CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Apr 1902, p. 5

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Fconomize, In Groc 1In Meai LIBERTYVLLE LOCAIS. Dr. Browm;,Of ebron ôaiied onDrBO DCNSD S R CiSEI Jiobinson ibis veet.DrN R OSESFACHE Mliss Ale Locke îa keeping bouse Little UmssEditb ftarrett of ( ilCag,'N ilaLue iLaw Nlakers 3Meet ih for 7.l". Dymoud. lm thîe guest f ai M ller. N ce l'regldent F ro.t. W iiît 's Iliat' an e l'IîYii eluoy trolley ri-lem. liat iiie'ý 4e'I, 1 gîîers lye'! I tirarnd lMr@.. LW ýFîiler of Chicago '<>î <lt>iit it inI the'le'ast tali l 4)ilid " peut BSuuday vitte Mr andl Mn W. J. :1111 wewillmililiv voi. Fuller 11, ý 'l, I lupm. r. sud lin. E. Dapogny vere called tu<'hicago saturday lY tihe siriuesé cf Aftheîrrmother. .:e n e s.. ' ibe Ladies Aid of taie lrsîtr cb,,ircb i ii meet vîth r j l'). , (jiua Wf' Iitt' tut'bes)t <of' e".eryt1iiiig :tt8so, lbursday, Aprîl 17. tli- niît.t re'asoi(JN:ieilt1r1s liti ' 1îo di&te 1). C.Lorimer ban dleposed cf 4m 011 4PeTnuds Of Slifis fertilizer te fart-ers in iisvilulty. ts ... B Mir. aujndmJ. M Ioseuthiah ave removed itu Caleago. rbelr iresent wt'e' Ie':it thl îali . \Ve' ily t.he t emeilOre aiut 547 1Pririe Avenue. to b hai an sei at v1me mrgii. MI,. Lydla Waters, of Mlliugtou, tît ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t lu'Jitaid4'ju heot îîpî.ii tate la thie giest of ber 515er M rH. W. 4.i*uF1ller and ueice M rH. Ed iClark. TRIGGS & TAYL Libertyville, Illinois. JEWELRYoiSILVERWARE 0 of' the MQen t elable Make3 New and Seco.nd Mand.. Pianos, Organs, Vio lins, Talking Machit Bicycles, Etc. .9..,. Darby Brothers Libertyville, Illinois. Wall Paper,. Spring designs on exhibition. El roll is 1902 deç We seli borders at same per roll as side wall. Do you realize that we can seil yoi cient paper, side-wall and border, tc a good sized room, for 12 cents, W some of that kind and its ail right. we are headquarters for wal paper and window shades, the latter in ail colors, from 10c up, in- cluding fix- tures. CARPETS AND RUGS IN GREAT VARIETY. SMITH- & DAVIS, DEALERS 1IN 6entral Mercbandise. bouseA te ai Ut Lou L:at PtkAe.i 4 O0 R Com Pieîted su or Siou taie structure shbout t,, begiu. lira. Dr. Bloud sud lira. .. Laugllo.i orCfhibcago'. vere eut to attend irai'. P'. IDYmoui fanerai, sud while bere ealled ou Liiertyville frIands. B H. iller, Gieorge Wsner aud C. N. burand will ai-i asnîidges ai lues, day'a e0ectio,n sd ('oruelins Prive, W. E. IDavis sud Pll mo(ijàu as cierksi A idewalt vasxîrdered built aleug @lot Bide of Braillent Court frei om(-,'ot Ave. to Laie Street ntft 5>1etlng cf taie village board. C bas.. ,olnlge ssl reti week aberoe b bs cnns- r s. ~Car perter work on a tac toLe bi, hotei building b- i î,g ereeted for lt A l'outw. Spriug la bere aud ahai. cleaniug bouse YOU viii îrobably ses many p laces vaiere uew Walpaper would brigbàteu the appearanoe. L. Sînhser ISprapared te f Urniai aud baug paper a anei>sd satisfac Ty UAs nyone. luquire at Heathi Furniture Store. Bruce & Barou cotractora, of Joliet, expect to beglu vert ou taie newastone bridge ounltocklaud roed et Rondout