CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Feb 1902, p. 6

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...... "m aaa •-- peba,:4and I know ho means f te a.brbaa.dsomest carriage.and er.e. ta Leado. Fancy a woman having ai that and a bandsome husband whom alhe N LY FA R ER' loves beides!' And there were tears lnu Mrs. Clayton's eyes. "Shrein very sweet-miannered. I think DA U G H TIER. ..he deserve- ber haippiness" "I am nuire shte does,- responded Mrs. Clayton, wvarmly. "She would have ma- - ried himn just the same if he had been poior. She was not iike me. Col. d'Agni- fjy lar." "Yuforget how differently you were FRREFiS TERPi. bronght up"ie exclaimed, eager to de- tend her frInom ay imputation, even thouigh it emefrom: her own lips. "Pov- T+T tff¯ffiffifferty wvould haIe ben a terrible hardship - to you, whio bheen used ait your life to f-Il i 'end he lKt 0- oi,- luxury." C Tu snd he ettr oer o - "Itis very g:enerotis in you to excuse yto l that-r my s- ihes. Fcee said, softly. "mince he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . l oiprata ah o uee y it. Did fyoul suffer?" she@ a tub n s~~~~~~~~he answvered coaxin se.wthaqikatraino1od. ,tha; rim a achair, and bringing ;" adl. hea1,1 I tt hesighet ury thil, m triB t iml be, 'nge of bIlteres."r you1 would not and o litletyrat B t whre bave been. Io ready to give me tup." er station Sh hat is ~hisraddress. lstrnt ee ut deep > 11"rI 1 I an t tel you, cried W in , 111nd b Ittr o. tr o elh r had ben.1 - ban oyo'o ko i believe -women never give men credit uta 1,o bIlle ,1 believe his regiment frra n lbh es"hsi. " o - ilsent frsnd l m, ihcln?" anr h l morefaith in (the passion that 1 ,rl doirr1 abutsaersetiersi tha.n in ithe lore that spares klen him fi rba- Ilna ;i iible hurry, and if he là.ot in .bear." M s Ca to' the, IIrm b w ihe ,chances are lhe may not get It with lbrilihi ea ý tandlingin her eyes. "I si(. ,ani b 1 . I rha daring 1 always .1 e ea - u r lly loved me."yo et •n h]uhs they were suchigreat friends." ,I- arelttle wort or eP been ffrental b y, tey have not met for months 1-y,"my.mtiechhae foudom in arion ,okeu from. hr.b.n monts .,nr hear't."ue I ways right, delar. to th , Terhap* they might not likLe to meete T ee4n hnaln ilnebten le who are g',ne. :11, lib ihen said NMr. Hasting, looking up att heml naillbthenalokg ti ghcebt away rong to speak agin-rd, and smniling a little malicious- from Ieacdh ohth houkd tgh te fared lrm ewilbr s hig hy fae - - -.- . 1, - ýI i lvlkel At Iy, the nextert words e ath Ati might be spoken. At en with peumpiant sortuc i, l.tmes a e huuy 'tus j o-ild h ilofle ri d ouno etercosltFe frt' lat a ayon trnd er face toward while aottending the of all factoris And w ee dcinofteC bnsga aif sthé ien W'Iimfred fairly laughed, bot temn ho heldAnd esteemed G;oe Aaey bu tter ln rçnovated; And ail butter ren*o president of the not be Induced t nting ,moreno tan hehad ever done in her r Roevelt hur- vated at lsuch place.,shle , are-fully in- American Beet Su- IInr the subject. However, the lt- lire before.-rjint once fromt spected in the soamemnnerAnd to the gar Company, and as duly waritten and ment, and in "e os.mhe said, in Ia low voice, that W \ I ng to the -mamie exten and 1url lli! Il eant pro- is an IMMensely days' time the answer arrived. Co. trembled from the deep under-cuirrent of "TEDDY" BOOS30EVEI; ' s edidAnd ducts are now, inispe 'i Te quatntity rich man. lie be- dar would have mouch pleasure Inemotinon-"os do yout not know how alarming was and quality of butte-r roa shalilibe longs tg a family ng a few days at the Court, and' adi sfrawta oakfram ns i odto httePeiln n e-reported 1mo(ntly. AI llnoAiý butterof ugr einr, astings might expect lhima the foi- n "i retaryl 0 ALfo ia' bs cdtor ttelu imue itly olw sal be dodmdii(owh y m rksand is on ef sv- H lile turned quiickly toward her. The boy was reporteoi have more than l;brandt. and 1labels Amt thile r ëen-ealbotesine~ "Mfy darling! do you think it necessary hl i wiald y n hi a od-vated butter'shalheine-d i a L aa stiro n fltatin". CHAPTER XXI. to ask for wbnt 1 have given you. woily ton was favorable. il eflesw ages ther eurl I1,i c anneor .as may hbelHe invirtually the en the Colonel came there was An and eltirely, from the time [ ifirst saif increased by uanadit ilial And voluntary presc-ribed by .