CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Apr 1902, p. 5

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Wla"t'm stliat< cai We liell1 pyoii ini t'ittît lilir? weIl, 1 gitems yes! If yoîî îlouîbtit ini the' Ii-aft euh troit anîd Wr Wil il.oli '.1lice you. In Groceries-,.«. We hiaver the' bret of t-,t'rythiiig at t ttile ot ra Molia bit' prives' anid 1i nMeats,.. Wt' leai tlîutri ail. We' boy thet berit tît blutîIIL ilt'1tlid i-lt a losit' rî:rgiîî. TRIGUS &TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. Watch, Clock Rich Cut Glas, Sterling and Silver Plate. Our Slvervare Departuent il vrAi suppîsrd vîish - Silver Piate dt sWeam-r 1-9ala asflas "184 7" d1847 DARBY And ail other kinds of repai ring:::::::: Crescent, Monarch and Laclede Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. WE GRIND CLI PPERS. Talking Machines at ail Prices. BROTH ERSN,#zg Libertyville, Illinois. ..Now* ile Velvet_______ __ Body BRUSSELS Jixîinsters and WIIton utivtts. INGRAINS.... Jn ail patterns from 35c to 90c per yd. We certainly Iead in the carpet trade. Our prices are such as to warrant your oatronage. SMITH &DAVIS, oe#eralDEALERS IN Libertyville, Illinois. 4 PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of 1Interest to LibertyvIlle Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln Effect Sunday, October 2o, 1901, nt 12:01 a. m. TO CHICAGO. VUES liST8. Oeart Fr0,15 New Depot. i.lut iitrtyjlfii A'rrivecldsagrt te .7: NO . l11,. .......... 94Ara. M . - 142 . a, f.. ut 151 t. fît: . a s ~r u . -5. Or su arts va. N 7 , 14.l. .. ma. - 5 45 lu 14 8 .11 16 11 l M.I . . t 5t1'. fil. FROM CHICAGO. ArriVa lSt Ne. Depot. N, 1 7.6a. mati u 2 r 210 p. Trii t~ 17 4:05 p. mf. 4555p.r 56U56tjnM. is, 9:30élLtkm 15 .lie .11 43 a. lu. Miftl. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VUx DPAYS. WaalI l'A. Depart From Old Dapot. ArrîVe etil 0 Depot. 1- - ,'Lt.rîyvill.. Arriv' OI 1. L-. V. 01iJItago. Ar r- Llt,#,rt Yii11, p S.m . ........... i.u., j, ~.. ..0P4DI7is lp. No 32 ......if . . ...........-. No more fre cigara lifter Bturdiy. Frank Keru la asstant cashier lu Notblug toi more needed Ibm n rty- 1 ihe Lake Couuty i;sîk durîug Earl elghi houre of drenchlug ratu. lDymond's absence. Mi. C. tîîsrt, of Sharon, P&.,vlelted hirs. C. iR. Bhormsu apossi 'lhnàraday wiib E.Il. itr,,%,ti sud temliy ove t'Il ast week vAlu btrilit5er, tira. tioe. Sîîuday. i U. Pratt, ai Kingstru. lIli. fC, orîuros.a 'tiI-kliît ttesth lira. Ingrans, of Xitking, Euglassd, bîî,eit's a girl - ihe watt tîrn amI Mrs. H. &. flîtri, of Sandwich, Moriday moruing.II, were gnesta of C R. Sherman sand 'lueRday'm bot wilîsît as ssogt dia. fîmiiy lai week. sgreeatfle andtt îvtrybody wiIibed fir Waler Acheon dUg &ami hored a Vel ramn an in ta(ctilare aliiA *lshing. forlM. Pester on the, latter'a Cook Ave. Il. Dvaliy, of Wankegan, Wall ln property thisa eek. tecrlua gwater i t<twfl Satirdsîy v 11h a joutili! ftnlsh a deptIl of rsiuiilet tomiber for tMr.litrysulta, loer..from ['Ibai maeh t4lked rI og tai goes 1>0w's mi Il ILtii t-Oect Aay let. 1 der lihe 0,din- Grand aunnve.rnary sale lMay Dti, 2dasuce ail dogsa ulIt lm ,muzied, lu and 3d aI A. W.touses' cash îIry goodIl addtiîoLs ho the btai Impjsed. "tore, Waukegarî. Spectal iuduce- ir mentslu ns ery îitpartimsut. t aOctiug by alt iversatist minisier Beef snd golti are synonyme thse days. e! ve moet have Il ai frons 15 In20 cents a pounti. Golti ve cm do wiîboui. Wa vouder if tisa lmis la jai reicisad. Suutay mrlug Dr. Robinsonu VII p reacis on --The hast Sleep'- Is avenntibme viii be te ise 1mblu saris. of sermons hn Youg men, t.Minly (inidance." rime ofi holding tise tovu couette lt select delugates tu Saturdays con. vtiiiion vas cbauget irom riday .10 day .nt 2 'clock ho 3 oncfock on accooint of Frank ftcotiuesm funecal. At 1the scbt<, élection Hatnrdaj osi7 L. J. Webb îecelved 74 vote. for iirschr viîh pccically 1no oppositIon Marcy Ctaler ceciivet looir voies but declarea bue vasnI t ar 1the ornie.andI diti not eudeavoc tu get it. tint'nigii laIes: atJon [loyer laid <invu beaide a honhre sud feil aaJeep. When awakened bis clotbing vas u lire anti lie matIe for lse rIver