LA KE COUNTY IND)EPENDENT, Vol. X.-No. 24. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. March 21. 1902. SI.50 a Vear in Ar-Iu~r~ [Overcoats For-.-,o Trousers SPRJ NU. We can suit you and our prices are right. Corne in and see .... samples.... 1902 Patterns are ready for your 4 ....inspection.... STE~VENSON, LIBERTYVILLE - - ILLINOIS. ~jSpringj Iiteai' at ltaiîiiand oit wi ill I a luw prihig Suit or Overcoat. Leaveo'yotî order with me NOWatid 1 wii i giaran- tee jerfeet satisfaction. FRED CROKER, Ubertyville. Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. Dr. Charles Galloway. Officeover Lovell's Drug Store MOU" CEO 1iTO 3 ASII f6TC . P. M. Libertyville. - Ili inois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Offlce ovor triggs & Tayors. 1 to Io a.. 2 to é Snd O& to 9 P. M.i Rmildence ou Broadway opponite Park Libertyvîlle. Illinois. DR. D. K.GROVER. DR ORIL M OROVER Physicians and .Surgeons. Office andi ren Ideuce three dfflrm west of churlh, tRockefeller, 1l1. Day and night calle enmwered IproMptly. A phialil a lwcyo et the office. W.ess»aisa w eII,. 6.rr- MISS FLORA C PHOTOGRAPHE Libertyv *TUD01IN *ULKLEY BUILDING PAUL MacOUFFIN, oaamouw NOTARY PUBLIC (JI'itez Ovi LAIE COFNTY BANiK, Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. E. H. Sm!ith, O EN T ST Office over Lake County Bank Hour', m t0,12 a . 1- Il 1t(, ài,-r. n. 1>ILY Libertyville, 111. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 0F CHIICAGO, bua opened a DENTAL OFFICE At Libertyville, Buter@ Block, over bimlth & Davis' tore where lie May be found regula!Ty on Wednesdays, heom 8:00 a. M. tu :00 P. M. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. 8Selsmas<'cOPPOOIrK LCHWA14 HoTrL LDO. Gurnee - - - -----IinoI8. NURSERY STOCK FOR SPRINC. DOLBY Vot wi11 fiîîd W. B. S'hauffer vIlîîe, Long Grove, Illinois. lîmoi.and pirei>ared to fil al orders. STEAM IAUND RY. keL. a, Ail Work Neatly and WRIGH4T DYMOND &Co., Promptly Done. LIbertyvJlIe, Illinois. Issues Interest Bearing Certifi. D>>I'. L i ~.PU RE DRUGS.. gAt Lovell'sDrug Store. PAl NTSAND Libertyville TOILET ARTICLES PERFU MES PATENT MEDICINES F. B. LO VELLt - - Ilnois. JUDOE BARNES JOINS DOWIE Witi l iiiiWffe He Deserte lMetlaodlat Chu rcli Dowie Locatesaet Zbon. It vili surprIse laxe .County people in know that Judge V. V. Barnes cf Lake Bluff, for 7e are one cf "the coutys foremoi prohibition acikers aud Mthodista, lin thrown snlde bis former religious bellefs and embraced the faili o0h John Aexander Dowle. Julge Bernes ltj'e Mr vas prohibi- lion candidate for Hovernor cf Illinois. The family le nov preparlng te nove frcm Lake Bluff te ion Cily. As c remuit oh lis parents determîna- fln ouin Dolu e, Paul Barnes, 18 years old, sud e member cf the Waute- Iran graduating clama of 190, ba lorti mci jýol and lin gene to Eldorado, Wl., aliere lie ai five vith ielii aite. l@i sndden departure and practîcai nunulog svay from home was becaume -Ut the Youug MDn& iuabiltty Se sandt hi lie hothouglit vas chagrin et bis paLrents heep. Young Bernesawlti funish is studiei lu the Eldorado HîgIs gebool Sud vît] returu to Wautegeu lu 4unea te graduate vithli bs clas. At ienàt tlial;telis preut pien. The news of Mr. Barnes' witlidraal from the Nethedint churcli vas a miock te Lake BlUff h v as kuevu Ith Ni. Brnes vas a îeguiar attend- aut et; the Dowle services in Chicago. She vas thoug1lit to bo Ihe ouiy Doale- ite ln the place, for fier linsbend vs suppeaied&t e le ppobesd te t1he do- trne of ion. DO U lR MO % Etir, ZION. Haturday a train load cf thouse-hioid goods, plîrlng presses, bcnklng