Augusifla F. Rowefl. o1 Boston, an tPICKED UP HERE AND TH BRE. gImpersonator Of TRre RbiIltVwli g « hescond 0uett u f t i re. scho 't 4 oa tm f Interest to Libertyvillo Readers. *lture crse8[ Tirraday nigLt Fie ti, a t tire I un n cburch. Hi r , s WLateue rnprr nan of ari, ~Dent I - r lrv M r. How e ll * r a v tita t M r ii i w i jr> a n , a r i ý C.M &S.P. TIME TABLE. 1, i l1i nu, e euti-rtai rilmen jt C. M. & ST tiidi Asr ail 1rrîPOTA01uattt rit In Etfect Sunday, O)ctober 20, ic901, at 12:01 à.-m artor. as a rearitr r,>it eutertamntr tic, FROM CHtCAG 0 tyý lits jtertrayail of Iavir n u E i~ 5 HF" i0lHilies Of tnir 41 - I TO CHICAGO. l,îîr>55r, guni mandrii rlieinul-I W El DAirs ,a asaleigna n. îdIeati 4s Wholeîue \leîVoit îlepOsit OfOIR the fis akoforse [ l a p a t F r o m n N e ,w D e p o t . I . î - A r ,i v e t N w D e eU i l tl i g h t e tl [ l i l r g a u d i n e, e i ' N i 5 1 . 1 ole i li v o t e ie i ,.,tri 91>11 aon. tr ~ . n. .. Ii ofi -tee eR Ct lîlIR .~ ..... c (b:i. Ar-o h noru i.htrirn h i msaîrr~ has indu ced us to add manv articl1 1.2 12 i >' 10 - rit 1, >n .iant ri wîi rît, ,ell 1< have. vor H- tb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nàx !lfc liîi îî~t>ilit> l>liiîAlgt-teIioietraunn itn not heretofore included. This ~iv nilittAti lia co> n. m a te ly . W e -' u vii l)y t i -u p o s i tio n î in t h oe g o >e r y14 " e ' il . . . . 1 u :, - tr e v d e or y a Ib s w l t c Liei liabi> enetiiiintrtth1 _ i blusiness. Il 114 li iit )lý i o h d le la e N .1ý " ' .4 :.u. 11. 1 l l bylettlvolio(.o Ille popHle. If VotareRhs h were unable to g~et in g~ii~<i î.# îîîîiîîtît ' ol ,.TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO.i'gnignîuiyevlti not olîr eîîstoîîîeV.gii.WE a rahitVll Nh iii R S . arEs nATs. i>,ist idtiuatorlast week another chance to avail aa aifito i i, ha uI:ýeltVl x Depart From Old Depot. Arrive at Old Deiot Irons il Yourng ai,ut'r ali i,,i lîeft,î ~~~~No. 1 t l;a a. ilt..... 5 na. Mu. m,, .r. i.... .ui41rtit~i>-rnrt t themselves of' these bargains. 14il . 2'O. t. 7i ri, 46W m 5 ., li In tr.......... ,i>r r h rirrn - 1441 . i) lu. . .. . . ... . 45 ce Ioa. ....t.ýýrl No M li..' 7 ti 0. m. .. ..... £'o Pn. [e. Fei13 Il... . . 1,;tî iVh ret. Ittliitî.A. . ~ N iiIt \L x - --.Fei). -J: Where la llty. fr ntI[l 'T'DIG4ZIS IflI~~~~ I . 'Ii bis.. avilg ietl water aireain- Mys ký. tlettil Vir.iiiil aMitt- ar. 21 Hrtn te, Ar-t 's cIr L<C ' T & *x£7 * T AYL' . deec in ru tk. iherîr arr tmotre wa iLe i AIcu., Illich. Mar. r Wrrati'm Itwarli7*' a1 llu Doi fail t> avail Y',rl ofi the [Le li ( tmo ur i' Libertvville, Ilino1(is.I C W~. I aylrr -ti (jo oribr'ýpotiit ob Augigrsrs TF> t1 1. 'F'M -h erlr e ave- retenti y btet nai reil Hîwe il, i rperF, >usior, aii 1 rinirni rar rIretiin a Mal fur elin rie liglit,. nt 'î'îîesrl nîgbi.Ma 1 auiDrrr nkellr\î iîrL Ther- lt> to- bc a private rianc-e tir- Dr. RoilnsonI wfli presar Surnta y 1 Apr. 1.1 iail î a vniv rcrîitnirity. 