Ilistinguiýbed, no one lie- ,loinking terme with them; but nothing Champion Ivith honor and courtosy lie- people live no long in order ta ftutbenti- tm'"n the lime when you ceego expreus- 1 provo tiret there are posaibilitièm of retirée crie, àleved eh@ colla resist the dévotion lie more. The ,Ider was tailler plain, but cause she wu, a fine lady, and-and you Cru te the avenirs or th. past. if in Our ing your âge by puttIng fini a figure 2 fii, the Réputé. but 1 think Yeu Isba are So i lir -, reptile ,of the toinil or bond . Il aristocratie looking, and lori prend. Alla, , only a farnier's daugIr -rive yeurs. finit the lime when you will cesse ex- -9 near twing or (lie rorl, . lýt-%Irt... vinaigrai with eonstantly and so penly offered ber. thought I wRe Ume people liveil ouly twenty parlera the sg>ventif am eould scarcely hi atlirmed tient Ille was flot would net affet Iiiotory, mince Il in pressing Il by feuillet final a figure 8. As litron maintiniwnr i , ', -Ihin Ille templé en- ý the yotinger. was pretty, good-tempered ,&lia Winifrod solhell %villa passionate a ru gin. ý ,fý *tterly untnoved by bis passion. but ail and tinriffe, tél. She look ta Winifmd ai indignation ai the reurivrabrance or ber put la print and Io no longer dépendent Il in the gréâtest lime Of the t 991@, I Ilors de you fI about kit? You Ought closurv, %%Ij..r, tir.- It-iiiiiii garrison, quar- the worid said that elle nü,er gave lire ,,,,,. and sonn borates very fond of ber; verrongs. 'tir. Hastings Il fairly angry. aut tradition. Whatever ýour age, 1 will ildjuré Yeu, in Gol name and hy Cod'a ta ha jiiLyü&nt. bocause Lieu le a tremen- tà-r,.,] joi Il, ilh,- ii,,rIliwrird. vvere net Ilo-day directly address You, and 1 Bétail gral dous etruggle, and if jeu have sol 1 .ý.1>,.ll,..l il ,-Iti l' -- eu exceptional amy ondule encouragement, _e il the g-rPat"t a'ýbi"vem(ýnt' Still. l'rince hut lier renier joined with Flots in W Her leurs moi Pd 4IIIIII ta impatience. Nly .(I'ýrnal3aekr Je for ut] thoue la thé ire- Metikoff ébocame jealous. One evening the ing disdainful and cold ta the farmer's -Will 3(oi never ovase tipbraiding me'r' apeak ta thune who are lit thé tiventirtir, t brough r(-sp"tably and unefully you 4-era", l lille 1-1 elle. Il ,, !'. l, a [.Il seizi-il th, the thirties. the fortiori, the liftier, the D'i crisin of the thirtiel The tact gérimerlâtre, dropped ber bouquet; Monsieur daughier- Tinette were two or three yeung bc exclaimed "'lavé 1 Dot at'm"d ta Yeu titilles, and ta those mine are in the lév- 14 t'lot by the y Yeu décide thé pr"- ought Io fecl litre people toward the close IWO J..11,ýt.ell iI 11, > ,'v'o led Revu) ta W B 1 ', il outil . I..,I" ,.Lii--tIt tiralle for a de Ligny picked il Dire bowed over il, and men, friends nt Reginaid's, staying in the enough? élevé 1 net humbléd myrsolf be- ont décalé of vour higtory ).'eu decille .11 'If a nuinte,ér day rient.il en tir. vocéro - spetemiserd il ta ber. en,ù" and beyond. vratching the surniert nt Bar Harbor or tiroir ,in elle next mortilna. Tha- cr"d Prince ZelikOff Chose bonne, and Mr, Maxwell, ta whom Niiez fore you as 1 believe in truite, noue of ont Fiýtl thon. I OI thos. of you who the folloWing ellecordes. te imagine the accillent was prearranged, Champion was croit, formally engagea. race ever humbled himself before? Once art in the twerrities. You am full of ex Th. l)-.de of Disc.very. Cape May or Lookout Ilotintain. 1 am bruite op ,1-'ýI. nitti illarty expressions sied ta gay thât ment allé Christiens am or tl flr Ille bravé préacireir and land that De Liguy huit tairen the oppor- -I have news for you, Laurs," sujet for ail. Winifred, ,,ill Yeu Imité the love pýtation. Yeu Rio, ambitiouýthai le. Neill I seront the fardés. Yeurs, la the ,holerfui. The young bave their troubles D-11 a fl- llo 1) llrlf- ý,,l-ti- A failli lie the tuaity of concerreling a note among the Reginald one day. entoring the room in 1 crier you or do ý,oi reject nie now and If 3ou amount ta anything--for saine IIýâde of discovery. 