miTown Polit m -; IiisMait Ualurday aft.rtioou viii accur PICKED Up HERE AND THE91E. Ir botittisa Republican andi Democratie '0 camucuefor lise purpa.. ie fplaciug la Loca Itms o Ineret toLibrtylill Beders qu nominationcanidat, for lown offces. [ C o n f id e n c e Lj«Ie fneetoLbrylle edr.: Naturaly Interest in lthe office of ____________ I4444444444444*44444444*4iBBé44~ upervîsar predominatea and É51111 Do onA la yet aerioualy meutliied la- a l1 oppose W. L. Millerthtie present lu- C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. culmbent, altboîîgb before cauetue day lu E ffect Sendsiy, October 2o, *i<>i, et2airesa. In Il la probable nome candidate front HEbsns ftecutyi odce nTO CHICJAO PROM CIiCAGO. RepîublIcansviso nsay desire the office confidence. Wbei you deposit moxîey in a vaux DAIS. vuls DAIS fe.r iîelug -"turned dovn" by thier ban yu elct li ii hîh yu a~e onDepart From Ne.w Deo Arrive at New Devot. ovu party bence tiseir aversion to batk, ouselctoneli whehyouhae cu- Leae rL5loýrtyviim. Arrive Chicago. eNo hýW. Ariv,1 -r y Il. enlersug the canlest. Sncb a condil fldence. The one iniwhîc h you have confidence !05..7Neo..s......... .. .o ... usa m........ s6.t,. ..W ar -lt;fith th6o1Lwh...h..ond ielit buJnss egii.In............... u . M. 137.. ...e tP., ...... P.M.repubilean tovnship.,ibut il novertise î-mlebra te Wall palier 1of theonewhih as ondcte is bsinss egti-66 .... 66P. . .......... . ... nIl.m p.... Ilu. leuanaldea,and lise chances 0f Super- Mately. We oectupy this poslition in the grocery 8UNDATI . S LAS visor Miller beiug returned by thse 'AlfredI Ieatr4 & Co. 'I'lesse is o. 3e. u ..i. . de1ocaIl.vins business. It isby honorable methods we have N.I ...75 LM- .......94 . .. dmortew h e. fuse. uliau ers for paiyadeel galed the confidence of the people. If you are éceem gobaodi.iaiyaîdecl TO CHICAGO. PROM CIiCAGO. For coleclor Jay Morue, Jesne leicy of desigîîs are ad- Dlot oui customer, give ils a trial, and you will flnd Vep iS £££DAI*. WVaux DATIS. Prteouis andi Walter Aclieu are 1n 11edly he ile n h a satisfaction ini buying that you have neyer ex- Dpr From Did Deoa. Arrive et ODi Devooi mentloned. perlenced before. Le vLiberyrllle Arrive Chicago<. LIaYrCISicaco. Arrive li Ibrtyville. Fred Croker eau eslly secure aaktahIae4Ida ih perience before y 0. 12 ......6:26 ILm . ............ 7:111a6.iM..O............9:0 5 M ....o...110.41ISIL.M..........Sn forns.u Ceao. maraetond for, told cleigl. 51.... 7 a. M. -Itii .... 5250 . ......... ..M.53W weîcmslaeso eaeîo lit ...12:w P5. ............. 01 . M. -l"_s..e6 0P.. ......... 76P....Tast om sg assorw reio BUNOAIS SONDAIS preparesi lu guese. No. tu.... 6a.mA. ............ 184 a. M. NO. .. . o. ruO .m. ........s-10 6 a. M. IL. W. Bnlkley VIII be a candidate idu..s ...P.m............. 4:119 P. M. for renonsinallon as ilgbway coin- mussmioner la tise forts district.O T IGGS '& AY LO S Wanted Gti lfor gaeraisouaavork. Ilîl0 sud tise macaroni ftsctory viiiDenunisLimiserry viliidoubîlesas b R T AYLOR, I- lquire et Ibis office. 