CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Mar 1902, p. 5

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Confidence Ili business of tie country lm condlicted on confidence. Wliei, yoni depoit rnotey ini a Wbank, you select onie ini whicli yoit have cou- fidence. The one inii which yoîî have'confidence lmi the one whiehli as conducted its business legiti- mately. We occuîîy titis poition i n the grocery business. It is hy honîorable înethods we have gained the confidence of the people. If yoit are not our etustomer, give uis a trial, and you wiIl find a satisfaction ini huyiîîg that yon have neyer ex- perieîived before. TRIGOS &N TAYLOR- WHELSHEIE S WMEIS The Wheel Season is Almost tlere. NO W IS THIE TIME-uoà- 'ru seect your wheel for summer. We have a sîîpply of good wheels to select frti, rl-ngiîig il, price frOm $13 tIi $35. Darby Brothers, - Libertyville - - - Illinois. NEW LOT 0F CHI[ORN's MISL3 1', 0OS ['8 * Slioes VICI KID RUSSIAN CAII PATENT LEATiIER ENAMEL LEATiIER The "Florence" Sewing Machines ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST We Seli Theme SMITHI & DAVIS, DEALERS IN 6ueral merchatidise. Libertyville 1 z il - Illinois. j1 i Cisaille Wllilams lsa mployod lu tise vire nmitse aiWankagau. Chas. Ray, of Miciigan. vswu nlovn this veek, lise guel0of hii fahar, Rolt lias Clara AverUt aitait lu a musical entertainumet a$ Harvey, Ill., lent Thnraday svenisg. W. . Milter la ln attandance apon lise ronezlir sh meoêiag aoflise Board of supervisorsinluWaukegan Ibis veek - John Lee ylishave hieis ouseisold gaudi removed 10 Wbukegau oeil veek visite ho bas a poistion lu te vire vorks. Ulm Beily, of Fon duLsc, W la., and Miss Laurs Lolberg, 01!Mlwîaukee, Win., speut Nunday ttMines Clara Aveil. Tisere la a lutIle lavIs polilles lu tisa air. Who yl tn agaust Super- visas Miler ls tise al absorbliug qneation. Marcis came lunitelîher bail nor good. Hov itl yulgo out under &Lisee circnmsancas laisard 10 prediet,as"te old sav Sues not cover tise case Presit, îmoked and ml fiai ntWAI.- auNsi,,1il2p D. C. Loriluer han tise sgancy for lilifs fertlllzerinlu viicis every fasmner ssonld lie interestei aIttis »Oin of tis euxoa. lSes iet ad. Au ouI of tovu paty socured au option ou J. J litioi'a property ou Mlauakee Ave. Ilut veek, but sas jo an outrîgis isae bosnDot been con. mamated. Bort Wilcol vitii etart for Spokana, Wasis, Monday. It la poisibla his b)rother Ellsworth Illviigo vlit ian. titougit for te premuenthiaitives viti romain luntRockefeller. H.IB. Eger recelved a carl oad of hugglep, surreji sud toad vagons Wed- uesdiy. lis Eger proposes 10 prepare lu ample lime for te nuatilprleg tl"inamntifor con voyances. Mardi 1t E J. Madole severed hi., conueccion viit Warod, ment Mar- ket. .Jus&tvitllebIntentions fur tise future are wu are nont lufrrmed, but l la said ite proposes lu reul a farin. Ber t Attatiti, who disposeSi of bis mtik bulsuess tant vesi han nos jet docided vitlise vilI do but probably vili engage lu the te so.k bnyiug bulaneas. Tise Macoroul factory le runnuing vush a tigist force tiIs veok, tisougis lis condition la but lemporary aud il je expected aIl bands vii li e put 10 voris agatu lu a fev day,. Material isas beau orderod for a nov bsouse for tise Editoj 10elie erecteit ou Lake street ai boad of Brainerd Court. E. McDonald has te ,onlract, isaving subiesthtie