CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Feb 1902, p. 1

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LAR E COUNT i INEPENDENT Vol. X.-No. 20. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 21, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ILIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. »CHASACE tc. -, sno TILIPSIONI uN as ~ n~5 ou.O Dr. Chartes Galloway. office ove r Lovull'sDrLà .1 Stt)ro eorarAAAulO s I lltOAioi PAUL MacGUFFIN, xttrrrneyantI iri'nsi.iior ut Law. NOTARV PUBLIC r)FI P. eriONr Et LAKE CorNTY liANK, E Libertyville. Illinois. I rlin Authe gnie it vas tieaireAl Ly ____________________________ bo nme aspirants turr oîtnty oritces to have tire criugreeiouel and crrunty Dr. E. H. Smith, ecouventonus togetirer, Lut advocetea of tire plan 'viii not succeetil ire hviug OENTIST. tieir dleints gratifleti. lucre 'iii a Office over Lake County Bank, two conventioîns anti from pIrescut il r 12str -' a.1 toi P.o. DAIALY!irrîteeatirins Lrtir wîliLawarm Aies. eri 1. .00. 00. :00. Hi-gflest Mvarketi -r î .t i, t Liirtyriie, ýtjetiarsBock, oe' PAI FO AL KNDSOF swith -,lim.n' store 'virerelire miay Le PAID O~ AL KINS 0F flInlunt rsgula"lY Ou Wedtiesdayni, lrom RAWT FURIS iitittl a. 6.Aitp. Chas. Stempel,9 Physicians and .Surgeons. Long Grove, 111. i tiltteamîd resîdeice ttirri'c doors, 'esit tAA.i ir tr~ idS iii irrc i, ocefeller,IliI M ISS FLORA COLBY tait aîi l gtt calilsaiswîredpAl pl A rr i'aiiwavH lt tlire oltici PH OT'OG RA P HER Libertyville, Wc dAspesse sur os. n medAciné. r irrrrr.ui S'TUDIAO AN UULKLEY BUALDING Illinois. tk ak STEA LAUDRY. WRIGHT DYMOND &CO., Ail 'Work Neatly and "s'hues Interest Baaring Certifi- Promptly Done. cateil Payable on Demand. Bond Bros., Libertyville - - Illinois, LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Rollins - llinois.ý Indîvidual ReaPOnsiblltY, $S Andrew Wag AUCTIONEER. 8aeîorrducted inlu otir 111e enrl (iermeililangriager. Suecsful sales assured wl When contemplating makiing a sale on aiOund or sdtrensu ad 1 VIIIgiar- ~4S S1 OL n.8- Gtylk claim agents for tire rondr are uiii' uegîrttatittg ý8elteînents 'vtirtira meunlit]tA crtet tt ti, i. ici.'as iliiet ai irae,, wliii irestanrrl irn very licerai i tieir nAers. ilos'.l tis Colning. lu L ares rf )/eraiirî, Doie 8ppear, Le ennonneri last wek tirat liea wîuld inrse iis eltiru possessions ironm Chicago to /in (City ilaruir tt, lu- claiuig /îro Beli, /.îrn I'uiiinig lirîrîe, /ion Itîrme abrinlutact ail tire jA tiLt1toniree ,rîmiitctlu CLictago. lia scys. FoNtr tire iresanit w'vsaelocuPY Templeirottaige sautioffices 'victir are inî colins ut construction tri Lt eliricirato trr ttbuilding. It As ont intcntioni to spanidibot four daye1, in tirs week lu Zion City, andthir reàet o1 tire week lu Chiîcago. Itisa(sur minen- tioin to holti rallies arary Wetiuenlay arenlng in Suirh Tabrernacle, 'virle ýia s,0."i Tire Laut Heard 0f IL. -My uitIle boy took lira croup oue niolgit aund soon grev no Lad ocul en r ear Lui reatuje alilover ftire irousa, ua F. D. Rteynolds, Mannafieldi,0: -We fearadhie voulti dia, but a les doses of One Mnute Cougir Cuir. Euijhquickly relleveti anti lie Vent loSinop. EniarTbmt'a tire lat va heard of tire croup. 