CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Mar 1902, p. 6

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loinaItll'iti. il l'Ilt A R R IED lit:peabl. len aid net knw-" "I die.e uknow notlng. 1 ha"e ai- A D ready toitd yen that.1" A "is. amnomeu'1 icanet hber te yen, coin- NOT mAED anda. miadamne." i TI. blood rmaheal te er tace. Elle, etampsd bat fat on th. dry andl crack- liait brmmhveed In the. momentary forgat- fuie.. et the passion that consoumeal her. 13Y -atIrA- 'Bpak-t.l me plainly vbat yen 0010 He. .mlled. Hi@ eyes glasc.d bock ta the beautlful Gothie building. wlth the OlIAPTER .--(Continued.l tremeor or the. white band. m Win, nlantereatiig on . podter g.- A bot. ultry murning. Not a breath ut Tht. Cout leaned ageinst tht. asi, e.,adlne ldw.adlldte air any..bvrr-nu& a hase of burniug Oakt chinnney pleet and ismlied fnettvelyres cuabine. soif a aky wbome cloudleas brul- beueath i henvy mutacha. "'Yonr non bat a flna lnherttanc." lb. lnca wa lie a dream et ltaly. "A crever woman.- ha thongt te him-. 'emaet.. it would b. a pty if am- lit vas not often tiat [vrtGraut let self; "she braves It et w.ll. But w. ah"Il thln-aay 11W. untoraaaeu ndstat m e S m rona ia l'iccadilly before jte ouei, see-we sahilse." te tom hlm ot oetlbts poaaeullea. Would iilenanet.retht. arduooosdutit.. ut the. "May 1 ive you nome tes, Cont?" I net. madame?' 11e[uoehold Co'ujrv rquired his attend- aaid tht. clear, weilibreal volt.,eofthe . h. bit ber llp te keep baclt the ontý- 41ac. t a leve,- or revîe But heb ail hosteat. burat et rage that lougeal tor vent. 8h. s- e.. t tht. oivuarranted hour ut Bine Hle bowed iuw. tlilt eyea met hier$. made oe T ant effort te show broit 0 la rnrnng. dule tht. test part ut "With pleasure. madaum." tearleâs; te dtif hi. even whle ths tee~ anheur ever breakfast, andl the.. de- 1'My dear Ivor," she toal san epportu- rer at ber heart tnrned ber icit and claorint that thhe et niloor was unea- îy te say te her sot a tew minute sharne andl andaen dread. iabte. etrliled oui t. Heturnt.d ahruptly later. -ehat mtade yen brin a toreigneir "Tue wouid h. better empleyed iu pue- ut etRiteet aireet. aud on throogh bere lu the. ahoit eaaan? Yen kuow uint thé sport yen pretenal te emmla- ,Vaaer Squanre. they eau never underataud a gon."1 erate inteed ot preponndlng riddles te A strng otfcramagea impeded his *On the rontrary, my dear metier." ume. Conat. AIiow me teaiget-" Woegaa and attractcd his attention, Bt. luughed Ivor gaihy. 'the. noble Britisb "Pardon, madame, 1 arn net Je@tina. !.laced duavu tovad tht. tashionabît. intitution ut 'le sport' and la boxe' are A. you "y,. hoever. va baie tenc.d dcucat a girls lght words rang in rbecuzutur qulte poputar amntn out' nelgh- lung t.uough. 1 came here, net as yen? lea m r going to join tba noble bon." aunas guest. but te t.e yen. My renaaea. jiny et martyrs" iar.eyen known hlm long?" ont. only. andl a y simple one. t knnw "ByJoe~ hethugt.brathlessly. 'No.Ieieen l ln. .yen are devotet.teyeur son. i know i**Oeuld it e-she' v.eeyweatlaaae. n o that ht. la Sir Hetor's beir-éatenaily. The carniages were drlviug up artd pt rave about hm. Ha la a sort et universal 1 arn pusesed et. m norainta tisa dvu their treight ut daiaty mll- genlus. I met hlm t floche,, Maya:; concerna yen Ana hlm. That la tht. causa inesy andl martyreti uauhood. That la- Iyen know your litti. protes@ wbe mer- ef My pre en heme.Wili Yen mast cat J0taut'. heitation et hi@alied brought hlm r id-" yenr tee ver tais paper? With the tru. lae a etanatlil on tht.e ege ot tht . p--'Yes, y.s," salal Mra. Grant, "I knev charactt.ristics of yonr charming tex. yen )Meeat. Another carrage daahed up. Juat ail ttI. BuIt I boecridt man la ail rt;ht. dOnbtlta dioike statiatica., Dates ara a.rapldly as.lhe seemed tu take in