mason vork te Frank Dusenberry. Alitet Llitlleied relurned fromn Nebtraska thiti, eek, vitere ho bsas heem vorking for neveral mouts. Ho ex- pecti 10 go vesi igain aller a fev veeks @peut vils relatives lu titis localily. If ltheareuapirants for any o! tise varions lowu offices it inslimne liey made themselves kuowu, andthtie INI)EPEJN'T la tise proper medium to couvey te knavledge. We are isore for tat puspose anS villing 10 serve auy sucis at 5 coule pet fiue. James Clark tat voek purcisaed of Austin Brus. tiseir milk business and la nov a togular callen escit mornlug on nearlj every Libertyvîlle family. Jia je not a nev isand atitI, as nome jeans ago ha conducteit a milk route lu tise village. His covs are mostly Jersey. and consequently patrons are ecelving a superlon grade o! mlk. "lite village lav makens met liouday ugitih, teit regniez Match meeting. No particular business of importance came befortise board alîhougis severai topîca of lulereat veto up for discus- sion. among lsen lte sMot machine, insplred becanso a Ciicago fir pro- poseS Installng ivo or tisree iliste local saloons. Tise board vas emphilotu île disapproval andt adopted a reaolntiou voiclng seutil. mente of me'nbers lisereon lu regard 10 sMotnmachines. Commeucing Ntiuday lise tlis veek's Loulou miviion viii open ai Saints Peler and F'anIs Cathollo cisurcis durlng lasI mass. Tise retigion&. exeoises vîlIlibe conducted by tise 11ev. J. Douchor, one of tise moat gifted aud eloquent putpit orators af tise groat Jesuit Order lu tise voit. As many subjeotsof special inleest vHl be discisesod durng tise pragresa of lisis mission a cordial Invitation le ex. toufd toa&l to be prsuitSblis Mrt. and M»r. Citas. Lng &pont lent Bturday Mnd $îiay visltlng relatives lu Chicago. Wm. A. BIsupe. of Bell, Montana, vited w» im aunu, tMrs. W. W. Bulkley nd Otite r relative. tise latter Mir&. Chu. Austin, of Rogers Park, and Edwa Austin, of Chicago, vae the gugafa0f Lîbertyvilla relatives lise latter part 0f91lut voek. Monday Govornor Yâtes isstted a proclamation declariug tise election of Arthsur B. Fron.t as a jndge luntis circuit pt5uAIiI 10 lite vole casl lait veek Tuesday. Prince Henry passeS trougit Lake Connty Tatday afternoon ovts te St. Paut rsilro6d, enroulete 0Mlwvaukee. We faled tomse hlm, but witl survive te disappoiftlent. Mev. C. B. TIaylor, of Mancisester, la., aund som ev. T. B. Taylor, of JudepeldOêe, la_, visiteS lise Liberty- ville Talof5la couple of daja tii week. TMsai ere outeir vay bomne front Toronto, Canada, visera lhey baS hea in attendauce upon a MlsionRly Convention. Fnank Dy.z eutertalned a untier of bis frnef At carda %Weduesdsy nigisl. il vas ne of tosRe ejoyable social aveuli of wviîciwe bave recordeS a large nuflber te present sesson anS visicisbond4go enlîrcu lthe commnnity anS furai" deligitîful socwial en)JOY. meut for 1h00. partipatlng. Win. ltèvenison btai brauched imb tise ladies taiorlng business.lHe isa@ a liue 0f vallons styles, etc. and la prepa!ed 10 fake ordars for a Oleago eU&bisîihnêtf,-iiatug a apeciatitY 0f thse ladies taioring business. Mr. Stevenson guarmutees perfect its as the fovuaare made tla uauremenla taken by hlm lu eacis case. John Engel visa vas iteld 10 lte (;rend Jury for breaking a windov lu lise Lbertyvilte Motel hat Outober anS ha@ silice boml inte eouuly jaJI was notlnidicted and vas relessed Wdenday. Jlm Dyer. kuowu ibere- abouta s i'hlacft Jack" vas iudicted for ptîy larceny. 