CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Apr 1902, p. 1

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LAKE Vol. Y-Nn. 28. COUNTY INDEPENDENT,, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, April 18. 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Trousers Suits and Overcoats ma...MADE TO FIT..88. Illeils ii towvi. aîld pay Iî-ss ior tht'ir tlotlît's tlîan patronîs of sîtier tailîîrs. Wt- cai lîrove the' latteri asse<rtionî. thej formeîs-r lîingiL' 'jt-ili lj.' all. STE VENSON 1 THE TAILOR [LIBERTYVILLE - - L ILLINOIS. Buckeye Seeders, Disc llarrows, Moline, Grand Detour and Case Plows, Goodenough and Flying Dutchmnan Sulky Plows, Moline, Crackerjack and Play Bail Corn Planters, OId Hickory and Newton Wagons, Buggies, Surreys and Dniving Wagons ih ** i * t t %it * A Il goods fully warranted and satisiaUlton Gaaranteed. Hi. B. ESGER9 Li bertyv iiie BENJAMIN H. MILLER,! ATTORNEY AT LAW. - - -Il linois.1 PAUL MacGUFFIN, 5,tt,,rney and Counatllor at Law. Lîbertyville. - Illnois macl DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS Tise1 0F CHICAGO, belus Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. bas opened a iasit office over 'rrîggs & Taylor's.u DENTAL OFFICE (,erIt. At .liertyville, Butler's Block. tve c -Hocha siiît h AtDavi' tore wisere Le ina! e to el ytu lu a Lb. 'l U'4 -ud e. tous8tp. . Iouîu regffla"Iy un WednesdJay8. tram large liaidence on llroaadway oppaste Park 8(11 s :00 p.ta m.>0The 'is Libertyville Illinois. -Jtrat _____ ____ ____Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. ie on.a susase s aie neves Physician and Surgeon. OF51Isi 51<rTX 1.55555 SOTIEL 5L0. ityt Physicians and Surgeons. G.urrs'o-- - -------llnois. void Office sud realdeice tire, îiîî,rs î--Nt of cliurcs, IRockefeller, 111, Day and nigit calîs anîiaerd tîrimîtîy. - -1LU A p1i&1iatsa al'iut to ise l' Timothy, Clover, Millet, w. ..~c.C Hungarian, Red Toi), Blue Grass. MISS FLORA COLBY Field& Lawn Grass Seeds .AL80O PHOTOGRAPHER. Seed cor n 1d To4der £orm. Libertyvîlle, I' Ur'S'Il Rt . . . .s o . b i. p r î c o b , UULKILEY 9UiL.I.. IllinoiS. CH-ARLES -STEMPEL, ___________________________ V tî.d Long UIrove, Illinois. STEAM LAUNDRY. LaeL.fa, Ail Work Neatly andý WRIGHT DYMOND &CO.. Promptly Done. LbertyvilO, Illnois. IussIttereBt Bearing Certifi- Bond Bros., rates Payable ou Demand. Libetyville - Illinois. individual Responslbltty, $1ioo.000- Eves Tested. Carpet Weavtng. C. U. serman nsii lie at îîarîiy WeaSeC prepared to weave carpets Bron. store every i'litîrday sîtoruoonu,"41raot esnb pis.Yu isgîina Mareh 2Aui. sud prepared IlSWANJONiIiION, tUIe ojansd pruperi! lit witli glasses. Oine Mile eas t 1Had Day. I1S-tf-4, Jani. 1iOpril Il. P. PROtRESS 0F ELEC1NIC KOAI.1 CIRCUJITlCOURTIN SI ON. 1 Rlglît-of- Way About ail Sectired. WilI Enter Lttî.rtyvllle <IveriOsorne Far,,î. Progresaou tise elacirle rond now building between Lake Bhut snd1 Libartyville bhs been very satinfaeL»tory1 tise pont week.. Ail right-of-way bas been purchuaad1 except tijat portion ou tise M. tuba aud licCormick ftanne and aÉmmili strIp batveen tihe St. Paul aud E. J.