lie oeil too glad of au Int*ast sue S ths. "Wby îhould it hie empty?" ahe asked, 131j'r suddeslY. 'il have otten wondered you ARREa re flt mat-t-ed. Are you g0ohbord te please? There was nfot a grain of coque'tsy l the question, or in the eyes whose frank, N. . U E I fulllght looked op te bis. He aet hls M A T E D ee h hord, and for a moment viaa ai- lent h er-to lote. Ou two little word," lho a090* " dded, wth sudden bitterness, but how tbey can change a man's whole lita! Ho, ever, I gave up romance and went lu for CEBÂPTER IV.-sOonti.ued.0 de ing f regret. Oie yeorfig dr',îre to prose. Oly, aomebow, I tldnk I could "Your son i net îu the îoîtîoîlliie wiîh lier trr'aIurî'ast-sa ail sbo telt. ne-et- ask sny other womau to ahare .ý mooda. Il seenito mne,,' 'o I"Illi' fllînont> t,>tosoon v oud ber heari t-at. in my heart, I bad dediated-to Count. *'He did nri o IIîîIe _*l ail]ouiber empty armne stretcli ilem- lber." .hor jut uow. Wh> *'" 'î',r ft-lb lon aian! So elle "$lhe died'?" queslionpd Beryl. oftly. I"H.w eau I te'ie" ho, 1- Iv,. pei.o)-r the mî'adowasutduder the ."To me," h. sivered. "How or w'hen su. wth a igb oftwa li,-to ' o".ml Iîîî apple' bontgos with ber est-s clos- il mattera not. We have a1l to live Aier set. "SrrîO hlieh. '-It . Ito the 'rhy>thm of aornd fillng the tbrough acrte such experience, you know. Yeet. u prîlmis'l i" bT'u ' th,,îl t..t,,'pritîg air, but drowued now by In life there seets toe lie g0 manj be aotklng la pour eîd,îî.ît 1o . te-i' l o .'trioi îof ler bîrryiag teet, and the 'bancos' of bappiness, so few casa,." for plag, sand et tiere la a Ct-iat d'al. v i.i. rtoraii beat,, of hbe loning heurt. "Yeu," saad Meryl. ssîlh a audden catch text "Tour own faut. modînît' 't.Y 11fit-c V.g,'r et ou wore watcbing bier speed- ln ber breath likeas soli supproaaed; 11 ie .agleCtlng pour part of ilt> biigai '.. i g aieng. lghr as oahadow, quick.RsuIa seernavery eaasy ta e mînserable, does't iffi -1 hare îold yo>o, s ld. lier 1-e 1f.llutîg oubeam. il? ln il 0121Y thal We Moike ourselvea ida 'emMbllss Witb, uppressed ,t umion. 'thiat -I i,'edl um liifilrsaiad bltle Jack. a,, or, CaulntreccngnizîuE-bPPlest--la are à canflot de more than 1I bîre done. It'sod lhor a longer way thon poît, Cyr- dsgiiîse'l"Mi l@ cruel to agi., ." ,eTe'" "0f rourge that we make ourselveg becs "You mut put the scre,, on STrîe ho ratwoleaniug oser the R"c- so* ."0 s'red v ith a bitter irofir alto- mi .ter, tho," lie anasr'tIl. catiolI1!"Mono>tiry g Ie. l hJack p1erohed ou bis gther foreigu to bis voire. "aa a 4 mut bave. Wb en t herer la oml cîtb a i oolîir and i 'rl irtride îf the toPMOst sîo hblind folsalatbest. Ileaven belp nee .*latse n eau sorely uîîke sorie atoull ibar. Ail îhre itldbeen keeping watrh us," dred ,,.acrtce."I there for a lonughaie-a rînte that woî,id ."Butt 'rO, sure1! roet are bappy?" eh.a lice "*Sacrifice!" tbe aimt ostbbe'd * 'Put Oihave been s-lIlontger lbaltnut Ibose s aid suddenly and looked up ut his fame. Ti theuve-whCt bas my lite bloeunbill fIne rs'mstoal 'anes and tonies ofthIeir sterniy sît uow tn the qhaoîows of jia ed- joug sacrifice snce rst I sa ou U? Ih gîlwa up fronar kepi the littie lads frin awcepiug bowarvniler wbiî'b tbeY pauaed. lesa da klliug me!" t)ooauxîlîlî a suspense." île isugbed, a tuneleas laogh, and oueali. "O, no, îrt inflot. ' ivaà the ,'O<rlre- "Yu oîîîîte bere? How good of You!" wbîeb ;arred opon lber our. wer joinder. Womerî of plîr nature l'onk 'red Bot-pI.reeasing the boys fromi that 'Dont aki me that," ba said, bort-led- the *tand a great desa l îut course tb,'rc start erobrace ninsvbleb the>' bad ly. "There are questions flue cailUot an- hor de always eeresoîrce I'ft -I eau appeal strung as she reaebed the gata. stor evt-e o irself. Ierbapa I have thri te roue @ ou." î4be bad sorisk on bier kiloca on te aft torned coward, aind, et-eu if I am happy Wou "If you did that'." ahe sîiîî, tluso0ltý tonus the btter te aabrit te tbose -dore not Bas tbe cause." ai ir, "Fou wooldl'to_ et-el iîg. lie, !a "smtberiug" caressýes wblcb Jack loved 'The meanlag ot those words went homle ho too honorable tîl buyyr 111erovi.' %' î ot sbtîcuber, sud she knelt threainober hi-artvitb as stdden pang of fear. ho wouid cire noing for v han bie loti1 t 1tî1i, lookiug op b lt-ors face v'tb lie'r-asd not et-r! uert e and liber qtiitering anu je Galy 1Iwirbo in sea anul tî,ilsh wn ai] luhl'îd nd radiant, titterly no- like tiiose of a frigbtened ,'bild. t .eBsrgh te wish ta bile il frorubîi' c onsciatis of the paug that oaclte ia The s on thiît IIou al ai rhvbd cri -lIm et sulre tiiiot lie sould ho selfiheurt -ofthte knorledge that, dear aBsiste front ber lîpv o ibout break Or t»Y Mlle Ing .acrificiug,." sai thell'ot, 0.Plalii . '- hod beoomne bltu. mshe net-et- eeuted 50 rîmbcd baî kina osiî k adoa.uonloss lbor- roin «ns coad bewensethe ]l,- ifoIl', 'hI8o r'(leur as lu momenta or inexplicable pa-rorA sileun'e as cf îieatb feIl befween for ter botter, perbaps, thaît ,ort I"la in 'lîb jtios and sootednosa sîîcb as these. t htn. Tbe trlling sbaîlows u,'r'med te net .