the i mean-" an abberrencs te yen. Nevertheieaa. duar tctitaat it aas the. bride.sudd . fer ous aatoiahed glance stepped madame, date. araeaeluetinme. very Imper- ai. taire la tht. kuuwitdgt. ut wbo tht. ber, tant thtnga. Intance the prueét tilla." lulde vw.. "My dea, mother. vhat has cen, te As be apohe he bandt.d ber a paper, a A beautltul. pale tae-mure be-autitul yen? Of cour. em' ail atgbt. Goeà amail printea lsilp rut out apparentty titi vith 'ta shrond ut gusamer lace and tamiiy, pieuty utof oey. Il tht. talents. trornome ortreigu journal. She giancad af1r»pa etf orange loaaoma -and twa Why. everyune'a runniug atter hlm." At It. tdeep. aesot eyea met hi gaz tor une rapid1 Tht. net mornîng al uns huaste andl "I havre seen tist t etore.' ah@ said. e eet. Hie couid car'-eiy tell whether prep4ratt. Tht. sportsmen met atoCril centaemptousxly. aud puabed it séide. heland recegniaed im-there had been breakftast. attirealin luegh hoenepona Agnis he amled. l ias te bow-wbeu the carnagte mev- aud tweeds, andl fuit of Engtlsbmeu'à ex- "Have thet ooduess nov te read this.. e116and h. wn fret. te fulo' ia in- citempttet the prospect etf '.ornthug fit va. a lttter this dîne that lie placed des et croaaing the rond anal pro- te klL" Tht. preaarve. vere pronnunead la ber rminetant hond, and on which ber el iegte tht. park. te hé la aplendlal condition by tht. keep- eye ftin l a giçnce ut abhorrent receg- Likae me la a dr«arn tht. girl tundit er, thé &Ott gcm, baay ky gave tale nition. -Tt la datad. yen observe. tve bermaltrepentieg the formula et tht. mar- premis.etf âns wether thon Oe u me. years latar than tht. printeal announca- mia.. vituaL 8h. wn pertectly solf- belliant weuhd have dont., Bot cuRas menbt."b. salal, lowly and sigiflcantiy. sd.m& o much a, sem, et ber andieomelettaes. belng wralowed "The interenca la ciear." '01-thegbt. vbo deemed that teare dewn vtth àaspt.ed tee haty te, appts' No ter verdm nov. no need fer "0 ierwueaa vers a sine. qua non for dlatien., analet thheod oet the table aMt explanation. Only a paie. terriffledfacs s i de. the prend, atmrouean wbea Cot D- tsediltaelt lu unapeakrabie auguish te RIse tvrds ber lips frarned teli Uke a -edore aynnceasiugly watcbad. th. brlgtening skY. as if eekin thera 4911a«nse supon ber heart, andl gava ber Oh. leeke no calm,sau erns..smesa- ftsme bepc lu tIis mement et herrer, ~alum ien" ofet realiti, a Mnsofe trouble&, tbat It wau diMeulot te amacate A roment-tve--three paased by. At ÇVor laetea au ahe badl heard t . itI anythlng dark or mytcieu. tst ber white lips movt.d. Tbey oaly 5O . abs"0aw naverTula amy ay grssped OWly a ertala aIsrvena tramer &beut tbhe jetfaitI tvo ends: 1111111e Ilon adis. isalips, a stualted avoldammet 0<oa. "Yen, pricer" 1 U mmii al» Aievlly meau me much7 A facs shealthat ther va».ufltbliat H. nethar Bluub.d nu paiad. Pehbaps *09we sole, san nnmpaachable Idellty, bemaasth the pWeeco-Mpos «. ba h. had no tinclnes eofdlcaCY te veund. *"ma resis tt keop thons vote aotwagd d t.nramthlns that enly -Trhot wîlI raquire a loger Intaerview M t 011110111the bond, la litte, and piitl a el glsudni atcbtul eya enuidhave te arrange. Bealdea, yen vitI uatura.Uy A Et 1f014 mto tha .,& Wby bali. obesee& vatprootfs. 1IAatbaihahappy tea aferd - bue etas aa < befoea? And wlay Eaata ,. h peydacad i theum. W*.»tbkkofIJeaMW, &a& lu sisgo Leebr. Wv e a tm a komae ptem&an, Sb. boved. 