CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Mar 1902, p. 8

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'-4>-tv -IG.OOD soL:4 OR A ) INVESTMEN>. FII4E 1. prices to suit ail, reasonable, depending on quality of A soil, nearnessto town, improvements aîdmaî ohe oneî d BUto D kota h&IiiM8, sud vuWmi w Sbase bi 0 o abwgm and g. Raîgingf rom$8 v e please both lInvestors and beret ue tmm= î be oenuu.I eWMBbý thing. RatgiDgfrom 8 to tas wmiang et UV$e 81ooof aIl duaoipêiona,Mdmfi ool ey bUfor il il kîda of 8100k. but ta" Salve u5*iou aa4 àBegMa ~.Terms: Oîw third dowiî, balance o lu1 iyi eitsH orneseekers becaM se we "n l. utd folir ain pin filt alo*fS j at an -4per cent. Easy. gyl"rvetem uifofé aitIs 0m* h~~3'ii~ ~ 'I" LB4 neltilme02.v u, mus a De oet avue b glvuiée~e 3.Railroad fare allowed to 1purchaserm. h -ve just wh at tftkme 86-o0nsmai lueiiig of «pouse biSiebg e..«MM 4. lExcursion rates out first and third 'fîesdlay. tof eacliTeb& o uogmi e"m« »«MMOM«ý moth nefaeplus $2. they want 1t.rsfls do*al em w*Oâ LUND L0Iockefeller Items. <jet ouiithegardon hoemand rake. mollimi aI Uiaylike. Tbmy sopped (w tthfOe tirade and abovol to,,. bore ever dnnday. Ir eîrli gardon rea vould maie. Allhough tIbm bm la net yoI ouI t Wbuto rot the spring ta nov the latte, s tîv doks are iyiug andv B. Tuorna, telegrmpli peraier MI »ve"alsportamon bave bmma sien JucUIon (ily, Wis.,speniI lunday vitl.tbagging theol&haI came vithis reach bui people bhe. oethobir towling places. Ma Luella iiorsohiberger vaiteid The long oontinued drauglit ihal Moda sa Wankesha, Rllinasand (Ch- bulated fer nealy àa rmablim limn aggo sbis wmk. brokea by copons aeowors outil tbe welieanmd Hteiras Ihal bave long bien F LOOk Out yo Edit0r. vo vill bc in ai dry in Ibis vicinily arc once more fual te boumenarmIng wben ibai non of valer. uood!L hem la tiibd- Tbr la net an empli bouse, non 1 ira. Weeniak and youugmai daugli- one Oisb1l ikely 10 lie empli vër! # tor of Dlamond Lae camne homo fremn soon nortb o e e racki n Iis tova. Q~ ageon londmy. Wbormis tbe Doit tariy, wbe mai de-L A bunum..mena public tuprevemobl sâlre te dweill Bions u, going te lire.d noeolain mlgbt nboa geod thlag for Bild more bouse.!1 Utia town. Who viii starl tg? Thte lllustrated lecture given aI ibm (bol IL Grover and vite camne trom clipel lait ffiday ovening on tbm C~ egote imAI er Buaday wilh &Ibe Philippines by Dr. Alce B. Condict dodosn Grever ef Ibis plce.wa veil aitendmi and higbly spekenl of by al wbe beaud Il. Sureiy ve -Bjlnanbaradhoad, J r. and ivie oethbe. "benevoienlly aaimulated' some i s D. C. LORIMER, Agent, Libe rty ville, 111. LAKE ZURICH. Tovn canons nexi Saturday. Candidates are slow lu cropping ou$ &bis yeai. Mrs. Meyer@ returned trou Ccage Thursday. Born, te Mr. sud tirs. (tee. Klepper a baby girl. Mr. tinatav Flielr vas a Barrinfiton risitor Monday. Wmn. Bloknuse and H. imiter