CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Mar 1902, p. 3

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,ltr . hîrd 'Tses4i ut eue tare. ets tu ipubn un sale even t 'ate ets on tale X, 1 sud K te a poitel tor As on ail 1 irtuntl tb4 ,ien sebe Ivanat , »Mo' coula Great No 'na of aatm ltile, are o astral edlai echicslgeo or TA., lt. Pa ieir P"aalbo thîcun Ibal taIle tîrned nuch. lit ion hece la argumuent s ia pacîltiual' il thes aIrer de ulir'dt',d a aI t-r hut nl' r-rut tînue c "Iuti lti tie lb*- ia .11<0 n cl mu louai îîuuhtc' 'a-n is doseri here.» nn thnt?",* t My up lu tise uis canI uts te tWun Il. Nee-len, maquarlers are ut seltb Kîdnepî it dlp l t Jl be pain anal AD-. rry great. les %lithout rei.t aut 1 mas muid tual they balle anîthlngel et and cutInott u-r latta titan 1 are 3,u sluug nitis» ru the' Vie etaye tb... hennId tirs-ve iai. Tliey vifl v et a dinuer par 1 'r as-rh thel rapy &I Coa Tai d à IMAM Itr-~ta lu mcod Andem e Int, ttg sAUipts e H."it'a CaatIs lil toi beat' b, rmttel lIS ala Ira. .r eT.tta r l A luIoter huict; i t-i hle t nuo.uiofi'l te na Are tsti. He s olite ilt fî,a houri eau.& q u as.'r uit. lm wlug If a ~ a ta, A boa nearlooega» th. bro"llag <3bIat lais.lbthontiesfoi us' Wbat Sena or angutab and 1are Ibat da netldilah pot bis holy @Oul? What beati of torture ilidI RIF nut pierce bis vtalet What bacting Cerberua uftbelh vas net )tlOnt upon bie front ibem iseanelt? Ve". the heu toiet the Atrum tocthe chitiens. and q Christ taises tire Aarme fur un. Once thue Ytsst ntempeat roae as, auddmly thb ten coul ineni I-è attgel mitb ber youaig;tact troua the lidit i aca' rond ta tise barnand tai fure ahe tn Trie. sister #%rd Sabbsth achodt tearbirni. le Lumder tttc teace lhaitt ai. Attil ow Ibe quick ad eanest and Op)yerfil andil 1tanatarais teanoe. adI tntanouasfuit - - portutaste sud gel thb. cireena Linder nigbt. ant Inthebmmorfia» the sniitenres it singbliai the Sabttath achooha ofcAmer- about tht- guIs and the tiut tire nn thte riii. l e and Great Britain sithinthebmnext rnîd abowe îbCtire mottier In deid, aldtit il. I tire maths ameep a4l their su'hattrs n- thé. porîng 'onu-scrnoutud atulrnuoltîn- ii te bth iagluni. Wiiuauthby bave non'ider1aît1 rythI etotier dues not acratch u'li i i. - - -.tender charge In a'ncertaiu. Concernit ftirtht-tu oc tehocat. andl tbmy saltiBuri tiaret erawuy, pîîny ctirtd tiraItay in the oe glira isaud 'ail viîbitheir tini tat ___________cradlle many pears acta. tie fatber dead, l, Dot-e a n aeaing Clacrk. t-u (copyrght..l[ants Kîapwsh. 1902.) mny renrartiml. 'hat a nrercy if the 1Shle took 'the storutn for uotversaunI lier- Ilnil Ç F IdILIAII otu»tration fruar ibm Lord noulil taise the citîr' And theibm taei. tu tnîfsef.aacrificing et» Chunr. ht b~» aruyard le empbuyed intietradis- Incuber realli thoagbttoo.e.But ehatuto deatti! Anitdos ILt omnaise enou initIl. <ýcorse lii Dr. Tulmutte te show a gond [bing ttirerloI ajareiltiret child, itis aof brin bounmdnrel ail for ul? l8o'1nu.(TI lh. eonfort sud protectiou that beaveli for tLbecame conld reaowueut tnChris- the wngsat tndur 55 ilt-l ae corne for apir- tutu',Gi dfforda te ail trualîng tuais. The test ta tian iterltire and une of Joes mont Itutli safei are bloind apaîteneil sings, IL I3 Miattisese xitt., Si. "Even as a ben gatb- ilustrions, aerrants-John 'ruli. Berent- are niht i nadueed sings, are îetnpetittil oretb ber ehickeua arder ter whiigs, Aud ber. jour cbildren milI rematib ciidren tara uta».. hathe hle uf Wight 1 aaw tutu, 1 y* ouald nt.' ' ouly a litîle sehite. Wt y ou do for tbm grave of Princes Elzabeth, aiho died titra.1 Jerausalem wsatna aght aChrist came tirm nas chilîrea youtumil-t dia tsrickiy or abihe a piret aC(arhIbroo'lt cnfie, ber W'utiria te the creal ut Mourtit Olivet, a betgbt ut neveuerailat. *'WVy tiare pou nevnur inger onu an open BileRanil pointing te 'utatutu 700 tet. Thebm pletîdors outhIbmrehiioa seitten a book-siRaid amorelne to a the seordso. "('tr ile nuetamatlyt eIhal lri, eaptal ufthIbm hoie arthi rradinttedil,,tttatenteil seuan. She repîted: *'1 am abor aud arc e iîoy arIen. and ill gtît»tYO titnti tandacape.'rhere libn nthe e.yon ri rtîag treuandl have been engager! un yuu rest.' 0it, crue under tisesing.! <raig1 der lo Ibm king'a palace. Spresd ouItle- onuemrk len peara and ou the ulluer flne But nos e rie uîauur day inaiament 'uVeat foret bis yma are Ihm pamup, the netiltît, >-e.rmy te-t hiluref. They are mi pont, toIdttue itadon.of toh e houa. and Jtumt the wicisednmss andl the etiaing ls.rue- Itle ans." ben ibm bougae of John burnalnd agîrrushed bouîe engtbenmd. Mttrrrt tIen of Jenutalem, n.ud hb horsts isto 'utelm faîber banrned nt d thmy gt tire The fermer,.mauth arYlle ur hue neabsunt- Frak tore ai lb. bougatloutthe ottdracytf ightl chilcen outl, John Wesly hetiettideritaretournrag;frout the fbells..Th atua a place tit lhe soulît gbrdiy bute sareilbefore Ibm rouf tell in.ibt ather sattl. aiea are aultoei. The burams ara lOgat aadapolr.blz., .