CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Apr 1902, p. 1

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LARE Vol. X-No. 27. Ladies' catiorino. V W We art rnaking a specialty * JUST O0 of tailor made suits MARCB for ladies. SUPPLEMENTS Fif '/FlY uirF'esT [N *t$ U 4p t V IL . I N f M I N t e KEMade to measure SAIJII!"ladie's' suits fit. We vt.vr rcîîofler low prices. ST ESV ENSON THE TAILOR LIBERTYVI LÉF - - - ILLINOIS. 3.ýSpringi Suit or Overcoat. Leave N i iii u l is- tth Ille N(J'tVand 1 wîl gîaranî tee 1erfevt -satisfac tiont FRE)PLD CROKER, LlbertyvilleIclinole. BENJAMIN H. MILLER,1 PAUL MacOUFFIN, ATrTORNEY AT LAW. A Ml e and counheflo et 1". LIBERTYVILLE - 1LLINOIS.ý NOTARY PUBLIC Oii'fr. OVEI. LARE COr NTY I-ÂNE, 111ZANI L0* .Lbertyville. Illinois. r5,PO iNo 2 as *55* ... 155 ________________ Dr. E. H. Smith, Dr. Charles Gall oway. Ofie vELNTIuTy a Officeover Lovel'sDrugStore Office over'n.5,5Lake', 5i. n.DBaInk flouair& aOa I 0 1 0 &N tMT.OMP. M.Libertyville, 111. Libertyville. - Illinois D.AO .N-IHL 0F CMIcA(J0, Dr. J. L TAYLOR. Las opeied a Office over rrlggs & Taylor's. DENTAL OFFICE -BoutaiAtL iertyViie, Buttera llock. over * Smttts & Davie' store utiere Lie rmsv be i u, , à t1 ,I a. t,, t% v, f"' taud reguiay onDu Wedueedayoe. from fteadence n)Broadway ipposite Park 8S0ia. M. 80 8 6 .in Libertyville, Illinois. _ DR. O P 050585 DR OeIL m GsOVEA Dir. H-. 0. B. YOUING. PhysIctan and Surgeon. Physicians and Surgeons. Gurnee,--------io. nusuc el an r ,.suiriU r sui  mwet Da a lirns Hkerie, i - - SEEDS -- su a d sli ,'îI-,ti W M iUiltY.1 A jIhbyatcisi aivaym artst f'. Timothy, Clover, Millet, w. laea. urs., .~ul..' ,, Hungarian, Red Top, Blue Grass, ANDu ais.sINDS OFPUREr MISS FLORA COLBY'Fieid &Lawn Grass Seeds 1 l 5auS PHOTOGRAPH-ER. SetdÇom nd iTodder Lorit. Libertyville, SITUDIO IN DULKLEYBUUILDING fi- rSale t'lceeb, Illinois.~ CHARLES STEMPEL, 2'; I,(t Long, (Irove, Illinois. STEA LAJNDY. ake Co, Bank, Ail Work Neatly and WRIGHT DYMONO & Co., Promptly Done. Libeortyville, Illinois. Bond Bros, 18isues Interest Bearing Certifi- Bond ros., catea Payable on Demaild. Libertyville - - Illinois. Indîvidual Reponslhllty. $oo.oo. .... PURE DRUGS.... At LovelI's Drug Store. PAINTS AND TOILET ARTICLES PERFU MES PATENT MEDICINES F. B. LO VELL, Libertyville - Illinois. COLJNTY' INDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. April Il, 1902. DOWIE STARTS A NEW MARY. Theocratie ito naine. Mottss: "Wiîre od ulets, 'lajl 'th l ohî5t unique potitical ciIltVet- Mion ever belt lu tha stat'e af IlîluoIN, and possIbly ln thse iistory of tihe ( uited lStates, vam tisat Bt ufilcisofi fleers for Zion City were nominstad &U0 a ne, poUtical part! launcised lu the e ucuStIitl Tabernacle, on tise 'Temple 11111, lion (City, londaynlgist. 