1 do net meurt I bollore litron; the old have thêir troubles -1. -, ', li-lon h, hall J", ;il hcdý In tact. 1111ouvers. He suatebed the bouquet vie- whicla wem bis sisers and cousins; l'in- forevere' bdnd of entretenu, commercial or mechau- the discovery of the niitside, but the dis- 1 le-heud thens, You bave tut about ail out Ille niiiiiIr ,,f .1i..il,...ýý bIgIriniiig mi imtljr revenu bis wife's bands. lu ber sur- depri, news for you ail. Hastings in Dot "I reject Yeu"' terni or prof,-oional .et literary or agricul- loverY Of Youmelf. No man knows Wm 4prise, obe made saine restistance; ho grasp- going ta Norway in bis yacht, but la vain- He was gone even hefore the botte ' i m- total or social or moral. If I find Rome soif IInfil h@ tg fOrtY. He overestiiiiat(-à 1 of this étrilla tbat literie lm in il. Be glua tilt- 3.Iletel ,-f l', 1, ý - - f, hall airpedy erd ber tenu and presseil the sharp-pointed ing domm ta the Cout-Il and bas invited pulse, surging quickly into ber là e . rit one in the twentien militant Roy sort of or undérefflimates lafitraelle. BY that lime li;;t 3oti, au regril gervant of God, are rf,;','Ill-d .-, (Mme diamand bracellet unintentionally into the severai people with litre, go ire abat] &II moved ber ta cuit bien bock, crying: ambition, 1 fée] litre saying: -My friend, lie bas learneld estent lie van do (Ir m liât glotig ta try artrAher lire and mania bot- life,,ý thé M..Iedri.. *«Ir. A liUle jet of blond spurted forth. ho eulivened à little, 1 hope, in ibis doit you have gel on the m-rong pluriel. This ý le, surricondings. Stop looking back and Ne ,It nI-,ýIIlIg ri ,,,--e-tIýz uf the SRD- 'il dit not mont' Ji"' lie connut do. He thought ho but coin- , look obéirai. O ye in the Aevelitios and tiý.iiI,. ,Ia, jolli il, leunuder thé cage. IMe ettrageril De Ligny bebeld il, and in baie. Lady Dora Annesly IR te, play She toit then elle bâti t-brown away ber in net the worid for vol. Yon are going morcial semez enouth tu bécome a Drill- 1 iht- cietill and the nin l'ile .je-%%, --re all(,wll il) try and punirrh dg moment Prince Zelikoff lay retenir and boutons, go there la sure ta le plenty of ultra tire, ber nive happines«. and abc ta ho in the way. lisie 3au malle your lonaire, but noter ho lu natisfiefl ta maire 1 du 11:ýcm ,o;11r.Iý-. 1 ' ,ý,,st,,,,ý. jet lilig onjy th.. puiser bbeeding « the granita. -1 croira clonera fort." - crouched down by the winilow uttering lie thonirhi ho mov,. are )et ta carrer, ail lffI:nIler. Ir iIj--ir tl(-riexiantical w«ad thons ut once; with some difâculty Suivre deys after Lady Dora Anvresly irréel, 98sPiDg subs Of remorue and no- chaire of poorhous"? You will noter a comfortable living. bal ivoul-1 toinir jutions are yet tir lie forivieil, your I.W. an,, 4 elle ta pay for yliiir craille. M'ho la bâti rhetorical power t hest eyr.ight Ji Yet te, ler kindied, y-:ý:r l.ýlý'tb penalty, Th, Kan. ý4bé alkM men were eeparated, but, of arrived et the Court with ber husband, a gulsh. going te sottle for ycoir board? There litre juin the United States .Sénat,-: now bIiýt loaring Je yt-t t. bP -e-akt-ne,1. Y- r ý rJ;,l ý ' l I ' I "';il ' Réglettes, ouly bleuet could wipe Ont Bach a Young. good-t-mpered man, very fond of From that lime Mr. Hastings' manner je B, tnistnkp about the fart tiret Yale were ho lit content if ho con su(,tee.%ftillv ut 1 grenicest ripertil L. )'et tel Les- trui , r ri ve . .. ;,,.-,I,.ý ý ,tort of the na- lier. and not in the toast inclined ta ho He wlis OurteOng bar, et al].