bIle the mnd gov.- May 20 vuS. fer ent sai Cear end: i 2. 1901. asad Wun- seleet' traafer aid Cou- lx te tii. 'e coustiS of Joua Unitled le trest! v 's-ia and if Spain, f Decein' ration or emminate e [1.81.4 51 inimnd cy th e- c te avoid 'fesntil leate i. I ulaber mary for qalred [o qui"a sud La antlci- rrsd tu lm lb. COu- ,0starss tuis' be iectedb .t liS'UA [ ay asd preideat- .pited sa dix added r. adopteS thi dis' et îser.nct P-emident sdl effect. Ste etrao- -oatlantsU tr premeut uatitatisa- t. At thé, t h. United -.dtur. or id the. a, et or Cub" josset te art. ftrou noW. or I v alter the .hicih o nîlig Lb. before the .t the a"w lpolat teil- y the.eam aiitiam for oeeassecl. lis edam t .04 avait- at. Accrces îmoubtodiy irstaeme id. hem et asmmer' b.' ,iaint oultil ebumledm te the eGa, i. the Pse-l r Lb. erooNa F et Wàe NIQUE. Comuion 5or John e .nprece- tgeas I Id tmat& md ddv« &.y & bOU, d biusthettcnrs-aianiV la[a oead qn, a"kuy. ls the5Sa bWýIU IetsIa-ratine Ss-aoi t w s-d amIt il aa Mrs. Francis Podm( T. U., Saranac Lake Her Health to Lydia table Compound. R IlDEAR MRS. PINV:IAU :For wus born I fet a peculiar weakness, before, wth severe pains in the ovax ,, tried the doctors medicines vasted. A friend who had been cr ]Plnkham's Vegetable Conpo go, also your Sanative Wash, and such relief before. NVithin six wce Icit young and strong and happy on IlThis is several years ago, but Compound la my only medicine. doses brings instant rClif-Mita. 05000 PORFIFT IF TUE A.B01 Whon womnen are troubled witl menstruation, ivemkneos, leueorrhoea womi>, that bearng-down feeling, inf bloating (or flatulence) gene rmi deti tramion, os man best vfli such symptc sxfanit, irtait, nervouïnes goss" an~ vat-o--left-alone' tey shuM icisiember there l3 one Plukbam'a Vegetable Cossipouni Refuse to bay any> other medjiie.f John E. Sonq LUMBEF SHINCLI Shlpp.d In any quantlty Shipp.d to anybody Shipped nt any tUrne Stsipped anywhre bille = »l1iIDvainc ai .01. aud up per- li. JýUPTT MKOFI arese. iad [hi. i u ,_i, A. sal- i ,eSt in.1f.It g a r b, vt." imil outhLeirmuai5i5ith tlo.tgehe P utbti I ide orai ota i- cr vgtableed. it itMkt gardenen'Ilut, lePOstage. C. s . ..ndl st uv-un At thePlay. caMI.taS raitîuiwPOIn> s-ts.,sud urry inl<anvial ronce-s la no critu-cu n of ex- aosheeiiir.This la b na<l10< t(ia <clc a6" dstrts f Ai.uni "na.Ssskt , Nohui thiicas-irage îî 1-'tgu ri Abrta. Tboni<da of Aisreanasies nn. etlail bokinîg tonr unucaon Fui %hec, m W etIsrat... N I i eiutf. , hom- »asass agdui i---sue. di.iS'atls, Vsasdeu.îU i-arThs - gi-pnpge tm, $33.00 lu Californua, Oeg.aiand IF. ?diercI. o niisaiin.>t.Csi.. nr Chi-ago sud Nortbai'steru Itailceas'tnonn e« Age J ',e-sth..,ni sauoknuid Cini . Chicago daîby. M arch tsud. Aep il. onîs' oet Auit n hi ilii-iiiicnt h Clia1,$11.10tas- hertb un touri car. rronal LECTD TVPIN co.d.ced .carSi.ns Tuendaysansd _______________1__________ trom Chicago and Wedues- ST RE -r PI j pampitsn nrecipt of INVO-enut u tta y .Atm-et, Ubuago,Mngr 1 Saa Sa moe SassGntfClarkSStreet'9rel!