Illinois t Jaliet attendo lly &Bd] ur beena )m Ulsi' lai vide- star fiai healtis that te ver, Mis n etruag-. the an- sil tise as uoted Iover'uo1r ergy auis collatpse. arn oves- f bis ad- raîness. to a desd nvwded tbm hlé wotds .hat lied r vas flot !the ho ua n.] Commit- s tage cmv .he.] to lais se luto oue efhere, tisere suce t-i tisa an. sud oif- ra.i brunibi Wax tba'n ehpre lo ition lasle'd issîf when. man .a con- nd he mIed- moto. At 3 i0 Cousulta- "e eonviuced nIld postPefle ,orn lu Ger- 'n newax 3 'ates tu tis ttle farta la a. Péril eda nirager. la E ag'. beaun- au. remalired e tof thse ver. ,sicisraiit1. At r'ctA lii way fii hule years in 25t. 15dB. Altgeld rainpiiu abare- dong chores lent tu north- tlight eChoa S.' was smt ini savaunsl4. etpraelicinsi ttii îîe. but i .edeti rity aoralney of r.-d n Chiciago cif la W. He itiatu he bcdi t_ adi. wsc% lu , aita ni'a'. Tes m.teel. 1buter. lale la sat.]d s lrulierty. itlire's in tbe ilefeistesi. In th se uperiot :î kladileuly re- r le was nlom-' as csrried lite le' wsvr whlch n the White. i mur Mr. Ait.' titi snd bitter t. that cusci ,i ,ahi aînd Nee, -v 11,lteulsry f01- 'ilienian ratlrosij t .wheaî he aLileil lr'ident CIOVO- iiU1 tii tbe @~ec tahjeet 0£otu"-, wa% aiu ardiq* asIe ut ailiertmif nation or Ria. defesteil ami u -rie.] in 187T ta (.oiity, 015k. eyvîle, lad. uto Rosemas lad. wss ltwn iou t $3.500 Wus hbat. e uite.] ai" u-iplnes shOVuci. ýir dividende fo1 iruud earned dudai naîuiointcd c îat Weetern inX mode hi îad to Put hi anme note. «6m4 b tblme Cosudemi e . N. -A-'Z fer metsa aloy. aaD4 et the. lime I thog~t -m*wis a voleces. relief1 butbom Mrlmat eh" wu,- boss a gosimeihbor d vimmilLydMLmEpiaks bamam Vegtable, sud 1 umed Sat, tagtber *vitejour Pilla »ud suaive Wali cfor nur mamlla beoaistheechld'à blrtUn - ft bol mwcnderf nrie i1 I ardi - «au secboor. pain aud vhe scaIild va» tcm day oid I lti My limai tnsamg "",th."ee~vu ufai s la oenuuiaisluAbolI."- Une. 1. . RAssCIse, i laiAlom Ave, thiaUgo.'IL - om Ao f uemts..oU oue Mmd cemm eoeumia.ll wbmt b. .xp.otum*and offl-be moéer emis, mmd tIis eoeuna «h «M een. itbout Cent b7 vrlting te mma PnkhaM s 141U a& o" » fe a.ILr M tGo '.s0' or .ver-fl.ortiea adm411 peInTe et and col& or ola "i evr teeuh5 a b. ýVfMt@d ; hy the tls*qY-iît c f st Je.bsi The 011 sbpd4b,pii1ornlo et lerest tvreuty u tabtO Or thrce laimesdalli. vbeua&Il paim, soren asfofl ns v ilil e remnoved. il, M mim 1 otrugthteaud harden 41. Muselee. Poat. ba~t~a 1 r tn anmssd itiathletes 4 St. 111superior t.a &Y Othe"r teiefr eutvard mPPllcatlou. for the reason tilat il& action là more rapld and Ia effect Wrmanest. Thou- sand& cf people @il oVer the vorld mes and recommenai St. Jacoba isOIt or muscla-i l4? sorenes. A tweutY-live-ceut bottle lo quite enacleut tu prove lis efficaci. la ceses vtere smumeular sorenle hcemPU- ctod cii an y dise wbich reqUires an2 mtesaattvaé. Vlie' urative Cern' gmnd ahold l aee Prepared by tise tJaoa011 Co,, Baltimoe. Md.. vhO yllmoud aàsuipie ire. Wlfe cf pautetmmter-Wby verem't yOU home ta dînner to-day? postnuster-Wel. you sc. 1 baa linrry ca41 ta Albani. .Wlfe-D)lin't. von know auythlng af It visen yoU venlt awsY fronith* bouse Ibis niornlug? Poetmaiter-No; 1 didu't looai kthat letter yon gave me ta, mil util Ivaa balf way ta the office, sud when I MW It vas marked "la bate." af courBe 1 bad ta take the lirit traIDn t the Indu- cateildestination aud se. that lie lu- structions vere oWpjed.