- &- E, tracks. ai liondout. Condemna- tion praceedîngis Vlit]a enoesaary 10 seCure tise rigit.sf.way on tise ic Cormick fariu vhite it i19Ielieved a settiement vili eveuitilally Ic etected vîtis lr.Dîl. It ta detltitely declded thse rond Vitil elitér l.bertyville osver thse Osborne tort u d a gang of rmen are nov t vonk building a tbrdge over thse Des plaines river at a point riear nortis Ue o a tisai. A consideraleie aniount of gradsngi bus teen conspleted, ail of viîcile for a double track, wviici subtaitiates tise proniotera' ilaîinutise systeto le ta be double iractked. At Lake Blutthe rond i vii enter J [lt sonth outhtie Nortisyseteru depat, a satimfictory arrangement perinittIng of ibis iavlng lrenr racied Ihetveeu officiais ofthtie tvo roads. At liondout a viaduct a quarter of a mile long VINeii ie ,llt over tise F. J. & E, and St. Paul fra, km. WAUKEGAN. Dosi-e eth. C...e5y S.siSI et.rtest P. L. Autin and sou bave beau givan lise contract for rernodling tise opera boisge building tutuas. 10. ëtead ot carrying ouitishe plans a1 puttina ou an sdditioual tory, tmai- Iug ht lu ilirêes t6rles, at present ont! tise second etory vwill be remodeled. On tisis fon six late viliLibe arranged sud ater tise additlanal tory aud six more fliais wll Le bulît on. Mondsy moruilug Jusitice Weiss dis- cisarged Treasurer Edward A. Welcis of liigbvoad, visose trial for illegfal! vot-1 in]gaiattisa [iertleld tovu election toi Place ou Friday. Tise case vas an Im-q Portant one sas it lai aay establiahes precedeut for a dozen or more abutesr casas viio are expeted io be brougllt. Weloh, repbesentina thse crovd of Win. wm. Y. Hogau vas srrested on cam- plaint of liiebard Lancaster a 'Lemnber f Michael G(ilb& crovd visarac op- îsolng flogan. Byron Stevens and Edmond Des Jardena, Treasurer ofthtie Chiscago and Mhilvaukee Electrie Rail- road vere aisîî arrested ou a charge of vtiug liegaily, sud tiselr case Cames up April Istis. Tuesday of tisis veek Ch&@a. A. ltanght and Arthsur E. Stripe loft for Bosaburg, Washington. As soori as they reacis th. ,destnasition te rnitnO nstitiOf aunIlemnD um d Washingteon ing Company!, von yil Lie tise company's reduction gtise past fev mou tis tise je comptuy tir. Alfred E. enengaged vitis a gang ung lumber at tise nom- ifor tise erectiosi 0f stiia tata four or live montha plant sud Inetll tise iinuery that isas beau purcisned. large ballera for tise vonis are g boulIt by Freenusu & Son, of lune, Wis., ans ivi li e shiplied May .Wien tIhe varie are compieted eompany wili immediately beglin crtract tise gaid and silver from the e iluantity of are already msned. eaffaira ai tise corporation are lu iclasCondition and hIlelaonly a Bstio t ssaisort lime betare It vill uiscedou a îiidend isa. ireat iutei'est vas eviîleuced in tise election 'Tuesday, nu yard Lieng id af kencompotltflhi lIera le vote: d 1, Proclit i lesxdon .... .... . 28 cinect 2 eardon..... ............. 14 sua' .............. 7 Iteardîiu'8 ni.jurity ..1' ard '2 in Hoisja ...... 215 onrad liastelu ...... 9 Boban's molorlty ..... 22 rd 3 I. Amnet................l113 L.W. Owenu ......... 