8h. aanmad te bava pasi ~tt me eily tve tatled. aiewa daspte hun t= e aersaa, acempan- et eod@l oe fspeb. A feint bsu a 9 Il at Md the ani a t oa e u s. .ontvwu decaeatd, and wel hayealail pte ance or sm ise a.. .et! adaainitthsIebum ULMn. a.stU alm e tarettra t kW o n td at nchs r f eaev uen hel iua-a muan vle l ft et etht ma.nhg reeina everleeklng th. park. h. sters, bva P- tai, hanisqua face br DUtttea- vau ne umnatflue lady, but a veanan y r. Ohlekeal at tisa mehnhf. bsmiiaaoste t&ot , ~plain-ftet wvthgod braîns andnomuud .judgment' long en vILerend .dreamlîkateîd ep 1"*14aal dgating au nerronaly et br anl ahse dtstel idienea. and frlvlilty as adda-lapeddem ctaa uldat-1eue ancwvmen eau.aThtaidrnlng lâme vas a sûîr sum bde utiaaie hiever, er dars ad brou gven (eb otne. vas anias non John'saram nw, anmdtftl- anal ber correspondenee answered. ah* levias Lb. clergyman té Lb. vestry. Bsha seamt.d nabla te stti. te »my et ber POUGHT AS SOUVENIRS. ,,a heuix if th -a tAa m a stresOuail avena*tten; a strange r.stlasane. = barUehee nouredtlea. pousesd ber. Oh. itartal t eae.rysennd. D»lsone.lg of the 01.1 Dealkafren t V wu ya ea egmatuatns ber, andl At lait, erd dempeata hy tht. et- Mnof etRpreiiutatieob. wttis ber, a«d ber father'a ey.. vers lemn«iL %ho dr«»ad enit tor waiking A scra.mble la belng made by metm, ditsead yet happy. 1The ts,het ltm»d treuitot tiers of Congréste peasca. the Ihucard- vaorn accompilhed, and l chld'a fu- The treei vereaiaready growlng bâte ed deaka whlcb furulahed thé Hoosi ture assnred. and laafleiu. Tht. early day et Septeus- for se many yeara prlor ta the. maheg- -ber baaitbbeu heraldeal by ferc. gales anal nDy ele.gance of the Fltty-eventb Con- CHÂPTER [t. mach ra * , andl tha golden pemp et tht.lre« What &te jet t ut theae deak ana l thepesant mranug reem aet Grant- autumn n 'oode bal auffere .évereiy. She litesCeurt twe peoenware aitting et teeir:ber wayr threugh tb. hautitni eim- toredlIn tht. baaeanent auder the reo .uaaaakt.t.trea avenu. that wus enaoe the gloria,,tunde ut the. capîtul. and daily tlmcy ana A tresait vith a prend, sai t are that of thé Court and tolloweal It for tnlly a hnntt.d t.rough by saine Relreenta. bote trace et came anal anxitty. anal a mlile. 8h. bad set ont vlth the. bte,- ive wbo realiles titat bere la an Oppoer- s ean iet ixty yeara, banasout. hal, do fsegoing te tht. village, but suddenly tuulty te perpetuate him glery as a na- beatt, gond ta look ai stil, depite the altereal ber mInd, anal tomaI off inte eueetional lcgiatur. andl eatablah an heLr. bà&vrk et rite. Thé morulng pont ot th stades, vbere tht.ftra grew hlgh loern Lu bist amiiy tu beenatal by biW 'ad cn la, anal they were both busy almest as a man'. elbev, and the tirent cthldrt.u'a children as an Incentive te wlth their eorrepondt.nce. lite. Grant. tram shut out Lbe taint sulighit. Purou-0 vsthé fret te break tht. silence. She lut a nrrew ottj the h came et lent erary anal atte.rnahlp. ber rther-in-lav, ber te an oeéliin nthe. veed. Thae ld At the lu. t essionwbt.u the lieuse Vacs ligted up vith expectation and d,- Court tacel ber tuiiy vhere ah. stou; dedél te returnlsh. a r«.olution wus oegt. but theughbabr eyes cngât .lght et lit pasiel tlint members who deiral tu "lt e .cemlug at lait" thae ma. with Lb. tente ut semethlng longr kuovra purchase théir ol desa iabounlb. al- '"Ah." saidSilr Hetor Grant, meeting and tamilar, ther startled glance.noer lowed te do se aitsr a pricéhbal beu ben deigbted gtance vitb deight os rested onuIt, au It eemel te ber, but vas eitabllahed by an onction o à et fe "that t. goo. Wboum dues bie caoght andl arresteal mldawy y a fligure them. Chef Cierlt Wilama J. Brovn. b riair' tandlng mat a fsw pactes hyua-thés "Young De G ray-be vas bere lant liguraetra man leaulu; lghtly un ble 1ug et tht. foua. va. chargt.d wt toir Veer. yoo know-aud a Capt. Forayth. son. anal ganasu wltb a curions ,ntetnest nylng eut the resoluten. anal li. andl tvo ther trieuds vhose Dames1 at the. distant building. The seunal et Browning la fiudlug hlmtasuirone. whch dée't kaow. Ont. in a toreigner. t think. br atep made hlm tom. Thlr e. met. needa not eniy commerL'll nstnct, but sometblng. I cant rend ut A amliet triumph crossaI bis lips. the akli et a dIpIOrnatý ie if yen eau make it eut." Ha lfter!alhI.bat anda dvannced. Pl, lu order toa acertaln tht. wlah of "W'bat hieroglyphlea tht. boy doeseagt," startled, the luokeal tul loto Lbe dark lauglied bi. oncle. as.lie rau hia eye ove, tact. and amîîîng eyt.s: an lueolutary ex'members in thia regard Mr. Brownng thé henty *crawl Iror haed pennt.d. 