CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Apr 1902, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDÈ PENDENT, Vol. X-No. 26. Libertyville, Lake County, IllIinois. Friday. April 4, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Ladits' caiIoring. - J We are making a pcat JUST of tailor made suits MASTOU for ladies. SUPPL MNTS - HIE VERY NF'IFPST IN ameeSte u ipe" NTAILOR MATA SU[ 15 V!UL BIF OUNDIN TI PURFECTIOLt: 41 THE MADE T0F M UtA!fk Made to measure CC.FRiltz'1V 'PFF ladies' suits fit. We ofler low prices. STEFSV ENSON THE TAILOR LIBERTYVILLE - - I LLI NOI S.1 Springi lu fîcar at hlittatd tu ii wil iit'eu l..\\ 's1 riîg Suit or Overcoat. L1eave îouî urder withî ite N( >W andi 1 will gîlarat' tee 1urfeet .-satisfaction. FEDCROKER, Libertyvillie llinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, AWTORPEY ATr LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. Dr. Charles Galloway. Offiosover LoveI'sD)rug Store 9O09" Faon t TO àtàOrly6 t O 1P. ai. Lîbertyville. Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office ovor lrrlggs & Tay lors. Ir w Ila4. 0M. 2 Uw aud . tu A p. IM. Iaidon«e on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville.Illinois. . G ROVEW DR CRIE M GORS Physicians and Surgeons. OMfce and restdeluce tbrefe duorm wIlt of eburch, tt.ckefeler, 1lit Day aud nlgtit calte answere<l îrýmptiY. A phygACcdU awaSys aILihe office W. dis... ursw mdiltet. 6-3M 1-1 MISS FLORA COLBY PHOTOGRAPHER. LibertyvIlle, illînois.1 STEAM LAUNDRY. AIl Work Neatly and Promptly Done. PAUL MacOUFFIN, &tnveay Md Comnaslbe#aà UV. NOTARY PUBLIC opFICE oviEs LàxE CoUNTI BAN K, Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DEM TIST. office over iake County Bank fi 12n t mtn. auj 1tie, n . . AILY Lbertyville. Ill. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS 0F CHIICAGO, bas openotià a DENTAL OFFICE At LI.bertyvilie, Buler& Block, over Smith & Davis%' tore vhere 6e May ho fountci regularly on Weduesdaya. from 8.0J s. M. &0 6:00 P. M. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. REBImEUCI OPPOITE LSUMAN HOT9L »Lo. (urnes - -- -----llinois. - SEEDS- Timothy. Clover, Millet, Hungarian, Red Toi). Blue Grass, AND AL. XINOU OF PURE Field & Lawn Grass Seeds ..ALla. ý Seed Loruand Tod4er Loru. F.r Sol. et Reass.i. Pflie. bY CHIARLES STEMPEL, tii l-d Long (irove, Ilinois. cake Çio* Ba#k, WRIGHT DYMOND &.CO., Libertyvlle, lîlinois. I1seues Interest Bearing Certifi- [)IJaiU LJI estes Payable on Demand. Libetyille I llinois. indivlduat Respoualility, $ ....PURE DRUGS.... At Loveli's Drug Store. PAINT~\TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMES OILS PATENT MEDICINES F. B. LO VELL, Libertyville - - - Illnois. TWO ACCIDENTAL DEATUS.1 Chicago Man Drowned An Piste- kee Lake. Doctor',s Coach- nn Killeti. Win. (. wileioà building contract- or vorking ou s building overloking 'lakatee Lake Tueaday alternoon noliced au ovrturneti boat s mile or more from shore andi coult i dmly dis- cern a anucilnging 60 t. Heie mue- dlaleily lecureti s boat santi egth1e rescue, sud vtb greal dfliculty suc- ceeded An briuging to shore the un- conscion. mani. 1ilwvasimpiy asCme euitaustion f rom being o long ln lb. valer, aud for tvo boum strennous ai- tempîs voie made to resuacitate the the man, but vilbaus &a"l. Prom a bauk book