-Baaton Cour- ler. we eer Ou m drds iwBvr a emo 1ériE th" at sot b u"b Hanp4larbcUM. FJ. CBEiEY hà0Co.Pmpgs. Taleds. We l. m deaslgmd bave, ;1s K J. Cbusm m mesesla s efm Nu Psmw le umtawma~ssy acting dsiffeemjsf. <he bIsd ad muccU uta ofs e the .7. ar boe 5.@4dby ael amll Pffs amthebeat. Thae Germuany 'armY reerves are grtt ilurratiug lie number. For next year'm tbirteen das ofdnidlli5,350 tàon.eon=mioeed offirers sud 48.111 privatffl ill pet inauanappearance. Ili* jem1uarly dooble, 1st YeaLr*s numu 1,21s Bus. ouloua Per Acre. BLasm' *eV, Mmt10o f clas .lte,. maie *mbis 10a Me' I.U6 shores us sysr upapr IL 004910e.. am. Sh latl av. $38.00 toca J.bor A. l .us, 805 IS6.00 r et Cintorltar. r »n@s aa Chîcagoday. rm Carrisnd A rî, ui« dmys irosu New Englan.. llustratedl pamphliet sent on receipt of twoeceut stamp by M. A. Hutchison. Manager, 212 Clark itret. Cicago. -A Paradoi. Tise mlud's Hile a benk- 0f Mthtierr's no doubt- Thse more yon put lu Tise mare you get nuit. -Youke"ýstSîlesman. a CougtasgLýeu te (Jeusumptiom. * once. Go te jour droitstt-a u r a @ample bolot].free.Sod lulS a"d5O- -cent houle,. Go at once; delays are dan- cerooa. -- - - Or Cosare . NL IG Politincsu l 1us Iacerr ca.]ehet the - spaliers.s«y abolit nie. s len Blancsi@ailt-1 t'you wvmuodnit beliese it eve te ildiii Lamaits Fauy Mediciner tMoire tise bowela escisday. lIs erder su 1 b eaihy tisis la necrss&ry. Act* geutky on tise User and kidueja. Cures '0.. siseadache. Prie au.nd c S Senator Stewart. whbu- tal useti to be of iver ss.] Nevada. ihoalgist s M. dalry farni lu tise 01. Domician State an.] sella the prodarti n wageiiaeon ARE YQI,'uCL4STaIFS FADFDf R*e id C('vaB.11 Bh, e Cd Maie them NO'IICEbitle ag.i.. L-9- .-- package. 5 -ents TUE IIAmDRhIIB5'I1Cm* P iso.Cure ngumptloD is the t iiii.W555U555h555~ iedcineI hve ever t,îîîci for eoughs IV tsebmerliet etbo .1, Zsd ed-i. arTripp , Bi& Rock, RAT asd(n 11 TAIJf MNe s lyiI., ILszeb 264 MOL0 ~'~~'* ppotuitîy siiîh ability m.kea reapou The Kind You Have Always Bough: Bears the ie1 %riuOlSsiolls Feverish- ais 4lOSB 0F LEEPo V Use rFor Ovor TAiry &as .»CTcaY or WRAPPES. 018ASTROUJS WRECK ON SOUTH- ERIN PACIFIC RAILWAY. kfét te Maire Up Lost Tisse Esmalts lu a Besvy Lo.etfLite lun'Fesa- A Broken Rail Causes a Crowded TFraina b Leave the Trsck. Raclng et a terrifie pare over rougis grades in make up îve aud a hit houts' lest time, the Sotheru Pacifie passeugfer tr.iIn hIcis left San Antonio, Texas, ai nodn cibursday strsack a braken rail near IMaxon, tweuty-five mles veut ai San- derson, at 3 ociock Frldsy morulug sud wms destrgyed. It ia feare.] that tbe liât af dead may rach forty. 