5 Nov isu't a cougir cure like lirat vaîi abla?" Oua Minute Cougir Cure le absolutaly sale anti acte immediately; rieeFor cougirs, colts, croup, grip, bronelil tii andi ailother tbroal anti luni troubles Il la a certain cure. Pios-a ani 10take. The luttle unes like 14. sold ah 1Y. B. LovunIs LibortYvffl. ASI( FUNDS TO ME011 IAMBLERS! RURAL DELIVERY BY CONTRACI. Ctizens leagrees luetes Ciretîilar lequentsflg Moîiey'. liecau&e aoflse silence A 1 I nactîity! we witi tire publie lni geneasiaLd coma to beleve th1e Lake County Citi- 'eu 'a Association hmd ti r(ita natuirel deutir. Sncb in othie rase, irowever, according to Chicago papers, lu faut the orgaulzation la very mucir ultra and juat &bout $0 begin a vigoroue caxupaign agaifit Lorrîlard tira garnbllng juin$ et Everett. 1. P. RnMsey, CbàrailmU Of tire nuance cornrnttee ireu lumtait jettera ini which submerptioua are aikedtim tF, Aà ilu prosecution of the gembiers. lHc oagies lundi are comlala brapidly. SPRING AP-PAREL 1 bave taken more tirau nenal cire tu seisctilla patterns for the irrnganti Summer aeason, and arn confiden t My lrieýtàîîleandi patrous will aree wlth tue th*& in arnwrg UitheibindsOmneat Hi20 Of sUItîng@ e'ler brougbt tir LiIerty ville. Tire îssortoment lm vary complete. coverina a wiule range of muaetr ine desigue lu, fasilonîble casai- meras, levlît, Aloiworite,1s, lu stripes, ebeeka, plalda andi criéhnai fency weaveii._As my ptrons are well aVare 1 use only matertais lu trimmiigo andi guarantea everytbin tte tera lut') tire rake-uli of a grment. Clesunmg, pressing end repailg dona on short notice. ISTEVENSON, TME TAILOR. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. ANOTHERCAMPAIGN IS OPENED.J G. R. Lyon and A. K. Stearno l Annouance Their Ca,,dldacy. 1'ersonal Jetters have beau addreaaed to a large nnmiîer of voters throngh- ont Lake onnty by Ueo. Il. Lyon, of Waukegen, announclng bis candidacYe for renorination on tire republicana ticket, for representative. His lettert foliowsi --)AxRBIR 1Having decldecitoallowc my naine to agin go bafore the lRe-@ publîcan Convention ofLaIke COUntY for renomination for thre Legilature,c t take tis meains of PersonallInform-a ing you of tire fact, knowing, tharai-aI- ttirongb I à,bounle pieased tir do o, 1 mîy not ire Llaj to viit lu pereon ail my frleuds in tire county.t -,lu view ofihtir ac t at Lake ConuD c iras tirca ironorad me luinbis RcsitiY, andi knowing tirat omne persons masy not be lu favor of a fourtit terrn, 1 de- sire ta, say tirat my record lu thej General Aaemhly j'on ail know and i are fariliar witir. andi I point to $bta witb a personsi prîde. 4 the peopleà of Lake County ironor ni inb6gain. I feeli tuat the exp erience of the pant VIII weli qualily me to pro&ectthe ugri. cultural interesta of Lake CountY, us well as thre worklngman, to tire fullaît extent. andt tir btter serve my party, thre success of wbirh meaus a continua- liou of tira piehcut great properity ofi tira country ý. A. K ST5sAr.