'Thle convention vaa tield for thse purpose of nonlunating a Mayor, Clark, City Attornîey, Cilty Il reanurer, l'o- Ile Magimtrate aud six AI derinen for ttse City of lion, vhIsci was lu- corporated under tise Lava o! tise State ofIlilinois ou Marcis 31, 19&2. lisse of tise molt Iunilque features ofa tise ionventiiu wam tist tise ticketu piaced lu tise fieldîlusa that of tise0 Tbeocratie Party, a platform andud mottuî for uiles ucere adupted sy tisec convention.1 A platform vwas adsîpted, tise Ilrot clause of viul declares alieglasîce ta, tise constitutioni of tise 1 I Tise second declas-es 8558tishe consti- tutionu lemîapsiîte of tieiug smended ln a tiseiîsratlc directionssand tsat tils lieu îurty WIii use ifsis ulueise t,, ling thtu change- about., I ie meeting vas i'tîeeîi liasging -Sitowers î(il lemising" sunt Eldgr hitinea, tien led lunlrayer. fi la pro u- ani', as tuse dulerent ppeakers assert- ed, fliat uo 1oiil convention tise worid iban ever st-ru îpeued by prayer and hyisuOn tlsis accolIit tluey ttougtît tise conîventlionu ould lie lm- mortal.Itt vas alsi, tise Ouy conven- tion ulsere no igar smelt or lutozi- cants or auearing ua80 lie found. tieacon Jndd n-iad tise certificate of Incorporation for Zhon i ity lssuedt April t 1h at Springield.1 Judge 5. V. Barnea uatisere sud1 addreused th1e meeting 28 lenglis on tise mente sund poislbillitien of tise nev partywvictis leasaid uould uametlme1 ruie the world.1 Tise foltowing mon vere naminstedi for tise officea of Zlion City, tise electlon1 to occar April 23d.1 Iiay or, Richard Harper. (Ilerk, Jasper f)epev.1 Trelleurer. A. C. lteld.1 City Attorney, J udge N . V. Barmn. 1 Police Maglatrate, Josephs Lemunfi.1 Aldermen. Peter C. Aleaale, Ira Pou-1 une., J"MauPpuoin, John 0. -mont James Duuisy, lRoberthulte. Central ('osîîmitteme, 1:IJiBarniard, tîcaînu Fil, A. M. Lasey. 'Tle mayor elet viso preaided at tise meeting, allie vauid ratiser le tise tih<t Mayor oft hou City aud thse trt rejîrt-entatlve of tise Tiseocratie Party tissu to lie iord-mayor of London. olise article lu tise platfos-m reeda 'Wr deciare Our msoto g0 lie tise unsiteralile a.siudnumalalie trunths1 ist vishere Ood rueè, man proaperm. At Resa. ifter au iliiesaof tisree days Srs. F. P. Dymoînd ied of apoplexy Suuday tsornlog [axt about 5 o'ctock. f8 val uetween iýl 'an sd 7 o'cdock Frlday even- sng 8eiwua s tricten wviie lu tiseat of rsing au electrsc battery. Placing lier isandl 80 ler iead aee eplaiued, a lliressug lier isusliud, -ih, Frank, iy eiad 'uSise passed aseaY vîtiout regsluing couscsîîueueaa Fins A. Coîliy vas lioru alt WstS River, Orange (,îunty, N. Y.IL Pl'2. Wlien luiit tîirme years of age aise came1 itis ler parente ti Libertyvtlle, f visere tiey esettied on w'5'islanov kuovîs a4thte lir. Bond e8t'tü, but8 whii'st tisat time Iuciuded severai âdjoiinig farina. Here sise vas rearede 8u young wvuînaiood amîd tise environ-a mentis sud Rasoi'atsOna tisat Moîsidled1 a chrintlan itiaracteit at oscer noble1 aud kiud.V liernarage LutMr. F. P. DyniindV proved a tissîuuy union. EFran sd l'or- est tiseir tvo s îii.s imi,î diersised asa oniy a trîse mottier u. Nu îacriticet W" LOO0 great, unotahsk tootevere visenf lier dear ours sîed(ed rare and atten-s tion.1 Saciaity tira. Itymoud vas a recog- nized leader, bshe vaspromnissent lu tisei local Easitsi Star, V. C.T. 1., Ceme- tery Associationt, Presisyterian risUrcis1 sud aiiiliiry org.snlzations8. No event1 vas roulîlete vîthout lier. Bisewvas loved lii'ail. lier desthinla udeed a s0oc5 to tisecosmmuiiity t80 viin aie liad iecome su eudeared. Surviving 31r@. Dymoud are a lius- bîand, tuonauna, tisree lirotisersansd a1 sister 'lie lrotisera Byron and M. B.1 ai Liisertyvtie and 1 . 