made a trip se Wbmling Monday. Geo. Frank and M. Uudervoed simîlmi for Kanama Mondai. Ur. Barman Prehm made a trip 10 Palatine and Chicago Monday. Uri. G. Bl. Lyon, ot Wankogan, vu in Iewn laut vmek. Mr. Lyonulaslook- nus toi renominalli nftohebmlegisia- tune. Uir@. Henry Popper, Br., died ai ber ntome oeeMile osâtloettbere lait Mon- day morning ai tbm age et seventy-Ilve. The fanerai took place WmdaadAy ai on. o'cleck from Ibm boum. e. rviceu souk place ai Ibm Lake Zurich cburcb. The romains worm laid tutesteat £the Engliab cermtery &t Fairfield. Mi@. Popper wui oue ofthebm chou setlera lu Ibis cemmuaiiy. LONG GROVE. SHERMERVILLE.* Christ Guets bas moved auto im lr. .theo,0 ibcgi.vat Bemme faium. igM mi9 s burrs hcgo.nvii, Mr. H. Micro va BtPalatInre onigfiu os buâlneaa.aturday. The wsther 0f the pisi week flikol Born, 10 Mr. and Mis. Wm. BaIl, à pOi5Ofl think apring la et baud. Marobt7, B baby boy. Louis Fiuke speut Sunday aud Augusi Bebmidt treaated buaineas Monday lh frieni lan Harvey 111. at Rtockeot lutTharadBy. J. C. Dans, of Cary tation, visisecd John Domuer, of Watetowli Wis., in at boule sVeral Osys Ita sweek. the studant of telegrmpby,. Mr. Sobuls rnoved on thm 8. Keler lira.H. Gion apetaà feurdBys witb faima lait ThurodaY nfioch hobai Miends in Highland park thm past reused. woek. Mr. Chau. Erathi entertalneid à wagon Ioad of oompaniy fremm ec113' laitOn aconut 01Of ur correspondant Bunday. bvng lb.grippe Oui burfi vas nol J. itemrs n4od from the Goesa- vylte Dp for a few weeka. viller leolth. Frtiacbfaim lenISatUr- (in»,lbhebarber, oxpecta go aocorn- day and Bunday. W. Landeu viased on.e o hb idohpany bis father to Minnesota whers friendi at Highland Park luat Buaday. the latter olpla le buy a tarin. Hope be enjoyed himseif. ?. J. Knockonrnuma alowcn witb tb. Chas. Blabi, of Prairie Viev, and gripp e .put two wseks but la (toc Vois, o! Aptakic, bave ieitted .the rapî7rovln tou h.osa J. K uopf faim tfortht. year. iyroorngrmth efm 1 Meusr. Ueo. Wckeraboim, J. "iupp Ibeeoo. . ad Emil Geesiller made a businesa Frank Vots vbo haIbsen on tbe strip te Waukegan lfaIt Taeday. sick Ual tb. put ioeke la rapidly Mr. and lira. JStempel and Mr . B. ceval.molng mmd viii be ont mnd Febaman and feuily,. etAlintu f. h- '1unvialles ever una! vian ir. vonu tu timge a Msaav .al la. -.a- x Hlgite, vioited ai Chai. Blemple's lait M& Kra. Bujimau Bromibomi, Or., ot Abotsixlo1n !hebmy0biig tiendi Career and Citeracter of Sanda!. his place. anidsebool mates cet Mue Coe. Tbhoma Abrahamincoln._0_ M. Md Mia. Hi. Payue worm cLled gave ber a surprie parti lutWde Vbaba înou tGrayalskoilaiFridmy tu ated tbm day ovoning. Muical gae..and a A addreaaby JoephbChmte,Anibmi. PRAIRiIE VIEW. l ta"of i ei. Payn'a moIber, Us. jlly gend siue goaerally nu fau.sader te Great Brilain, en lte caresr J. A. Muoen *peint tai vomla Wau- amute. dulged la unt4il a las e ur. A iainty