11K, I)I siii fi t Jithi-ti\ou ttrL t td '1' Iîqe o t î I. ite in a m zate 1 y. XNWé.'iHf this jtos.itimtîti n thfe groery *busi iiess. f i ) ii(i ra1 t - iiti f 1) t V. 12t- gaîîîed t1w t ilî>îî eofth pg itý Ifl )tiare liottour gt i ii:,îaît i al n ti L II i iiiî a m~at atîtiti i :tyi I iti li A x- TRcIGS & TAYLOR. LibertyvillieIlin ois. ka. made t Wte fris ut or the0 ind Lake b Iù tOvfl Slte for a vas 11.10 uf big me are Ont tic licated sIile, vii )idt goods ee1. ut James day rab. eare' a Potlion basa sud , prlng. g a barn r bere sud nev etore gM18MSS8t Boff MEN'8 Shioes VICI KID RUSSIAN CALL PATENT LEATIIER [NAMEL LEATLIER The "Florence" Sewing Machines AR[ THE BlISI AND CHILAPEST We Seil Them. I SMITH & DAVIS, DEALERIS 1I tGengral I- erchandise. Libertyvîlle Illinois. lii r. t. t' Iii. 1N, 1 - .u IDS A 4 . i. ij.flM. li4 . 2miip. nt. 43i sii p. nti. '4i5tii. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHîiAGO. 14661 DATS 1WREEI 11-. Depart Fron,(:OId DePot. A,-.ive at Old Depot 1__ î. 1, i' , 1 J... Arît. l ii L- t-I Cil aW. Ar .1l"î ii No.îri , 6255.1v . 3 I. tu, NoI, 11:- /i -3')a.M. . 11, C45 taM 136i .. ..7tOM--,i .. 4145 i . - 141 mr201p. M. 4,16pi. - 14 4 12 :i il i ti . 1,1 -.M 145. . 14)Ili. ..1 511, iii. hi NIIATS. ItUNtifIa Have you îîsld your taies I Laktî connty's hu-foir aecting iC A Piintow han leaeastilshuteIat thi ut- l iHome and Siiiiiiî Ifor Boys Stîîrgeoi u iay- Wlâ. bah. giot gjimmmeriuý!, for Saturday (Abris Mciiuire tîioved juto îîwu i LI . the ciîroîttee lu ebuirgl- if the matter wt*ek friiu. the farue ha relcetitly sulit te rec.rîved au citer froiii ati agent of the- l'hilllh.t1of(- -tate near the- il lige of Crystsl Chas I'uti1,sLake, 21 rmîles front Ciclago, The John Lee talka tif goilug te V.aukt'gao I mla t iie given fr et, and includes il, work Ilu the wire uilîsý 70o aires of tlnely Iriijriîaed land and Dir. iiittertield t ilwife, tif t tiicsgi.jliiatres tif aubmerged liand. A nuni- 041,ted viti the formiera liarents le1 f 1luldlugare avaîtaible for suint at-tertil its>a hua itecliptrpomseof thes instituîtionu. The landi iarr>- Bradley- vili be biuîc frîîm Hoît in liîated oeeand ont- lialfi tilîeo froni /iprjiuga, !rk.. the iast of this yaclk, ýthe ilage of Cryst.i Lake t)oulit- wtiere ithubasIetii for about six wttkts. Ilt-ms the ocher wyUl be ai,. -Ilteil. W/ni Wbsîtýiri'r veti oritî Chas A% dllghtflil entîrtitîiîîîeut wQ's Iblîliîîî foai iortiui weittif tiîwu kiowu furutabtrd hy Auglîst la F.Howeil, aa tii i l itri,- SîcOntire ilait- tioriat sud impî.riiîîîtî,r, a thie lifoudar I uhî,u hureli Tuesdîi ulghî. is sroîlaitt Ila t- (iii IflQa mrnîiîmreaditigm froru Da il liaruni vere Wr hve this wee< piirchased a new nd cmplee fie ofuptoldate Jeweiry. A specially fine fine of Watches- H-amilton. Elgin, Waltiiam