îm, W msmI.a050555.i<-Sssat _, sis, lu unlieuahli ftheil,-iuoîubvre are 2.510 Advertsers iai-~Icsrn.isnparrs hesmliri ccich.If tbciie lurai ss sidtiastoseei-..hir. p'l-1.n1 1 i,5 res ' l e isl nnd u ii(.i,] lîey aiiul mui Tb.bMnfSirn <tin sii.Os s.siiam n i e i îarly fiu eomi t-gl "las if Tuinf- i.I. T-i-e r iilig 3 iir gi<orlii i t lio dyî' i luI CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, l<vmuiviy iu~îiyirgii Sie s.-1 p,,trIcrmtrof as..ughlamea. lIUAEIS Ad- i1-th- tInas,1h ut iNe ilu tii-r A RFiii ii( n GI lîT'-1 ~~ i-eep Lieus ablue nit lied CcI-mLI[]Blir,. B. N. U. No. 1 92 S tiel barge, <«Iltto nucii r u <liiimi tUhe gr-ot bstie.,am Ilihotu 7,20XlIti lîvi-L, J¶ ~~~~~ Pae~~FI S,*< v uicgdiTeEI.satst<adiaia si.iiii<n3 a tîî< a ,sLb J'i- tiiidit Muisido- «s >flxiiaI sud e- -Igr.iii i-is hIc vIn ku<stntin,,In ii orthe- a bU1ig(-il iii <<nisi - i. i luu<ist Sofia s, valat, nd. iIl(-ilic eunteo 'Thein- o f MIrli îi u is dsiissal nis riieiiîl ill-m' îiî tipartaicut fronnt Jlin OG. i,. L, i I: i.tuitu'd 44<51-s >iniiaier t, T1uicti i- iholiîc"tS a luiel icleutrousayi îg tiii il i ti i-ulgaian gos- errilueni halliiiiiiil iicenize Ms. tiicki ni lui hum ii-u ei N iia«tiiuu of thus actionogiilii iiiNliiiii Lei-ihnai <ws tba ih ji a lii onii<ii'it5ti ion itutU Mn-r. kliiiisii)niiiiit **ast fab.' This tinquiiiiiialîby il Icr o luthe ictivity shnbîu nlh « v iIj i tii<ilit 1Sotsa in scel it o s--<eil, ri-i'tiasc froncaptivity of MIN, S!iiica..1 hecnature i-oiip.îi li.hil.n.iiiac Trsiîkl, whosc hiiiiil, s tii. ter m-cvio neenlr rrre-il d b> Ithe Builauianii suîîthiînicr for connpicîty i thI î,îlîîiîîîîî of L1o' two asmueu. 'ili ii k miui iR tus denStaod, Uc biiii liulii 0,Ittilgaian soihonitîc ahrd b,, -îvîî i t.thrlu -uîgh i-gb-c,foc ihe Lu îu i îa i 1,, Stone,anid he lNuuuien iii, îuîîiuuaalsi-itubu- ite-fcc'lsvtlu Iii emil s tli -u re le-ren-ii<- tua' «lIcciltlagise i nt lc i'ndI Inieiil<as tii gui tcur.nri o ,sf <tde Iu tlonild, îlîu-I iiii,iaiuib îîvu io supuiny nf Eugband <iopoNeni lu ru'iuliute b>open- iug <taitori-ee ln thetUnirted lSates and Ciglstg iar to the Àui,,rcan iiidusrinal in- vadersa£o Great Britain. A bij redue- CIAL FL~OUS DO DAMAGI. HEAVY LOS0F LIFE AND PROP. ERTY REPORTED. tec and Industrie% Are Cippied- Churvhc, Cruaheui hy Wimd lu and 15e e e.- lit....MsyPra Kile.d [ Tlhec îiîî>st scrire lood. knaa n litthe ait t\, mil yi-rs have becu ragîîî u a'8 eiîsîr<i 11l Inidli u-ie e A «<<ni In bc r îof Ji v c,1< hav tiei0 alma d prolîrîl iw estimiaî-i" l ii-, i $ ltuO n valle lias ri T~' a. XT be,,-ci d'n< n <il troad traie bai ai iore, rresluCflt WV. C . bei-o serioouly iaerfered wtb snd is mu ton aeuspî,, nem honeleo su et, N ew York, Owes ire icipiuîlcdare auîs, a bu ili a n lias hi-eu Lracticall E. Pinkham' s Vege. d-t coi d.ltî - iivro <micsed&UirdIIt u anlrelîîîted rsi., ii lic IC<uIory li ,,, cad HriesLetter. wich sW