« yenknow, are proerbîsî.11 îti 'I este litre beatîse I teared ty liaive growu, ila ndî(]cae s'aslotadsan sd men And Who ta Ms. Mrtliîe alded. wold misa pou," hoe salidapr'aking coU- il tbe goldlen vrai faded 0ont ss If aah ai.ddesli. and witb auî'b tartlia tt--le ostrainedly. bonoase it wvas urb sn effort migbîy aud badlnîvopt il itto the black. r qaase, that Miv- Grant loked i at hte~ speak et ail. "One good tiltn deserses liedî tauts ot igbt.Mi îvlth abolute test- in bier eyes. Rnother. you knov-. and you bava git-en lFora moment ever>tig wasfOTgOt- ble "I have told yau-a trienti ot mine." np neary >our wbole îlsy te m mother. ' leu as intbe stunuiag bst-t-r of a gteîîhTi "And ai Ior'â?*'"She saotter uow," sald Beryl, risig iboci. somttiig thit ber lite bord mi D u "*What do you mia?" mile 8saket, to ber fretasd smooing bark t-be ruffird ed rose aud faeed ber witb jevrs and am, 'éitrply. "Ia yonr alladttonetil taet-ret-it ings of hait-shoot lber brow. "Sha WB$ grolles of moekery. Sometbing that bill usa av s eadship wiîh runorence?" asoeep, I tbought I migbt lr'ave ber at mnigbî bat-e won. comPleting, enuobliug, bon «Setween waman ad 5 otan -eh. no; last te t-e cure of Woods and Mr.BRt- elesatina ail Ibat rt-us liestlu bis nature wln bire»mn ansd a woman--yes, more ton"- or iacking in ber oit- lIbis swept over Oh ,*..iaIi1 wbeu btb are yoong und one "Co[ne," eald ieor. "we st-e al going bier lu t-bt second'% spar' ot swakiug, der .à@ tetie, and there ta a buaband lan ta have tes. Mns Bretton sent down a and able sbrank sfft-îgbted tromt the pic- The ~iaillw basket Iis morniaz for 'Master Jack.' ture open wicb she gazed. rte -Mri. Grant surli coldly. I Wonder what waa lint Have yon auj "Do net gnet-e for my troubles." sald bý, -Barli Marsden la a goal odwmsfl she ides., littie man?" tht brave asud kindly voice, bushad a.nd his wsM; "and, as 1 have told yon befot-e, "Me tklnke *o," Raid t-be utIle fellow.s'aolemns Dow, as if somns purer baud badqu X»e do net Innove Ir." thbe brgbt color whieb ezitement always struck the chot-de uf passion. "Lonely oui Ilver in protty mnch the samne as other brogbt lot bis t-bocks prssalng lîke danie I may hie, but no min is ever the worze trie 4oie. I auppoase." gald the Cont, cally. inoils cleat-, creant! plluer:*'"me thinka for bavitig loved a gooti woman. a u% l"XHe bats served bis appreuticeship te there wa@ a plutn cakes, sud anoler "And go @she is--dead?" ssîd Beryl. a aBis world, the fiesan d- Here tboy cakes, ami aid- Wbt wa& Il, Cyr- brokel. "But the dead are sconu for- bis »j 1tUk.lariet-In l ttle pots?" g-t-eu. And yon will not hoe lonely aIlb h go roce to bis feel an the door openeti "Preerves." said bis bruther, loftily. ,sy's. 1 hope. There at-e xi min> ct-ber ani aO~ Iorwomen. lie1 sud ierad Beryl Maraden enteredthetb "No," said Jack, wth emphasas, "actne- ~-h ad sdy btamhow1 ..euenutogether. fin eise: Oh, juin!" lie weuî o, deligbt- eat lieo or-it-ber w, "ut n." 51 - dly. "Pot of ismi" WltCaefrote one. rt CHÂPTEIR V. "And 55w 'away, dul cure!' " crieti (To bie continuad.> W liasles glnceIvo ha gie t IvoGrant, iuatchlng tb. little fellow Luliînoa5n FIowers &ad lFruit- if t ejl's face saslhe met ber in the hall told and tosaug hlm up ln bis arma; "lot us ainso lcti lsoswr tWlg bar tears bad beau reslîaed. Sire ail enjoy orsrelves, sud est plunt cake, Gstludefelereb~e iwr -bs" tome altine. The littho lads were snd 'jama,' and ail the other goed thîngs fit-t usod tu decorate the streeta of tri' .»I l th lier, a fact Iuuouin lumi.a that Matrer Jack ln goiug tu treat ns Parla on festive occasions during the Ch, "De s1« Igueb e presetlmenta &aisn." 