and others, Now is the tîme to boy, Special bargains in Jewelry a litile oui of date, Darby Brothers, Libertyville -- Illinois. bolierti flste mpersîîatiîîu <if thie uniufecharactet llniat-ecentrtcitiîe sud ilrolieries cslled lîînrth retisateil ap- pltine. Ht- je tlever ln dlialeelsund bis facial capresdlOfla SLOW vouderful control sud developuietit. Notng better tialîe5fl lisftenctu inluLiberty-- vile, 'Thi' scbool lîtiscourse lm certaill> tîrnàishlng ctertaiuments of rre-îuliîty, and it is grattfylng ho unotir iîtlzene pat ýliet/ehem no ltltîrgslly. Next un file ci/it18 a sle-- titre, Mat h 269h, iîy tii StA> Steel, and Lie ila lîgbly epoik-i if' Mies Clara Avert I i[ atiiau- noue s ele aprepareî to iveaspiauo festons; RIS) lessons tîil îîý'ction. 17 -I1 p ttuîîrvluir Miler 1, !i goitltiug for rîght-Of-wa>- for the ptolîiisd eclîctrie ruait over the river, soiitntalîavîug troubles rithie Sin. Naturatll- farmers viiose laud it jiltaireil f0 hîîy ,vaut et-r>- dotlar tht->- eau get sud tht-n some, andlof corse - Shorty" cant smtîti cry eucouragilg te porta to tht primofers . Itloiîîî nas thoogb tht-te wiiuil lie a targi' number rAtce îdewuîtiiu sîît. Tht' rtgh-f-sa>- eiered in i. it' ly a sertios Injur>- t) fan>- farussia. tut' tiug, as it doe lbhrigli their vet-y oor yariPi sud lu severA instances tbrîîugti builIdilug.soîl if i11ltake a blio f mornt-y to huliiit.If Courat' it a iji to Millerto10bu>- ashiliapi>-as4 po icille andtllikevîse tui lai t htîtiltuhogetlit] the>- eau, aoi uS y It theet- tma aaatitf ferenot- lu their et-iAlstes, N. C. T. 1 Notet.. 1 lie- locat W'. /t' met vîtti Mn, Rtobiuaino a8tf liucda>- afteraîîo. i ties ers rt-adi, g@ and dinctihslotîs whîch swers tir>- uhrestiug ai(l til ttuctive. The [ i onti vii i est udf t k J ut- day sfhetnoo iatiNrs. J.%W. Biltler h, Ail wuo are îtittr-. ted inluteiopt-raicc are iluvitedto le tt-jrt-ent. MuRSC lit iP.HILL, Preas Silit A Fric' Trip. Limite Laud Agt ocy thrcugbi thcî]r local agent, Il C. Lortruer, fins strangeti for a muries of stsecliptieil lectures b>- Dr, hi1'. liaison ilumfrat' îug Xeiiovatiiat- Park suit tht- tub farmîug regîoit ibtat îdtiit Dakota. rtie lettiir'iuiîli îcccuriin ou t-lu2_, '26 27, 2h, aiLiiîrtyvile, hii'i Waucouila suit Lake Zuîrich. I on partîculara ses Lii i. 's adverftiii l Nothlng s u ah ustht-practîî'ai suIe of or country toi re ieautilîîiy sud ple"aatly. lMr.Maison bahs fine coloreit vleva frui, iibctogruabmabuta bug Ibhe fertile pi rIes, lut- tarnt homes. srîîl lth î.