li1ni1cI cvrytbîug lun<lhc toWn n furn- i. i roui :MX) toi 40 peopile *severaal years after my lait chfld îî ha livd itii- rivéscr 5îtiîiriare withî, hou <<g dcii irî<îa sibmergil( !such as 1 neyer had expertenced bot'ses lu larrmn îoalonfthe loî« is u-es and frequent headaches. ctîiaîî-îdi i$7.sX ýand found it mone worse than lir, oi ui> cîiiîi i f cttoniivllc rcd through the use of Lydia E.FL 1 10- <i'c i <in miii and the Fat- ri ,on rlling iaîoll acre greaîl> daniageul. s round advised me to try it. 1 did 'Ti-c lin-, acre bu hile. Cnu 1 1 must aay I neyer czperienced Jiiliii Ukýal,'uIhi% famîly, Who lhcedonua Ricliland creck, urir Pîîlaoki, wcrc ýek% I was like another woman. 1 drîscu iî< the roioif if ihcýic bouse tsi es- Inc m rt.caefie tlcrisiiig n itf cr. he foî,ndlrtious nie(i toe.,f s- trliirec golf ay ainsd the ret- m Lydia E. linkhams Vegetable «inacl-ii-îr ii,, îeflood.iNI ".t If I ever feel bad or tired a lcw <ole anid bhall îîî<iglcihdrncawcrev dria nd i. 1 KAfcis ODMORB,. <,,liu l'ELET'ER18Y~O GEUIE. i-icdamage at ii«rfrc-tboro and o<heri VE ETER 8 OT FýUI.P- parits o« ttnbrfîrîl <«<litin aestimsated8 h irregular, suppresfed or painful u he haIt a millioniiidolllios. The stireanos s, lplaeennent or ulceration of the bhciisc anfeiIiîosd EBeil Buck' 1 animation of the ovaries, beckacb., rose so fast thon <cî urisi,%0fr <110> îlity, indigestion, aînd nervoui pros. homes an-efi luîsl s-ek rîtety iu the tomsa as dhzzneas, faintnemp,, imistude, aei-ondî stuii., <if tii.-,r bouses.t ,as, a eplemnesa, rnela.srcholy, "ail. Traic <i ni'h Naliîille. Chattanooga 'i--- blues and hoplemaaneins, an<l St.lii ', gîai"]LoilinsilIc and Nash-b trild and true rcredy. LydIL ile n M, E.aha -. id at once removes i c rubei. stl<lln-, lisg tfil.t 1, teLsiin-în inul for ySu eed th b uli - 1-r'agi dIt luan n 9hlb ,liii lle W.i.n iaîigî-d. lieseral hon- 1 d,,il lcailth, (on-n <lac i-ne d i.-t.fcîîîîîilletc l i)î<.î ,i> I l I n îd a%'-oie--Jt',taLc n-cEgi-lathue 'ouit L uinbe C e. Ceai ('nec-k sud oin 0w.tantiu ýs Lum b r C o a itrire ,nmnlr Iv silirercedad tnâge ni i isni an Iît lîu nids bave inc card tur 1y hrîr o-e (..iiinat. an-uni hors. At t Gidid'und .1ialbua, 4;&_, o .nufai-lu rnug p[buta hase inca., tItla .ospmo. madart t i" tht osuare on- dci fn<m two ta uscrfou--e ofwaster Tih. R q L A H Ydintaure io.enNui ilI tWthe-ars \crsail thu- t-ns of .oiihi-riKm-i - In-tv kyrcîi jrsricîloaseucav8tI vlby ESo TC . ~' ' idd.teelnoro V.1ley via in- ceps ith-s'i'hîd tcniii eîglît t. dîit-r-n in,- o ýir n tmrflona. Tomuanad 'i *arr,u. 12su1I5 remfpectîc ly.