andi claracter et Abrhama Lincon- kaou.01 M»DirMdi, medev lamui, robins, lunch wai mrved and evryonmleproenî ise erlyIlite-bu emrl.7 stlglmse ibla Win. Livards tranaacled buiness ln »4'lM me reamog te vrydeclares te by bd a levely tinte. thm wrld-bia cbamealira i dvei"àChtil icage liday.m em e wigesse1 ain ameglaIbm isy __________ in the Inter yearaetfbis lits amd ieit. 41 Fred Binci! purcitasi a bhrer tà. j< viciat! iiow-e-dmys.. La Grippe Quickiy Cure~d. S s b ionUt riat ptoie! bisn»e r Bai g lut WOUqk.e L. IL l4m, of licilnry, snd bis la tbm wioler ot 1898 andiM 18 wai ane bibemu publlbm&by te CI'- PercGriiey purohau a bermeaet cltb, XMu.a. idernan, et Elmbr, tion dowun ith a severe attack etcae, pilauk nmd ls. lan' EIsw . P. Wllo î.éentiy. viitiletlie om e M. mdlia.vbngt la calielà arippe,"sys F. L. md !.»y b . y edM sx() lr$.F. Suaky te selousi il. Dr. si WHI i Kmiggoeaday 1ai voix. Ronett, a promîneat iiuggiai ot Win- Ent opoug 01 .Mer inLockyer la tu atiendance. fied, Ill. -The only mailue 1 usmi erat inssnge Agent, Chicatgo, IlI. M. Kueler and tarily visiat drela. SerVicesBaite Cufentgatliti.l w wIo holes et Chambrlain&(Jeugli __________tives &tShermerville Sunday. oturcliveri Suday 10:30 a. m. and liRoedy. Xl bruiee p Imcedtnhe Wodmn releaiande n 7M P-rn., Y. P. B-.0. Eat 6:30 P.-rm- aopped th, oughiug like magie, and WAUCONDA. teriofhe oie rll a ce e pint. 49 tre iavibod. Bey. F. a. Aitimiie, 1Ihbe.nover gance limon trouble!migwilt Mr. lilier O et Hcnroy wai bore Beîney DMaon, of Waukogau, vlited l f #"-te. if Urippo." Ombriain Ceagit Hem. Tbunidai.eaivsbr fwgy utwe.s John Whitaey pal Up over terty adjcOn always lb. depemdei ipon %0 vstrelîvsbr e aali ei Unimi tais mil oxe lat Blabreiai up a s»Tore coli and van off lire. Terence vas a Chicago Mier ri. Jacly Our nigliloprator boai0, da ti beparos t bmae rra Iivtecialae e pmoneia"iYl Ttur;day. rmaiguod. Mi. Poeos la lillng Ibm imlivory route lately startod trou ibis Plesani l e i, 1, wicb Mas it Har(Ial ptSndyvlircay ibemomnil elrable and eue 0e!tIbmontelbis parents. Perey G(idley bai hlîire arnat pepular pîparationi lu use for Ihesse Otto Waeltl va, a di visiter a tow Heffueir W vert on tlie faimfer Ibm Mr. and DM. Iving Payne came1 aliments. fer mei y Y. B.LOVULL, imys lait week. coring yoar. front Chicage lait Friday tu atend Libersyvllm, GnusvLîKiltr ltàALO, 1ev. ad Mrs. Lapham are in Chii- lire. Emmna stancliffe Who bai been b the fmueraI of Mr. Paynen grand- J. MEiKEL, iranboe, cage tiis vek. qutte sice bmpatwio veeki le nov el Dr.Slmtb, ot LIberty ville. vas on împroving niceiy under tbe cire et Dr. eur sîreti 'I'nesdlay. Lokyr.______ Fred Bloomi, of Chcagoe oai e fo Would Smash the Club. 0 1 days bore Ibis vomi. iltmeulera 0 e bm " avoer Asmo-0 Ivanhoe Items.M. Jae. Golding trausaced batineas clallon" veu duse Dr. Kings& Nov Dis-1 I Iv nho Itms.