lu a few dey@. l'uder tbir cOutract taie vcrk mu&tbe completed by Juue 159h. Water Haveu, wabe bas beeu vitai ries, his brotber orville lu Michigan taie poin Jear, vaà lu towu tais veet. He lias beeu laid up for tvo montais bavîug liînred oue 0f ails bauds Vit a acirou_ fan sasnd la net yet Able te resume wort. v "i" Lusk la a caudidate for taie r,. Publicai.u Omlnatîou for Stieriff. Wbile It VIII be a pretty liard proposî. tionute couvince taie etier toisas lu Lake Ceuuty Libartyville in eniitied bo tvaO Oaty offl-arsjet i f -Hi" basn m ai a chance te land taie prize vaISai vsa Iti@ very evideut frein Vice PresIdent f'rO@tms cuveràatîou tibat tue eleciric road wilii mt force mtters vbleu i9 -)Orneste laylug tracts ou Mliautea ive lThey desire Chat route but dontt Propose tu obtalu il by autagouilngc reideuta a&long tbe Street.t 40eOee frein nelt Frliay April 2.tb Ivill occlur tbe prImary t., select delegates t"ttenld the Couuty (cou.S veutleu t' lie bield Satuday tiet 2 Lb,0 ai vbicb tîm'tielegaetstu, taieI Cougresai(cual, Seriatoral suddltai. ,',,uveutious viii be ciesen, Geo. Fairbanks la represeuting Dr. Lysua gouda commoulY kuonuluncier the braud J. B. L,, fer Mrs.L. A, DIl le. W4e carry thee Ouest tiisvoriug extracis, masde frein îrusbed fruit, &IsO are~ perfinea, spices, sud toilet articles. 27-3. p. Brtuce .1.Barren the Joliet irin abe 'V"erIt bve thie coutracite build a atone arcai Onultockland rond st Itendout yl put s gn.ln a stoule 1feuudatiou fer M l'eters$f s new dwelllug te be erected ou cornerp of Cook Ave. and Braillard Court. Ex. cavation fer Mi,.'etesin 8elal progresa. G. H. Sechaock 1.4 ufferiug vite a p rice dillîcated knee. Mr. lirban t vasïel ama@intig ln movlig s builing ou rear S ofi loslot 0on Sprague Street. Wheu a Ioek holding à Puliey block brokte, a the pIIIeY trîkiug hum ou tbe tue.,w ilitlictiug a paloful îujnury fr,,m ahibîa bie us slowiy recoveriug.t ýu suffi- OAn electrie road la propoaî.d froin rt pap arîutgtou te Waucoulda sdîtaueof tl pa eregbt miles Hiere la wbat promoters t e have of taie rond1Bast. A tweuty-flve Jear z lease of BsugÉa Lake ai Wancouka, free rigbt-of-way aud a speclal douation of ti $2000par mile. It veuld saem by Io comparison ,îur local Prouleters are c uot se bad. D. C. Lorimer, agent for Mînueaota and DJakota landa demires tbat taie follealug cipplug from taie PaIalmîe e iePubllsbed- Hermau ltelff who weuî wtb Fred Eifrîng te Soutai DaotaslIst November sud bougalit a farin 0f lB acirslbas sol4 hfiagain ai a clear profit of $30. This pays btter thas the iottery geld mine, doas t not' WeO are in receipt or s voluminous brîef and abstract of record of s case in the Appelate Court OfIlluois lu whicbà C. N. Duraud ls attorney for taie appelants Mary and Frank i<sUey. Mir. Duraud's forcefal preentation of taie case affords not uniuteresting readlng. is effort is certilly Indi- cative of marked ablliiy. O. E. Churcilli vas lu Beloît Tues- day to fludt eut boy It liappeued thie Lake Coulty far vus 1sft out of taie ctibtis eu, and Waukesla sub- stituted Inl itse Mead. No gond reason ln givan anti notlîlng Air. Chunrchill coniti Ray vonîti luie. the offteersof taie comnlaion ho ehangemnos.. Lake Ooffty w«J bave te --go lexo payffl ljt1ertlell 18 iiinga roemnY bariou bi@ î)roperty on buc treet. late Mordborgt îrl>dtwro lots or E. W. Proctor lea- ant of and ad- 14iDIn te isreaiii . ,ti Part A ve. île> s eek. Mine Alice 1.4k Ilo> etl ber properîy on i.