15C.>I tr~ .(.i I nit gîveli by the Qrtlurj'lue et Vrirl mormlug ton *Petrifaiorn Maie Apr. 2h 1Marriy rrlrrt cluln luscirartrk5 lioIL qrjnatette wiii sAng ln tLe i' erg riq Me - ilt W rtIi Iî Woit>tlinan, of Wanukegan, We'dnesday [Le U. S. DaepartUOli> -il grwtltrrre Pîrof. Kuapp mubtoit tii- trloi r rg i. Irlv i r f i x li riu ~ ~ ~'1 'I..I~ floit atol, a bry lalry. rlirinîted packages ofî gade st a te e t "o wrng eit i,, te i t r i $2 thro ng lr th e lo cal p o st<tli,, tirr w e ek e nt= i. n e l ;1u $ 2 .0r r0 .l R Ilrricr Mn>ia Lato surt lady thend 1otiii, (eai r D A R BYKD DI% T.IILi Ne ('l mia rtr L.rî adlred, d yen ge> one crns panlen out IItnaI'Raiyll, ard (i i ________________ i.lchlleiti Ibis r it r-lt Imot Fencrîtter Lad ou(. (,f lis tirîrrulia t here r,, o orInî-.ary nle1 >r > Ie tlIhv om uîng * eusheli I nesday wbile ai r,îrk lu [Le Wtreac sttl tave somt euoretailtii J;1. L<rvellitrîi J F. Clark hâve Land l turbanc a ti e auoOy patr Ilanne more tirrir resildences wlireîl and li turees ru- 1 E ston foundry. It ta> a traintul ebie o no o WR liav a ie alkirîg itle o lcrclgt.IIir hlg oiin ee iliiFanlat 7c; Ladies' Underwear NIao-iiiié (litie "xr.rrol electBrown irLs inirr o ingl unr 7elrr tt îriiit>t, i4i4 i i wek amct hpeibsérrlWilmaaywmLnr]i .br ldy rii-tf b" iikî) . - .. ,, at 25c; Ladies', Boys' and Children's MaI ellbll>tllii- In nIor-tliom iulppedg Li sorel4)M e î .', . ~~~ i er-- ~ ~ wtere Le rrlieredr rt for sle a> [Le alegai holiday, and wil tbere wagu S -n - l ' , 1,îu . t 0 I> 'l'i lre. oft aha g '! 112 learned it w esîrI t pupilis of Our public stitoot did net .I5 c~v a se s fo i- I o li i . tîa itirir forg e t a n d p esen te d a etit o n o the 6.1un S h i . r-iii W'îlhîr Meredithlm la bîîy >roilectitrg trnstees aiklg a Illj boid-ay, It was c l tlr ounit an, rîiltr1O I N D S E T M dlit onr giitr da>> ertr iat portion iLe eran (if lie totaliamonfi. granted. O EI AN S ETH M >1"1r1.111>1ti $12,4'7 i,.tthat Lîtrertyvilic li.oliwnsohritpt - >loiiilî e 11 i i Ilv v, f)m o a iutxs h% er He bos 'rue scarlet fever esar- n have Dot triltiairrrl Oi rlîlllwt wea .lir r uail playe lu tae tis yarn. the Luast tncreaaei ln nnnnber ..L i tüere la a 'iai ixnta-ar tr Y ii Hi arI t , n irici l 'a n o e O r l lo n g. tu a o f G il b e rt L u c e 's th re e -Y e r o d b o y . s h o o l N o te .> ot r- supliNes o liRR>ll>' g itlîl Ms Cla Aenu esre s tgv ian- Kirney complicaiola hare set lu aund Miss ltayner las hail checks 1trin tedotlMthtrtr e4rnn[e[s, eieiipoeat î i i>ta leones a leinse ogtisepne grave apprehension, Ii fl v relatives frer ber 3rd rerin batik.- Nlat-îîe' [7-4-1 as to tLe outcome. bi niy L ste abir r t tua l for ther Af ntrre Il. rvrCuwy5cre, W. E. Davns reinrueii d iun(o lectu8,teeU1:. L[V AnrgitlirrIiliis i lrudtrut, his beau decidedri pou oy' Bemen>, [Lisi state, wlirI lnr> sou n lu[e I uloti cliiirrir S.etriii iit v t a t appea r aoli bl nisd on saine, andri drug businlessi and i n - tels lin u r>cool have reelelVt- the-r irrîr kr I e4i!