'Cont ciamation escapesi ber Upc: sent notice. toe tach of the membera et - Wbat in beavena nDame aIt T " I thought you went tor a day'ms hoot- thé i'ty-sixth Cougreua aking theiz Not, i cant moaeit eut. No utotter. lug, Count?" te cormnrnucate thair deslrea te Dliral Ivera triésals are aivaaswtlcome. He 'Tht. day la net hit ever pet, mad- vrlting ou titis matter. A tew respond- bas ritegoual toute te bring those vortb Bame," hé sala, vlth that curions torelgu ed. but Lb. Indications vere, op te i kaavlag. Ht. dont aay mucb &bout intonation that awmys sent a ahîver et short trne aga. that Limé deki ver, te him"aelt.1t ee.' remenîhereti pain îhrough ber veins whs-n- be a diai; outht. market "No," an-taereti Mrs. Grant. 'tljt- ever she liearîl It. It aas me lite-se itke Js eoetepeetCn uu teru t.tely hart. been very retîcent. But, a voit-e utfitr long pat youth. "This utbtr ieprsn ege.a ot course, hie la su mnch occupit.d. tla au uut.ttectt.d plesure." he cotinnési; sambled. &bout seventy-filve ofthe "ide't know that the detiea etr tht. "I knew that I muet reonet hit au deaka vert. sent teaanoctionl toom o»e service are verp arduouso," iaughed ber heursa private conversation with You Saturday ta b. muId for thé poapos et taa.tber. -athuugh the telloara declaré soon. but t hardly tbonght chance would etabishlng a prîce. M'fty et the» thesu se. Weil,.t shaîl be glatiteme. tarer me au rapidlp. YVueare aurprlat.d destinenoV adoru a study-roomu luà Our boy ugao Itas a lotig time ature he to see me. I the. sportsmen but hit enlaissmnrywhttet- won htre.- t an heur or au bact. I arn net wbat yenyuglde'o.murwuetet ira. litant hurtieti swsy te gîvt. or- Engliah cal keen' ou iL Beidea, ln t five vert. beught by souvenir huntera. de"a te the hoonekeper. anal Pedbnally net cruel-a littie'l The. pour, harmaleas It la evident that the anctioneer miased esperiatenti tht. arrangement et roea things fltterng ateut uterry. helieas bis cue luflot lmprauing tht. proipecs fer ber idola. Thit i. ssig inhlet, ah., iu sur Puower, lit.aromen s. t teua te tîve pnrcba.*ér wlth the. tact that many Utol la tht. vast entauce hall avatiug 'tut..if madame aili excuse my compati- gréat men had tormulaea tht. nation's te welconie hi r so. son." poildos beblul tht...sarne deaka. foi Wheett. n-te heard. T'ii., ea deeT- Madame contiuutd te lok oser hlm. hel eeva rcarulgte bound tairtubcd 1etre tht okti replace ayap roz hum. auywhtre, but t hlm e rot. and bluait-tif icul n seiessau There with colal, unsmuilig epezs ana atac. at .10l' )te 11.75 for ech dt.ak Cierk via» a .uuni t oufss-e cor, maly inntero. rigid hut.s, as It ah.e helal ber- Browning bldo that tht. average prîet otepta 'lhben tht. beloseti mure raug eut sef la a determined lf-ltcontrol ne word vas $110Z and vbat deaks remalu Im ia tht taumiliar gretiug: "Weili. mther" ethisa aioaltibreak. tht. rotunda ar e blng uppleal t erae iad trer. wbe avas tam tee afcireMn te "Yen visi te opeak te me-arbat ber. at ths.tmiUe. a no tgrau cn igure nîaraliis d klt1aae t ml.Iteam many of thé members ut theT ant Coi PRINCE HENRY IN THE WEST. Moi Katuer's Brother Ml.a Tfflr of the W Inte.'tor et Ont. Ceuaty. tren Prince Heury et Pras-sia veut up [Look- ifni out Mountain Sund. . vsud atter viewaine blng tht. greuod vbere the Union anal COL'- as tedérate armies met n craulit and hear- Jeal bug atre.h the tory ut ie battît. .açI- aurnealbis jeurney