- dWn 113,Ne,,ba-n ithse 40 W. Chicago Avenu Thl -ainshave i-ua th,-tuoels C HICAGO. <Ibýcr un a rsunP.Ki.and lihî,villc jeun-n -- < ~lth, lippe,-cC> 'The tarin- e-v ath. rat-otsff'-_ i-ssd teir LR$ SELLINS DI ff T. iogas-sa t _M,= «Ou..uf th, inc-i cnr-unsue .o 1inS u bat a-itii tr'uîî k 'ittabung. . til. ymrs,'a.. juai betore .. aaniaEnten- Saday. M me QEMTSIt rame op the (lb,,, sable> sod paaed ,.7 Y -nit r, ii-t is «nircsk oith tue -a fd 1ilandud onde,1 sd ding gn-ct 4da 5t5si0es5-~~o- as lin-e saminrna as~ gc î prniaperî> nbciiuchou< isonar_ 1-h iýnir nab. itZi-lt isg<ýi. n- t.Jii iiî> Iiprincipai -ms Istahma. msSiOns. -rialii--<iiL o -i- n. agrinat w-" 'OS COMPANY, ELKNAIiT, lUS5 the iî-s 'a, i nunh. areaahe- grciitgî ru fac it in-vîju ai sithe bonr ".tuen rHMan Nture, a tiiahi'c-, cii-are < in--iu NI r Iuegui- 1t". il iIbon- l --i i c id t'.tlc iiî i- i ' d -tîlauh pain- Sf ytnîiîscr b- rîlc nîitsa,'i sai IWîrilen d>rc i t Ui iii - ni<ug fro. Ai lîi "b.uîî tlt tîg ihiîî<u.y 0f tise f0 isi<ic <iih-ýh . u, lin idova 1,' '<iia 1iif 1 l i n S I ,rc geut <. niic lAtiifi -i aJii oi bî<iiv ii t Ii i aj, bo ii get aiviti- iiiniili-cn tif li îiiigcg iiti.i. A dolii-i(c - ii -ivi fa sk '~k6 lci-uî lte bu , i - s t-ni-k I> l.aht 11I<i<ii i - 1iît-iii <lirnilf, aunodiri; six $:l.i. 0lin 10 Pa cri an ~.t insii uîii ilc iîî-lî eslt, e 'hicafgo ail <orthwcs<i-a IlaOf i,< lîîîif'lime <ak i SvSl Is d<în-îag th& foohs t an-ch "dui rilm] ilIii i a,<us ii inîî ulni] i cutn $::ou xifron Clii- Sf0 tu ,itenfi. Butte. of i. i igcizat- i iili-i. kIIIA d u iiaiîy Ariao. u. Igdei< sud SsIalt ae <<< <ijiiii il iif hi i iî of 1liirhi 11051.1.50 pokane. $.l <) Loa Aftgcic, S ik-v -nmi.i<r IEn-iîsio, Lorilinii, Sesîllat, Tacouis ni, ,fýý Vancouven-. S ictiaiaand . arng.inmet r i c îîil iiîln.s of iothe- pon8i Tournii SîepisgtCan-r. <cîisli sîî i sîlW>i i im doit0 tu th, Fcfi îîi lor ..ap« sud 1:,i îiv î.iîl hui n îiîa ci i parti < i pp lt> to I,,e si-u iket gmo ii<ilc.-f ii iianiasliin f- on- a( .sîl «ina ii uI c <ii-l <i iii i .î lii %i -IIiaakB i-. .22 Firth aco,(i diiav iiî-î cliuii as liai> jiat ts.aitei liin.aîîliclililii,ii-«c-, «euh 1t.lîogUti inan calling lc a filn . iî <<lii hecone 10 og iisuii tîîî sIBULGARIANS OUST DICKINSON. sud bardseiiet eonîa b-uueîa inia 1 dii îiat lr'r iie lc, i lS! N -als Ylikiiiii îîl,î 1,21liaBist. Otrns mPerAc.- titi-vi Siai, ý(iuîuiloti<oiic agenti 5 Sofii. a Bullganîmn. al, ti c- iiIîlar e n sonu 11Iii ISabser's Net Muthoil u( onloricultuce saines iuii nilc îî ipùsuihlu Lug-ut <1, bu. pec acrr,àebyxli aTnc s iivs- e gaie -, iiili gîrîîî i V 195, oh t nri ai-ad tli -' iin-îî .1<1 m<of r- g t iins - v ,il , <1 mni> bl -il 1 niitht-e irlîi v -iii liS <iiiand il, 1 f lil i athI - il ctionuil il, .tt iiino ut wearliug i il l- inf if i Ia iiuaguitiiri .st n-a b l"ii , -. ,nismtrii-ted t-i. i- ic.ti ii-c u- gen-iietl di,* <i ut fai i5.wi 1ati<ii%'ou 115 i iA diviuîîîct il i f the vin,.1 gliu.II mli icîuîlc i, f.oIiîid tuthe di., iialy 21.4 i, r - i.ii liibanL tlchi,. Neiw % <-b. îîîîi î.î.iiuilii tetht- h<al t* i îîîîî ,1 11,1.Stoi'k Ex. a- rcc 1 îîi... ii- k 151 it .