*ke . t, .l' st'Iîlago famlly hy thie naint. - ql i r tie Ir. l(ebiusa111 umbac trinvited by tbe G. A. iL. of Lena, il, ait deliver taie iecoration Day adirema. Tbi' lîr. vas tîsetor ai Lena Il v. ytars. Weclnuday taie Est,,., Manufscturing Company reeelved ami,'irder from P'ennsylvauiea for sIi crogis mr&ugiug frî,m ite ntveniy haie power. 'l aie mornlng suIî,'i aI uttheielM1E. cbureh lSuudCy Vil'le 'ietr, suit in aie evenug lb,. tbir,l iu the Mr. Neaton vhIbut receutly removed W te itkfciijer jeagaÂna. Libertyville resident, tuovlug luto tbe J. J. Jamisou bouaei n i,,lwaukee Ave. tblm veek. Eurn Corliet t leti ,iday unoen fer Colorado Sprnugs Cliabwers eeviJii ju i bs @ister Aile'il,, ba b eu tbere a Ice 1s"t fâ11. A tter a visît there sud lu) MinuesOta ha i iiretîrlite Liberty- ville, Laei Friday wuobherved a@ l'atrons', "ay a, tbe 8011001 builing. Tlhe 2'. 'ul. as a pivaiesli hsboratory vas turued lotoau audiene r,,em wbere à sbort program vasn rendered, 'raa prcgrsmi couslsted of dialogues, drilla, recltatieus, sougs, suif a deh'ate. Ail dld weil, sud vouli lhave permnal meutiou If apace e prtîied. Ater thie pregrain taies. preheut viewed taie exhibite 1in taie dîiereut roums. There vas a grest varietY of vert dis- played, sud amoug the more promi. rient oollectiows vere, tbe paper cuttiug sud penmaosabip ilu Miss Stuart's room, taie dRaaiugs sud illustraiad essas by Mise Robinson-. thirdsud fourtai grades taie produce maps sud taie Models oY Mien Rayner's puplis, thie map dravlug, essayeansud sketch-es by lmaPearsaila' classes. sud tane vood sectIon, botleDrpsg anrd sudel ptuia theoJigrapby msp sud mos iasl taeqiaiscaio fort ioni sncbpardispitomeures anme efort ol taiem pat f sereche pr udseorshitI I aInteusere tlu prposn ae tsvaiî it ise luude lu ireîugprenofthl sehlool. It bJ6g111s teibotkas if tbe propesed electric rond vould enter Lilbertyville bY ay of Bro&dvsy atreet afier ail. Taie forenu ucharge of taie bridge Coustructlug inacailnery bas recaived ordars te -re(qt ou aisoargs utl taie initier in decIded. Thie bridge would b. buli probsbly tfieen roda unortb of taie prenaut site la event tie ight.of- vay in cbanged. machI effot la belug expended îbY loal parties te Induetaie eleýtrie road oiiiala te couaider taie lstter proposition. rataier tau enter Libert.yville lty aay cf <tborne tarin.l'ie Lake County Gravai CemPRuy, w8 Inter, a',îîd dis- pose eft ioir gras el Pl&iIf ieo electrie People' desire to purchasee tains affordlug taie gras-el abica i i l imed lis oeeoftthie er in1ducemeuts rend- lug te briug taie road tu Libertyville. Mf course by comiîîg lu river tueo 'laberue farin gravti cenld aie ebtaied a s PICcould b>u oîaued si ibat point, but tgslargued taie pit no erstug sa taie more desirabIts. 