te the. nortb anal weuInl LéaRving Chattanooga bis train rana througb a corner et Alabamarnasd then - N tumniastathe t.nortit hrried scra« Ten- couSs cowOMcthe nesaee, vith a short atop at Nashville,.onta through Kentucky, arttb brief ttas EARDED WlITN $1.000 IGACY nosi at Louisvila anal Bowling Gr@-u, te1 and np lote Indiana to anethar biet hait Lievellyn Masen ut Chicago, te vhum ot. jt Indianapolis. At Indianapolis thé van hequetheti $1.000 lutht. viii ut tbe tels conrse va. clange te tht. westvard lote W. A. Tyler et Biughamteu, N. Y.. h agaîn, and tla train heades ter fit. Lents. as a reward ton bell Ht. mee"ntlca t tht. South vas beapît- sesflu eat able sud demsatratite. The negre.. meut arbile tht. tes- sme mm.teted great cnrlealty as t. th ttrwstaeiq e prince anal thcy interestel and amusaion tht. Chicagoe nd Ch hlm. -Aitan on ceaI. o ne de la Nashvillie 10,000 or more men, vorn- et tht.eldent "on" Ia en anal chldren erovîl the union *Ua- dortoirs in tht..m- -àvs tien and ralroal yards for aalgt ott ho paIs abotrvie.yer îTR MW MPOE. ei royal visiter. Tht. prince did net leava eaot55yasao bis car, buttIron tht. hacitplatform Mml-.nid, anal hua heu. _ enWNE HA IMR . ni. éd bia acknoviadantnts et thé.he sarvtng tt. lte strationa lu bis huire ea .was s gret evé Inlce b beh- ev.atCrpRmouS wse-eS emnterai Cousalla on, t croval t Chattaneoga and tht. people came a Iwama Tbe rnthly crut. report issuel by tne i preactel tht. prince wth a Wh ýalsete ontt.cmpn l ether bureau aaya the nurtbern portion b.. su e tofis visit. Nashville aise made S r ao e h.v& e ba .taa esal e a darnstratien et trméoalllness, as d co rne orm a raliroail tamily, bis 1tather of the lteetih anut rigthw t ntHy 1 Louisville anal Indianapolis.hen en uéitndn tmchnr ,ni an imprevemeat lu thecondtioîn outma [t Vms 8 O'clock vhen the speclal pull- fer tht. Illinois Central. aitrahs eidct' ie h.arb n el into tht. station at Chattanooga. and IMr. Tyler made traquent visita through cru pr wtiu a t Olu. lttanveth.eiunla ud bi tht. local reception cemmittet.. beadeal y the. West, anal lu 1882 met M. Masema. Misseuri, Lb.ountluok being )eau favorable.ila Newel Sanders anal accempanieti y wviteahoveti blmuthe. sîghts trom the. car in tht. euthera portions ut thée.statue tht Pension Comnisaloen H. Clay Evans Windows on tisat trip. Thet or men ha- ani lu Kentucky, Tennessee.and Ankan- bqu anal ten. fiH. .Boynteu, came fervard carne veil a,'suainted, anti ton peanslMr. aa Tt eeeaetaomna h te tormally greet the. prince. Thene nere Tylerunaed ta ride wltb Cunductor Ma-ch he vet an ary ettlargeptioertetÀ ageet throng lu anal about tht. depot aud aon, but the latter decianes that he uéver tt.ohue fvaliey coerea largeprice oune-ftai It broke ttu ht.arty cheéra ahen te idialRamy more for bhlm than he dues et.Cythe brio alld Kanasa tht. rp S. In e- lar prince appearcil at tht. rear et the.'rat r day forPaseugere. Tht. Allen rondlpro- nrase ndinstio.he carporta voent. au Columbia. [te vont. the. nnltorm etfan plita o0 se Mr. Masens golfortaun.- rýereloitronth. teilgepoats ere ai adutirai and al uted when he tuceti the. as a convlnclug proot et thecoucen ea- 3iélur-îa estrerne otheru cuautten @Dt croval. cordeal the. passengrers onlits lue". grauitd cosereal witb thitI euathag etfle. fie ud is sart vet. aite bpapeWashngts Ps-meais cr'ty entire muath andl itle s treal vbst W He nd is art wee tkenby vé- Wasingon ersnal. ha. sderat.hy lonea. Elat.vhere ciel electric train to thé luclineal rsilaay Scuator MasanofutIllinoia i. tht. only cropi vetilprotectedtir y'Ladrain talaT that climbs tht. rngged tact.etfLookout man lu tht. Senate wbo can ente msmort- 9004 condtIo.%hogh n - ngsmot olott-Tt Mountain.'fthey mdethe aacent lu tavO banal, aruelh ole dlteet rs.e av e àcana, thé prince, eacenteal hy tien. Boynu Repr"enetatîve Edidy et Minnesaota baa engagent matcrhally. bat peailbly bave h.