CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Feb 1902, p. 1

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LARE COUNTY IND)EPENDENTTI Vol. X.- No. 18. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 7, 1902. I5 0 a Yea r 1n Ad vance. SPRIN6 WiIl be here, if it does se aog way off. _tscoig, ý and you'il want appropriate apparet .............1 Our Spring Samples are in, and we're prepared to "suit" you or "trousers- you as you may desire. Prices $18 up for suits. Stevenson, The Tailor. Li berty ville M îinos. Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER S ch an ck's Hardware Store, ý Libertyville - - - Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER,i PAUL MacGUFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 't'nrn.y cud oninhellor at Law. LIBERTYVILLE - LLINOIS. NOTARY PUBLIC Cpi ýK E ' i LhAKE CorNT! BANK, 9CELNCE 5i 5 n K. O Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. Charles Galioway,. Dr. E. H. Smith, Officeaove r LovallsUt ugSt(onO DENTIST. mou Làr1low 1-i-l'nsu TO'l à> M. Office over Lake County Bank Libe tyv lle - lli ois H,nnnr'm t,.12a. tm. n11tiiô p. . DAILY Liberyvile. -Libertyville. Ill. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office aven Triggs & TaylO',. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. ont unPhysiclan and Surgeon. 1tIn f a. n i It,4 U t ' nn- .M11)N X ùPfa cir ZLOaTSt MAN HOTEf L LD . Ilesîdeucenu iýllinnwaY mpp(ýiit lank Gurnee. --- - ----- llinois. Libertyville, Illinois. iAIIITrn DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS FORS A TEDOF HICGO Highet Maket rice DENTAL OF 1FICE Highet Maret i Ate iibetyviie, Bijlers tiinck PAIO FOR ALL K!N0tnOF n iii> & Davi8s tome waliere lic mav Le ftîni regnia"iy on Weduebdtas, iront RAVV FUR-[5 ii ai a. l tif:.0 t CRUSlIED IN TRIN WRECK. StoekiiicîîIlnloned lunliebrià. Onee ta Kllled. A locomotive crasited int a caboase nt I>eriieid Tituraday morntug af luat1 wcel, in whitih were jour stoek-mefi.1 anid completely toeecopiug same plungad an titrougit a freiglit car bringiug np lu thte center of a third one, réduciug tental teslPluters aud pinloutu thie four men lu the debrta. One, Huait Cox, of Kanwae- ville, Wis., was klled outrîglal and thte other Iliree terribly brnised and ent. Tliey were removed t0 a Chii- cago liospitat wliera it la reported anea lias mince dtcd. Front evIdeuce at the CoroersÉ lu- flue8t il would appear thte terrlbly fstallly ta due to an error af Night Operator Fraînk F. Jacke of Evereti. It ceenmta iat two stocs; traina were runnug on close tinte, tbeeitead one under Couductar Anderson havtug topped at Deertielit. Conduclor Wilson la charge of thea second train arrîved at Rourlout 15 minutes after Anderson hait clearet. A meauage aBs seunt Operatar Jacke at Everett aiten Anderson ltfitLonodut and lstar san atier aiten Wilsonn leIt wtli lits train. Jacke ebouflithave leld Wilson at Evertt until lie receîved Word blimaI Anderson watt out of Deeriielt bci "ssert@ lne confused