>tng 'u teusaen -L"et u niet dose» snd thius i.od. 'Tbm cranchin» the nats ut the fuîtllin. Th.Huron Jecuramu " @W tic wmuld t bave gati- euîe r i asl e eiu i abetc ber!of Itoicygiicile and ildl1Stevu- ted thy eblden ogelher, ens-n as a the place go»" My bearers. if we ocntre brier. The mitnuaa. puilltn band. luaop- Galetb 1114 gatberreth bier chittieu ruiler be-r the preseut ansd enectastin» seettare ofu proar-blu» the tant.ari. Thie fusela. paiga: vtnga. and je woutd natirolîn ebtîdre», muan t tier tbiugs belouglu'; teepîng anty i turrra. are collectia» tbeir John Wby did Chriat slet lien and chieti to a. are oet but littIe comiparative tapon- you».' Ciot'l"' Ciicktt uc t" * ' Wit- smile? Nei ti tse lupasueatance Aexandr lthe tiren»t losecd is Andltoao ail the cseort IalfeattiieetiNemi- "oUs a simle a f)thodiers tei taise tbeir famnllet wtb theta aurseny are etrsu-i. The bactielona of Ibm bri»g onms ufthebm mmpartatui t1tuit aI as te balp ait public ecthriintîthe matrs-n ut te sear. andllhe sccouuled for Ibm bruns-ci winged iribe bave auteadeil lu ibeir Illlustrtion tut get dama suff tbctr tiltta ufbtsnien hi the tact that mani of theut percb, bul the iens. un) a muthrberoui di- andué companrilu thut ail clin an-sere houiluncamp and sere nal io n-ar- vlnely apîtotuteil, ltkil ttthe iSk ufa l deratand. 'Ph platncet Irdton un rirs .like scellez trot»the *tort. Wealtd ri ltu tmber ou the groattil.and aIl igtt fuit f Ibm arnardtac. Il uni alo at bat att the ebtîdrea rof our day iîutgttt be long ibm min». nîtt styouts»read. anti of S. tebyae cd fceni aistht b adrssudtah ouri uttathe army rut the Lord' the littîte unes wmu t naiuster a sonadtint seattima taler tbm tîîrotn I bas no The tisercy uofGond. Thuna uandown n itviagi. aafehY, rot»-- lrnnil grandeur of genetiog> Att me issow But wr ait aeed the protectinut ia» pleteti, Ibm heu bnnnnuts bier îoung. 8o, ugo hi la Itir tsn uceturu vanîtefrot laIts. If jionbail tinoisn mien pou mtereil upoin ttfae are the lununIt, ,the eventug ut aur ettat. eome of thet» frunt a belgbt of 4,t() manbaold or somarrbood e-bat Mut abezd lfe settI comme. ThInohtat of ibm day eiltirle ti test an the aides Of the imîaalaya.IL of paî, eoutl ou titre dan-il innentder-titve panstei. Ther erilbc sbadoms. and drilî bas an pretenssun outiemuI liSe the tglairttk etfs? Ilm nnimac iyn btave taisn e canntsee an fan.The 'ork of tîfe thut cycle. IL bal nu luter tf plumage i' ie tbrough Wtb eclt lite tras hien a dix- siti be about eari'l. Ttie han-ti ut andil tbe guldfineb. Poxasa-sin» âaulmy thai appuinruent. 'l'ey tel nie a. "bey temptation tieat boveru-utin the sisy mîtieIft f ailous filgit, jet about Ibm Isat tbtng IL bave nul ataiuedib tat sebret luy expoet bave grne lu the woodsansd folei thein Col. orats ta do snluelii. autdluntrcattese d tliataain. Ttiey bave not bail tire vingt. Sweet tilencesmît crnme, The bis dt fot ament as louchaaealng. Muiciant physicsî andl mental igor timi s-pecieutair setlh. euoent setb the breatti ut B. C b ave seittea out n musical scate tbm or tbey bave met wtt rehut swhect teî aible arbora of promîtes seeeler tisa»sema1 arn. utf taris and robin rsdbreauttand i iniltutanticipate. Yen arc netat rfrty jaaninm or eveata» primufe. 'Tie air vure. Dlghtilnse.yjetIbmlenutfMy test bahlsor fifty or arty or esentir or eigbty niay h. a ihle chiti, bat Christ itl cIati a»ft nthins flbat cotulalh. taise» foracagong. 7ars utfagese here ion throughl peuua , ns. u ai sel imier the volce ail heed Aur bat only chueS andilrcise. Yeî Christ coutillbe. 