- ,jllr) "" ' ý j", e ý :ýý;ýý ,,,,,,"ý"I .t 'il Il --la ,en tire -uthern 4ot&W A meeting tires arrangea; the sec- ta ber was changed. Kilo a commun case béfore a petit -ý gliedIlP.t .long je, >et te lit- .e.ng, i 'In- tI".Iple ,rj,-[l,.Ii". nt 4"8 made the cu»toniary formai et- )cajous. but in -0 Ilisé différent in big behallor Advice te th.T-e.ti- Ife thought he huit modii-al skill that most of your friond. have gour ,)%or th, ,he IlriI»r vl the «-ouri of il,. -union tompb et a recturriciliation witbout sue Tin-le bat I>ýn a very dýided flirta- ta lier thfin ta t ho allie, ladies ,ho vieil- But. supposing you bave ambition let mOuld maire lion a Mort ,,, 8 leminsé or Lordý-r, and yole are corne ri' jiý'a (hein 1 rial thlý ,,l,,it ,f InrnI-1 ),,,nM. Tiré mens- ,Imm& lion bet- n NIr. Hastings and Lady ed t the Court. And illien site thought me gay ta ail the twtniieke, expeet ev'ery- 8 Willard Park" or a Situe; nom, bc findâ very rellon. Tbey are Ivaitirig for yoi, ý I_ s,.ý il, Il ,,.mýj ,.;r,,:I.. thjr pm.i(Wat Valode de Zelikoff linew well étrangla 1 Dora e yvars &go. toiture sho wu% ha no longer cared for ber, ber love fur thing through divine manipulation. and bis ophére in that of a fiel phyrrir'an- thoy are wati hinir Ille coldorti shore te, sec nt eh .. .... .Il , TIn, .,R.,. I.-J"It.tiI)a and titérilsalt the end of such a quarrel muet nul- or ýngagd; ibey .otnetims re, litre revived ton fold and site aimait then Yeu -ill s'et al, you m'ont and borne- prirerribing for the ordinary aliment% tiret you land; th.-y art- ý.thinz the .tinI,ï Il' . Il:. srIs an,] scribes 1 ,et Ir ,,r th,- --ý-1--,-. .qomlly bre. She knew ber huBband's fierté. -c'é'd t v - a. lie let ber have ber broke ber heurt for lion. thing better. Are you looking for wealth? affib"It (,or rare. He was mailing on in a gelé ta sol, yon coulé through; tiley om , mens .Iiffiiýnt t. iI,,..«t thé protroétifings Mdimjtable temper. and elle guesseil the ý ou. w.y"Wý.rd w7ili in the matter of com- (Ta bre contin-d.ý - Well, remember tient God centrale the fair a . ,,il coula net taire a réckoning. but standing by thé thron,,to a" yole mount. ý Ill ýIlý.,I,.iy. c'. O Wliva 11J Ivétre con- tringe *ai boa filled De Ligny's heurt ai ing ta stery ai the Court and inviting - __ ____ money markets, the barrette, the nOw si c'cars UP enollith ta allow h'm te V'l'hat a glua bout W ion )ou trop the ; .pju.,,1ý lj,,.ýleK in ),Islif.6. . ber treated Rikiki violence and a turning the nid bouse upside WHY NEW BREAD IS HURTIFIJL. droughts, the caterpillarg. the locuste, the finit oui bis réel latitude suit longitude. .lait and talle thé s(-Ppt-'r. Ivérien you (toit 1 .el n., Ille. -.Il , -11 ,-Izembl lier heurt was torn-in Ii.; ý ,ýî=.- z p - lie han béton elimbinir. but Dow béniras thé iniffened jointà and lieront, un mineur- -, t,,ý,h 1,,Il.ýt, dop.zéri let, = il. , ry .m le, rivale theatricalà. sud in re, tunnelier, the Récriai, the land, the net. ý -I. th,, fý po. . trscth abc cared more for the lombaire, lutin, relié was very bright and kind ta 13-kery Product- Freeh f__ t ho Owen and yon will gel wealth. perhape net gel ta the top of the hill, and le t lieu tel sthletel Bat Ir leur; ri remarie th, B.,mau, ,,, f.,or lr hier wn-ja-I&W, aetempUibed man who loved ber sa d"_ litre nad consulted bis pleasure in every A" '.%et W.11 Mantic.ted. that whiellit la utored op In the horaire, in a long lumath. He In huit way tétralogie pertinent to ait rýpip, whether in th* (,iI,:Illi.ý> tJ: ,-M r, liffinc the titit, teW th for ber dissolute. gray- ý Il tg a commonly acceptera Opini(M nets deposits, in United States securities, the journey al 'cent, *na ho 'a In a Dl- twenties. the tilitiýg, the feori the I Il roi, h ,,f tir.. IiIzI!,ry lit the oigce. ICZ I&dRaellrent hauban. But ber te- Lady Dora made ail lier plans and Et- thnt new brtad lm hurtful to people gela. in boum and lands, but your clothing n ition ta look baekward or forward. lié fittieg, the ilixtits, t1oo Reventies or W ,1'1,,ýl.. Ira te bwi Jv r- . oit, .et lu juds- ligéna land taugbt ber faithfully the dutY roi carrieil theut oeil. lie called on Mr@. cri becarraîte of the gages il containS. and board and shelter, and tiret le about bas more sol tremIr, thon he eler hall. yo ni]. Dent ,la lie.. INI..t-., M l'Il trani John. eif saffl eing everything ta right. Champion, gave ber saine hints about the A Weil-kliown writer disputes this and &U you cran appropriate anybow. Yeu 'le j"Dows lumen nature, for bc han II The Nord et All Aspro. 