0. of Ituasell,1 and lier ouly simter Mss. E. W. Par-k- buret, of Liertyvite. At tiselfunerai services heid lu thse Unton rsurcis vas evldeuced tisei univerai eeteemn fer titis gantie lacy. Tisere vws iardly standiug roaso 20 great wusetise crovd of frienda sund admirer@. Flouers sud trîhutea lu tisê vay nfI-'pinceis" tram varions organîza- lion@ covered tise casket. tteverend Calduell and Dr. Rtobinson alluded feellngly 80 tise depirted aud tise large gatlserlng folioved vîti s ympstisetic lntereist tiseir aulogy. Tise cartege accompaninl( tisabdsy 80 18. la%& restllsg plane lu Lakteide cemeterry wua a very large one, iisdead Il seamed tise entire communLity vau latent an paying trîhute ta tise ha- lovai daparteci. lirn. Dymmid VIIIlise sadiy ined la ber ezeflplary fle vork &mous aM 1i otào.. Suipervisorla Pro&eciiiu. Oun luside pagea in pîibiîsliel tise oMeiai proceedings 0<tbe 1Marît, muet- ing of thse Lake tIIiissstY Euard of Mupervimsîrga A pesfliai1'r Maine viii iutorm yîîu an ta visat y'oîsr repre- seutativen are doing. Itenuit hvm' Aý J. ICayrnond. 01 Wstscon,îa leua candidate for coDOI ty r.-saurer,sub- teet to tisedecitlon 09 tie Ilpuisican Cou[ity c,rsventlon. 1Thlis makes two candidlates from for'îîia tii hiat omcle, both repnbulllBU. J. A. MlsaoO, 0f VOMOi, IN uesd tilie a caladate for Itepre,&tiutts e, tsi Mlivie-,I(i. kt. Lyon. Notice. Ntice lm bereby givel tist la accî,rdanr'e vitis a reqileNt i11 writiug, addreplied ta me. by One-tisird of the members of thse BosWd of iîupervtaors of bake (ount!y, linuoig, a apeolai meeting of said bourli viii ie tsld, ta coovene on the 1118h 4ay of April A. D. 1902, alt tiseisour 0!1 S o dcoc P. M. st tise2 Court Houma lu tise cîty of Wsukegsu nl sd eonsity. Dused at Wsuk&egafl tMi lis day of Aprit A. D. 142 271,il ALtsUR? , lIt-MR, I'rk of the- Boaîrd uof lî-iseîe un April 22nd thse citiens of Wauke. gan vilii bave a cbaacdeclare tem- selveu on tise mas«l 0« ietteriug tise cttyS eteuucatloual ayagm properiy aud caring fat lie chistdrea. Tise Board of Eduacation lisa caied à speclal electian ta voie ou tise queiion (if raiiug ith wvs hicS te go ahead sud provide for tise acoodation of lie rapidiy increaslng population. tise big WsuikegsS baWbot appropria- tion of ta ,i0OipeULtsvety aiured. Tt tise pased tie Sente commlttee, a very Important &1ap. Tise foiioviug telegratm @et Mody fteruaan by ttenator Wm, E. miaou beara lise ciserlugneye '-Thae Waiksgan Item for permanent isarbor va, tiefore ont Commntte la u& 7ssitise Camuittee recausmended 18. p4usge as lu the House BIUI." Tise là*> novup te tise neaume sd lu VieS 4 e easitle's tbtisasy alteritian la ilkely taelie made. Tise 258h auuisersry of Waukegsu W. C. Il . I viiilise put [niatise unIon.a annae as oua of its mont enjoyable sud Important evente. lise presence of tise National olilers, tise ceileut