1 do nto Sauseuaone excapt tb. rail, aildae iii corne unaer the and a blirte test ttecedilbe ouisagtiport myt'bt ta chut»Ille bas heen a happy igs iafor Ibm nigbt, the trong wsnetheCIb ent dooenelJerugaletdeclarea ibat seuial ce..urpris. t ever expecteol antibng. andilett ft sgathm e acut singsuanti tibout anil boa wsbesi for cht i dy as lisre ebat Ao wslien ana liagcame intelb.aape outfenir andIn faIt sente ut tafey. and lb.» Cante Ibmelben ducs for lier chlekena. hamn e vr or comfttlhe position unruM ewltt reat tront sandow» lut nnise, but CrIt'. RSimple l.achlage. srldeningfiel ot cors IL wsaatause a sur- 'ý»a bten jatheretti ber chicisenauder Christt as Ils simple ta bis tear't- prise. I woas bld ln the theogical seuil ber sing." loga. ad it bow bard IL la for asnvIra na ry by sne utofmy fs-ibmtudepta liraI Sid ar Bnoyoliol utuio nde il-1neyer wvulnet lanybodi te hear me .'..***ééééâé y Sai toem.asd preachers aud retticuers andl prench anims ichangent my stylc e, oihat So tb... sho vanlil gain the ars f utali- aiben Ifatai Ibat stnme peopl e dticormne SERMONETTES pr caca. ta attain tient hearenli andi di- le bear tre IL swat a happy surprise. Bat s vic ar OfsimlictylWe avete ailmuaI people. acconre ru be Ove »Ltle- i "Isa.urt of ltar iir u itre tonit ,ethave fourni ltIe a dilappolntflsent. h " course oft hiteiri isorderasa WecitîenInuiecu. seeait[accu helter trot» ile Leur- Conscience.-Thue educaton of con- ta» o01ut f oulad alege leade! dasetsPo'. science la a scentific tats, as us tir.opai vttb Oreeis mythologie% and out of the About 3 a*cton on a trot Alignat afler- uditratton ofthIb band. Vie caonutlitem Ibeouogcl seminari seigleildose»mtt i on youubave beard s rutbtir eutt aavîtlare Our oblgatons, mecao nul arto, sehat Ibe earneo al aberî a id mil efrsitanok fer a wagon crosastu»a bridge. dtregard Ibm cadilof consrcience, 1ev. Oua fly sit-k vinga eof agsi"and (aminso'.btnt aferseard Ibece cas a loudr urut»- M. B. ratMelludîis, Akron, Ohio. vai and albatriasaes. aied ILutolisaa ndt ie luin» andl iont satil. "'n'bi.that l is»'on- bctorese coua.manie down e» uChrit'. Alt»- der!" And,. tare enough. Ibm miula serre 'IlTee Temples Sancllfimd. -Thare tond Ilites. Ibemenanlle unIs-r lbe babheltibmbeng convoisei tur a fuîtlldiapasutn. A are ibret templeasewhlch hava tale i v @ail that élas tout Ira gaver. the net sbtle park ut antiliieni vent colng santufieul ytheIb presnence of tisaIour enIm tirrosen hlteo Ibeme. the aplîthe an 1the diven Ibm beavena. anil the tainda ufthebm svtr-lhe temple ot natre, cyca uftheIbm ittulmoanduIthe treua ansisetalsaInutht' ski ses-e dos-il. Balthe p 5g f Momn land tire living temple elckillsa, snsi sabovm e e nent more certai hno b su.Crs urRdee oe Therefa nul ach puetry about thi the aoruds benati. 'rhe enfiliecame laof b ot.CrM nrRdeelun- ' vtned resture otf aind eotioneut in >. Ibmbacs sud nausaidtfrntheu telube'lttitfiedtheIbmtemple ut nature ehen be le- pOU test. but the la mre pracical and nons- dosnie» bt Ilumimgit comme boute toe hel- cendett and becarm manitesi lu tie re u motberiy andt mure suggetve ut goodtîtr. andth ie tuait, shether laris Brabtua sorliCardinaliGitbbons, R. C..Baiti- brou thinga fiaontMarly îbt d itgher ad or0, imbri;or Leghrorn or Iliatinicti. he-umort, Md. sa aiar lrîgblr coloe, She ianuletaàprima n l te 1Ilta ils ynaîîg, "ChicS, cîuc, Abohute Trust --ti anermure lui. nsu donna ut theaskisienr a *trbuet fbeauty ctuckr' aud taileIlumettiler ibm magonapotant that me airouinttrust abslate- ou lu the ise ut the turent,. Sîe IdunItrolie or shed adlie hatIem ail tid under l.viha bidr fsri h niege eut a circle niertim aai ie the Iii, tythesott uffiatiers iy the timue tratthe l.s4i nitttdat ttutuIdiewa Iflontain ai, btaI taîs oaihbute t ireurplomb out anît rrithIbroof. noSe love bu n houe cure au are, thon ta t the lisais ler tamiy tilatra. Siere os not Ibere are sanîdma trttui a sforounr sont'. set'abotrl uîrterutatad m ry secret il Vs swoop liSete bcontdor of the rurdilleris a.ul, oh, bose dart ilu gela. aud tbreatcru bastu tlt antI ruad us'ury page urtibta s. te transport a ralubit frontî the val u'v o if» coals of bsnkrîrlshey or ictinesa or secret. h la fanrtaure tmportanrt tat Mng lthe top ot the Pralin, but jut sar-rtchen pertecitiof or beraîu'tent garber andl ee aoutI arn-rt' stretagtb atar quiet chll te a living.ttcidn andsi hîtescaandtoi me run for utfnaseulIte presenet athliedisicple t amnirla srrm synpaihy i eîthIbmun-ahiter. andl otbex inr r» t ritndiy advit tlt.ur î iuriatitn pretentions id oi autitoned benheralisersAndît tbmifait tir belli. and i tera fl ofNlea or IrT l 1ceUia lkmetoauthbaIosrthfrnwtrestutîntutasaue tiey tinos ot NwYr iy itu lIsemua uttua ah tia ¶0acrict fa vbre lu go. and îheypupriub n tIebm rit DIestruc.rtio ifrîttir.' Sattatbu then m ailliving. 