CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Mar 1902, p. 3

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THAT MAN' itiî tfit. i' litu. sati top1, theî'î-itdivloitt- P]exli, tti'e lirîglîti~t' y whîîîattracts ajttenîtiont be.eaiîse of 1i8 '. ry hlithly ilp]eai'aiti ia uiser of olîr gritieripri. 'hat 'H iuîw lieigot hhi markm of disîtincttion.Il-His litart. ,44 îîar'i, i ver; afnd ]iiigs arte ai] iî ii-st iiasts workitîg eoîîiii- tioîî. If yoit waîit t4) lie ike tlat îîaiî Ilsi' olîr groevirie-'. \<))t wil îîît tutu anitiiljllrioîîs qîîaiity i thjtiîandi ttei' îiî's lar't- a'Iy dIiW. r itior)in-lu loi, be.6 ,iC but u.bte te !. iguain j 3at tige r.. R, (à. A7 'lradle. loi, iaio di- arre d-. -tue bas -r the ne- ithie 'l"theh i.are udi.s 'ar our- r. e- 'ilinla "' lpie ti'it 's* .raina rn nadti Libertyville - - Illinois. 1$Iert at at We have theni- the best CRESCENT MONARCH- LACLEDE at right prices. A fulllline of up-to-dateJ Watches, Clocks, Silverwai Does your piano need tunit Libert DARBY BROTHEIR tyville - - - Jewelry, re, etc. ng'4 Illinois Wall Paper, Spring desigi on exhibition. roll is 1902 We seli borders at sar per roll as side wi Do you realize that wecan sel cient paper, side-wall and borde a good sized room, for 12 cents. some of that kind and its ail rigl We are headquarters for paper and window shades the latter in ail colors, from 10c up, in- ciuding fix- tures. CARPETS AND RUGS IN GREAT VARIETY. SMJTH & DAVIS, DEALERS IN rty ville the e ntsluteanr Mary 11. Peter. Vlelt2TI. ter c'uteulplates opeîtieg a 3Ilresteos wit work abouttl e bgîn oui_(ha tees and colli , treLa bis tillage- Village Clark atactrie road eaed the meuy contracta lter on. sud (e trancact etc-h (Otîer business as alraady ltlfor hiuîdlngc tre Liaerected L B HlanbY tact wsak parctiased ,f may PrrlTy tomi- i,îf'rra lha meet. thîs ehnmer Lîhartyvita promises 10()mr il ,h hie remidence and preperty l)g. COM M ITTEF. experteoice the hacîiectcmier flu her on division street, for a cotsîderalîeîî itîtoy. Itte ao amot tposîsl, f $2500. Mr Hauhi- alîl ocepv tfile Village Etection. i, acuraor et any ind l, cdmoebouse about May t.t Notice te bercby given that en T ue- uccaîltd betpday tae 1611 day of April nexi, la the Cils. Wolrdge Sr. Li rcte rick10 12 he rOlld fr HnryvillagaetfLiberlyvilta, lu the County Citas Wooridg, Sr- ba elit dlite Litrhileldc and E J Huera$ housco fLk n Il filn ,a seconîd loor of bis bouse te C. Acbee, f nr outCI irbjt a Laend I a atd frthIlloseg il s are aoi a îiuvw revbi tri orb o iepurcltased a lot )a Brainard Court yvIllag Offirers, lic the(le ilge mb t wt. Mr, Achait Las adjelelng bis brottiýr s on ltae n<rll. Onea Pracîdent ot the Vfiltage, JPurcbaud ci f ie VooIridga bis t brea village Iructees, E v e rY lOuse. but catitot gel possessionnuatili .1. 8. Grl le hlas tadi an option OneaVilliage Clark. Mr. Noriige eraît-,a îleSbouse fer on the J. J. Jamîsoe property one Wiicit lactioit wilt ha epeeied aI 7 wliib [e jau mterli j()w01,theMilwuke Av. fo mone imeortock leulte mernlug and witt con- whib hr bs mtetaiîîo oi îe MlwakaaAv, fr sme Im, ctosed lieue open ountil 5 'ctoch le1 tie afler- design. groiued. the dealibtis waeh. Ifa pald $200f for Dtoon of the carne jay. 