thte two messages reccivod and read thttsaecoud one tlist Anderson was out of Daertieid iuslead cf Wilson ont of ilondouit andt conne- quently gave Wilson s ciear biock. Just af er thie last tratn went by lie realized bis eanar and franticiy cailsd thte Deerflidi operalor, warulng hlm ta liurry Andersoni -ont of tan." The latter operator itdonnted te engineer of Anderson@ train and It was when tley were juasîgettiug under way tlie second train crashiediuto them. P re- domtinatlug thonglit wau of the stock- men alose appoate acre plttai. 1l wassorne ttmc before lliey coutd be released sud hurrtedt bobhiago ou a specisil train. AU were front Wln- concîn and aere secontpantng sblp- monts ofcatte te the Chicago stock yards. Wilson'@ engleer and titremau jumped ln tinete i save Ibeir lives, as tilt a brakemnaun luthe cab ti tlitem. A verdict ceusurlug the et. Paul Company'a agent Kt Elrett wua ra- turueit by the Coroersa jury. 14 was: *'We tnuithIbt Hugh i rcame te hte deuh blu a rallrSd accident nt Deer- ield ou lte C. M. & et. P. rsiiread. We incieve te accident was, cansed by misunuagement of blocki t Everati *by company'a agent sud wouid Itoit the' railway cumpauy indtreciiy re- epînus ible. I~ ~ ~ ~~wl htIoiflnacolaiprtenut la "grat ai tke-iouli te coutryactilon] tif yc odeen ti ntes." entitled '.-lie Spelin Skewi kFrtdsy eveninig, Feu. 7, sud titere iili Le isuglis ta spare for thoase who Isaeil lu. lHereatli tecast: EBENI/EliFAllREL Teaclier an t wArn' THBOnInint - AN. lATS'. mM IiiAil... ....i.n..n STEÂLS A TEI 0F MORSES.! AFIER RIGTiliOF-WAY NOW. Gisrtee Mari Goes Coî~. s . I Milr B iiI.iLaid i Trace of Propert v. Eec t ric lW,.ii. Tire borses.sagOUndmiliaruesi., lte property of Charles i.nftf]a, of 'iwni iic'.c iiicintt it i r-urni Round Lake. were toieinatl Vistakee mitters tti'. .avtk Iinrnlnh (iin1i i'.. Bay Thursday atternoOn nil agt week, 1roîif thte iropoi eteftnion --lthe preaumably lîy one (i c Ott, of ( iragu auii M ilwaunikee eci-tOv i lI ý Ouruee, lu wloaeScrtitiey 1usd lien road froiu Lake liliii t immlsnir"li loti, and for wbom officerm are Iligent-. irai, a imnof coIutr nitirm l1-%, ly searciting, but at lanit repiorts, ln been aw.arded the, coitrantto iil ud tii, vai n. ruant trontLake Bliitnt- ioi nt li Mir. Loftus laiad ivo tauls ut l.stakee Miliwaukee avenuie (-i tilininîbrin, Bay Bt work bauRulicte. 'Ihuîraelay farn at Llirtyvie morntug lite two mfl, eiplnyed an Snilenvisnin W. i. Miicr Innlnîi i eu drivers weut ta ltound Lake with one gagtd by te Comopaîny tii 'n nire alîît1 teiot and leIt itlu the nre il Ott, wLio riglit-rf-way la not aireaiiy uer nit was worklng there. Mr. LoftivI dîd tietn ant wilil begin i it wn.., k;- flot go for bist ernir ntilSiinîday, and thtmiugh Mtr.tMiler wmu it lr4t latin in thon founud tat Ott bhad isapîieared admuithliiad beeti cigmig.dIni theiiu stmultaneou.sly wthl bis testn, and pactty iuenttoned lie tuaiiy almoniinîeiy deapîte efforts of the Couiiy Stiriff couflrmed tite runnnr ait .aini ftrtir