- ton anal Commisalouer Evans, ridîug un lrtdPeîetRoeet~~prove l algbtly:,prosta fi taInte ge1.* tht. rear plattonut et the irais. Tht. mori novidPe.dn toevl osci n-the.r isr: t f rubslu a sutiana; ex lu1 a tilpdaarbntt.crItgi lsrhlm o uit se aa.hunt. crop protecteal hy ev nwrtag cOu veuther; Ingwonfailycipr weu hecarbegu ltt'preeentotist' t.ittlefield ot MaineIl redos are pouer ha nomeneocalitie and guetl the sucent, sud tht. apleudîi îsuoranui, efsets'e n h asadj tauthera; p.Achhuoit*reperteal itiies in ta. eeaquicitly (unie Juta visitat tton..fsea aie uteHum.aa aata na oteadartt tht. rachel ht. crut teron teth.tilical tenographer. tadiana Tenaperatare cuttnoshy btohe Agteprlic't chdte rt ft, rtutt rtasnd tou. ln stits . aete ees tmGuntain theauibroke through the ,Jamea P. MeCreary, ao ts ee e i prehtatIL, 2or;ruathr narkdiye gralabciaul. aaltuta sor tîut.tu i s'cedUnited States Senatar by Ken- loiratérage; groundna aer&lty cuveraitviti viev aa eau-.'ilt. Gen. Boen. ar utîcity Democrats. wam appointeal by tht.sauve oeye; coadin get vi teaovs Iun- participateal iri the. Chattanoeoga spera- Preoident lu 1892 une efthtie lise commtisa pruvemeat: fruit uninjureal; stock vhntered tiena alit h hrman's army aud is ictaîr- man:ofthe Chickameuga National Park P R IIA T N T [FG TI H [A [ Asoito.accompanii'd tht. prince P R IIA T NT EFG TI H E A E duvu along te itige tof the muinniain and bril'ly relutea te stomy ut the catit fi pana. Priai" Henry titlloaed thte ne a ltal vlth the. keenest intercot. anal avth Di vnap betore lîim tedieti eut the. tratc.- e end prgros ittht. ight. Asgite stooai 'n ILecipi t anal looettarrosa the. val-h ley ot tht. Tt-tteaaàeelie exelaimeal:"This hg in lamagullicent.Thene is nthing lu ail t. tEurope that us fluer. I have nuver secu Y( sncb a hattiL,'leld." i T 'he pinti- rsturned te the- dtp hp tht.e( r letrîralune user a,'brb bb ail gene te a. tite mouaisuit. anal at tht. stationuder ,d guard et mouitîed, police, tout a carniage i f. or a abîrt ire tbreîîgh the. cty. fie lyreteruedt te s tation ai 10 t'ilocit. boardeal its train, sud, tua asalvo et cbeer., tht.e ctldeparteti ton Naubvile8 or andmi nîaplîllaantitheu tatoMt. Louis. n n luMt. Ilotît, Mayor WNells. ttorîmesr Gat.A rk Francis, 4ii-rttîsu Consul E. C. Itieliff La ail thet. rî'.îiun commîttet. ut,in1X.a.tof u in 101 promntcuît ctizen».. greeteti the. rural1 a-viitor an a lialgbteti trot,. tht' train."b crowd nîînuluîred about lJtiti. la the grand hall th,- prince wat gretut't by tIie ~-Gérman vesrana ut t.Louisaunîd IC fingfiel(t, Ill., headed hy William G. ~n Vach, who made a brlet altresu lun Gmr- tI the aitt.rcatia. In tht. Senate hetwein the Senators trein South Carlilna, Il- prn.ce. ehsunîtuiG eprin, te s'hlehthm MeLaurmu accuaed Tiihmau et ling anal woas truckith ie tace by tht. latter. n. tele loy>al Arnerais and love tbeîr The. Senate lm.meulatt.Iy vent loto exeentive aession. aud seteti hoth the. Seita- conty.tirtrainsSouth Carolinea ln ontt.rPt, barris@ the tfrea pt.akinig utvotingutil me A toîp utftienrlbourg asras desit. i.t.hlb.eautempt ahaulal hé nemevet hy actiaon et the. Senâte. hoLouis. anti th'-n the. anperb train rare? iig ofte pltr am ul blé ru>yal arty dealed i- siistatrs te retirese-lt the. United States veé1; .eepaeatlons t e tign sprint vert yen o ef Ciiai.jinithet.etîirnationl monetary ,enfe,- tilut't masy. fonet'. (lt,0II-Wýbe.t vwsnuelrtttiriceit <y aasv 1-rîsn the Lunue the visitais arnivettint us during ail tht. euhd ster andl showus nos. ('hiiaguiI iilîyesenutte utîtil tt.eY ti' .hîlts Kahn. a member ut tht. fous a lmpeenet la sentheru and atera reun. pintîl t.,r Nilwaukt.t. the fllosa'ttg outorutetpreset'tativtes,wasa ton ten yt.atsauanttesa plsat ila aeaeraii nilianal eak, but ,ks tirnoiiuiti-s t-rt. teted. banametel anti actur. anti 1ln>'etilwith Edwinu Bas.tia, <luesn apl.ti.nrta te u ronter tîtîeit flO cnitm titi imu a narinesr that couald 'Lott Jisilu Jefferason, Salvini, Mt'. anal Mra.veryilttît. anua protection for avnerarbeut. ru, tu to Istîie anti fmvorabîle ia-Vs'.. 