îî<îî le ut ti-iiliia iii-', nieacuiu ii ted a.iiils i ...inîiuiec, il and ILlo l i l t< uc 149' i i- ltîîDn'a a .iil, l_ _ I'. f lrade ill <«-a P Suniiii _ 'tlis i < io li celni ii mo I8 y 1 l1 îiîi, fîîuauc î.Ilia, the îîloi s iîî î Il. ti-l re b iin ]and muts ""J iîî orid Iis 1< iiii<o mncis atarîîîIl, ailgrsmi< lrobl abIs uny c<i1utduring thi -i emîîolg aii<'th lni,,la ano, --<iinII <ru, s-loi, rri-ind.t."ound the mIli<--tot cl- i <s j.e 011 1 hoîugb the i. IuI'iio if bote li, iioiîîîî8ia>witil i il1, -no,<eou tii,- traIiisliii riii faîtifLl .Iii,. i il«u an-lu l,-spacrelu.i-u> uyiii - iiiI <<a- hly altic in ir.îîuctr iul- < e and l-oii--ciait-i uviad 1i II ont- put -i tcur cai dbt oe lien, s',nol Aouhi . <ic-on the adi. -nu ars brou at l'itoin-tanu$L,80 i. inidrY trou at %('hi-suî, tiu 1810 oi- a re no imuifrant i uni i cbnige.Si.1 fu tr- t<ac îniiiisha ndecilcil i i nii.imie Lul- cîîiî-iîîîitî i dionce. iilaccv foi lic eek i -,-1i2i Suin o". Umitid iuiale., ats-S uIm;inns Y .i . c a nd-îîî h i-IIuî5m as. ti n < li i î î s ai i.iIii,- oui i iAr." -Aggrei i nr'siblu i- .ibif- s- nia nifestisiis b iuig itroii< i I iil i nî,lîred, .,a cbers 1 i, i tod bY l'o.veiciir, iis t L tt nie hb i i .-,bv-- aid mutIImborle iirgely -i iliiiCot- stmpia e.tic, ng 1inodueta. hi I- îî er h.-. relies-noSth<e l ila -'I licn]. traite aviei-iiiit. but etnrkeii lias pi- scuit-it .i'akIi- itN îîprcesý ..a. <iinIodîîîg dour, .- rsfoi- the c-Il aggnîgatie2.1904,110 lii- -sg.init 4,32iS,> oi-,k aud 4,49t1 Ii.iitis b aeek isot yi'ar Whesîi-.,i- ut> 1, l-i. Ivdaim ilîîrty-uhie uIl--<i ilîrucr i=21144la,! si-vni. Cornf nsniirucn- gl3tII>K3 I«hviagsiu'i X 91 Isi ancl doîî btuI, l dat >c--i, luI> -1 11511. to iai.i-<ru t-sport- 41-. Nus <igaLion i- iilieci Eiai, fa.11lîliOt iou n fies [ O tuihis, Thi11a bi <ii - I :rie tàlem th'. aven-n.'opeju lut <i 1o. <tic ai, earnyinig tradi aibl have niia ýiilvillihig tbvig yesr if au caris lirL, .î - j I .longera .ýai n u t 1'icgrain mQo-u ifcîîîlb h- hemol if thei- hLe estai-i <sIll pn-l, &Lbly nitic i ;,,lii.ii<y m Ilii-m-3 ci-r, joo _t int < i i l t),,<f largi îî-vliîrtioni 'lh,-ore e.i( a<)iionl u iuel pmpi'iwtiA mscv-li-atout tic a-i ha . - tna hi-,ci.i f or buildinîg ms teis]ai "à4-Cen-y! it i- (ettaOn-> tlit 1,aunb-r lai. cn, iîi-î *a 1cti 'ýluai , and pi-., -i c- i ii iii'ru db<irl'. i rIade reports duthe i uneh utftîîî yea, 1 îith the oolloiik tiiaiefor ii--a 1iah' le-tilur huaafnI i-iaiiproduiscati, t-mra ,-.i eâtSlin at ut csiiiii ui à lightr trni, <t on-J. r- îî ii-slam l îiit inn sica <ftuhe ti-lsiJi si,-1aI p bing Klini' Th,.iiii>ib puuai-ufo i tti m 1imie - g ii ,il i'i a.i t-i gl.oi id iîîIl-r is iii it ir.p 'o < I îo oI lfor the auiliaiii. lcoahvii tue <icin -utni- rua i - tt> adicn-- 8 l t ru li ii codnia i i ii m vu isi t 'imlit cvi,- lil, <i t i I -nt ofilvN- e i ttîi ou <is.n..ii--ni, L to dazu ciion liss fIi-< i iglvî ot a hiit mu-ici iiiviU, -swheu thc, < hall baie gou i ,i-,ti i igh ariii<g 'o l<Iti un-l, iiîîîkîh iii il I oîovha.iîiîii o civii ans d tir th, Ii fi-a aci ,', IIl iii ma-k.4-i1<I l ln5 ithe-yci il t 1fli. ii niii niiu i i - <aumv.ifuO. a o .. Clu unouOsttie. iiihu opcu<îu $3- Suou $6-d5; biiv-îuiuig gases, u,.2 $G,95 ;bî 1alunîl. u tîcbav, $3.