fualture. etc., roaclied ZIon City, lie- Jing the frot cousligument cf Dowi'î Chcago liomeslons ti, le siipped te chair nea site. l'lie meviug lin centlnnied al veet and ville everythlng leneto lu readi- nets foi recelvlng the groat amount of wachlnery, datures, etc., from nov on Zions beadqnarîeris are te bcienluZion City rather than lu Chicago. Itle laIIathe Oieet issue of ilie Leaven oh tlemliug waltiho printed eut LIon City. WHO WILL BE MAYOI. Wuo yWE I e Mayor of LIeu Cily, aliihtl mo day cf ibis mouth le &o ha organized unuder municipal lava, la a pertinent query. Dovle imnhegred m lie as tateou ot hlm friS papers, but fi ln generali! couoded ili&& overseen Spelier ahi bcelected vîihDeacon Sien, chier of police and Deacon Struck assitant end acting chief, the aldermen being various deaiens alie tîve iu different portion& eh tut)etrty. WAUCO)NDA. iieury Golding vas a S uiidâ a iller t L luisday. tir. Jou Turub,il vslu tileuîy Wedneenday. Ueo (ilyncli returued from Weuke- gau Tliuisday. Ladies Aid Society met wltlu Mis. Bates 'Iluraiay. M. W. Huglies tralacted businese in Chicago Moàday, Gec. Brougliten vas lu Barriugton the lest cf the week. Geo. Pratt. Sr., spent tlie tiret of the weet lu Waukegau. Mr. M. S. Ford lias retirued te Chiattanooga, Tena. Geo. If pke treusactel business lu Waukegau Monday. Bennett Caese ingene te Elgin te reelde afibbis imoîber. Gaeo. and Norman Laid @PentthIle u1rnt cf the eeok et Lake Forest. Geo. Ladd end lady are vlitîng witli lrs. Mary Ladd et prenaut wviîtlg. tirs. Asel Bteveus, cf WauLkegeu, le vîsilig tMr. and ti. W. M. locCiain. tir. and tirs. Wmn. Bonnet, of Syra- cuâe. N. i , sre vsstîng relatives hiere. Frank and Eeri IHarrisou, o! Chilcago, @peut Sturday sud Sunudoy vltlitIiei mother. tirs. Berthe Harrison and Miss Lors bave rettîirîed frîîm amonilia viNit ILu the omt. loeo. Harris sud Juo. Davis enter- tained e Large audience in the M. W. A. hall et Greyeiake Frlday oeouîg vlth the greplioplione. Tlie village board lias purchased paît o! tbe Pratt entate and vilii con- vert It into a public Park lu the ' near1 future. Survoyers aeo survQyIng thie laud. The plece purcliased la on the take shore kuovun slie otd bote] site. 1ev. tMr. Laphem lin organîzoti e club emong8t the boysa hich mots evory tieuday eveulng to alacuns topies cf Ilie day, enjoy gamet, lectures, debates, etc. 'The aubject for debate lest Moudcv eveniug vas leeiîoIvcf, "lieat Wauconda Sliould have e Public' Park.'- It vn decided lu fsvor e! tlîe aftrmattvo. Career andt Claracter of Abraham Lincotn. Au addremm by Josephi Closte, Ambea- sador te reat Bitain, ou the camer and charadte, cf Abaham Lincon- hi@ eenly lfe--hlse emry truggîes, wtig thse voîtd-his cliaracter -aievaloped in the later years oc!bia 11fe a sad. mlnliration, WioR plaoed bis namne1 ao blgh on the voris'a rolcf bonor andsi fame,-hua beau pnhllshedi by thie Chf-9 cage, Milvaukee ansi St. Paul Balaay aud may ho had by aendlug @Lx (6)1 conta lu posage te 1'. A. Miller, Gen oral Peeseuger Agent, Chilcago, Ili. Carpet Weavlng. We are propared to, veeve carpete ansirugi st reamonabte prices. Tour patronage aololged. SA oatx Oue Mile aout of Hall 11w. clisrged, the entire cRarge îtîikiug îOhli tile girl lu the face. The littibe child atnonce Iapmed into U0nocionaneaSud vWU piaced lu e buggy aud takou to Bornera, aliore tie services of Dr. % alentine vas se- curod. But the doctor wanDoct able, te do auythig te eave theo fe Of the Ofh Ili tile gillsid @hoexopired lu lier melbere's arme alîlle ithe roturu trilt, vaa iug ruade. Excltinir Caucue lu Warren. AIl hocaume the poople in ecullieru part cf Warren township are desîrous ofh tavlug tle Plant liced gravaed beotoe more gravai l8 pleced on tlie Uuinee road and voter@ cf thse norilieru part tata an Opposite viev, ca Wm Ilglit rwaulted at the Warren canon@ Balnrday, on Hiighway Commîsmiener. 