and bis aides no trace flte property lie itsd talked wttli fliCinti nt)ttelion cao be fonnud. itavtflg no long sa tari panly Wednesday aù,t tuen posiî'.eia lts probable 0t8 wMfl nlt Le aînpre- tiat tire contraci fnr confirnction hani itended. beAn let and tuai lie wiu îailat.un-t Ottas famliy, Conslg 0 f a wiie and ccxl week te0accore trLe righit-of-way. four eilîdren are abi Oflzee. He la a le dnlcared einpiatically tilat wnrk' man about thtrty.fivO jumra of age. on tse road-bed wo,îld itegilu et uai one of theire « yau aon waàbay, toon am front t' unt f tbe groutnind 13 yearâ nid, weght abOçIit:1,1pounide, it seemis that aut ant al nitlîtim rife white hiud fol; M~ otiier le a bay Ilsire been inirrcinont southe exitiion bay 9 jears oit. w.Igbt aont ,lit5m te w unanreni Vi Ietin-rrth o mii pounds, buncb ounrlght binni eg onu ili Inn bathinnouMiiwainki'cAve. tii 'ni gambrel jotnt. Paut passtiger dl lo nt km,,'. i, RECEIVER NAMED FOR ZION. Dowle Pays Up To Avoid Com- pliauce Witt Cotart's Order. p lTe faus 8toeueaal-Dowia lîtiga- titen was last Frlday dleMeit by J udgc I Twtey, lu Chiceago fabd Doat,. go.t aild the worsl of It. The Jndgc uatned Elmer Wualbnru, of Cbîcagu, Sa m-b celver lor ZIon City Letee Industries fix ing lis bondtait POO$OO. lu gtvtng bts decintOt.,Jndge '1ulcyd btteriy arrs.tgued DoUm for bis vlo. lent utterancea sud MM tliey werc au- becomilig a mtlU. £ 1 PAYS STBtaNMlW 4t7Ilitc. Tuesdyay sternoon PoWte made a cash selentvi t* ý bisibrother-to- law, bamnel teVOM laorder le avoit havlug Elmer Wb.laburn, actingt sas reciter, "ae SlM charge of thc Zio lae llusriej~Bailcu flanga the future 0f ZIas 0Ci.y sud tbe waismade latsie n alien the attornleys lu the eaue appeared before Judge Ttley sud sakeit lete t as ile s stipulation, abtihstmpiy states titat te motter bas ienu settied ont of court. No oue caîinecied wiîhi the caae was i lliuig to ssy jast boa macha It coat Dowte to Bave litsa indnstry, but tlie aura ranges between $175,000i sud itisite exact sutaunt demanded two weeka &go by Attorney Edwy L. ileevca, Whio represent8 Stevenson, beiug $178,M0ii. Tlitamount induites ail titacdaims af lits client, tucludi ng tie $50f,00 iiiacli fornuedt irs. Steven- nnntts 8estâte. tiiiiA\'i hlt GISif Ttei. t 'f.lIlI, SL Alla nul 18IRiD. no..'in iil'Aint,i1lie dtantissalof te suit camne as s CLE t'.JIM Ti, oiailirit. urprtct Itaito 1ud vatelet Ils tip B iniNFin 8i.8lOn. ru ciprogresa. Bolli îpartie asy tley are F' tnnmSüstltiled. Dowle, throungli bisattorney lîNhii t.MTH ii, ttbt",iiln uISamauel Ware Packard, tatedt litI e lAliNLi [L?.'. A...- n b a iii rcgarted .ludga Tley a dectaten as sul i aunE '.în i.a .mexoncration of franit. sud so wa@ l'i ilt LVIh A. initni, rn fniwiling to psy to Stevenson lte money Mai. n ton tiehaackuowladges Innlina due bit lOI TS 'm ifil ....Thin A, nIanI- Stevenson, traugitAttorney Iteeves, StuIIEL ti tEStIglO nAILi VAiLitS VW'ho -l mnys tae changea of liru, calaed by nia îîoi.