THE INDEPENDENT PUJBUSIED WEEKLY. £DVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. MHISHAP IN TORRENT, SEVEN SALVATIONISTS NARROW- Lv ESCAPE DROWNING. 'lhe7 Are-et -ntto i0ep iWaterrand laPeilosi Pnitonfor se- eral H.our ns erîctinlrîI'rs. au CoIoni.nn (t,-[ .tnist Rock ris-c, oasîlnl lor f thei- su sataalppî ntîc.rîuuî I liiiio, li-ia-t r0 (ar t \t i-.î La-i Crios-. Wsis , la. , r i îîî' l l ra' r îîliu ' l'hi- whois i uîîe i v lii aiand brid!gea tt i --ii-'l'mîtndniý damîci- dri,.- îîîi -î - il ar i-i bers cf thi-.i<i lXi -ini f Lat Cric. i. ou.i-d 1, y Cl ,lo ysa lai a thniisîg icatp, froîu IIt-îig îtiiin tht- fIoi!, (bohy Mns 1inîîJ' ta Crosse iitiokýat, Sii Iiii la es- vice. lite -aîd nosc-i-jibi, vater, and ssIin ti-y ca-iia ciii ot lluan milt- frcm tIii.ah tiiur 1. oai pcs- cpitale-! ilovra aetii-ill iii îiîoduo-i water, andîli wa - - -i-li -îsti-ef tiseY vcuti ld e niai ici i ie-hi-t iny troua ltiknth n iii iri-uîî l'y o1. <ni- of th(hi-,isauîîrod1 ci'li.i..i. f their hitoe-, ttoi-ii AMERICAs.N AS A P4iO(NElt. Wrredrivk E. W 01k.-.- 1.-t,!Absitsds CI.oanRettet G-1tol. sitoth. Having bt-nt l-toîî- iii( na ('olombion rebel goitoat foil oeuîly a ,uonth, la @Pite of repais-! prolsst, t-ci-tiiris-k E. Walki-r of Pontiauc. MSud., bas iundedIn Nt-w York fcuîm the t'eisamer Orizaba from Colon. NM. 'tt' enyst(bhli- ut-at to South Atns-rii-oil, loch over min- MWg propet-risalie- iîtI5oirama Jan. 3 « tise gorromi-nt nuihlticîr lSon Juan, I~a cs-ita uc uidiens n th dis- ,i~e fo Gio Castro. The- nsontI nan d for Agso lths, a (lian on the a ~eslgunhoat rame aicng and rondec a an rd wtin sMteml" o tawhe. ~andi prsanlsr.r r re i!t-tro> cd boif a bii. i f lîuli! in tht-hi-urt cf (tarshaitonnt. (osta, -eniitng a (oas of $75,iitt-(, ct--iuiiing it injuriez (o st-verI gti-sîx ndau! iîptoyt-on oft he Tnt-mont Hotel Thticfuity guests, In thse hotel bai! but Iîthtiintle 1teescape-.k àas tihe dames spread rapiudi> -ouiog off i avenues of et-rote, Crecksusem Cormmit Bol! Rh.-rýy.* t Om'akamen< btlit-vs-t luhi-ht-sdi-! tu IL Isegro navict moi st risei!, tors-e!tht- tmr wlndow of (hi- Oxford, Ohio, pont- ffe. They knos-ked Use combinadion o00 the safe and stcr-! $1,5i n stom(îo »d $80 in caoh. l' l rgtaaois ola fine buggy sud a $1,0t)0orst'ad as- caped. 8paulie, by C..rt'. Ordes-. Two policemen wih lrcai! auds nots-da Us maters of cerîmoîluca nt a public t flanklng odminiatri tht ir boysain theF Keanuey, N. J., polir- rcourt. TIns boy@,j uhome sgt-s range from 1i0 îc 12 yeorn, t were bronght bt-tore t- iiordi-,-Krci-hOuon the charge of ops-ning fri-gît icors andil dsstroying propcriy.e De Wet Shut1t h. Ar- A disptcb feorn Harriamith, Ornge - liver Coloni, gayn tho( But-c prisonesi report that Gen, D e Wt wan shot Inr the ai-m in(te necet atemp(tt break thi-ugis tise hick-hons- insu bi d by the- New Zeatonders i0 tht- liuli' tof Bas- rlsmlth and V'an Reenca. Jailbs-eak st Esstos,, Md. Six prisoneras brohe jail at Eaion, Md.,- and in ttempting to rearci-tt im Ut-p i UtY Sheriff Thomas J. <Ihommuoutni asl' lttanttY k.lted Ilt-Gi ,evî..î.... cri--t.I 1a thOngh tooný i,-]thrc e tîî.-un mhih 1 kllled Thompaon. Singer Burt-b Haswaii. hMcs. snevra oJîlîastcui- Itisholo, (hi- OrtOrio singer cf Chicago., titiorrits-! In Honoluîlu an tht- SiIrma tlui ng solos t la "Tht- Mýsiah<< unt i-tb iai, a,îidt-nt two days afîscr arn, uîug tus-re. chraing a ber si-n in lau la-.cs Çjsb Sntesard Huragi Iias ff Adim lussch. Nsw- k sii,i.îîîîî-i iicide b h lnguîug buliooitu a tr-uink etrap tuto tnitcîîîîo f ti chuteci rîîîm he as occup' uciii usin c I.-h forn merti wans sutc! id f ýEl, oîî ii.ii Club of Ni-w YrkCi. i 'tenezuelaPu 11 su-t s rte! 'l'lieii- lborgcuut - ruui i î., ii1rbouc r harrid e 1 (hi- ifit(iGuino 's\o11,zuel, foc r tht- tiirîiiiec itof ilhu lu.iîu- llung cf Inscrgr-t fior<-, ii Outlsîd tU. Stnor,sna 5ni. Accorduti. 1 1,- i s - (c ii (ois:il, P Anlit'î-uîiuaiii ii.uc l, ciio0 puy 4tO fSsîIi -, , tlich, lcî sa offerl foc ii. 1'Pî.îu - mii E.atrhaao cin se i o. àIsij] t 's-nb mnIIu. 1t \'ts 1 uj(i lu ",bui, t fisc ntfaI, lnl l I -iiil in- tNs-S York, iutit a-c,' . Preident (Orttsut (-15-id Dires-ort ,rif lu. iIl,-1 <luurultes-i Corporation h-,c cu-, I ,<si'ut 1 Sc-iw*b o!Ilii ,th- 1 1 ,n.