1Sa.itkosu nt het Imtari tbm but ottra buar a divne cai usinait, ieusuel utiattwmr tolA lettoa wtinch mont pcpîmîre nfonset C eforsitus!u»..areansireea tireès re t e iittiouencofdorinkiaiot tic arcelos e ta Iaru-tiat tIre ganungof a "TheahurtauithinK4br ue oroeu. mthedetrutiv nluncxe ofcuc. ttanS A liveihoout impliles sortiandl Liat suc-"h ii u h rd a unn o smtfoteprecta n cessest do nul lie on Ibm surface, baUt are Neel o! Waceth. (tait.ttftrotseratuon ruinete lînque lte h. uptucueil luppositivead con naît Te ireetgi ut mp tesitaugmtwaanlb soir-et agtrînsî an openi salon cruSilo nl ous effort. The rsrrea taoI sertiand anI Ibat nssehta nitfoks muat mTh Ibm chureil and tire vnriara ae ultutIof fat la thal thîn ta a cor ohu trli ehether day. e hune a grenier rtgi tua ire ca' tailires. su fuit ut tafera. na ull fait otd-i naitue iut tmrllp or ilgrattiyl. '%V, uantfihan a xi utle cathedraultal ot bar betir inberause psotiteare oiteiuc ibave a bug firepiace calu-ýd tibm.nan daIbtuhiusand r (sIenelnrgy alto mitrecr cnougbla tetise the lunan ebcuaiy t inta t ayen ra o I Ibm.andith e tOtiers tirirr voie-e- fur tne desttrutionithtut oir heu wsenttmch tueur that ut thnp aiolutu kPecjrth(-r rais ePei t arrei up. hut rnch SaabatIh. Terne tiretirPe udistncttlrtr t- r finiltfon Ibeinamelv at ou irthore detumîr ofthetîc ar ni-iaant gel near enoagir te deales In ctîure'ii Nrork mnanîfet i trtire dantlripaoutreu ana ttut"g sorth brviar tibis dreplace lu g-t mrmel. The ortl"stOnofhe vashwulgf they mont sratch fur I.Suoiofomint. eniremutles are outd ait the tume ' FOrgnit clnrlt-l Influence anrd tire asveadatne of "Gou ta ie ut. tOua strggrd.-- I s,,Y. nu-t tuatuiutins lrotnait thesouritpnîti' O la Ibeheu, tirait luggard. lIbmthe bthona»Ibmheurth poteandulinthe bmarettLay Influees In 1the cougîngtions Tire Ni 011 Testament Goal nuiarea huma-ift 1lesnul so Ir-trîîrtise au tIre aniar,îr,. setoto ltenduee> as ta fasun f ut oU»hi, an eagle sttrrtg p ber ai'.t, and ta tire One tu aa lînte tîhe arerre nit telet - iisters tn pretenencu lu oldUt nes. and De New Testament the lhoup Spirit ru t riI ptnrmra cotn tait.Initlte antartirthti ltitthe growiug inflierue uofth pareil te a descmîîdrnrg dos, but Christ hardlip drn 'hen th tntnuttupolilun nenin rutire ninratOft1wii'rurnn- hil Insermon Ihat bs-tan ib curting Bar- sbîp tait. n.the donrctof uerinru ohm rî te,I [t.nrrr. Batint. iNnYonk lPn casse for hypocctî nduaLomals str ibm aune 1te ub lt agarnst iarturri. Su(us paruxysta ut petirun nn the trx o comînPAcelifete 10Marlymitlinsofutperului ntaithe - hiu"taetaa heu. aontb satdvnuantu mîilornrut penlnutorthe One teriertiai (iire s oniy onle eten- il' lHasesof TemPttan. nOrth in a pruanicucut tnrer. But winhu ,att. tins-t'torly lute umutoriuuilirhaI l is tins-day inIbm couantrr me saam taiden 1say tIrati isa coud e'nnlt1 cbeiy God. Thi tb ie stîpretronfiet rpu u, r onteration ia tbse bebaior uofuid on- menfiguratrveey. IfpOti Mantt ta tatis hinchir e tiare tu leanubockufor Indnite e lntisk. Wbm the b heu uldllbe-so dinn wbat lantibm oranta» nf the urdnttry tlpputt. (tout oîuy irasIt inairtheIb tuilaI ce couailnul auderatail. We terni ofreceinin» Ibm -cotl atinuder."pve nrerssbeadlet bous-I about tu slnd if a uetghbor'a lntj get ouI of money ad trp t..borron. 'lic puise fliai1neiihtunlnetn weeimvudilu»tIbmfanai. 'utclookoil conversation mtriav ban euen atîsît trop-g lte. Enerythmni chie Is de-s-- opt e fafiorevl ere oeig.irai tar luxuriauce ut thonîglit andl ateetli. roiatv. Soul cannuut tnul ate, ex- th We culsec l aoincln egouil er!vetha».baitatggest yoitr neceitiins amnd e.-tir e tut it bu (tort'ssoti tanuletfongelt b Wuld ortIse. nhua» o lecoun thal ths-nmoatmronp mu IM) degrs ees hut'nrt lit i sn'woînlerftrt, a anyteny e la»inthibmair trumilleite ufeatticra of zro, And inla taI brebluitau moment li-thrillitng sud iîrcoîuuteabt.,hiisways paI v 1 Ihebmea, hut the louI. nlaffigted fore bal been a narnnoai. Taise atîrt nigetrt isunir ure abouîueîy ta-(l elucS sheitibrouglut ai bs- r ' f la inanupaptutularustion on sane uts iblie 80nlt<il rautaer erfs-Irramardeumnlootkr1retiaa andl se. ouar frints fly as chf sluble. a betng su trarvelous lirai me10 elai aondan aoe ewhn hsBa tnre a indutil. As fur as myscîf i- CUtl P901Y'nOioupbt flrn rc rat Idgmop nd fer awî hervne wax acoucerrieut. I bave nu word ut conupanrt. nC.