23-,4-P $tart up Monday. nominatesi for constable aud no one Mu. andi Mmt. L. Z. Praline ands on Oeo. l)avison ln dolng juîry dîîty lu knovi viso viiIbeoneoi schoo) trusl-ee. Lfbertyvllle, Illinois. PYdeespent Nnnday lu Chicago WaLkegan &Ibis yacek. White otisers may lbave beeu ___________________________________________ vlsftlng relatives. Wm. Splîmane fine stallion dled meutio)ned for lise varions oilices we WeI . R. Se;Imars la lking a course In lant veek et long fever. isave flot iseard of thexu. lu faut Ilsure an optical college la Chicago, gaing 10fi. B. Eger sold a rnbber tired run- la a laook af Intereel as compared vits lb. City e«CS day. about to Wiil Wells Ibis veek. oliser jears and ve do flot laok for any lirs. P. Praline 15lisCica5go this Oua Lange and si aUnbaru are --on hg ___onenencaon_ dy.Caryiitokir___gs vemit atlendling a Minery Open.lug thse rosa- sellng mae«Omi. Lenten Miiission, andi (I -4eomîpIete Iiie of TEWE ARE AGENTS FOR as etn i is aeIsye. Wn. Walrond noa iebi sorrel borne Communelng Sundsy lise 16th watt pai er, wiiidow siatce, Chus. Vandemarit viii remove hlm 10Franks Sinier Weduesday. hIs lu aveeki Lenlan mission Viii open e aptaiusai iitig f=IuIY tO Waulk"fan ie luit ailthe doit veet visen WUI don't boy or oealiSaints Peler asdd Finis Catholc res rîgeiiqîîatig Ba d w n viss, visera lia Sas OmPloymeut lu a bornesaf soaiedeseiptions. cisurcis surtug laut mess. Thea rellg- ei.Cry i r îglt iiîto libt- W R.tlie vire mille. Iona exercisea vii be condncled by tise ia i it nFiîva candidates avait initiation int Bye Testesi. 11v. J. Douocher, oua of lise montvile H aliso te local 117.11e Workers lodge. Tii C. B. SisermanuWini bc at Derby glfted afiseloquent puipil oratoire 0f brinfis tise maubersip up toa aijost Birus. store every Salnrday afternoon,th liseonet Jesult Order ln tise West. W O D * - li H oward luo. begnnlug Marcis 2M. as preparesi ta As mauy subjecla of spectl lognerest t.I a 1900 Jil 4J. i.Porteona viii voantlelise torones týâ9 yansd properiy BUfi vusglamees. viii he dioused durlng lise progrene ~Eli IngtLo n oScuplesihly bu lu lira. PolIonsà 23-If-si. of itis miealon a cordial Invitation ln ,7OU"a e 4ndmova InWto ire. Abore's extladesi 10 ail ta be prenent iltlise There are aiiey ubms.olisn StewartAve. vl eiaeiCOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. fcurs owVillage Sourd aluI gulnar session Tw aco oni. eepeacdexptou ils ful board presanTerpulcul.shpcuteofI h ie e eet vealiestr mter np 1o lise UMis on viia date Minute. of Feisruary meeting rend Ts eulcnbvslpcnu fIett in oicet aisnc needesi min setlnl. andi on molon of K&anad uorlet, Libertyville Winicoecur Salnrday aflter- îcfore the hile gets r rekeî. N e Be er P IA N O S .M et la isaving a el borea Movd by Siserman ands& 1tisag hall, for lise purpoeef paigi o ue r e c o r reCo o k Aa s.f omi oFu l l eo on&M u na roi s$ 31 1m oa ItL lo frj av illelTmv u visab a reputatlon forthg %ho is deduolesi trams bill o . X. Curhi n omination candidales for tise folio.. floving vaLriety, la dolusg tise wrk Aya-rabbe, Proator and SbarmAu. iiSg offices: N&78-Ocoriell, KuIM and Juil. IlSunperviaoir W . have a first-class bargain in a Dr.Eoisnia sunday mornlng bolng atie vote PrenentuuWaldo voted Assommoir sujc H o-Lgt oeLtgistY sys Carriâsi. Collectur lncothehand Adam Schaaf Piano.irgn lise 0Mved by Jugéand Proctor tial;bill ltsvenvlieiara of O. E. Cisurchifma amueudesi le lark s secnd-an 'Ad rn ch af ian . erlea to young mon, on «-Bulding a allowed. Aye-4JuatKaiser, (irabbe, Commusioner of liigisaya, no. diât Caia d" Proctor and Shermn. Najs Corlat. Constable se rmons o ab 1tsNuttaWelstMo<tiCorti. er l#q C a i l n d i sU n ivet.r sî i u ., r ais, to M o t a blWet rn o v e el b y J u i l a n sd K a ise r t is ai 5 0 0 1 t u te e i'nverlly peacsas tv vry olaiaminutes as correeotd i e approve<i. aud 10 tramsac sncb otiser business as aisarci. 