1lorence anal ether seli knewn at cise ut muttt anse Pra'ti(ýii'aitIlgone hé~~~~~~~~~ titsiitn. iii tt tunt,'~ ?f Wht ouraties; eu.esiîuitîts t a sh , lcct ietel yfr1tar-n. i eraiîy report that vry litle intetilt a. ~ an tIio, tui. iatî uiloi (otI e sut thé usosýt expaertchauffeurs uthan occurred saudlthat prenetit catiîlonla tIia- tii uu iimi vste u î esii 'tsi Igtn laltprceutative Slbley of tale. ashtitiutof the 'inc và h ý tti- lbs nautomobile.' aaaCudry, tuat grisou aelIv Attuli'i ii.iî aiLi each niorniat wlien Congress alu .erli 1 nn d oavt sencsie. ,heat fir- s"ion tube-t tIiithe. avenue to tht. east damage b' celtInlaci-etalcoîtatîca; pluar h- PluîantîuWek te Gouta e,,ai, front ofetthi- Cal)itoil. tg prereaaln 1e eirte d sontern pot- th '1' sot tio.-i, iving the ntames utfI >sc r itot t eedîlategon la soatheugt tor- Di F"ranciîs 1tii-i loi il owten ere arre-st- It il tîtitîg that Senator Cullont shoulil Lion. Ial 'tiililDi,:l'anri, Md., nitargeul aitit aIi- trodure lu tht. bill for aLin- Nebrasa-Meutst ofmeath iater aiteat nul* tttlittîtli wr.c a aitmoe aalOho coin metoril ai atthe capital, fer he cenes îas niclcty protecteal tir sea. whlî'h melteal M& couplr un tieu tratit . Thir expianatlon mach iu commun, anal the -8enator bau conkdtion., exeept ton gsema hgh lande, viser vs.wonthst the, vu»e Ingy anl vantail long been kuevu es thé man "whoo ka anov bewveoffbdm iehnt vas eméwkat Idawàa Igai. etacueg l Inrel 5 vbu glari a sw4tI o ethe éu e07up blwC w ama t d" ~w auheeradis â= rid ige$ e= Z1,10al lt geMes weret. Tbratutleg deseI*bmtg, oigs in luPenuala sud ami u e %w Yu" The gale la Ohio devauteai1111lla» ofe OUtry, lunrootad beu nne ucIvelan6e eantalatwessarp. aof bueeb aprlni, up- furadwoodcn bonnes and leit a wid pâthit fruin. In the C(umberland VaIiéY waterspoute are reporlte< te bave donc great demage. but, with wiraa dowQ, notbing eau bc toid as te b. le.. of Itfe. Tihe ive gorges lui the. Alleghany river bad caused no livaautflite, as.tuau aste' portedi, but wreecked much pr»pertY. The. Atlantic and guitcoat', are trewc vIth wreckaç. 'ht. wind in, aurne Wloaitiet ln the ilddle West biew eigbty miles un boe. On the. comt it attaiued a velocitY or a. mile a minute. Two men- were lent Ntomthe. acheuner Malate and lea. try- lng te niaite n landiug un, BlockInieind. The Bouuthern ltate report disamters everywhert.. A pasaenger train wrevk near Griffiu. COa., due te the rturm, killed four peo,ie. The Svahuard'hUe bridge seron the. Ocnee river Is wreeked. There are fluoda aIl tbrouugh that aeetlol). and the. elty ot Athets la deprived of ita wat- er suppiy ln the nutidut oft great inuada- tiens. "ime On lait Mututaintunnel, tbîrty mles beluw Coutmbua, has caved ai both end%. Borne ot the. rivera lu Alabamla have rîsen t5emty-tWC teet la tweuty tour heurs, a record that is ameaiot unequai- led by tht. ris,' ut th,. rennessee river, wbieh la oîp twenty-un,' and a hait teet. and by the. at repotrwua*s .1111 rlalug at the. rate ut a tuot an heur. A train wa wrecked by a wuahuîttun the. Nurfolk and litôtbitremteru lun Vîrzinla. end rail- rond bridges are down un thia rund ut Ellaabethtuu n and in acterai ,ther places.. The dansage done- by the. recent raina la Wlsiîôustu aili auitult te mîllna. lit la estijuatei. lu the' district contigu- eue tu 'Vest Superis., aibe the. dautage in mataed te la' in tht. uelghborboud ut TOoooa.'he loaa te the. gr"aî uns ber inter-. in niher parts et Wisconsin