PtZSLIMD WEEICLY. fiWTS UO lTES iON APPLICATION. ' SESSION IS CLOSED. LLEGIBLATURE 0F MINNESOTA ADJOURNS SINE DIE. Tue Mciasre Are Pa.iid sud Pm,- Vietla maie tufor oflu u qCunstiltionat AnrdnitstePpu- lir Vte-Bad Snu- ait 0.caba. After ainînt n leati utwia-l b otoko the la-at spitii -tlOE lf t iî.îota.ii L.egslaturein t1a- . la -cla-ndutid ic tu-Irdlent, iiotî-tt4il,,St i- hluts ail Jou-niai. na -Ee- îtta tE t..4 n to conui,le fluetX -î.îi îil a,ruuflifnà tioi] emcentlcîiet-ifî hi . te fOeomiUiE5ofl a-aeafied cf t,- oC a e cur * go The uoa- f tu-t î.îuîî ever, -e osea-ci-rt-il,,- lti1,, uhuuttnda beilgeer iîated àa.- fnlad-a inet 111ti changesiroposcd . Ntill,î f0 c1> f-u- bonne ut adjourniti t ofî rtmix oIt-un orie-ri passEýlland prolia-s ti o- au îaîct for the suhmis.iîtn t tf-a-illuer tul a@ ai amedmeta1. I -vtre out h,-peopile. Tuai nmeudruî tis 811- tic Lt-isIll turi ta iutpo-e o grtiall1.nC11WtaS in tieuu meno ltst o E lcasnalol terty. A tsI nul la excîrd 10) petacenterlioa- u num ou lie inaometa-o alcresitâ n P Dinutfau; ohr t l c.,1aredît o uslar-t viddfor and aie oun uaome toi ,of sot h moretimua 4 pr runt Onail taleesin cemosesut$1,0()0 a rela- Thine thods i fer the teuailn ut puitii sea-ice crapc- radium are tlovcd I)vthe tcameuduiutâ -a grosis arutugs a tx lalieu outaiil ne teamttoii a grnse cea-ings telinlu ddi- etieon 10 tii tel un a-ic pnoprrp. sud a a franchise tlxia ddtinî.ulutaxes on rai-T and pinsonal propetY. TORNADO IN NEHRAOKA. d ]uali.sgs Wneekeiisud I---ouerous A alonue tramt tii nua-hwest 8C-rita tuogi ti noten portion ut Omahaa at 1 D'ockniTueaday monmma. lîgit ila aad bath ver fllowid b> a arrit-si bi a-urrcanei. vli dda gmat amoont It et damangi- Wlnen ver hiowtrdovu. ti uludown abattined, severni building. un-e s'ot&dand idevalke teeci fro t liueti ilium. ive ikyligiti. echwvigiing i mois tise500 ponds. yee blovudovu w gt the Coliseuju building. Tiie Momouti PX*-k Mtiodist Episcopal Churci vas bi 1 l:ulces, a s aithe ibuilding t il ISCuailaisîreet, ocaupleal by lie t uSi.grfa- marIle woa-it. Sevenl b wzet irse trevu vith demris, Iltlen m~ .e wvaihut, »ET 1 I A4GUD 1114 A BARN. d Obs 't 015La Fonad fiand His Plai-c Pelluvi Are Buspeted. 0 - - lavi e nntett, agid 9ues. vas hang- es la ils.atiir' birnetiljoues, tatien. HU is body vas dhscovered y Ueo. a l~la-,i sonia, vise gave thse msa-m. O Itii jac et motve ntigatesa-ainsI t%* tbaiiet munlr. TiNboy vms haut- - bsi rrugioe, oiSuMd of wuleit as 155ud tt 0 t land thc othler tha-uvnu vet'8 ibsa lu thi mou. Tic slip noosea <ea t4 Maie sud idjnslid t ip is -ons . »Oms ry 1, liaI otier boys mal J pintislai o bang the lad, via isd mo*eiftaoeW se ilguborbood. sud tt Ie Lae, Wia t ont t l'ex Laie, WIi.. 11110r* ito saldgt Tuesday moraulut 4oWdt*-o$e tires ofthticlataest bnai- - DUsblêçbi la the tovu. Tiiela-i tarWe - , il» #Ie *50t ttii griseialgcerysnore, .vude Xv . I. & a. W. Tarraut. Tii bdiiutwsa le limes before teilire *0 jdlniMee, lie los ili bi about tgmTinlaWniekeL 'Iii Olliago. Rocklslaed sud pacifie a" .1tra-îl No, 2, inst-beund, us wa-glid et1helis lwaukee and t. Paul ilong . veent ofNiola, owa. Ena-leur $Wpand hilrauinotutscalk, ubo lq« down, vu sumbanekmint vti the mu- gîme wvies stgitly ljured, hut noue ut the pasngirs uîs hurt. Paethoiaila Blew. Co- uXI» pinhslbhniilci us haing hult ans, mli fron Burgie, Ky., vas bloc-n a* vti dnamite hyukuosu peasous, ad a note vms found lu a cospinnousa UbOe on a trie warning tie aiitinnltles setto reniddand Iircnîrning the voeu- mmnwl-hi dîtiif liey ttempled lu hilve suotitir nai. Forger 11e. mue, Poison. A mae via rîgisterd ai lie Heraaid Bfuare iutei, New Ya-k, séer-i days a-o n James D. Carnî,hli cf lt Iuuia essantted aucide by îslultig anbeluc scd. it Il vs ennuýd that tie suIcie vats James Webstea-, a tnsvO-ing sales- mane, via vas wseled n RitaiaN. Y, for forgea-y. MinîsiespoIson for l%,ai., Birman tnsky. e oeIl-knous ljewvuele of Nasivilli. 'retu - ca-meu 10hia deli aeddeulyin uClîuititn a pecur at- n Mèus. M'ili iin g sa4bill utfri-d. at a >csel-y iboueIa lo-îic tto, ii- vie accru ta gel eacriik tof .nt-a- lnaiI) illa4 take destuk anhlutî, ccil f .cunifm. e tamiumrr le dil ccin i tu ct-. la. tCol ed Msais Hi-kgi..s Sit. luit t. chcl are itral tt-e Nsteesterr yslllnd mnuc nbat icir -cihguiamet Mt greau>Dy Att utaicl ct- l î,,z. fTV c i n 15 hios ,il ci hu-a t- t. -t tis lau. Tii collat ix asic-il ti, itisolv. 1. 