'YlI."I. ,il, toit oril. ý,kvIjhw thât the The i»mLag of the duel arrived, no one rubicans and a désirs for lier co-opera- clailms that bread fresh from, the oven ecet the Lrira a grelot deal. Ta rend and chtd Il etougla ta ses the boit aide ,l, *« cm the grenat] but the seconds, a lion. Site respoieded immediately hy %botter Yeu lot IL litatime , of Il, and ho hart, met go moule gracions ýN'hat ive ail tiret la te taille the super- d- ill- l li', . '. , I I'.. jý,ýri'.. et their illecter and his assistent. The doctor (alling On 1,alv Dora, uni] IWO dayst of- la tic more liijurious tb&n tétait wWch la C'Otht and turnul mie our lives. Do net let us de- Ililtl'i.. ' ' il lis mast1cated as thor- quirerre a big soin of MoneY, and If YOU tet and kindly and Aplendid soula ha aie,) na 'j'h, ti,.t que ýt-n Il of Pcter won *t»d »sort De Ugny. Prince 7,elikoff terivard Dorre appeared ai Horst Niflnor. etale, provided nothing mort than the absolute nel known the goûté side of il. Noir, culot pend on brille, and ningcle and Dérive. N'I's Iý' la, orro N-ýI **%% hy are Yeu trying 4ira4 émettent au a deadly BhOL One, IWO, The ]allie,. lý,lIt'(ýifillY the Young O , . oug y- e says stule brersd when nt of sup- yourel Thank Gala for the past alla want il loightY sui)1>17 Of thu- sIIPerDàtý ri 'il 11 In '. hl Il tles yon gét an enoinutous &mon ral. N'Ve watit With lie a divine fOrce 1 Il. la".. ;en ,IIý,I"..,ýt,.>[, .mollet; tiré peu- titres, two flashes, two reports, a wilit were (harint-Il with livr, she %vas sa brokeii bretiveleil the leeth resolves Ital ply. Expéct as rituel au you will of aily rieliberatoly àt-t your comptent for en Il 1 1 . ahirie&4 and a full. g into gritty particles, which, if voyage, Yon bave ellased exongh neiglitier tirait the materg and the terra- ý lli.",*' or "%\*Il% ,J., lIoi inItiýr un icathering And Yet millier Of bright. sa faI - theY kind or sucrent, if you expert Il front ather sis, nul ýhen il,,- 1,,,rli look two stf-pu 'l' I'!ý le ,h.- ,l,ý,pil.," Bort -By what the duelliste was harrired or scatlicd. At , The-re mere a gicat Illai, , ,11,. ,oover- were Doit softelieti levith saliva. would be the Lord you tire ente. Depetiol on Ray ' tbistledown; Yori have blown etrough èv'rep in, 1 J"I'. ., - !il ', leur n'roto. have yo doner the momen* or firing the dýtor'.s n.,.,ist- (Xher resotirre. sud you mal be bardly blit)tl,.; yon have sven the iiiiýitisf)iyig , on bilstormed Gulilert, potting -'rio fl-t ý , II, - ý, . 1,l.;Ii.,.l tjoý - ,,,..a, Of courts. ,ilion, bint, lIi,,,ý,,ýal,ý iiiii ,org-tions, Dell ta lllli)t,,sitýle to sI%-aitoNI*, coerise- dhagTineIi. but dépend on (et.1 and &Il ' nature of al) eterthly t 1 on the ,vinés anýI the other on Ille wij%ýis, ssnt bord flung himself lu front of il le 1 1 - ,- iI,ýt , ii-, m,, 1,! ilil. dere te find th, and filially ,,,týI1,itIg ,,iI,, annui Pré- quently tirait tbvi'()"gllly illa4ticates 1 bingl' ()l'tri ri ce, land turned up the horind %%lien ,.is(,Iv a%; ilh, iiiitr(-ss ,If I- lIltIIoules .ta.le '1,1-,>tl(l. and in li'ting ,Il inapreg- mi lie wle-11. Il tg a good thing in tire D" ehapte, .lit, G., t ' Il. pro'v.1 )I,.I-..-Ir moghtivîr than blini 1 ý 1 fz hW pii and récvived Ire Ligny's hall iIItI,,, 1,1 il ,1ý,I,,Il I., 11, lien. of tes il Mitil lail'a. v, i,ý, 1, paitialiv di "Tiers of lire ta have a man of large 1 'n ie dératé ,if the forillus lorgh', or ta ýý (nenv .nl 1,,11,,,-ý' W c 11-let mth lis a J , - P 1 -Il 'f Iii, L , u, ,..IEI.é thé abat tbrougb bis sboulder. lit nel, you rire. Il Je a grerrit thing ellitue al] lis predcovirsor. tri moruir 1 divine forle grialr tirait tire fireer. leilli 111 - ,I, 1 '"'I . nIlI,,,ý. !,.,Ii Io hi. aveu, DI- Lii l lý,It'f's,ý 'loir, lIre liýtl,'Iits.91,ý lit th p na M enou h ' ' ,ý .