ý th, ee ar f Agricujl- founder of tha rassment in his mannier towalrdsil vou? Diq n eed]to tellYOu thant 1 love report on NMr. Coj'a art at S tore.and salbi] h o l eovat- American beet Bu- C'layton: hie was grave, kind and -vou beart ,and soul, nd that 1 cain neret o'clock in the evening thlat th, lad w"18il8 LENA MORTON. led butter. NI)ren wed btte-r ,msuh o begar inidustry, and ouas though there had been o -cease to care for the itle fairy whotirait in better condition than At thoe m ImeInrélhghesPr eVctrE hipped or tasottdfro-n le State Ihis capital in in- than an eor iarz frenshi beo bwitched moe until the lday 1 die?" tepeiu ihat uhh adteeI on fT rn ne to anothe-r. o for gn econtri mvetd i vros thm H asrsovd o t Th nd adnt en uh bug urn temanuel r vy, CofItalyrisTcoing tie les& -iaWected as prminied mthase,- parts o h onr rmteAlnk a single Word of love to her. HO day-mewaning that th, favorable condi. cosn tef tth e sngonce more ------- -tg---u.o.the Paelse l i.n homt, isin San Fras- erd elh t barrtaer4twÜl THEIR RULES OF HEALTH. tio of the morning bhad been practicallY It là reporteausrotime htueylonve RT. REV. BISHOP ROWE. to yarli àbo. as Nim aee oeb ji hf isfeart foe hrfocfearA Ir, sunshine and Diet Diecuemied fby Aninteresting event of the day Vwas that the object of the royal devotion je a The Noted Episcopiatian Divine New of that city. NMr. Oxnard in a graduate oubntheo s geat love bonnid come t Mae. Beýrnhardt and Sinigeri, the receipt of a telegrnum from Ambass-batflAeialerssoesn a "Ti onr. flavr n s4 er iep them-fordfare any base th ought Mme. Patti's declaration thatisellhabudor Pauncefote at Washington, convey- bmila ih scn ety oin thiesonry The.nTh[.Epifcoprvanddanine. 42ight -:-:- d cee inan se asodidesrealways kept the window of her rooma Ing King Edward's srsinof sym- mandiar wt oad, sy that n thrhiscnrev .T'trhrb.Ioe. bihot is ofli h ieo h adn irenewal of his passionfor br. dd Iode htpathy for the President and hope for A b iteded*&thanosalena ortonau ilska, who is a oneiof the Pi tbugjifofwhoaccompne elast fewn months had been very open at night and ay, ln od hgthe speedy recovery ofrIIson. Emperor da ter of thon.MséLe nsP.Morton.-Aflhaskarvlleest o he idd boti'r!-codemed urdr- ! t him. When he eard Of Fra- the air might be fresh and thatat se t- Wliadf emayaghent msag residen o tevited Satnex- and uretiiete chorfaer-, on thirg niht, sreimén bLytonf's sudorde eth. a feeling that tributes her goodbesith to tisepra- o ypty r og ertr fteNie Goerjdnrof the Stated ofaNesYork.lwrk e Nort afI o.,ter hadgiven as &Abéhamed of came over him. He tire, has brought out an answer frutiomfNay, arr- ive .unxpe:oly cetary ofilnàthexTherpor th ol eniaed by te or-. west orIlab he th mansof notgla, ot ctall gld-ayheSarah Bernbardt, wbó had quite a dif- afternoon. PeietRosvl as in Ton familcoly bditisedntthatheahsbenIl:ouot ug s thbla.Ars N kid f it frth ianwh hdferent experience, and yet enjoys such the ick roomlait tthe lnimiary when word tfai sbat saeMhrrn-eniea-Inin Su' ifttinfr cut off in the prime of his life, soelf e al htgerrmak o tesujct--nune en cnbem de.S eiaibe atyn orthIndrrienwrdfidd1W nd lilspent thug i had bee; buo areothylnof raenton. and an heiress.