* blu Chicago Tueiday. covery for Consomption.,Ithe club nrs, Henry <olding returd tront à nould go te pige«, for il aincys caria Mr. Frank Dîmîr vai a Waukegan 1111e songalorii vonld net liure tibm ' visiit ai Arandale. tila rald>'y,-md Atmu, tIbm ni viitor lionday.Isud ef sanablàue and foeeandso ere, Nr. and lins. B. S. Humueof t hAt bufles thIbmdootora-tI vblly t Lac F. Jeanraneowva a Chicigo go0oeeof suow and tee. jChinago vere bore recently. drives trou Ihm aystîm. Thoummids oet visiter lest galurday.. The M. W. W. entertaiument auicli lra. Eagland and son. bave imturied once bepoema sufereis trou Connump. lion, Pueunionia, Broucitis ove tbir1 Mr. and ira Arhur itta aud lire.wuai gvea lait'Thuadai venlug vaia troi theseutbera parto eImlsa"e. Uweammd belibleit. Ilenqueiagiip, e Jeice vero Chicago vriîrrs lionday o!fgr"t seccees inu ery vay. Il9via The ply giron Coder Ibm auspices sar.nIbmelile ones tront Croup ande lait veemi. ematmmi h11 Ibere voie abolit eue efthIe lM W. A oqociely vas icSu. Wbeeping Congb and la pesilivoly A foon leachers rom ibis vay. att l- unired and lblrty in attendance urnedfr&I ootadLn ded~~~~ ~~~ ibhiaigCil a va, a gosicrouvi onsidering Mr. anidosPetil ogilnJ uMaedfr i iriadLn doit thenRading Cetetho roua,, bavel meri leupart et liPoir Troublea. 5tcai 51.00. Trial beilles laut Baurday. th e oitinftht ae have 0C westernarboume, tie se P . IB. LovELL*iS, Libotàyvilie; AdamuTuas bas mored hew l oit. tvotlome fIourive ougePH.AEMACT. digging apparatas ap tu Gage Lake oihler1vi 1rs3n0tereci lin. and Mr@. Andrews and dangliter tote ihoa lr.tevarda Freoet Couler lait Mondai accompaniei Miss Newman le Naia I-ALF DAY taib Nîcela fai. vicb cetaialy vai a vise idea. lIn, Bunday. li. Schbller Sr., vIli movi hi, familY Mir. Ed Connelly a fermer reidenl case et a bard rti the vater veu irs. Geary vbo hlbauniadiapooidlotote Gea bonne tibis veek. of ibis place wai bore lait Sunday rua off ibm rond iiisteaci ef illiaag Up fer the puit toirveeks ie agatin able 10 Dise Dors. Foot.e&peut a veei sbakiaig bands vîtb eh fria. thibmrmts vbicb ver. tuera beoro be about. rîcently vitb relatives ilu<Chicago* lu place et the rîgular service lit seraplng and Iliusmuakiag the mai Mr. Plant lievion et Iova, one of iac.<.Grbr 1niMna Suuday ovenlng vas heldasoco nnne fot deep. Il voli net bu no Wsucouda'a ou saettiers la viailimg old eits. c.dsy.wGerber spater lu Ibe îservice or 'ratie a srmon in song bai 1!ibmherosi et oui roade vieriendandmi umigibons aI pers@interl-ucthy viîcli vavery intereting. srpdii.Mi eesvt1bibe i n luts. Vkaunuytho v is asmntined Pouuonla Cari be Irevented. CariEniosn eterlsiiied quite a uniegr Dr. Tuylo' came, vo are glati te lait àvet a, onibm oati îsIbsutniorhi ies, las euli malarge audience vitit is gisphophoeo ay la improvîng. arene adororotcaboerionth badto vo Tidiaimt a"lvfthe ri an.droua tBthIemHoney Lake ebeol bous. ]est Aei Raocker vho