îilg chus a',tht-y rt-al>- are 2 on t-an gef Il lt-t.free fronts lit Lorîmer, or fecîuu tisiC represeuitahîves lu Ibe towna ineuliiîied as tudlcat cd lu thelr large ad liaoottiet page. vaî'ssî011. Ht' sout goîi tlhing ut titi, seusî,n sud that im the one regret.atîe featîîre ot bis iouis>- period. Gel,1t. Ellti vs alled 10 aaede, lova, Mouids>-(fifbht is elîy 1the litýr,8ia lot-saot llimieatr, Nir m. Martinileltcev. i (f thaI îplac'e. NI ci Eli'taleft fîîr A rthuîr. la., Satur- il , , rap-iiiU.g li-'verai îtays vitti lita ilreuta titre. .lii sc-sntho Chi- itg ,tiiboy gîoiti for 1lim gt-utrai store ut Arthurr ii.rtîy Broh. Latv- reireiveil a nuinber ot bwiyc.leh attctpstîog a gotîti uai- ut-s.lu tths sprtug iu vhoela 'hey ariciîîî2 delligums anifrange ri ic Jai'uiiîtGels, tif .'1takimie, a tii'niler if Juilu: G.. Iagau l'ont, i. A. R. vas lîriitd at Loug Orove W eineeilay. W i Fuller was tic oîlv member of that feit hvlostîti l-ldi rciLierty-. tville- tinuiuîiempîlitm art'(tffiir tLe nisertage of litles ete Strang, ofi MIII- buru tii iev. i,ruî. A Mitcelli, pas- ilir o ilAibiru i b ici/L. 1t tal es place VA t-ilut'siay, Fei.2' 'tiiut 2 ii'iiîrk lu tiie M iil iiro Ciiugregationai ir iC.fRCterniati sud J .E. 'iriggs are iuatiug miii't au enjoyalile time ut New i irielititbîv au hardi>- sîîre tiole 10 a rite Il, m.toi i rîf lîtter tels 0f h-it 'ii- art" /iîlgorange s aud îtler fruit ail if îttitr gîddy î.ieaaîîires thi.-Y enjoy 1iAstUttteu tbi'y aili b iii iîlîî'- i ll ii t'Oteutiil f0 look for file[. ta ii-Otht-y arrIN e i hi Poiitivai î t lillintugiiiîî 'tlitlîl No.i titat i-..iPirive, of V.au coutdel, nuiiiiiiI t-a itaeif s ianiilate fîîr Itheîr epuicao iitIM s liontîfor houi te treaîrer anet- teriug tarîge i)cilubt>- toliics baisut-eupllaue-. 1i he Lyoiis Stearu figlîttiirouitbca gîmisifoîr politicaus sudrinii ait yiii i cnn ie p Iotflai l von ltetuire io ali is dt-t. E W. lsrkhipt bail i'iusideraiiue il- ditional aieiviuig rectedin lumltsstore ibis ueel Irred aay.s an scre or twui ut extra spat- bas bi/ cq iitreît iiy lhe iliipTiiveliiuftatWich IN ii orT-if if 'îîîore olr lia' , iiuîl A trolleiy alcfiiiîtriili aisi, lnitîutlileîitii fi'ilItîstî uxhiiiiting gondsatisudM. Par lii lrai us ire',lis bi.s su ng stockl wailiireil/ilevry'ct-inch'lîof aîditiîoiui spu-Lt-ha gîîîîîî' t'îiîitiew'ilug Sttiiriiu> iight a vouinreofillilmrittî (l atruios m lii t ilialiiîr.tc if fie i'rt'ibyterlau ctiîirch flet -Ciourse lutho iîuciuîe twrîvu erai nis, beginuug ut 7 o'eioek au h Saflîrilay nigiht. 1i'aitiamormuo la Itliistritttii liV fet-large paliutlugis 0u caaun.tiihiîLet fofr lirat; moutti is -'ut- (ruaI Itevîti. i udt-r Sebenitati A cordtial inot iation is exteuded to0mal. Sti11'. Aîley receoltly piirctia8ed a talkiui tmachine tu amuse iulats, cf the tCîîutty flouse-. ioery oîght Just alter alipler tlî'y toiigregate lu the ilioing rîîînî. and1 Mr.Apîîiey st-ts the ti/iiaie 10 vork reuileriog uliicîl ae'lnous, tciutc- dialoguies, ete. i1 bey iîioy it hugeiy sud ni-ver t irei ot liuriti g thle vario fi selet bus. Mir. tiiiity iasaqullts a oumber