'wah, in-tl iw. ea't est auj more- laie Exhibitioni. TbeY wure at once sid abe «& tes spek more rively eh, jack?, voled the atout effectiv'e ornatens ofthte ému bk« wbite face and quiverlus 11ps Wbat a metr!y, hippy tes tbat wus lu their kînd oer lmagined. Thae Idea wsith allowed te possible. "Mineat-e more the quaint old rectcry parlor! How, lu develope<l. and tulipe, violets, roes, tiru , tba re&Umnd." fe ereeymmr flssmlmlodadznsrso He had laiton ber baud sud stood look- alrja.e-t- e&O> tis laadznstt flfowors, wn innocent gayetyue ocm 0 IvOr wltb a glowlng bail ofc olovrle lgbt on- thb .~ eunosaberwit ss sn trubld rats heart wss' uaasnd tender wst-t' loeed ln Ibeir pelais ef bri[Ulanitlj iii fuînos! How oten lbe liutîîredltiraI nmlt esuts îos tnl u "And utien do yen go?" hie ssk-ed. scn-tebsbtlfc eig orer Rt n aout h, asulrbkn g uet mn t hel acups, the esgor eyes ut the lttie lads, the t-es cf avenues sud lInbe arub the lt«lareshoo 1-e camedrtn. Neit ouiath. brave cheertuinesa witb wblcb thé, of gardens wboes'verl'aris bas a puble Wh qu r et10 on. I e st ae n ata Boajour other bld ber oitn pan, tougb et-et-y totoe. A little extra relliemeut cf 'm oIre a one hreae. ayIbnaWord anid sentence trot t-be oildiair lips workmansblp bas suffced te adapl the ste ha ouce-arraue." et dsod e@moto lber heurt sft-isb lutinous flowers for bomne decoratsîloit' -eacesi ber weikness, being womau The glow otf5uset watllillia tbe Now' ail really Modernt'at-lsiau draw-w .emoegh t0 kuaw how the slght of teut-s aky 'ahen tbey anuntered outinto the îng t-omsarste couserted lîllo magie tr tres ves tbe strongest men. Rectory gardleutaltier the meal waa fitet- gardons. Evet-ywbore, otftcourse, tbere ce "Ras joint-visiter srrivs't" âabs&sk- Tire ir was sott and warm, and fol] of la the ligura]prfusion cf fret-b lowot-a. g gd presntly, when temmna- e htsrag inadste.wih But tbe ustural blosbouîs appear ta rn »m had been stt-uggied wilb sud ou p- crawu the close of s day. pr-.The ilîdrea tan off ta, tibir rsig, have acqult-ed a suprtatut-nl radlauice bi "Ye,"lie#nweý, ormwbt cu-wblcb was flied rînder thelit-nicheos otfin sud glow. On uloser examinalîcun, Ili "Yen, lieansweed, oteubt ~ I ad clt-ce, the redtors sîlecigl pride, la fotîiiîlIbat boeesudtiile r itlflal atralnedly; "he..ns wtb my mothor Dow. "Thon, petbabs, 1 aal lieo intru ding '. sud Ber>' aid lt-or foloived theut motre bîrromutriadle cf aultall tinteti glass "Ou the contrat-y," hoe intetrupteti, - flw .base licou placeti, lu tbe bearts er am sure Elle wiîî gîaîlly aelcame pamir "Vihst utl ycîîr guest Many t10 our de-v bit-h alune elo<.trlclampa. Theste o fresence.. idnt tbduk site est-as erf serttg hlm bib tis fashion?" sieasaketi electrie flowera are used logethet- wlth i mach for Coîînî Sas onas campanîfin'et aiIst. "Yesterdsy pou angoeed ste wOt-e luminnotis fruit fur the dlnner table. t- ual " [ ta sec snythiî'g of eaoh ollier, and 1%e R luI reaily, artIicls.l fruit, es "Thowb be nl ot er"a.i ey. "Il là casiet toerualle resoluttuas than woadlerfully rItVOIedlu dlicatel> col- 'egsmowhital Ior oedglabalchentltAg ty elle use tblking il Wou à[s lhoodd t epIet"ai ao.".dmy o5,gas oo snatîu lt that nither nmber nor son esred for t-be guest,' as you Calilitedoes nt desere eles'tric Iat-ip. ea prononce outhIis tan, sud pet recsît-sd tucb eonuiderttiou alr ni> liuls.t1liute A Crrld iejaisdel'. biln as s guest beacatir t.licr roof. Hou- the tellow. I uîab I hlîneOet se1pt- î -eonyîcbsmabjl i Oer, ber heurt s t ocsore and ttoubled upnn hlm!" ts-Id sunI'dta aufnc on dir- ta conreru iselt much about snyt.blag Meryl tooked a ut t h sîinturrise. '"I1I sase it awu grief, sud ln silence site ucut beg your pardon." telu' rîntiiiîed, colorî.ng iig Mîlke. "I look dat pollr'einnlolto witb lt-or ru bis mstler's rtct ottlp. "of Course I bure'uo Tiglt tii ' Ouq4iil'î. I told bitailatI 1 lad ail C "So that ia the îyîrerions Coi' tho sus.IlIe lobks a sîraîge ruant oie de troubleýer'ont;t dat I1stas jre' a col-IV' tlsougbt. eeng onîp a teI, pale tacet quit-o te bie triîtedI, t anîr ' lection of siert-tot." T mals. witb a aînguîarlY graceful prer-ule, *"Do noîtlet i.ste lt--usnudia.s "'il lnt iît id e do?"P Wie, ratansd ouri lin'ut her r nîrauce ng lion." rid Iî,r v'011; 1 hbute bad "Ht'lir.okt'r tue cicr art' den snid il "Nothing rery sînîsier or melodratatie au apportuuîty tîip tii ky fýoi, 01 ii î0t bvo ut tue fur imtotatake rip s -shot han." arrangemîentr. W'ei o ItIet 'Ieîtg' -o--abtgto tr "*l ns possible. , 10rhfPm, t-bt the ladies [Ho noddcd la the îirr'rtiîono i l, swing,.%abijo tr May bav-e întiers totiiulkeabout uhîcb wbere Jack vut- perchirl, s lit-('poin otr ocsSoe tire roogb andih ht-liui ind cf tan tap eturdy arma set-rutbîrliving t,,und f-o .te lsan te ." pO, mlot suffi-ietty aîrolt. saidthtreamoaf tbe n-tli m l lîl rle I tlino "v-Ieres oa tbt sald sthe rî'adI Cosmt, afrier a ligbtit men si ut desotory alune, iuisl htpotylmtra , li. 