î hlm unitt i luucr, are uow ou MtAIL%. ALOM 'iA 1ijn' iInker record. 'To Jtdge t nit'y the atîle' SMNTA .ain.n. Mi, i ment cornesas lte aci'iptsice of lis EMMk CAtI'. advice titat uati mcînrt A(liutnelten mi O NS" , .... i . Hu i r n-, tot incter Ilian iog iltigain OI. OAATE m'au-ni- -- Rural Route No. 2. .iu.,diiy AlLert Mamoîi arri,. d ihe rat mail mi ,tart.ien.iwOe Bl'y route Noý '2, sud lh promIses ta deveiop n 5 OOVES iS OCE M GOSER o a npiendii routeî. The lindepenu- Chas. Ste npel, Physi c ïa<ns a nd S u rg e ons.detB ýelg eem yie on Long Gove, II. ifronl taiubsribt§ ti aririg teir papers maLo iri n ti nir.nîincte.nntore Wet ulover te nein routea antijudging __________ Ji_________________2____ f i l rmi. H'e tne r we8tfron t iis wa beltee I m, h 15 ar atit patron '.erve.'i. MAISS FLO RA COL BY Pafianinglitui 'llmauseelpromptly.~ PHOTOGRAPHER. LibertyvIlie, STUDIO IN l>tn. 1ii ,alwayh at the ofice, ULKL Y B ILU Nu a k e C o . B a n k , STEAM LAUNDRY. WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., Ail Work Neatly andý Promptly Done. Bond Bros. LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Rollins - Ilinois. Lihertyville, Illinois. --om lo- I.ntnInterest Bearing Certifi- intd Payable on Demand. ~.Andrew Wagnerý AU CT ION EER. s..~ ~ ~ In nt i i sd iiimti tthe i.oglisuit niif .nrmîauuiiaugiîng.. tînu nienifii ale a8suned alinra etnffloeit. *. wben nouteiuîlntiug nmîîkiîg a mle! ul aonratior aditysaaid1mili 'vtîguar- b"ISSa.Maactloc. AucBle-tMO-P 1 êshia 0 0 Iuiow ite lwtny intiiInfantmy, Vited States lteguiars, aili icive Fl. Siteri- dan aLoun i te li ut itant, for the 'hiiilleo 1iUNita ci Mau o!rte iltecîn bnuînmhirt'ii eongtng tîn the iLtgtlint, lias bnnn long wtsblug for. A camimtie ut pronnînelil ladies iteantanl iy mmr Carter H. Harrison, lias uoiiected au ennrmoune unlutty aI liiemaira taI t il accontpany te noittere lu te far away cnutry. utc tuaguilecut glît lias rasuilail lu lie tearty gonuni8thes fron th1e sldtcrs inn tirs. Harrison and ben cliiagues. Bath Serions anoeilContical. Tbal la witaltOhefotur net pay, "lithe Vilves af Woodmeoi, ir Whitt matIr- suce Dit For tielvînina. o La guvetby Wilisrd Camp.,Il. N.uni A., ai Hall Day cituroli, hI li e. I nccure Salue- day night, FPcb 5hiteidas there alit Le ove ud mlnitna nec Frat tue aeat youamI diaCarubat lte alunes. lere Al le Mn. untiuia IA un n. t t iliin'nieMah L I. .ruin M~~~~~~ n 'Iin .nanuaFiran Witc MIS. Maadi Ailnauli tilidrt'ni. Th.InnIt' ii tît nr o! EIgiulni Misa Olmaa fietli fînraîni Wiliur.... A i'rniaz'itnsiva baungun Henry Smithn Mrs L'. Hana ts , -a-i....A Dttînlimiti E. H Ma-nn Mnnýivna MSiiknr.... . -.. .Au ocliMaint Mms. Erui J 'irtInS ians. M.'iintt'nn u..... n " Oid Lian' Agt'itt G H. Albirgtin. John lto.'kwi'ii n Miln'aoiunMlA iii. fGraham o isM.\.A alndn sitMat. WHi'thliirget Fauvorilt Ncarly Everywhere. n Cuttpata on eans dulînea8, teprea Ilurgllars at Rockefeller. ston, b.aact, gancmaly dtsomiieneit Sudsy nîglit burgîasa aueredthlie beait. DecWiI'a Litlei Early Risera Rockefeller depot sud plactng an ex- stintlale telilver, topen te howcla suit reiteve fhie condtion. Sale, plosive lu a c'rack lu the sala door, speaty sud titarcugl. 