-CicinnatimPst. r inAha ad to apo rar utld ot forget tat Fee ws rele wah many a muean-A hntas irrea lo.. oitle. ,-nns. elt th at she m u t b the fi r t t hol d M y w a y of li e lis exa ctly the op po- O Uiur s an , d " , lwhihdsht u n ic a t io n w it h i m . W o u ld a i e d o R it e o f M m e . P a t t i's ." t h e F r e n c h e- P A R O N S T P S. li h e u w hh a , n t o Did sh still care for him, and had tressid fr hemnsai hlePgEAfROmNivTeSiT.n 1teH wn h n believed truly in the unsel6shness I lve lwas shtr..-Mthoiset urh.loe ndQuhiiytb. hr7h is renuniation of er? "drive lnnf closd carriage to te .Chre Wiam Perso, roesoro e of lhf nadrn.whch s. Halstngs was by no measats herEnusasm eepsle-alCehEnlsliaurearNon rthwesr nio mnf o womf"'ly bruhtheM ith the progress f the affair. ln- ahnd ell. The fatigueote thme aereriyfrtityerhsedrdhipaccayukw tohiem n rmen of the first ntura reserbetwee "d elghThnseadtofueakeninghe-onrrensigntionadte The btm n. nu ishpsHei Msai ruosti nh . a M-I!¥E d'Aguilar and er fiend being diss "I to bed at o'o ck it emon- riteesfo thra n adexastn rveas he doees'birelieupn yt h., tsbr olc o ýd i seeed t grow stronger each ilgo t ehundrçbokinte onrIeds l'op'f.-mlu by Ale,. ran bysed t te ueofe opain. .They aodeabovailthins, b-inW n gtu a 'clock. 1 am for 12 rstret o thaebie adogvstn irwri n, woolde-." 1-ndlpobalyewldhave tbnthe mean',st left toge-ther. Winifred owant- hours in the theater without the fresh P admtittbve o- e ers -bu f nd minb Iste Igine, ryw a y i.of alaTe captr hadfthey escmaedin the Io hlp the; h felvertzaithey car- air or the daylight. At Belle le, n the auste ta erofiso te atd ies othe Iruntry le as advold' be eMsi for each other, and, besides, wmenalethe summner. 1 am continually tn the eie t hecueo cson-eablie e igh ols adHto lh...s so hey finlrste s bf apmalirrigear pen air, for even when 1 am ln the nectIons which he pitas, bsde orteIiBion Station.. i.IwnK ar h elee ht ays o inveterat ey ar s. la, ose Ifthewmows re id o enlhas held for no long and has eight oclergU nwni, fifteeon !ay rai a a in hawretsociety is no bar mErrol, ad h i fe one day ato t lnh IstO ter c elebrateb Om n- ime are due soe- ' rs and ,fivi. lAy> w omen as hler fiia o cht h wlot r h, i , srsge T w anttomondrive myo overto Athe gManor questidaouit their Idaily regimen b t is recent asirpotto thiBarIf llnite pastoratte of the a., and he has grown so fond of you emphamize the impo)rtanve of reslaar. cetan ib iil be- e ld 10,- domitad dhe' el,--end r-inahrc t n ever likes m e to go w ithou t Y u." J a n e Hl a d in g fo u n d e r g re te st rec re- iert a intia l i ed - n eledW h eaton IlLb l r . f ,C a nd a Y o u f o r g e t , e a , r e p l i e d M r . H a s t - a t i o n i n r e s ui n g a h e r N e u i l l y v i l l a a n d l e t h o da n i m e t i tH F E AvO ' Q U Ai[cD YsG 0 n a c c e p t h e t h e s, "wecannotbe souncoureous a to i trave. Ili asserted by the trustees tatth ae lito the Fir- v r ou gets',, Yette <;uilbert. ,whe has been an in-tionwasenti relyv olautary on his part. A BROKEN HEART·e C lpio f filre Fa tnl How stpi adpr Doig menu r alid foer three vyears. Andi, therefore, fui.ROo)SEVELT. adthat uno pressure was uesed y.ha1 ¯('le z , o tat nifred thought, pettishly. She look- less of an authority oIn the subject-. - -- - -- boyMaileretQu nofheR ia , ie. r.C ris Yu atlCl. d'A udar ledl y .-rDo?" than somte Iof the others, recornmendis of Secretary .ling's arrivai was sent to Prof. Pearson has madle a clen, weep le saled to be dyinig fromea broken er·abu 0yer f YouWa wüleenim, was pi ont batbing as the bestmeanis of keeping him. Secretary Long remained about an in ileavIigthe Mehoifsand bhna , about o in 0ean rcied ýe over and at on ,ord Lacinthis in strengh and atbin.