'I propose, my de Capt. (Graut, Bit-pt told luin the at-t-onutts îîhi, h ttOt-t- ,that. e go on tire terrare tii lunebeoln." lîad bein malle for theIoi,.ps. i a te "'YeWt-iandti îlîîk I knew the rt- tsar, oanI*svtoc tbsnlufuloti bethat hiCrieih uorîs. sou. ibaetul preaecan sd thase lîîoilsiîîa. "Of Course 1iali go miîsep'othîu '-OUI sstbutilttii!" -asaring epea f-tro he In'ei it Bot-pilIts('rose- eloyae said inlaoul'tigion.a I"ît-bean'use It isUt'tlttenf!" p blaroden. sgr'cîh utonce-."I herw e luenay le btter thon t> ti'r-t- ihîr'rthîr, poet sald Il I ookedile t-oln, Tire tireas rîn t-s pe ert-i rfi ,r pint lier. If I migbt ouly reîrîur, o îtrIl iiIL "Andis tî li a'u 'i' i koî pear. liaI to lool atter thna-to10 rilie llt ooped Il would ilea' up et-e lcng. bie.',,Ttantnht a l, îîîrr iîslt-be .stem agrperil it-h tbemu I hbould At-litattt tittuticO. *"s" -a1'tBers I. îlî'stîrîg1r ' î ciii uîîd soerucb Ir let-b ecar tig tlîoîî W&& 0011 h 'le' îgig.îîi-t liii. I1 10o aIle se net-sandl thffoent t-bot i The Nlark 9< Gesiu, 40LIohea rs" t-lidut. t I err, -l-,dreat." AsniU lis h t at boy et pouis do- OGrant dentarien hv.i1 - ', ", 'Il, t1v Il lookîlem 111)'n .9% ttr'n ua, ing' rîît-- t Fer Mr. tir;ant hloiiis't-îdon roui, I put-silI 'ýn."saradlt-ort-It h fî-co pî'rîîîoo l 'a f11 sjob ln theliekn t dback eilu s tale t mlnOi.dI l o,'10 rftilnoas "t-rViirii iisnt vt'ry tut-andtîl les golug to lac pt-esdlsl'it oftlhat wardrobe wbere princes gelt their grilr. T ES N A CIO No'a ars of salikneas, for there are e.U DA CH O e la s n In h eb a ir s d n o m a î ri al_ l tios rottire rol trer of ltS USOE o MRiS1 S.4444... ~ ~ ~ ~~nd n crteir for the lame 11mb and lise~ ~ ..~"'+ lHi4 i8ntfr e broken st-t, bol the pulhses tbing el thb eallb et tié eternal liees G nacuntéte ike nri r Jettbie sfone thte il it-t- t l- 1,-9co î ul o-our gorgeonîsOctoi r bha 1.lin.t'elb le'bouttin rI'ou - - t-eth e s e»sentier. t 1l:t1tIl. TheCre fsr the guttei'sWound.. I.,.2 heirouliof I1tiet ý 3 G d sen ehiden l, t e, utle, he difere t ît'd e is t rsui ta 0i l à-t ,it, i an. t1 - T IoIl 'ý rY (lrm ' mn ,,,moe hyacuvl-Io lcs-r f thé stafbin ttruck tir. tinth t t- h-7. a.' miindItir eatotinuI ltig,Iaimaiit it-l-t, itîhîrs ail tîe nid tilbé atflt ure-t' 4. Ian.î26, I le l..îî, liait lu-:I, d.- 1 ha e ta ttIiI ilth, ari., rnLoib nL Inile irîrnit-hrol bthaI t-cnt oves t-st(.le 1- i l. i f '-oi "' i iilit-y, ".%115' Iitiert-triail f li -l t!i )Olair'l wvil sib-nle t-hie [lont 5. Fl"r 'i lt i' I - " -tstb toit tli.,." You tril p rhal ma lie and louat vt haol n udt I'sîbl ftle elle A, ta 4.t 1l! à Imf. ut-ilîîîîtîîlî"or n face' tit IIIe nul ir-îtt ttII ssicb le st-os scout-g' i. <"t-. usi t- Sa, tf I . it iat i m îîîîasily'îi mnd I opîrîn t - I Plt'i, Obid Ilco uli tI e'l anîîioîsltic Etit-t- i S I l voldenhie nyhig fony %usgod ast eday abo heftiti, and Jîîhil ogen 7-I. Vl". î14;li'o iiî ,îî 'îor"oi'tt- (Copyr-ight. Louis tKi ph. 1902.) lîîîîIagA"ndiîl olir t-ilphlot ii-s lm v'lltell ot tueemstut of ttue Sot. sud A-lt-en5:3342 ROM a proeat- i I é i otle.î1. l îrî'î nt îîîpr.antipii t-i. t ri o lijair cfblie flot-y telltlituaI eeled M.s lt-rie23'Iiot. i tîo!fîili. rfarter Dr. Talnîî hiir Iua i l tle six înhrbr'îr nhurt- i, înlic in- a imtrip the sky steps snuitChrist of the Acta 6.7-15. uot consohation p i îî- en ltîî,lr r,'tirt-îrîsfIl ra t oldny ILilnumbues suad the bt-il a> t-rsand hem' t9. Mat-oh '-"Ire Ptihîîlg if ti'ri-i ,peophe lu set-rose' r Iiit-i> ui'Th t- srrnrîharr nil nibit- tir 'y 'air.3""orrbsgea of the awetib ci Il(iiiioii. Tlie*At-ta 7:54-8:2. xt la Isalair xxviii . "t-)"h'î-Fo Ii, 'iunr trial ol tth mi' ll-hion. I)liii ny, -""f tire! lire befori' t-be Irone 0 or d O S IIl atr lb " bîr'inp9i'seSI-'atr'tc 'ha.Q at-e not tbrnsth, Ia 1 tiram'hinr1if wensr r tî'înnnîorr -L I not-rIga OrnPet-t- one elérationasl t-botosebo s',ro struci -,l i S 3 gtru t-n, nethe le i ýait t-i'r ltitr ii spelas, but il ls thiis as-thriana ;tî in" ofthnerci.o h ib" lvto u 1 4 h tipa shoot opon the cureil toitlitut uîtlîr'srîcIl un Leshouinîrienug ti r îrr'tlnr." ud the biglent altitudeor 0f beon1 d Arts 8: 21< :tg i bstn uI viira t ' ii te u iilmi- t roubl e lm n baiani, abaorni ss h ine stho uer. rinder the sIrheeh. lie 1, lin i23 -Tril. u lto, in wltir a rud, Bt-e, "rît s în bt isutl î andîîlcris a brot ire bonse nontii 1 ill nualoserlho ftrshing it. Etri. 7 511-1 mcUse lha will net e-Il i lt-l it. gif' Oaii rrî,lbecs lise 5alîttton leoff. i loir Is there net anugh salve lunt-bis tet T ii'hét-,t -r ansof i, ' rtli'ti il Mistot-tues of vrtiic îItA-t"i 1 l- illo1nIud pîru biow tire biltton ta off? Ybrt 0te make aplanter lsrge enougir tu beailiai- ,, ' lîî' iui.