1l viii be remem. boraS ho alole au overcoat from Clark's Motel several weeks ago. Vole vas visaitdby Ihievea recently. rihe local meat maket and lioaing'É store vere raldeit. fro thtie former nome soyen or eigist dollars belng laken and ra lise latter a quatity of mercisaudise. Tise thieves then stole a horse and buggy of Johu Dove andt made good theit escape fro thlie [oiocty. Tise horne and buggy vere found near Barlngtou the folloving morning. Superlutendent Ives, o!fte Chlcago1 A Milvauikee Ilectric road vas lu tovu Weduesdiay. Itla1. iinteS à change le likely In tise rlght-of.way slected for te proposeS extensionà from Lake Bluff go Llbertyvîlle and tisai poosly lise Lake Connty Clay and Oravel company viii dispose of liseis pi 1tutheliseelOie people, in iticis ease tiserigis-ot.vaj vîli lie 10 liseà nonsh of te ue nov belng negotiated for and cati le pnrcitased for muech las money. This ta of course but rumon anS vo are unable 1, tnl,- siantiaeofil. Ou Sabblt t ev. Wai. A. Ilurci, Fi- nanciltSecregary of Nort-vesteru Vn- lveraity, viii preacis for Dr. IRobinson. Tise evoniug ieourse vililie an edu- catianalladdroa vhilciias been lgisly spokeon of as a lecture, vilh tise tille, -Rafla o! Fame" Mt. Burcis ls a fne speaker and boldo an important offi- ciet position. His father vas pastori hors lu 188(8. Ho vuaa tudeul of Dr. Rtobinson ai Jouinga Semluary and laler agraduato t Evaustoe .Ali ii do veil 10 isear ii. A nuaber o! pollliclaua front Wan- hegan voeslu lowu Salurday ulgist lu lise Interces of 0. 1R. Lyon's candidacy fat renomtualion on te repubiîcan1 ticket, for represeflialive. Tisey veto feeling lise pulse of Liberlyville votera tu deteraitte juil visaI support tMr. Lyon migisl expecl, and declasedj theraselves as veti ploasedvili thue prospects bore. I9 look@ a.s ongi tise factions vould "get togetite-S" tti jean and avoid a fihtgii sbas ocourred ivo joara ago, and Mr. Lyon seaei 1 isave but lim1e opposition titis lime. Lockjew lirons Cobwetîe. Cobvebi put on a ont laiely gave a voman ockjav. Millions knov tisaI tise but thing tupuat on a ont la Buck- len'a Arnica Salve, tise infallible isealer of Wonudg. Ulcerti Sortes. 8kimErup- éloaw. Burns, ScesM Md Pile. Ih cures 0 1 Duet-l .. - .. .A'Jil Neading...... solo.- . Iteadinu. . mRIC (Juatttt. C. W. Taylor. E. H. Smithî. le. andArthur Millie, ....Mr.s. ittoslu .... ... uy Eills .Mrs. Uclutosit W. M. livath O, A Heath BEJ. IM. MILLER. Att.rn-Y. A DJLTIOCATION NOTICE-Public Notice 1s hmreby given tisat these ubvriber. Administ.rator of te Estaite of Maria Barbarà Enopfieorased. wiiiattenid Ihe Co.tutîCourt Of Lake Count. ai a toratu tereef to le holden et the Court Hou"s lu Waukegan lu Raid county. oun te firat Monday ofi kaî next 10M t euand wbere &ili venons bav- iug (OViltsaoAntflR aid Estate are notiiied and re uested te preseut thteRamue te saId Cour dldiation. HENY A. KNOUF. Amnsrtr Waukeiaf l. . 17.1502. 20-1 Dow..M1. MILLER. At-re. A DUDICATION NOTI<'E-Puf)lic l' àto is Bbereit, giecu thât te subecrîbor Exeacutril of te Last Wili and Testament of John Meikiedeoeased. wliiattend te Ocunti Court of Lake Couuty. et R term thoeroe 10hololln t te Court Houa.,lu Waukotr. lu saad CouDOn th@ieirstI Mon- day of ynext. 