• a o ecrtat th,'reviit was ueyapr msa rmteFis ehds Cuc lr arwite in :tg n ecoIe g e, ternon,"bhea3nwred, fabricating a -NVater, water, Nwater w s erco- oalgo te., at r r y itla ogsiuroy anklo f Evanst o, ofi ch he has." " een ateduh' f h a hra a ite fiion foir the Occasion. tribution to the myîinpoium. -I prize tatthoby w nbete, ad tha blyoth member fnorfrs. Ince Pol' elarsns th "".9 " Rvr, Yao ad And 1 have a hedche and do mt-ir ndta noti h ambt nth rsdn n awf eemc oncement thatin-hisof.timton teglenua - n i o, rdut wr t Leisic. e to go out,"said Mrm. Clayton. etu adgigto lbed. 1 drink ecouragIed. l M ch amrace s hould n be credimtedastrefthe ar -lik. II ;ha oben u t e miisry ofthLe Con- T e w eshaeil go over to the MN or only we r.nasotbea o inal_ _ _ ----m---a lstor eohc Itici f rnilonelenda ofruthe r1.1n < erchfArLIten yars.Dr- youwih,\\infrd.Hae ouorer lamssof imilk. TROOIPS TO GUARD PRESIDENT. cutyt heI:erha-benhe-ard from trr nj, 1ahleie.nd ecetlygaied theg thonies?.e A, "I sleep 1lehours and go to lbed lm- Mehodit h8ræ :p An o We an Col- uxýoel olease ring the beth and say 3Anti-anarchy B itlFavablyHelported -Ah.g rstden y suportiheir auseCol ai -tgig k." ltotestbe. e.medatly on my reintnfo te sthea- with Two Amendments, LORD DUFFERIN DEAD. In thiO.1«,, , -r1" D r a·tfaoy ires i l mjuto ing Auirod o h tabls, h ter itou t oppnt wo ltae spper. The committe-e on judicir of the Sen- --- - "et".ne! lb s ILI l f 1b ,.Cr,, w f ady soman ilyo cme dAgla? ht il Te tuidpatofth wol tin * te made a ravl,,abie report on the lloar W easFlormelr GvrO f Canada and talk of1 th, f'an aBobt >i r1id is atron and the twoe that, lie spite of all these rules, 1 look anti-anarchy blil with two Important Viceroy of rindi. pa1 a n nthmen w n it togeth er-mreta vnifte dntamendments. The principal features of The Mar<quis of Dufferin died Wý iedne-,Amr ,bot P wnlw ns in f h "l:e id Winfrdsudeny,"you rotect ne against fthe ravages of the the bill are lthal it prescribes the odeath day at his Irish smeat. Cladbye u. i iiueh adof T i, io'ne of the d \Ifý ? < L Ag ia ar veypo kng eiri, tho.y v are at least Worth trying." penalty or aill1:r-1L Who shall attemilpt rounded byI l l 11the m .bes fbis family,- h , pm" b wn o te t o f and . l , - ,w, aWinomnfred?"b Jun e szke's ',URualmode of lire the life Pe iet ,1r any Iom-ai in except 1LordlFreýderick Blackwood, whog pre i I tinIl repor- nu] -.le T are so stra n e ddsftoIl each o resemble.1 M mne. Bar nhardlt's more thn the ine ofet s O r wh-, shall alid s with his Iregimenlt In India, and Lady 411 NQ lueen 'I ar el., fII, -e Wh d ouno ethileeyo uLIou',e a uito scp c Clandeboye, wife of his chiest son, whvri ttesac d h nmr ,s 1,,fo hudeia l't',a he rarelyo a, (i il-hos. bn o goes lout ture'; also for au) new"ho 0sha11attemPt was compelled to remnain in London. lIntI Nb n yn i o o hik e ars orme an o te oueexep w enbestpsino in ti,,oI mry.the lre orfithe chier ruier the death of L ord Dufferin comes temas INDIAN SUPERSTIIN ol \Ilt, I'l:y t'IInanwered.,epond a tighitly coe cab. lHe exercises fin of au,,,ther nation. limprisonment fier not end, under condlitioniýs:tsaIlened by re- ýv ýir, oo ie e, liu. Fo hislm apart[nenIts to keep his muscles eeeding tl-n yasin presc'riwod for ail cent financial diIste.r, the most brlliant Fear eTe, h ,N i r Ha r Cut theLu, ketlor w an oub sobid FeYou hard. and in this way maniages to con- who thre-at.