- urmns are abocttu icsIium - Caar Sents lIeji lui'i)fer 'The Czar lbasc-rt iti<Ot roes for tis relief cf tIns- unît <sua thle rt-vent éartbquaks- t 8S-isobi 'l'rut icaacoadsab Chartes Broi , uuIsi, lues Chartes Brustdo a y Rliia larnsrhn paiace miso offert-ed <tr ,s, ri os- lis eyesight ms-store!,d iiIlN-,si 'ic Womaa Kilt. sltnu-rir llo I.rt-tman shuît ait]Ipetiir _NI, Caffs-cy, a aiukttli-cn .îurc-ini thé btreet coos-r aItI'fth oui X\'u'nIati etr-staRi ('mît . I'tt<n ucti tht- somon Outiitits-d tiii- oîntis- t ssii! tîsal h ir - lI u <l b-cî N i, CatIro (l, ung i-u-iî-tiii s ItIhelsn! «r trst s-! (tîmo 0<l-n-cc ( l , - n iiiiiutc - vers ie uv I i i. I îîluls (Ont. "bhe-1.., !1-1 i i n- ert- an!du h i.,nil-nu u- î- i- bujuiru .1. > il.o- - r r i c t .il a [ornan t Iil. Su caigu tI- a.,- I . <n made utcuf liinusi- (o b'a, l -I nc -i tsu-c i ,I. A naoy t<lu i i tache! ami m h, ii -Ilu<a I-u aoîl West cfritrit.- imi n capi Thle ecor t it r"rs-"fu t hafi --1(e ljn- pas-iaI Ys-oan, ,lcloi u~îit thEl Neitbumberbaitij ncd tmo guns, nie Igisting s aserre. F" IIL J a aiJ 1 FINt>S (HILDIdEN A FTER 20 y EARS1 Kidssaped Son sud D..Zt-rR..tored toa(1,s-on tiadri-h. Tht' ii-, .L. G. Gooditch, pastor of the- Firsi Chistiano Chu-cl cf Res-!Ke-y, mît.. iras foaoi! a son asti!ao diughîi-r so icrec> kîidnaped fron t îsir homne ia tilitrii twointvy y-ars ago. 't'ti1c a boîy Mr. liOodriî-h lias i-flt iiruiîî tii< iîsr o, (tha îs-r ta Non- YorCit y. 'liii- ti bi-canîs-'uwparatedsudoniehcrami- Wi-t, marrtil, and! e-lied in tlittiiiî. T o il trn cia- tti noie anil Ges-rfgen t-rt-born (Oti (loy Mr. Goodricli n t o Chicag.o and ahe ti-li- rs-lîrns-d his nifs- ond i tdren 1-re mniosing. For lis-iily yrsoi tcacchi-dliai forîni!no is-w oitl balt mont c rcie-!a ltlt-r it in- liii y fromt a n oniaiiina Inidi-îiniletîci, bola. Ho enti-a tl-gritut and a lot-r îîîtîîîrîîg tus- ids-îîîîy of utea cils-c. 'thl iii o fi-i <t iti e lcaraet-! thîe'amIl- mas bis îîlô-oýt înîîgbîer,aIho a.lit comnnsicaioîanwiîbhi- lie roihîr Geoirge Giiodrîich.Mc. Giiodricb gay-stilt aigri- 1cr, ntomr, t aafayretts-I'Fi10oreiii ld hîr n lir ht-ri-terstIhai ahi- an! i-r brothi i-r ho, bes'n kidaapcd. svîth tht- connoî- ans-e of (hi- aother, who afierniard bs- carne mother superior of a OuOney ini Manitoba, ('anada. ON.E WOMA N SHOOTS ANOTHER. Sooeho irîng sFend l. Rogrers Park, IIL, . . sClima. (Rogers tari. Ili., 550, thrown lInoex- citemi-a theii-olhsr day hy a ahootîng mi tht- fashlonahis- lake shore district, As tht- culmnination cf a tIre- moniha fi- d a toomao woo ahot an! aeiconeiy initîctî A Onorbali in the- bond or a 15 i-ar-outi bot wastht- dire-t cause, Mca. 't> iliîîii Lai-chie un suifs-ring front a baîllet nouai! n (ha shouider, and Mca. James W'tVhî takerio nnds-r accent, Clarences-Las-chie Ebreme a onowbait which os-ruck lttus- Helen Whultaker ln the bock cf (hi- Os-Ci. Tht- mottera htcame invoivi-!nlanitOargu- ment ans-r tht- matît-r. Si-vs-rai n indoas were hroki-a hy missîils. his. "hitla- lt-r saw yoaag Clarnoce-io front cf (hi- housae wiib a )t-voir-r ta bis band. Sec eariaf ht-r huoband* rt-colts-r, the- noman ws-(t (0 tht- wtndow an! fired îhrees- hots (o frights-a the- boy oway, ohe asouris. Unt- cf the bltîsiî truck ht-r oeîghbor. (lAS EXPLOSION IN INDIANA. Thr-e Women Fat-al, Injure, at Kn kao ousen Blosen Up. A iistursi gat sexplosion n-cscks-i!the home cf Mca, Harriet Achey in Kokoiso, i!d., antI Mca, Adi-i. M ra Ida Ache> sud Mc,. Blanche Bacriogton st-ci huri-i in tht- ruina. Tht- woînnor-c terribty inue! soi! pcobabiy iîlt dii-. Frank Wyatt, a Panhandie brakemuin, Jnmp-i! hrough a n-indow and cocrîi!d tht- oomen from tht-daes.-, le nia, humne! and!cnt an!das rcmoed to the hospital. This mas tht- thîrd naturai gas explosion in tht- ciii in a n-t-sk. £li- gr'oon,!ie saturot-d, tht- odor bcbng per- ceptible ent-cYwhere, as the- lar-ge mnains are teakiusg. A st-coud explosion foitoît- e! th.efOcal, and two liremen ha! a mi- racittous escape. ONE DAY'S CRIME CALENDAR. Four Marders Reporte! frons Mistinri Ka..... An ipiitcoic cf crime t,, ticcI ien tht- countcy etircoon!îng Ran-oaa lily, Mso., durlux thi- twse hoor iicciiig uloîlî 'rcas-!a AitLawr-nceKan., Edwtan! Kaîht- omît, i hgh scîcol bt-y cf i-aii- titi faitîîiY, aa shot di-si!on tht- airsel hy J B. Shotis- a îibctogruniii-. Ic 111tîclîns 1 nhnoiniAt Itoontill- Mo_ ChaacisaIltsiîîîoui!ndkilici! hua n 1f, owîng ic jeaicat4y. At Marsaol,(tio, S'tili Johnsii tabîs-! (trs. George Whituîey (o il-athin la a foîtilliunrrst. At F-,ei logtiî l i>-o.,tIoman hi-ait Oas foui]. iliqiorenitly trethlY s-ni-ccd froua tht- body. dits-e re-îîaîîd-c cf (hi-corpi- bac not bottii Otite- I.