anti catidaon te body it vas lesaed. bis susevis Acbitie A. Naessen. Hie b.d gone tu borne totel Tues-iay morelng anti ald 6e vas from Chicago. AS lime ai holdinug laquent Wetineiay, Corouer Taylor vas unable to f nrther dentltj the Mau. Naissen lied been out ou the laite bunting tecks aud probably lau suiing to shtoot hati overtuineti bis boat. l is presumed i e b.d been in the vater an tour viten tilacovereti. Oin bis body vas $74 and a bant Aboo ehowituZlbe bad $MIUon tiepoitlnluthe Mitnoie Trust sud avingi Banik. DRINIIBRKILLEV. tir. Wells, of Mclieury vas bain- moueui 10 attend Nalesen sud wAtt bis driverrtmrted fur Pis"see Lake. Wlitiu a fille distance front licfenry hia eaentbecame frightened sud the driver lt'oulrol oftem. Dr. Wells wrued te Oau t,, keep the team fitrailitIahead as hey neareti s turiu Au ti,, rond sud P) -ruo theoWthe lake,' as tbey ainsi;dounuies lte tara vas made. T[he driver repled -11 osn get Item &round the corner ail rîgitI" sud altemnpLadtu 1 do no, viiti1te relut the rlg vas overturned &lie man belng titrovu againil an trbu ponl anti vas Jnsantly killeti. Dr. Wells vu a uly bruiset but alter caribig for bis man burled 10 Pisktee Lake, but arzlveti %oc lit te1 be of snyasitne RepnbllCan Cotanty Convention. A Itepeblicau oanty Convention viil6e boIt lu te 10vu bal n the Village af Libertyvilie, faie Couely, Ilinois, on eoterday, April 26t A. D. 1»2 aJs 1 t oc p. M. for the pupes of Mielecing ivency dlefstés 1ô-06 liepublicau Benaloriai Convention 10 bo bld t I cenry, Mclieury couuly, Ilituoie, ou April 2816, A. D. 1902 and sao for the purpose ofseleiclg 13 delegates 10ote itepub)lican 61510 Con- vention 10 o boIt lai Apringleld, on ààay 89b, A. D. 1902, aud &smo for te purpose o seectAug deoegîles 10 16e CongressioialE3ouvention of te Teutit Coogreslonal District, yet lo be caleti. Il itaving beeu resoived ti athe meeting of the Couly Central Commiltee Ibat eacb voing precincî Anu the county 6e dectred a prtmary district anti ltaIt primary etecîloul or enu- cases ho caUled for each of 16e sld primary districti. 1Ila thIerofore recommeuddt ltIprimary elections or cancuies ho caileti for eacbi prlmary districtin sait onnly on Friday, April 25t6, A. D. 1902 aI te nuaui itoni [ho ropreseutation for each prima7 district viii bc one delegate for eacb 27 voles, or major fraction outI for the itepublcan candidate for Areeideul in 19(0, The several prlmary tistricts %lit thue ho entitled to sent deoiea to thc saId Coltuty Conventîion as foi- 14,58 VOTE.ýATS Benlion ..... 3 3 Newport .... . le 7 Auttoch ...........4 15 Grant.................... 73 3 Avon . ..'.. 296 15 W arren ......204 H Waukegat, lot............. 4o7 il- Waukegan, 2ud . 312 12 Wlukegan, 3rd......... 34 G 13 Waukegan, 4h .. 347 13 Waukogan, 516 216 8 Sbieide, lst ..3M 14 gbtlds, 2ud ........... 103 4 Lihertyvilie.............. 313 12 Fremont................129 5 Wauconda .. 192 7 Cube ...................167 u6 Ela .... 167 6 Vernon ....................68 6 Wesit Deertetd 1VIS 4 Dertleld, Nu. 1. t .. 215 8 Deert1eld................M2 6 Deertleld, N........186 'rotai............ 