- AN TU£ FILlA. lu i paper, theira iteegcan Sean, A. K. Stearne lest 'veetk annouuuced liris determinatlou Un again seak tbe nomi- nation on thre republican ticket for tire legislatura. la w"aeten two years &go iry a vary simail margîn andi Le- leves bis chances are Ltter urrw tljan tuien. It in to hautire semaeoldti ight over Inguin wth a leature Of interert added. We are ativisedtheir Lyon forces sre opposeti to --instrunctions for Miaou" wlilefi laismid tearus andi lis follow- iug favor instructionsi for --lsmon for tire ulteistates Senate,and right there & bot light promises Wo deveiop. lu tact we opine chat unies" a compro- mise in effected more internet vili attagh, ho the ltter proposition than t0 viro shall be representative. Many who are net oppoed tW lmon ane Agu"ia Inruelious on genefi prianti- pies. 01mbbelleve ikere eau b. e bam la e, im"Sg11h ?O Ptm"bUhIY ciroice for Unihedi Statea t§OnatOr, no muer 'viat complicationus arieinata ,aehrrîr t') warrant hii votiug as bis jîr igîneunt tii tat, railler thi as lie ires Ihei n ltrsicteil 'vielu n ttirely arltettenuditln may have preeied i lircyproprrse tofirnfrr tuon regard- esi ofr rS tIts. lrrt, tant amir ail tire Iitue, 'vhIin uivCirtaAile go 01idtiAr Ar furrMtsîu 80 iry pein j'on ipalion, ad SLO ..ovwLL, Cîîîigrssumurîl ,t's JBil l'Pr- s'vites lfor <hlînoi ius sut u iirairrrau Lrrîrri(r tire irstrrttrr r rAtAitte it (drItt file H s irr r u r r seaebiil'vihrl oirtaints a prrrvArrlrrlr frrr pîîtting rurrailIfreerielis r3er ii r r tire Contrait systIAn, w iL 1,11biill tinitienm le defeatuti, asiAtsilarrtit, iry a deciid mejority. Ho'vaver, tire preacuit rAralieidAsery carriers arce lermet e tutie rrrirrrriî &iany of thiraALavei irsted a i ttie winoey An eni tairie hirs. anAr wagriîrs anti Laveostutiiei tire iArteretiss ort thirr route tîntil tirey eau lîrenage tire iiAsA nens oI tire route rrrltiitby. ilie feririers aiong tirehUne arr' i i' Ire- eArmilng eierred. t l-y se tirr'y do not pîropose trr Lave tûirir letter, Ails- tribttatiy elàlt of r-arlretl)jgg4erm, who wouAtAidre 'vorkAtrg rînder a con- tract, anti ,r io wouid atrîraty ire in- dîttlerant ta tire Vents rf tire peuprle. .No coutrautor ever riDese8 asingie tiring more titanire lm orrIrgcd to iAr)t4r get blis money, ailoi as inicie êrn as possible. From tire reports elreedy ment liti10ta ire pirritAtve riepartmnent iîy tire inasauctirs An t ie ri anti frrrm latterma rnditelegranir w i iri re iriiig sent to memirerm ftritie Setrate rîtrr flousie It la critit ttliret lAth i systennitres toirt 1-- t irth rirlir tarier tire tînetottîce approriratiorn bill, ai reportel tir ther'Honse, tirere vii Le an exlreitidAttut r ofnI ris e 7,r rr , rrrrri t yeer for tire proînotirîn and extension of tie rtural freeîiciivery system. Itta gratialy dawnîng rîpon tire mambarstAilCougrestiret, il tirat anlormoîsBaen m le b uclet lu thi' 'at' of contracta a spcaîly return tir tire scendetous jrririery (rtbti ' tar tonte (Jaya canant eaîily iLe evrrder.IAtliras iieveioped, ho.vsr, tirat Mu b ond îe tnaraly extendlug eaihobbry of Lis.Hie iras beliaveti for a long lima tiret tire U'nited Statas goveruiment bourrld grr out of the