cf re-cordsansd lha.smeut for muire. Hi, generoiaty atlortis a ilelightfil itser- mien foîr thoat- îîoder bis cars sud turue ruan-as ieary tîlîlr loto (,it- of plea8tîre. Casper t'liugeuhsngeu, eiuployeil at tht- Macaronîi factory lba iisuder- atsaudîug vîth Lewis huit oui- of the formeri, sud alleges that Ittil drev s revolver, lu su>- tveut there vas trouble andi a warraut vas laeîred for Klilgt-nhsgeu, but not 8erveil, probsti 1l ti op"@ lie Weuldlouvsae tovu or vîti the Idem, of terviug A il uevent lha oreatod further trouble. î:mpîoyeesl st the- factor>- sympshbis 'îlora vîtti Klsugenba gi-n 1ha0 lot, as ttley dis- likth le lattera&hhabit tf csrtying e revolver, sud the fat, Notic 5157 sert, that hbuba ou forimer oeasions drawu l go lonlt.mon 11h whom ho happenoc %0bav vbemltBoma chiomeiltI coietr wit L tb ciii. Vi ni. Halirae il, stcri-ta r cf tht- Boardil. irv 8euteti figures abutaIaig tht - sîiîîl financeas ItiioHard olisatiîi huik $ /-i .ailda ýti Iuioe finiir aiedi uiC hialf moltisîîî achooi yet ua Yî-Urthetti Indicatious art'-ttîut tht- Boaîrd aii lit' $G0011 iior in iodeLît at thle closet-of thLe year. Iie8idî'a thin conditi[on abouîit 2',o plîpili cao uîîow atte-nd actiotlil tiy iu half day aaiidoée, aîîîi fiîliy iiai- ditiiîual pupuua are iîokî'î for iîy Alîtti ist. ITic iaw proivdem for the raluilog tf a bîiidiug fuund, but fîîr fods foîr openatlug extieuses M r.flaliiiweli 8huiwed ttiit the iîîar.l î,- rt-aiy î' up agaînat IL A C'bicagi iS liii îpfapeut iotaitid a, Icugtby îî r ite'-Il i il l teW itiiît'ga il ihBreakerm. lPhtio.uofiitlhi'ctariî'r metoLers oft tb s unîriue.i'c1110 tre po hi@rsed tli tiineein.t tîîîî 'h t'> it re Misses Hathie Haliiîaeii. Nellile Al-en, Clara (itrue tituile Htddiei'îîtv i lier mieira cf the î'iiîiî are Ilis.,î' N crIe Mortîit, Elbe]i Whîtuey said Georgia Adamas. Ii-rt'are souit.-oftthe rides nmembers iof liie 1-reakera haave ugreed te, ailtit rî t ti1. 1 but tîîî Inemiter îîf the lîreaLuirteal ii t tr ,ut- wîîrried. 2 Il titisrucuufer ahoîrît a/ii ib tiitiie PrNalaitiliii. itof a mai aud decîde tii eoter iisatriuuîioy, thie brie muet etsrtatu tbe lîreakeva fîîr a vel foliwiug ber ii.îîîrliage. iý 'Thet-iret lreaker tii maurry mnuîlt bave the remaiuing six îaemberma att ah brideemaida imubler veddîoig tabit sbali h.au elaborate affair. i. If a Breaker recelvea a proposai. belote asit cau avcept she musut irat asl the ciam permissionu sud muit îiver uy uen- ltou tptho ber by tht- i/ii euîerninlg the way lintabicti the protioFal wa8 ruade, t e t Ijsî-tt'i j ruipiis T- i uit lie- îresen ted t titht- ilub. ObIituar r y. 0o0ds. WAVJKEGAN. a PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. t u ear I tr,/i Iit ati a 11 ' fi ,,- tti' (A C. M . & ST. P . TME TABLI.Ij,(-nH ut tii- p-ru iiî i- iai i iglit In Effect Sunday, Octoher 20, 1901 * nt moi01a. m. iiîiirst' to 1Iiirviitii t(oiit-t tfio, oo'ttii glti cy iif liitetî f I ih fior th, priai- Itli -iti f uit eiiptneiit o!fui I . la TO CHICAGO. FROM CHl AG..tt tul ttwir futeifiti aititeiiati,î . 