-n, adiý or mstIgate such and pictuiresque d iplomnatic caee of the ý The eet oder ofi. uca ". er of a ietu %IlI ,-1 ,IIit iefeelsI s 1.It not quite troilis figuire and help himself from assassination.Victorian era. lHe was former Governor Thendia n ffoirC Wimum Jonesin n " e , u 'l 1ir bus iess [ or a he ho ldhestae o rmid. gro in to b lk . T e ecetay f ur is au hrized of Canada and \Viceroy of India. hendirne IOn u l ear iIte0ir 1ir. l11,e is th h r- n wthat you are rich?" i But vwhen hec goesltoPoland in the and direc.toiv1to el an't detaLi, ft'O'ha Iireshortandrulrmi n n té a ro h n il. -Imh a wonau cunnlot speak sumilwr h is way (of life is quite differ- the regulariarmy3, a slic(ient number uhifaces l,*,And Ib, m n olrtnilmetifE a om h lm arey ii(lors oÊIicerstand umen toieguard and protoii1et em . i .l'm ILI am ong I l Osa es, 'f E-it .....ahinget Of you cannot ask him to mar ent.Il, i aey nor'person of the l'resident oft the 1:nteýd Ilwith tsuoiIg Orresp on, lthislof ;ty a gtoh y ou bu yu anlt im se tatyo le divides hl"I ime between his lis States without Bany unnecessmary display. wILetItistrbe Iftnd trly pr- evr Is e 1'l.PE°r re n-t n, Iv yindifferent to hI n." bien and his piano. whleh he han placed The provision regarding threats and ut- came hie r .ich n g re d ins n earto- wh- n he isride & u n ad n asw r. on a piazza ln the sumnmer, so flta e trne gis h ieo hePeiet •@hv led ae heir braves ine s- by is fr I ns, tebas.aia rcnl rsmeof hnim to go 0ut." mnay play and. yet be in the open air. la very drastic. it providles that any per- ,hson o-aIsupp love o h higasCu-evdnd nt W ird rs the teventing it is moved into the ison Who shal, iwnthin the I11,roitsr of0,t19ea.ce_ .un lret our inenon, itte usic roomu, as the tenor is tgo pri- UntedSttesor la e bect tofejr-Bgert thehecies o tetibe, lre iet NI. L. Lo kwood of the o ~ ~ ~ - h e. be e.looking up (1n.t -n i teopnuL. sdcto ltero, by spoken words or tean ast e litc e.I nd Icfu. bod, A eicn .ni-rf l1u, h a Whe Erd ndhiswie h l tared Lii Lehmann attributes ber fine wITte od.utrd o pntgt P troN. J., at last lhas madle ithtibjet )tothe eti ng ffg(oftheir long i der ed ,that : rigid1eforcemntOf --nLtook her book to the greva t bltyfr thireaten to kil, or a vime, o o t nrhss rfor fear .herekPatewrstnrnintoltela no e xit- t. r ea oned. Col. d'Aguilar physical condition am gre t bil tin-or another to kil, thec Prceident Or the Viýe- f thse adis don't hastenMis fi,,He ia, wie, old leade r t i Big-h^ mg wslDkill allthe le - hA lette'r lhe had witten in workILto her almiost complete abs - President of the U tdStates, or any IfSto une may di of ol hatndoage. heart, a Lm n wh hse 'miadealotlfe a , trustsis klaitzen the n, I: A sudden thught crossed oenee from tment.Shne eats fltthVege- officier thereof iupon %whom the power an th e rh Hieoso's âweak eysexlainailli n %l wile chileqll»fte iaisaesusfsZelaenople na Fe- 'I. l Iht -nt the blood rushing ; tales and eggé. duties of Ithe.oflee of President 0of te Peraps I kison s i exploits lei n d hlis o ie gar vlilest any Iftheg snalmst et - lie e h -ver n n brwaDitmade her hear liIer supper ftter an Operatic per- United States may devolve unider te his indiscrimlinate ksig epot. be ndureto nwet iIth ith appro alo te ' knwn tobak ete l'Iat .n e eto sformiance or conicert consista regularly constitution Iandllaws, shall lbe punisbed The British war scandai appe-ars to i enrêtire ful-bod elemnti . A r:ulical so n t oi e fpub \ ' h' sail with a viceol n g.a pple and twoelies of by limprisonmejnt not exc-eeding trin years approaching the embIalmed rmule stage. Le og e ati luor hitth theli quaest os.pAs- neYu-es be Ie thrmel e los s CLEAR PRESBYTERIN CREED. arC t ,t te1,andat he fnit; r f the liay oe fout.eneof - -goct . n rdestination and Elect i go Iturn, into a fat d,,g andb eor yisaieM ,Lck a img for allottoo."