151 votes vere potlod sud the "*northerne" wv onet. Lyunu Weciey sed iGeorge Biogden vere alter lie oflIce, eue ropresonting tiesotit.heru, Olie otirrhe noîtfioru part cf lie tevu. W colley get mt votes. Brogdeu 7o. The monu umed for thie tior ilca fotîca: SnPerviaur, Freeman ('loy. Clork, 0. B. Whltmuoro. Clloctor, Jay Smith. PRAIRIE VIEW. Mir. Baitar trauseî'ted business îu Wenkegeu Friday. Mn. H, A. Kuopf and son Johin were Chicago visitera Fridey. J. Y. Wells purcinsed a borse att he Unilou Stock yards lest voet. Mine EdusSimmous, of Chicago, le tlie guosto0f Miss Leurs Sprague. Henry JWolîje aoid the aId liome- étead te hlm son Barmen tifis veet. Dr. Lockyer perfornued au operation on H. H. Pegeloas0 thîcat tait aoek. Mises Ratle Gridtcy, of Evanston visited villi ler parente Sturday and Clis. Atbrigbit soid his graîe of heorbees te lits brother Herman tnât ësturdey. lrs. S. E. Kuoeîci ud cludren vlsited friande a fev day8inl Chicago tan aeek, MOr. Peter» on, nigit eperalor lias beeu traniferred toJunction Oty Wig., Mr. Walsh, cf IHartford, Wls,, fillng the vecancy. Saturd.ay et lie cîsucuh 110 votes voie cout, J, A. taimonbolng unenînu cuafy chosen for snperviser. This le the mxii lIme tir. Union Ria beeu au bonored and hRi may vaîl feel proud of.the confidence imposed lu hlm by Our toan people. The full ticket noSlnated feliova: Superrisor ... .........J.-A. muson Tovn Clart....... ..0. O. Gerbert Ausemor .......... J. P'. Ritienîbaler Colleter ..r............. Frank Tufley HLghaay Com ........... Peter Rolt Sohsool Tmuctee..........iberiBotter Coaliabîo1111îtvacancy>.. ... *"*'Jus. Churchill ObstSable............1. X. O'Boyle TRISSý elamo........... 9. Gterbert The Sewa. 0 000se1i>cou'la Ao, ""'M " NE " S MAI ,,CAES 1 1 A big land deatle beiug promoted ou the aest ide. An etaborate sanitmzlnm Isa part o! the proposition. 1tIt bili onoutliscelebîated cottage Plen, m0 satifactorily tested lu IBal- giîm and SWltzerland. There vitI ho a large executive building, ccutalufng beeldes, dining roOnu, servantes rooms and a numben of privato cliembers for guetsabo prehor to remain et tue contral building. Fronu lie main building, libre vilI bc covored velke and a number or cottages, coutaug from tbree 10 five or more rooms eaeli. lu2 oaci cottage Iliere yl belvii lraind nunrme&, relievlug eadl ollien, teoplienie connections ailtlie piyei- cîsus office ai lie main building, etc., se tuât prompt attention May bc paid te the Patients' visee.T ho cottage@ viii hc more or lous sumptaouiîîy f un- uishied, ln eccordauce vifittflicfe dherged. Everytliing vili ho tiret-clama aud It vîi need a large property, heandsomueîy laid ont witli vetts, tîoos, hountains, etc., t eeoo tle fultl ro- quiremenîs. Sevoel fectorieosaie to ho loceted on the Tiernu faim, sud in fait lhe vemt aide stands to lbave e "ýboom" 0f large Peportionis For the Complexion Tie cempiexion always aufleis frem hilfousuesm or constipation. Iutes thie bovets are etapen the impuri- tles trou the body appeer lu the form cf uusightlyoempilons. De Witts Ltte Eriy Rleeris keep the liver eue hoveta iu hletliy condiion and romove the cause of sunob troublas., C. E. Iloopor, of Abany, Ga., maya: -"I okDe Wtt'sg IAtîle Eariy Biéers fcr billtîousuoe. Tbey vereo ulbat 1 uoeded. 