4oatern Seetîetii-n UIttiiat j, Br ,C..sils lasîrbue. Franctis hna t- r-- actr a emrltted suicîvl-c ciiticitei a-nie and domesti- trocIlîl, Re.dy tît Qit Tîo Thfe Pri"A cuf Aotalintu, t!, I ten oft le olidl and cciItm cf-c î FaneHture Ptanti lurcrie ci. Fia-wc hcitirulns-*d tct ilet t iii> B1, lad. vai bconghr uîîdea-i-E l'yp Ieo local sud Cambridîge City rat - nom, Ti iciviesl luse Çathi,- ltý Bell Fsgutm-eCompauy, Witîîamplant vu àstucyi Tic total losviii Dott - - - - - - - POISON SENT EV MAIL_ ilyslery Surronte the fleath oftYung- Womaumt Loeei, MieS.. Ttc deati ut Mes. William Klunpp ut Lovell, Mini., han developed snusatiuns] întrs whia-h na-ail lie timons Moli- miaux cae lu New Ycork. Mes. Klumpp us thei vite of a laborer, attnrtia-e, ucti men>- trieaIs, happy luincer tauilY elatmons and nul knwnte have su ine- a; lince orld, Rîa-eutly aie neceised i tample package by mail uftwotva îd- ac-e povalira, Tic powdie purportid oe havi bien sent ont hy lie Fiag Salt Remedy Company st Sas-ana, N. Y., and as aie vas subjent lu hendacies. sue laid n asie for future use. A feu dive ago su feit hI, and wvilehie iuaband was outinlutic yard aie tout uni of lhc povdr sud lay dovu. Wihea-beiboa bandl rameinluaie vas lu convulsions on thi fluor, sud about 10 o'clock Ibat nia-ht ac ied cd Theipackage coutainua- lie povdie bore i Loveil postmank, sud the aideese appimred tu ha lu n femînini oued. Tii coroner tuok charge uftheii -emsininz pouder lu the packauge. aise a silualan package nicelved by Mns. Miller, ivingsrons thc atriet, mad sent themo di tie dead vomsu'a stomaci teaa eiemiat for mualysia. The nemalina-g pouden viastound lu veigle Mil tgraina aId contaiuud tour gr-aine of isa-ychine. -Thoe povdîe nieeinesi iy Mn, Millce- wire ut sinus, conupeition, maIleinbte tend 0-umane a tomanit yen tuund tirce on four grainseutf strychine. BARGE ADRIF? FOR A MONTIL C.irdenae Picked tii byT« uetba Afthi Mme,' Perls. TiecrouI berge Cardeumasa-a-lard lu port at Newport Newsyaun., in toC- uf tue tug Coita atter bisa- adritt tua- Iven- 1-niai alsys, encounterna-flue siff gales. sa-nu-ina- even; pua-il, tatii plpcked np b; tie ame tua- trom wvici sic psrlid corn- pay oui mounitufre, Tie Cardenas veut an fan souti mc sixty ilesi vest eot Bermtuda and tien dnfittd sud aWieda bai-i as tar as Fine Island lia-il. viere lie Cuba pleked herep sud brongit ice- ta lie ponttueorvici sic a originaUly bouud, Tie Cardeumeansd Matanzas vies coîiug lia-il fnom Providence for Newpor-t Neya lu 10v ofthtiiCuba vicu lie tvo barges brokLe muni trouetihua-« during a iîîvy mortei. Tii Matannas dropped suciors. taId they ueld, but the Cardenan van blnvn avny and sltal us hielong drift- RICH CITIZEN 18 UNMXABKED. 1. A. Alcutander of Cana., Ark.. Foulod ta Be a Fugitive. James luddteston, uho ton lie years bas bea à aIidg ciize of Casa, AnS.. nden theBamse of J, A. Alexander, uwa arrned tie other day by a depuaty Unit. id Plates maraial as a fugitive conu-Lef fruin Paris. Texas. Buidiettonbus amd- mittid bis identity and hun sccompauied the officia- te Paris. Bedilstao s a emn- viced la 19fer -onpasming Oueutitlt moniy. He lid teoCas asdilied bicorne the r)iimet citizen la the teve and oui Pt t» e .!triepiecei. Elmle ite vuas e- emplaa-y. Dama Wseckend, lbt INat Ribid. Bura-lars vaecird the Ptshc Bank of Nimai., Ncb.. ulti dynamite. iut ver trigiteuid mumy biele hesecoe-diani plunder. Cilixeaver eeonsed by tvu explosions,and aatiered iltie book, but thé nen bailimade tia-escape on a baud-car, Tii outîr doute tftiemite vas hlovn off, and tii building vas cou- sidenably dansa-id. Slut by St.L .ulaAidem- homas ("Snake") Kinneymemhe- or tic houeoftdeigiates tComeu iiFourti Wmrd, entened a restaurnet iltUnio- Market, St. Louis, sud astîca sfcv verdi aiot sud serionsi; Injured Dàniel Sbe*. vWho vas aI breakfast. Kluney vas se- a-stid sud adnîttid ateha-cd in 00 Pulilîrs causeal tie trouble, Tisoier Tnelar nrae Fiee ha. brokes out luaie rt-dan hrai, nuar Marbli Falis, Tues.,asud ga-ci laats ut vahuahhe Iliter are being cas- aumud. Eveenthing me as dry as tinder dttd tiiaeeami-mus hi. hi ne uay ura-k!eki Inlite dames. I-e. tu-uile lhre isntii pa of thle fia-e and tii-y have hussi mWl i erumur. S3het ter Cruellu uee COhlirug fe,îm .lohnrsitrg. tie tua-a- spoudeut ut lie L Dc- a uil> iiti, lise lest rm-ptrteh iui i-s ahiru Itnrisi* troupers hve- lso-u si-otf'u-iur ui-Iuu-v Theic coaespccd.el *a35 twe uretisla- via w"rne unumtd bi. aat A.a--lc si-ciatinga Bîl,e atta-ii'ie c s.rhcI, id ucre sud t t attr Cincinsati One Nsudleuiy..,.irsea4 L Tii reanuil-ut tIcL c..rpu-a ,j5t tii orun. ,pal sutbinlis. loti ýe-tele sud th-saî e l ('iba,,uez.,"fCo0e merci andA! el-cr organuzmtîol. Tbcie.- mation S cnoisdl wtia banqai v. Preia-tî14, 9. Ina-allas tne'm'- Nil Bryanun me14.t ime mmsrcut , i.e la Irla-'kyr. [i. vas 72 yfir,-A4 fa->smt sas riw Akm «utkliae vi,, in agursaet t ais-k faue t --.Wi-ý huiàuu t iui-rs Lpuwc-t aidjerry, kW Iravei-4 *Il ,,Ofr tis, rtA anti tic-y rine tatuo-u4%seifai lithe* Biyat A fusil l-au a-eesiaitfg. 