îi'i torf 01 ttolp îlot- toua people, ant inla r Lets the gîttu tIrîl us la t-ite et-o n la cect vibinirle ahit jour *rounda? Wheu s chîlti la but-t, igtfion riltrlr ilaist-r'rirri' i il mid ut nincty-uhue or ,i 11fa btri seantu. sud she lx asluvée. 'hointb tho mather ha verj apt tc say ta Il, "Nou, theut" îîîîîîîail,]rit- ,iii(il yptire r .iginal ut-n taae.Loki l ions în.- aite w.oh ycaef about lber appear- t i lseu feel botter .".1Andtat àhigrlîhi'i iîoiuht- ith i j"t, r ard oi.lî t-,..,t-t-' Of My"ý !Inorce iin opirpeaeucc once, nov' hi' lt- aat (;ed says uhea ble ecmbosoms aiaNIi, \et ibir, ii,,,shiiiît entfer te aeore t>' t -emetin-nr,11'4. beosue. ah, sanit- fortrrneu'mî- t-oble lu tire bush oft Iis great lu I' seîîîîî terii io-l tir, lis grîw,sh 1flîchea, enfitane., h I Of l in mdr< Yoiîr trial in m bard sîhol les- pt-omise, "'Weepiug mal endure or tut- i i mlin'ti III, l -i,iui%,r, tîri uit Saîut etw atkow utý ia e elii"'soi onunot lest-a. aud pr hs It'nigint, but Joy mcoth lu tire mrzt om e riiliii ril.-hIII, idl 'f 'ltiniksîiy et. Iat île fitchet-ntit i lie t n Iu3purnfinbgcr nalleuntil nthcp at-o eba Yenmai bease pour pockr'i irndkierchlei îîr i -i r. ammll seeda, hlit-. h. orn o>'or, -nt tii bhotti. opplug taIwe trts- spu et rrteelrLI îî1g Ilu,. îî r.i iltJ-muslins ibtia te rhickpem. W t it-t - tgransrsîtpiln&usg Ageisasa (Io. piîîo-, but leu tîlî go u bri t sr phk illn pr 'n um tti Ilii t rîttii 'iliiay i ii'gi ?rha sere ta liei, i' ry se-e En irt-ibody bas note vexation or urrnay-roulist. Tlnoj ull tOw-at-a, Yeu wL o n f'tiC iii, pi'. e--lu t i .îîîiiill W- 'cuwn ou tire fluor- .lnbIh'erîoriesnil-r' or triai, ant ile or airelé hiiksit inwear shite; rypresses for tiniet, alini, rt i re ,uî.rr utn1,t _!- I t- 1 ould cornéearounti iilitf or ruotler trioel'aat aait'd. ".luytbuîig but for yan. Yau ull say: "la il posileli il, fliilld,:Ifthe îrmr' »îîarcs: il and lest tirem tilîllieue ueti isoulî ltitis," ail sapi . 'au>thiîîg but ibis" Ily tiraI 1ana haro? Il§ tua besson? Am 1 i 1lit.rt or'il,,14,fiiit.t-st [i,î.,., a eparsted, buît whî ti tie't-utn s'as ta ti-rer, are pineflt sameti to beimm gopure nau 1 I hllnet-or do anythi5 naibs'-î llit. nîmîrache- ,l.t-Pu)% rt tbrssbed trot usam w- ,n ou tire loon. Iilîeail tiis ime sesinat (.0.1? tWb.iru rong? AtmIauoel liaI 1 iuhllnover nîlu 1 Ltuilriiî t-r.tly îîîud ss'nlî Id hemenwold lihoresor x îuianagm the aifairs 0f tua wartd ans agsiu ha micn? At-e tiee companlausliîps i'i'n nem uthiîti the litnil iltire ut car lie io i tc hlî ln tou oui et- ut-eu a ' se n litm tiraIthey s'il net-oragalu ha Doiit I,'t- irr I tr eii... 'tc i Ilionigfat-Iili.ut-nt Nanaoîskh i 1antinh nile Mu13 ehar a Su- it woutili e tirasi-ruî.înd he.'thta-suit itIf rî]tat-agi'or sn oninipolele ana roko? h ltiMot-rI putînt JoInt Jitirtlr rîuii.u i -it- i liorr. anti entr the-k suîrîi honc itthNo; ilte file'mnat înî'rtu'tl ailmno-d 01e Pi 55 lt rirut'-rIo i it' .lu i _u npliohied. iîfferent k. ils o!fîira.ïtii n t.îlnuts a îi r i e îsig un asl tire mou a- kus C u uhetaIlru r b ut i n tI-tI.lI . ....î.î . titi Idifféentîlprotincît-. - Ihîu' tibos frcine irrse. o'I mreîmîît,'soî omnipotence' faces 0f thune sho tnp go wtansd e e-i'tiiras.utl-tî" -mhaiii Dtlmasired wsen tiihir.alhing innîru-mî,ytimng, )On'luit-ofr"ttr'riaid s-atnIm ontiiluihlb krottht uIllneir 'unt, neir'îîrlsa otsice eîet lst er'nuh Do tu olinltbmIkIno? d)-ing? Oh. irWradiant they are! look t tiii u t it 1a uîîu ,tfti i bouI utunthclrc cînmî,îtoit tl inaflcca lus t r aeimmkie pont-soIres rîdu nIto!10 dantirct-lWly'tît- o1lu ,I', ni I Ili't- tt-huîm te -beII out ith Ir st- uiand itire crut1i011àairun tule aiglut îf tht- sîgels hîci' howuaunîke this place la frtra te l liif't ai,' u. I'-- l 1 î.-11.l nu iîtba t-ad. Be-i t iin sbrunii, sn asaal arctîîrt. abi le drains suit tiîgbt uben I teft the tut-Id bahut-vit'uîali_ dmI l in . rrt. itn e'suse b lue net éeolue îînrasunrg ut." ' i le îplan of asiaîî iiiintp irorîsunti toit. înm.ts dtew picturcsof tbshised, iriut'îi o i IIIlu,--.. I i rt 'i- The gréaitironîgirî tii tii.'text ptreses- Nloup uarkmen st-o otutageti on ut for a[lii'!terne cm un cîrt Ibthedeaty) usa , 1li i t.i-'Ir. s a oiin t ibounel ail go tlugn long suIle 'lThbe sînîpis doue, nd sotmi,' hyti ee at fitdahws', keIld of tishint uirocss. Tlhe tact do>', vith tire Saga rip anti th. air foc- mo.ll -'rnlGlrex :rki 1ý aI pu my h do.