CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Mar 1902, p. 4

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NE M RENTED FARM VERSUS, HOME WH Y Rent a farm when you can buy one at pretty nearly9 WHY the same figures you are now paying for rent * WILL VOU RENT OR BUY? [UND',S LAND AGENCY, D. C. LORIMER, Representative - - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS.1 Ail Animal' Matter, Bone, B<ood and Meat -Scrap. FÉRTrILIZERS FOR CORN. la regard ta conmercial fertiliser uaéd on growlag corn I1viii Ulve uay ex rléîî,CâUAM Ia arenter On a tam. 1 once aaked My adiord ta aie fertillIer on corn. lie sala hé vwu Dot au stivoC«e o f commerolaifertiliser. lNe dUi not vaut tu ry Cio experiment but il 1 vinhed to mure talé expériment et MY owua expease by nain& fezdimeron ev«Y other ton rowe 1 ooaid have thé ton rove of corn 1 fertliized. 110 1 made thé experimont on tweaty.eil acres of coen. ueiog fortiiizer on thîren acroe. I drllled the corn wiCb a tertilizér drill asing about 1701 punds of tertilizer tulChe sure, pattnlugfetoliar Ou SvYJ other ton rove of corn. EverY porijou paemlng along thé road coaid cee thé dlfferenoe ta the growlug corn ce thn. vas frorntfour to cix lnchée dilTerence lu the hoight of the corn bécides thé difference in thé color. Thé ter&illedoin va. of eop gréen odor vhlo the corn no% tertilisési vu of a pale gréen culot. Thécocra torthiizod aaatured quiche, and wvaseoiid and of gond qnality maklng euxty bachelte thie acre vbilja thécocra Dot fertillzad vau of a éàeffy, jPOU quality and gave a yild of forty-three buehela to the acre. BeIlde, 1J oold see a differeace la thé grovllg 0f Wh*" bliat tai! aud aext sprlag In the field. The wheat on the rave fértiiized weo!ofaàupèrio quailly ail tha'ongh. The cool ot tértillzing per acre vas $2. 10. The différence botveoa tertlllzod ad not tertilixed corn laD ieM Pe acre vas 17 bushels, vhich at 30 cena per bushel amonate 10 86 10 per acre. Thé profit ou uy eperimont vas 8.00 par acre. 1 adyié asuy person uag fertilizer ta nie Animal FertIlizer vîtia a formula 0f Ammoala 2 ta 3 por dent, Pnoe- phorle Acid 12 ta0 14 per cent, potaeh 4 10 à per cent. 1 amn goiag 10 put la more Chis iéar aad Viii 50W il broadeat aslug 2910,lo 2501 punde voll harrowed la, and 1 vili give rny expérience Wheb I complète My ézperlaueuî.l. E. SAUPLE, <i'skua from )reeders' Gazette.) IttiahConaty, lad. 1 -. - L'»rLUà 1TMVRIjL , lmA-ento - I IRFRTV'sIII i E il I IMEII@ as. Rockefeller Items. Ivanhý oe Items. .s~*#*******s*************sè~******,èà***.****.*.~ ~ "lWaiter lingera la the iap of spring.- SCIIOOL NOTES. Oh, gèl OUa Nearly al pupils who urote the A. E. liansoin la building a une uew montiaiy tosts récalved satlrtaaýtory barn for Hienry Vaullorai. arke8. Fred Hapké lias imuved bisi barber A new book ease ban beén purcbiared &hop mb io eKnlggé building. vllb f und8 raised at theau nnoal Fred Myérs movéd bis family toas sciauui énterlaluneut. Anoîhier net of tarm ziear Baringtanuone day lest week. Dr. Orle M. Graver was caiied ta Clalcaga un prufeesianal busines s s Friday. Mies Lottie Meclride who