(uK) ii uI hua, Nu,, éd<v-ilTe tii TSi , 3,ii N l rTc i, l, atm, No. , 2.4(, i41 - cuNo . . s'h-, ;lîuîî 1<5 $1 ii mi $5 S u-ide. $,50 ta $12 <lui i t icr e lui carfn-nnrnnc>y. < t dl ga'.. tri-oh. -ý1 4 c; iiii 75,- mit,, -M e lu-cr iiN I iftiuii-tsCsuih ilaupiplig. $3l.00<tmu *(;. 75; luug -. uboîe lia ' S $-itut iifl ,tI'eli. cusninon ta o $ 2.W0 nu8425ý îîhi-ut. No. 2. 75o i t, . crn. Nuo.2 uî lite, 61.!c Lui 63,; s.i No, 2 u ul A., ta 46c. Si. l.$i< -,t0î su o i $675,;îiug, flt ii li<i ln , 1.$2.50)Lu $55o <iliui Ni Ii, i 7-,,,; orn.i ,No 2 1 ,40,79 ut N i.tii41 i N, 2-<<i 7, 1 v ii m , Nli - CSI t., 1; 1il N o.i >22 t , p idi-i. N- 2 7. 2i S i-.uuu-u i-ln u ii. r< N 2i 79e;iiorn N, vîlues Nu 2 2 v., ix-ecoc NWi, ïribv '2 Wl., N tmI-. 57h No, 2 .iniit . lc1 ', 12,; cyn- NO., 2, ii t0 62c; <'iiii e tii.Iui, $5.05. Toc o 7tc; corn. 3 l. Snlueltr:c;outs. No. 2 white. 43e Lu 44e; rytp No. 1, 58e té 59c- PPbarley, No. 2, (ie a lu -Oc- porh, one may sait th, sema adies-ltesery 1aid dveryssi" ier llt fiad, thâL men ot affmrs, whs as-evl Ini-formaid, bave rpither thetiait riar the Inrliniation, wahther an pteaiaun hauit or business, Lte u hiane .iedlcîni- a hch cause eci-i-ise pusgalon mid heu h-er ethe internuat oi-gauneli a comatipted condition. Sys-up of Fige SanI otulit an [hase lites, IL arts nituia-lly, actr ets vl, î s eeetens aud srengtiieni Y ' the internai organs ansd t-mica theai la a bcalths' condition. If un reed rita tlaxative remtds' the aio<lexcellent la Syrup of Fige, but i - vhen mnying mos- tha(la x satirveIlesequls-ed lie safeand aeitifie plan ln to commilt a conapetenL physiclao and nul Lu resotLtoi oat medîcnles - wihch clalîmi tii rare &Ht mariter if dlasea. na. The Californua Fig Syrul Co. vau the- fis-s toi u rmua.tre a laxalive rcriedy i-'v which saritd gis-e satisaiotbnLu&Il; a I&*mts-a h1rh physlrians rsuld sanction aid ons frlcnd tacotmuseuli LuanoUwir; ao tlitay od> tesales probabis' eîced ait other taxatis-es romtitutd. [naime places coniidermhle quABUUies of i old'Ume rathantrs mand modes-n imitations anesIlII aild, but wlth the genes-l ' diffiainu of knlcdge, as uoi e trt mMe5d syp entia, Syrap of Fige bascorime ints grîrrul use wabthle sel-iiformed, bhties.. iLe .a sbmcdy ot kuowu vae - aid eser benefli-al action. The qoalits' of Syrup of Fige La due nil onlylta lie excellent rumbiustion ut on th suli.>-tem, vili agreembleanad sefs-aing saromaîr liquide, bot also lu lie rg ia ehdo auatra nodrt e h Snieadlebafc efet neool -wy oe h ulnas f i opYC&Iman -SyrpCo.piti ntefoto vr ala dy ~- . à wtv P-1i U A, vvw rr-Ti LARGEST FARM IN SOUYN1. Aru.Gfe tn, -cu ý in.DAN GR1OSVENOR SAY SI Tell days ago t had the plentiUip of __________________ Gergii t mb;es6,0 are.4,K " Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrb- blu t:,ýtý1.ýn, ?)aid .hr 1i- Remedy - - - Iarn as Weil as Ever." s11< ,the li îiî<îi iit tr--tiî< <and tire g illîîg bal]iîiof.1 Pope ln- n, gaysI< A iýgust<îi ('tir iiiile. 