-01-lu,,.r.liiip; depun roulen. il n rapacoat ird sheeing rondanI routaI bt t louis off laiyluy day aldte onm amy te, liti motel lu GuI lu sunt aa aud dose» and domî, aîd, noi aein» ua tanitiea treezittg out menaunI wmttit'a f atu dral5tri poua bi liraI niutld wae as ettud » im aadseil ameneo shoa tImhe orîdlta fut noribi, Nom I cunceire et ILod us renaît», tirai nessa- )UND ÏW 1 *STÂLTE wfpbikiedby a Ae tana eVf TIESNA CIO WI wtotle watking airrosath track.TH SU DA C O L Col. Fred S. Sinrith or Petrria, ebairnuan +'4 I FCOMPILATION OF ILLI- Of the Illinois îrouuuuto th ('huier L LE.YIi4 FoitMARCH 9. Noie NEWS. toit exposition. tîta.i eompltl darrainge-....... mnîut, tire- élr ay at lt,.errrriu - nu March Il. Th, [ia ,îl . tteed. m ien plage, Examinatioit fforAd- I etin rattfte \tiri ..~t À M.iîr' toonrt bBar-ClSrmer CReturna ta I lém, fi*' The iîîo uoa n it . -niTi,,fotyI .v ir.'u r Dvél W-. _,aii irt $25,000; insuoro n Mur.urtu rît rît.. r.rr.îeyuo et.. Kilt Formulr Luisisr. 01M) .-rîmbîinO the î iii, lr.ti;thé. I!, ie - ~ uet.*d vaisre.l é-' .Is. ,' Ioî r. uteI tu iIht he tr I.'unI of tan r lai t I nu.', rîrr ,fr it,, trustéi-n t Ir. iu rtt t.r,, t t ésut.i sîi . tut t 'Iti t ir l ýI . t. i I, t. ýiroag- ih-- f esn F. irfg1CIEii i ,ri> uiu r1- itotttIl. Ilit r rua Ité t-Initiationl f.' I ruli et u.rutI- urrr.t. trîko et 1. ir n, tu,'us rIui- r'it.. trIe ring r; I kl tt P. Ast t1--lt I l, ir-r uti1-ur i, u,, r r i n rorrru ir, . 1 rt. laT b ,i of man. \ý,*r-nî Calvin 1'r 1. n' f - luitstin.hi,iin' thé.tr i %itii~-rire Albrui tiiert L ." 'tir lnrY u'li aets xu.îri ttI, I orttit t u2,né tire' t Aler i' frî ru (»ui S, jtîti ttisu'-ireth, îtîtruuuurrrul"',tt tttipers.'. triéo J'i "tt.,ait I iuRotiti . C o-k eri tii.irti fii rîîuhi tltA ntae rur tt urt tt l IlîrW l. 1'. Di txitr (ru i f tii 7i , ut h lt o i t hri r irtri and 'doronsîit bi, r trio. \. . Il . 11r,'tt un- ti til. t at@Ou. CIo--Ii.try CIitaîtra I.r, Bouttî t i..n'uia, kItti-il unt riiîrui utarrisfrîrîontriut r1 . tf tui,g pain. h .,ît.uf' John 'ut liai t jred stil iri Ti[runrk un-,1 huit; brrrrartîr tîiil- u î.r .rîtoalytyerri- 't ti'ù r 'iîhetOU t r rît(at.î train Ittîrg o tnr arriti>tiiîiikmiIît ile Ilt e ti iun un t i fr t r.l a. i aie i .tit.i. tovlie t oruîi ,.iui..tis u tttrotulbti rirr'iu iark Oil t-rufruntri i.h trti.î î" titt ntIlt 1, na.i r:rXorv fr-ugit Nir.trirîrin tuk.ii 'l, lt if i ltirîulî,Artur iL If )-II trîCt , 'larétai. 1 irutrty turamri r ui tIi.l 11..1 .ir.ri triArlutr [B. Haley, L .,k férrt. iortt..ite. a luit ro ri' ntiv arreuited atîrrlIair til-r t b , at, l laicriirtU, Joy; J1d- ilt' Itti. tain.utufrrrro.r,,,nRtcharg'e if eniber.alrng tirai riit..tuifi'litr,-, t ri. ru'lt, r onA1. tlt-trîiPuliiné.i tt'i'-tittiter fondsrfu. tied iu giiityun the tugîiou (Tutho tiiitlt it , - ,thuit - ,m G.triie Galcabru;ig tîrrîrîIna It rodieratirîrrt aul Springfield. Iloe raa en- "atti x, etr tti iti.t ri .ruitt',t111-'r ra.Fuitiu. b outa Pru .Ilt rit. Parkt t.tued r.. pay a bie of $1,074.7-, on tireabroani *'thi.t urrurrîi li,, nior Inra _ it 11,iRood. Marris; tr I tIt.ileirrn irs;tiîorit of the uîit irrrîîînt outil$2.- soit Sitttiitrta"us it,-tuit, -r t tilt, taton lat. Haortld L. Rilli nu ti. ta.: 373.74 or. the sneurtd couilu. un addition tr i trn tt- oné,ai ii uiitrh it ra runoira in B. Skuipper., cit.î. tlnn'rV ting a terniu tf two yearn tri the peau (hrunltiaiîti t t.ruî.îlîît.ralrolier si itutffuirit Rock I. u. Ctîuit. iltutualry. tirait rh,,1I tiattîtitit et un r 't tr-I ofiee. j ns. ihu.etdrd;R oIt.. NI St t-'zor, Tire iiiotaty of Mursinuîite Carlson ta And - lu Itit ii1r.hutr1-tr ,ii t buurg.Joho Howar'l ti. vuit,(Cbari-lher bonnie, ('Itag. nuit tuer native Star". înrety tt in Il, Ilr i*uiuii ti tri tit n: 'ttttirtls. ralkeut..I Ilaand. Ilittnouis. IMati riîti.niiuti'for a wedding ltint Il îtî iîraitIl. 1,t tt, î.uî 1 V N'tetiietter, Dani . lé'butin JaY on tire Endsi bridge. jurt over tbe State rien 1.rr bir r..Ir-'rf i iu thé.,'vonitu inuit, , Wtodstock; t'i uvuWiliamsI.tie frunu St.Lois. 