%len yunce iofrFood. . Bect i n faon tPe Mode Plain. British statesmniolastand1redyto end is feýlow tribesmenýI. It j, little wonder, wo favored all yfiian salbe " t doa y otink nf te he ory •e. Predestinfaintand elect Infants have the war, as they have stoodetf ome then, that the Osages Are. r11efuing tu lose, inetinAtsr giving the that food c h as pten-t ofluece i de- bea ûnlly Isposed of no far as the time, but the Boers wl noit lt e . their lcs-- ---- - -S to" oII>t i ons, and ry a m n lt.,, trmining caatr" akd M .Presbyterian revision committee Sitting Ninety-fouir poitical prisone-rs have M CLYsUC E SOlowlalybga'toagttion saanst 0, 1ýhoid S Inthield. as be put three slump» of in Philadelphiia is COoncerned. In regard caped from the Coum Ian gerne f row SCCSOR itagrheg giatonpia. For b i orI houd nt ugar ln his cofflee-t hefrertecommiittee decided on enlough to star-t a doze.Iu irevolutioes if John A. Kearneyý, of Cohoes, N·. Ye.nin9h- il"usiess b1 tieptlnty Igaess It's ail righjt." replied Mr. the formn of a declIaratory statement, de' judiciously distnbIlti,( secretary LoniI th-nleces*no'• Iln . jet be l o N %, x i a e.severed a prtion of his clagrinig fthatthe doctrine of predestina. C ngr ay rcusdrits great am- A poitonmae r"ai iIlinterest b'y b And he Ifnathe WoFo. a •• a little iti on is hl i n h armony with God's 1-1e bItion to make the s:urplus look like 30 the :l-t, lit luninsm l, Alhh O f batrbr, wc a beesteak it a ays ems d fo all anki d fiantatno man in vole- eets nd ndavo anetly to cause it that aI-ated, u"ol f hai b nil - edf,ýr the omielial task of W-t nay ncmlastct ewbe o re demned except Onthe grouind of his 0 onto rsmbethe. rosdnew 2½-ecent oer hpilu Ile niun al Il en o oao Il u er hne lat ogerin. piece.M Ca , h hmtwhe "W ll eote MrSmihued, oo l e dearnatlory ta te n earing irs. L eNi. Shaw's first receionIin toriandai rerra. the ho lohu orlly.· oght % ,have no wn ia t e l ectt n ants dth e d r bytenncmmittee W'ashington was largely attended and w s i hd r hrdonanIliof E " te,"""", a1 a rmt ed oe atr asrt htte rsyeia hrh now, the ladies of the capital know the haitth' of S n lrl i aille i 1'l', 1 o M' rvredyo refon "s for beets does not tonachILthat th.oedymng minr- whether or not the Iowa dressmakers are tiago whIch led t 1-r khr ek lep u. rou yif thonre were anythling faney are Ilsbut that ailidying Ir ln- euVtIa m recy h eb' o rAnd hls llh Il th 1-1 fbl: II, fetr, %woulildn t Dmakeon a0 MAI fancy are fueluded i in the election of shall next be toid that Spain was and sl letyiof pinitlo b rianIus or We gh.cie. nEngidn The arch' sh to eats rmutton. grace.oly friend we had m inEurope at the hiss a i woub l d rizoe ghters ought These declaratory ttmnsreevd teon oto h aradta t re ert r f thb hpi nwi i n e e ftecommit- breaking outo ,he ar an ap- seventy secl i, u d!ylear 'eteltI'th i, ini ti , i diet of the unanimtous pprovaiutoostlites o te etenro Na y a eloi r r ouni I rn - a gg(,tzr lesend are intended to make clear cer- t peve v fsiltiso th et proe o inted sh .u-ad1a ee rh btahrn s noonefagoý inttburgGaz confession Of faith. sending over a navy frta proe or JohnA.isop of ACnter aaIleabclt ..i.Theinhsge n fthe committee deny that Those rescuers ofe Mss toine whàare erney of leCohoesbury since 180. 1.ý l, I ILlol( Io Ha."è*arThh:k ide. , tausinthe mem rio o ifant damnation was fooling arounid i te outins wkitaN.Y The latter J.AKNY. The ight to crown gelLM.'IheI. is l nt '. pais ni fthe 4Io tmuin te doctrin ofhenAmerican Presbyte- bunch or ransomt money in thdeirpckmeta has begun his duties at the Brooklyn the queen was de- mHoITn 1 (f be .tnim hoon.pat laeu) 1w=1be1tacit ev rch nteelr htthi cbilb ngetluki eahetnv ard. He was employed by the C- eided in hie favor over the Are h mí curm11einteds er o m -- e-- rian Chu changethe creed of the of the brigande does not Surrouad emo heS Io onr ndMeieCmetYr ytecas tasy :,tianimupression ihm seA,»on. » bf s ,onuet wasthe Most gifted orator wn ote ome sight and pa-sa rut ibla he n Fastnogryaher -eCO «Jb téo a taLkel a min n'on for teemonth L, hé , &LuxOna hurch evter prpro Astffgesper ow: bat 1 cann>t h 1' l,[ mount of goodness1 or l: lHa touched a heart Innd It his "oL Im.o,.....tri....t .....tti..... th. ..bait.t. The ational House passed the ale- margarine bill without divisior on