'lite rtcjr)vetiaball village of H&JiutheaPlace and lu adverlicing Il fer ren W. C. SANIieîN, \'illage tlcrk lil, wSlhîclmt runiog itud r a charter Ladies of Lakasîda Cametery grantc-d ty the hîgietatura ln 1839) sud Association wut o)lret with Mrs. S). l'étrons' I)ey. .'l, aîîd raviead la@d year wili lact KeiseY Friday aflarrioou Ajiril 4th. Att wbe are luterected in pulijc ne p rice otîcers (btis cprlttgika oter towec. Annuaal elîn of otivr i'as II 0cur aI s4choolc ara mocl rordialty îevîtud f0 A ceucnime tse beld '1btur8day uiihblsan their meeting aud es goodture )rmit le vigil the scitoot builinlg Frlday afler- allie t~ha followitig noinatiens woeamada: req i)lmeld, ncon Aprit 4. le ailt(ha roomme IPresidi--ut <teorge Il. liittermhel. truc. May ctdawalkc ire in a tcplorablîe wrk of tte pîspila witi ha ou exibi tees, Chas. hapîrle, Eugecie Sullivan, conditioni tlis siprînig Pli tham up tiou, sud et 2 p. m. e ,sbort progra mn John 'Tituls and Daxter D. Cleveland; oillzenâl LeI eacht lroperty ewntar aI wililLa gîvan by cehotars from att Ilyou suffi - ClI.,IV. C. Haet treaasirer, A . -îed terisi matter and Immadtately. grades. The objart of tbitie anitî Whlitnire. (,îotait. l,',W c- t..lave- Cîvîr pride sheiitd tiplIaltt terlair wll hae te show jus( wilstbite PuPtîs ar, to pape r laîîd. thair sidewalkR. ar e delug', and comthiug ronre .rnieR Vie have! I w Lib,,tYvilleyoung menrecelutly h t . c e c i v e d h a d e a a o f s a rt l s g o u I l n t o ýht. te roldworld te maka Ihaîr fortlnes. pier îlgrîmage begau Tnasday of tact week. 7S1. Louis lîaiîigthenobjectve Point. St. Louis la s long, long wave W ail aed ou r deteritiluad frinds falîed le raac t(ha goal. ha> stîceeiad lit îosLking llcu"tdOut sitei litîla trouble, j, an (îeaciaru (biey avcn gel as far on thleir way as Chicago. Titis wS aui-J Dot lvoncit for, bît iltje e fact thay ra- nrned Frlday eigIsIOu a Lie pasc, foot- sire and waary. wllh flot an ouce o f da0tarmiballon Jte ronq uar, in the maka-1 The Itapulcaec of Nunda over lu Mrclianry County are ln a pecuilar predlcansact. Tboy tald thaîr caucus racenîl> and eomieated a fulIl ses et (0510 officiatIs, but negiartedti 10nie their îtominatioîi paper viti thtIswbn lark, This matter Vas neyer tlsough% if ulitil it ivas 1tat a. flte men. lIme the Damorraîs nomlnated a ticket, wtit Ban Titroop as cnapervienr, and tae Domorlratie ticket VIII be tIse on]y Party tt tieir names on tbe town ticket.: tnder the cîronmsitances the outly recourse for lte Iepublicans ls %0 wtie on thse ballot Ihe Dames of the candidtes Iey desirs ltu vote for. lai $1112 WaY by a fin partirVoT"tbaj caS. 1euelI oaOM.' - - - Illinois.