ibusinesse(ift etter carr:, ig eutlraiy and snioutairo rî over tire an- tira postoffice syistnc or i prîvate par- sons on a coutract Lests. Foiio'ving ont tis pecîiar tiraory, Mr. Louti ba- devil6d tire mamirers 0f tira toëtoffice committea nntif tirey agreedtu tovota for tire adoption cf tbe contruet symteor on tire rural dalivery service. It li aca, Viicir Vili be developeti deparimenti h oppoieti ho the contract system for mail dellvery, eltirer In city r Or eontrY tir.Loui18 lairirman oI tira commuittt'i whieh tixei tire apprit- tîpriation forr tire departirient, aird 80 At lias Leen tirougirt wise tArt trr autagoir tua Liai trrrr mrrr'r. l'rivatî y, iroweverthe tii'rtciîts of TO THE WOMEN. t , ti t t! -i o l N4EW SPRIM WASH (IOODS. 'l'le tit1w i. t Ill- ar", t ai, lim tt. t rrrretinsî i c e r et hîtli t l t 1i Aritri s rrrrrrit vt' ri, 1(iIrta iril , .ny i ecs lu tie làtrst relli-t, tltrfa r Ii i s1ESll i 'U)i Ait ii F I PEIIiS I GIr iff 1 i l(] u fan-rs iltN I t R LACE~SANIEMBROIDERIES. \t e fiarvrr l.rlrg [e r rr gr/ IlrAS ti, [ 'r C Ilrrr ti lnitr rrtir tir i.rrtlrrrt îr litF riit ri i A rr t Ut ck trrrey A, tire irirg-t t r lit lr -i l At Irti,lrtv Tris -ethc to trdo vour --sw. Tht9 s the place to buy your materrals Gie.R. L YNî &SONS. Tehn EADERS 2rLoW PRICES TlpoeNo. *oo. Vtaukelan, IMinois. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE 0F' Steel Ranges, Wood and Goal Cooki ng Stoves Also a fulll une of Axes, Cross-cut Saws. Wedges and Beetie Rings. 1 carry a fulli une of Glass in ail sizes. Hi B. IEE FR9 be brought before th1e erîminai courts chaxged vihh violation ofthtira tateD statutes. To a reporter Mit.. iiîmscyt expresseti imbxeU as foiirîrsM "ýWe are tireti 0f dtckcring andti brickeriug, eipeffially %%lth ir lcials ofl raliroad companési. TireC. M. A1 St. PaunInow runplie tm raine tirere dally.t As va uuderaiad it thea companyM leaseatrains b 111e Management af threF gambling Institution, whio seil ands colleot tickets. The rate of lare, 251 cents for tire round tripr is ridii'uiritsiy1 low. "Siz veekessilo a ielegation Ironi tbe isiociation vaiteilipîru trenlient Earllng of Chir road aurî explaineti tire objections of luis 'ý.orrllard" Ilu stitution. We explat ltiret If tire roati vouid refuie 10 r ru tiratrains liat of itaelf would put e stop to tire nuisance. Preisnt L.arling salai that tbe place WoUld be cioaad wtitn thirty days. The place is etit rrîuning fl lIait.t "-Luter ve recoived a rommunnication from one of tire principal rrlitcers of tira company inviting us lu a conlareuce vithr 'Sud" White andtii.lrry Holauti, tire managers of 'Lorrirsri .' 'Vara- fuiedt 10go lutinconfereue 'itirgagnm hiers. Later m«iiiautirr ltter 'vu receiveti, siyingthat if iL vas agrea- able to uninohhteag onîti ie doue outil April. Wa saawoed tirrit etter iry seying tâttsaab BMarrtarrgemet vus not as ail stiommOry tr i rs. I irelest reply bAu not base anî'vered. -*Thas place laidurteti openiy An Violation of et"* làVa, ani vapurpose to bave the e$Oiiile eirats anti teoir faguen swI, matie amenable Wo tloilavis.» CouffEotiff c 4ÀKË3. Girandtiaud Petit Jurors for Marcir Tercet oi Circut Court. ilWe give baby a )lotIof grand anti I petit inrymen seetatifor tire iarcir - - - - Illinolé, IIHARNESSES.. ltir e lirrutniet htireat rirtlrru îr Mr bond she ove pi eu raidoputîion opeIXi .h 3\ N tired* door plor serousadai t Lut :'voîltrHA NE uteLicr fre ir ea'nrk rrfbteni tni 't i,.......... îug tira rural tre deiivery systein Foldati straîr............. ...... 