'lThobridle made (ut. r'. It ih .. Ih tl.tIut - if irail, ton. IunaoF'raaktirt INt tur, tam- tIti> îne cîrnditiion tu tht neding. that anti fi' i i iIrtuui "Iitrruteun, e.; htirvoy C. Woodt.rI t hé-reeeony tue perfurred in Ilinois. retliait t-. tul-it, ti ..r tlt., Itors i' tt - Stîi'.uotined the consent uf lProf. Cbrin- had tn 1îît t i'l tit- ou u ums f thae Odd Secilte. laretiet. toprt i.reo'arili.ber aweu'theart. and an churifu. t nupru-eh tut r. ir ru i: lu t oa anoair rintlthe otIt-' laltithe ruutoinobiie e a. rngagcd for, the occaiou. wiind ibo, Chtrtr itiuuit* i tutti tuai-rgt f a t s i n t h - f a t o s q n v n a if l t h i , n . u u I i r lu t i n i r t n I i ' tR o u l i t , 't. .i Ihi' faose t ra îîîîatrtusa1,re 'i(.Tuto drilla et wornk iith, 8.00(1 airer Emtpr - irrttrittit uiv.' n iii theii t' irt fîrr(aeyt'AtI iiir 11. a .it ori i taaitnear Beton reécear y purchanmdeta f '.i tiruurthtint fioui rarrtian b nt ilte, ux y Ithe Continental I>eveloptuleat tomn the hbrutsu ire -ilt ut îîîîî tuat tit-rtýi".ra tht r t iugbî. Bice fiut.lun ,>irt tra>', tuf wtîîeb Jomeph i.eiter ta at the aungli utu uI.' tu t .utire lu.- liti iii hadl rrîîî'tt In b i'.. 'tnt <nuits urt. hure fouîud a veicituf urnattifteen failliinith tutandit tut ut . r, t.bidte ut. itinluturnt hîraCttir I .,auni tifeet t ineticnenu Iirtuitoat rrîcbut 'olttsnn r t tI.,tIr l ti, tînt oflbe- ih"thu' ri atliernoff'"r.. t (ht it- terii'rging of Issu sirs. trito ringa tîevern i.Ttuiy i-eame enaint.Ir' t.t-uC*it i are doeeiped veras nf na ixtuansa ýanurtakiaug aeverat iti1élta.-nfouir fitnAt lifteront depîhsýA inie Phitilr,*, . îîu rt, auuaria rivas un su ait an iudebtett .....- $7.f M st ratum rof burildinrg stone altii onuther m&te ruilie tira v iftrit,-anîet' utaand bit- for paOris naknowli. s rL itett a4 orf gtsseati are sait 10 trav etrenra er fi-nidi ttuter irsaugailit u tiSanari- ('anI- r e amsusrprtaes! tI,. a it f riui fournît tans; l'lit tiho ut h rk,rhIf j-uuslure. laugliler. aho ramie fi -ai lttî-.uati-..and thetilétse r fit thée tirit. seroaglit a C., ta arranîge wti tIen" tire, ns tir Chicago capitalitetnire negittiatinit for greal a rirti ibr t'.luitonabc rrarvels of 5 bho tivingt al Tamitrt. ,fîir a dlu 2,(XOacres 0f land near Foi river ta hraltng mire tefreu'llt'ie'"certaini ce frot lier hinaband.t t 'utra. lii'Mi'tleary andl Lake rouinties. betwéeea inan îat'dSiir"n i ni.i rthustoî'y ifer eus rmade et $1,111 W)if -he sein 1 iVola and Cryttal Lake. lThe deat 18laibe- a Stnuiia 'uIa. a ad wseaua rurh [more re a ivorce. wbieb ara atreptol. ia» engineereni by a 3wiéHenry tiank, prominctl figure tItau the uneudentat men- 1 t the adit terti t ftth.- terny Covinîy whicb for the preaent la withhoiding the tion in Acta eiiiiild enatîte lira r Inter. vnul Coturt the cse"em- qtîrulitrue i lnes Of thre teadia» parties interet5.l. Thêeein a legeauiary titeratrure tbat rew 1a legal separatton getiuteut. Ntuu It te claimed thrat tire land seulilue utiltsed up ta regard toahbila, fragments 0f setach. er k-ft for BRitth Cotrita andt was for au Immense gamue preserve. (>ther have Peea preeer ve ina ther serittug, rerently narrtcd. caespitaliesebave matle tit»ttar investineiits t'lai shoe' btm btuave beeathe leader of ta the nortbera tllinois coanties eilthin a consideraule sert. lie seat undoubtiidt; Fatal B.ttta wtth Hobbees thre laist yearé. Manufacturer Etdro-dge of an impoalor, brut not a taere fakir' or ;îdgnli).17yetreofse msfaalBelvidere ha. laid out a private Park of sleightý-of aud pî-fîre.for hi.gis-eati-' d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~." 1ott.1 er fagsa aa rea handred acres near Popir Grovee hlspycsoueea Oillm sont by iiltieerata a bmatteleaitMattoon.e cdploph asmwatopessd app. e'ilh the two Heath boit, ail de- and haa already ineloseut it and atoeket oubhlie. 'The 1u'iiar exptression reudered irte yoiinîers, were rrîtrîîug a attire tle'ith seversl rarletuea of ganie. tantthe Arîthoriard Version, "lht great 'D ae the battleoccuaicil. Tlh,-police hall (.ffieers are tookia» for 'Williaau tieurîr' fpower of (<lit.'lasn tne a titteipéplied in sarneut and coaceaîrd uhetaselvem ini et, a young fariner of Miller Cbapel. toa imluy bis fiifiiera. Iie representei a - tore. When l theboys. nen rare) -Jaekstownttsehip, ebargedt erir assainit- himsetf an the incaeittion of ainie spirit- onît the gooda lbthlglur. mireflaaed lu» Rer. Mr. Hall, pastor of the Mêtirod- ual easenc'e interusediate betseeen mnia Tb aud the