( Mr. Jamîsion wtt,, t1he weah sol(] big rasîdenre 1toJ. S. (iriuiIey contemplâtes torlltgliis furnittîre and anjoyiug a vlt fseverat moits ait relatives. Ha witl beild a botise in Libertyvilte prorbahly betora faIt Ceunty Survayor Anderson, of Lake Forest, Vas in Pon I1uacday. le astabtishedti ha bot)darieson Mr. Parkhtiîrot'c property recantly pur- cbasad of Mrc. Cok, corner ofCok Ave. and Braluard Court. At the M. E. cteîrri on mtintday morutîng Dr. Robinsen ailpreacit an Esaler sermon to the rhlldren and distrlbele 10 ail s prturs of the Ccratlu lte evening ViII ho an Easter service ity thse aibth a cil. in tite circuit court Lewis Knox Wael granteci a divorce f ron Maoble Knox %de Bnlkley. in tarItIshe malter Vas Dol Ibroiaght Ilulorexcepoo s lu enteriDg te dacree, belllg settied amlcblbiy tween te lnlerested parues. At fout 0f Btairs lendiDg 10 Miss tira (s obys studio Io displsyed a 1ftame eolatning phoo~%pb, saM- Plas of ber Vork, and ther ame oortgdnly #mn lle is o by'e axot~oue à h swu ~a~e11 Wall, Paver. PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. do notgo wtere you are fDot invîteil. Ir Therefore yon shoutd flot altIer a slore Local Itemns of 1lnterest to Libertyville Readers. where tbey do nlot advertige. Bach places are private property sao eud *444*4444îee~îéi 110t la Invaded by lb.' puble htttemi a gellera] Invitation tm gî%t ce Ithrough att errer we iliilt 1)01 îe. C.M. & 5T. P. MET B Elinln e fntDnLerclv, TO) CHICAGO. PROM CHICAGO. go.o li alfaetion durtea ttthe ternmlhe wi6K ITa. VERS -., hetd ltae olle snd witt raeit, tte l)epart Prom NeW fLa0)tt. Arrive at New Dettot. lnted esupport ofrorpiihtcialt7. A,,l Cil ' I ...7.46 a.rMnle1.. 1l5e ln be].m1 pav o il Il. a. Il, h . . . 9 41, m. Il, 2:1P. . 46 p..De. lutlti- plilim i-îýltt ' Well, 1t Ion' :À 1eli1 .h )5Pl'. ru £ . ).kuow. Nvi'ten t thltîtof ait the mean 14) ..t 7) I .. 7'l:00 P. . CM, .11 M1. thinge Iat other peopfle have lot-te MUNItATe le '. U1 . 141 . meI'd giva ten dollarmsiealoittty-tiîtua 'à.)a il . ... le ,Il. iTl'. 6:(«)CIl. i.,;,e .M. cents te httow ltera e aal, ttwben 1thtinlrkof lte mean thinga t bave doe To CHIUAGO. PROM CHICAGO. te otter peoffla t d give mtore tt)et SERa DAI. VEXa jtttt te httow for certaint there tlfDotte. ..11.11 Prom Old Depot. Arrive et 0 d flepot iraEliatdweepetttaa I.),, t)),.cirill Arrh ,- Ci .>)Clit. hl)s )71) lte latter part of thitawîeh for Lincoln No,12 es j8s'en 1îN l, 7jte. M a. M.i 45 . M. 'oIttty, Wucti tgtoei. lia bas disîsocot( 44 .12 3ùpJ i~. ... ...... . et1 40f)P . . 7 56 Il. ni.* of a rondtderehle antoîlot of bis flîrDl. 'U 50A.5 susîîce ture aS private aleIt, whlcb ittdieatac M a. M* ......... 7 i17à.In. No. 113 .. 9 51 a. 48 . le. In)h. elat>aa aattgLbry 14h r 1. s it. ............ slu l. otmlesderngLbty - vtllea. Whtuniterrogate)i Mr. EBit tact danre <ftae ceason hy Qîu1îta Albert Litcblleld lm emplo-vad as wo(elrd hlgoie, bu nt halaeha Slngîc et VîigletI CI)il, to ttlght. '(liuer" le schanch Ilre. ehet. o vuall Souet te own" lei warty Mira. Dattiel Lee' visitaîl wttli er C. N. Durand le ptrliaeteg right-of V Illa aftar his trayaIs Sera endad. clati-r, $lrs Jilî u l aS.cumWOOd, 1tact way lf)r thse electric ronsd cmpetty. w antvuhfrtet ho h week blacit go hmed, pove a ontfeIlowlng, but as It cornac Item a re- Mai hobIiier iî,vel loto bIs new ulo<tle montît. 