and upper Michigan twil b., large lu pro- portion. ____________ JEALOUS MUBBAN'S CRIME. Taie. Hi. 0v.. Lite. Woodatock. Ill.. wua thrown lateat pnzy ut ezeltenîent about 910 o'clo-ck day merniag hy une ut tht. mont stst- tdoule muader. anal suicides vhlch aocumral inutîrtiteru Ilinois in yearà. hou. et tht. attentions ot an ol Mau bis vite. a huabantt enteret the roura vbirb bis vite anal Anderson vers h., vlth a revohver epenel fOre. let te b. billed vithut a struggle. aageal sictim cloau'd with bisaistag- nt. anal lu a desperate haud-te-baaaleu- interwu vas umly couspelical te sucnmh the auperlur strengtb ut bis yonngser >pnent. Oaa baie b.ek oftheI lett var ,I tht. suory et the. death et the vite. bil a ballet lu the le't temaphe shoveil ew tht. bushaànalhand taken biselir.A t,. 251 yenra utfec. tht. enly aurvlsu.t tuber ot tht. housthelal.1luatteler arrent kargeul vits compllcity in tht. affmir. Benjamin iF, Elavworth wvasàa veil te- business man et Woodntuck. evuer et large machine shop. Mra. Ellsworth ae a prerninent mu'-lety lady et Woeod- ock. Amos Andern wu@vsa77 yeanr fi e va.s betore retirna langehy ln- ,T.teI lneusarlanddand al a.couuid- Md te ba the veaithicat man in Wood- »Ck. lSumething over a ypar mgoie vlent te nrd et the EltSvurth bern@,. Helied peu on Tr ver, tnly terme with thefotam yo fryeas endual utas with tht. ide* ot tklng bis le-t'lning years çeues et happi- eu ttat tMr. anal Mr%. Hllserth maketi nm te crne andlIire nt thair homet. Il 1 wld hp intimate tnieuda et thé Partie, at tbère wa* no cana. vhitavar ton the. uahanda jeuiomsy. A. te Ellsworth himae'ht. oe renaielnts the tue n ata.rt ibat he land a benédi- Rry talinteeortht. aheuuling ef bleeti. [t recaileul taitat a tter, eurageai ever dliscnonuvilaIia hirel man, selst' ahetguu, hiev ent the. maRs braina id Iben tilleu lmuseit. WHEN ALFONSO COMES 0F AOt. rite ute atale. will Ne *pocLully lttpr.eutetuaha pie. Whthau a bsence uf rance? vorthy t brave milda'hîsalruitnation, Spain hua mtended te the' Unitedl Stadés a band which bas necelset i. a hearty grasppin remports. She bas Ir representel nt e tetisities lu cennectlon with thé eemlog of agueto [the. yong King. ay17 àouu*si years er age, aud tht.n tht. Queen Dit. a..M. cltiyutotber's rt.gtncy nal. There avlil bc interestlug testivitica, but ne eéresotiy utfterotuation. 'ne heim et the Spanisb ahip et etate viii theu h. aî,rrs'udercti te an isezperîenct.d yutîl. The yîsîîng King viii bave by haI. ade, as bisiprincipual mentor anal constant uomîtanton. bis brother-in-law. Prnce Chbarles oet Uuîbon. Tht. latter luon trut.o eti.ncy aith Weyler, whom, lutericaus n v as "The Butclmer." and it Mnay las satély aumeal thàt thee Ivo ltter will, ai tht. cenclualeu et tht. Queen's negenry, hecomo ail poventul lu Spain. In reaponse te the. Spaulsh invitation Prtaialent Reoosevelt ban seectedaieas thé Ameriritn reprc-st.atatvt. ut Madlrid, Dr. J. L. Ml. Cutrry, torenmc itniètîer te. a TCiORn.OVRO te.Ilcêt Tes-r,, "Youmg Cenhétt' flWllaa HELMaR" velil as&iTerri iOoce ae ltia« signe-s artkce" te Igt a 25-retujl matých nne lons- Ot. 1.Ial.ber, ht clb offenîngtht. bea t nuleiceg th bTet mc grente. Thven laeatu peenulin aI4 punth-da> et4 theoc on lît.d oth aaiie.mi îgia h acl-t .lite ntutth, arlu - tut he nutlai iroilt rt ii ut Qoccuusb'Mrq useo. Qs u-isbyr neulsý.S twn ty-iurun sIt #iB gioace9- sîglîtuelt th e se tI groes îlliingthe matceaé paea.betore thte tlub oterat h.,ba entlaes, aifhad ftt t nuIt. to lugte uleliveralst Cl icn. tati us tb a $1,000 tortîlt not Inter thaît April 15. . 'ié bu ghter'rsoatefetthé eipts is to be tlivide.ti75 pet cent lu thé:" inut.a and 25 pet. teut to tht. lonet, aualt.ereterte.'- t. te hé nutnaily ameeI anon ofet lslgatii s lhése <mi

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