îtrmgpou lie ~goos siIi irunting, îlot vesse]is lauaoh 'rfila ,-lit- .îiîîrîîntu 'e ur.,'îî -luithu onurable sud noble îîuîîrîîoss nli ai elfor Scutirampton. AI tirairitle a lad ha u b od it ii ie i 'nt li' r"' i u-'uu'rîîu ,nynany escape. Wll'îlrsrfoit-e, thir pnn0 aomgangds atdai." %itiîlanenuenipater. Ieus un bis dsy lire dock m 'a talo altiricr hee bau bt-alllilinse aiiiMart-tgranddelàu lut-Iftttro ;aîsh moinude vitir bis nuse jai knîfosdh l ae, btItilri ouuthw huetum l u l", uh>t-s...heb tisivlrey calleti liii. lnduit-n eaen bt lltel yetic t wilmrrîeti of:I montas Babington Nltifa î, tire adra sgays' ".H e-, mp lbcat la latter tisan h grandest dsy o! ail tle mmllion lu o, ff it te of ail tiraI sax gît I.long befareîfeih oors. Just lhok nl tbî jibbeone anti secs0orhessen. bau say, "Are yen aure 0bese testrrcrouajack lit-aes" Ani sin autell me?" Yen,1 î Itî illw,î tt-euîLcéd e-ru Iii.t-rtat ino tank "name the toit cahu hull istoriai t 'latedaoegttie-fut u es auu l nuiAndîn'. i lOlion- an day wsscaricstrrerî luone ut t-heire draps imleboat heside lie greatethedn t ga - r.Mon.& lu hoti t rr(,i bt-,ii .î.ýr les tiiuiii làth atbnp rouiews as "duI' uieMcslp nitrrelus s cour ut lannirhter un lagros rinuitoefuîttoi. 1isuppose l l'rî i i utrr lay. Netmin i h.oti t ire e- t ut isbut I do sut cnre mînorhabout tirati. ersiititko -al a L ula.', NomanMLeo, te rea 1shedecs!Atire fredocks!tgratAhpn uuit- godfougifonda.Hll th-Il end ufthIe Scotch puit r.wsas industni- sil a your lite oasm Ciîoduanul utf-asnt. hal. so a iii 'îîîrfoe r n' al ilt-rit:mît III 'lli o.,r.out-'umiil.t sipu talFtned i lu hIuartîrs, sltbou"hmlintmmo-a ei f - d. ete IL t-,nghf'otr 5tlliitlIt iil,-li t"'f Ili lo.t nthe day siresilie anas enuouIt"ta bound! That luintîtott-n oulît- n Am - ut1 suIfIt crnîu f . tthiî1.'nuafuutnlunit la urîilsaucrîma satoti sud loiacaci ~yen tere tryinafte ht-w ilf0ont sid fansbienthu'lié otuiat-i tri' 5iimisi'lI't" iii he fonerai procession anditisd,"It ire it sud Iauucb it. lbD oi t-tir le at-ivail ilt aut nutîilL, Ior-rIruIl ci Ian ss ad dune nothiug for au> tod>' aore tht-n uttire greal Jéhovah. 5Coud us ais pt IDOAÎE"E i im-ir u-ut i i îm ,r nri' hlais doue tft- me, buesutalti shine as tie re wgrl, sud un senti% ju t- P'the brdelbongh î.îrrttutL"it- it a.l uwns r"'l. tani foret-Or aud et-rn." heramsîat-l ru.1esni - i ndaîs ~4 gtalo il1, il.. t-rart-rt- su. t. etfILondonu md thoîr lilai John just lire bankruptelen, jisi tle ci-t-fatirt --'-"'li'Th roiasl, 'f r, . , . i'uib trc dépenI eihy, tire fatber o!r If lditt laî sboit forjyei ta hnse. 1l"-is t- lories "hose w-lieset Mas'-oi t-i imarh s rutio l i l ue tue 5jin11r ohi mon coniti uet estcape thé maligunng Agalu, t, sutujeci laesftint siurllter autelpunt uinsu'tlli the irtuclpla. h,-',e,'.hImîsnIn Itturihî-uarc atît-r ftire uetld, nelîber ecui ou expotelakeepa trial onu narint s e IcI gui 'rhi r tifteir trte rî'or tprtofession iart-otheonie dsmngiruim riu .n tt ita'do t'il t nid of tire sbarp. ku'.'o sîneke ot tie fat-mer ahouta "t-il'hus!"10bis bhors,'% a us,uts b uWnicrire.esanuIse l Ilun tir "n l.tit u inn uIII'lmruslu.£rsIltaIr ribulunt. .Aitire t-vill lit-o gentlin scon as tire grain ln droppeu fnrnîl lite religionîs Ile.'ite ' bli eur flitnt mani ml.I Iutftl,- ru ni rn"- sei1..l.5 e-,,i .riat Jésus musst anîit"r persécution. Be- stlhk. Tire fat-mer eframs n 1h isa turk hv ii ymueIlik hnete ethi- ci 5ut1'. ,îlnrt a t',bole.11, ies flint, tireter'the slrknesaes and "ad tonses up the st-su, sur itiru'mots tin îSetaflnuxehî'p sî' in7 atuidel lota. uiloi ruitlt py0anuit-t-t-s ae bankrmuptcies sud the irritation@ aud line atrat iras let go the grain andtihtreare lu gain lest-en aa rowil fi~ ~n, s rttugs fuît-firitt--adt)insmsfuthé,' o- e disappotteurstir ici at- v oer put- grain in thoreughl! rirrasheti. Saotie.analogy iu nature-îles V. E.'Touill-anstuit anuIfrî-or i,aîlruss uttire diieut-l ig s cup cf alues tta pour lUp.'i'iose Stîting roti sud tnurng rbeel blti ceai,,t-eu. UnI-ivralht, Woret"ster'; Mass l2) Tmpset-werstt-adfssl in rip, eing vrinkhes un yuur tare are hieroelyphica as stou as se let go. Wt-l'e onate tl Iis I'sehea$s S1eculatin 1 ts5eak i lu . ng fr-a filotulet-lie ttAînh, fcitl mi, if diotîmmor 1 u rîlunaie out a tord, el iIs