tesebés school at Chicago Rélglats us aai bhame over Bnuday. Ira Dooittle sud Arthur ilérghoru ocxnêpfrom Chicago lu apend Sua- du ils home. tes e.meeting 8t the achooGl buffl, la' 1h18 village (o-morrov> Ettavday et 1 p. m. Chris Bapké sud tauatly have moved tron the Céntral bote! bta thé roamd vacated by Pred Myere. tir. ouudreys farnly rnaved tram thé farma othé Cramer reeldénce ou MLChat aIaide une day lasI veek. Do nolt ai! 10 attend the lllustrated lecture on the -Philippines aud Our Possesions mre" at the churcia lii Priday éveniug. Mir. and lire. Nouban, forrnerly uf Waakegau. are uaovlag laboathé llroly housegau Maple Ave., vhéee lieyvilii resenlathe fture. Théeuaoney cutrbuted ta laîild up thé cause of christiauîty snd éduca-1 tien la any comuninly 1 i thé ariï Puplsiet eading Circle baoks vil!l be purchassa ulih thé surplus muuey. The toachersad paplîns ih to a tak the public for taerr rnuy kind tavurs la helPlng them lu estabilli ad manainu a godlibrî4ry whîch shouild ho thé pride of thé cammanily. 'lhéi bes&0ut ilterature le placed au the basuds of aut boys sud girls. People Who saythast theIlilinoais Puplils Reading <irlé books are traihy nuveis sud fairy tliesimpiy daut knov vhal they are talking about. Xou caul epet salsiid la hecorne isterested iu corne lieavy bockr toca dry for gravu people aveu lu read. A glance at thé ttil, rémenaberuug Whuseected thea n la nougia argument tu aunve6r lu *trashY nuvels.' Talle thé "Making Of llinuîs," sud Sida Ligiats ou Américain lilstary; hlera are aplendid books lu help thoienl thelr litory uurk lu achoul. Thé ~Prairie Schooner' la a stury ut théeituck hiver Valley 0uththéUre ut thé hiisck lawk Wau. 80MOnoft thbouk& eau bé leéd %laupplemoatary readera,_la their achool uork. Nul&ail 0foutr éducation cornés frum a toit hook on enthmatie, or geography, orsa doucisaedvotion tu Webslers "pellin' bok,'Mleé whcqn we wéul lo»mschool. Mmr Henry VanPev as on the alek TaleS eléctrie nallroad whia vo are lh'tlitpreeut.expegting ta See come lhrough lRoche. Mr. C. C. Shiumac, ot Chuicago,. spent folié, thence te Ivanhoe vould aoC hé a tew dav vîatlng in thîs place tant 80 bad IliI: wene laoréAt thé présént week. limé haI wé uight usé it during thé lins. Meikie épent last ilaaday and 1aIaaost mpassabIé ocondition of thé Monday viiig vti ber parents an wagon roscis Chicago. *Âmoag Oie souvenirs vhich tir. lire. Bersîngér wag ick the latter VanPieu brought fnorn Engiand le a part of at week miti auan ttik o atone spear.iaéad which vas bud on lagrippelaie taCher'n ota-le anji wuued by thé tlartpp be boknaborisluail ace ut Eugiad. Héalec At iat te Inngia bar brou rlubogat aà nimber of curions old and Duarly éveryouo baseplenty ut Eugliah coins. Mise Auna Dageé uho lhan eeén lu thé employ of lira. Mikié for thé past fév ioothls tornéd ta ber home la ArliuIgtOu lgilt laat Satarday. ChanIé Smitha, laist sou Of tir. Biryon Smith farmerly ot ibis place aud lattcnîy of Oklahoama annlved lhere faut Thursdsy uhené elutcude tu sPeud lte cuauugcurumer. Iustead of thé regniar servlee next Stnuday evening thére vii hé sang service or lu