the final passage, the real test of strengthi having been made on a motion to recom - -it, which wu@ defeated by almiio of thirty-four. The provision to reclulrm the inspection and brandiur o.f ienovalted butter, which was adopted in cmite of the whole, was re-tained on-i an uye Rand1 nay vote. Am finally passe the bill is somewhat nmoditied from thle form in which it was reported from the cmi- tee on agriculture. ilt maike oleomaiirga- rine, or imitation butter, or che.eeltanas. ported into any Stalte or turritory, for use, sale or coanmtiona thereýin, Nsubjct tO the laws of such State or te-rritory)-not- withstanding that it may be introduced In original pcae-adimp)oses a tax of 10 cents per piound( on olteomiargarine ý made In imitation of "butter of anly Ashade of yelloýw." When not made in such imitation, the tai Is reduced to one-fourthi of 1 cent er pound. The second "ection is intended to prevent dealers. hote] pro)prietors and restaurant and boarding house t-keep-ers fromt coloring the t elrd ar«tele 1Y makling any person who coOnth pro- duct and then seus» or tti-ii4it to oth- of the act. Pedaities for violation of th,' act are a fine of not le.% thon $50 nor1 mor ]esu tha tirty days oa muntthau Thxemnth.sctonrelating to thenpe- tion and branding of rnvtdbutte-r lu as fo1lowýs: "That-h Sec rlary of Ag- riculture is h rby a t rie and re qulired to cn-, a rigi-1 snuitar-y inspee"- tion to be maefo ult time, andi it - h tin. 1' Il.n v d'eem ce On the ha bcCaus wa s There's woud do0, lseu again tholderdo been crul tlwe nfionst tbil lie c bai? 10 i the raph fl in the war ý made me, ln te or sent an di eitor n,,e . one of telle A Mote he Dinorders drugists Addrefss I Thie chi wrecrir were dee Znd t-r toc beabe 'Thre a of North sati'no of av tioner toemu .EyCl, Dr. Daniel Colt Gilman, who was elect- ed president of the Carnegie Universit7y at a meeting of the trustees in Washing- ton, wax for twen- ty-six years and un- til recenitly prc. dlent of the Jon Hlopkins lUnivers ty at Baltimore. Il, came to Johns Hoil Lin, tromn the Unm- versity of Califor nia, of wh ich he was president firom 187d2 to 1875. Dr. Gilmlan ls a grad*- ate of Yale, where he was secretary of n. 1. C. OILMAjg the SheMeýildscien. tifie schiool and professor of physical and pitclgeography from 1853 toa ., and has the degree of LL. D. tromn Yale ilarvard, I rineto mColumbia, St. John e and the Vniversi the f Nrth Carolia tion, president of the Amevriran Oriental Society, president or mlemlber or several Arc aologiaeSity or amerieS reicd ,Reform League. Hle is the author of a pumber ofbok on historical and eu cationasubjct. r. iGilmnluwaxsbar in Norwich, Conn , in 1. IIleury T. Oxrnard, who charges that h. h- -- iao ed re MMrsCta although imore thon e e. Stil every luxu temed to, befitting ht tend any ( 'BenWho 1 .a«stbr" hadl been a Ure softoI. h1ad everta teg heart -Pe ap. might have Lady Mo It le aly 1y of Peo)P1 feel it wr Clayton Dn that no am could have cynical as YOUNG ROOSEVELT BETTER. AMERICAN GIRL MAAY WED A PRINCE. Imprvenient lu the Condition of the myo President'.S n. at Groton, Mess., witl,0l e uuimon'a ay t give the physýici-ns ho-pe of b reovry:'ý11111 . 1ý'1 -- The- by -wa .tak- MMrs.Mxwen 1decline'd abs! ter -w present at Wnfrdsweddinz '" he Was Utterly inifferent now tlo , Jth f r 'd'Agui or disfaeor of her relations, she l noit speni trouble to0 makeany excuse, lht, -I -t Ir. ed herself with saying she d'I inclindld to be one of the party "I always disliked the girl. andl b ht ber intriguante." she w rote t læ)tr 1m11Il NWh, er. "If would be a perfect far , r- ,r m mbari to be present at her marriage. 