'Tie more the a mtter Is looket i nto Single aIrait, ntr'kir triAi,...... ..... tihe 'orse it semastri tire average con- Sniigic aIrai ','-rjia lAlty gwtiýr.' r rt trrîr greesman, andte result l iet at Ir, Lolti anti iis contreet syntem are des- tîneti ta LeFlrrwn rut of tire vater. Place Vnuur (>rder Now lu anoIrer colîrmu b. C. Pi rce, t Waîcoutie, aunorîices iis cendideet foru connty trceisuijectte, thet riacision ftrhtie repîiLlican conventiron. Mr. Price Als a 'ortiry repiîtiican, ('rri lîtant and trîistwortiry airdiis eaui dîîiacy smiit 1incet 'vir aîrprrsvai ArrrS r %V.e Lel te 'r'lia sa goî n chances r I F'or otire r illit t v tr r'cithler r iiil rtoubtisLe smiie baLugestrimA tire "uniie up 'as prrrpbirred scnAlin ie agi lu tirreecrri ui rs, andiiil tair rt her ai"k or srr tuie verus ii .trlants wîliiLave teciarer t tetrrsle . 'l i-ilîrit(.e1tir Libertyvîlle wil ci romence'. Test 1.u mIiiî iî Ilhrve Waukegan pirysir'îaîîsim .aîu incd tira rmLainred bordy otfusSeun Marei lîuesday te satisfy relaies, 'vi,, tirorgit aire iight ire rriyir a tranrir rey prriuouuced lier rteai. hl itrl, lIwî yaars olit, Ar(l inMLidiiy rttirrir il1 of iremmorrirge.r Unidertmhker .John KH11w ivr wkts calieri and ambainieritire Loti','As lairrîît aira iorkcii 80 lilelike, w iti rONYrirs t lu brer uiraks, Iretlier rs'iatires, -ni1)n1 nrreFiniaé àpeoplie, thitîr r ile sir'rrIgirt 'rît uc aura, aud 'vere rîrrwiiling tri irrîrs, rier 'itrouttIrnt mlnrelg doubil3 simr irf rcalir, desptîth ti irnriilliia tirs. Nenîit. Fr'icvanti itercliiîe tfiýr riîgliry tanteti tIiesIiiiiiy s itlir eetri rtY and illetrtr iur'iirsaitri Iruhit rn19gîm rit Ilite. stoitiething '[ial %NilnI ii I îîîî (te luov of no 'vs]Air sichIr w,' Ur le of more nservîci tr itr rearlarm thir 10 tell them ofet eittiing tlat illWi Ire ot real goodt irthieur Fotr tirlArtea ' Ive sie 'ant tri acqii t thtii'iu l,,t 'viat ls e coidîr orite iAtirth' ry liîet rernmclioed utire market tirrtigr, erniris, andti .tir a sii rg r.iip A crrnuip. Wa reter Ar t rrir' n Coîigli R emediy (t niral, As"n i t tIl i' mAir irgood rest iAnie tr ir sr r(, rît tirat IL iras becorîtie a i rrse iit îî iiiv' r sîty. By ils promlrpt riew ie ias diýtt eus donir Lut tirat IAtlirastinte alti agaîn proVenteti croîlîr lie tùstmmornV 18 given up*U ontr îwn extrerlaiee, eîîr We suggeust b 1, otr r eai ers. espsr'ial 1 tirose who have ainAlil ciiltirir, aiva s CR~ keep It Ia'tluair ironies as a safegtarrd aginst croup.-Cunteii. C'-r Msen gar. Fe1 sale by F. B box Imn., J, MatKUMe Gjvayirn,% *1SC1IANCK BLOÇK, J.I Rix1 ah * 10.00 .... ... ... ... 12.00 .... .. .18.00 for i. itîî.e fori.-i ring r rrk. \ve' wilI give the rritr iiir t) i te it t tt i rio i htit eit ready t wiî t tt! I r kmmutslip and C. H. KAISER, - Illinois. TH[. 