othér vords a service lu aéung. It la déslred thast as rncny came as possible sud taake it caucoa s Mr. C. t'. (rgaard sud famlly movcd ln with their sou John, imb théhougse un thé Dean tern lasI Batordey. Mir. W. J Dtiuz and tsmîly succoed l.hem ou thé Handen tarm vegt ut town. LEITHTON. Rtobert Liliite vorklnig for W. D.1 Griffith. Mr. Legraud Fiagleim a vrklng fori Investineunltrial;teun ernade. Chiaptérs XIV, Xi,'asd XI ln i -G-.Mtcel Services ut thé Congregationaî Mthod lu Educatian vil! hé discussieai Mis. John bossacîler vas a Chuicago churcha eveny Snnday 1030 a. mu and at the 'loauchers' Meeting to-murnau visitur 1Iaýdaa'saiay. 7.:» p. m.;Vi. P. S (C. E. at (;:M p. n. aflérnoon, aary lira Ii. îlsMryFhriltc reirt Ailar imvieal lev. F. IL. Aidersaaa, Eoanks tiéthuai la EducationI, ucati rayrîaske Fraday. lestoe. constituter thét profésonal 1on Henry Flénatilne clluui <Chicago A lutter rec(iv( rciianPr. Mace B. podagugicai vork for thé yeuxr, laai éea asti oa Coindiet statue tisa iho viii pasitiveiy Volume uf 348 pages, eovéing ail the ha hèere to.lght ta u1 ier h n cgage. branches 01 commun schooi work, thé Henry hue s fhappedita car Joad@ meut t the chacis, tla )on u taîtagraduation mat thé jasmo, &nd thé ut hay tu Chicago Moniday. hian lien a f 1LÙotiadeOf toacIubig aaapîéd lu thé Mrs. A. W. Urawun is vîesting A man ra,, Nebraska whuse mevarions gradés ith lastîcali las. -relataves las CLiaguIbis veét. %%e haveenltle-rni-,i ialuadteai acar- cussan utfn.ethud tenders t eplicaiy lire. (<au Mileheil, out lmund Lake, il-,l haasouehoil gels iauj lavé èb>ck Valuahié lur daiiy référencé ou thé book thio tranhère tfirUChicago l'ues- ut taiestation fanoras farta lae auteuytractiora desk. Ils bhréadLh of scopeiday. parchesed a ct norianout tan adapta IL1tu the nedodfutail echera utf lins. (ha@, Batternilîd aid soun Fneik (Our mnerchasîs are dly eevu whatever grades, [hrievark ut thé havé Ioeîs iiting relatives lu Ci- oiea and sîspîr goals tta réiiiènimrh I ésclierh' Reading Cîrcié waneyer cugo. their stock fur thé éprnansd siimmer tauore uéeaiéd Ihanii t ie lu-day. Decsi.- trae. f yu wlsi t I)y a, cassm'tory réading cannio a le éthétplacé il John Ernuniis, W. [D. Gfilth acnd af narehaui,4abls c rico@sutiaIare nîght Sstématic vonk. The mare éxta ng caaiudal My(b e Ciao18t c3mé a tu qCketelier .demanudé upunthéehachers ar to-day klIdWuthrecl It oul cot alariý 'ir fi Moleyréauane Unitedi Prote8kilonail wrk ail W. 1). Orlulieli ledaohrwd ta g d o a lhe Iarg-mu tl!lhllPtit a aîong theé iio. The unuty ut the goasé 'Ihureday, weighanlg Ivéivé ta aailth wa t, tt 'bilîpaaerta raIla koaxpa thé tesîher lu pouunai.tI)are ira guud ahut sud thé stceodange t et ésiu mIbère)Y tedé lunch witth lais co workers, anal lu gueso liai béltér keep theîr ditusuce 'hiliaplnor, iaI youn eau secIL ail ut iymtahy Witt, thé tient îlogîsî ofsai-n lié e .enunnd. théeahirdi ta iglal aor 15 cents, sud thé edîscetiana vaorîd at todev [tel )erfectîy.ato bérides3. - .