'lhal n he h.unmher ef pas- songersansd crew flot asceanard for. and survivors aay when lhey efItishe wreck vas humniez firioiuiy, with n hope ai getliug outalive acy of lise inJnred stil) lu thé debris. fîtreen are kuowu ta bie desd. Few Escepe Ilusr,. Iu addition Ct lesal tweuty-five tiare ,recelved inJuria. Tise roadl athe .Point Whiere the sreck occurred is in a rough country, the uetîrse bg sharp and the grades hesvy. It uase ben rounding a gurve tiat the train left the track. AIl thse passengeri vere asaeep and tise $bock that folowe. wasatis, tirât intimation they had oi tihe danger. Th'ie train ws goluz ai sncb a rate 0f @Perd tSeat the tender aud engîne iauded seventy-five ft.t ram vhere they lefI the rails. Thse cars hein.] piied uIt againât the engîne, caugbt lire and al were cousamed except te le serpers. A private car aune.] hy I'bomaa lijan of N'ew York. with ie fmmiy aboard, vas attached ta the rear of the train. but it vas puiled sway before the lire reached kt,.and noonue ln il vas ilureai. Alil the injured in tise coaches mast le- hind the express an.] taggage cari vers cremated. T1he people in the leeperi ver, saved vitb tise aetec f the naiu- jnred passenger. T1he smoler snd uay coaches vere crovded wîth souni-iýl when lthe dames burit out, an.] vrf,-eof those luside esceped. 'Illuee .ii"iii.]escapeBasy tisci sawvacrperaPeon ii.i îiied lu thse cars, aiowiy borning to tiraiS. LOcded -ith a os- The wreckrd train vnas tise Galveston, Harrisburg an.] San Antonio veut bound passenger No. 9, and cusisted of su eru glue, mail car, baggage car. une coach.ý orne chair car, tbise ourit sîrepers, mee P"Iman sîreper and one privaI. car. Thr mail car, thse hssgage carsu coachses ver. uled togethier agu asut th englue aid ver. alias. lna ~feu grossis. lit vas imupossible tii inve acy outhles couche% or tise touriniScars, as tbey ver, ailoff tise railisud thcy ve.%n Oa As sonst as it va, peauob4eir t etlu oosmaWcetios vailiste division bond- guaKterureli< traas wtki urgeons sud galyiciantsu ere stsrte'd troua El raso, Del Rie aad Seudeeses, piakiug up &lng the lUme a£l thesurgeonsta taIrui le Ieoed. Alilet the inured hoise cre la a conditiou te le ueved sacre ucus se EX Pms. TI4REATEN*i1 W ORLEANS. Boa Officer sii the Cil Barber as Britlsh Camp. A ripple of escîtemeut vas caused lu elkfaidia ireles et Washington receutiy hp the ltter sent to Preulést Roosevelt by Gel1. Samuel Prer- mou, a prominent officer of the Nioer army 00w li tis countr. ln is let- ter Gen. Peasn,.î threatens ta ciad au arme.] t'ri agaîcut B ri t ias1 New Ihenit. iii,' Se alirges. are v- augE.FaAiii\ rai satetji ttulie ta actitîg s ini the malter attd Boier uî îaitlîers througisout the aOIttîlil( di-lai auj riespessibilily in the affair. Ge..Itear amscliron the reode.vu8 st c,liý,îi al New trieamby Briisagentsit.a Lýl tari camp. bhirthtear -îiiid stuti o ernnient bas nid t fond asîY volt neutrsiily, and slît mît gve îb,. U, re«srsi the reeçutioie hr accU ly il. lmg offii.mI tepa ar.init lin rIte N- Ornleass.iapolice miil b. relîl icntu. li,î pereaur ferr" (jeu i'arsiin -.3 or ganize. t;ra. Peurs«.. a m an .ifataîiîii sar., generai of tise Buer irini. Iliedit front Barbernts, ln the Transaal. lit that place vas ocuîîdbý the B.itî-li an au]rsfe.ltIhe Vuiitid St.ea11l ahandoned ").1510 wo,-sboaf îruterty it ilnrbertou sud usa iisîsiiýe-d to leave his wite an.] childeru bbîit tii t ualtet Iii' arrivai in ti i tincv hsotilit to i1 theii.ahpment of b.,i-. by a ýuit lu 11 CHUR CIIAND CLEROY. The Christian Entiiavtir Soictv has t- taiied Ite majurîty. Tise Methisbta u iodiiftîila i, raiaed $50.000tuor.] lie erectitin ut a hospit ai. Tise next couiterence uftihe Biohit1uu ai te Setisodiet Eptecupai Chili thhbbut.cen set for May 1 at Ciattanooga, Tinti. Tise III. 1ev. Mgr. Michael Aatuniiii, à staff sccretary ofthtie l'opc, bats bien co necteti vitis the Vatican tar tucntd tou: Tise new Emanuel Baptiet Cisurcli t Cisster, Pa., wilii e ready for dedicatitn lun aashort ime. It a eaisandsaume struc- tuîre an.] eil cuat cumi.ieled aut $15,- 000. Dr. MeCotnIli 5CesBorne of tise theo- logical seminae'ies nec sasaling top. and] sers tisat tiseir alm seemc lu he quaatity ratiser than qualtty. laborate services lu conueccion mitis the Installation outhtie ieu.Henrt B. Taylor as pator oftishe Cisunch urthtie Iteueemner (t'nivcrcalieti. St. Paul, <ers bel.. Respeclers af tise venerautte aitd the historie viii iveicume au officialttuturti. diction ofthtie report tisai the ohi St. John's Churchin luRicismond, omttde nilit orabie by Patrick Hcnry, ta tt lucait.] an.]ttuu idoun. Mn. IRobert Ciiapmamî, aneutori' ly- monttb Bncliicco, itpretîcliig titlevoun- sbire, t the age or 10Q peans. l,. tas preacise.]for seventy siars vithoutta btreaks. He once vas a Londoitn lairpuýr. Dean Stanley of tise Caîiiciiil tf tOur AMerciful Savior, n a eiiiatlt. Nîin, bas sent ot n ircular letters oliiîîng fmnds for compleing the'tuver of tise catseulmal ase a memoerial ta tise late Biisop 1Vip. pie. The 1ev. Dr. Chsares NichaIs, w o achieveil uotorléty iy pabllahng a iaI t whom laoaegarded 4 thé elité 0f sott lu h Unte*It.*Statesa bas een ég- Md h1w sdafbma <TER FftOM ~ L.'UFATMER Gave Excellent Abdos, E.en Thongh James Russl l .vell did not vin higb rank nf schotarohlp et lariard. lai his coliege days the curroitium vas narrow aindl ixed. and Oaiti of Iow- elle teiiiî.rament, altlimh iîlic' vas by un0 mî'ansInadolent. couidt iiconfine hîmseli viilî strict limita, lut reacbed ou ntos mIacs'lsuneous retiliîg.lie bad the bappty taculty Whhbgctîlît.î'aMay exervlse of going out of bi,ttda in or- der tu broaden accardilie tU, hitieowi tastes, be disregarded thtii<liiIpline wblch ordlnary men CSlîttîtt itatilS neg- lect. Wben be wagraduatei h. tîjoîi low ln bis cams, but had a grîtitr knowi- edge aif te worid's litîriiture thiif maay ai hie professora, lils tather. a gaad gentleman of an enrîhîr and mare methodîcai e&îbool, bld 'ýter Ideais than bis son was williag ,r alte to live np ta. A letter ta the eon, al a time wbeu Loweiliwaa attîl toyouug 10 show bis spécial talentslN quoted lu Horace E. Scuddes new Ilite of the author of "The Blgelov iî:îierîî Titi lefîter canteins