0 tire matter îtauds, and by whoi i rente taie rosd alli enter LiIcriyville lma 5 u oen Il nestion. Ain Annooceîîent #)Y l'eoffle'it i'uirtv. Aflter tire l'oples psrty tract feld itis caucueand uomlusted a ticket, it vas; found tasiou sccount orIte net baving Pulled tvo par cent of thie vote@s sais -aie l88t ganersi cle8ction, IL brad rio standiug as a poltîcal orgaulizatiuD. We moreover, look lu valu for auJ ovideuce of taie <lens ticket bsviuig >olled auy veteeaai taie Isat general tlection. lu tact, bye general elec- ions hiave Occured tinca Our hasit vif- aRge eleciln, at vateai neltaier cf the Above partis leplea or Citizns, cere outie ticket. Thbe voterm of Libertyvlli,.will, bherefore, le coitnpelle t triWrite thre ilames et the repective can.didatea bhey deaire te, vote for ou taie oels ballot, abethen tbev vote for tire Citi- seus or l'eoplaa choce. Taie Citîzeis psrtv bas naMed excep- lcunally gond men for e«Chlifthtae vil- Isge oflices to aie illied, aud wv. bave tuf y taie bîgaiest prai8e for tbremr. Taie Peoples party offens for taie cen- mideration 0f taie votera of Libertyville offices For Ilre-sidlent, F. IB. t'ST. For 'I r,îstees, E. L. l)( BOIs. L. .. WEBB. IL. .. PILOITOM9, For Cuerk, FRED CILOKER. Whuo vIihtennoulice tait they are ah- soiutely unpledged as go &Dy appoint- nMonts andth ast tbey bave net commît. ted tlieméelves ou auy quagtions that mal aie brougait up before taie village board, oieept tbatote i.offce of %,Il- luge Attorney, and thai IbIs should be dîspenseti vitai, bellaving gibat tais, offce mneurs a usielaex Pense, sud gre ifeiected ' to vota for taie repeal 0f taie ostilnance creatîi sthie Mmre; tait Ml unnecmusri, expeuse shallaie el1.nsuted qmitlibtaisiiberiyrile abaîl St value recelveti for evyeR dollar el. Pentd"dandi franchiesegraaiëd. D& JOmE k TAYLOR, ohairnan. s t ice Presideut Front of t lie Chilcago Milwaukee Electrie roal, sccompsuied hY a civil engîneer met witi, tue village board Wedueaday alternoînu t r c4oumider thie franchise ânk,,iy tlht, road ever Milwauîkee Ave. ( util thie franci#(.l îllu ulttlied :t îs diffcult teu reseunt evroti,'th,-n ,d Important featuîrem, fi heing' a l.'ngtllyJ d ocumen t. Poiuts lmnder dlacu,,î,,îî ud wlîcb mnet wltb more or le8a objetion b1>3 geme beardl membera were tile grant- log of taie rîgait te lay s dohit,le trat, and the changing of grade ou miHwaiî- tee Ave. Mir. Front liually auggenteîl iL migait be besit to (rop tiie matter outil, as lie expresaed it, -we bave completed aud are Opersllng Our line as fer as Mil- valîkee Ave. wbicb ve all lo iu &Dy event, and Jour people see tbe klnd of equipment ve bave aud service we maiutal. 'i'beu. if iL 14 deslred ibat va exteud our liue aloug Milwaukee Ave, te lMt.Paul passenger depot w, wll doseo, Otaerwise tot.> Attoruey Beu Miler waa delegated t>. Aee preperty owliers and Necure necùm- sary froutage cour~eunioug go tjiat erdinauce eau ceme ut) for paasag, ai sorne future meeting. Mir. Front deciared tbhe eteîîaîou from Lake Bluff te Libertyville, lu- clndlng viad'icts or eub ays over or under taie NOribvwesteru and 89t Paul tracts aufl bridge over 1)Ok plaine>m river wouild reprenent or, outlay oif nearly $401> Tbe boardl coualidered mmvn minor Points eailise snd llrrived at an ami- able adj uniment .of ail dlfeeica Mr Frost is very reaâouable snd if iLlai demoustrailedis erî,ad je lot wanted onlitulvaukee Ave. viii abandon that reute. i t jes111p t,, tb t people ef THIS IS A PRETIY MIX=UP. Village l'olitlcs Ais4mne .