1 h1Mrs. snot the least symlpathy with her lom courte although I admit she has phaty.d ner more1 cards Weill" tween j The wedding was none the l- happlly speaik e e ;eeryone pronouneed i er l n om 1 plendid affair; and this time the sympa was i thies of al were enlisted for the bride any d( anod bridegroom were both yonung and betwe4 >1 anmm and happy. Sir HowardI gave should Wiifrd away, and her husband receiv- ln the ad ber with inite gladness and tender- The mems.AUl the farméers and villa gers came Painfu lu" endBts Misa Eyre, "that they had cin C known from a child," married. he wu At Basell Court there werc tgreat fes- was a tivities dinners for all the tenants, and ;felt a games and fireworks in the eveninig, and- beenu si " eal lltary band from London. litsr - (?p n kle Marchant was best iman, of he co er;Ada Fordyce chief bridesmaid, He fe and Lord Harold Erskine was able to bie com presnt without suffering any pangs of so? jealousy. He was to, be married himself she 1 11n a month's time. Madame de NMonto -of hi5 Ilie had actually been persuaded to be Nir present at the wedding. lied , "Whfen we comte back you will always stead tive with us, dear madame," Winifred Col. Rond said. pate "Not yet, miy l . the old lady on- day. swered. "Young peop\e arebest by them- ing 1 selves at Grst. 1 sabli askt;Lady Grace ed t, to keep me a little longer; and then, if in ed f sig months orV ear' time you care to in ti have me, 1 shalf rejoice to come, to you." alwf The spring hal comte rounid again, and "I v Mr. and Mirs. Hastings were at Hazell this Court. Mrs. Clayton was staying with )pp them. She was herself again now--not hiea so bright and sparkling, perhaps, as in ". S the old day, but very sweet and good. ing, Bile and Winifred were sitting together lea, in the green morning rooma as the tw ilight "I oeas coming on. Wil I think the old Court is dec idedly lim- ed i preveld by the presence of a mlistress." saad Mrs. Clayton presently. "I always" thought it charming-now it is perfect." ride Winifred laughed a short. happy laugh. aft( "Oh, do you really think so? It seems poli to me the place ought to haveP a much" gronder mistress than 1. Fancy a girl car brought up to a simple couintry life com- lng to Iluch sate and grner1 feel as ne if I ought'to be like ldny Hurieigh, ed and, instead of imaking myself s ithor- oughly at homneto. pine away aIlil o "It in a good thing Erroi is not here to hear ycou, or hiewould be very angry Wý at your saying sub foolish ting.Ifvo, ever anyone was bor-nwith a thotrough g appreciation of the pomplis and %vanities ofr the world. it is you, I tinki. It mnakes- me 1 augh when 1 rneember h- w y-- used tuto rahto Ile abolit 1 ll:in a cttage. and marrsing themny u -d if h. hadi not a shillng." ",And aso 1 would hav e mm. , roi li.h hd beten as poor ;-, wot uiJt to such Ia i-rrble -t." 1ltee'nas tle efor ;, f.w m ents ndhaNIM ayo pkea n ith av ice tat betrayedIllsome a Ilitani n:o W*%inIfrei d, l l you ) eve1 k v how h , 1, 1 -l f-r ('.1L d'Agilar, knw e1 aedagreat deL fr-y-u, "And yothou1-Ight b 1 on i old not ra mnake out my mind to 1hare olerty lwith s ha. tFee.1 l'li w ti-nty ht" W e .theni, 1 Ni yt n im- prin ton better1 ;ft- r , l r a s h n b 1 nay as tw il lutn - 11th ', h :,I1 an not ara, 1fa or , n \\ hten 1 · was s ,, I,+ ntt o a 1, n, do.and ta a med IIy, 'Il tort t 1 get his sympthy or myI, I! Ai ast we parted, wathe 111n;, noa t meeting again. Ih Iv , , r -, ih.ard -y u ihnk Ir i-e I yo'u aue you,, -n Il -And i1 w- nt y 1,u o :g she, -L I, a ter d fre1, gentily kowsheb b . -I sol n -DIyou.drwh queetns ienun --it ail Ieluient not-ow Lie .wntlupanloLs,,ed bl You..serim t.o hIlau an es yolur hustbann 1 powers o'f du n dI.eretion." het, said. lu hn -Weu. ErrohbutwIll you: h d -Of cour.e. 1I«w11 do nytirI uo ike*" hetsantswered. "tin toc, Nde to lorite to-niht." met Lui col rGmRnEwl PATE. J, WHI, WAS DEVASTATED BY TH E GREAT FIRE.

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