gaod OaGie% teu tbongb a great man Ie L.aweli , îîiîiIgntore il vitll mîunly. "%My dear son" wrtes 11,-.iiier Lon - eil, -I ishal direct Char[ -,tii psy ynu hait a dollar a week. If.,itu tire ont' of the firet elgbt ta be aduiitti-ii toi l'bi Bets Kappa (aunlionary a<a-iety for the hlgbeat seboffl ,,e dlliar per week as snon as y00 are itlmtted. If jeu are nt, tla psy 7uiit seenty fis e cent, per veel s mwon au you are ad- mtted. "If yen graduate oe efethte firet rive in your cmi,, I shal gieé ou $100on your graduation. If on1e et the finet ten, $75. If onue of the flret îweive. $50 If the firet or second scitclîir, $200. If yon do not misesf7n exer(-Ise, unez- cused, yen ebali bave Brystît ' Nythol- ogy' or any book et eQual value. "îMY dciii cbiid, 1 vsh tu to becinlbh fnl to youreeit. Tou ean eailiy be s fine echoiar. Use rgoarexpeie. As- sociale vilIs those Who aili eertthe befft infuence upasi yctt Say your pnayers snd read ycm' Bible every day. I trust you bave made uîî ail your ex- ervsees. If flot. make them lnonue veek.i" A Double Tram. A man wbo wiu bleycling in aoutbh eru France was puabIng bis machine up a steep Ih I wen te overtnak a peasant with a donkey-cartý The pa- tient beast vas Mailing but Iltie prog- rece, although t vms dolng Il@ bet. The beeevoient eyciet, puttlng bis left t and againat the boic o the cari andi guldiDg bis Machine witil the other hand, pusbed 80 liard thant the doukey, taking fresh coUrage, puiied bis laid suee0sfnily up ta the top, When the summit was reached lte pensant burat Inta, thanks te bie bene- factor. "Il was good ut you, lndeed. mon- sieur!" he protesta&i.', ehouid neyer lu the worId have got Up the hfil i th anly one donkey." A New OMMUer. Every lmprovement la frangbt vîtIt snme uev dnager. -,%%e wire ropes fasteed ta snme of the most danger- au& places la the m"tainm of the Alpe. whlle they fors* a Important safegnard, have been âoai to present a new danger as weIL They act as iigbtning couductors, a&" severai tour lots vere stunned durng the pasl summer. but noue of the ecamice' proved fatal. For Mer Usntes< S1ake Stendai. Imd. Marh IO-Mrs. Saraih A. $brode of Ibis place amp: -1 suffered mucb as mauy other women do wth Kidney and Bladder Troubles. I tried muy Uedlcines, but gaI nrelief tMI i aseti D*dWa'Kidney pilla. "Niue boxes nf this reuneiy cnred me completeiy and I teel it my dnty to mY feliow women to make this statemteu. "I can beartiiy re,omfend them, to any vuman sufering wlth Kiduey a.fd Bladder Aliments." Thse word, of Mrs Shrade wlll be gnod news to manr of ber suf ering al@e ters. Dodd's Kidne. Plilla have proven themselves ta be sick omaeos b"-t frleud, for tbey are as eftetual lnu.9il «ases af Femîle Wea loess as la BIad- der aud Kidney DhIesse. The Tstb. Mis. Blînflitt B beY, dld you auk yeur motter If you ould tale dnur witb me? Bobbie--Ye'm, botoshe sei'med te think Id better stiii home and get a good square meal. ELY'S LIQUID iIEAM BAlNIi s prepared for @uferers rromn nasal cati rrh wb.o uae an atomizer . praYing the dis eased membranes. Ail the beslitig and sootbing properti e or lream Baliutare retaILed in the iiew prparation. It doeii Dt dry Up the secretin, Prîce, inrlud- iug spraLylg tnbe. 75 u At drogeits8 or Fay Bras., M4 W o-n street, N York, mail it. Rigbt l, more beaocital than prîvate affection, sud la compatible vithS Mmîror sai wisdom.