&mus- lng phanse. As stated list veek ol¶icers of ttbe Peoples aca@ failed te file tbeîr uomination papars. Thau C. H. Avenui, taie uomiuee for Preaideut on the Citizaus' ticket vitb- drav lis naine. Taie Citizeu coin initiee, conslstlug of Thomas C-orlett, Wayne Colby sud W. M. Heathi lm- mediately got busy sud despite every effort could not luduce auyone tlîey cousidered aumpeteut te become a caudidate. Piily VaYi.e Colby vas prevalled npou te bead taie Citizeus' ticket, vaicai la nov se arrauged. Taie FPple's ticket la eut of it se far a" lavlng s place ou taie bellot la coucerned and thie euly possible vsy ihat ticket eau aie elecled weuild be l>y writlug lu thaiies eofi.emiuee@. If taie conteution of advisera of taie l'eopia'a party in correct the CIdieua' ticket lm aise iuvalid sandi cau.bave tno place ou the officiai ballot. At tîme of golug tîo prose Il H. Stiller, repre. seutlug the Cîtizelue party sud C. N Dursad fr taie Peoples@ party are in Chicago to sa5certain taie iegsi statua of taie case aud wabaer or flot tae iCti- zeuâ' ticket bas a rigait ountfil' ofilcini bllo14t. Notice bas beeiî aerved un ireailent Waido sud Clent Saîîbori. , ooalli (,ne mamber of tait village board te be chosen iiy lot, coustltute s board te de. cide objections, sud s bearng la set for nuit Frîday uigbt, ai abicb time i viii aie determii.ed if thîe CItizeus ticket ia orisnont -in it. 'lae probable outoome cf this mlx- up la bard Wtecoujecture sud ve are net1 prepared le advsi.ce au opinifon. Their Autlîorlty. ilaie feloaiug iettar frein J idge O N. Carter ins banded ns for puiblicationl, as eiplaîulng taie positiou of taie local Peopies Party lu maintaiuing the Citizen Party ticket caunot legaily appear ou taie officiai ballot uext 'Tules. day. Judge Carter lmana acknewledged autborlty. CosAVRIL >, ii 2. lu reply to your quenstlion ate taie construction Illat han heen put upou ?Section 4 of taie AnStnaliau Ballet a by taie election office aud myself for taie past few Jears touchjug the mean. Ing 0ftLae terra -geueral election,- 1 have time Ouiy eu gîve a brief explana- Lion. Taie part of the section wailcaitl uecessary tu bave especially lu minc in order to give a fair constructien to Jour question reads as followas 'Auy convention of delegatea, caurus er meeting representlng s political Party abu taiaiLae genersi electlon une precedîng polled at isast two per ceut 0f1 the entîre vote case th tai ite or lu the electorsi district on division thereef, or the munucipaity for abîcai taie uominatiooulesruade, may fer taie state, or for taie ehectoral district or division thereof or mulcipality for ahicl taie convention, caucus or mnet- iug ln hsld, as taie case may be, by causiug a certifitiate of nomination to aie duly lled, make oeenomination for eacli office theraîn