111 t ii lter if 1hlo8 larst SýtIc of< prodw il ' e îerrî;,rv. rtaîîds lthe<-ozy borne of the pro riet)r, premIded iver by bis aei'orplislied wlfe, fonneri> MI.-sMiller, of Augusta. t'iinsIg (Mer thetie gently unuîlating acres Olle sees the resiilts Of systematic work -bow pitre lands, and lands tbrentened with gulles. lands worn out and ieft <o broorn sedge, have bt-en brought up to a 1<gh ritate of cultiva- lion and prodîîîtiveness, Thorough preparatton of Lhe isoit, the fret- and ln teiligent use of <v(<ruerrial frillîzers a ud careful t errsîlng have called to new lite 4.10M< avre', i<t glail v respond ln s ios t genprucmrîîi 1ner To the tîui'h of the îît<îcasd the slînîîîît' bide of N the hoe This 18 a great ail arouinr tarin pro llucing, ilut e3tilsng proporbou rorti, wlieut. Olits, peas. mugir cane and -(«t ton. ILl lmConduted on tihe wagem snd the tenant systeni.hrie "tili ts ftihe tellsiltlitlsy Leni are Ifull of Interest. C.oi.Brmsss oides a nitre ioî<ve. wittI< fr:îîît por< b 'siîed. iharas. c<nb. surtlelo îse and weii for eaîhi tenant, go) tirai, v% 11 a good mille anmi tie beit far<t ng Imlnpement<, lie may go for vvard 10 8ucess nlimier thse generai di rection of tire proprietor. Every tenant bas lits mille or borme, "wi or cois, poulîiry anîd hogq. Every tenaiit's barn and crib are fu to overtiowlug, and bilmsamokebouse snd canennili maire t lmbina lependeut of the pork pacters HONq. DAN. A. QROSVENOR, 0F THE FÂNOUS OHIO FIHIL!. b I the far West. Bon. Dan. A. Grovenor Deputy Auditor for he War Departmeut, lua 1UI ' Col1 Brown s flot uni '-vdoing good writteu front Washingtenu. I.C.,gamys: for hiuseif sud famtlv, bt lihe tm tend --AL'bw me to express mygratitude to you for thse benaflt drfr' log s bandl 10 the 4M0 men. womc.n and foie one beUl, of PeruàAL One woek has brougiSi vonderful obma chltdren on bis farui that lm bctpfîîi and 1 am now as Weillas ever. Besides, belng On. O!fis. VW boe" beipfui along tire l"oes tsIpra,>tl.îble spring tonkcs It làs an excellent c.tarrh remedy. l and most ueeded. DAN. A. aROSVBNOR. tanding onàa lîttie kuotlI nione Ot the griot telds. the wrlter waa lostinlu d la a reuent letter he s8.75; nîiration, as he turnesi front pot to -1 conaader Pe-runa irally more meritorious than 1 dld whea 1I-.0 Point Of the cOmPass, when liebehtield3 00108L1I tWeVC nUMelOUs I.tters front acquaaacesadl ~oe th a leek mule and a happy <tiant or 0oety anklng ume If auy ertficatc ls geois lte. 1i n veiarlIy auawo- * wagresbsnd, nt close interî ais , renrk- y. "-ka. A. Orosvcnor. *t inz the soit for tihe cropri ofrthe ' carý A Cogm«smanas Ltter. s cure of ctarrh. If a course et 141UWP "liorougbn<ess mies ounten rybaud, stnt I. H. W. Ogden, Congcessmn afr0nt0h' takea durmug the emrly aprniDentbe flot a wced ini iigt No a oîîîer that Jouisians, lu a letter rictîen at Wah- the fore will bre prompt and peiUaBINfl Col