59 Amet's nuisi,ritY............. >4 rd 4- JF. Bîdinger .............. 183 lýmotisy Spetiman ............. 141 Bîdingere majority. ..42 Vaukegan'a couneil le thsue, viti )sterday'a election evenly eplit ins Te- speclal Terni to lieuîr Pool w« nas Cahe. Tise special tam a01 lati' Cuuinty circuit court eatied ezPresIY to isear 1 the eages of tise four Cooet ('îuty men g nadicted tu ts grand jury for unduct- 1 mug tise poulraom Àt Lorillard, near I Lerlleld, couveneti Moniday sud oua of tise lardeai langht batties ever seeni lu tisis caun:y la axpectsi. 'llie Lake Eounty cîtîzaus' Longue Las retained te suint Statas Attotney 1 alcott, At- 9 iorneym Craig suds Franktlin Geaseof 1 Chsicago.1 Thie aleged gambiers liîîd Wisite, Harryliolland, James ()L eary aud1 F rank Hart on tise aller biand bave re- 1 talned Darrow and Tbomîîsu of Chi- 1 cago sud Ilareuna Danvow viii argile j tiseir case. Each mani wam lucdlcted ou tva charges tist o0f lulg lavIs and coud uctlnig a commun gaming isonne. Jiiîdge Chsarles DonneIly viso la ta hear thse case overruiled a motion tii quais iudictmeut au tisa tirasécharge. t>fficulty lu securing a jury vas ex- poriencad. tisree vouerniaselng at- iasauaid before tise following Jury vas tiually accept-ed: A. L. Conrad, Je&. Dununng, Lavis Berk, Blarry Bangs, Fraik Webbi, Joisn Wlrts, Johin Brand, Ralpis Chiltesiden, W. 0. Sampson. Fran4 Urasuleaf, (George fierman, 4r. Henry Straug. Judglng fror tise maeuer of (Inea- tioning tise jurera the defeuaa la to endeavor te prove ivo pointa, firat, luit tue law governing pooirooma la uncouelitutional; anti second tisaitise men being trIad are not principale in tise ee.lunotiser vorda tuai tiseme mou ara Dot tise ocslDpBIta 0f tise pool- ronus building, Tise prosecutian, on the latter point, lim a isard tank te prove. Wlie It ta generally believed Mud even couoeded tisathtis defeudanla buRt, conduct and ovu tisa place, Itin laauM matter te prove accu pancy. Tise atld owera are frequenily seau a&bout tise place but do net vomi theM Sherelore tisa complexlty of teaie SUuoi. Lorillard bas belon a big paYlug lnvaatmeut. Tisoilgi lit cent ovar $lO,ooj O t fit ont Mie place, thse patronage Lias daily beeon from Ilie biusdreil ta a tlio"mld men. Tise bettar oins of ra.oetteek men ihave corne ta tise Lake Ccu14 resort and no satisiad ta Witue a" is partuera aven tise sasonsa reestat la nid tliey are aiready pkudtBko* onduot. Ing thse place Baoit bua mach more extensive plan. LEAVES FORTUNE TO DOWIE. DMisle Geta $45,000. ]Relatives l,eft (>nly $5-,,O. Frederlck Button, a former resideut of.Nevw/.ealaud. visa îoined Dovie and receutly caesso tMon Ciy le> live, bas villed tise bl of a $S,00 estate te Dovie. Thse vilILisas been tiled for probate lu tisecoanuty court at Wanke- gan. Accompanyiug ILt Ea scodicil visici ratracta tise provibion in tise ariginal a amsani way remsmbered. 25ti, tise entira eartisly possesons of l'rederlck Sutton are given to Jaohn Alex. Dowia, and Johnu 0. SpeIcher.