'fa s-oa li mi' uct, 0 1tcs .,cr-"cu A r» ie Cibuleitalies'u"*si.uVc-nWouo 1* trlest Icslu'> qcars, eau'.4lva-ie. due s al4-14-'tft tmaimet mA ,rst t-el b"y vs.at94"»y >cjcaean à,ee La e M 7e0giloe 0 fJ ilCiIIStile fYAce.' nt,1'i .bahus as-ead --u log uf th i lueeotu Legilalure. vilci voled auprovmlet bils course, anal ofthti Minnesota delegation 'ln boti branches ai Washington, hi iopis'ton an amenaI- mette10 lie Jadîcial actes vilci yl chantei theanuomelounsposition lu viicb M'neesota in eau placed, MTSTRIRY IN LODGER'A DEATH. Aie a Fiiei te Amuse OtiesSleepingt Wthilea Feu Fert. John Heudenson of Minneapolis, Mine,, vas founal demi en tii tua-aI fluor et tic Helpina- imal nalnsitute in Kansas Cily. wti n bullet bulle lin i* had, The lie-E on; nLa hi beconloîlîted suicide. Tic prevuun cuiIna- Hendia-son reportes] to tii polilac that Ivo negro weomen isd1 robbhll uout S0M. Tie police dtiecf uimtlîl midula-it and tien sent bilntu tie lusîlînte, Tieen hi vas directed lu a ro ou tii uppen floue.and thla vas tic let ee of him lii. A doe Ida-- ena siept nean vu liaihebody; vis ftuonc Tiey reportid iaving iemrd a noise, peuh-1 ail; n siol. dutina- lie nigit, but nu le- vetigation vms mmde. Tvu niarois uio alept etIthlie liplaaud vire areted on suspicon ot kuovina- somethilua-»bout tise nanas deati, Tie vomen via roi- bcd hlm have sonhien takîn lu charge. TRUSTED AGENT GOEO AWAY. Disappemuninestrus OmahaioftBedton FL >tiLeed a Mlytery. Hertoe E. MeLteod. crutacîîn.-agentl tue lie Mercanuts Diapatehi Taespea-- talion Compeny nt Omaha, baishi-en tuissina- tue ses-iraI daya. teture hitî dîsappearaece he ilewubis monhs sl a-y aud paid i. board n fin daya te ad- vina-e. île hed o tOod poit )n and toual W-he-ii tiihecotupsu; for ,tium hi had ona-ed for eighteen yenr", fiast in Ne s Xrk ana lâlteinluChicuago, biture hi- vent lu Omisa n 159. No une knoWs ut any trouble l in -ihi o wsa nvlved analbils disappiarance ina amystia-; lu ail bis faieds, Hiima-e ia 35 sud hu- is euh manid. LOOK FOIR END 0F WORLD. wrougha Up b, Appearsasce cfImage eftBltckHrsonceReun. Seveniti Dey Adventinse are cai va-oua-ht up and dcalare thit lie end ut tii vonia le neearatisad, fimalybliev- lua laItie vannina- ba bien cuuvîaid 10 tien by lie appiaauce ut s blck hune on the ruina ut Kelioga-c Sanits- rimntil fitIhCre. Upon tie aide ut a Wall, uhicn illlanswhilte as biture theiffln, has appesrid a perfeet pitune of a black borne burned iu lie umîl. With extendid head. open mouti, distened eyes aId the cnrs lytua- bâcl outhie hesi. ticaniml preseete a flereppearnce. Thouauals daiîîvriit the pace anal spe- oite on lhc tne i gil. £lorh Fiai of Pire Ars"i J. 1. Davis aidotica- local mnlina- mon bave uucoveeei a iepoiî ot cua-si u-eue lu tic CasaeMentains, Waaiugoit viiel la billivcd te hi a worid-ic.ter of Un kui. The lida-e le ifUy-sia- tutthc andi isa bainetipped te700 fel, Tie depoit la bilivial luexteli~d np fsrthoe, Tii Ioda-e lin itetd ou MInerai caet. Aftty miles soutient ut Tscoma. Biot Les. for fBaere. Lord Kitchener. lu a dspatc f rcm Pretoria. ripots lie disceveny outai Bor magazineInlua cave uotieatvnrd _cet fiels, OranugeRivea-Colony, contamuîe 310.000 rounds ot rifle amnnitioucehun- dreidaut %belle and tais. 20pounssof povaler, s Maxim rue, htlilus.fieldl tre gra-hepidmalquities ut stores. Fiai Boy of a Young Girl. àTihe body ors girl about t19Ji-ars a-f aâgi bas bien tond namuthe Wvodas ut Fan- E quien Countj, Vs. It bili appareBtly bris llua- pruppedag aainta tr I. fur âuhoitl tvo nonîha Tue-ne van a piatetI -,ud L under tlefttIeye andalmIsaa serere froc- tuen otle ftieebat, pa-abhy stade b; tii pistul- Boataiake Goci Bae, 1 tsae blottens uaed dyamite olite &of putfu Ateilweste-vitle, (peto, mu.d or carnic a sy fa-on $010 lu$wtj-> sth k_ uf stampa ana-i amurai honda-d bemuni-y. Tic ati ,Ioir vas bise-n a-Ces k- lie cffica-and inhidainmetIse sali. Cnet le no 4rt -le pntenlied For. (jfcr ,f tie Am&i-nann TuainPlat e-compuse andlAm.1tea-siedAsi-atm hase eri.cian agreement Itrovudmua- tue "nultusieou I.. uteiens a-icc prâtu- S ralt> Ioml,-usli-antid oînga-nu,; wtt ub.aual antarLeýr î.trluds utidleueis. fii n ri- for u-eLu t,,-u W Vau Subsit t uix, rellîmîl; ri-taîntiatI tr,rii tii- l'ippua-a. eys thlt 'If .43icff-rt-.i , rive .a-ulP'.iA> l eth ly AscwnusnAa-sctvy t.lier aho viii mure; tuu- thic t Asei Wî,sS, iaa" to a ih. th r, eslMa-y walist u geal cumin, 'Yeas06tmeac-îite, deai mn Iagé Ratml, Cai. o,,r,m sartvd imthii'ousam at nId- î iil!