Brou. wood by s<lî<î nu a'gth] .iD.C., ays the foilowing of p,,: There cae n alie hoorbl ablio i ay antr le ai, henatolaticatarrh renaedy. taken i-nt<uelientlyduring the-ftvmmIlS t*uam thtweather of sprig. tîiosbem amtuor î, furni il 1 0lie oIlt -fc escI.ufious& -recome.ude s ystennie ratais-b remedi Pasqmwi 4;o.f>onutfueinia orod L itlcu , persanam a fne tmiean ad ail eradîcoates ctrrh frontt" lb. o lis toril bis lback cru tilsentrant iugfilcd Rr«Wjo"m o dce je tiose vhbu herv ril mai be lomted. It of lobher where es eryt iiîoîvs iltitew are are lan eed et a caiateb ,wuedy. If îvbarrh. s the stomaeh or b w, L-nea. sud everYry (d sLxi<îus tîbeturued l bs . ea ad o e eby peple 1th,'frame crtai lty 55cat*rbt tba S in ritlibte arroiot tknosv the strug- Iio hâwV* aid arese.dy pï1, I o otudrve pro m and Ieleexperlemreil. solwe crnau ail > icuàurfy e.fioe ithe cure of ci- fýactor> rsuitstfr00 (beline et tarrh. a boew noed a ,jjW rite .. t10Dr. Hartuisa. iVU preiste the vicionslie cana , ,en full I keowno!of thlngcftestnteo d-eutel e o l liWi<. aheu U rr oiieko fn h e plesed et ofveyoubi c uas dbe - tamI o b i ti<on sud dI boStter. "-H . W. Ogdes sie gratis.ugieyu hs ajml -8- te ibis mmgniutlt ss arlllTaeslCmtarrh iu sprlis. Address Dr. Hartn. Premidet .0 Traf<I to.ght.. iThe apringislathe time 10 t-est catarrh. The Hartisuan Sauitmrium. oub, lue'ati dv w Cild' etwinler weaLiîcrofîcu rIards Ohio. «ran-ymnu ldmas4 L>cdfl W<. ll publish ber or' in oirghilng Lad 5 oosauîuio<.Sa ,ua Kentila tB.1,tn ill stop the cougli rit M.~sh aO.isah,î.. , one. Go 10 youn- druggiot us do> and gi-t 1 duapad C.C. C. Nevu »M'In bulI :.L .: b. . .« 1 s a -amnple hole fnee Sold in 215, sud i50-n.. i.vA ".«ks aasai . t tbottlet. Go at Oui-e; dtlys are do WSIdit- sm ftw dtikî' Who lils te mli .as Pesa., ommt Msi- so --..ka in lusS a-.W9"» Gib1* v ir p " iif. X - .. . .. d .4o h -( -t » i 8 . e oa s or Ofreftîiim ii -tccgll-fir s"a t. SOU R I .~d b ,i<, nL-1 bh. 2w8 foîtnw hi- cxsrîlc EPSIN ý 5'TElNi'ATIONÂLaSI P.. -%y.,,s____________ IFYt 'F.fAO,~ , CUMIt Y,~i.5h~miî DUD YOU EVKRtY <etH.ln -w tBt] 841,.tht e t tB11< ieý EE no.pi*îcî, ..Ah.M. l. o ss h A.4 ., Y- t>osas- Us"fa te% V-11 @,,.< a aioYs ahm*f &MALLLE X À I Ai ctîgbASitilsIiclNfu bE ss.addror s + Ail-f. ,.i. . 8 p . W t germa, are nmhmss h 000 A anid.055 5.50W disse FOR5U4ALE i. sk thâl Mr. traonmnnt re- va' ughte tue- laàsiw lie r rhters for episode tha iiialy JO". Idmannered Party. Beu à@, aud on the flhat te il, wbera ho med fer bie la a uiver- d la mnarries! jiidge. Ha Molment to e bitter stlig - e honorable f a trRllor." s reires! te Delarey ln a ow u hoth by the mobti. - ident of Gar, n-uni, la deas!, et Boston, clarged vriti i ut thse Lako m New York. ed vite mur> t0 hmug hlm- % bas declines!- mn- iraI Assist' d a franchise i the right ot year. Loweucelle, g , Waterburýy. Ook $75. Ea- r ailwa7 Om- 'ideut of tàb 3oW inaPvct*W aI the reult mi th. mUalên- l' tien ïj "-tbcÂé-"ý ï " jî"-ý