-taa's-ufe. o Ned Couid Notl Breiithe. Sumé Dacil uy tasiaîng gt ich, Othèrs Couglis, cubie, croup,gip rcht0 î,y thé rameimatboal keèp thèmeelves i atIier tu raled ig Iruls ae 1100r. 1ilehl'lniit u l eyer fspeaks aaîulckIy cared bty One Minuté Couagl godri vail tarisîs u ova hieipa ta cure. Oué Minute Cougia Cure la nst keep hiie lpraperty frunu advenclng lu e mère expectorant, vhîch gîvés oniy Crae i lai ousanly auiîgs u ~ tempuierrele, ît aol&eiis udlqal prie. r le cumtutl euargs (il lilés the mucus, drava i ut, thé lutiama. fti ssud talures sud rtubhornly lion sud rernuves the cause outfthé dis- refumtx tu ,,jeak utfls vîrtues sud 1és"é. Abosu'ely aMidi. ActaetaIonce. a4vantages lie le constantly fixing thé Onu Minute Coaagh Curé viii do al ethat la clelmos! for il,"emye J astîcé ai *c4e aPOn vlsicia botta lalnsef sud hic Pouce, J. Q. Roud, Crosb.y, lis@i. My f)iuperty viilié értlaaîtéd sud tram a ite could lot gel lber hreatia anal vu tinancial tandpolnt ifnuthiler héit I>nlleved hy thé lireI dose. Il has bren s vèry unîsuse man . Jakea crecked et s benèbt toa alrMy fsmiiy.' F. B. thé éxpatuse outIheé lova are aiten LaVi,, 1Lîbertyville; GiIAYSLAitE expeusive lu the joker. Iilisv VO LU. OUT lili village vas somévhat Dr. Davson, oi wanvoaads as ea \oi sianamed Friday moraiiag wvon Il vus callér SnndaLy. 1dîscavéréal thel rbbérs had stolon a boise anal buggy blonglag 10 John Amnos Campian, ofElIgins, igvaraîîug Dové. AIl thé moaéy vas takon trgm reatives hère-. the cash dravér lu thé rosat market aud BJuin, tu Mr. and Mtra. Eure Ficher ,orne Ihinge hBad! bean akea from John Fnlday FeU.21, a on. 'inlgsstore. Thé horsead buggy Pridy, Fi). 8verson.foundn laBarrngtan, tsatnnaay, nI. sud MieJon trig ée baumt nu trace of the robliere bas hees Mcllènry, Saturalay, on business.rounda. Mmr. C. G. Hueman spent thé ltter oteCnpexo part o! the Vek viIh friends lIr ThéocumeomplexionPes ru Maukegn. llliounus or constipationa. 1uleas Hreci ton thtre viii tac scié iceslu thé bovéle aroe kpIopen thé impani- the h E. churah Sunday eenlaugi, ies tram thé body appéar lu the toîm couucled iîy thae Epuorîl Longue, at nnsightiy éruoptions. Dé Wita Little Eariy linera kéep theé ivér Andl bouels Fred Converse came trua icm humé in héslthy condition andl remuvé the lui SauthaDakota, Iatarday, ta apeud cause of sucia trouble. C. E. Houper, the gommer vîtta hie raclter lIra.iose;) of Abany, GRa., «cy$: -II toux De Wtt@ Vogt. LittîléEa, iBiser@ for ilionuerss VagI. '[bey ver. jluit hat I nriéeda. 1ama A lutIle aanghbé r utWa. Coails feeling better nov Ia lu yeara. uhu vau burued véry eveiy Sanday Nevergripoonaiatreae. Bafélhorough uuonin, dédat iehoe! géatie. Thé very bosC pilla.F. B. mornng.iedet ier omeMou y-LOYxLn'a, Lb.rtyvllle; GaAysi.'x5s bran"rsiservIcec vire hélal Weduedsy.- PsÂslÂCY.