'ibaey nover lltamally blew Il aiff te ttngeb. gipe. Favorite plilla. For sale â1 Nothtng bul a lsw railrouit ticket& F. B. Lo'.ELin5.Liberlyvilie. 05RAYS- aere altituasd Iesc were ual TH INDEPENDENT nothlng, probebly vtrouas sarcitfor iT'S TiiOB EUT ihm lU be abandon I. 1.r asthe air-conne No Trace tif Rolts.i Tihe sale lIA,m witç,ruininnni un intstofhot iL naa nîda V c ', A i last week suddnnntîrcntabout inlth ave soyet eludet tnrn'nl lue neiiy nuits if sucti it mnay bicouin8inicrni, ma minait drill sudsa lIInut o n linhe tic ettnnnr. lt taginelteveni l'y in on iin,'y were iii,' sneapartieasamui)ni niniiir tO'nniniug blew open thenmulen i v i iiiî'i Central depotut a lniiîiir ui uathln u ii inI i)a tilittntliai bliie! naun develuped. iThe Waucuniia 0Utî,wan enterent betwecu lthe inium ut 121n in' ic ucaday ulgint and i2 noniIock hmrsia Y mornîug, lIniicenni înmyînig oulu aAi so wtndow lu rear o! the ibuiding. ilte'. aare drlltd oneitirr Ide of thcditi on sae dtour sud nito-giycerîue diid thte rasi, l.arlng lthe ale toor coin- piately offi ts lingen. $2 n 'ýtlu âaînnj", sud $5é; lu mouey was aeciired. AI Price Whio aleepa over the ohice id not beax liae explosion asimdItla îbelleved laawlte aork 0f experts, abo uudaratoad smnotitcng thc njn. Liber Di0i. A.rd1le.n, Si ...-. lirs. iJorrina Hatlintoituc agnîli inotier of Superviaor DeniiinitiliHunt Intugof, of Fia, dlcd lnniniay nirninng of ialweek. Deceameni fea. i yearm of age. beiug 011e uofthe nanien i att tlerm o1 Lake coly, connning hvmýin 1844. Site liînd coutinuonly mi ntint maute place lu Ela town8bitn unr nn years. probably a longer Incrinini ti realdence ilu une tlace Ithtfaily other ludîviduailauthc couuty. Funcral servIces werc hlcît tnuday aI 10i o'ciock front lier laIe Lhoume ru . 5U math,,'Uia.,o ib Vs aLt8aun Marki ey, of Mtninnplis, Sti_ ra l'hais. Ithiiupn of Clicagon, Place and 1Danulson Huuitnginin. 0f Ela. Respect Rural Mail Btoxes. Supeintauldeot IMacinn uofthîe ire, dlilvcry service eays Ihe tnnstiqt couraging thlng iteropeioni the axperimeut wiln the rural freu dclii.emy ta te respect of the tpeoplle fnr gînveru 1 Pri.1 a-s meht property h Lte siriigtg' argu- meut used agaunniOthntoiductinionf te 8351cm wss lnu thie maniliiboxes sloug obscure countiry rouît'. Ail il lic sabjectitotamsopes uit ilr' m Li wtsetiii ialiier wib lit'cnninieoi lite maiwagolna carry niainnî, nonIlntt" and regisiered lictnis uand wnnnîi iî 'elii Lu bertyv a rirO banveal for fooipuds ana i ingt waymeu, as duO the stage ouma' unid star roille carriers niel ny tys. TO 1T1E WOMEN. NEW SPRIN(i \ASH GOODS. il n i l, linrig nt ani [ i-t. t i mn iîniv.e ever ,siilit, n. i i ty aiii 1 t:f 1. .ltn y Iiecea 10 t bitli, tu i i' un i i n % i;'\ 111 ,1 t(20 DED) Initlilî n ' , Amn i trip.,'I i i.i amiiau A L i l inLi(1 llilLs. tSE l lIi il m ii I. i N Il i n, t AloilNun nN'. i t tii'. 