-aa ua (O 'up. 'lilie ascaîîboaî T. Il. Baican iîng lic us en Londocn andîin rgstobn, 't-un.. mas e-aiiie, i.iiii Itî lîîTheiît ussî atit ssagîîî-- îctî-îî,asfioli> ilijiig Rloi-i-clBird. a holu,-lc'Nc.,,lii55 eu I cl-te ht-efrîîm (hi-,i -~~ i t îidse- ciioiy l iiijilinf g lln-I 'iîtoc thlii î-îgîîi-r, an!d(Cook Siiîîi, a dckhanil Fie-Itentrii>s ('utteryiii'ttt. Th, rJ. B. 0-nc'lsPotice I.niiîî Plant Osw<oticlibt-l l ire aut ,nisil Ohio. 'l'lie l~oss i $3iJ,uKtOani naîîcnc eipun$20,01w)andilliîiaîîiîîîîe! lela ii rat$ditii(l ui îîarîoîîe $9liti (003vm ploiia- ioitigfnu,k.ii O, liliOu i ( .1»tig Ntiint l., 'tXiitaiiu IR. i-inatinal chaurnur of thei-'atved Chruitan poty, has> -,ue! a rail for a nationalIntfers-n,-evf tîrme- tien patriets, touhi- lt-d at Biack lasI Waii-b Tonor, ao îcucresque rt-ort ns-os Rock tsand, III., Moy 1. Mir. Bi-k.rt rhuims n memhecstîp cf 144,000 for lus parly n0C, Prof. lWhite's tayer Rangs-,. AmnostStirling, a >Young negro, n"hio isa, the çceomplice uftlHenry ltorY an! Chas.t Pscry ln tht- murds-r of Prof. Boy 't'>laol Wht'îe, Of tht- ion departmet-t of tht- Uni nerniîy of l5CnsYiTasuîson the nigiuu ui MaIy 19, 1»), ti. o anged in thec ioooty prson ut lihia!i-lphusL (iphîheris Takes Frt, Childr. liuerintv'ai!snt J. C. Ccaoi!il sf tins Unte!dltai-u ludion aCbool bas rcivire o iii-! froas t'ao pr-t-intd in noc(bs-ru lt- o Ciuty, Nt-w hilc, îlot forny n 1lii1n-ut lu-! ils-rene atht- (soi fuis ut,>y lt -d u! Ebht, Pcroons Lotn 11 i aitm c autn-kîi f 1 bave X1ri.u 1-kli1i 1-t.1.1Nb AI ridi .ui lonu a c ion f i \ C- i if Nil ps-ais thet-yciii f .i.< n s ?cilice- of responaibiliiy fauntvusue Pppu'cy sne-t ed Ion public puposes la thceiresu torm cf 1900. Tht- decision la of great imu-ar- lîî<e (o tht- City, as foitovviag thQ Itocti (lropi-rty et coosiderahie valisen-as picss- di-i tto publie service by thi- City atitihori- tii-o.and i f tht- citi ns-ee sîanriaity ce- aponoiili-for the- anme ao)obligation moudih- bc rsaIe! wiich sooiid cost île elcieken ciîY hondredso f lhouasoit!a f I'RisIINEt!S T-RYTO ESCAPE. Three S.ldier C.s-icteast Fort Keogi Overpobees- TCO luants. Trce soldier,Watson. Romps- andt t"ecris, servno isntencea ntlFori t uugli, 'tont., mode ai) attempitota.cape wbîiI- tsorking lundi-r gîari! cf Pris-aistjucl- air! tilli-r oatithe u uuîp bouuso, aamiles fruirtire posaI As tiiorns-t bit ui tro tuurneu-ît Xii t-ouii. sn<c u,! hua obines ý-l-ss us il a lacrtuf trust. Stiin(lsovt-nîtoss'sr'ut M(iller a utmi. tutu1, %ii i-o- 's-r (hi' Ilird pritýoner, a elot lii-!a0 blp lthe gua~ri!, but oas «une! n ii a fusa. lThe (lirele pn tuîrue! îcta sue ipturbs-r, ii O tailsodistant. Ansi iinos giron Pl lthe fort on! tit ci- prîtu ni-ne I itiuni-i (t ru, fi-unia!Osbornei si ritde. OHIO MILLION AI RE'SSUICIDI. Henry B. Perki.s Enta Life Otecanse of Grief <(ver Sons (testh. ttu'nry Bishop Peirins mîilti-m;iin luire and ose cfrtti- ls-aiing cutis-ia of Oiio, lsuugs-d hiro-It oolbe uiî-eîili>l in (i ujaici!, d.from iii Itealiliandi Ile t i oft a -m, B}ttoup (eiiu-.a XYalegroin btile 5 lini'imiuitted oiuicidoita lion c;., Mic luchino <uts a liherol ii-r tri s-un rt andu buis-uooi-rsosxtendu-,i a titi-tIcStati- Ils- mas preaid-nitiof tIc ("troýt Nationail Batik cf iWtarreu outil ui îuroîbnne i ri rnuaulaffairs. fi asuir- sui-ut b>bu-sin <lois -ncorJas-nl, and tu,î DIES4 PROM BOuttNG etîL GAI. F-uzre. in Ne- - rn-,Refluer, <tser cose M'orknsen Nrar StI]i. Potricrk t 'Cutii-tIi o dl.Jîrcîruuui 'tlitrphy ib n a crutîu-uiud,îition an!dli- ottuir metn lbai!nar-o ao ýeps-s frin dltath at tht- norhs cf (hi- Standiard i (n (Cmpany in ConstablIs-tiirk, N. J.'The no as-cai norh aooni! a sîril ina lin i (x) btarcela tifr cîidi- Texas un lai! bs-i- place! toahi- nsfins-!. Tht- gaisfronu lIre1 boiling aii setti-! orouin!thls cill and 1 the n'orkmen n-cnt- vs-rroms oue <y oase. THIEVES LOOT BY WHOLESALIO. Bob, Thlrty Toledo Office, and Murder- ..u lY Asasuit Le.diag Citi-»r. 12a liaies- istrTuc<rP.Itrtst fîuîîud on a ru-st nigît 1>raiiarucscusron on the- loor cf tise Chamb-r tif(Comumercre biin!ig, a'his-b lie-onos,in ToIt-do. flow liecam t-orn e i-cicoctLuron-n, lil,-hait a go-ut a in th eai! amui!sondu-on o f ihe bransi is feore!. Ils-nos ctuoal fuir our oa fs-onminusstht- os-t day, init col! remeinher nothlng of (hi-s-oh-t. t ict waaseaovero-! (bat niecrly ttnuu ty Of tht- offices in tht- building bit!lhi-ca etas-ed hy noîbers. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN VITTSBURG. ,%,(an Kilts Womsu and Then.l'ut.sBltt- (et. l is i.rn-Brui. '>V'.1-. lcynor! shot on! klis-! Mrga cv-i Lambeîrt li SFi'Wtsîonî sinetci.'utu blrg. on! tue iioLutent hums-ifl'lie-m'a - an na sitt throrîghtht- hat-o, anaît tin Larn!tititu mi t'a-o Iullit mbu, bruîtn le baitluIt-n <iicinug liard fini- <c iruI m'lii-. and l ni-leeuîncocnt oascten-a111<riy troas-e 'sagarot Laombert. the udeull n nma, wut fri-ut onon,suEaclart<l lis-mur! %vai coaouccc i thi irtthCrae- gie- lsi]Coumjay as a timei.s-per. MI.slfg Monop l, for Gernsany. Cabling front Pse-kn, tins correspndaent of ttc l.nonT mesluitcys lies- uscactus- tîntth(e Germait agreemen-btlfoc ttcelis- qtiintiicuiocfa niniaf mrncpcty r in înir 'long province s'. upoîlts--e cf 8stla 'Dntolau!tia it os ii touts-c greust tuunuui i a daiamugc. 2 Thi-agrceent ,l]o lractinialir uclos arparcilt fSinil.i TIn <ucproviuri- i, Britishandii hlu- . induttlrl i-nt(<'încus- Unaitedita.te-s tus "siaet(nîs Il t o inutirsticid lIai ile-ULotir!stl.j .,s cccli soiluI- bccs lui Obtutun a reium tnilss-ment cf îtne $72.500 pinn!te lii;- iods o as acrn ic fuir Milst Euit- MX Stune aoutines. Tsillis holding 'Iîri.ey ri-aponsutîls- inasmuch as ils- capitn-emut (lue msrsumnarues ooss-fscie! on Tuiriihi oi. Thsl<luncrîrrclon cf ci-ponsiiiy nay basve sirictus dtetcopm-nto. Eairiy Brek-Up Cue os I imns cf tett ftîmh rult oct rs-udy for biruug a ililarne in hc aluan- dunnenu liilos-rt sals-oclubs--ius- <iftire enri res-s-h ip. Itlan s-trmats-d ilînt tin, bostO th îe Joggingu arn!lasnbs-c ruuiuury n li -ot lu-vslinon $10,>xX.ixa.)il<ui uuntn3 cf ts- cmnalier ioggi-rs ,sil l] th.n rupt. Thîrd Suicide in Fai(î, Frank Gilinao, apioîncru muens-iir. 71 yesarn cI!, shot liciLIf uts-o!ibua rcuu tnt tucuse in De-nver, Colo. Fii sthe lii of tret- brother, 10 kiltht-mss-lotsbId esime oîs f tbe loaaof ilueir faibero eutatc. n'huuub sas nalued su $l10,000, buci as miten up (<y long litigotiotu in on attlupnu Iobrbis-ohetît-nlI. Coloosh. ia itiocSale. Clnirmhirtthcough conulugent-rai nul Paria, bas s-crs-! noticet on lionara (<tu pony (that anal doncesuion anoilic us tranofcrre! 10 Amnericoa ibcînt certain modtifici-nsu. <île move blicko s-mîno. caniy o( Ieitt sale (o (hi- Unnte!ditais-s. Three in. eIoneul lun aMine. Geonge, John on! Martina io.îîuo broilesecoan! toinera, baiei bs--onîîu)irm.ouu s-! tny ocave-n nlu helu uis-cour vmi)Irýry nt Shamohio, l'a. -uic si-msraIlin-t, (hiberappiog ioen hIbis-u . cof ttuhi-e o ccli! eh tar!, lui th,insc ( rs c Fîre caas-s 'n 1«i* i n thu' iGralnd ilpcia Iuîu tt l...I tru. mît Ns- d i-u saOllui- u i Col. Finuit Wi 1 r e o te iier s suofuChcag(i es-'.utsPaes Ceristian lil~ I. w i DEATII IN SNOWSLIO>tl. Forty Mirier- in Col.rad. Are Svept Dou,, the Mnuntsin Side. Fourt-i-11 Ireona are deai! as mrny more arceii - an! a scons- or more are MlSsatig failic nssuit 0f a st-net of 5ttow- Blides n hi, ihuccurcedindta hei- rmsdiate victnitY ofu 11L-libe-rty Bt-ilmine, an Srnnggter ltîîuîîtain. usar 'relluridi-, Colo. àNiarty al iii- buidinigs af (hi-Liberty Bel] Mini -rec arrîsi! Ilowan by tht- nilde, atl tht- bock. n, hirh show tht- number an! itarnes 4ife liceoin t-mîloyei! bsiag ol. Two iccre! prarticatty in the tomne tsac,.t-., s-es-ond iiirying those w-ho wece tryirug iecetctht- tictimatif 'be firsb whiiî-iiiî îse wtille tht- ms-n ofthe- (1aY Shift ui-ci pri-ing for work. About "00 msn-ili.imlit.yed tni the> muna.nd tiilla cf (i,- i <iii îîa sy, but legsttha n liaitf cf (ht-se rat- - .rok ant tht- limoif ts- iisaster.i'lie1,cilesctwereiniithi-boardt tng hotnne -i nthe- iîîsk hbonnii- ear bhyv Boih the- i liings ss s-e arrîcît (Iowai tht- olotînlai.i ii- aitiiîstn'ce cf 200fs-rt ood cratiî-d t,-i kndliiîg tooi!hy tons or FIGHT OIVE Ml AIAABLE CAPTURE Centelodlng Forces Meet i. Hospital assil Stslrt Shootlngr. 1. a !: ai craie fighi hi-treca conniy on! riîy IInra itSt. F-rancis isOspitai, W'tichita, Ionc. SIuriff Sunao as st-ci- oiitiy lojuru i on!dttoiu t-mita luins l'e- us-m>',! lao eil. J, . '.Duins. %vaut- eut in Ohlili'ira cî a chaorgea of hugausti aur! ai Ciacki.u-titi-Ark., foc bonksoic becy, was ri lte bospititi unds-r goari! cf ciY Offcs-î SI-irit Siummouos-liiîs le bai! aoothormararant for Dunin. '>Vln Is- atteumpîcni tO Scrve lut Lii- 5500ttacks-d by Poticeoici tun i! dEcx i alibi-- volvera. ls-mral sbotoset-cei-ar-bang.