't-riîa1,sAprîl tl labla courra, wa pebtîsitIal A Jolet lionn5e ott Seco)ul treel laht weahI ttkeup frrIl. Voman, Vite was titouglit go hadylng, fueda Jy Morce will Occliî)y the frontl Iat Sas imploring ber ltucbetd te hae geod D. C. I.erlmar lîîrebaseaîluir Mat ovar larb lBres. store, te ha vacatad tothebtCildratt, whe would ceeu ha Pester Lini four y'sr 'Ild colt tacit wWek , iy LCf. Ilianby Muay lot. motîterteas. "Dont worry about liée fer si18;)) tenii u tplement dealers ara an hiîy clilidren, dear, 1IlI coon gel anetter Local t.a,'5t ter are )eVlauotIared $4 a& bees Iltiair session 14 j est opaeiig nothar for titee,' relie ll u ehian)l. Ilaer day to ,rori ltae grade ror theattd lb promîca e b le a good one. Illiilwîfle At orierse ttp e, lad edu eletrie refit Simitlh Davis have J )t recetvad A ezclalmad, «'Oh, yoil wilt, eh, Well, "Ne.t Ie'l'emy wll iiîîct i n tetfilleta a rtmant of îi.rîerlzed gttgYu c l' tIl get well if jt hi lIcme... WhoIeteli tae soih1,lglit. 11w are hamp. Ladieson ese an td examine.81 e el 70)1 bettlttg C. P. lisher bas a loetract fer tha 160111 tha teopla's sud Cilies Mrc. John I râl,514) attetrom taonwork on M. Carrell8 ew abrtparties etilI hetd caucrceilSaturday Ilorida, vlited bier i)ttle Mr. F'rank o.'toe hearactad on hie ferre at Hoxdeeut ght te select candidates for vitlage offices. lutaract l llaaifiaic yaar. Dr. fioles, the, latter par t of tact weah dcean Up your lawu lfelp towardsE H.mlhetaedfashapoba C'. C. Copeltaed returnad frere Cati- agenaral appearance of neal E . LSih1 tlcfA tepoal ýr. tsir lagenschoie of 1the Citizen Party le hem forela audîlotbea wstern tage e rs.lit cb lcago deslrftI,leto auy coin la;tckt .r ayb ako day ber bcmpen th witer. munty.othar candidates for varions places on John Kalis meved fronm Waikegan te' JefohnWeslrldge bac sîtîl his righl. Ithe ticket, but if no wa hava net board Liberlyvilta tact week Ha occupies oJ-way on te Atrldge farm oast 0f III Supporters o etiaPeoplec' ticket thaol 01 rlgbt hotmeanlu ast part cf (ottdeîtt te the electri, road people are slow in pntling forward Iheir viltlage for candidates, wbeever 1he7 may hie and 8epertttteudanttlamenta cf thoei James Mciiregor, colitrary te cein- no ene le nerleusty meantiouad for itead Macroni raitory movad le C. F'. mon rumor filI Dot wova te Wal. of thair ticket. Dr. Smalthi, 1la arguad Wright te bouse on Orcbard street Ietlf. cr1.S. lHe han Doet rented will prove a popular candidate wlth l'uesday. bis liouse. bot factions &md If eomlualed, wl Au organizer le te Llbarbyvillte Mrc. E w. Dunenerry ia visillng have ne trouble Ilu "winnlug eut.' ettdaavoriug te iauîtc a tocal ledga or with ber dangbter, MrIt.Lers aMeere,@ÏPat Cuc Be ier, lia tn meeting Sîtti con-In lit. LouIso, Mo.Site e per-l e 1 a Pols at ac eluirahle accesc. toieAprît tb. 1rbaore will fha a calîcue of tha e "opîce A band of gypsiele, or more properly, A club for Bible %tl-III o urgauiza Party of the village of Libarlyvîtte at rew)llee, passed tbrohigit towu I tiac at th1e M. E. church, Fritlay eseung,'lie Toenu Hait, aturday ttigbit, Marcbi day 'l'bey had a fr5 bora", doge aIt 8edloch. Il uill L'e )eti)mt- 9, 19"2, aI 8 o'rlock, te place lu ttom- amoi a peity as stock lit tradle. honai. Attl nvlîed. !nlation candidates for the fotteeviîig luvîattos ae CII fo th aid(ifillage offices: 1f ise. Houare ot fthie ,î ae Te aie i scey o teM.E. 