ý Dobviaslieiemant la mWaua execu- tom vithout aecuriiy. Te cdicim dravu lsswis25tli end thea tesiator gives ta li&s three lrotisers amail re- meuibranucen tllaws tirs. Neaile Eîdrldge, nec Sîttou of Yelov Sluif, Nev Zealaud. î00o pounds, sterling: 'Jon B. Sutton George Suitten asnd Cbirles Sttun, al 01 Nav Zealaud, ru'Li 501 1oîndà, sterling. Alilof tise reât ut bins parisoual and rai property goes to tovie. Tisa scisedulae tate tisai tise personai poperty ls $50,0041 ianul tiesaialstate la not over $1,000i. Thua, approozlmately Dovie la to gel $45.10K) isile tise relatives gsi a lîttiti aven $5500. Suttan lises ut 2uElîjais avenue, M Lon Cty. To Tise }epuîîlicafl Voters of Lake Conînty. This la to advise yîu tuai I1sus a candidate for thseRespubicainf Legiala- tiva nomination. i bava beau a reai- dAnt sud large 1r,'prty ovner af Highland Pari, towu of Deartieid, Laie Conty, elaveul yeafs sud af thîs stata, tveuty-alx years, and, for tisa benefit of tsose viso are nat informed I dasîra bg say that I &um clasaed among tisase callad seMf made men, having beau succesaf n as an orgazzr and manager of large compaiies lu difter- eut branches of business. I have ai- waya beau s stanucish Rpublican and bave rendered good servietaotisa Party dering evsry campalgat, have navet souglis au ornies, andi oniy atier belug ntged for s long lUme, do 1 nov give My consent. 1 tisereot hope ta racalve your support, Yours very reapedtfillly, Elgin Butter Market. Bntter on lise £Elin BOBXG 0f Trade Mjonay vaslinO silO0fiel. IAM 76"., sema e ek Il wu mâ uj e. Ualesof tlisael00.780 Ptma. WRai Prec Re mi (t a: t', Co Wan E L. W a J. il wi yest gard to polluesç, oua halt of tisa nav c Ilucil l bcLie ecrsts, tise otiser hall hepnbllnans. ýeunNegîect Meuns Danger. ton't nagleet billonanease sud constipation. Vont iealtis vîli suf er permanently if you do. DeWtt's Lttle Ealv BIsera cure suaiscunes. M. B. Smius, Butlanqut, Mish., maya "'DeWitta Lîttie Early Risera aretlie masi estactory pilla I ever book. Neyer gripe or cauae nanas.' I. B. LoyEUx., Lbont7viUle, GAT5LAEU, PUASIRAllT. 'M o(n Tisursday evauiug. April loti sta the rasidence ettise bride@ mother Miru. Franklin Edie. of Warrentou rave, oocurred tise marriage o1 Eederici B. Van Zandt &ad iss Viola Aguus Edile. Tise bride as. attended bY Miss Llltj.n Hutobinson, sud Paul VsnZ&udt, brotisar of the groom was boat mans. Tise bride la a young lady of sterling tiltesa ofolnd and ihert sud vill be nuuch missed lu tise borne and commuulty siso leaves. Mr> Van tandi la tisa oldeat son of Mir. Geo. \au/.audt preaidenit of tisa Prairie Skate Bank, Chicago. (>nlytisa immestiate relatives aud a few lutîmate frieudla vere preseut. Amoug 61505e from ava y were.tir. aud lins. Ueo. 5anZandt, lir. sud lits. A, Ciard sud daugiter, Mir. and Mr$s. (J. H. Chard aud famiiy, Dr. sud lira. 0. F. Butterflold, liesure. Paut \'au /.andt, Jerome VsnZandt and Joisu Darling; hissui Evlyn Vautandt, Carnie Ohard, liercia Babis, Alice siani, Annie Johatnsen, aIl of Chisiago; LMis abel Mliasi of Evanaton; Missesl Ad&ansd Belle Caine, Fox Lake.i Mr. and aire. Vuiandt vîlILibe aii home attar May lat at Prairie '5,ev ancis, Arapahoe Caunty, Colorado. Thse lliigbwood Election. Michsael Gibbs deafeated W- F. Hogan for mayor byÎavota of 1itîto 119 at Il gbwaad Tuesday. Hogan iesded tise t'apiess ticket, Ulibe, tise j'ltizen's 'lise njalder Outhtie FeoplEs atick- et vas eiacted, tisr vote follovinig i rustees las. severson .. ...127 N'euzel tiali1. . 