-!, cire taklng i-ft-ct un tilt- ahrifs face.. ueinf Siuounos bai! tAliriuon lis-iris. srho finee bs sot, orrns-d on a charge if altimptci!lourder. A rosacd of ýti,- 1(O lntu b hi- htufocrSunn aptriae, ibis ht-mg (hi- ducirtcauls-0f thet-rsoublt-. TRAGEDY AT LEAVENWORTH. Frank But iatsek Futiilty Wannts Cs-peucc anla!d <ilI. Hisnsf. Frank Blutini, a naiconkeeper ait LavenT-tworth, Kan.,. shot Daity Carpen- tv-r in bis place an! then 8hot hiumai-l ihrough ths- buart. Th. wnoan nl dis-. Burianeh cîtîice a rt-ar ago fs-cm Cri-te, Ns-b., wheri- îs- las a wlfe ail,! hrt-i-chit- dry-o, Afier antiniy qusorret. he l.ft Ns-- braska for SouthîiArra, fslt off a tcala orbite pasnînf tîtroug L ,sas--n'rth, soi! ba siaéce bs-o n a uosinu-os tht-ns. Suverni days aga hi-c es-s-utc!a lier from (ia mite Ssag snI-ata omiaf. ls- moade thet Ereai si tht- doue tisat hi- miuld kill both is btwnfe an!dhui-Ief if she oppear- e!. Friday hi- quarrcicd soitu the Car- Pi-oten oonico, shot hi-r un s-bs- bdorns-n, Iad tht-n ficci! a bus-i throug blis own ATTEMtPTS TO 'iRECK TRAIN. Ts- fforts Ms,!. outise Bust.ington Rond N.u Haetînge, Neh. 'li t'n aîsmps bats- bs-en toade (vs wreck lU-lriliugti oipasseuugs- ra-oiNo.:3 a nhtort diuC il ii <'o f lIai n i, N i-h anilfour n ui,any dsetiis e nnakîag nt oinga- tîrb as. Sn. 3 rt-on-b-o Hastingts iothe uuîght. Sots-rai darouaga the s-ogine %s as dils-rui-!nai!parîiy wnir-cedhy ruaaiog rin a pilis-<f tic, ploccut ocrostebuc-Irsk. N.o lire sîtia inue!. 'ttirec-Cniiy île saille ,Is idiieion wn:lutincucitiirs-ut O o cai-I thelia-se eplaer. <ut Ithecagu i-s-r cîs iliii-(langer intitole rier i. (be il:Ac -i sai t-c-ura I. btoli rut %ru î ta!or]iîrite i i1v, a r-I. ( f (Ic i--lvbu l uni A-iî icti v.T'ycrtRainîeai delenn<-îimîî rthibm <uis- îsuft't>ahrai illt i l-, <10 n m niini<uci 4,uffla ni ah- ieucgin., ii- l iui-o-ntint ri l- ue' titI truc 1 i uo, iii>iftrer aotuttr. Itlui,- Itii. vai thei- r ornu<f tht- mmli il 1:1 (Ruadintn-îraht Ou llill (', iti i, lui.' W ur t ility. basli- l luire t iti staIu .illiotanirea baui,er- i-i u-! tîele nun,au1i lontkcftilue, uuîînuîîrt, uug o 1,S*"ioiu ltI) luii-v,(ic ti-tall last-at 1 I e ii,.utni,tit<-lt tu thîe pl-ra Os-rriuu, 20;ti latuii-, 16; ii.(Ogln!. Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~7 lu..,ttruu îît7Iîuly 6; Brlit-ninuni. 2Aul (a, 1 1, IIci>înl, 2-1lu; Sipaii, 1 1G Maleeer'sut StandilTrial. ('Isîrumu nStretîýr, tint- Chlis-ago< laIe frointt-ei utitu-c oi lave tt foi-t a t rial on tino i arge os-i îîrcec. li- bass lu-s- indiît-l by the gnn!jury ilconnestioti oit t> b MSniutiî lenry flno 1>-lu kit-Iau iXtu uic IF'orce', stuargci! n-its ut-utc r- iniIoiîifuir tt', ivtuio f Jctsiu <irlntnty Kîlîs Tais, Then Dis-s. The t- lî.mer 'Issoa-rite! ai "ancluuer froasils-heNorth, nuîh Das or ftht- killing 0f toto mon by an s-noraîcos grizzly bt-as- ai (tinesn lt-tOnei-ftu hi- ms-n nona a-buus- icpper an! lb.- other an Indien. <lit- bodli-s, nl tboîh of tht- bt-an, n-ce fi munîtçto-er nitiîanlulc fset s-fi-ai-h at hec . Catlapse Kîtta an! Injure.. Ths fnnirîrh toor ofthe C(lt-ns-an! Bai. litg Coîîuîuony's plantonisCenutral nsvs-nît, Cletvelaund.lf-l hruîsati thi- ts-ight of a large aruorhcr of barr-I-votif lîur, croshung throuugl thet- Ereet-radeulsrteis into the tros-ms-ou, 'lîrere t(vi-pi-nion, is a- mng, forur ugrs and a man. iStalle imif ta, Destls. lu Sprinugfield. (Obite,-Michael Shcck- ubcsy voru,,itti- ssii dchy saabnoghIbm- selffin lim( enr-sît int hi- urni-ooct-of tubs suttn-r.Mis-s ;Bs-i-lia ShielIds, bct-vios- of a mîarîus-. 'suis utu, VostoF-rn-rWefe, - r, 'sus ii- omî vt , e-al ri Si l" un u mî n tt. <nulý ilt .I liil- l- rsisih fue hteist tutu-n zbo, (nu tat t rtsso tId-TLme Miassîeeî Dis-s. Ot îlot Sprinsi, Ai-k., deuil rîaime! BiIly Ris-e, the- old-tti- minatrel, Tise milady sthlicmotried-hlm off wus drolél. jHONOR SLAIN OmEl!. THP SENATE AND NOUSE HEAR EULOGY ON M'KINLEY. 5Co.gres. Pets Dey Ast!. ln Mernory Ofthe Lote Pres ld.