6136 198 H. S. VAI, Vce.lainmaui. IZ. D..Wvstî, Seretary. G. W. TuaNsua, C. W. PuTIîS, D. T. Wati,, T. C. BiesoN, EntEs OatIKEN, 0f the Exective Ooutttee. Neglect MMenaDanger. Don't neglect billoeseess anti constipation. Tour bealt vilsufer p rm a n e n tly f y o e to . D e W ltu Little Early BIsèes cure suetsse. M. B. MmAIU4t, termeu, Micit., maya ,"DeWitt'a Lttis Early lIi.! erO. acest stutfaory pilla 1 aveC loch. levercpipe or oaisesuer. W, . ,OYSILiiOfy'Vils'GUXAsIU RESULI 0F TOWN ELECTIONS. Vew Contesta and Liglit Vote the Rmule. la mont tovu i tfroulit the oounty litote vere no outesta and te regular canons ticket4 V«* lecteci Tuesday. BelonAsla àbrief snnmmary of reaute OFFItERtaILLILE iii WAI 11058. Assi. tlupervisor-4$. E. %Vooley, David Adams, Jt. Clerk (ieorg. HUOiineon AseeSor-Cal.Visn. fleld. Colector B. A. DuSne. C. of a. James BIaabard. 'frastee of SobooIs-George Mpauid- lait. it vas a Clesa swsepfor te repub- lican tic.ket. Thetout0Wivole ent vas 583,. EAST DUEWIZLI. lu Lait DeerlslwuiS "en lte bol- lest ilght ever laid tbere. Il vas Priiscb or Hogau f«r Bupervi.sor aud1 on titis ane oMm n mbattle blge. 1 Hogan van ont by g majority of 121 Votes blate titre. peonctl. Cleri L. H. W. Sblidet Ansssor-TimoOhy ove. Commiiouui-ThOs. Steee. TruisteeWm. oftan. ONeil teafealeet#MkaiWenben anti El. Mawmau for goileer iîy a total of 17 votes ltu te m' CUBA. 19 w»svoted go Wu$ àtait of $1 on every $19) for builig raide u tue tavnobip of Cube. The fotuiug ofil. cers wveoelctet: Suipervisot -MllesT. Lawey. Clrk-G. F. Gia"k. Asseesor-Pred ftiyobuer. Collecto-Hemugirine. HigltvaLy Coetmiisioer- (;.orge J. Fagot. ANTI OCB Town Cierk, 0. M. Canr. Assemo-fi. Bock. Colecr-l. M. Dnglies. Commission.? N*I»vaye-A. J. [ci. ter.k J natice eaeeS îînY-J. C. lte logo ehonld returu to, th" otd1 pathmaater systeiniof bighwa 'v vork. The movementtti o 50 vaS tI.At bya vote of 4i130 39. Th@ ticket etectedtola,.,. Colector W. A. Taylor. Alsesor-J. A. HolTuisu. doert J. 0. welch. (ommslooor Joa. Watertury. Trueiee Schj,,.ie fK. 1), Arnem. LA. Reev e. Bupervigor Preemu uCtoo Colector-Jay SmAlAi, Assessor-P. W. Stewart. Comtlsionur-Lynti Wottley. liehool Truatee--Jas. Catubll.t ROSECRANS FARMER SUICIDES. Edirer E. Scovillel'utsBlliet in Min Temple --Bd" Scoville, s voil-to-do and higbIy respected famer living a short distance velt of Rosecrane vont uto, his barn Titnvîday aftornoon of ast veek andi piacing a revolver to bis right temple sent a buhiet crasiting throngh big head, dylug aimaI Almînp distely. Coroner Taylor tiettiau uquesi lte sase evening sud Helen A. bcovilie, vifeo0f deceeset vas lte mnt import- sut vitneosheard lBer fetlnîru foltova -i amn te vife of Edger E. Soovitle. 1 t s vbinslive &bout t1:» Mach 2716. i vas vitithlm asth6e b, The folovn( Peeptes ticket wae elocteti, Jobn Spoeia baing up iude- ti pendently for CoModioner 0f Higb- Tovwn lraOe cl . Gerbtert. AmoeweO-aske P. Ritaoeltair. Oollecor-Frank TuUl. f Coamlasouer of igbvsys l'Peter Couatablel Joseji hCiurchill, ueo. g Umdenoeock.1 8etooi Trustee--Aibert aner. M FRitiONT.a The People& ticket lualremont. un-.I opposeti, vas as fotiovi: Toge Cerk-Frank Dolph. Asesor-lI. . Traul. I CoUeetor-Frank Dels. Commioner titgitvsya it. No. 1, Vred Voker. Consable~-Herbert 9. Davie. Scitool Tmae forunuexpîred terni C. P. Beckwilh. Octool Trslee, f ull terni, Ira Smith. WMOT L)Et5FM. Supervtior-Mathias Borenherger. p Town Clerk-F. H. Mdejer. Asessor-ELI A Frantz. Ijolletr-Fred Selig. CousîsOle --Jonn Catalan. GR5ANT. Two ticket& voere Up lu Grant, a Rie-d publican aud Deuiocrallc. The l3omo- ocelle ticktlwon out 5u foliows, sitIt s 2 to t vole: iiupervisor --Tbom&asE. (Graitanm. Tovn Cierk-Thioias J. Grahami. Assessor-BeurylDoire. Collecor-Peter J. Hover. 