1lc Peter Coniey.................12 Clark, W. Hl. Brady............. 13 Police Magistrate: M'. E. Curaninug ...... 122 Tise vote for the Citîcenat' ticket '1r utees. Mt. Aderou ...................... 114 A. Sieferti ... . .112 Miagistrate, R. Lancater .... 114 skipm NN'tb Cash. j. w. Booth, ticket agent for tise Nothvwesteru railroad at Highland l'art and a prominent figure lustise society of tisa towu dîsappeastaî Mon- day. Detectivas lu tisae eiPIOY Of tise raliload are loosing for Booths, sud aociety in wonderlng. Bootis vas appolnted ticket gent at ihlsand Pari last December. iHe varked un- dem J. H. Orpa, tisa station agent. Orpa vent ou% t ai1iOnloci Mionda! afternnan ta attend ta some freiglit cana on a elidlng and loft Boots lu charge oftisa ticket office. Wisan sa returnad, an boum hâter, Booth vas gone, tisa euh driver wis empty. tise afe isad boee openad, sud nome tickets»'sere onsialng. A mesenger boy mnid Booth halidtaken a train goutAi st 2 olock andi bacS toîd hlm ta laie care Of t 1110e e INDPMOU«4 WA1<T ADS gmlnuee SEOT WC$ULTS, R- LYOuNa&tSONS.tJ S priu ýq M.1Less Fa b i'ies. vus. -------- -- ýTffl,»Tvr rdigymr RIO ercciniu Your work lîarîlss.for spriîig. It'11 time low. It xviI Itlît-'tîbe <oui- pleted s0 yîîtî cati hîave it for yotîr spriîig work. Get tîy lîrices. 1 carry a conîplete stock of iglît andiul v * liartiBsses as wi-Il as ail ottîr horse ftrisiî. C. H. KAISER, ~~Libertyville - - - Illioi WIIAT YOU SIIOULD KNOW I~ ABOUT A SUIT z MN L tO I e t i u i t su8t11 touS i' Mast Com nplolte abouît uuu w. More uOf the exciîubise patterns. i ou eauli ciscril al e betweeii tise gooud aiui iii 'i îoui sioild iXec quaui5itV, .amsi get it. 1 lssiasd style go tugetuer n Ouur 'Ilotbiuig. i ieue ilssugs Malte Ouirstuore tise ceetering puount luir sn i.o are par- ticîiisr atio[itssisut tLiey vear. %VU cgliiralateeic e ry gaz- meut visicis bears tise K. N. A . Co. label. IL represents tise h nit i 1i eellence inl tsioriug. it is ri-ally aIl tisai a insu ueils tsi know absout eliîttýiug. OursLiais ibI K. N. A'. b' htslniiOf style sud îaurkuuiisip, sud is giiarauteeil 11 tis!su! mters as Weil as hy n 'Isa t ri I$5.O0 t 5 13.50. E.W. PARKM5 PRIOPRICTOR 2Oth Century Csh Ston. âSeaasttit IsrySi TIFFANY CHÀAIR14ÀN 0F BOARD. N~o Opposition tto Popfflar SUPer. vigor irotu Anitoel. Wdednday tise Board of Stipervîsora met lu Waukegan for purpoee 0of )rganling. A. N. Tilauy, of Anîtioci Was tînanlmously cheiîu chisrinan of the bioard. Samnuel Schswartz astrd the .Boîardl for a dram isop ticaîseas t liondout, but tbls petitlon did not lbsve tise te- quired nomber of signatures sttacised and tise matter vas deferred to shlow ii te secure &addlilouali amnsto ie peiion. Tihe Board then adîuîurned util 10i o'clociLT 'iuraday usorniug at whiei, sour It COnvened ltouisear annu0nie(ý mient tîy Ciairman Tiffany <if bie ap- poîintueut 0f varfi oînittvees. ThLey