- iý [_ t - i - , in. . 1 , , i torr. Ir the the seconds, and the doctor rulheill 10 Couri, lý,,iiiI,. Ilor.,ir lýIItI-,, :,Il ,nan t gests and allapi, :1 Il, IýIlý alitil itury ta lIB,é a MOIII institution stand bc- 1 lu us'rul.-ý .1,ýl in brippints.. 1 when the L"'d l-l-ýolI NI h,,,II.-IIl--ZIr . e -ri le, le ,ward étira; the prince huit airvadiv ritisi,] n', ,1, J- t- I, t'Il g, iting il, - uug tract. hinli voir in vlir rindéririking. B Tire Ieavi,,g Aur. frirmio, ontil Shadra, b, Meeh, a .Ill - i, ý Il - liol' * - Il - I fin il I- ' 1 by -Il Il, lllý _ 'f 1 ;I;,,l j'jus- te , ', il Ild lIIt 1-1,11 liste t, tir- thl-or , -Il. II.".ý.- Of G ,ej, they But il.., 1-r'-ilil, r,ýghtiv, . ýhing il, lia- th, (.(., i, mo Il' 1 - : :,,, hW bolide and ý,oguizý,] Valeil, lit, Z, i,-ýliýl,ý llg, lIII', Il, 1-ýI- i II, , 'iarts. >Il O, ý Niy rrier ri n'lit alcost8 tire fiftirni Al,,diýý Il ,ýý 1 lý il 1. . ;I,,,,,l,,--] tient tlley, fillette juin wife. The doctur expiait, il itý ,,*iI.,Il,,-, ilol -ir,,,,,ý l.,,II,, il,,il front tic, je nirre apt Io Il,- ,\\:tll-,%%(ýl NNith beaý(rluii,],,àiiýbyutirrua(liut,)raiiýf - ýou i Ilow queer il looko mI in wrirlng - ur s"Ivis Il,- irl,ý,-ýl Iiiiiisi-if miel thau 13o was au old trient or th, fainiIý . sir, 1,,)iý,iýIil NI,. ll,.,Ii,,-, 'iIiI!- I Il. ,Iller Ont lllzisll(,Utloll, il, in ,ilit-I Nvý),«ýis, vos) have Iiiiii. 'i'l'hich Wery are yon go ý agp you m aire the first of the two filitures 1 the fire. \\ , , atit Il lil, lot- for:,re, .tIng- 1 ,: , ý1l .el Il. . i, f -- .1,Irlýlý. knw bad gone ta Il and besouglit brut to uý Il - ,!,,>il! Il 1 lj 111 JI., ilol tient ho ý t iooI,ýv o- I,,iIeIi-, on] iIoý (',.I,,t liait- boltd Il je in tilts ai., h, tlli,,Ls. tirai m g tO start? Oh, dre twtnities' 1 a 5. 'l'bis is tire der .,le whih ah.ws ý ,r tirait IliIII Ile.lýt, end .hen (hl lllril 't. Il, :j4n of the Slow ber ta bc present ai the Illei. uil; Toloir - , tiýill,!,ýillilýi OIý, ;,Il Iýi,ýgi,,t ' ... I'wenty" le a II word in the Bible. l ,bat the otber deIýdv@ bave Lý Ist. If a I Made Parlit-I a !,,,ii la ... I, lori per.,ed him- ' ni Il , If.,ýl,, l ý the Injury exi,,ts jil;il ili't in ilie (har- 1 Ir 8trongt, (han Ille Iralh of theI joli ! ý ý, ý , jit :I- il 1 , ân- -J bI ici tiret elle, fl berslf aille t. jet, ' ilIIl;ýiI-: AIl ilo- Iýl,,,,,t,, '-il'i'll ,j, in- 1 . acter of tire hi, li'l' 1 ilot 1.,Ils ,ould Lie Joseph mas sold for tventY ilieceo Of Bil- 1 Ioulig man lias sowD wild Out» 'end lie si' 1 .1. , ,, ('1Iit Or Nette- Vont it. soit artur Mill( h hetalion titi hall ý %it,,,I: Ili, re %%lit. tI llý t -l JI indr'd " '; Sam"oa judged larael twenty yelire; bas li,,d t. titi. time. le, r.ýýli th, hal li TIo te art, so rerituy diil-ino. in the Ill ' l Il -o. 7ieided. The wound wils ill a ,,riou, ý 'i Just as dýg-tHe as siab- Ilo , if they 1 %est of il in tire fifties. or if hl ri(-t-e-ity W.,rll - ,ant "'Ill Il, le d'vine I'hý,Ii 1 Il l , l ,I, - li ",!,l.1. ,,Ulý,li (;".l r.il- 0» ; many a woman ,vould liaNc brun ý Nel ýIuJ-I-,,J's Iliait 1,-it fil, r.Ir Il, tiret DI prc>jII.IIý iliastii atlid. lie nifers la ý Soloulon gave Hiram twenty cities; the - ,11 l npnhI.ý ,ýf , ouloitIng ailInvnt., : . 'n'l l , I i ý Il. ,l, , 1, Il 1 ýi-,". lie , allie .tend . 0 yin g roll; that Zeebariala malle, wu% twen ire wüs conipellrd tu ovvrtoil in bolletit 1 ,1ý,ýII ,o e.:ItkI .1Ii,ý,.,i ,hat 1 ti- r. Il, - I. '-, ,,ý,l,1- Tirent Nets- *Ud ta purtthase the reptitation for lici(e ' iiiii, ,he %iiiI-.1 il:szil (',,,,It, Shr te thls (MJIII t- 11W IIIIIZ :11 il tracher ty cubotn .1,vri the .allure of the ahip, directions lie la (-&lied to settle nie with "tir "Or" ý ýtat,., lie 'Ould III, - th -'i nul j,:IiIl" ,. ri Il l "f ý Il Iý , --il !, ,Il t1hi. ,bief, Hall dm that e me uulý,i,,I] to et-illetie Il, 1 lIi,ý,.ItIIllýli l"", il. TI', ýý1- -I,,ý, rital of an linjourtant plii.