that tise day alio marked tise 54tt yeCar of tier sresilenl 4. MrsGeorgeý Divrs ite ani everal other impor- tant occuirrenres umade tise day lon-g to lie resnembered tir North Sisore White- rtiliîîu vearersi. At tise afterrioon aen- itou, Mes, Liliian Slteus tise National Preeîdsînt and Mrsi. Fry. thse National Secretary, gave short but Interesttng. addresos. Oue point wviîrs trs Stevens empisizeui wuithisenpor tance of W. C. T. 1 . uomen vearlug- tisa visite rilibon. Sie gave severai illustrations visere tise prenonce of tise abler adtigreat isilluence, for gond. Mitre. Stevens vords were very tofor- mai. Bshe toid of tie-r iste vitît to Hila- licrougi, tOhio, tse bomne of %tie Cris sade mavement, vici occurred tuenty eigist Jears ago sud tb motiser Thampn, ità leader. Sie cougratu- iated tisaunion uîpon 18.&[seing so near tise &ge of tise(rnade. tirs. Stevens ss very modelit but aIl feel lier isteut pover.tirs.Fry'aremarkawoe entertBiniig sud wloesome. Formneriy Borne of Our boeat citizena kneu tirs. Fry &As istrîsctor uIiil esiyn Univerâity. Wile tise attendauî-e at bath moeestns vas very large, tise ivent as a wle wusîibave been made more of smport- atot bil it beson kuiowu before TO ursaday atternoon 8h28 tise Sutionat olticers vere tgi liepressent. 'llienaitional oficers cou1dnat remaiu foîr tise evenissg ses- sion, but tise union isad vitis it tira. C.- E, Haut aiHarvard. viso ieaidei bing huperinteudent of mottser's meetings, 1%ais essltta80tisaNatianal Superintendeut to titue department. Her sddreas vss oi,.ulicis appealed rtgist to the parenitsm d especieiiy tise matisera. A V'auible3dedisine ForCotsgbs and Colds is Chldren. -I basve not tise sigiteat iseitaucy lu recommein g Chamberint'& Cougis temedy 80 aui visa are ester- ing frm cougisa or oolds" ays Clias M. Cramer, Eaq , s veilI kuaonuteis maker, of Colombo, Ceylon. "h [bas beau some tun yearu aince 8he City Dîapennary tiret called my attention to tista vaLiable medicine and 1 have repeatedly uned If and l isau alwaya beeunbenelIili. 19 hascured me qulokly af att cst oalde. l ia especislly effective for citdren sud medam takes mare tissu une bottîe ta cure tisam nf touapneai. I have persuadaI many te, try titis valuabte mediotue, and tisey are &il as veilipieasî ai myseif aver tise reults.' Feamit y F. B Lovac.n, Libertyvitle, GEtAV5LAKE PEA31MACY, J. MBIssEL, [121113a. A Nearli' Fatal RMaway Started a horrible 11110M OU thse lag a! J. B. Orner, FraukiGrove, Illt., visicitdelied loc oa4 04,, imadiest for four yearm. bTisa EUlà Arnica Salve orel hlm. Jud d' poil for Bllo. Burns,, Br uin cri Simlie, &Mi% I. S~~U4 il. asfê . Ilta? ',vawIfa ARE WORI<ING ON TUE GiRADE. Couîsttr,îctioîî Compsîany le ilsailîl- isîgilec RieHud-bli"i l) ite Attrîîlge and Cî,sael farmax jîlat9 eaýt or itoudotit work ous the gradie for the elsîtrie rîîaîlto, le ilui Lt le- tween Lake lilutt ani LIiertyvilie ln lu pragrees. A gang of ftfty mieni and ttfteen teaius se nov .'uoyeîl util wiliie u ugmesitedl lîfor,- aritiser weet lîy other gang@ tiî,r'î points aioisg tise rigist of usy Mneis conjecture le8<île as tii isat course tise