-.t-Tr-lbute by Hi. Premier-Pre.ident sud Prince He-nry Attend Fa-roimes. OfficiaI Washtington paid formol tribut@ Thurodoy (c tht- ast-mry of William Mc- Kinle-y. John HaY, premier of Mr. Me- Ktnis-y's raliini-t, pciinOinced tht-eîstogy on hie ds-ad chuef. Ih woi one of tht- mont lrnpressîet- assemblagest-nec st-en int(ho g5-tat Htll of R-presetattves. Preoident Rtoosevelt, Prince Henry of Pruasia, the members of the cahint, th. justict-s or the Stîrcmne Court, tht- gent-cal ef the army andoi!olicerx of tht- srmy and itoy who have recen the- thanks of Con- gren, tht- ombrisaaiors and other dipto- matis-rt-Prt-ocitativi-ut of foreigri coun-' tries, Senatiîra n'odlut Rt-rt-entativi, liu Coogreus aind a large oumber or diittin- g'tlshed gtcotit vire prenrt. Four tisai-, in thie blatory of tht- cossa try simitar services havi-bt-t-oht-id fori Preaideoto who bave dies-inofice.s- It was the third consrumraaln tif a -bhi-f THE LAT£ PRt'OE5tlOîT ialsrate _faiuîn bYtihlehan,! et an as, tannin '.iGelOrge Buiiînroff, tue hisuorion, enlogiat! ,tîcouandril (ru B i]f-Ith* duty of nps-oing mît Garfil. Ila cml- ae@ntiY fiotibhit tirs-last publie nte- Munie[ oft sorro for tht- lamenti-! Mc- Kinley mslIrtIul tels- (nai. la tht- forum whtrh ha! i-cloil lis île art-as where be wnaihuanunrra. Aonlner.sry of Garfld S-rvce. BY a trongre ctuîoclds-nce <hurg!ay sns thé tîtenîit anîloiraary of île day on Chlch Bliune un Ils- same bol ttinvtred bts eitlogY oftifhe martyrs-d Gartui!, an! Mn, McKily n'as t( hs-armao of the committet- that ha! charge of lte ar- rangements on tua t ccin. OnIy one- ycor bsfore. i-s'fIi- dons. et tise ht-s,!orfanupiuouo-g cire an!dasi-. ((amy procession. Ntr- Kinley passe! aiong Pennsylvanieavansnue for bia second ln- auguration. Sixomnts iJecer thet- icgsdy accurne! ai Iltuffitl<i anuat ucur btt dt' ferent procca.isur it-niery bore Isus body throogh the t-sus-stutethet-oinde tif tise capitol, stlers- uhe Irsef fuserai oratica wao delînecci! tier hit eoffin and th, trib- Utssof the ratins of tht- esrtb about bis hier bi-spoke uninersol sorrcm, If the exencises uor'luri!oy pogsss-sss more lmpr"slnni- than (boss- for l'in- coin an! Garfsid tla-as doubleas dieteu( tiesa trttbaz samieisin ail (ret- of the Cirez,,th. utit-r uls-ir-osotsi-f tht- acta. and thse probteme preseni. edbs-hnsi hat tise peopies rtprt-si-utitves fs-e t utier bounden dn(y te soin., Ttis, muet ast, was the bitulen. of the adtress preot-oteil 1 Set-cri-oy lly, thse onston of the- occasion. Mn.lianv rereni-e4 tI bis, intrc!urtuury rn-mrk- th le llamie- tent lifs t-! edlus'-veoebof its- mas-îyru I 'rea- ldcola, te tue otiurîr muet(hiu ss tieng,andt p.rnlcuualocy tie ts-lrs-agth ef tht. s-il londes-t-!re-înciiuc. whurh ha!l sen thres- chuef eaecilui,fuii i oitifse- lng tht- slilgli-ot Iccicuirof feor foc the noation". nart-y. lieu- rchecfhis- srjule of rt-voliiotanrvanaurthy ihat ha!lîuniy don. Injîry t. ltself but stcrhinag t thi nattous bs-ad, tif tht- dock an! intricats prohlem shirh thintpeculiar forai if Cimtnattty prcocalcd, an! lue expresse! bi* confidence tIat itmocgb (nu le nitiu th. composae cf dethnovratic gin-rmi-at ta guard &gainât the ashuronnoof on- archist.s, totake away fmnusuithi-elli ta BECRETARi' 0 tY, hope tif esca pe, tht- long loumury of sa- datons deis in dortan!duit- onwonhi- nome nYrnpauhY Of tystecicai di-genectitea, an! so hy ds-greste(cmaLt- thi-mins-net wontis commiîting, t-vs-n1te b-t- tiial normasl an! disiert-! souls!' Tht-ni-ame. an ebouunt a!dglomini- trIbuts- te William NMcKinlcî, a-ho stai «itrom s h, irth to bis deatis typically Âmertican." Hie pcobiuy, piety an! pat- riotism wsere pre-rmnen. In the day tif unfotding, in thet- bae of youtb, b. prt- Pare! blansi-f focrsthaî ifs- mîgisibbng, and when the- tirns-came t(oetaithe Cas readY. Ht- id !net bisitate; he pt-nftinu- éd lbis duty, sthetbt-c la tht- fiel,,In the- quittof bie(ast offide, on tle terce bat- tîtAt-t!of politîrs or autluthet-a! 0f bis Otnte or nation. Secretary Bsy spok fe ingty as fris-nul dot-s of tris-ni!,an! bis words ftl0700o gympatht-tlc esco, Whni hi-sai! tle nas tton Itidorses, An! tht- institutions whidh dl! net tri-mble n-ht-n Mi-Kinleyt-ei-l. svhicb boni- tisai s-rs-grets-r stress,1if Liaccia's <eotu, sucei miiiprores- rnng enough te rs'n!cc of littîse effect the tlt-- mncte 0f diserder on! violence n-li-b gavors cusion totrieii-mi-morabli- day. Telegraphicestvitls-a An roî-luonge forc traing un ou sînni i bas bloi-a îrncul uris-a)ncL-r, (Golo. <Vire tMilsor uilotte fuiin inn lic beh-mlId Stittliatu iti > cr, li-Atitt; li-18t. upnlu!.,le lnu n,01, [-,.lu e lînuî h lunalcaitasul.i b b<lio o (uonrof X' '3minnn .i!, thes-io. beun tu -'. rht c! f-mii 4(flSrusIuto $70,000b. A Spriingfieli!