ahoottitg began. ('bief or l'a- isi EPuacopai Churrb, a'it a taluilgeon. land Gliid n fait, as aa sort of autuenhumina I e iennia Lyom auffere-él a sbatiereut 1ev. Mr. Hait ha. been cronduetiag re- person. He bâti a large fMIollatg. There toc mwlblc may bava to bu- amptIatd , Ival services nigbtty and there were anealaways plenti of peopie, Intelligent inuti l of tbe Heath boy. atite escapiari. tuat, conversions. Amon» the penitenta tomne respecte. who are resady ta folloW tl tg as-eu tu, ailaIt awitlami-e. and t einseas a siater of Reichet. tichel retaun- after any nese toaubirrg ttaIeita.em ta aOU ogbt le MIII be fournd badily ssouadirt. ntrated witb hits inter and the çtergy- promise a nese revelattian iof divine powver thi der brothern of aSU tbire of the lads cona during the meeting, interposits for beatia» or miracle seorktng. ou tée dorne or are doitg ime in the peu' a- trenuonau objections ta ber allytag ber' Sinion'a apparent seceptantce f Phil- l tinry. self seltt the cbunch, After the umeetling ps preaching mai bave heen partly ain- f aa Rev. Mr. Hall wsa paasing araunil the cirlenttibret; on bie inay bave ttutply pre- edtfie 10 is carnage lie eas ttrnick on teaded blicer ia order ta bave a favorable, liatsdit fo~<tdlaplag. the beau seith a bîrrîgeon anîd feiteul to opportaaily for a close examinatto» of Mrs. Langlu St. Clair Wlhti a the eartb. Its coindition imun eruous. Philîp's nmraçles un ordenrtu imitate thelp. ominent woîîraîîtuf Springfietd iunît n ife Itei,,cshet tituedut bavc ioft tbe couta- At aaiy raie. bis aér-eptance vies certatuti ex-Reureertauu5e Wébiticy. bau tri n try. tit geline fail. as a stiosen y big 7ngbt frin indrr Outit.,.setir, htoe The Unitedl States Suprenue Court bas propositiongtansuna made. Siaron'. offer as arrested lt t harge otftutu u1rtttO uleetded ru. fastir of the defendaut land 1tubuuy fuir nioney t'ie gift af Géod has inditentrein; hgrougbt agin-t lier orrairathe caae of (O'Brien et ut.. ex- given risc t. tuuhesturd aimny.t' appîteti 1atâchant' tir t tri' Sngaraln intyect-ttas rif the eslaic of Francia latoi. Io the praetier'tiftirîyîug or ,ellling eccle- atendjr.yh. St.,'tire bonda rît o il r. allaîinat Vhoelock et al..eommnly kbruna ajauical officen frrnuionel. iati, J_ wh, g- bods it SteIx ti it.mtit Sy lirebond surit ' lPlie nase The atoazia» ratriduly witb whieh li esaieicharge- é' f kiduttirut Ibas licuanta itigatirruifuir tweriti lireCbitary inrt lrn» iee frs ftt litrle îlot.giter, rueatody if n tîrrr1 ur gtez i i a aeareuttir Jon 'rit te se,r, sd ianvtvd the trabîtity of uwnert Years monst télé'.l1toI uthe holy Real of Irs. Whiiier gu 1,000oooniîî 'lîtî.t l lénrf inuerty itA ,damtn, Pîkeand Cathoun .,mend vonrait inou out o their faitb ses. hd bas wt e t. utfournd. enuurtisfor brandsistsueil ly the commnis tire amai lîrttangin tatufe. ue have tout tuunsof the Sny unvie drainage distriet. ttany aot ir ti'ptus i0 théite days as muet 'l'ho net andinr mhir h the disitrict ws bave eonnlrtulthie majority urthtie eanhy Kbditastirit Attemplt Fait.,. .urgatuaud nat dns tartell utncrautittltionat ibutrebet. lri)î,r,,uîu8tthe faith i.ewlrtb An anuiaeesftul ttitapt wnuîîd- try the State Stilrerne Coutrt un 1876. ts a diuty. un hî.'i rie aecept eheerfitlly tainli the 1Ilr tiIsou ofIl.Aia'., aaourt the tamne tlion- tire Inere brake and an d prurru it ilustrioîstly if rie are la 'ufltu ers iuru"rru r iPbyt)rinri l.trt e.uuroyeh niant> att the îmjurovetoenti. tymapathy ittu modern maiasions. Bat ta num nus on tutu un nutao hire ti uîtan t.ati-r Judgu hueruturrai naît tpheltbe tien protiagate the failti nas witii tiose eaniy Ppanreil an utt, t i egnt lntîit utpi 'iof thetuuiîdtu.ttiers. turf Patutu iIettutort Chnifftiau a apassion, a mania. a crasetas .d iîqrurud n itte, 'wasiguritg Il ru r s unr1abtrat bui u utpnuperty oamers me aboutît be a Pt trical[ it.,Ioutta teation'. as t..1r.1trame and euiterîrt, o-etie pulynuent. lui,srute nîuit truii the mont active meutin [boteearuhea vere purté,tir,itrini1tWehh Ithiutinti sitt j t ceani.tvo uttiltue catieu 'gospelernlas' to-day, va. ttiiriuit.'ttt ! t' ;t euunt tutti ' t ,Ir l i lliuug fuir tii I n 'hoIll n rsutii.. t lI 'ut, rdf.urtI l Wi u ut rtrt t., s nu, ru duit reirlie frie d oit and perboapa loike ,' rrf ut' 'n.ity'n .n. r l 1 tvln ani.01,rît tut -irtn bruir tt'rdurrrit.i> aura»drus a"iru rayer meeting as need- arriîd hluirau n. r, éaIley, tuni.If norrning ut Nortr.itlr' tîiuhea autit a biexiy deanirntatie andl di-turbent uofttha ros pina riV triér,. -Ilî.wthe u ri ru t risurt.ur rugîttsil rtNiintrnilie.'Th, peait'ouZioiu. liliititiienaspirit couhd ilI t uoui-.r.r ing of btîîgttîu stahtue <ilnrttoratbîy base k rrri la rnigion a. unhereatti rut a tlong n serut 0f fgb u srtand nruaa t dithertht tuf aun-Itou.i theriretuful bu- ru Iel [tasée tîut.rur plate orib-, vittage of muan heart unrt,ivter> noorîtandt corner of Tries téi KtI Bl hlo,uuîerl. 