-Emersort Mach package ort-Pl 'TNÂM FADE- LEGS DYN colora elther Silk, Wool or' Ootton perfectly et one boillng. There la no educstion liks adverit.- Disraeli. ss Blay & Grin Reporter ad. la tus paper. Asthma ".One o sitydaughlhallsdà terrible eau of aaîbma. Va tOlnd "onai erythîng, but wthout re- lef. Va thon tried Ayer's Cherry three and one-hall bottles cured ber. "- EMnia JIn Entemingor, Langsville. 0. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly curesimanycases of aubina. -And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak Iungs, whooplng -cougb, crop, wlnter coughs, agbi coughs, andi hard :118. RELY ON PE-RU.NA TO FIGHT CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED IN THE SYSTEL. Dr. Haimas creceivea maay letters "-3 eurs aqe a hmd aetwDur hsÀAremed rthat vould iset fionsCatisolie Siuîerriail over the Uuited ,siue Uis*d de an S?. MIims m wm an - pon thce eagested focnmui.= = States. A reommend recently recrive.] -wsaaalh.t a.*' hta. hDsnormal1 latle. tramn a Catisoile Institution lu the South- Z5.a bd colie A tt n"deceufusemtiy cure aIl these ~iW Weut reads as folova. Ctprrh la catsrrb cherevr., bS AP-osissent Mothe, Sapes-lo@,,aimycs ' é9? h u ~ IV MWEnM OXii'i5 md5 p icer kit luintIhombed. tWIent "i cau teatlfy troua experieuce otehUe, u« M lab ninsomascis.kiducys. or pli va 4 effciecycf ena m oi c lie rry~ mc-w» Semodkhe i l*uema.remeeiy tisat viiicure -il l s e= â lest medicinea. and it îsei eu,.plosseire, ilcr ti ulctos ta ad.]Dis prise ta ttt f thoesndsazfotbcf rocsffuea siena CStkefC Feruna lma ucb aremedy. TUs' Who have used it. For yearis I sufer..] Iatldeaet o et ebe Centref Staes c f Charlty know tels. Whbeu os vilS ctarrh of tiese tomach. ail renie- Wr-luea hY ge 9Miser Sepere eds asdisesemake their appluasarn eies proving inlu for relief. Lait tliova: not dîseuncerteil. but suais *seuxp apriug 1 vent to Colorado, hoping tu bel tom~ a remedy to use. Tiseus u. and, beafilted blis achange ot chiieanemd I a mîie a am am Shfuera have fooufi Pscussq. chie there a irien.] cd.ised me to tr' 'lg aiessaîrd. Tisey meails Peruna. Atter uing tio bottin i1founi' sat1a5sanml5av614msmssse1 adiseuse la of catarrhsal ostus. myseif verys mchisimproyed. There- imy in tIe remedy. Dynagi as. ami . mains of Dis oid diseuse beiug .DvWsce,, ,weakuens are couaidoel ig y s aiight. I conider myseif cured. set for a1ss a gm» imingn nl , entlreildife rent dimessta ' chui iuteud ta continue tie se neeof Ï in 1catryl of the-stccuach Bd Peruna. I as nov retiug suother veakuesla due ta.sêtarrh cf ~ p met viti jour medicine. Sb@ bos Th>ýe seMWvsauplss et let fier eceîlisd orgaetheeSluter* are tully a Dn. bendi c ite malaria sud troubled hyDO. Uarnmm frent sthe ocrdera sequeutlhiPomma 1eW their vitis leucçarhdd. I lave 001 a doubt et Cuult las r-a r*gh.i , boti thee.very contrn sud that a cure viii lie speedila- effecte.]