1 Comninssionier of igbwayiî John Tanion. Constable- John Stanley. MIEN [ON. Tvo tiukets vere Up iu Banou. Tite Itepublican va. knowt ilas the Dogloite ticket,asUte candtdate& vero motiy Dovloites, sud the Ctiizesta' vas au lu- depeudent ticket. The CASsoena' liekt caiturodthlitsof- ucee of Aelsor and i Shool Trussîse, vite the Republteausuewon t6e oters. The succesaful canditiages wore Clrk-J. H. Depew. Assessor-Etivrd E. Pulnam. i Coecor-O. EE. ove. Commissloner %V. A. 8Bool. Scitool Trutee Wilis A. Caunion. For Clar, Depew receiveti 172 voles, iDavidTi . Toley 154 The total vote cast vas326. LiIttilI EVILLE. Tite comple retnrne lu Liberty ville are publiised on ioter page. w AI - O1)5. E. A. (Gotug vite elou*ti uperviitor anti Arîbur Coote Collector. No op- position. AVON. la Avon the regela? osecue ticket VUs siecl'et. NO oppsition. ELA. Denleon Buntington vms r-nameti for Supervisor andi Pot Moyere for ;Ou u 4lwp.Oh ard UIýO vu put UV barn. lu tact 1150 teen vîith hlm ai lay. This morning vo veut to Anti. och 1 otokfor a muson b o 0Our vork, 'etutning home sbut Il Octoek. àr. mooville vos Au the boute leying on the ied fron &baltlUie until uoou. Ho id Dot coonplaIn of ual feeling veil, but vai Tory nervone. Hse bad heem o0 for lthe aSI tvq day.1 do nol Inow vity ha vas lnervonsm,, Heied Dt gbept very veli. He nover Mon- lionet iittl6e thongbt:of committiug suicide. He ebot bintefif n lte barn. E vas An the bonne anti board tbe plis. toi firet, anti rau ont titere, vhore t bound hlm laying on bis baci. Tbe revolver vas about Ivo lest front bis abouitier te the left orfim. I knev there vas a revolver la lte bouge but dAd ual knov lie baid 11.We kepl lite revolver In the bureau dravor. fIl as Ibere yesterday." Titi above testimony vas about ai ltai ôGonîtieb.gleaneti y lthe jury l6gowiec. m Mi lJgb»b wioas4j sn théir verdictl vas: -EgwE. geovÏi nome 10 bis deth by suicide by siotua- ing itimeielf vbile temporarlliy mon- lally tersegeti.' Owing to 16e tact Scovilte vas kuovu 10 lie righbIanded aud tbe revolver vasoai fonn the ,loft of bis body aud ltaI no povder marks ver, discern- able, saine vers at i unIincllded t10le- Ileve hitsd beeu murdereti, arguieg 1651 te have itttilte revolver lu bis rîibI band anti placet ilAagainît his left temple voulti bave beeu unnatursl andtis litaltvoulti have nocessarlly been se, close si have povder burueti bis face. Hovever. the suicide tbeory la gonerally accepted. No posaible motive for tle at eau ho adivancedi. Booville bati only laut veek travu lumber 10 bis place for a nev tiveltlig andi apparently contem- plated te s rection vIlth elaerrepleas- tire. He vas 42 yoars oit sud leaves a wife sud lbree chidron. Il seeme &bat Mityeari &go Scovilto' mother commItled suicide il (turnes, sud heoibusbroodeti over ber act over slAuce, aI limes bocomlug very dospon- lent. ELECTRIC ROÂD DOINS. Conastuctlon Material Arriviug )al.Rlgbt.of.Veoy Beiug Secureti. Titere Ie no longer doubt inlute minde o! lhe muet sanguine but tite proopoeed eloctric toudtfroua Lake Bluff te LibertyvilAe las 