à*te ai-nir isehen ce a ram- tapas*, Adula-c-sr«st-o lI le Misîsouri Ps- ié, WÎ44. et iPohiias ga-ni ont and ibé, LlWf,. A fertron tien. 7* atoit, lThougb lot.Mes-, l iIver. c- Word ik"-t , trouSait lte. MarI. flef tiama ti4tua-vlurQeut ofD-loue Open- vit, A ssla-aflme mOfN. Plana river uy malt- W4 mKr ci. beut rois u1t le Sotai Inlo L.,ake Z_ ais-i It eqest ads Iila igit. Sareles RcseîsllssisQel&"l. A.aasnucsý, * relative if tii ptolSer lu ue cyidit #irue», atlcuiphed ta stsfl c-~ ~ ~~f i **$ kii msI a ila--ulsud is ud- .u.,u'.tai> ci spîd rauns t.ut <4 f"~% . 4 z,.. - , tf'Ian t j 9 ee ua a.f A tto,>*c ,tuî ulli i.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v u'.. --t'--- i - - - .4o--t--it. lal i-se i u- nota uhé à& -. ., .- f.t- t f.. u paes A m - uic.1, c.P-iSu. . ,uii @PEAK@ WARNINIi OFV UROUGI. Nundroe of etramera Heur Infant Pas- dict Six 7«»reof F. mlune for State. A diapactee. htuciarper KaK.,. %a-" thilt au siarueamouatnIItamana-the more suprstitions ta lmoesf .î poule ias iprend hiauseortvrilat sar b-ieved tu be the propietin linspira orluhs àt n5-eeks- old infant. Tiei cullliau tuIkina-lut lie agi of tia-ee via-k- liasvarda %vie chear med Incisive, au,1 il ha. kq e«p i petieg them eti la- ularia-ntervale don- hug a-vkefuinii cv, tarTheyosec. "Six j-ars orftmnic,ýil,ciKansas." The sentence la taken 13 lm; lu ha a mis- sage taon lie Delt. ru be dailregardeil hy hi-se t thetira-t ýI.Aiendy a nim- ber ot tormers are,- ucaing tii $tlte fia-m lu tic blle tl tîîa long drougit la llpprauaring. Theii ,ud ahows unusul igus ut intellince, us sueil tormed, sud ut normai gaouti. itîfpara-ts lie varda lite a pionugripi. Itacon gay notilea- cisce. Tii falica-. .! lîn Shelbyhe a ls,- hoing mn.n, unda- dc have truvelisi 10 linipesud vîlîed ha- tonne luseca-e confirmation uftheii tuny f nom the babY's lips- CBILD AVMiTeITNAIN WRRBCK. Mician uBox bleds Open Avîtcleand Olystie Malant.u Jamîese Osbone, a l-tiese-olaI Bintun Harbor, Min, boy. uss aulttle haro, sud stands lu a tainre-o; uf aeceivlug àa i- stoulial rowand troute iPire Marquette Railwa-y Company rt- avea-îmng s wrck and pmnhnps sîviug n-ny livea. Tic tact trainc on tii Pin iarqcintti happined tu hi turty minutes lara- Th ii Ie 0- boene hoy, lu compan.E titi, antier boy. esc eslkiug aluna- ,tuîrnrk, and vicu tii-y rect s i t i. a nule froan love lie Osborne bayil-- cea-d timî soins one iatelrovn i. le tok abilscoal and sent bils cempeilun up lie tHOck t0 niraa-n y appraiehcnr train vile ho saeated for the stotion. Wien the 1111e einp reaced the stuation hi van ont ut ha-cansd mcih exhited. but mnasa-ca in tell Agent Lurkeuatiy viat iî iad round, and a message vii seul 10 iver' sidi, lie Oral statiun nontth fBinIou lia-hon, uhere thc belatcd train voc Just puli in. uTii tra-elmen vire vsrnid ufth tcdanger andlthi train van muied, FOtUR BAVE BEJIN MURDEREO. Fludleg of Boite, ln tic Riv-er Amuselà Deasmonl, Tremashg Ttc findina-ofuthtir udY ut C. B. l'mr- tg son intheIiNiches Rivyr ut fesemotln l Texis, slrippid te ticudenclothin and ft di hl& head ca-uahrd tein b»convinni tf hi policethat roihin; andi meiae w .ciea- committid b; peraoes lu liaI ri- IN lunity. Wiin Pesa-sue van sts@en alite hi van aa suit outegod clothis anal E hal $50 or $100.Wttin tla-cemouluast sour bodles, lacluding that of Pearson.B bave been Isicu ta-on tie rivet. analinte< vru-ay case Ihire vire evideDeis of vie- C tnt alcaliandl ne valeables vire fotîsut. & lu ture ef lie cases the iodles vereut là nleutified.a lINDIANA IBANK 18 ROBUE- rie Tisousis Dollars Token b,' Saf* Blanu-irs t onlgeuuiry. TiieFirtNationl Bmnk ut Muon-.l en;, lsd.. ias eteredl b; saie brestît roussa ignîlî. tue ensuit vas blo-n oIe-n witi dynaumite anal $10.000 lu cash nu-I bonds vas,, cn Citizîn e iand fivi distinct clelîobut tisa-id teuitlti-k tier ao,i,, hd ail npproea-iisun- dea- guard. 'llue robinetsescupeal un s handier. Toa a-si la colignid b; lusua- Ne- Tent ufor jeasle Morrinan. Jeie tMotnai-îce, ciaea nvlcted of SieOn#i-degrea- uîder for tie killunic out Mr%. Clare W Iasile ut Eldoradco. lin.,t stut a pcerugo.,hbcshi-eu granlesi a t. teint I.; trucSupremi4Courat. 'Tce cnurt huaItht t Ten e-es ena-c inlutic impanetusu cof ttc jury utîit Inrd Misa Moa-nîncu. Teutureci bYReibe. Trëe maukîci ien ha-skei- îtcc tic boc,_ ofut hlt-tir; Sairuitil. a wtarlb;e- tied fanuiamr ntsaxuubtrg, Ps.. icotilly1 mnrdercd tne,-îId mnîna nd ertna-ilMa-s. Smith mn a It-udini manner. 'Thcy eso- sncked lte nis nui tlcuk $20t),aund stter demta-li; iu couaideraicli lî-iula-aty. isii1tid. _____ Inians Capital.s Ne-vHl...un. i udianspcllqclua lire idisltnction ut theitieat Anuaricoan-bonu childI bu, luuînuu>l airt" prince Ilane. Tic boaeil ot Iailit hbas rciucd sanetîrrofuthle hairîlu ut trnce Iier ruesohe-tii. 