- tLe im1iroemerlItt wiii Le begun juât as prospectàamsoeu bright. i, lit. lots, anng blanits. co ebuilt lege Srr ,, n o an i eat i ot cont dito s prerm it. idea i location, al a bstaitia andîl grow - roney anri ail tlrîrîg t irît natr Y lotir A. Ii Lewis ns botter, ranch better. ing chantage andi apleurlîiriy erîtrnlped aCtuai bu,>unr.s * N owf S tia ha> la go ndi tlIW h. eapoclally a5s t re. A trial as he i vi c ia y a fttrrion) -- B 5i * Y IL L E or dyiug adLîbertyvîlle fred eeisanadwicb, Ill., were inI Lîbertyville pnsneaben gcageedi w trneerii < tI hLebs etleeaelleprei eai MTsd r 5yoieulcdOalndeL 7s5ot. e>lcWeiCent5 nd 7 C n tep> n a eli ail las>; weektnu couse- thia steek llnu reaivs Ms sly eaIlr riasalm îeM inîî .1îreure. Ilr tirantes of reeem'ery are Greeuileld wa forrrnerty Miss Lydis was absent (tori [lie rirnir A jurty wsI rord, Lawrencre, ber marriage Llui but cLosen (routi tire fotirnh rrrr.ît t"Pin ta ry ii torcenîtiy taken Iacrii andi [Lentr Iisit ris abrout tt riclt W 't In iltr 'euwltb Lake Cotuty tr-atives ruas ilthe et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r tiiLi-g- es aelti[ltstlme of a wedriug tour. tncîknniL etes St[ocik N.d arlt uIrr-rday. Sire îis ctaS --lirgUil asMiie fae, y o m ri L cle poe8uth s. Ltan kirt ,1iiil . ' ùr i1. <II i o d EVJ L'-..JI O nad lcinsedtt ah an Idci dIriver, ýatieced by a gouerai order îalm t'y Wt GeMtloiagu yMuuo>doclepoesi seStlrlae~iiiit diii1 liant,iete irrîl Irisserrer. (f riteu tirai >-epany te îhl elfect ail itîr ir tiAI lIIIlD[M Q îî nnrn îîri'a uaitontr. men, lît whiaiteer i apacity, muaîit ire ilorlirir,. iý iJ P~Il C.NI liast iei in h vaccinaient withLîu liive days iuectis Eu-u i .M !1ILU!,¶[I~~~O BF.1Y~~~ [bey cao sLow ~~a 'ontilcate derrîuiJiîra >iiao u lclttr Uo2 C r- iJ lhIUU U countryi. to ir- % ia inet tii Iii Leéoari iý 0 r buit. I l, Nir- Luid' Lad getcyandtelsi smiratlng thbey Lare beeu vatrînlatet litail 1 1ýi Ia ý cie utr r Élids muy rhtt cotemlatu investi- 1since 1 100. 1bisli, tir prevent a apresit i ii-tJ l. A.tAi.ti. gatînsg Minuieita andi Dakota htni, amtiuai Pol hîlch n-t pronvaIeut Vtiî.> Mu AIrai 1 >Ii t-titIiiI\IV îdltW alarmAnig riegrese (ni tonsia&long theiSt. I . tl o p cv ofi.t' I1 i, 1 1 i 11 n o il a eitN pant -. Ilîwti a vît-w tir investi ng or ioct-a>lg Paut tino, parit-lntrly In Wis-onsAin. Il H AicelyIbswekrerivlaa Ralpia Darby lias Lrranti(Btitured so~ Notice >0 Contrrttors. e r-\t ltt frontîi(;liîî VI I l loat' tîiiit 1 I e> olit at Il A rini tia acitnetrre.l violîns of bis ni ni iIih lc la Jrîstît neir AssîiAe[ttl -l y [t t, to i iake r1>> i oi . )it i I-. I litnt goods tînitiî an l bridge comulAtteti, at torn ciert'> 1 Ilave ,(Il rn> oi>îîil to r .