<'Musa., papi-r bslIent- (bat Bonokmuakcr batsrie Marks did not commit sui-idebhijuomping into tht- Eni- Ilisi charnel. lie la saii! to b. hldtst near tbat city. Friends 0f Marks mi bm ifala BraxiL t 1rti 1us i. t 1 i i nit ii - nv huit Ilrurit sihciat I- auIs l' c 2n-i, un n ORs-t4 - -îraOct-IlruII i- nso1 li. t> coon dîuig (, ,a uîrv i I.. t-Ni .y Ont in 1 ,111 t- t g - lu Intlin.,Jluer trainîg tht- huas-'.lt-- - cg <<tliototai pris- it ut-t i-nil. -Iii usls-u a t a s net loli o<f t1 us- u r îtstrsu itisti! me a I Mty ohut'. C,, miii t i , , I*he rs'nusirjr ru br-i l u. t <n <lis-i, to -ltp as-ýart, ir-intir-clu unî tla, 1,,u ssu hy ithort-, b-uii bu) igiis i-i off erisIg., Ihs-aiI ,r III - -Âq niu a t i ii arte itelitittuis-îtuIi fis - I ,uni tc 's'>'s nt 's> iii tIi- lic. i " . to (51 i-uxni't n-s ý' t -uton l-etui- îI-<u,.. lu--ar I., I g'-Illeu o ti 5isu uî r ui Ph. - lh-ul I 'doisnîlîi >5 hua ti is-u--n , <suiit, i.. <o-c>It fii or- 0(5 i -i l ý,1 ls-c Inoo. si--t <sta 1w a ra in suro- I-bu'1 ., Iii . -l tîî - oI>,uIui usr il I I .-l i, is--ir.i, r c-t r slu- r u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ( o.î îf a l a , i . n i i , i A s - k a Il a of t1 i-w ie <i<ln'< i,.,ii o. gca 'l- da ndIs rsrof -ftr ousi..f l'i111 1 itIRly wîoa-x u'l si ibo,.<c -t- ,It heîî 1f1its Iift'iug' a r, lii , . uti li tgin culs- lusdit a 1ii.-1 rt l-I stpl 'I , -s -A tI Pi 4 1 . i l.i ior i <s c ren1s f-roui-. i' ton ' u. 4i t-i N., 7,G tn. , euI 'i. 'n 21 luuuti-', . 7 1 t-. 791i i-icj.. u.i t ui.iiii..i p:11 . i iii .14 -111. . IPi U NC. 2 errO 4- to 46 i. 1 1 ~' c . - a i , u, N N% N. ou N 14, i o 751 II .nu,,,N..,- 2, . N u 2 ,iit'.u43, cih, 141 Ni u1, tui ,MI; n oîîî cii ON,,.. 1 so-nu. $N.30 sil i-n. su-liaf. 2,'>, s - (t r- N. h i s lPJK u 4, i i i 1l i, , *; t. $6.0; ' ai'tîîî.îî 2 ui i 5o. tun l'Il , Nn. _"re< i2ti o . X5.( un' ' lu- but- 2 usmlii- -le 0, , . N. i ,.,ts- lui, 25, tuerîc2n ,(l 1 i ui. elui-t. $iS.httu O ttliu!iliud(ii. - illi,,' If <innui atut c-f $310 ul $5 l,oi i, ipii or - lcuusliut o $ro i4 , ii1ý o-i f- c n.i-h<'- $ iii t> $t.TfKing of <o < ctunhiil '- :d5 t t-ov 's «ch ('nulli-1,$375 uN $ Oi, tufs, $300 uile, tlt a - du-ui . $ i i, $. 4t Iilcti (*c. <01. ad',tolii,.Sc tu ToiatIlFswaaiil l<hîiîu,î ornuutsutunl i a, i-us Xiiia nuir .Xt tuissuuluu blug thrw-i-cii t oria,- car-0 (ritut liHeoini 10esngfvealy z 'l'h-n-la In uiunîo mi-u jn-ack.ullse tii <itou., 1cd(< ire te .5-51 dbe Thtgorl1tres- lil s,1M,1 ! ler o i B! a -1. nî-an i >u<s 1titi er ot tsi-e-ms- t m "in n i ett, O trc oit~~ tot-elliI .m btr c-unr~ ~ ~ ~ e; hii <i ui-'u<ll- 1rt iu.- NIta,, lich-tI ChIli! en Are iîkly. i aee Pusn~ tseChuldees .sJ 1- n crwii icnnl, tursisuls rsr ahTé S a l sd î.îîîîami 1uitY NEi.iEttFAIL Ariiiuu-iu is oililurn tIýtd, Ad' cf en<itnu <mii lui elu- ti,( (tIr . Pusith te hîe I--uc r (f ai l] te <tla in tise 's-.isSîcrîl Il o ocnytuitî of you te tuueo atrai! cf hum. Mm , o'.sip. He s muni hurt S <u Iîil Iti ls-ad, 1EAII-ST RUSSIAN MILLET, W'il you tesoot f ay? ît anplant g tieiyftiihI(nit prodbrzalby prolifllomillet 5 t.oS Tons orRicla Hay Par Se>ý,i P.-..-. bs 1.04s., te"la.In. àt -n,", Jolhn A. halai-n Sssd Go.., (.r osse, WIa. C '>'tilu 11 tîs-Ir mtlb-ag%. soogems- aWiu tr. bote obard limet-mahsng Ioth otde~ ms-et. StsAuslas Ils-w trs-stIn.-ue as itI. ««eve vite coughpsesedco*. itfo bee cr. urngthewost ofM borezrsofsAyer's Cherr Pctt. Jh-assi . . SI. Al *sn , ni- liesa lesis. as,,. oSh. 5.5 OU Itti1,iiigIl t ii ort-s t ne o~ itoUtl Ils-est- 'ait fur- 'litîr i icI hit l lyil'.11lioti- daym qoi! ialiiiat(î-by the- illial ,i- ste a(trists dif tht- sis-r. iîtiiaýtilra ul tnt,>' rtsut, t ii- litI iif iaij i ra it c to in g '- t-ik iîr o Ziii i l u i îi c s îî~ (ion if aoiitîli iiii- litsil( t-î-s fut thi- n-tîhî-r. îlaîi îis-î-arattîoît f-rail t-N- i-iptisnliil usS uirll.-luh i-ta>>re- Isorîs-! lit rliant îîiîa arltti iIi - nions- iisg Ilus kîî trui.*' Lt. tPm.ii& siitli iîîtiits-t iti n.îocîî îii i Menîtt if ci.-frosau î-la>ii, îîîig ci l lro liii-îlîtittriî lit a il ilin a iiaiimili,toulpltîit no li- Oie. '. i, i i e ilitiy i. Nosin su îIkîîu thet ('ie lýi--- rt- for 0(1turnîs itrl.- i is liî'Itaticst.t ils rc iiurîs ituîn îîqî... i--ifoîr dhlure viiil. 