'The lai,; nav bcirn ust l ouillithe lime licetupeciel traie hii reiuce l1taie ut ofa-tissa ui lled luta Arcic ' ,spiaiesAreSie, Latru nsda-cl fron Frnz Jos«-tLand, Ana-. 17, bsav- ein recte-i n Copenboa- lien feonlime Dînîssesacompotuied lie Baldwin-Ziegler- ara-tic exîcedillun. Thi vîssel1 ara-ived at Frunz Joset LandI, &tr ts->'lg exipeinei. eli asl un boandallii ExceeitsiaumeOhia Town. At Liberty Center, Ciba, ovin 1W00 eiul vire eccang-albelveen ticheiixeuis and i ana- of noitars hiat uere attemptlIU te tout tbe Citizenie National Bank. No one ivin bunt, ns tic shooting vus et long range afe- themilrabinrscee.heina- chai- id tovard Toledo. Radical Users Of Eeepresm. The Empa-esa Dovua-er ut Ciaas linued a isuat radical decece. Sigh cou- dem.s prartire of tut binldina-. diclanina- tbat heren ter t o bies imaidens *hall hg niloved toa arau nutuaslyt aise adu-lees men oftanmk aId mienus tu scud tiseir suesno-aiod testndy. Viv. e. n xHele namMini. An explosion lu lic Catbnra-mini of the Monougaiela Rtirer Cousolitled COR, maId Cuite Company. Monougmiela. Pm.. reoulted l iInhe deati utfluve mienanal prionas iluse;ut ses-irai others, Issu tm- tallit. l>Iîîrrînet asin Wlîa-il Case .ludgee Snt uces jury rîportid et IlIn- ilion, Ohm, ajinim t rouid lot agree lu tic ranietof tii-ci e Wilsnd ut CIir-agu, itinturgil ni[>, tie Seideuteciteriioticd 1srcceanctr for sicniler Loonr. 1:i'l o-tltîsi-voll bas chosun %V. L. Motîtt orufNhtcaaaebussta ltu sîîmceed Sc,- 1relia-y ccf 11wi-Nov;Long., Tic appoint- lutt lislii. aceepted and liechuantge Clii tO Inîmlu May 1. hKtrurie Arrives in Port. 'rhe dlsslicd CUnander Etturna mde 9port et Honte, Asoncs. l iti sIl vallon 9board alter long 401§WataSma- Pmsseu- am lSvert *Adgen te Usa-laU 0saltheUlS" TURRO DY BOERS. ------------- 'ouud ii Mae Pisonr l a Fgtpoudllot sipping but vas the tenture 0f witle Deanreiy Noir wtnbnioe-Tbuie the dey Tbnrdaylu la thSonate. He Mangtal (Iflereand 38 Men Kilici- urged Its pesus..bath front a pattiotic Barghers Oct Guendoieagugs. sadpoleê sund s s vise ubahtat ot "Uniettled vetter bus - AmrIcn laor.~i l ti is~loebien the mont unsiltie- nufeeda eritjeMr. E're, l 4% 0 6n4e l.obtaed tory rtea eof the iuus Greit Beitain bissu ee erbean agresint tbel thé $aSee ouldstuio.A udetnwflolga verse Ilà ouhAfrea. Ueo. Methuen. vote on the misant sd ail penillase ituiUonA sufieavr en oal podupelai e u Eglnd fmon oliessud sI mendments at 3 p. nm. Mondai. Mierci tresieta and floua. Msanuufcturins aud, orcî of 1,100 mennlimder is commaned, 17. tat tfinieeg tentlrely satlfatori rnsotiginteresti nufferedaerer, net deteat et the hindi et the Boier Put- te those opposed te the bill. Betore cou- ad consuer@es vfe urgent foo ipa il. Delariy. Methuen imleeseies olderatlon aitheillbUt as résuletin!ters or deloyed goodi, wvile get queatitàn vounded and lhuenprisoner and tour *iu sunextended debats on the montueo acads eae tl utast lne vire ciptured troin the British. l'ie pkovidlng for tie protection ofthte Priai- ot erciieioneborcanme ,taleduasusn ves of the defeat vas innoueed ln tie dent og the United States. Mr. Bacon 'raicotiuuo nimomons spnlulto outor Commont Monduy by flecretary tuok the gîound tuat Iu Il@ prisent &halle si coinue u ien ighed.'rther. b« d Wie Ba-odrick. It vas eueorththetiillt s an Invasion of the Jnrtsdie situio>1en n theueei tminesudii t ii? ott sensationsl statemînts ever midi e tion of the Statesnand ftlt Il ougit t iutab ionten iii emn, u te14the irliament. amender! rrically. Mr. Pitterson. wiele ivertheraeut or clogaimet as tancrtés Secrettry Brudnick rend i dlspatci ho agreed ta thi generi proposition otfledwgth utanet u cet, sîthoudigitrnIL 'om Gen. KCitchener annouuclug the te- tii bill, nrged flt t t oUgbt not toe dvai rePare" ccrig eR .re. Tie trompe under Parle vire lu Its prisent terni. No action vins ft-. u o. ekyRvwo rie oving In twa volumes, those with tie es. The Honse devoted tonofier dey tn Cutlnulng the report say%* tx wagons moviug au bour attend of débute on the bill te chisslty tie rural b"Not only isutheru ndimproel ttlo oice wlth thie mules. Wien the Boirs frie dellvery service and ta place tichie eoddl i rnsdselctoi tiacked ahortly efftrdawn, tie mules carriers entier contat, but floodi in tie Pittehurg region idded ampeded and &Il thi mules and vag- .111.te lie prespure iy completili cleluli« me. vîti a terrible mixture ot mounted On occutt the Indisposition otf1Mr. mini plante sud damaig maich condl en, ruciid peut the ex wagons. Efforts Veit ut Missouriland Mr. Mîliory ut maeinery. Supplies ut coke falled Ill :check theni vire unavallng. parlis 'iouasmioleexpccted, te speak ou th, in'rese. hecause the