'recidant. f Mmm.lirrit Ruilé,ofChîceago. chrch Vîilgive aàl10 cent toane intae ('larh. M ce l,,o anecvlibed luttîsJ village cburch parler Friday îsigbt, Maret 2ith în'trae 't'ritcteas. on e umber etfiircamaloîtc antI le (fuite (t'-itglittifront ilve go elghl. As etaec ubohrltsaea WaIl ktowtt Misa NÉIna Rldlay bac rereivad a wix m 47Proper.y corna hefrîrath e crus. Mul.lifie Butterllelui t. learnlîtg te monusa disatmility claim fronit 11e COMi TiTEII ep('rate the h751cm of connetionscli Mytîr Worhers. an erdor fr $11m the local telepboite sîchenga rffier, t1 bavlttg been lss)iied le ber favor. Citizetim' Carîcum. mtl,,w Mies Linit elattsrit opph.rtllulty .I tl, talle a vacatiotn.11iele t Improhable tIsa i egîeeîig 't'her e wjltl h aalucun of the Ctti I lttria o!let vac atNearaitSunday thea5 1 m. train wiII ieve the zell'1arty ie 1the iTown hall Satterdey L 1 tiirjila oflutwegk a Naareh lew îîtetead of (Ad depot, as here-lo saaenîng Merch 211 aI C p 1. lu. for (ha Aradaey, L.aG.raige, Mtss. tSophii or.Sciabuel ti atd.p)trpose cfntomlnattng pareonstte t 111 Dalton of Liherlyville took (lie Veil &ieoha ,,ilag )olIî'as for tha and dttîtad (hi' habiltuof kit .iraeph for John tGray, It la rtported, bas puraeuielg yaar. a Ilfe of relii ois davotton ehetook a teeseand c)le route lu thie I'rocîdent We~ (ariN ini stîuîk the,- iargest (»,rni ts, îîgs t'( et-y îiiut. \ il l'. i iti) Liber'ty- --0-o Is t li'titi-'e tiiseicet, lit-fore the Iii ttq-r brokeii. Qmbroidery .li tot reî'eiv~ed *.veralIinîdred Iieiîîîtaîîts inh fijîjo l'broiîh'ries antdlIîtse'rtiolis. 'Ihere, ar îoily44. to f l ili itl)' 1Jiee8. aimomt i-'vi-iy i,ce i of a differetit patterni gi'. itg yoit aut extensîivet variety to elbooi'4e front. '1,110 prie'i,4 ail ri-ltt toîi, greatly be]ow aci'tlva]lue-. Io Çirces Ail ( ver Eîîtlroidery in ineîî-.d A YARD 35c to $150 A YARD THE FAIR, S pi itL-il Baillot foi- Animtal TIownt Eiec-tt0il, town of 1 ibvr-îtyvillie. 'liît'riay, Apî-il 1 i I w2. I ethad aîod0f JIntrurtiouu nem in tIse sChool. r -q n n W < , g? M 0 C > 0 Il ~CD CDCD (D 0 1<CD CD l A. W. WALDO. l'iwn Clsrk. FRED CROKER. Forr Assesi, DANIEL LEE, DJAY MORSE, CORNELIUS PRICE. Fuo, Ccii of HlgIiwaiuy&r7)ortki hîi tFor dîsi. of klhWstgha 8lou(b Dlîti Wi RALPH W. BULKLEY, El E. F,.IMNTN Fcir Sulucre ieor. [] WILLIAM E. MILLER, Filet rT .r cýL, FRED 14(CRKER, DIMîO'CRIerk LII FuiAs.ser GEORGE BOEHM. ForCnr!lus FRED CLEMENTS. I- 'u ci,1 oJ'trrituo Eyem Tested. Eanter Balil. C. K. Shebarrs witi Uc at Darby Tthe young people of Libertyvili. Catba'lic church vili give a bl t liros. store every Saturday aflerfloon, Libel'tyville Town Hal, oday~ beilluinlg March M.dantd prspared t0 Marci 31. Chicago munie hbou is troit ûjesand ronarly fitIwl1lh glaIeL gcm. Supper sd«of tâtébsuï ir ,Constaitî' DENNIS LIMBERRY. For hi'tiJTri.te. TRIGGS & TAYLOR, imL.ý huW.5 acin- i â t ,îl -. ini n d ,sry i,, 2D.'a Am.(l 'J !an 0,.r dry -A and aiti îlid .717 il *2 4, to4 Ne 2y hm. ai, cmni;, Ne 2,t e rds, Z MeO ,tli79r; A,- ai--ltfor, the A i- &t' tar o. T c. Iles- ieîe'-y )f lesiglis art' adl- i îttil iy the' fi 11 esýt î(on tiue jîaktandît- ýjsId ut riglit n Illinois.

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