are a follova Claima- Huntlngtîîîî, liorenlîerger, stephens. Erraoeous Assamnte Hogan, Lamiey, Fcketrand. Election Preciricta 't îuley.Clow, Horeuberger. Education-Eckstrand, Mayer, liason Fees aud Salaries Clow, Wardey, Anderson. Finance -Stepiseus. logan, Meyer. Judges ut Election Hforeunberger, Bower, Huutingtan Liceuse (Grasanm. lluutngtuu, Lamey. Mlecelianeous Bower, MceI)ouald, Golding. Puer liason, Anderson, Carlield. Pour Farm-Meyer, Giriaam, Adama. Foor Farum Auditing Cariteid, Adams, Clow. Pubiec Buildings Adams, ('unis, Hogan. Printlug andl Stationery- Miler, Mason, Graiam. lLaolntionm-Auderson, E<ek@trand, ticDonald. Btate Cisarîtieb McDornald, Miller, Bover. Swaxnp Lauds-tioidiug, Carfleld, Curtis. Settlementa vîti Conty TreaUrer aud Couuty Clark-Ourtis, Stephena, Woeley. Settlemeuts wvh Circuit Clerk aud Siserit! Lamey, (Golding, Miler. Kdlc-Van Zanrit. E, 14T LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. NI',.jID LC uer e-'snsi .~~ .Y (Ii'Vii t li Lt.AE COFNTI BANI, tise Wankegan SCANKLibertyville. IlinoîS. andmnedo'n TLEPHOME NO a asDistE. e.t.Smitheoris. During1 ____________________ r. . H Smth, manager of tj Dr. hares Glloay.DENTIST. Striie lias been Dr CaresGaloay Ofieovor LakeoCounty utank e lu1ain Officeover Lovellaorug Store B ,r, I l, 12 a, . -l ui l . m. tAIL! p&ny s hawnmill sousik ?onl'1 I',3iSNhRATOh Id.LibertsvilIe, M. plant. IL yl I " ' ji ,sn' en " tce !noie. Wool Dress Goods, Silks and Wash Goods %% ilic i il v ili yo I H <)1V Y lp.ue 5r1 lV\ i i- t i lpni i . Black WooI Goods lieginung awiii relilallîgralteilit if srge and rilai:teeu t -lEw per yard. Ibolinle rinem iiin hI ,witlî Granite 'loth ut 50u: and 65C. Balket clotisah(i llîaaiîu t $1.00. Sharki a effects ut S$1.35, andi îr,,,1 i iq, F 'ik îg sand Chleviot at $1.30 ti, $1.75 1,,-ryad Colored WooI Goods lise popular llopmaacking n!il ,rs ut(1 M VS, îîot 5d 1.35. I Le new Ba8ket cldth lu cî,lîîrsat $1.00, <,rallîte ' itl ]I iii lou t SOC, anul a good ip îe'l n u I;. î lil,' -N i ts il31), 1,-ryardt. Wooi Walstings Thie neweldt etteet.4 In 2m inîIi go-. ui (n)li Uos', culur, Nile Gireen, lied, Lavauder, l'au, T urquohise andul Cadet liîî,s, Pink, %viite. Iil uîî, i l lbte, aut IL it' m, llIic,u' pour vyardl, 75C. lIlacil ili In (hIna at 50c, inI aMiALt t75c. i11111 $1.00, sud îun l'eau (le Soie ut $1.00 and $1.50, c'uîiuur lils inii la ut 50c., lu 'laiteta ai 75c, 83c and $1.00, Faucy Wa8tîngn at $1.00 in pattern lengtbs. Satin in colors St 50c., î in et St SiOFc aud $1.00 Wash Goods Newest ettects lu(ilisamo, Percales, Biatistes, , rerized, Lace MIdIs, Corded tilmîties aud Madras, aul extra large assort- ment et a price range tram 8c to 25c per yard. %hîto gonds iii plaintaud lancy Pilque$, Strîpes, Ciscks aud Lace Effects Iu Wbhie Dimitie, Dotted andi Figured Ssas Mrerizîsd Faucy White Duck and Madras. Plain Whiîte goîîîla of ail tinda. Linings, Trlmmings, Buttons, Laces and Rlbbons And a complete fUe of dresa makiug materlala andl notions N&SONS.I G.R.LX¶&zoW-iRICEs Tlephone No. 109. Waukegau, Illinois. -i 1 V, Ur, 1 -

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