- Surgoiy la nu langer necéssary lu curépiliés. De WitI's Wilcii Rzel Salve curés suOda cases aI once, reov- lag thé ueoéaity toi da ngerous, pain. foi sud expenaive oporations. For eccal , culs, buona, votnas, tamises, mores sud skia dissâmes tg la nuéqualeai. Bewaré 0f 5onlortete. F. Bl. LovELL, Lihertyvîlle; GRAiYax.AîcxPHAaIMAA. EVERET'r. Jamesn#fors la s5h11 very ili i vi riheunahîam. tirs. Fred tia vîriteai tu Ct(agu c fév days this ueek. Mi"s tiymé Zieman lias acceptes! a position la the lty. John and Henry Lancaster heldais auctlon ou Thlirodey. Everythlng li The hurilioutWin. Dorue, of Chicago, Cuok place lu St. Patriek' e cetéry, Thinrsday Fêla l7tù. tira. C. Fagan lm vimiiIg vitia lier moîbér, hie Jas. liedmnonal ntit ber nov abogue neur illghwood je coan- p leteal. The Coiey Launage Sysem usa introduced loitoluthé Everélis chooi iceg veek. This ls e epeadial systéin of teaichlng language andl felpe tihe tescher gneatty luineklng thé rising genonatiun botter acquasitea viCIa thébr mothén baugne. Joe Yore sud Dodo Gibbons sur- pr.lséd Iheir aaay frienals and rélstives lait veék by auioaancîing hir oea- niage visiciataeak place luwt Augnat. Thse happy yaaang couple vili make Iflir home lu <hiago, vheré Jod le goinglaïCa the iuik bilîaiuee vih bs brother, Ell. Vaine. Thé enllre cam. mntatty unité la oxteudlug Io thé happy pair thir hécrtileet congrile- liou andal vlegtheni a long aud 4pppy vedded Ilite. Mir. Henry VanPieu netnroed hume froanlaiad lait Thuraday. Durbng ChoIr passage scroee thé Atlantic comea tiieîr eteamer éncoutitered a cévere sturm snd for awhilé ail ou board éxpécted ta -slnk to the bottoan ut thé s'a. .. tMr. VanPieu gays thal thé Unitéd tates is gond eoungb tor hlm., l0ùeaamooiai Ca n ho Prevented. Titis disease alwcye résulte froni a caïd Or an sltack uf thé grIp said May hé prévented hy thé limély usé ef OhsMtrrane Cougia Rémedy. This Ire$"vas exlenaivey noed duriag théeowdemlcn utla grippéof thé Peut re, jtbars, sud 001 a single cm éhie eVU esaeurcertei hat dld Dot récovor Or Cho4.iiulCéd la pnumouniahlch sbov0tto lhé a certain prévéativo of Chatââlçrouen diseuseé. For @gie by P.- B."-Lovai,, Llbertyvilie; (CLive. LAKE PWA5MACY; J. UP2îaI., Ivaashoe. *WAUCONDA. lin.1P. ilougaton basu movéd onto thé %velch plsce. Mrndi tre. Miler usaved I mb E. Cook'a houge. MI4o Loi& Turabali as on thé sic% lig a ita wéek. Irfa. 8. Ford, of Chicago, se litre at presént vriting. Miss licous Davis vasmiuteéIll thé tiret outIhe ueek. lire.Mtioln @Peut a foudacysa Chicago lat uéok. Abert huiler "Peut a féw days la Chicago receliy. Mî. Clyde Torrencé li vurkiug for Mr. l'utuam, ut ivauhoe, Dr. Jas. Reynolds, o!r('bicagu, le sPenidiug a feudasys hère. Mr. and tirs. Lapliam, vont la Elgin Tnésdasy lu rémelu a fév days. Jlih', Sennot bai moveai Imb othé house foruniry ownea I y Wn. tMarbre. tr.JOue, uhovasgon thé Osmund farta liaisnjoved on thé Dan Oakea Mr. lilory loie, utf itieldl, Ill., n hedouie r Maher the iraI o! the weék. 4 Wm. lisscly, Jr., Who lias speul a nuMsbér 01 munîhe lu Texas la @gain la Wauoonda. E W. Brooks sud Mr. rornence made a business trip tauIaukegan thé tiret ut thé veék. Théo ag béé ut Mris. Lampliere vas pranonnceil a veyor.uajoyaljl@ ait air bY cIl vhu atteudaid. John i Aencér vas caltaid lu Chicago lait wéek un accouait of thé sérions luras utofbiledaughler May. Win. Broughlon la pîeparlng tu moevéluWashington State vhere lhé vili tarte np a govéraimeai dlaim. Théré wIl hé a déhalé by tir@. LaphainsB.S. 8.claminluthé cburch parlure, Friday eveuiag. harca 