rullwnyi were bia& .oiiictcd 400 men, but atter a galient but edn ipibliîî.ts esr îdsacund tint reot i ueleiaieene, the înemny rusied thèe. vas nut conslderid bi tbe Amati Felda v. i veekOut lght uutput wien reuims Methuen vas woundid le tic thtgh and Tie diplomatie and consoler approprie- ment#i vire nutably heîvy. Rirent de- iari%, bing surrounded, surrendînid aettien bill vis passed. aId tien th i Imite sia-urtion by tic ilemente -make. an ns- [0uclockInluthe murning. Tires officir tmil up tic measuri for tie protection ut usuai dean d for structurel mateniai, md tiaty-eigit men vere kllled sud lva tii Préident ot tii United States. Mr. sud on spot business bayera gladly ps" Diicr nd dseventy-two min vounded.Bacon utf(leorgia contlnued is speech. Premiemi et 80 R ton sluve filet Priou. rwu iundred min werc mlsslng. higun tie privions dey. ln opposition te Cool shipmeuts have hieu ceurtaled te Atter reeding tiheidbo it sSecretary thc bill. maklng anextended constitution- sucb nu estent ftint dealers* supplies a Brodrick added a word ut apology for il irgement tiaint il. TiiSente ieru aId quotations very *Irong.: Noti- te dctiated Britîi genîral. "Methuen," igriid te moite thi bill the unflnisid fi iur bas developed lne ic otwear lW le soud. "bas bien coednctleg opirîtions bunnsaiitheiiconclusion of mnnsidia- ditry. Meai aboleitre stili vorking or tera yeirs le a difficuit: country. iatseliofuttii shlp suboidy bill. The il tet on old contracta, but buyers are dellying raileri lu riuieve Kimberley did net tn- claudfyth le rural triet 4livery niervice tic plerint f utlal insiunea In lilsictalOs cl te is discredit." le tii Honse oftand te place tii carriers under tii con- ut seuriug more iatlstictory terme. 00Et Lords Lord Rtaglan, Under Secrmtney of tract eystem hîld tie fluor in tihelHonte. ton teodu are wiii suslsiacd, tii strit- Wir, dramatically read tii telîgestu .-ger raa materill sWing aIl]tie idvas- witi tii deteils ufthticdinpatcb. fiord TiceFlouse on Satua-day rlosîd the gin- tagre to selleirabut tuaee inmai-i ne- Roberts, aoeiuaudîr -ihî outheiii ry, Pcal debate lapon tic bill terliassîty tic certaiuly as. h ti siualtuion. 1400 And vho ied xuany important succe«sce rural trie delivery service and pIace the itity la reporied lu lie mia-kit 0« -hile lu commiand iu Southa Arricen, made carriers undîr tii contreet systent. Mr. %l t. tedidan some rosi ispeech aud eulugited Mithueu's "suc- Sims <Tenu.) rose ta a question ut prlv- sarl.thpe nt. agsfrtewe cens tiroughout tiieaa-." ilege le couneclion viti thi adoption outontopn .tii hn ges foraticvav.I The sceni of tiichborde illel-en Nieti fihe conference report un lie permanent vEaontiitu orainousd'rîll sdcar It en and Deisaîy is in tii coutîwsseteru ressebill.Ile cunteedtia tâ h tii c- COS1ihC5n traine%%tiI bild iim i part oftgheTransvaal, lu tie uiciuIty ut ment outhle rounreu wYth referma-e te 34nu-u reits ome tit .747»a-c20les- Maenug, . Methuenostarting point. section 5, wiich originally placit! iil the u?î~îi.îae îh;17i1 * adhedestination, Liciteuburt, lin 1 passage outhticnet nîndir tie protection 2ttet hcîîI. ogaînt .fleur3ina te Tansv-ail, mot maey miles frum ofuthti civil service. has 'ýmisled and de- yeur agu. Expora t hsful- Mafeking. Methuen hit uenrîy compi lt-Celvid" tiielHonte. Tie Speaker ield rluded. ver 4,174.894 huchelsallaint ed itsmarci ut more ftlan 100 milesliant as tii viole subject mbi en dis- 8 Ini th-,lulieprevus wveetand à.- <he tAe oir stppd hm.poinii ut no question ut privilege vin pr- 715930 sà ypsr eo.sei vn co.runt flout whentheBoes stppe fam. eslid. Later ln tii itternoon i recou- mure freely, Atlanticepert. execedlng Ocnal Methsuen,@ Carée,, lion vans lnla-odncedis intii Honni hy Me. 10 pinr eit outhle niovelient sa>-esr nta. Lord Paul Methuen bis long bien Hge tWs ignasaîg t i or 317,904luii agalua .3X,7.438. a-idited viti beieg une ufthtienbit tac- aslieIintention ut Contrest le pnsslag *1'iue ,rlev-tumee 7 ia luinthe inmy. Mlin lutii Koutihne it cetn i nn essb-In tiiet'nitidStates. agalen.t 21lent Ltricae var hiiews glu-en cronmand ut rein te place lu tie rlissflcd service outlienr, mi m-"treun uCanada, igainst thi division u t e Briti sh arruy wvici t he guvirum int ail tii im ployes ut t hi 2 6 l nt car " atrted te tii relief uf Kimberaley and ceusus office abore tie grsdeofut nskiîl- WVhent ta-adieu are vurk- Mfkintg. Hieluit wli taier sucisfj until id libora- vhosle nemes vire un tii rolisle ~~iugi-uîitreble e struck the Moldder river, wiîa-e tii ut tiiecinmm. aetih date ofthe approvîl l nt wîtiî'r teute sude ramons Bouer generni, Ca-oie, wa; ait- ufthtic set. Tie resolutlu ta-lier peu- ta hte a%$Al Ig for