ploasrsuruadri t-menha' d lilf or grenier quiîet tir Ile pflple ttiorthîe îîrt loin at-suit-ienterai sud eninht hline t-tory uit truble.'l'h.' footseîu éou ments, and our karuokies or.'e rtii'itli'tes ' stbtseeaaeu uît ornumîimnuîng ai.,fruit terire' tstie ir e rnbiî lmîî us t-n he î'net-t umnrnîntfit-tiiset liratift 9r e11u8as ut se ceritl,, Ia-n'uni umietof txpet-etir îrs,'<'t-asd pt-si." )tht-' Insnd ou th(lui' 'tehaut-s rtf buolt un foret-. iuul onotmala tg se 'h latinsn<reintnantII ut ex orteur lie ageitiarr' li 'fithuiinstmhot-ing @acte tirasinu troulen'sd blents 1t- for s-lt'Iî bIic ummîlll mllias hOtU tueriait>'lus, înu'lu'rut iii niessof pulicu wiosti ttîriio nligirtou. lunie. W tnrd notmer flielu on 'îuî îil niitu trd'miînistraOtinof lite torstîlo. <lu 'lte> -gai losUtrIn',op 1'Ti,.blemic.o ne ,îniectedly. tluithIim asia groalns oi..I t-I. Il aýt-a hsi"lifie frel,uI s fi - tltfii<t Peu p1oetuInnî i lu' iltest liti- l* iraithc liten snuilthlie lips ant i bîhmîntuî's o! eti out of ont- gr'rrtabîitthat tiurus tîîI fim> le lialîîîîînu îîîd the cen- spossrandl . I t he nt ir urc'b. if tîruble' nil-iii tin înes breoak in. A.msupthuun i mlt- n dtstn'tt- ali o or tmuatirnieO f51,1l iii 1 IL $Sicer. 5'Prtaiip ulni> tt'airimlu i rb'is'hhtusir Inn hon flmepinui, o aoti'assr'rmmiuheu uthe tan! tndien- uin rnterue. siiandse t'itonarn, New I rk s Itv> llnloe s-usonnmnl. rîi -si Bnt barnt',ss a îii.tue.r nurit-m hie Révolu- ald îtit"epui, "P. u.uhtsso-d!1T-oum.e .liei tit5rlaniosîrlutteI.t- tlinaryntp tNr. auit-thnle i be lr v str-c wit -stuclemn otter hf. ot itiistrembléie d 1tt-i 'tumn ltut Ihu ullr ce i fui or -urum.ials (.4m'n 1uîîîl nesng s fait' aiii liii'aumienue vuls l in ofmue part orfth(' seonîti. andifîî un- trining mît tîls inîttry us sadh>' déli it inrfIut'îîîîgIroil)ntlimet-oa trt gtliitîur heu'grumîs ufitnLnuîot gol lin le a snahe-r nuit-Id inai a50 otinflteé et-li-il i lu'iettIkt, the 1 uirg tf .uur' tt i îtuthuiira ncturch mg srîn ucrc, lu 'nrd anduictîto iemn' e.ostnaîttons a evon sgnîflusut tut-Id. ant ibHule andîul 1ut- a %,t-lii .'Irînuticlu'uIinoS an ut't oroî..lirr. ut in ' '-ii nroko cul, iin lmoie nrR fuir thit-ltin dept-ciotingi ail thic ait,10al,5 a1It- place lin fie s. lîrneît a'> mt-teint no serît-5)t'hrtt-iaiistofit tnloit-pIIhad msugt-eu ' o- uî .t. u lis îm r r-îunLtre scatl uliil pro rtY. 'loi, pi'-e -nI t.fa)lierrrus i, i.'l,, tiiei'- i u ipluoue imat-O llos.ed mimd pt-'itiut a trssmi i n t-'mîmr il nonill flme J', ast u'dbît or- l!t-bis cmit .uf.sunud tt-nlt-ercthmîse utlt- nombi eblI.'lnî îau'îîmg ti, ire ritlieu frethtii. i at-tî liati iur-rs u otepra- ,ri lut't ut lit.m i hue onrdmîe cf nmontr C ieli'tt uotatti O e gmhocîn pin fix 'le y(t-h o f th. meutnît, o( n itt-u lai tIaI ulalilit> ct". gréit--toton ile ieilliéshis um thl1le111suitid as a surl t 1,esio..osalIsit.ligao nr.An rmo-- -t-l 11nj-ýn lm un and, ui u tht i uit- amnstcrnté towu T 'Ir ieasdshiir Shat Endure. i. ' I utto ug5nl<n tuhn tl- Ifih., ttbrtht -tiInr î 'rîmr 4îuîo uin lt(- lir-ýiluii ig thitoo nul lipoundei. W'e thongo a tinmîpts~ ciloftuf lie. Euh""ru I n nît uia the tlir et-itugion, s ni moruntotir i'n Niy suiî. muth, fiast place. tenoires grand t-iung. auchoo l fa ueit10 v tîe moral tandhreligionsmt- r'tu'tiioi9 s e eu-th-u notir-luift ,»'n'r's iica nima usn 11hat il 'iitmr n o . i mtient ta un if see compositions abuit fritsdsbip, aimd per- 'itutlO tua1 Ils t-t-Pst t-ni'. lies' Dr i-aLut 'l'u,h us't-t mlit-lly t-se t,, ay. lhe scape or-t t îi.l'rtue Ilchtes atietithobles tematie unit-gradiing msper on Barthiot-r - liotuiouitt frokîpti. N. Y.t-hurt liti ibi i, fueI uisolatîti tnutir immuuin -il, ,ai-tîrnsing lion migît look i otarencomeul uap tn rieîcdiîr<. Ohu "i e tooulaisisî "ie ie nusecompati uther iIit-ur n-l nurs beirîs ito ut 5onîdil user ta tht.' ot-n ou muothen' tirashntit s ca dluniug tling Bmttr(ifes il uit-lu tors of ' mialt' ratmlieu'II ale od diton'n'slir -r-i.> sm),%%lntu thr'y si-t oct-r aurd uap:-'Look ait tat pour, unis-hj asmn 10tep uas ut uneit<? Iliu tate - î~ - * -alut> --li n utuo uIIIt.,iifi' U uitî.sni 't-sie. lnuuuî'îuvirn! t-le hase nO eillc gIe on un"luf.'. oune trmu'nd has i uttosoI u -iTtli ni o f ail tfro ilt-tuuma 1 ' iirft u t11tR' î"" î pntuhî'îh.buIthat iras heen i,.trapoi pur aniau nnrueud lias mis- ',o. t,,,. st-'rit-n il.% sat-mm ltICbi'a u& r %mivmi rs fin itdsun sata niai îh'-nun'I'ttel, fli onn.if .11 loterprote oti 3011. amuitheuutr rinudutias îuuîîuhîp îîfr'îtmrît t imîr ,itlîc-s.