roaîs ili piîrsîi vestuard trosu Libettyville. W hile an official aditted tu ont repre.eutative tise raid uould lie cautsnued wut-5 rom Libertyvilie, sud tisat pîîeii.y thta rail, lie wî,uld not say wliat route wund lie taken. Tise prevalling opinion la isouever, tisat from Liberty- ville trise road wiii mun to Rtockefeller, teisvanlîoe sud tisence tui Waucouds, where It wili connect vitis a road viels 1i.a aid vii liebtiuilt froin Wauconda ta Barrington sud later from Barrington to Elgin. Maua meetings have been boetd lu Waucondsansd committees appointed 80 conter vîtis tise jromatene visaare pitisug tise Elgin, Barriugtoss, Waîs- couda liue. It tin eleved liy moule tise enterprises are s11 tîsider one manage-. ment, sud tisat te fliC ,îa Ile 80 lid a continuonssuie fr,,uî Lake 1111,0 tu, Elin. 18 lemisard t'î gîseas 1551tiat la lu tise viud, bust tisat tise Lake Biluff- Libertyviile portion of tise raTite ln 80 usteriaiize tisere ta no doulit. Wo'ssl lreste (oodo D1irect frouj New l'ork City. A. W.tues of Wsukegsu, Illsnois, le eisîîing the umont complete lineo o Wooi Dres(tooda lu Lake Couuty. '1tile1Stock vas recelved thimt week direct from New York Ciy, sud Ie a fiue ahovtng of tise very latent vesses. Tise prices range tram 25 centu, 49 cents, 69 cents and upuarda, sud are lu every lustmnoe a aaviug of 15 ta 25 cente s yard over tise Ionglit from Chicagoabouae. La*dies tram Libertyvitie sud vicinlti' are cordialiy lovlted tesaee tsese goodH, or sl ustile toa UttWakegan, @ample& ulli le vilingty msiledi tua sy ad- drege. 27-i-il. Republicau Cottnty Convention. Wiiitlie ield lu tise tovu hall lu the Village of LibertyvIlle, Lake Coouty, Ilinois, on Batorday. April 26tis A. 1). 19912 at 2 O'ciock P. M. for tise pstrpaae of selectlug tuenty delegslee 80 tise itepubUican Seatorial Convention ta lie field t MefHaury, McUleury county, Illnais,u April 218h, A. D.5902 sud &lao for tise purpase of aelecting 1:1 delegatea 8tiste ttepulicîan State Con- vention 80 lie ield at Springfield, on May Stis, A. 1i. 1902, sud aiso for tise porpobe of seectiug deiegates to tise Oougreeeional convention of tise Tenth Cougressional District, yet 80 lie cailed. Il isaving been reîoived at tise meeting of tise Counny Centrai Coumittee tisat eacli votlng precînect in tise couuty lie deriared a prtmsry ditrict and tisat primary eiectloua or cau- ruses lie csiled for escis of tise sald primsry district@. 18 is tiserefore recommeuded tIsai primary electtonu or cancusea lie caiied for eacti primary district lu suid counti' on Friday, April '25tis, A. D. PH412 aitie usual isour. Tise represeutation for esois prlmary district will lie one delegate for esci 27 vote,, or major fraction rust for tise tepulicau candidate for t'reBident in 1900. Tise Éeveral prlmary district@ yuLl tisus[se entled 80 &end delegatea to tise sasd Couiuty convention asa toi- love tlertou ......nM Newport .s..Ps Autiecis. ..............4 Grant .....................7 Avon 291; Warren......2(4 W aukegau, l1tf.............4(7 Waukegan, 2nd .... 312 Wanksgau, Jrd ..... 41; Wsaukegau, 4tis.-... .347 Wankegan, 5Siu... 121 I, Shiields, 1let.3l'a Shsuelds aJd ..... 