hlm. The batlle utflaginfun- rIdestinet tueinInnton shal i 4csrried tie soutivesnet*gîtail] itli, thei udt rie tollowed and rmculted lu a virtual Je»out l,î tii passage outhticrecoluion. feu iny. or nul, tlire uitll ie,'nroumper fet fur tic British. fîer their udvance (rop ltre tus yia- T'Iti-Y ho'.ci-) dtv ras ciickid, Tii Britishltifillese u tusgutulreopisuccesalielfi, and theY think battle was oui ut tii heaviet ut tihe-ar. Tie bill ta riacslty lie rural trie de- il in limte for Kansas lu misue. As Gin. Wàuciope wacç amoug thi kiliid. iivery service sud pIace tie carriers un- yt il bto,, ca-ly tue1t-ll dufluiteîr vint M.ari Rtoberts rilievid Methuen. Hic de- der lie contact systenu. w e-unhi@ bien l'rzsns. OIklahoma sud Kausîs viii du lu ent ot Ca-unjeand tie sura-ender of tii dibatid lu ticeFlonse for uCi veti . ui- hwny utfsa roI,. 'tie han hen lu- Buer-leader made Robia-ta' timons mia-ci vas passed un Monday. but lu a ton tîfficient mousture le Oklahuma sud Tiez oe Bloemfontein aud Pretorila possile.lint complitely changesd tie pua-poue for Asansd lu partsit ofKansas ail nettoi. Ges. Metiuen returned te Euglînd. but vilci il vas tramesi. Bite" It vasClose observerasaysîit le thre ietOr ut itEter a-Ilent h raturnes&tteilid and pasel! tie billvas allia-i u-dicilly bi ltheIlostiveelere country fli no bas dunceommanded a smeait division un- Il* opponcenti. Ail]tii provisions relit- tiey gîtlmeuanudance of moisture du- der Lod Kitéèner.loa thle piting orcarrierse~titeinîg tic lute fImait an lulner. ierhave Commandant Dela-ci. nuit ta De Wet, cotart systill vire ita-icken ont aud neyer harvesteal tie full actes"e. The te o oft htiibent ofthle Boer figitets. the milan systen t unli vascitîn- seiage this)car lh a rem-rd-breuber. à Delaa-y issned a proclamation lent fait, nid, but tfimaximum siliry ut carriers per-ticînil <ua.I ii .ollovlng close un tiche l utofone L * Cee ainreasid trum $0 a60peu an li lst, sud Rsîll iti favorable candi- b» Lord Kitcbieer, -in wici the laternmuae. For uearly tva bottes Ma-. Viat utlions make Anaviraie crop. *allid un ail Boers la sua-rendr hy Sept. Missouri sdda"d tii Pieute lu uppo- Tie lueparttunt of Agr-icuîlture- lu i 15,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f Dcai' auucaet -sh-it ion lu tic aiip auidy bill. Nuite- re-porat qî-,ilaten tut &bout 23 piercent 15. e aey'un tii oiamnet dvastreadbea- utfttiheody hin hen acordid moreuoflest vî-nra nihent ca-uptlea-itililaitufarue- Heoltcet!a-'ntielsmua fgitut irgad flseringly clonei attention filn i a- er- h8nda. au erripared iti 24-5.peur Kitheer' tmat ad fgh tet cîen. ivd. Despite hi, iuideut -enciu, et onahndiar-ci 1. 1901. .and 29 >pie ANTI-TRUSTLAW VOID. liespol.ce ilitua-oci and fie", snd na imta col--Uton band tîhîira-i I1114> fliecua-rs ANT-TRSTLAWVOD. éit-one iuailliantly cloquenlt. [le cane- ri tua-mers .band* lu rstimtned aetaout Bupreuse Court DedlaresIlinois Salt- tîtil - analyted thependinnc meau-e sud j pi-a-rc-ut trlest ai-île«s -,j). logainst ut U.Cn.msttlnal. 1,aati,tilaaly ettariuid tihae-tient navlI8- 136.9 liea- crnt in Marri t, 1901, aud 37.2 Tic United States Sttpa-tne Cur-tthansI"îlot, eus. vsicii hi red v,-rieclira uer cent M)dsa- 1 I I. ()fonts tira haudid duvu i decîsion holding th,,t the of hart)arlotu and raiouuhle tur thc e d repIxrted about 3M) pe-r cen i-st ,ftt Y"-sa Illinois anti-trust stataîte is nco,-ouîu- line o ut ne rca-nt marine. %Ir. Till- -oi, tillinlurerras heel.l, us -ntnsa-ed tional, Il la stateal lu lhe de'-. uuutuaI oitt>utSouth i (arolia tîllourl v tht a nili. :4>1 l-Ccu - N -iI- 1 u tii 1ev la vold bieuse ofthtce Po. sion ri,a-i peech la opposition t e heill. lie M;.5 î*--crut on Mnrch 1.I. 1414. î-rempting egrirultural produa-tsa nd luve deourrd tic poiay ut givîng su4iterusunA-irefr-tii arop (ladage il- tl-re' via- stock, to au> body, paaticuiarly lu ludividuals ,therîoîi.sidc-rai:nshich, t-, tha- lime Thsdeiiion lea uthe Et tmott inIs, atnd corporationsv tit inrdluthe forta fue.arc.e- irt itg god iufli'nce. it Dotouly lu tic peupli! ot Illinois, hubut t ie)uf uhlîIulpI9trusts, tî, i-lîtîroff lureiýipas, au o.pared corporations which d"raintludo hbusinc-est-a ihla'it îear. in tiie'Nurtiwtn--'t niitît inth mState. Tii judrunul nas erder- it,-iioîî,r lIoar mitad 'a-îî,c)rEtspe',-, b riîiîîa-p toîitu. This, vith su imî.a-ive- id lu lie rase ut Thî,itas t'onntîlly anuti l, liic Sc-ie (En<lu iida7 iiin t stlO ncn u ti.'e milllrig d tr~. oocolin- utiers agaittît tii Unîîîi-li -ierl'ipe ti, tih,- 1oponltiou triec-t i-t-îiuto-sit y :ruff.rinrilu the<-Noir t. ti-t, i t(aiy Company utf Oio,otnd w - delivea-ad iy Eun-ct so-t, .totf ith, lnhi-I h icrd-irerriictlî,uinlu ltir- ,imot stmo,kn, Justice Hl-an. .Ilqîri-d n olîlîl liil îircach outhlii,-it w h-im, arc oul, to.