1402. w en and vibre aIl versons havîng aims a"snst sald Estate are notiied aud requested te preseut te ame toeR"id Court for adîdleation. MMNIO 0.ME K LE. Executrîz of te LasI Wili and Tetamneut of 'çhleteduosaed. aukegan.. I.l, ob. 17. 190 e0. atm5.. H.UE.LER, Atam.y. ADUDIOAT[OX NOTICE-PubtcNolise deesssed. wlll attend te COuuty Court 01 IsikeCounîr.&taatera thero 0boe oideu aI the Court Boum. in Wauksa.ln said C>)ont.onitbeflrslMond4yofMaYnASt.1ffl2. vben andwvbare al verffons itaving 01IimS a&a&MMt@&idlstaeare notilimd and reîauested t0 pirosOt te same t0e..aid Court for adîudloat4on 99E1tY A. KNOlPF. AImniaisIrat or Waukouan. IM, .Foit 17. iRil. 0-4 PEOPLES' COLUMN. FAE-Wh -Wyaudott,,ege ,)u kegs ai 750 P-r tattittE. tuuire 0of BOL»,. UbertYtlIe IIL 21-41, W AlTED-Two tlo0f arrote Aipî ut GIRATTOs STOciXFA B. î F Or SÂL-Fsrms lu Lake Cout, sigo Ir verahl ue jpImts of proprty lu 'jîTertîvile. E. WAyNE Cos.T. 1-6mo pd. pad fr O~ AKtriou at W. T E~ts0 Mnufturing Cors. pais betYville. 2o-tf d Dry, ôo o d PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers.e C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la l3fect Sundsy, October i0, igoi. t 1:oî a. m. TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. WZKE DATS. WEK D ATS. O.part Prom New Deota. ArnlVe ai Ne W Depot. 1.,av.. Lt rtrvliie Arrive Citiuago No 131. lm. Ar 'e 5i,r1viS * :. " 55. lu............5940 IL i..... 1220 P. m. ............ 1 . m t 5 .. .10 ...........344 P. m. .875... .................m eu P.e .............. . 5I. M.*:O' .......t1î NO :h ... 7 Ma. m ............ 40 a............6:01. . ... .... l:56 TO CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. ['&part ya.;SES; DAIS. wK s Dpr rom OId Depot. Arrive at Old Deoa. Leave Lliirtyvlik, Arrive Chica.go. Laye 010.550 Arrî'., LIbert yvIlle. No. l ta.....8: a. im. ...........t7:»a. m. No. olt ..9.310& . ........10 4â a.m. 18 15 . sn...... .....346 a. In .. * ...u............ 8U11 9:0i.o 6. Mm. -14.. . 1:3 p. m............4:doP. M, 145 ...6:40Il. ........... i as16à 'p. 5UN6Dà8 SI scYR. No.13 ta.. 621a. m .......17:35 ILM. NO. . 13 304. n . 1045a. m. -148 . :20 . ...... ..... 6:50 . m ilUnots viii show tise &snny oulu ber isoplllty Ibis veek. Tise gov- ernor, hie iaff, severat Culisago social clubs and several isnndred cilizeus wil leave CIsicago naxi Satnrday afternoon for Charleston go he preseu l linlois Day aI lise Exposition. Tttero vili be bauds Of muBiC. special trains and stop& en-tourage at lnteresllug points u inte soutisland. Tise ronud-trip fare vili lie $41, Including taealaduring theellin- erary of eighi deys, and a sleeping-car berth t Inîgis. Tise governor and hie party go over te Illnois Centrai. vhile tise oliser trains viii go over te Udig Pour soute. Fort Suapler, (itick- amanga. Asieville. Chtattanooga, Nasit ville, Washinigtonland otisor pointe vili ho vioiled. Uoveruor Yaleti, Colonel Fred Smis, of Peorla, Prasideut ofthlie Illinois commission 10 tise Exponftion, Major Alfred Russel], uf Chicago, Maor Carter H. Harrison, of Chicago, (louer- al John C- Black, of Chictago, Hou. E. 8. Couvay. of Oak Park, W. T. Abitott, 0f Feoria, Senalor H. M. Dunlap, of Ma- voy, Senalor James Wilson Templeton, of Princeton aud Congreasman (George E. Fos@, 0f Chicago, will make tite addreses. DaIvis M'orse. Wodnesday W.E. Davis and Mise Lillie Morse, unisekuowu go but a few intimais frtends, veul 10 