141h. A numbner of thée nhool boysanaad girls are rehearalasg for a plaj to bc gîven gnon la the Oaklanad Hall. Wateoh for' the date. tirs. Buggies bas nauved ber gouda tain ber ovnusne and vilI accul hiaitoutfit. tir. J os. Rase&ad tarlly oecupy thé other, pari. MisesLaura Harris vas very pléuaatiy surprise4l by a u umber ut thé yotiag peuple Taesday eveaug et the home ut her brother, tMr. WIliIHarrie. M. S. Ford and daughlter, ofChats nuoga, Tena., are »péuding %féve veéka hère vlth frieuds andl rélh*es and atteuding su businese affaira. %1T. andMtie. L. E. Goldtig véal tu Chicago Suaday vhoro 1h07 vili romain untii afler thé graduation of Mn. Goldlag at the Dénial Collage. A Deacouesoi, ttIODd of tira. Laphani tram SaUAiteéé U!.vwu hère lest veek sud gays a very iuteréeting lecture ou --Thé e aeouesand lber DEBRF'IELo F.C. Biederatedt had hie wood c*vod Taésday. Mir. aad tirs W. iH. Wilioot, ot Watukegaaa, vlitd Deortleid Muuday. Our agont A. a. muhiké raye hé hlaks ChIe la goiag to ho c very prouperouai Ygr lu fatm machlaory an ié fiai already sold Ivo ticcorniick grain bladérc, tour mowero, hay rakea, seedore ad a number of allier tanna Thé train vilciacoavoyed -Prince Hénury' 1tu ilwaukee paseed throagb Deoriiéld Taeeday atfternoon ât 2:36 0'clock. A grés a!naY people gaîhe rad at thé deoaI xpecting t10 Cee thé .,Prince," but véré very mach diecppointed uvlng lu thé fait rate that thé trainwun golag. Thé iiteray prugrc.tu thbcgiron Bturday aibI la as loilovs: Roil rail asnewerd hi ruv-rhs. &Assy ................JOiS iiia.eratédt itocttionZ... .... ........ Edua Fritsch t)rertleld Tri ea-e, Reno@ ...H. M. Fritsch Sucety Paper............. tiIeVrrofoie Qjuartette la eharg. Of mis a aKaaaak. Selet iteadiag ....... . John RHb Bloarapiar............ ... P L Jcreeaoa Rfflitation ........... ..... Laura Karch Sielect lteadisait..............uauiliominsi Debate-Réeolvéd, Tsa theé vend oves more te Navigation then to illroadt, Affirnativer Noraîlyr Mdarme Votter Sam lai Franéra iedeWrst,-dt Walter Homstr,,m HOW to Cure thé Gril). Rominlaqaietly st home aud Cake Chamberlain%'e oagh Uemédy as di- éctcd a quick récovery le mure Ce, foiiow. Thar remedy cooateracte any eadeacy of thé grlp %0 réenhi la pnu. moula, vhJch 1l e re.JJthé onlv serions danger. Among tho eai nào! thoumade Who AVe useéd It for thé grlp, aot one casé has @ver heen répurted talai ddso rocover. For sle by F.,il. LovlIîL, Libert.yv'lioGRAYSLARR IA8IY PALATIN E. tire. Catlou lea erlansiy 111 st thé humé ut ber daiaghteî, Mi@. 1 naang at Barnington. Mec liste liorsinuanu, of Chicago, vas a guéet utftir, sud lire. Hors. menzis oer sunday. tir. and tir@. Fred Porep énhertaaied frbénde from Palatine, Deer Gravé sud Plnm Grave Mouday evénlng. tins. F. Ponep sud tamliy bavé loft Plun Grave andi vili tasfound la Hebron, iclieuny Co.. la thé future. Mannléd,inlu Pin nGrové, Thuneday tisrch 6, 1902, et thé home ut thé bride, Miss Sophia Msnmoaîng, lu Cherle Bherusi. A long eund happy litésl tlium. La Grippe Qulckly Cureal. «I Inthé viatén of 18985 and 1899 1 vas talion duvu uith a severe allack of viiat la cailed La Grippé,"emye F. L. ReveIl, s promîinî drugglet uf Win- nli, III. 