0 Libertyvîlle..............13 Fremont ..................1129 Wsuronda ... 19 Cuba .......................57 Ela P.; 17 Ver-non................. 1 eS Wiest Deernielît il>, Deerlleld, No. i .... ..11.5 Deerdietd, No. 2........ K12 Deertield, No-------------t1SM6 - i TES il Total...........,ý. . .. 513f; 193 H. S. VÂIL,' Vice-ehiairman. Il. D. W YNN, Seeretary. G. W. Tusa, C. W. PErvIe, D. T. W *B n, T. C. BiîMesors, Of tise Liecutîve Cassîmitve. Four Act lDrasia. Tise Royal Nelgisisrs a i sllard Camp. Ne. 507, 1R. N. of 4. vili gîve a four &et drama in Liisertyvila Tovn BaU. Frlday eveuing, April 1ttI. Tis ila a seria-oamic production and promise« ta be very lutereting sud entertainlflg. 1Ilbs beau glvais 58 aitDay, Loag Grave aud Wieelîug and Weili co viiibolpes greeud tIsan talu lplam. IDu ,$ t 8 t thadata. $ 1.50 a Year in Advance. IL B~-~1~R~ Libertyv ville lav )rdg catrry a 'I ibertyvi - - - Illinois. re You ered Ytuîr wiirk ltariiesu.fîîr prilîg. It's tinte îîow. It will the% be com- ;îleted soi ytui cai have it for your spjriiig work. Get my prices. ciîîîplete ;ti(-k of liglît and heavy aixies8es am well am4 ail otherI horuse fuîirihiiigs. C. H. KAISER, ille - - Illinois 2otb gentury Casb Stort. Clay Woreted SuIt ......10.00 snd $i2.O Cassîmere Suite ....... .....S$8.50 ta $13.00 Gaod Serviceabie Suite....$5.00 tu $6.30 Young Mena Suitts..... 6.00 te 87.80 lIOYs Suite ... $.1.00 to $3.00 Mayer's Mllwaukee .Shos.5 Patent Leatiser ..... S....$.00 to $4.0 Frenchis gamei 5 . ....3.30 bW 84.» Patent Leatiser Oxford.................80J Vîci Kid Velour sud box Cal!i8300te 84.00 Ladies Sisoen ................ $1.30 te 81.00 Ladies Blippers .......loc 8W82.00 îIlou Sisoeu............5.0t 3O h iresa Shirts, Work Shirts, Overalla, a" a full Une of Gemia' Furulabluge. o 'soura for cash, F. W5PARKffl~T SCUANCK DL=C. tSIJ y 100 per onu thMu obtain thea ebongh 80 ta per yod. .lght virai 14 aid $isa tir tîprigit of No. 12. i., ~I-i ] is ~tc. Made. TER. Carpets and Matting, Rugs and Curtains. ' iiuw good>an i e!e-Rich aid i laxîd-ome dei; i~i new Velvet tnd Brussels îarpet.i aiia fine selertiîiiîof ail wool aiîlwiiîl fil led Ingrain carpetm. Maittiiiîg \itttitor tiati\~e witrp'The iew gleei .11it- i î aiiesand lthe jplain sttrawri. Lave cuîrtains ofutall kinds uleli tBohbinet, Noi 1i ini, Birîîs,41s N et. Ap~pl i1 u. (i rdeîl and( the faxsey rt-iNlii M,,I1iii and Swiss effoc-ts. A lio Swisim, iNliiiIin aiid Hîlîiit Iîy the yard. WVi îduv Shadi et (oui lete stock oil 8ê;- i îudî gooms iii iriarv îulor-.. Green i ii i6$-45-4-., andt 54 inch widt1isa aiy c r or \ I(ili iseilod Heath & MI lilgan's Pain ts Va rnish andlInte rio rEnamols N 0~ Teephone On. înq. Waukegau, Ilihues. Buckeye Seeders, Disc llarrows, Moline, Grand Detour and Case Plows, Goodenough and Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Moline, Crackeriack and Play Bail Com Planters, Old Hickory and Newton Wagons, Buggies, Surreys and Driving Wagons*mm*,ait**îm Ail goods fuli> warranted and satisfaction Uuaranteed. U b ri

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