- c itS t \l il *I lia N (tir thiiote un bei o , e u t w h i lg sb c Iro t Li r t t p ran d ,e i p a rtit-tiiB P o m me s s ea a leif r eIt t ib e r ty v î il i , I ll _ r- uo n r î rr r IN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~m ca NiritrO.ou liî L irin t ym s r m ra l ih tn f w uirrl '2 90,at11 'ie n frt'c e (lt1llt io i îl; an uo te . le P-..a...ýoulIIainioodprce MTuto of 2,9a tone iaci oveLt tri tî I besigi ceekIII hesanie lm luteraticteri VI IK Dbiifra imu falmtIlx-sl an o uka u1b heIiiwylalu frnLryn cia .tw ttuot liebut t ettoiMr le o odotsat rclto Ii i, A YARD AY R r-star-rde. lut fet-aea lîr-eaUs [o Leu gohea l-ieti2 5 i ~ A Y R ILSI. & nprlngs tritilai fIi rfrpo CALEti Loti tr dontN LeA E M.sso. attnl a meinng of( (('arke i nches ot whrt-l la tir Le lil I ll t..o geutie Thei l ,r:T o asIis o o rl f2 ie aisA grige tuenrt thir rtertention. Wel >~ !sc î i u- trt a -t- I niiiiposethuey '>111 retrr , 1roperl : I eTy waialiosa tri : beL 23. Iree ring, :i (t-et tigitTEFI L oJjtj loa i ffi ra t titrle s, t, , andli e K M . cM a , ( P fi r C ns ano e t t bý c p u ii Il Inl h TH FL E N AM. L.E ii iT 1E1R tIll ail i re tpnre t ti Lest ten> lra eir Hira mo Lut-e an ri n emit WnI I'true, ig s tit soritti ieIi fît-t lat-i. L iberty vile , Iin o s . A ter co n fe r riu g tI tire ir-li rit g rec , a l foot ttt ml , 2 ltrî ti oi. E asî t nru rg -WDary Airris. Lave ini [LoIr showa ailu n >1e wa t-ri d thon t.riiirm ti nr-tirliie 12 li,ît irtg, :iin lt-t.t. .5 riri ai a~do 4111 rit oy t-lotik, or, at-t-,ni Iug O sp e es îy Mtr Ios lIiiiterril 2 trout toi); viest aiug iirit toïde 1,, '1'~ ~~~~~~~~~~- leiln,. rîttrttri î ie rutt, arr euulvtr8ary Mastter Moutit t ibrîe Grandi Lîrlge I intone un Le (ren Joliet bidlge Ii .ct clri., mait-i reqrla r to Le aiîîd buti of Illinois eutf r . liIre Iexlug-I itou. Cenient [o Ire îîr>ed ti eb oncer Artin 400iys aloi koe cir eutate ton >îýuantetý1eJ ra- presenit andl [heIn Atlas Brnandi Aunent-an Pluaund.__ ._ eu i mp seur ti r>p detr u ot frii -- - q tinte It I-ma uiellortl phoceot mecias redtoi pei i. mek tht evenîng tr u dectir'>- tijîlde s Amu t illsI .~ > < L Te F l o e n e isru. pe>'rrlîar mrui tire tact tire double enîîyable. Lorcal Misons ealt inIt e ar> e 5t-ronipli>ltlut;t,' pentîrulul bits a reveralug noteiY mn- îîellghtedi aiti thtr riait tiret-t o! $21) t»ieisDugSoe S e ~ v i n . . ~ . i ~ W u avea ot le n eli tL e rec r , to ir s ri - ut v te er ti le, 1111 i a i ri l i t voeuE T A R I C E /'Aig M a h inNesui- uu o r Crîr> r lrî.rrig ut tue hoes put- nuit a gond ait-cri ru tient-e lrýteueu tri 1amuie, oe to H rIAngir, h'l(t .-l NTS TE AERRTICLESE tilîniIt h ay Morsie at the herse baie v i at' ilt i'i o s îr e- ie l.Hle , r Hitri gIi, L.k uniiI, eA lu1LlrIay, lu tact dorai r a Pateuuln[IN pîi-trng liusoer o! H C.Il W. M Io iN t0 PERi U2ME luo rl bliugr le,, L'lri- rt ir i A.1ON lrlNOIL 1 PATENT NlEDIClN ES