'rite bouma vu full and tlhe Tise follovlng petion vas rouad dmycuebfr iecic iepeweldl ve 1;was novesi by Kaàir andi Corletl F. PRoTsaE ~ pope vtede itshe.. pr~Ayro itio i> hoB. B. EaEs UDr. Nicisola recently sold bis flam of grantesi. Ourriesi. C A8 TOLZI5AN, ______________________________ aores lust veut of tovn kulovis am Othâpçetlonernd eanli u a si Town Cous thé ttà Morisplace tua Mr Insl atrumanta fronstihsaons aud barsA, L Lbry ilIln i.cist, ofCicaogo. Dr. Bichola déaireof liseIlmage, insam m s nobs lesocrstic Town Caucuia. - ~ a w go purcisas a place nearer tovu. Instrumnta vanld teund to allure A demnocratlu coutta for lise lovu Tise Canning fatory promotoieshave-liserein Innocent boys, af i Lertyvîlle viii bufiseld ln tise K W U dacamesi n dugust Tisi vae ~0. K. Charchsîil ira b. A. Bulkleî rlovu Hall Merchi 151beaI2IP. nm., for________________________________ deomedl dnge. hewee nJ. iluriour M-i. W. IB.Blls &bis 9a soeur@eBs semalient aMount 0f T. J. Boyt Mn . . .ChirdIIthlie pILrpo" Pse ipcng Ilu nomination sniscrpllons for a stock coorpauy L.. i. Morse Fi,,ra Churcill candide& for tise faiioving ahil for- elliser hars or at (irayeake. Tise J, B. Roblinson bisaOrke lise peur 1902 indatr l ai riis bu fames J.i B. A lissson Mns. Barbour Bupervlmar cien siloolla u istbuermlier$ adocWktile v hr s Bn 2 doz Wrappers represening the sainple Company ide«.A P. Sisiples 1.1115e Morse AsvrhUne of tire St. Louis M'f'g CO. bolIglit at a Dr. aisn Ss. ompctei hm Srle N aits M--. Wiiliau Commrissionr or Hlgisvaym. 00..s(lât. bi.g discounit from regular pies, enable uis tsi af letures undar auspices of Land's Tises. Ellis à HAieaniI landi Agency. He bas prans ute, ah F. P. Druoad Ms ale Scisool Trustes cutI youî a first clamS garment, at the lîrie of &avantages sud supsriarity of Mu 1' . . Locke 11r- J. Moore 'o0abe the goodre. These Wrapperu arc made fron .B.Knsisp Mn- 0. a. itaifo i .andi îo trasa. nb oirbsnesa sa la sd a lauin a Man- Ge.A- Wrlglst lirsiBrown'at bvbsnsuA atclrpraeeu ul ihetaw ner la1Itereet rDsy Lake County E. W. Bstterlseld Marrs: Stupres may corne butors lise canons. fs oo ecls u ut ihetawd forcloesasd uosioubt ftr n«I H. C. lssOn lira lB. Kao ToWNSOsiP COMMITTRE. shirts and deep rutiles. We gitarantee Pa pr atin illreul incotaiemleS. C.Willard .. lM' Tish. £Ils nit eth etfitting Wapeson te M o l y b e n nirai y t mM . F P .. D y m o I d M s-s M . ib s a a a s t e r B i .t h e i t b e t e b sW r p e st e 1 >p e . ~ . m ne benguv mldb us mbMa. E. W Butterflei M . W. Wriuht Te young peope of bertyville miarket. Ustial priet from $i.oo te> .,5 . S pri ng designs a liste canty jali' upan au Indîcinsent mia C . al Mr&. Sabomu Maesd. SChinagvd n omitemseautanf JclaLiberty ville about April 5 tis Iw ville ti 0 r.islerihand or _______________________ fEU 23-2-d toenvillge ax otT.n. rpLveryo on e h b t o . E e y Fred Ficise vas gtmucis lu tise face U.93 aud Patrik Walshs for $2.13 be 5 c n d1* 0 vilS a beer bottle BSusrday nîglit refunded andi varrants Se dravu for BSJ. IM. SMILLER. At5sn.y. _____ fislle standing ois Sprague sîreel usur ansounts. Ail volissg aye. ADJUDICATION N0TIO-Pabiic Notice Tise follovlng recolution Vas rasa iseary ien tisatishe subesriur. roll is 1 o2 d sig . Ewderlu'aâàIojjý y AdrewChev- uAdrin tqtor of the Balaie ot Merlu Bar bare roil s 19 2 des gn. nderlns sbooa~ b! udre.Cis a nion motion af Corlt and J(aiser E r d Iti ail ersutotisiv.r1êt lier. Tise lattées action vas nupro- won5 peaad. AU voiug aye. or! - ..-at-a toron ibereoi 10 bu vaked andi no apparent ressois for bis Resoivesi, Tise$ t bavlug corne go sie ai iseho urt Bousseln Waskegau lu condct eu osaeoetaind. Fck aur'kuowiesge tisIparties are about ou&w n d ou tiau rai on av- a condci eu o ssartaied.Pickbastoa selupiot maimntes lntise suloons Ise limeaaainst sasisi ltais aracsiotifies aa u ai under one eye butconsidarsaof IbIs villageau ,o-.uasted te praseut thse ser u s sid Libertylville. , Illinois. W e seil borders at sari-e p rice it for:anate be auffered Do mare Resoitred, TisaI It tgslit lise Courfor iv]Édication. Aiuaa-tr _____________ serios Injry. H t&l s avîng .euimeDtlaoaitrblseboard t, la sUagsy Waukegau. IlI.. Pai. 17, '19M. 2 p er rail as side wali. Cs:ie:rse.itrr uell-opera n an oyalcon lin &i$village. ,JI. ment on Frlday eveulng aIslise Metiso- aIiey of Dr. Tsylor h vus mavesi y DJUDICATION NOTiC-PuolIS aotle I Kaiser and loJg;t tîat a commiîttee bo is tesrubr clve tisai tise suissciber Pvn E i>u diat cisurcis vas of a h1gb order. A tea le appointai laloak into tise Exoeuix of tiese iWil sud Testaenrt ol ... P RE U S. a John Moleiksdecesesi. viii attend tisa select audience flled tise bouse. Tise malter. Carriesi. Oouty Court of Lake Coust, et a terrm Paper is cheaper this year than 1g.raîlevesai adsm nm Street cominilbe e appoalul ee r t h hld tthse Cou;t Bouse in At LovelI8s Drug Store. Thse seleclionis Tot reudîngaIsy lira. s@cis ornmiuee S tise Prestdont dein.aln ai, lSt. nonse i vierail liaesiSy uilsecndei S Urblepea o,n iuvileams anainmd Esaer&I Ia s , n d io e e a u if l ehutamis vere wiseiy made sud Couîicthe$at he m riai he luatructesi go are oiller! ad reesestsita reenanttiseL last, and mo e beautifulnot bave pleumed botter,.fier eIocuý purcisase a uflient number oi second "mrna temid Court for %[sd-letlo OL TA IC E tlouary renderlng wau superS. Bar grade Silo ai proper dimension tu M Rs15utrliofte LM îIi andTstameant of ANDPER u M S in d sig . vicebu ver plasat tus.HerContinue tise vater course a ditance of don ecke bzP R U E iranafer ironstise descriptive la the lu front oi B. Dusenberrysa property. A E TM7DCN S pathetie, lisetrangle, tise comic, tisa [rom montS ai prsent sever go corner 5UINJ. M. MILLER. Attoa. exuîlonal va vils pace andi naturel- oi Nevberry Ave. Ail votin lu ADJUD[CATION NOTICE-Puisilo Notice .nasm. As au Interpretor af these pritl e yObmuadProotor tisak A la iereby ¶lv.. tisaitishe subscriber. 6W ea mre na aqu1ii ares ;f r akil 1- .. -S coewl b ado ewberty Ave._ 4 itett otheMBliie frJota C. Knouf: t'mi