11tintt.uichlu a urbu tee uwnilemtIre emîîirî us thuna ru tir' tecadra. And tutu Gruuitu ri'i, .f triet i, tk.':i'-f i .... ter, nu fthre irug'in rthin tii- 1raaibiy-tratius 'tit uin lueition -parai- tutet!r-ti titati , t 'Iii ;'I', tntefin a un. tirt lautnrr>ort ildrink- hty litmntre on-htu oîîîît tortue ait etat of ti'v tI.. ti t i g:, t" t ii :II, rit,, eurntnot rît 'x.rnttivitle Itgluer il.tun s ir day brunI taîke rlt thte wuckoflhaut- ttir slu i l 1,t"P.t I Iii tilté in ttunut. tnru téi inren ..tfem, tîrîrrs mur tien lttalé aîtiru, .breakru» asay flr10n lu' girl turi, .t 'ul"etnulur.1t 1 kt ntr tSwe'v'iivtînt, druiiug piurnul uhee tirheron rsuratîsu. r'auutiu uua etbude ofthe ru.. t. Gintul ,1l,-I r.'Iuik tt o n hua t'a>, hormeun rls,.émouuîtin.tutimadgnurig tîtltier ritîurs as trav- ié ut tth' lnt r ti hti. kD . utnî-ir n t ut uil htitiiii frnîun orint the- mtin itrli ta en <o (unitfin rtS. oui r nr mer- ié ahi xtulit I itînt' trîtit 1,t, ruttrio i.t.rg i-fuit r ui Sur rcnr'î u ntiiuteor aoi. chiti r. uirtyeres.tîrrïi thur'n rnshy las etIltting t A eI-ut -.ttil r. ruluié 1.tatt,rt earusintg a foaturîn i ltigtu"s ltr.' eart> t.'rttianutiinsre ro eager ta (t rsuiiiar 'ati'til i tnla rueorrut nf brîrri érthi u andita tuanuréuitrr)avcehri ite m' faîtu s bhe raml téa.. , r ,ru.iti în lrniéti é. rrantit rt'.unîriri tifr trîx arren. tru-raruru'tht- ne, failliumetrtcerythtng droviir t-r, fI , I, rint I u ki trot't ie- eîn'inuto aunrttirr -ru iti> ty.Tur'e téro tru Not ail orît rseril saliythartot- el ti Jait rît usuel,,nteur llrgtiu', arun' k4otnie day. It le dlonoie In awhite ta try ta alotu garsve ntoli, ut.. tire ru rthirittea. give an hoacat andail Iliugl anamer tu Salon-sa 'Mitnl it ide li..itr, tr s trtt'utand crtu-runrotfrth(tî-Ieturrge ure Icf lutithit urstioa' Nhat e outd 'ut u l a t lt> 111ulluntIr bartuut %vs aru mu-n Iris ttiigri>. thré-Non-tire n'ortd. r'at 'surt ildthig nation, sehat atrruin 'tut..i 'l'ont tt i ut.iiiurursili'eihbî..rhtrtd oalin. ' hoir-itin e r bi s aenta. siitwuuld tut lire tue théri'tt' liitrunruluotritrtn'rtdîetl oirtrt'u.ur sonu-, thnta i ristinrt tre seorldt? By thre r"éu. riun vnnrri tu'In lti.1r tti 11, 1tî',Suert u', î. îtn îrrnr'rtlrt sutana otufutat ii-<attue Ive uay tee, by nîrîned thé- .rlr. fruion i rrtt uri t s l),ttu- 'ti" ii i , rruugtulîrlurnrrt i tt eontrant the i-a-utriens -if tht'pot>ive tac- Si-etitRi s tir' un Z tIav- inté,"- tu mig theaîn nguunuîaui a vîî sl-r sage rrtlt u h v,,sen ut tuface th. dci res tufl rtin tttil iltIn I rit uitt -,, rîîu t h ie honie réli-r'tu'vre lw s sar> u sorul. uontler u -a i n, t rt hinty tta- utiltînt 'III,, t irth a ri l uit , .ýýt huart ,u tire i' u r andmml t 't ni tisu it.i', u . tîrutu ts é- tn tîrrrrîgîr bu n ir.uir ,,. ti .r. tiAsîrîa tr ent'-, uit tinhs révi ahýlosut uturtut sr rltn-Id Noxi n -ia"Tirheuhron nist uwt s <u ,, i sith taiu-tu ait- vt 93) l'eu, oucs tntinn uut, eir tîri, gr. Rh Rt.. Iemsof etrea. Hrte tu trr îtîi rt 'ii. t .;rutîrfrîrutAntidote tfor Trunedy. >igesswhat " ils prenramlon 0seI# 1esta nd Iosea âousa io f diiOtP5 t m't bel "utis-pu The Almighty - Dollar tff. Y«oeus~ys It Pays to use It Right... O)ur Motto: e "Doe. Etmat 'on. Bill iead[s, Letter Beads, Business Crs Circulars, Programmes, Invitations, Sale Bis, Posters, AND ALI. SOMTSO0 Job Wnrkbee. ....,.THiIS OFF Corne and- mm O MM# IMrk and gel ofla PMl ton»egolag eI*ewbifl type.emt preoee5 b toeiman md akiliedW V&Meti e ~4 hh da Wb - -Il- [t ..... te a wof. n@-maU M ot 1jumlcoe d1u. tue alway a ye-qm claUy aewpe imw ,- a&.la n ihe u pi. wl - baltyom Olu% and they WOUld gathft duel wltb a ile MMU than a oouyga IU you adymaUtima tum Paffl Fm wiu Md Pays. rhs malce, COL know of i that re. ughs, OU p otsl that bas worst of r sixty Chery M.,muffl@

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