Occoupsd lte ir it r eprtlironth rayt ,li rvantiaci e timl ansmaiFriday evening. Quio a number trou Kanaci bouse lbe pait year moed Tbere worm quite a nimber vont teCiauberlains Ceugb lemody. Titis boe tite isionworm deigttfiilly mute- Mnmi MtoW is.N .glin vite Ibm windanlîl raiag lait Frhday more0- eyvusetusively tamed dnriug Thelum usAtIb rpb oenlte- M.adU.M..Gisn h Iug on ibm Dean taim. W enotlced ne ibm eephydemIcs et la grippe oethibm pai Tb h h rahpon a euebu vie eul v.ikhoo o ai ew imars, and nol s sngle cse Pbai uîaday eveniug afimi wblcb Ibey ad- spont te vialer visiiing relatives tu one ut bo oul wal hoe o th over limon repoisi Ibhal di net ecovrrJourned 10 Mr. Caa@ restaurant andIlowa, Elgin and <Chicago ietuiued sideidk.did ample justice tle an oystei auppar. borne iat lis. sideali.or ibat rmalied in pueulmonla. vblcb Mis. Emmea Tripp, Mine Jiamie We teel assureil that sdring gle aiowis sIl 10 b. al certain prorentivrofet Mitchell,Mis. MaondoeKnoll, Mis. et lait, at leasi roba i ridbeat bas Ibatldaugemons disease. Foisalie by PA LATIN E. Mary Kruger and lHenryi Inuger aI- again maie bis appeararice among us IF. B LovF.LL, Librtyrilto; (iBAYt. beaW"W and Iis ls conclusive proo, t, s bee 1 L&KF. PHABUACo, J. MFTKET., lranboe. ,Dii, ai ltsberne in Palatine, Fri oi- ed the &Y ' et 0 of odmon" day Match 7, 1902, lin. Lanilman. gironntaiWlueoinu taturdai oeC'taig. Ail mmbes0f Willsyi Camp lare FREMONT CENTRE. ialtîmore eue îiy îlut veîî atterl Dr' aei Mi&. Sabeulte, of Artinglon espoclmlly imyled le lie prenonsnDoi Ed. owma basmovat ontu Ile pmdiug a tev veeke lu that place. lteigbla, worm calllng on frlquis boe. Sauoiayev.aiig Mth@begiairmoet- Ed. ovian as otel'n e (ie unday. lng, mathlIoeslngasde lante centes$ ehd Payne plae. Leu Deindelion îetumned home tram M, .ai lira. John Titois sud Mies foi memberu vii thon give lhiu Jue.audJoo erte oeut 1elda e mciiy lait Doaay atier sponding aEd lb Jeuninge viîlti relatives la suppar g101h.eOBap. lait vmoi la Ibm Cty. lv oir e vwtb isaistr tirs. Dathen hcg Bna.There vili hiemaNewn Enati ipler Faetz UMis Veaianti Miss Ama sanlmo abs, etb.Townnbalmlartuda! evlaJg, Gori Etsiey vas a Frou uit vibiter àa'Charles ttartiug ,@peut Saluday ad aDliitch 2ani. veryoui condialin-m :quato s namber trou ti i lae 1uniay la Clilcago. vis e ocernes. prooiedacle btiod couple et daYe tant veil. attended the DystiloWorkers enter-. ari 1, uPalaine. Tburaday, fertibm boeellt fHait Day otuich. Mos. liau. 'l ai and dauglter .pont taiumai Blt vanboe lait Tliursdaey lMircit 6, 1902, Miss Leua Pabîmaun sl Le leinlos icig 0ca[e Or biacuit Qi lait alnirday tu Lbryil. I rn . Jar. Piter, et Lake Zurich. - ometblng foi upper. Libetyvlli. mrmiag.