19 tr- ii, -s' l ila Motire fit" it Site, 111 iui-îitegrîi'. and I isriii a-iiii IssIs ag el falit uit, rîligf îîi l liis- îs. latli i r- ttot-ri 11111liat-- , t- cowis'nîîierîai. t oiirln isa re- stili as ailaoi, lt t i ril-, alîglitl>lîi,( Ii- li-siftî1iIîter . ia o cl-asîs-îgxd art- tsi-l lliOîtaitî-d oand in lîrisk iiiîo t'ut fii-î i' r I,: ý j jt i orent Nog-hrs sWalIwamy Lom.sskem' end Mett1l5' Rtuid-tcip ticket& te _points la mots. North lialkots, Montana,, Washington. Oreilon, British Col wii t i d firot and third ',ïie44 Mlarch, Aprîl oand May, u t uefgre, $2.(K) for tht' roll iltritp. tise-way senIer' ,tickets te petn Monrtana, Idaho, Wa8hinzton,. &ati!Bs-tutti (oltînhia no gale ever itoriV gMari-h and Apil it StratesV1ý te$)00) sach. (lue way settiers tickets on sal M' 4.Il. 18. 25 .'isdri I and Il t- ne-sota and! North 1 1ioa P1it1.'o 'I'hesc tickets art gond on ait t ioclsiding ihe fumns Great Nu l"tlyer" Thias i ( hi- bst opportuniy (ha e.-.-,- lie-o i re d to partie, who W ,inl-.îgate the tonne advasstage& (hein lit(lie Grs-at N.orthwent, 1 luioniabouit Great Northem-ucullît gînn ii gens'. of the Great No JLiiway, or those deagirous of atm m-g jast what opportunitie, are o cher. e au st-sure fullilostrated lot tien in cefereii-etn ant 1I, limt, rais-o, attt o ax as 1. A.. 2201-S. Clork street). Ciao F. t Witney, . P. à T. A., 8t. P& What Bis, ae of' Tht-fr I"eatlO Ita Ili e sayings of chIlldreri (bat men wI n lai- lit]ils(h lira tie turlidi (srwsit (t i!hi- tnt.(Weilrtch. lit su set-tiisgiit4l oxpro-satou there fla Ictloori tt-îsil -tor ltiiargument ciýII (it-t ttcT ;in a a rticîllar trile of two t1ny tîste Who toddled do tlhe stria-t boniltiboni! thti-other de Ili il fi-- vwonrt tht-y tIs-sidt-d a lu quesitliIi n-t ion. anfd hiome n-hobelle, th tiil (, i iiiiiioi (eitii t s da-itienda of thlis- nuk,-r v iiand îýind.'r hat viiiie of (hliiisry siirn tu titi,, the icsilitîtît o nu- îait îstw r t ifi.Inuit the . Vs-ýlltiiot' iips-,( thp -. iliîst - ikethmll. (n o(iii.veun- l lî i ll mia k -- m *%'s»>1s-Il e i bîtl u-e ttt îokriow 7 rttrlti tht- titno. -butlitoal piatted 'eSl "Il olit tiifi r,- fim nsit lis dowt, bere." 's', it tfor îtîi lîtîti dothat' * Soth îat ist' tullitMy oiîn the tre n'a 0(101 ltiiiiiii, atltlisti t isititl( IOi> ald -. l'h itoîîl pllus A Ra.nchbnnn'. pe,e. Lesa. M. 1D.. %Uirch 3. Win.Il. Sepien. a rancihman, whoite lteadquarters are lit->-. sym 1 hasee- i-aaf t-îwih Kldue'y <Trouible foîr sts-rai years. iitdàsveI seai-r'npIn lutht- rnaJitofnmy bja<-k, 1-t111 t at 1 ooutd ais,, -"ly ni t Intri St lso>tlai! a frs-njît ne'pgire (o 'tri t'ait' sshtn ridlng and! tht- pain and anu--, neivane I crsndured nas very grillt. I (rit-ial 0(1 rt-ttiines n lhoot getl- tIng anyIlie-ier titi ut (ast 1 Vas tjoIt Ihave 'I-dn al] o t bolie-aof (lm Ii'iit, uit cari say ht t h-y lia ve dont- trie mo-re- gîi a unanythîng elée, 1 -isr uslI hat in liati]more relie-f and cornfsrt i is ing YiiisKldai-Y ls Ilian 1 She- md. %tIr. ionii- t itart' 3,usloitg Mms. mwio(a rtng te theK ýlniilss, askino (hi-rn (s lins-rta e ?« lie- tninand soi!tthe' Joina. , akingI liema to, astet the- Saithi,. W,- owe sbem )oth divnt.s-r j 5<5kîîîw. .sIc. limiuîl, t l'-(sehari! thy-rel lîîarc,-ls-i!.amoi il-int spitaL. Mtr%. t 1 lilst in îloht. 'he', lS riio-, autdw- ni--do't gîte a dinai-r &,ar !i siail , t,î lsri. flisriIl ai ail.iy lts-accut.asri,.: nu hacl-i-- *iiiitn.-et.-latts.Mdas--pt on cia-i(titn(Ct-nki -e 0pt)Ssklaat. ait the bah , .111(t >Clido 1, tn-otIiiii ( oui d Yen 04 *1cr i.iila-tý,e liii IJ. >1-ýney &CoT.. o.- J-- il) iii, at w)ii i anrdi s it la itue..,Inter- isht.1 . il-,ii-, tlîsy O iithetoott sud oma- -r, .,l-cs- ut11 s>Ott (n 1i 1> i la' -1rluij, --dire tari gel 1 . genitisi It liei- & iia,ithes.iia U i thse etit C afaords tE - Mattb.w -s retislhec Jerusal te tht- Cr- 70 fi-et. eapital o landocaps der Io th fore hit the wl-k tesa A à plate I &Bd a"o ban, gat mlngs, a Illustrait and ito drotant the hart Are tise a ttdes grande> la (bat tmUe ol feet os tise goît allaits i Wants 1 fo.t at. manas o nigistioi nothino but ant la tise docoed tie bel c loge. s areSBu tom i-s thé..' oetes vice s, à couru a Couri wth tiseoile Chat fly mît V and atl -: befor. Mittode tiseowl Chircoq The- L raionna nothe things Cona lu tisa eut a Moks1 sCool te tri thetù t1mu pretoi Ile lessot are 0 to bc- oua e the t falut beau enn d9nt OtA ans- Nt-w par IË, a pro ent ;i t nga asa thet ad or i est Cm sut He sotn Ion o A, ~, be or, -' Ni