1i vEKs usa vES tits iliaroireî'itiunieiii it! att'1ît Inkit g L)apart Fr00, New Depot. ArrIve nt New DPtpot. lî, iii 4aa.. s M u. II, high Ioho-i Iiii't e a nt sd tii t1at tIdI1 « 1 10 P.ii ~ l u . 1. i46 î. tm. eiruuitttî'. tuttifrîtît euili iLanîr i -tiak of 1 11:11 IoI Groce ries,, t lt- /rii-it A I j 4i- )111i stouk i, aIways W, ay t it ii-'irii-.t f tilt.tfor rodîîce NW Among thie olde-at at-tIlt-nsif î.aîî,f Coîînty sud prîittstlytht- tudeaf tai)o, lit least, lu thât 5t-îtiii of fli cîontry waia Mîr. Christuj ian\1, uthbdie init NA heeliug 1a8t at-tk, at thet'oelîfiiui . ilsughiter Alice-of that place Aithoîîgb ht-bail remidelin luookîîîuk tiiîy loit a tiiv yt-ae lie 'tas ta-it îîiitt. trrugh. onît hcth La ket'aloil Cooik Cinti es NIr Amii oti iiel ttrliiiîkswt-il F I e, lîru8sia. J iii>- tIM adi if l itti l U u ua btsp[atents li te sgt- ifi'212 At tlst F I EU n s a y tieuieho asuîutted luiarunaigei tw Misis Barara N iii,,a utîtauf reative, TABLECheap. of theésanie lilait- I imeditately afihTtLt marriagi- lit- We iii llu l fit-sas h fr îîîîlfas a iier a I il distiller 1ilu IlAie be tli lita familN. îliî e to er IN ica. stria tîg Aprlî1;, li ta ug direuýtiN tiI N tu i)titt l .li., wht'rt'Liebt'igageul lui fsrîoîîîg aloil wit'e l-i liatil îthfu isaf f-'u ve-a lut 'jlitre cl'lIl- ti.afttr iiifF.t u \ltsu t N.tiiiti' V î? >it1)a11las -k 'ail v 1 J iîenî 8ilt' Nears tif Uîitriiîl ) yandîl'uuriita at-ru tisiti tf teilthi tii ut Ù14ii',i. iliig. Ut' tt-o lmade bi.s b ithtru 1ia -im lt-at itsîiliter, ilns hR, Suis, tthou titbh t-ter r iiY il 111:1N 11,0 tatooucft' i iiiiibtaOlfii, vOte ia I Tb.liw : p, mpriîo l i7ti. îuuî dto 10NAhet-ing. 70 lhitgsîuifliîulauitii uut, il t c-iît itt i i/l\ \iii/ " tii ]i\75 îug tue l>5.t Cut caamtioc lui t gctlcý tîîsu vas a great iare, Loit al fbhuf a du- suteil ilgiter aan ymipiLttic grand- dusigtiter 1'iiiilit ilutasutclot- fuir h ici utIl otihbre uîug cf l't-l,1Il1thtulu> dovu the iliii-ftif îe and plaie-i fîlly psat-ý1 utia> aft t'e sgt ' util ysars, 7 mtîîîtlîs and ailaym Fit-rai sert iu'c5were hel iiiîtîfli hresiuyteriauî u ri, 1iuitAltuaîîiof iclatlîîg, sîui lu' tas aidut tii ett Vi hî-îlîug icirot, t ui' Iii'has i' ut bc) tîtiyeara îagoi jrt-ut- iihiii tOrle uIâught,-r ai lîiedy'iart igol sud it.uaNuira 1il iv i tiitrarct t -li daîîg lîteî tvii MI ns iC. Slvi-lu,,i Ai helit-.iîg. /Nirs, L. catl, hif \iletrt ut s(iu iHv -\îu'k. luALonug Grtria nia fiuo. cf A riiigtoii Heighttttsud luIt-, alRo> o lutAttelîtîg. oili-ýtet-ci grnduiiil lî reu and luurteeu gni-t gnîil