'Thé anly mediciné I uséal vus Cua haîtles of Chamberlala's Cuga Rernedy. Il broke up thé cold lad atoppeai the cuughlug lîke magie, and I have nover sInce bbeai troubiéd vIiah Grippé." Chamberlain'& Caagh Rem- ody eu alvaye hée depéadeal upoa ta break ap a cévere cold and yard off an, thréateied atîack ut punnoala. It le pleasant lu také, Cao, uhich maliel tho muet deairablé and one of théeamont popalar préparatbone lan ue.-ton hou alimente. For sale by F. B. LoVULL, Lltaertyvblle, GRAiÀsLAxat PHATImAUT, J. MEiKEL, tvanhoé, HALF DAY Mien Allcn tuyère, of Evanelon, le home for a short vieil. Mir. Chanlib Stanclif bai héen suifer- Ing vith aua attack of toncilitie. Miss Dora Foote vbiteal Dr. Heèrtel and! famiiy la Chicago lait véok. Mias Aunie Kohlhérg and Mir. William Lem wuere marrlea an . Wakegea lut Wedneday. tir. Tony tiovre le rocovéring from an atteck o! congeation aof thé lange. Rie mother, Mire. P. Movérs la nov II vlth sasme dlseéae. Mir. Fred Sobroeder le ou jury Ii Wankegan thie véek. MIca Emni 8egert te atayiag vith his cmiliy duriug hie absence. Mir. and tire. gble, Br., are' moviag lu thé Gléasou house.bock of lite ochool house.. Thoir eon Heny anal bridé vill reidé ou theîn tarin. Last Wedueday occarreal tho mer. riage of MieAlveai Moettmau and tir. Hory Bofinler et - Wankegaa. Roth parties are véli and tavorably kuovu hers and Céber m-ny frindse ithein à longad proavéroMe liete ogether. Thé boys gave $hem a roaiiug charIrari Wduuis! oveaing. Whuch are You? Agriculturist or Farmer? Thé tiret makea bis monéy la hie proféeSion, or busiae.,ceand 48l lu impruvemena eou bis tanin and the latter Emakéehibu oS trou, his brus and invet uin We do nos dai: more land, mont- criminate agalueS gagea, Btocsa. andl e.ther on. hit bouds. EflWng lthe patrcui. ago o1 hétbsudana&ail ahe,. valo vieh thé VERY BROT femclng for VAmmes, MAILROADS. CEMETERIES, JAME PARES, Etc. Write ion catalogue ad puices, or, etili btter Oeil ou unr local agenj. 1Li bertyvi lie O. I.LLUCE, - - - - Illinois AUSTIN CLEMENT, VICE Png$#DENT, PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 200 Monroe St., Chicago, WAGONS Fish Bros. Miflburn. Stoughton:ý' Farm Wagons, Teaming Wagons, MiIk Wagons, Farm Trucks. If you are in need of a wagon of any klnd get our price. It wilI be right. SCHANCK BO. Libertyville FCOAL ID.L& thel3est Wehandie the h4est brand ever introduced in Libertyville, viz: the D. L & W. Brand. We also have a complete uine of lardware, Lîîînber Farm Implements, Buggies, Etc. WRIGHIT BROS,. Liberty !ille - - IIio t 1- 1 -4 A RENTED EARM 1 O O E for >niuîfliy bave to jîtili up and( move off at atnv tum, if the lanîd is sold. wliereas if yon OWNý aH!î vXlMASTER! ind L!tol t I ad vattage of the increase inî val un. P R 1 C E S from $6.00 to $45.oO lier arpayment dowit of ONE-TIIIRD punrvease price. Ba1aDw<, ou easy payneîîts, extexîding oi'er as many ytir as îîeeded, ut Iow rate of iîîterest. - Illinoisi m 1- 1 ---4 1 D. C. LORIMER, Agent 1 r

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