Evauston and vere married by 1ev. Wm. Burcis, teavtug ihere ties ame day for a Ivo veeks souteru trip, duriug wvici time lisey vill vieIl lthe Charleston Exposition. Mir. Davis la promineni lu Liberty- ville'iretes, a member of tise irm of Smitis à Davis, and van for severai jeane principal of lise Libertyville achooti. Thse bride &tontulime laugst lunlte local achoota and isas long been au lnt.rested vonker lu lte Metodial citurci suad auxiliary orgnizallons. Shinl higisiy esteemed amoug a large circle o!f iencis, viso nulle lu expres- ions of good vitI aud visites for iber future isspplnus. Mepubtican Townu Caucuis. Tiserepubtican towasisip canons of Llbertyvilie viii occur Balurday allter. noon, Marcis lus ai Libertyvllle Town hall, for lise purpose of ptaclug lu nomination candidates for te follow- ing Offices Supervisor Agaemsor Cotiectos Clark Commissioner of H igbvsaym, un. dimf. Constable Sool lruâtee and 10 Iransact stîci otiter business as may c<îme bleore lte cauons. F. PROTîNE H. B. EoEît CHAS. STOLZMAN, Town Com. leocratic Town Catscun. A democralie canons for lte tevî of Llbertyvllbe vii li e ield lu tise 1 owo Hall Match t5tiset 1). m., for lte purpose 0f plastug lu nomiuationî candidates for te folloving ottie for lte jear 11(12 Stîpervisor Towu Clerk Ansessor Coliector <'omalasiolter of ligliwta-Y, Uo dist. lichool Trustee Consabale, and 10 granaact suri olter iîu8iuts as ruay corne before te cauctia. 'bu SHRI' COMIiTFRE du»icul aud Literary. AISlte M. E. ciurcis ou Frtday oveu. ing, Marcis 7tit vili oocur a musical and lllerary enlertilument, partiel- pateS lu by Ht,. Ada Mltfboi, of iBarringtott, aut locutlouiltof acknow- ledged ahi lily. and local tlent. Tise program hla Piano Solo.. ... Miss Ethel Tay lor lleadluE........ .Mzs. NeI ltocit Duel .M1te Lydia 8mlt. C. W. Taylor Groceries,.. We carry the hest of' everything the grocery ie. Ouir stock is aTh fresli anid ceain. Xi We îîay the lîigî lîrice for prod in exchange. * fl- ooWHITESALES-o, Ilax ing pttrchased fromn a prominent Manufacturer of Muslin Underwear bis Une of Sanipies at a big discounit from reg- utlar prices, we are enabled to offer yon Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Chemise Drawers and White Aprons for less thani the pr*ice of the material. Yoit will fiîid a great variety of styles as iio two <of the the garments are alike. We bave also about 3 dozen Knit Coreet Covers, mercerized finish, some, trimme(I with liiien lace which we seli at haif actual value- 1 Mc 1 M>c& 2~o THE FAIR, I Libertyville, Ilinois. ..PURE DRUGS.. At Lovel's Dnsx Store. 1 T PAIN T AND OILS F. Libertyvil le LTOILET ARTJCLES PERFU MES PATENT MEDICINES B. LO VELL, - - - Illinols. De cut 1$ nomi For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You get the itîcreased and growing service Of tba Cotnnty Telephone Company and connection *ItO Chicago Telephone Compa.ny. For Information, rates, etc., write. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT., Lovel's Drug Store, I , butshhi~* tUelà .hîtst receîved a large ietw stock ým 1Flanntelette-4, liait 'iouil anîd Al 1V*à Waisti tigs. Ask tî see our nerverized Gingham, They are daîîdies for the money. irmerT ad speude l Iom his faMI 'e do Dot di> luate egaisat: von*. but, the Patroni- for iAimis, MIlmaos. ghtodn igonsi XI

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