____________Mr. and Mria. Henry Bichnassehbe Mr. Widner and taally of BfalIueteCopexo, lefi Flou (irove and yul bft.etberne Coml Net Breethe. Gravi @pont i st rîday viib relatives Frtt opeIn te their trienon thou B iiokofaim CoUgha, 01dmrou.gtip,hiOiitii, br.The complexion aivays suffire fremunortb of Palatine. titilerIbroBisamn ng troubles lare tero. ~blliueus or contpation. uleaos _________ quleli cured by Oto nMisue Oongb iai Gerrude !Sullivani attendu Ibmtheoheboveis are kopt open te IbmiPu.1-oiue. (Jata Minause C0111811I0r" la n04 iemtiing cîrcie ai Roceelletrhluttie rom thte body appear lIb thenum ilow le Cure lte Orip. a mre expealorau la istgives ouly et uuigbtly ernptlonm. De Witts Littie Itîlala quieîly at home and lie tmpMlIro et. il sfoteiand Uqni- Baurday. Early Riera keep tbm liver and bevelq 'cliamuerlahîrs Reredi la dr- finitbhemueei, dsavs OnIt te Inflas.e hM..Matlir vLang "pnt a couple of lealtby cendition aud romove ibmebocimi snd a quick recovery le @are ta. 110and1 mmirroven bdis- cause et alncb troubles. C. B. Boulper, tollov. That rernedy oomeflti 1R lais. AhioiuIily ste. Aols et Once. <aya 1mai voc i vîliber parent. MrofetAlbany, G. sya: -"Itokei WIIatndency oftihe grîp su ressis la peu-..(Ue hiutItepilaitCure vil, do eU mM u. Frmierick. Litie Larlx Riions ton billienuesa. moula, vhicb in rsaliy lbe Onu soriona toat la lainied for IV',,»y&4iJustice o! 'bmy eYweolumi vbsl Ineedei. I au danger. Ameag the Sem of lionade Panels,j. Q. lio", Crosby, Um. *'Ny *ýp la.Jacob Frederick vînt tu the feeling botter nov thonan lu 7mrs." 'lie ied iil for tie gri>, mos on. vite couli molgiSjer WbvM ansd vu otylmillimtuayles@peniatlev iys Nveigiipeooiltress. Bfetorougli cu buiever beurepoted t*eldiiuq# rllord ySi h, aal<e.itiho beén vilIx ber ihoitor Mn. Màatttew vLang. migni.Thte vo estlif pilla. F. B. recever. Foi sale by If . Il 1OVnuL. a blinittle sU *My aeiitFuE andLssti. LihetYvile; OGaEvsàxuLiheityvillo, GnAxax1. z PE*MAOTLovauiu, Liffllil& AiLK an. hIbe tom a ra tr fosi PZaMuAO. J. Mutis, Ivmho... PUIA. *The lîUInota Brick Co. lanseadiag :ut brick àailtiteasempty caamior trnlabod sud no tori7 reeUMP$ln01 >Poirationsa ta looked fer. Oui village onoulas ibeir roguhir ueetiag lmaI Monday eV osimutm@& ouinai &fier a apirited amion et %bout SbIrty min utes duratlen. Oui villagers weie mumeltel ae lhe recuit vict-ory et the Boeu a t South Atrica inulticit lispmode Ga. iatbun a prisaeMmad kllmd over 300 British moldhia&. Thte village miection laneot aerOff and hum Prent appear»m san oxciting urme la looed for. No doubl a&l et our citizen& are avare et ibm oppeaini Pariy, trying te gel ap a ticket. and It la ono duby na respectable aciSzona ec dtent hem, vhicb ts an uimaIl" wbica th. preonse olection lu Decem- boi proves, whon iheY worm cornpluOlel onowsd under. Should Ibis crowd wbo, no stubbornly fougbi tb. question ot incorporation mueoeod in gmlling nmrn of their number eleclci, it la an easIbllabmd tact ltaI no improvementa .111 b. mode along au 1hO7 renta ID power, wbich Ihey bave openly asaeted would bc thoir