îlt-es a tntuufir, nu-uItItue,'diiantidsin' blot i. s uîl.h niowr sud sayp "lbvpurin ieglectn'ti pol.asud l lt-nadulitîhu emes aou ut-e file n-I'niuirtlIýt- ithomit- întcty cf lite hlin f Chit- tlhiuOtlratier tmita ins tbhuu- i dru hanvoenuit bec'n os somitmimus 1.1 iili lit>0out-irl! anotî' i s plu'lbsi.,itt-umN art it-'IîIaysiludan- lî laituoh .utîîîaithnuiglh thé u' le riiuiti' t- Ihave? If isbecsese a usa10geint1! So nîthu nmouîuup lN"Ioul ger cfrii'i'uî 1 hitbplesiiAlso'inilt-ntogrstriin toit arec 11nI au semuch vortiras I ami if a msn hou a u'ompn'teut-y lit,'wut-osae mongors lut.' luIolire lu r nil. 011cr tilleîoniluion '-îuuîif tsi 'mîîoî tf punont- p-ii ssoulti le a, seseroly ton .il the futur,,lut se lane Ietarnlaed enhvlit oi lfg 1 ilbaehepsl f.1LI 'Oi lIt- l-t tuteeare tren5m-ho5 ai btira rtigago ima> bo drtr'atod bp an tni'soli1ttlt t-hihaste ter'ultui'Ii.t- pose mîmupiauneflime hord's fav-orites aiînupi'yunkuov n uresvîus inouiumauce, btnaItMino -e; t7 rP stutr nsîr'îtîr' et-sne bec-anîsottr tut-ira at-e finitsud tiroir sîgnin vpour natieItiti ue uitk of a note tiler m s tiuu, iu1 mit I 1f'lelte.I And l'il 'til- 1,. 1 hank e rvuritmnlushnanrsd tireeare liraY ble pourhumsmuîr's- tiraIt, ant-tmU, ere 1hotheéint-'Il Il hoî fli tt-p'ng tlilre'ea 'tss fumerasi n île huit-c. hIn àyIIlebecauso tbal a nnew t-neuf nuay chanîge flrenorentrrt-ete tilului. ,in ht-tii lIivn Dr. 41% Itoil ouwrkieIig t-le! aritt-toursdsnnm'ieiti1 tile cow t trit0f l mat-se. liii> h to- t-i .5N. Iiist ,, t-o"n eluirnu -Nl-iFunlun>Y.ik et t-haeeadof lthe'[loli te pt-lar idow aud îoor letO or-it' .uîAndbled, bp ait r'toieiii'iutu1uit Fuebh tit tutti thsT-tufir n ss-ile, but .,'t mal hlir e ,orh's l'arn. boruare but lI ir- sAeCoiiufoIIntruneu. us lt-i ab. talii g 1v10s froiuwstenbutgal lia pournidt ie,irt-e p mm are hut it ile ,grtp, bot wsttiîlti iiob.loti smilleasl fhok nl lit nn] ie rbifol ru cf it Iiii utilr hic sai' lueetrongi>'ativocaîcr warli sud arI r-intet aimdgrouuad le_ h tt-lb s tiaff, bl irro ltîton Ant ile front a fîlenr'. -mr nui'-'itatdunn n~tuait i t-bpW . lib' acuanliy Ilainks cana sielI theutInn epat of lie tuarventet. i niu'îutas ,tmil unle-utou ii I lien. la birdt(imon' e t-ut t-suît ef 4P'-munil i rîdlin' nlloesi svete,.ame as Tiehefetitof thr'titra t-In ng mnia 'nne us lIi Anid lue fIsuail-lii - ttheiruti. n slîerl rotprechIti ofhet ln'lile of utseuntimnt eS t-ru inuiilu s' lu r go N Y . - cni e tufiren ue of thé grain. If tis-nntli but rue lolti ln. hure aret-c he préetinll. 1tt:innîumy llmî n îen yeu have un e mu, u nuîclu îraslî'n l u, 1it" tic, ien isho boultht-n grI i) t flta n tt-ii nsotkt Iu' Lumu Niii.nt-trist r ' fi esl6Ibfuei perbsps tht-e ils tîntt Lncnuh ti)tîr.uut! 1 i nmîilthe lulet mît ent, nsb l'O IIggo"etIo of peoplle, mnteni of (ei i ltru h lere' e mrs lIl lut' hbui' l iq nu r't-'mî, t-l in HalaV. RIbi Bn rien.. hue tlueusondidon uai IsondInIt cf t hmpeur kýIda. -eiirther l. i,P u'etnjoyted l'tlutii t u" i lt b" Neat. mnui ntt îf'me'lesafil flin (lhIntilanluritie huaI uni ilhe' Niagaraa id, 1 mb ucltu'.int]fiIItaI stlue uohurieu'd e laof îiru iio lu' .riatili i ltE- proprortionus our trnui ts tînht se enau og un liotiti',fuI .Seng I at siIlItltrs ltia pluiOsiroils- bear-n âtuaiff otir éIn' ité-esthe rtilueruti eti t -u urineurn.mient out so bIs ami n aliîlol trouil. A uinor a Ill .frmn ogpul r toc thre lunnit nu.thir tnt-hteefou ebefo0 liiut, gtiiiffie t- rt-ttheicplonge icortporattioni tfliit1 ient011 ierel>' ounse- mmm et-m tlu> usie 'donimitnnlot-r' ssii l tct-n. Sentieli's pr'ople la great t-ouille ie Pifî .l.usat-sinr' botîle ilnid draul il off r4nlaltlon, coosr's lit lin't- 11111te taLueni atiL hi t ut juIn ,,li-u offe'ction lm tile may, "bph, I 1,1 lt est-il!"* But yen and ubu tot-un-ileIbo io(-linto the air. partîcula-aout tîme menof f int me t-t r affi'etlerm ima luit-ve fuit- cr dhdb'at- I. bltt-mI utba- elit Mo tirtostouî-n mviii t-'eirworld. qusiltlot.-BoI rlt 'nekirat, Iro , t.rtimi'ili bi'humvo laIn,"mat-t-ed n Codidbea u Yuldt ebavd sudent Lemireareimdra an1tpht ut qucut, hI-. gl-A -ug. dt--îiaed t-ey lut-I nurot thie. riine o . eti Hne. 'Yorityeafa lu a gecnl An luasaine. arent arî Th r-h die aItl th, gxthe ti inres."' pe sîdth, 'ir kt- i tle il boit - th-r' -Iit r In tI wtha t-t 'Ih, .htr rt ni tait-r11 A fiue, hi puor nit dat-ise a klid ire tIc dowa a toue ahi -ee-pOt the weIIre thee île sanultu thge yle t& gna tjny io s en. bMt a, aI blttiWdi masi bora h wih t slowi betee la wb, tut-ca egg is