1 cm feeling better nov iRan lu yaara." Novergrîpe or dlirem. Bale iorougb Basigentle. TRiaverybuoOpIlla. P.VE Ioyuas, LifflyffWe; GlaXILAKU Pu&ty. Millinery Opëning!-- Gamblero Heoringir 'itponed. Monday wan the date net to bear arguments e& Woedstck, l'y Judge Donneliy, on thse.Motion made by cunsel for the EYUIett Vorilroom te rîl«i ite tuindltMnfltaegalusitbem. Memars. Darrow asdi'Ilbompaen lied notified Mir. (Jansu. attorney for the 5Citîzens Leagne, Sb* tliey dealred a 1postpenment on jiccouut cf1 he1, 1pannuer, Mr. Altgef death and con. 1sequeutly he nade frangemets for e hearlng Marcb It&- 8tetes Attorney Téèott, was on band et Woodatock bOiver. flot bavlng beeu uotliled of *o pootpoumeni. Mr. Talcot le lieut over the report publlsbed tu tuIday's Tribune ln wLîcli wua *ivIBWts 0oa!eset- Iog ln Hfighiland Pm Baturday aven- lng wlien the Lakel ~uty autliorlien vere cennured by gembers of thse Oltizeus'i League fe>ot teklng action alat the pootro0~eU. The article quok4i>ne man as@&y - log tRial an uay *e ont hait been madle witl thea biers ln Judge Donnelly's Court et *dtock. la conuetton w~ th & mattr il eiouid lie sIdi tRial gambIe 0&cas la flow up befons Circuit Court. Tbe flve mou have b%*n Indlcted, and court ahIl convene a oeclaily for the purpose of bearlul 110h r sa. There- fore action untîllthe %ael tidi hardly te ho expec1e4 ,,But" âeid lMr. TajedM Monday, "tlam stîli ready, if thore. si auy Citizens' loague memler Who «II elgn s cern- plaint. Tbey cenaurffle but refuse te net themselves. 1, acé Shert!! Griffu cao take anY stePe Miens somebody co-operstea vltb nu. vo vii set ou any body's compianL" Boy Shootsa Ný* Sinter. A sad accident lifflelace et Semer, W le., Wsduenday 0015*1 veek, aliere- by lttie Emuma, Shi seveu-year-old daugliter cf Mr. qd Mra. hosephi Blenstock was abot a"8 klIed by lier flfteen-year.old broU4f Ereùk. Thbe famlly oonaMMff fallier, mother and ten children. Vg*k secured hie. fatber'mshbusgunsamëicariled It loto the kîtchen abe omi monlrer ldren wore playlng Hlm moilier, Who ç» busy@swing, ahouted a varnlng tuil"0boynd sakeit hlm If th!e 91 w ladW eitL. The. boy waiked 1owz ~e do f h boume and se k aMIsr clsa he Snusid tuexaufi».. wmpoa. AS lil ealiter, Emma. In nme mamnr the fiuger o1 the boy touched the trlgger cf the gun and Il vas dis- dw- 1 ~1 ANçK BLQGK.- : 1 -m- ,11 Thliee weeka ago we ncied the cane 1 f Cliarles Jarrod, cf Miliburn, vin, wn mlck ailli the dreaded amlipoi. Nov folloaing upon hlm rocovery tliîee more case" are reportedl. A weok ago Jerrod'é twelvo year old on vas tatiou aith thle dîmeame sud the Lioume lm stili quarautiued. Menzet Webb'a home, tWO Mi les out cf the village le qiiarautlued, his foorteen Year cld mou beloug îick, but IL la niiw hellie onuty from thie effect, of vaccInatIonraitlier ilien emalîpoi, thougl ietfirît il vas fearetu lie vas c victiu of ilie epidemie. John MArtin, Who lives tbe miles north cf MlIburn ou thie Wedge farin lima a tvelve Yeur old daugliter alie Io qulto sick sudlbismplace la quarantlued. Thie phYstclaus do flot term John Boninera aéliment as amalîpoz, theugli thSlaat 8 hS le rportod te ho sutter- log vîtb. Itlal probable ho lin only a bard ceecf chiekeupox. No quaârgutîne bas been placed os the Bonuer home. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Rickey are attend- 1119 the Patienta, ail of vliom ere lmproving, deopite vblcli lacttersI- deuta of the locality are apprelienelve lent the dîmeame spread. Everythltug possible teobeck the dîsease le belua doue by beatl, ofliceza sud pliyslclens. t>owie Spenda Thousande%. Last Frlday lternoon, Mir. Judd, repreeeuOlng Dovie, fluaLllY closed lue largeat land purdisse lu Bouton, lie secnred tîtle to theettf the flurkin property aggregating 550; acres. lie. DIjuiîreCelved $8ooo ilucashl Friday, lier lnt payaient for the pros. ent. The total price for the ontîre tract wua $120000l, and tMr». Durhîn lin nov beeon pald eue-liait, belug gîvon a morigage on flie reit. Tbe average prione per acre alibi @lie thus recelved vau $217. Frlday John Simp- mon tinally clonaeita doadeuil li Dowlo, recelving cash for bis 31(:0 acres, et about $150 Per acre. Dowle aIseon Thuraday teck title tu the farim of jus. OraY lor $SM0) n veli nà Ibose of John ɧwanbrogb aud lMr@. Margaret alevin. W AU K M-0 AN. "9a3 a mi wCissOymSat i lait L.a Mr Rem""r. Frldmy evening Occurred the deoc cratie tevu canons. It a« brIef 1). A. (trady presided. The aboie aork Of the meeting W&n the selectlon of Nick. Kenuey, J. Rl. Dady and W. WV Peerce as a eoommitter to wliom tbe noinduatione for tOwn cifloers voe jlit. The RePubllcan 'Iowuabip Iprlma election vwu leld aethOle operalieuse Friday by the Australien s&ystem, the polIse peulng at il a. r cioslug at 3 P. M. Organîzation cf tlie tean me1etIng was effected by the electîcu o! E. P. DeWoif, chaîrman, and J. H. Detveller, iecretary. The îudigem cf electîon were Hec. Buruett, B. L. Plaggi and J. J. Page; the cierks, Thona. Dweî, Ed. Floodi, and (o. blataweil. I'he ballctlug vas qutte llvely the foilowlng beiug the ticiet ncmiuated: Asat. Superviser. .. . Nemi Wooley Collector..... ....... B. A. Duunu1 Amesci .............. W. M. Raildj Town Cliait...... .Geo. Hutcliloc Scliool Trustee, ..... paulding -I. The 2Oth Century Cash Store 11115 qille il-' ( ii'îîîi,- Bitrgains t4) iifrer thîi',rweek. Sie have ahbrut '201 lhildren'S tac- piec'o Nuits for Boys. Sîzes range from 11) te 13 yoar8. SWili close thon ont for $1.00 te $1.253tpir suit. Ileavy Ribbed Cotton liose for Boys Snd S out4mliefougl i Rder tireur) Ask te seec tioî. W,, havoe afuît lineofe ...Rubber Goods.... S ours for Cab, E. W. PARIIUKRSTI hton. IlImais. cates Payable ou Demaud. - Illinois, ndividual R eponsibiity, $ioo.o . 1 - loir bMiiiinery Liepuarîmetit opoesMaeuh lotl il thle argeet Sud Most complote assOrtmOut Of tiîllinery.(o<,dmev0er seen lu tlim clty. lverytliing la ne w, brîglit, chic the latest offerts anl most ertisîlo shapes for i4ring Sud Suminer wear. Our Trimmers are Experts. We are conhieut tliat tticy wili please you. If yen gîve themt a chance. flie popuiarity Sud succees .of this Department lucreanes by leapsanSdtbonun Our mettlod cf fair, 1ev prîces on good, reliable, stytleli Millilnery bas met the approvel <of many a womau vlio vas tîred of the old ha rig e ou mediocre goode. , . W invite your careful inspection-, On account cf thte erly Eater thiaseasion corne a hit tartier than umual, G. .LXN&SO~ No sq. rwwr~PRIC9 TolehoneNo. oq.Waskegae, Illnois. Buckeye Seeders, Disc Ilarrows, Moline, Grand Detour and Case Plows, Goodenough and Flying Dutchmnan Sulky Plows, Moline, Crackerjack and Play Bail Coml Planters, Old Hickory and Newton Witgons, Buggies, Surreys and Driving Wagons*,%***t.~ Alil goods fully warranted and satisfaction CUuaranteed. H. B. IE3GIE3R, Libertyville - - - Illinois. Hauve y1( Ordered, YoItr woi time ilo' pdeted su Sîîriîg wý 1 eari-y a comlpletes ian'iesses as Iloîrme CH. ~oLbertyville - DU. rk haritess ;for slîriitg. 1It's )W. It svili theon be coin- 0yolî c'aîî lia-e it for your oî'k. (ht mîîy piîres. stock of liglit and ýell-i as ail otlier KAISER, I heiavy Illinois .1 ; 1 -Or. - $1.50 a Year in Advanrp- Ranil