t'hîîiilrt-î 'Atîleltuiii, clgoeCalfi.iui ever>-joinut achieilandi t-tsi>- tirte tas ra-Lut-i th pull,' wrltem C. NA. Bt-- lana locomtivte iltetal, oflut lirg- f0i), lova., -I va, veak anîd plt, aitth- ouf au>- apifte saif ah ton utowo. As 1ia tabsit tho give op. i guit s bottît- of Erlectrte Bitter8 sud.alter tlkîog ît. I feltas Weil ad t est-t iinît îuuîy liii-.' Weaik, sîttîl>, min oiltîv IeihIiialutuva gatnu ev life, strengti asolicguir frnuuu th-m use. Te, thiitiuSatîisfactionu guararîteeti b>- F PLoi iLlibertty- Ville, GltÂN.Si..Ai il 1H îlot U 1i 'e' tht cett. PEOPLES' COLUMN. ii SAii/l u il.,.' i,- in ýo W W lTi. iîuiu.Aru'i i fu ry, ili it it it ;ItaA.N fti i îitîii tsI Vf poi iiitlj i tîî atiî li a t.iality :it t Au ti tti t't i I Ni le. THE FAIR Lîbertyvîie Iflinois. Che Cost is nominal For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. HBNJ. Il MII I ci-iase .11(i ervie o thetck ?ti ~ ~ ~îîî i ~ -i "* ' (!ttiuity 1eelit, e ( 'i)iî)atîis :îid <iitti otj t ith the* la-t i l r ( aa ý' t' ttlii. (i<igt "l1hii- ('in a C o il tiri t 111i i 1iti Mise n-t'Q. 1î... *l ...01îFor information, rates, etc., wrte- ý- ainiiit/tdliî-îî.lotirsiil CONTRACT DuPARbu MîIv Trd 11111111trlx ~ te ast Wil RLaudLoveli's Drug Store, ,,iihM à..dtastid. Waaksas"eïj1.. leb. 17. tivi 0.4Libertyville - Illinois. i 5*,.> ri1 l 1 P, I t i ' l ii 1 /l i i mi. Notice tu Conitractons. Seatei hlds viljie ne-et-il db>- hhe bridge commiffet- at howvo cIsela office, Lîhsrtyvite. it., ou Fetiruar>- *22, 19th2, ahet ) o cila . .fuor the ct-tii structiono0f a stîiîîc arch tîvsr Couway's iroekI vbere the shune Io lotersiecteil hy tht- hilbay lurdtug fioul Liherty- ville tu ltondt.uut, saliartu bfa icls tcet clsut spau,ia fuît drisewa>- lnu ean, M feet from foiiisfion ho aprtug ol art-b, 6 feet from fotîudtton to tted ou ireek ah lovsst 1;uif, eest ti luibas front sprtug cf an-h t0 top of coucrete, 1; luiches ort viîti s 10 le llaeil lu top of art-b of 2ojii liii@toile. Parpet wat bche23 feet!loug, :i feet htgh anti 2 fsstt ilî, coptug o 0 itnlch stoue. vInge ounauiith idie 10t Iet tact, :1 foutotocî, " uit top. Eust wlug nortb sidte 12 filet loug, f foot bottoni, '2 foot top. vebf wlug nortb elle It feet long, i1 foot botteut, 2 foot toi). Stonu tolastafotiiet bridge diteîu- sion. Cemnent to b. used to, ha betf Alae Brandl Arefleu Portlandl. Prospective tittdesmusl furli plans snd ipeitlî'stions. Altitidti muet te aeeomp)auletft by erttilei t-beck of î2thit A general platn uit asîiareh i-su te suerulut tIbis 'il50 Cletît. ofice- Lfberfyvlltu.111. Atidrese ail coin- nunulcationa ho Frait roker, Liberhy- vIlle, orDl. Hîuington, Lake Zurich. D, ItI NTIiiUTON, MARRYRislOUSl, H. C. W.UnMsRra 5. W. Bî'Lzi..T, 4. A. MAsos4, JOBJe WELCH, Supervlors, OoMMisn rs. ds 1 4h do , "I' A,ý 3