te bc fi lied at the election.' la order te construe tha Part Of section 4 lt la uaceassry aise te have lu mind a part of sectieon2 ef taie s&me Autrallan ballet Act vailca readsauasfollova. "l'ae tarin 'goberai elertion' as used lu Lis att$salli apply to aîîy tîlectiou beld for taie Obolce of s nationîal, meute, judicil, district or vounty otilcer, viietaier for taie full term olr fer taie fillng of a vacancy." Rteadingtaiesm tae portîous of taie lawv tegeilier letosera to me ouly ou. conclusion eau b. dravu sud tbat la taiMithe. puitjcal party referreti go lu Meetion 4 nie»a speiy thai liasvoieti tur Dalleahl, lMe leial su d oouutly -a-.. pu Ug gt)ie'y1hi e' iglty Wolei id ly stn 7, >. 9 aiid 11) we' w ill 4 l thi nl t Lîbertyvîlle. Illinois. bad simply veted for municipal candi.- dstes sud thaitbe terin generai elec-!H r w e an tiou' for taie saine reaseu could not lar w r n meu a muniipal or city election. i ur iu e ~ s . î Tbat ham always boeentaie rullug hl u rnt r ,-m . th:e election office and by myseif for tai p ust eveu years, a d 1 tinlutIt taie! ~ correct construction.' Here are a few items of t'eny truly Jours, Interest. (I. N. CARTERî. 18 lb Elgin xMua Cari SJ.80 Taie contention js that neitaier taie 10 Ibn WIre Nails ......... o Peoples nor CItILenà' psrty polied tigo1 ortu br in pr cent of tie entire vote asi at theaiUe 8ort............4 -eeu-- dcal--ciusd--erfre----.. -. . lu order for tbeir neminees to appear regniarhy ou thîe officiai ballot, il aoîîhd bave beeu uecesssry te bave put Ibem n obly petition. Ibis vas uet dtue Announcement. i bereby annunce inyseif a candi- date for truîstee ef taie village of Libertyvîlhe sud st support 0f tai. vctera Kt uext rfuesdsy'a eection. L. B. Meos. The tGreat Dilaal Swemp) ()f Xirgula ls a breedlug ground of Malaria germa. No la loy ast or maraby grouud everYwhere. The germa cause veakuleis, cailleansd foyer achles iu taie boe@eand i muscles, anti may induîce daugerous maladies. But Electrîc Bitterasîîaven fait ho detroy bem n sd cure malaril trouble.. Tliey vîli surely prevent typiiolti. "We triail many remedies for Malaria sud Stomai and Livar trouble,' awrites Joain liarlesson, of Byvvie, O., --but never founti affysiîngas god se Electie Biters." Try itm.L Gauranise siIaseion. ouwy 0 et . B. Loymba.,Ibupfe am*w 10(j 1) g. ia4 .( ... U 100 12I ga. ""'"...1.6 A tle Vlore Couch ..3.0 Comamon Chairs ........... 0 Matizeases...............00O Bed ioom suit ...14.00 $404 00 bteel iRange.... 3.00 Ail kinide of Tin Work promptiy done at Hughes' hardware and Fumiture Store 1000 Per cent Proit. malvari, Kan., Feb. la, 1901., PepIn Syrup(Co., MongiceilIn I. t«Ianheien: TmIs ta tao ou$W two bample hotu. a Md Q» bosile of Dr. ca la 8u enhrey cured me Of inigu lon s d o by .v«mttim Md b l'y -WaII Wall aero A I Ieata & Co t. TlIes i apers for 111 i ity aîild e v Iei,.y 4 of ig are ad- miittedly the. fiîîera t II the' miarket andulart - sold at right o We Wal imerw indow sitader, rusaniiiiattings tey hopi ito Lib~erty- Is the tim' to select, he-for-'the litie ge't.sbroken. mur"%,

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