-ildogial Ivsson. on which Pair! mailed nounded the Médit- exacting nature boule lime dtiring the lutin. ý :ý,,t tý.- 'il.- i.."ýl il jgi J"Ice il, hâle Selikeff et go minuit a pe-ile of pliin. il gr- 1.11IIIý.,ý,e ýI,'., "Ililh ,JI, hall 'Ml, animal boit, ini :il. loil '-ats bleuît, erranean sea, il was ttiel fatLoms. fittie%ý Nfany have il so hard in enly and offlithalloin and lPint (In. lait, The action won thor,119111y Frcial h, and ' iit-%,,t holl'd Ill 1 I111>1 1, ý 1 bl, ,h 1-1, ested because tho jolluth parts arc utile to do W hat inightv thingeï have been done in lire thât they are octogenarianire nt fifty. Illis siiII-rnatiIl into al Yý,ý,:r IIý- ' 1 ,Il iý ,- , 'l 1 Il ,ý Il, a lil-'l Arrol niros, ' Th, tIIIt of ýloI " Il il, , 1--l'h the Il '. lý le ý, tý,,i 1>ý -- - .1 in open court es such miensely apil, Îat'A l'Y .11 in Il ý li'l.ilike hi ,or, - 'Il .11 the ru, jItUe toN,ý,11.,, Ijý, (ligIi..ti,,,, of ,,lent blé. thé tý,nti,ýs, Romains founded Rome Sciaticas sud rheurnatisnes aloi npriral- ighti- or the Il illiuli , the saties or ' olf -Il ,,,:ý Il,. .ig,,i,:I,,ý , .il ih.. nation. 'Paris. Il Ivres a croWil Or goo-v Il) hrr ý inziiii, ,,I,,,h ,lie fiad 1,,il] or ... fanciel . beli lie mas liventy; Keats finiabed lire glas and Tertigo suit intiorainiaq 1) a vit , , ' yond r(ltlucjiig il to il (,tjij\iýfilI-iit folrin w . the fiftiis or il,, flItI,-. Il, who 1,.q>%fm 1 lI;,! l'ý Il , i'd Ip, 'I'q' t1o-rOý Ife quot- hoffkand. Rail flattv,ý,l ho, , noir, to . Il. l A ftý , ,ard il liait lit-il ý!,-zIc, ,t'Il as the nt tvvtntý-fi- Lafayette wu% a world te- their playgrourid In the fiftieu. A man 9 . -, ', h'. il rolust have ,gree that made býo, lo', ber Ig.iin ut, in !-iii, ,r ln, ,unir ,,!I-, Ilitil 1,I--ýri ta ber for Sm il Ilov, lit- lie, hvII-\,-Fý le'eins toi nomi " ' oillier et twent3-three; Oberliii hair begins to whiten and, -1 t hough lie ,rite thé fOrItied ner, g..II., fi,, 1,I-3.1I.1 rite ý . 1 , , l - f - ý plu g il, thill. prend, the aides dXvý,,. (;I*(ý:lt ls tir(. trIlllll;,Il il h, 1 ,,, il .!, Ilog-1 l hl- ilair ý allie te ber Overl" L lin. fil t 1 IIýIt 1 IO, dog , teel .,,umplighe(l hi, chier work et twetity- may have wom spectaclers before, Demi lie flvers ge of huinale JIflý, Ainill tir, un- tý ý Il --1ýJI o-ý1-1I I-11 avas to Zý-lik'off. WB., rh, dert-at il, D, ý ,iOn ,lit 1- 1 ,-11 il,, ,inilde farrar are titi IýIIII,11*11i Ilil flo ,-IiI\%:[,g, and SI Boniparté riras victor over Italy Ilsks the optioinn for No. 14 Or Ne. 121 certaintles taire Go'l throligh j,ý.,Ig , if Iýý,,, I. ,, ý,lI,,i:II,, kuý,,i.g as they lbigny. Ilis autour propre cioild il,, t ý ,juughtrý ,,, proud, so fial,111 t, ile no- that is fil. n'l,, 111- 1t. I..;IIi, fier Ille ai twenty xix; Pitt was prime minister or No. 10. 'V'l'hen lie gels a rougie ,end tg Christ as Your Vl"Int an,] eterlial bat.- - 1 1 J'.. 1'. . ý Il ilI,,,,t c - .-yýJ. y. 'l'lie longéret lire lm only ri minuit t!l, ýt,ý"-- , il Il Il el, 40 lit liolight ,if Yeu Vecover train -Ih a terilil, ItoI,"ý lie tov'l h, Ille. 1,,tiis.11IP ... iI>11.1 ,il' liazeil extil 1-1t;ng lit no-let, of England al twenty-two; Calvin huit almost cured, lie havks ont] clt-ars bis boit belon i,,,-i,;,r.iIl W I,ýk fil, lifr io a ýý C.,,,t, ll,,,v hor heai lI:I,] soni, , Jilin A-ticello-r , ,ýI* lol, I-U t Il tri- Il Ilc caille completéil his immortel ~Institutes" by throat a good while gr t'rival' 1. 0 ye fragment of the gruat eternity. W e Iviii t loi Iiý 1, r.. le Il 1, l% l s ti):I.lP the heurt of 1 Il 1,' i bat :talo lit I ail is nort the lime lie %%as týenly-8ii; Gratins Ivres who are in the fJfti,ý. hink Of 1 A ail of ,ne sono Ille tho-r'. - ý, ý , r', , well-krown di-lilliv shot tu aI-Og,, an ri lie, Il, ,he Il hini pa- rg ilnt ri, the at7teMtillIl 1 il. 'l - ýI- ,,,, "II tri 'I'l., tire Butinais liait ou the ."III:.[l lie- li,,,ll. II 'In, hall ý t,.