4 ROM W LL 20T TiCENTURY CASH STORE-- , rt r,,,> iv,,dver -SPRING & SUlInIER C LOTHI NG rl I t'mn 1t iClîrtig, but 'i,rr1, r tri'vI, ant tirem ve lii', lire grils lirrin $3.00 10 Irc.tir,'SiilleiAiand othex mii.i arkrs l'rlcas from $1.00 t., $3.50. ASSi TO Stt TiS E 5W Button Cuf f Hodi is' 1,Itsoezie> H50ARTECi Fon Gents', Furnishlnga8« Yotirs Irr Cuei, E. W. PARJIUKRST, Libertyville voue Mciay, Marci .r3d. If. W. Ferry, Berton. Jas. Iiaggeety, N, wport. E. Smons, AntirirLir. M. Siraian. Anti, bi. George Wait, Grerrh. George lienebiai, Avon. Frtd 0. Worthr, t1 arren. Win. Burke, Waukagan. John Freati, Wau.egau. AilLyLeul, We ikeguni. John W. Beslcy, WVaukegani. Geo. Wiader, Waiikegan. Geo. Andiersonr Oriltis. Jîsf§ Hart, Shieid. Wii Follette, Lirrrtyville. Ang. Meyer, Freruaont. Arthrur Cook, W auccatie. Frerl Kircirner, ( ire. Louis Erustlng, Lia. L. H, Kruger, , mou. Johrin Selig, Jr , (est Deerticl i A. tRobertson. ,'ri l'irs. Gîrîte, Ilcýrtiielt. P I 11t JIR % i. Wmý Cole, Benjt' n fi. A. Ferry, 13I;cton J. W. Conneii, iteton. Jaliez Berceford. Navutort Elbert Douglas. Avon. Franrk Burke, (Iarran. Ueo.W. Ferry, \Wankegen. John t. Peiiiîetrt, waukegalr J. 0. Cîrnieir, 'rankeau. Arclir MArtirur, ((aukegan. %V M. Halloweli, Ni aukegi. 1Ciras. Crapo, %taîliegan. - FrakBesley, ((dukagan. ; J. B. Gavin, '(a ieganu. 3 trank l. HermmIn, Wankegani Hl. L. Munrray, ( aukagati Josephr Patrie, Itaukegani \V. C. Dolan, Waikegau. eýJas. L. Smithr, Siielde. e Ueo. Cooke, ShilIds r 0e.sE. Aidersrrr. Sirielda., alPeter Msterson, Shieldis. f Ueo. Davitison. Libertyvillie Geo. Rtay, Libertyvilie. yE. Hosen, Liirerty ville. b Ed. Monagiran, Vacondâ. Artbur Grahram, Waîcnnde. F. L. Waterman, Cubs. Nicirolas Bsii, Vernon. Henry Smith,, Jr., Vernon. 0 Wm. Umbdeustock, Vernon. d Fred Sciroader, Vernon. EtiVard Nevior, Deertilit. W. W. Waggner, Deerlili. Z Nettlow. Deerfialti. 5John sweany, Deerielti. l. Be An Immune. ae As by vaccination 7ou MaYt yImmune or sale from aimalîpox, 1laking Dr. Caldwell'& Syrup Pepe g8 VliIIbecome immune fretsnconsi 3_ iilonaneis, dyspopai@4 and aui t sud boVeal troubles. Un0san l.botiu. moiti yIry . B. Li Bu y ithin per r rtirrraîîrnwli recolleet n o Dr. J. L. TAYLOR.ofi I Dr . o. . ~ , Fluglir tairs tocknian, 0f hmal e Office over Triggs & Tayiot"Fs. D . . YOUNG~. Wtt,, tva', erired triticatir in a 'reek .---AOLAisPhysiclan anti Surgeon. ru tire St. Pau[ rairî art at l.eertteidý 1 1t u tri . mn. Lr.4i . t ,ir ' . W. 0~ PP(,MATE LEREAIN sOrri, anno. ianuary irlti. opp<unftCoiiwu. îrrtire caLiise wîtir tir re' Beidencc onAt-rradway opate rk tGurne. --lî-- l iinols. rituier stor'imnt irrutire ergîne A Libertyville, Illinois. train Irdiris îng craliredt lrongi tire ar -It'vas a vleiir case nI neglîgcce rDR. AMOS J. N ICHOLS ilîîrpnn part rtf thes comirety'm agent et O)F CH'ICAGO, iv,'rett tue accident oceurreti, anti FURS W ANTED 1Li opaucti. a a,.t 'vek tirey sttîrd 'vitrank Coi, -. ta-- DENTAL OFFICE rn Doser, fttier rf deceeseri, payin)g, -I ýIl cou- 1 eluploye(l. i(

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