." Viauf ae s. disesses..1 i SISTERS 0F CHARITY Tbe. -aes and adirce te tises. wt- acttory rdoitsnot rme uneap -- taeri lave les. clthhebd tramn reset ta wente at once te. Dr. HuLamsE.àa Ail Ovor Unted States Usne PS-l'l-@at l ie Mb"tvril le furumishei upon taul mtemeut De yeur case, a reqmasgieplecued ta geen hie- auiuv frCatarlh. Ose-hai et the dimoamea viici afiliet vice gratis.= 1 ften s a aMànfc ilndsle Cer-s luiutd re due ta mes«tmrrhal de. Addreso Dr. Hartmouj P e 10 ý'« ta-mfl i.centS ltfe 'bg leoen- rsgement of ths mucenis membrmne îln- Tise Rartmau Staitarinms ei@ 0 . ý wend train tht lister S$pMaer.: luss*me rguasur passage of lise' lody. t0Ohi. W-dan .. .... f@.»t M Fsaer efoc-wuO. es#Io. a b- - assus;Lses . . Mici. as 104.a.mtsa.s~svu 5.Si b--10 a Oa 033.00 to Pacifir Coast Chicago an.] Nortisvestern Riivay; durtoz tise munths of March aud Aprîl $3000 tramt Chicago ta Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Oguien snd Sait Lake City; W,0.50 Spokane, $3300 Les Angeles, San Franciaco, Portland,. Seattle, Tacanin. Vnscouver, Victoria anti s large number ut othen points. Tourist Sleeping Cars dCiir to tise Pacifec uait. For mapa an.] psrticitlara appiiy o uearect ticket agent or stidrese W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fiftt avenue, Chi- cago, III.- Biggemt T'ree lu the Wnrld.. The largesltmre ln lise worid la lu be accu ut Minil, near lIse foot of Mounit Etna. listr unk le 304 feet In circuimfereuce. Titi largeet troc u Inte Ueited States lae aiul ltlic th it'ggantlc troc near Beir Creel.un lte umatr forî of tIse Tule River. Inu (alilurniii It niaicures 140 feet lu -lr,-iiuiervuer The fanionse glatt edwiut t re lit Ni ul.ale isIlù .feet lun icrtrtt EARLIEST RUSSIAN MILLET. Wiil you be short ai bey? If an plant a plenty of this prodgally prolitte millet. 5 to 8Ton@ of' RIch a iy Per Acr". Pria..60 ais. 01.901 100 Lb,. 08.00 I,.Fre1. John A. Salzer Set.] Ca., L~at rouse, %Vis0 C SinmPle. Fmtemtd-W'iy do yoa imagineu 1hat, drink drives away your ltrules? Old Tank-Oh! excitauge oue tutti. for aliotiser. If jol iglla wsitiful, clese, isSue clthes mse Red ýrcm S&BlueI.. Large 2 as. package. 5iceuat& t Gotli pars asa*rai - tributea lu bis jýt7e to alb ss pe oth acter of bis moiher. Put Up l oalbTum " sho e 0 sbusiIm v We raiBs5 5le M. a.e oale~ ta uIuIt. glba. Si sny.ap1 Ab ral.1 suichai- desabuii mUis. . gonsd s b àe 1»mil. e h ýDy Psapl* I o ay . b. buost a4laIJour ?Mi& ots. as &Il d" No arloe assal es~lb iap~ t WSUT.THINKDF§IT iiinZe". ut Asaraa i.c tisai B41t1 i nai iiey a P. P~diey, SepttLuut taa Otee . Bmuarogbto.. 1228 oelanes- UW%. . REAL ESTATE. Proport y Sold or Exohamg.éà LOA»N ECOTIAIRD WE BELL THE KART -- FOR A L E - I ti- t. 3 i A5I - A auA Scet UC1 HUM BM Wl]. Ud. t 8-:7zs ValuabrkWis oScleeIE ICE ____ ____________________andbody_______Cas- 8 .îA., mo. de élaiIo8coq digst, psi ur s siyou oe lii.stnpe C C .aii es.- old 7ieedaRna. ESM in br ss. talli dr.1ug ceis s eteu ieîî*