-)iii,,-of lu-ut Nîaas, Outeide utfthe Tr a s <tirtti t he li-ici g, in Iii,- ittt -s tlo tli te tsc- i l ta l, in nr, ,-, n n ti tt.. ttac-r.'eili nuis aniti-tut laiw ha v irn tii- nt î was 'fîtîeî. licl.- i.,toi v us hrî,î unt Ot thlic g- I i u-.Et , litgovi- iî,- ,il. tie ctI-lgent lu tiecorunt ry annia t îy ,oaltî ylstht- effotlof S,-întt,a- I.-ary of ArL,în-,tict (fit. rations iavetuv,ir bcî,îituirti--fi lu .tb - ,sît>s t, ir it1t tii,- infialft c-rotn prît 1,-g,-, i taîsiuî îic,îI fa-ot lîî1îtîatitis et Stat", lu svuid it. ltilrediu îtfîduass iandîi t-i-tiîlE$ tII repirt-thei-rî-slutiîtn l-,o - eil3 - I.,k ci., itiE,îîg îtt., t ,lt. hb tiih sa-e in liecourts aoius! î orporatiuforl ue îlTîg tfr îîîîîîilaa - lîllîifîtS-,utr-.10-, ard a-iî îind îi -imîiti At tailing tt. compi; n th iairiotîn pr--vIi-i-us Scl .- -.ia-vIldîy vuas bit 1.-rip att achrîl n t, i fiiîlî5t a-k i îiîh lt- a-i-I --, i l entb ufth tc anti trtiim saturelt. aindi iîs,-calses oin,-î-.hii n ,tfi, l,,,,se a le1a--sutila O f toE. îîîl r,>, îî 2,E. viiie hi sfected il; their ,i,-în. Burta-on ut Tr-asi, fîadeclit-ilite uank ltr iae liîtîiilîtluîg-lthe Thie decialun outhticSuprêmle Coutrt tp- il'- lirîtîi uttiorit i- foarîîsp att-hîîî eî , - riî-sulli. I go ci.-- lîni-s boitis an oiniin bda-dd î, il > ri yJîdge sa-iicrt-hv' 11,-,. Itiratu W. 'iiTttiîtn îsudî E. lfîtloiî.,Etiîl . " i tl c lo ii laliilîo, vtea-I OW Itolbuttun ,Tsita-y.li1900. The Illinois Wl la- tif VChu -atc, igit paîvlitangt lîîîle <t.,,i. i:t tii .-îi-i, n -cru-nied juitalt bisrd h is optinion ilt, hi-' saie Bitti, lîira tu ,istriiib t- relit tîîuls IE Ile llE , aî i lti t liî- i,ca i sek. ga-uund as tihellgir-courat. taking e ucer- - coieeteil in, t iniaifor Boera- ntie anti nd iiinî,-asvtîl2,tsm) t)E 1,1 iirea-iduti a >-ear lion te tic section n lict exe-mpts trutu riîilla-,. Mra. htitt outIlinoisînadoi,-a sm-i. lgs îd i -.î-îîl UtîStaiîniîaredl il% provsionus tii ageiî-utu.rist atd stock si, n ldrell, calling atte-tiotîîo the11 maitii thlic revis u, I-,k, iandli i'rcased toaimer. J,îdgm Koblsiat hi-Id tiit tii fort tuertti-ea-i-oiuioîi rîîiing îiPou i-h-c- l8.3, .n,înriîta-cl îinrth the cîîarrspouElilig staute C-Ontaitd-i aut, clitivs4 an pi- rîtaory lt o>for a pati ntiîaon blîîîî ,,-u mC t.or îfiuEli-I fo-rutue leweei, de- ciel legivllouand witouin conîtruvention refera-ciltrua î ofîîl t--.îî iîih M r. e-- s-I2.04.)t- - i c, ii t,-ic revi- ut batthle fetteral i $r te constîtu Ttc, ri,-son we-ýav oniien. lie sno ilut 3tt. -kan iîi-cIla-lsi I4.2,V) cl.lilaried tiens. Inuflls dînlalîn thv Jtîîgcrettîned omas ainappearnt effotattpri-icdite itue viriOi c- agît. ta confiue is findiug tu tieclriuse lu cas ei uf,îueithei iidetiCi-waiiluin. ELc- question, but pIon-il tic hatlli ihe ntire ma-a ut organizeti l or tîsiru a big a-itoay ael, vhlch la knowsn as tieIllinois anti- lu a tfavorabsle reporiat a-ircid ilfa-oui île trust 1mw ut 1M0. Hotu- rconumittre ontujîilciory on lthe ______ Tic objectionebli part outhtiilaw tuelia-un-iaior bil lute intit tie mealiîle of Judgi Kohisaot sud lie Supreme Cournt ftic- srd runoiia-iy attî tise r rve - cChia-ugo Cattie. -ouuunn10eprime, Je section 9, vhici runtaine tirai vords: strainiîsg ordrsand injEonctionsalit i-ca- 13.50) lu$61.50;. iîgs, aiilimg grades, "Tie provisions outhIis Oct ciai l taP- tain reia.14.25 tu $(;.40; EtiEe'p. taierlii <huiei, $3.00 ply ta agrîcullural producîs or live stock tu $5.W0, ouest. No. 2 ard, 82e te 86c; vile in tie bonds orthle prodecer or Wasington5 Notes. ena-n.Nu. 2, ciSc teu.59c; oâts. Noe. 2, 4lc aier." Judge Koilseat iid tinet tus Mes. Rousevelt intertia-d tite dcii- tu 43c; npe. No. '2, OSa- tu:57c; lber. tii- Eml a tue hea on rin rse1.5;bute, hu raiesme, 2ete clause reudered the viole urt vuld. egîte th. Mte' ug-es thy. $0,00 te $14.0.1.pre.$,0e Noeti»e c us-nt xtet. vas tie causeiouthe iPhilippine decisin,25c; P9g8, ta-cnt, l2c lue14,; polaIres, Influenza epldemic ln London. vîants $10,000 ludcmuity ton bshient 72e tu 79crpie hiel. Orseenville, Miss., vmn scorcbei for Prîsident Btocevelt a-ecmlved a ele ludianspîil-Ceie ahiltî,iug, $3.00 te 110,00. iu rpreeuîn ti rtyut 11 6.75; hugs, rhoir4t ligit. $4-W in to$6.10; i jI. tihe ti mule tiers tire of 0o mon, siong menti ca-id lors walt or f on I of I Beut trou ont faled cke- tt DO aI Bhi lie ta, lnoc Oul mes tllt top le o If v dlvi bll but mr. ont an,- lite pieu et1 me t lutl vill -T on, vWel ver onee id, 'mn pis p'i hie tan ca t Ha ln Tii gmt Til by maie mhec e c tic 151 sel ln nl gel oui ii oIt oui bet ha li, get a ir a-n If pi au au ira b; ns ns