1Si t as LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. \%,i- um Ii4 ninn t 'ýLu i 'i tith , .-lur', 10thili niiia)'. rtnninn inîîtY' and i iur Jr i n 'toik tii'. t tiî lîrg nir innt in"ini t[,,, i tv, rFinI s nsf-in e i teruii, o n r snw n 'in s s fine Place f0 huy Yvaineinr enn LEADERS 2-rLoW PRIC3 Iclrpliane Nuo. ienj. WaukeZari, Illinols. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF Steel Ranges, Wood and Coal Cooking Stoves a full lune of Axes, Cross-cut Saws, Wedges and Beetie Rings. 1 carry a fui[i une of Glass in ail sizes. Hl. B. EGIER-9, 'î tyville - - - - Illinois, ..MARNiESSES... ngir strali.. .. ... 6 .. . 8.0.. .0... Fuildeni traî ..q . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 10.00 Sinigle ntrar, i. Inn tri .. ...... ..... ................ 12.00 ing t i \trn jniinn i lv ngn llita rulîber trnt ....................... 18.00 Vour Order Now foluiIn lfiose's--for spiiî. i nîkL Xeawill give th, mo t, til ioi aiolutie I r d liii as ' îun'nnt ! rkmtainhip and C. H. KAISER, Iliin ois. ville 'I 11 V.,noni l .othfis yi ea.r AlDouble Fltîera I. Mn 'iR #~ Ai Long'. i' SnInay eîonnnîîîîg i I failtire if John hnopf. so agen iand rcstCfî,i )ox\ îIixetr Mayer's anter lIed onul louwnijnàn. iWtiuî . ~ ~ .u in 'Iirm. Eight yeare i t liaibonifi u"ls i lînîmiî ft ln e -i, its iist reiled saine ni'.cae e. i itoy mi vc ifinr ~ii~ iad$3. 50 l ysilahi i hns ithoi i - 1 it 'n t sloddy uait tigetter, taCit aiailnad mutoCnrnn" ln mt e ..tiih e Mn. theKonpt siu i t R' i innî outil Pi'lie Kilo Ili of 'l In't'IofRlsn'f1 JOU. even dtautlilia i 'n mn.rL ii tht'nte tw-i lice cumpoins i'. e'x'eÎ'y.'e eîii:g yi yoo iii n'iiF%\ ifs'or hest girl. ni ;hîvuil i4imli, Sat ed iiia lrsuiiiTorture. Tibere h.. no wtir,' sgonizig trouible lttliberi'Bn ti ýilniu "1 i inniý 2.jnu rîand 1titn1.s'iamini mn'.tan ilcing andit$4.5o ata ih r. hurolàug malle lirete îlnrabia. No posiîtio mnti 15 clurntnnaIllnet ' heli te r e \'n ~ i t i i in I' Ii ' t lm iniccssing. lf,'Vi' uIt c Wiin'ta lînîzel Suive cures ptir, ut oînuîu. Fon. inr ntu lîeni tii l'ur ' f ix i I . 1 i Ii nlt ett and tîn4ea'., n'unis initii5. inmiuf',nal kinnids tultl~ 'i\ f i I iî ' (if an, ot f int'. tH la ieqf nai i d fJ "nS fGer- ahl, St.Pafl, Ark ,m., 'l' 'ronuntiCl1 stiifemen i wtti te proruutmnigbLoinug B piles aînnd ud int nn i fii.tng Inn teip Saleni tue inn'3ns nit sii\\'uirIaet th Ceiitury Cash Store, ]e.' ieaaira nil n'îiiloieri't'..inninI C. X.l>WH . PIrop. at F. .il ovF.i. IAInnrtt n1cUlintAr- A NC'. I >t LIBERTYVILI-E, IL£- Foîr Faritiet 'ru iiti l ite'. 1 \)i kýtti,' IN 1)1t N Il E N'1" If îflot, subterib For Farmer'a lutitItnîn' ,inn inn et'd ai In init;j" Rockforit, Ili., rouîînd trip tînkîe h iltfl IIoI'I t\)Iat-tttiiM S,]fl beeaid Fehruar.y 7îtut ndit,goot at icifn'ti'îil t~iî'1 ettt OT ~ la xturu mut k'ebrnary 22d, for $4.47, Ov1 bbc 0. M. and Sb, P. rairt(). iand LATEST NEWS. 1 E-ïï-,, 1 Du 1

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