-I",tflll, .11ýt,,illirtiI, - 1- oh. "em Attorney GeOI-ral ai twenty tour. Sonne liait century of I)lýýýirig ta bc thankfui J.-terniti. h-w tireur il roýIs' 1 » colvert bis bullt in lier IIi, tI-nil,,I , ,i lion so il,, aillo'e liv'; Ir ho, littlé more 'IT'Y IIIIII, lo- This I, 'hovvil il le thé niigljul things for God and for and a hall rentury subtracted froin 'Couat the vest vaille of your souls. I l Iliý , J,ý'.1 , l'Il ;ti.,I. ,, tir. or),- rend Ouly ubniltii,,g ýt;il,, iln-ad fl il ,hort lim e 0 J >'liý i , ! . , i,, il, 1,4 . , thi.i(ý aiiy other 41esh ta gave tir.. hiýýbIIlI 'Ir, hall rio 'l". liall Ile-cirmil of the aillent ,r la lime m eternity ha- béée doue-in tire tiventies. on existence whioh, in the most markeri Bervare and (outil the nwful trost ni ... il ý,lIl - Il. - il tient i, givu atallunir 4rossly wronged hi- Ile -nt s'a .1 lie - Ille hý't'ý"' ý 1, moto ta a bigle te aille railli'. 1 lilloi sill'h cou- As long a.ý ,)(lu con put the figure -) cases Of lOngevity, hardly ever venchez VV'hat they have ga-ned wh.se Raille ý ý b, sav'.". .. T', the affair hall lIl,,ý. o,,l,, arril lit,>- il- 1 hý:','It thrin ilI.ý,.,! allions il ri whole ventory. BY ibis lime .voir otight arc lent. - , ru, iiiI-,l Nazi%- to ý. In. ý ,-,'.ýIýýJ,1 If,',r', In, unie -tl aloi idastic, re- bfýre the ,,ther figure that helps de- -Io, ,, Il", Io I - ,, FI', turued ta Paris with a vvry loting, fuir l Nie. lIa,,ino;ý , ,tric lut to ri,. . ý ri),. par 9&lrùllg Il> ne M Ill's, ind 111l'i 11081rite nvl'ilé YOur Hgp I have high flopée about ta be eminent for pietv. You have b"n ---- - - - ý """' ', ... .. ... "' """' wife. whe tend beýa tuk>ýn tri, ' -ut ' t' -Ilivu "I'o liait ,,,Id,-I, 'I't', Io tire the fa(t thal SI lin'o'tille lillist be yole. Look ont for tient figure 2. Watch in no mil tailles yon ought ta bc a - - - - 1 -vl , the ,,, ,,,,i,., Of sielvintion for te marry hi.. Sin, adored m a: 1, --- - - Il, do.-t'ilil. ,vo find pro hier 'ý"v,'às l (.'nu-rrt.1 Ife -nt rift Io t%'inifrIý,l tiret, driven ,ff in th, olo-ration. lie thiw,ý% 'te contheuir P with .as mincla elarnemtnesa brale goldier. You hat-P malle sa roRny 1 ho lie, ý Au,11 ,cela and indiffuilat il, lie,; net,. 1 Dl tiol, III, in hi, ,i ,- g lour, il -111 litted th], 1, explairiable (,il Ih, ,111Il)osition as -ou ever ,, atched an) thing that prouve- voyagen you onglet ta ho a 900a Bail(17. i,:,,,ýl ý 1 , l I. ( ;:il Il 1, 1, ex filshermani in imost bated ber. WhIn, Jix mon' ^ 1". , .1', ', - ý il , ,.lllllI-. r SEý;0NETTES ;JIýI,. . 1 ý,I f 1,..,.il.gii :il I,,nife-nee or Il ber frorir the ý Inca you stillation or threatened you de- So long proterteil and bleqý(ýi. Yeu olight Prinee Zélikoff died of a f= and the - %V ', le O 1. , , ', lie ,hiiI -d; -[hi, is a titrât lit iicv, bread Ilierf, iý free water 1. lion. What a t:l time-the Ill Io have a sorti full Of dOxologY. In Bible --l h, - ý lliý,.,,i l-,ýI- opon portonnal ex- t les' WhiIllýýl they continue you decide limes in Canaan evry fifty ypars wu., hy --- Il., ,I IIý beautitul Valcrie Il tort a %vill,)w nt time 1 bave ,tien loilél for.', pregelit, llui rital lit ,,tal, 1 , rond. m-lille mo " ', Il Il hl- hipi -l-ii and board. twenty-twoý Sbe passed a Ile-al ;O scclu One dey she bail rid'l'a ,,,,, t. the il la siiii tillýr(,, il Il., in il siat, (if truc Y.11 nu and the principles by (;ýl'g commeind a yvar or jiibilpe. Taie The Best of Themselýýes.--l'lirough \ý- , ,ý , Il, 1,t 'th,3 eI.r,ýl-ý,]. and look cdon, thet ,,he liganti went Court te rt-b(ýzii-ýýe %%itli l'alle, Dors. genoral, ho whir Ocropt le did not work tient year. If prop, RU things let us labor to mulliply the , ...... I.dý- .ýf ri O .... 11,.t Ille.) hall bson init, FOI Il, cherrilcal I-tierbinatill, lil eh Y.u vlil] ho guidell; Yco. malle vaut poop land. as hàý beii ' moqt abiffing iiI-.Iisbil..,; ,ou arr- erty boit by misfortune gone out of one'l, - ýI, .1..