long looked for deairs teoasetfa&l their undertakings. S0 fi la t te Ilerest o! aIl *PTeery owners te tamn oui and vote Itemf dowu. Aultoey vill net b. ahle tu get nominations on the regut icket thoy ne doubt wili rn inependenl. Wu wtll hovever keep ail cenominsi Postai ou ibem memente Of tbe emmm!. Surgeon'@ Knife Net Noeded. Surgir! la ne longer nocessari#l cure piles. De WiIIi Witn Rasi Selve cures audit cases et one, îemov. îng the aîeomaiiy for iaiugeroua, pain- L fut and expenaine operationa. Fo icà1i', cute, hons, ounda, hru'ises, ores and ikla disouisl lo unequaled. Bovareof eounterteita. F. B. LevnT.,- LibertyvrlUe; GEaYsLâKz PEÂKamcl. OHEERPI EL. lins. James Galioway Asallîil on the Blok liat. ira. (tee. Vetter, of Chicago, v&4 a Dmonleld vieller Sanda!. lins. John Biedinteit clobrated ber seventy-secoud blolbdey Sonday. misa Hellie Kent lbai reburmed bhome tiom a tour moullia iait l 10 nsso Misa Isabel Biederilet buimaroîenns trom a six vieka Viens i viiber qaa lu Hlighland Park. Muai"lIbarlolie Pmttiiî ontetained a pali ot yoanig triendi Friiay ovntng, il being ber 11f teent burlhimy. abc îeoeived mini preti and uef nI pffleots. Au enjoyable lime le ieported. Tho 0. A. C. belda vory geai meet- ings. Te dehalmi are nteresting and axciting. The folewimg program, vîil b. renioe.1IBaturdmy ovening. ggso............... aco.H. Bsieeldi ~eittlu ehasgoof Ia Huaik............ Slect Ileadi nu . ......... ..Mary BlimohI Querr Bx a.......... ... Woediman Tadi Becitatica.....................aab Pettil Latte Exobuge......charot"teFlis IA#r teba«e .........Hazol Taut Blegrapby ................... H. . ftiahis ParimentarDscussion ............. Ceipot Weaving. We are pimpaned le voave carpets and ragestaI reainallapucres. Tour! patronage solîcilmi. one mile oulof Baut ]Mr. Au guod foem, Lake County bfusers Am go-dhmum Good faims Mm Good fiere Requare the besS knces Ve have on hamd And contncted for Of Sxtew is Y«» sbusitesa. V. inake our own Lance wime The PAGE SEELVIRE It ias tronger mnd hm. à Hecvier cmof 1geL. vmalng mateajal thon the vire uéed b7 otr Pence Mnulctuum ., Ve wmnt your patroage. THE PAGE VOVEN VIRE PENCE CO. -Aim" CQoment. Vice PromMont md Manager, Oieuge Osce 200 MomsaI Oren L. Luce. Agemt U Me.Dhea ( '-1 '4 '9 h M f LIBER, WAGONS Fish Bros. Millburn. Stoughton. Farm Wagons, Teamlng Wagons, MiIk Wagons, Farm Trucks. If you are ln need of a wagon of any klnd get our price. It wIII be right. SCHANCK BROfS, -ibertyville - - -Illinois. COAL 'D. L W. is thie 'ehandie the bit brand ever introduced in Libertyville, vis: the D. L. &- W. Brand. '~Dr. C Office, meu] Liberi Dr Office i te i Lit DR. D. K Physi Office an of A ph: We duo»s *TU 0 10 BULIILE STE .Ail V Pi E Ubetr We aijo have a complete lins of Hlardware, Lumber Farm Implemeuts, Buggies, Etc. Lîbertyville. GHIT BR( t .-, '-.4

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