10 e a reaity. Titis veek several car losds of gradier&, scraper@ anti plove for te North American Raiiroad Consruction Company bave beon unloaded at ilondont anti are belng "set up" pre- paralory for ue on te grade. A largo bridge derrick stands un the rivetsa otige aet aise, a qtianlity ot bridge ualeril vithere te railroad bridge Ae te ho built over the.e ePiAes. Qulte u amount of tintber for bridge con. trurîllon itas been îîurcitasod ot %Vrlgtt Bros. at Lihorlyvilie. Men are beng itired i e $1.77, per day 10 vork on te grade aud for insn anti teain iteati engineer C. G.l'owera As paytug 54 a dey. Atorney Durau sohtsy pnrctamtng rlgb"l-.vy sud a conidersbie amounut has been seccureti thii, veek. The electric road contpaoy bas presentoti for coucoideratAoun l tbe Libertyviiie village board a franchise grauling toteprAviloge 0f iaylng anti maintaAiug aàtdauble track froua the tîshorne faim 10 norib village limite on Mllvmnie Ave., aud vbAbe the botdguIldoubtiema refuse to graut sncb a frnchtiso Il vili probmly set favorably viten anly a sngle tract franchise As saet and several other modtllcstions matie. INDIPINDUT NI) 0 ITR sOCBAN FORa Carpets and Matting, Rugs and Curtains. '['lie ilew guîl.sart' itere-Rich andl iaîtîkome dtdîs i nii ewv Velvet au 'l Brussels carpets anîd a fine melevtiozi ut ail wuul aind wo,îl filled Ingrain carîîets. Miattiligwitli <ottont (r itative warp-'Ihe itew green,. bhte and red faîîeies anîd the' plain straws. Lave etirtaitîs of ail kjît<l, I<iifle4 Bohbiîîet, Nottintghamu, Brussê-'ls Net, Appqule. (urdeil and the faîtey rutmlvil Miisliiiati(l Swissý effects. Alsu Swiss, Miisrli n anîd Hobblijmt ty the' yard. WVidow ials(oîle tk , -jîigod iii prmary-colurt,, (ireiîtin :t;-45-4,' aindI 54 inch widtlls aiiycoleri d i t ons1ecial oriler. Heath & Ml Ilgan's Pain ts,Varnish and Inte rio rEnamneis n smali tn cans, prepard ready to use. G.R.YoN&ON s~LDPR Cu~ Telephone No. 109. Wauberanss. Iimols Buckeye Seeders, Disc Marrows, Moline, Grand Detour and Case Plows, Goodenough and Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Moline, Crackerjack and Play -Bail Corn Planters, Old Hickory and *.Newton Wagons, Buggies, Surreys and Driving Wgn*****,,* Ail goods fui!>' warranted and- satisfaction Uuaranteed. 'Libertyvile 1. r Have You .Ordered.. XYotr werk liariiess -for spriîîg. time hîuw. It will then bec pdeted su yoîî cali have it for sprilig work. (let my prices. com- otir carry a cumplete stouk of liglit and heavy liai emses as well as ail other bur-se ftiriishiitgs. ~ C. H.KAISER, Libertyville - - - Illinois ;:sî1,. ztb Century Casb $tome Clay Worhted Suit. .... $10.00 and $12.00 Caziilmere S 5.... ... 8.50 b $13.00 tjood servtibte tu... 55..$.00 &0 $6.110 Xouung meue Hîiltta.... 5.00 la $7.50 11nys sutt ... .$.00 la $3.00 Mayer's Milwaukee .Shoes. Patent Later . 4... 3.00 108$4.00 Frencht Enanel. 8... 3.50 lin $4.80 PâetLonîber Oxford................8$&Se Viol ROi Volour and box Cai! ..3.00 go $4.00 Ladies ' hoeu ....... 8. 1.30 to $3.00 Ladies Silppers ......7ft 108.0 l,w Rh". ... ..... si. 30 102.00 Lb-oaa ShIrts, Work Shirts, Ovemals, mmdagl ful lfine of Gents' Furnlshns. YourB for Cash, E. W. PARKIU-R-ST. WUIAP% LGK IIRYVL. !UI im ITUDiO IN BULIILEY BUILDING n,,*%A Re-nQ

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