ýi,-* (h'l' i,,I.II ,,Iý. Ired ,veille- -O1, larnc Io London Illestingli ,un], in frour a drivc lot round conclud(- il Il, il >ound j.j,ý,iojogjcaI ange chances whieh encourage mon and Wo:_ , J -tli 11, Il-ad rabbi frum Nazareth a telle, W-ýý j"f're lire l I-v Of lit', lieu bis cousin alon, in tir. liIIrillIIg el, il ", ,II,,I.",igl)IN. Intisti. atu Pvery your honte iýJl,; ýou fix yIoir h-bits. Lard possession, on the fiftici year Il came 11, . ' en to maître the best of theinselves. - :,iii pilim he Il -l hi, IlItiiiitli-ss spirit eoiiiii lm . Sb, - ,tIIýi.r, 'Il th, hon- ,et GoIl A!migIJý3. for .T.1sum Chrilit's sake, bock ta ]lion. If lie foiled il avvriv. Il -). le ý - **11,ay, don'L ,,.tIc ,il, 1",,*,,I,' 'h. '.. ý ,,,,, l'- ,,,:il!,>,,iig It. Bel. 1 ýL IlVilsort, UnItarlan, BrI 1, , , 0, 1 .... ]te, , i , le, lo steak in such on: ý illorst-I Ili f,,,,,i l'I4, turnril wittiont il frerthing to'pay. L ady Dora AuLI-,Iý, NI, ilý,ling,' ,llus ,iIitlel; *il noit I,.,t ý 1., ,lit.,Ii,,,tij. or ý bave m ,l-ry ,,ri ail the lutin sud women was re 1 , ,,:..,, l., ', - In, end ber gIitI.,t Ir, , II-1. Ný'initel viril bc rrail, t,,,t." i ID Ille tmcriliIý,, If a man hall I)PPn ùilslaved, lie wIl in lyn, -N_ Y. Mr. liati.g,. -. Il gnri 1-1 ,if ,jo, * 1.', Ni..,ý E3 'e livre, . tlI-n'.," hu l'ke'l I Air), Elor ose ira a stiorme. Th. ,%%*.iti.g Age. tbat year emancipated. .1 trumpet Iras Failli lit Christ. Lfad 'Ne lied wheil A Futil, ý,,eItý.-. Olily a fl,%. %%e,.Is ago, ' sait-I a man , .,N,ýit 1 II th- lu the t1ili sounded loud and I and long, and il ý Ohriht Ilved on earth and hall ive ý ,11jo. ,,,,,I.I.ll;"g IiiI-Il.,.,i.u Ivres fruit- beautitui l',ý,ulI,,-,,,Inil. an,] ul in lie pi'turc g.IIc,ý, 'i thià . ý %%lia dor,: (i)II(ý-tilig fIIr il t'tg humInestis "'us the tr.ml,,t of pibilee. They shook 1 'Ii, ,n: -L illItiu; 1 ,,,Iý"e, s hl, -,ild ýtil-iv ber part best 1 Lnovi-n him persoitally there lm rio doubt les, 'l'lie mira, 1, ( outil not ho --ginciali, Iber exeeeIlugl,. l, , 'ay ,ýý,iil YOII are nt iii age whuu You liait m-bat %'rPnýhwomnn'hc Lnd met bI bouse in Ille ( ity, * 1 hall te) viril on a à te) , gh Ibing il lit Io get ,ý,nnized and 1 bande. they latil iliey congr;ttiiiated. Ille 8 hould liý,ie huit failli lie teint as draied.- Foi thre Ivris that trouble- gl ,tiIIlatI, oýv ý - t. lie %Nus il man ofstaiil ý ýN'hat a lime il vins, tient firtieth yënr! baie frutti) tri one allother. ýN- a ..me Irý1,1IlI,, ,lion, thly bud ail geen dira .et t.Ik .,Il hý or ý ,le I te 1 'Ilzý,."Ilasting"I' lit Ille. ,,,im and turned ý Ilelillqtlüii 1 artablishild lu your ori-upu'ion or pro- tu demire àdmiratiin. Sine won paie. large- 1 ]lis -týPs in tir , i, ý,-ti.,n or Ille 1 made biribi tel %cntiire that"be wu tension., 'l'iý,,yciIrs .Il vu,, ,I,..,,,t .,, At Thre-,.-. ItIt",II.ýý ýitilig 1)I.lpl.!R.ly et '. Il ý - -11 - ý 'l- _ - ."ýýý""- lý,lý 1 1 rh.t vv. ýIý,' ..rl for s ... ý,,I, 3 a, rosi. the ieilties. ý Iý)elle, v lie NI as : gr ,nt tencher and re - . a - . .. 1 . ( ý ý ý - - .- . - JI l: fllý7 I"',f, , - ,ta il caO, just a few rode la a lett but Suite trim of W Lughtin t4 Reed crty ad the folli "If any litre IL up h ly well mat plue. 1 14 au ever ]ai change, it r tjr. or Et le "Of coup long. but a bave geen, We bad am 1 ever ga 9 la goed sh potato« as la » bette tintait the will do as hwe a* thi wInter thE debee &Bd keep bouse tut alreadj sucuner 1 'ind then 1 "We bav far. IL ha tl any. el. luiddle of 1 oold the p log obantie op on thf frozen on wtnd or rn all the il in Apply Il, Governmý Yeu allowtý honte with morning. "I won't, ed peut-1.1) Then. -t nýxt tiniý." @TATE or seni.r the W q, -Y S.orn 1 1. 4wfý th6 ýL1 di"uy Hall*. F. "Yon ga3 oý.bi» l*cý yen. 1 OMM by gý Tble la t, . 4à eedmft.i muk" The YOU! pliabed stu eoile-cion - hape the n Une. to M Cleveland: Thrft t-, W. A B, neý" a' Ch, un.1 For The Khid Bears t. Signatur, A r.a[ 11, (;IIEEbt LYS Ci WILI CAT Ed Your L as your r carets C bowels ti sta-nped hulk. A WHY P m U.