andîiiupet Inl.klie vas hbadly tioriiet btt*v11 lrecuver. Mi'ý F rock i)ugruberry la etnwly cts-rvelug fr001 tiesettvecelmoins .11e osetîlîtiue, aareconoln u istwoets Issue,.lier permanent ret'overy is 10w cousîiaerott Itt a matte-r it!tise, thooghi hvii lt, flittissbt-fort, ber vounda vliiibeai. Ifjon vaut anything goodtu h est go W Uray'a tu doorsmanutis (r!Lovels tmug store. Step la and examinte the lineat Un1e o!fiakery gonds lu ovu. If va bave nflot 0 vIat ytîn vant Ve vu wiii ocde, it for jon (Oranges aud bsananes aiways on banud. *2t id The Ilepnblican convention 10 ha ht-id et the lowu bail Satorday promises ho davelop some vîrin con- testa. fi doua not appear tistai au candidsate for tht, nomination for representative lan1W bava a vatk.aviy. L.ook tnit ftor à tait borne, sud blason, of \r'risttus înay thtie mani [Istre wit te a ratiy of Lpvorih Leaguera o! tIse Anttocti, llosei'riss, LakeVi lita, Gagas Lake, Oraysake sud LIlcîoiy ClapIers, 5et1the M. E, ciurcb, Lake Villa, Baturday eveulug tMay 10. The Chicago norîberu district oMeiers viii bu pre@eUt snd viii provîde a m pumIer for tht ,1itreta of the cvaulng. 29-2 1lite Litertyvilla HigI Sehool base fia1,t feani ta practictug tiaily acut tey ueast that liefoce faithey viii ho tquaii0eil 1enter the Anerican League santi tefeat thea Vlitete oda Iby a score of i id f. but iln th" meautiiussthey vii play tise vaiîous scilont tas througisout the couty. Tbey are nov remdy to meet auy anti ail challenges, 'iit Waukegau May lat, It or 3dI aund secure blargalina lndry goots ai lunes' anuiversary sale. 2 yards ced table lnn or 25c: ladies andI eblidrena blackt bose per pair 4c; lace eurtaIus tîîveI8 25e pair. 12 differaut stylas l adies mîsllu ulgit govua eacb 98ic; r csiicuusmutîn0111govus anti akrts 49c. it A husm hefttnging ho Wm. Caler be- came frigiheneti near Coplandt'sforu becausu o! a boat of hay tippiug over, 'ruonday morning sud before they conid bhastoppeci starteti ou a rmn 10 vsrd towu. In front aiftSmiths & Davis store ihuy ran tut or ove, tis&i frirme eivery wagon sud horse. Tise dellvery horse vas kocoked dowu but oibar giu a few scratches vas unhoni. 'Abs wagon vas consdeably broten. '[hu Cater teins vas flot hurt. The %V. C. T'. '. et LIhartyvilie bure- tîY record tuai tg la vîtis profound aorrov lhaý va ara deprîvati hy deaila o! snob an efficient, aympatbatlc antI vtiîlng %oarker as ont alter. Mrs. Fioea A. Dymosid, and vile va tender Our ulmoat aympalisj to ber famiiy uti aouaiy berssved, jet vs îli fie lus- pred by ber noble exaniple mund continuae1the work vblcb our beioved beiper blamft1cen. M. EmftleeWU Rev. Miller, os mcs etry, use Union chureil Snudiy evenfug, April 27111, a# 7:30. Ail cordially luvituti WililWarren, Who for several monîba bos beau travelling throngh fieorgIà representing lihe Cbit'ago Vesit iFusan Co. la homne, hslvîig reaigutoili@ posItion. l'ie t.ulnqns et Niglit(Club wsut give s May party lu Lsiirtyviiie Town Hall May 2nd. Invitation% are bolng lned andth 1e avent promises In ha one of unumns.l piessîsre. Mtuiters of sso i fcket@ are entitlet to adwmsion 10 thebecit'ure to.uigbt by Marry Steale Morrisou. Home bave th1e Impression thet seanou ticket@ expiret with the Shirt lectufre oi tht- course. Horace liulkley soasItl sa aftactthat ha viii bulid anotber store building ti the north of! ls preseni block on Milwaukee Avenlu. Thse uew buildiug viii coutain tvo 22-foot store rooa, about 40) fac-t deep. C. H. Sherman expects t l fial is course tu Optbolmology ai the Nortis. arn Illinois 'ipticai ecoillginsuChieago lu anolier monitb, alter vbîil itllq hie Intention ho folav the fprofession lu this sud atjinlsîg counulea. John Doyle ptrt'îsasd a uew buggy of Seiel Itrothbers Wednesday even. ln udti hooked outo it" te taire IL home. Bis horst-rcls aay sud the Day ibuggy vas damhsd sgllat the isîb Of a heaVy wagon, thon Il vas second- band. A spruug axel Va111e iltatoie loua damage. LantiJannary thea$iters of the Bacred HMain pnrchaased forty-seven acres of excallenîf v localed property in Lske transpires thai they viii erect e group of builiti tuegu,10le tevotud tu, aducailonal purpOtes. Architecte Mytisaitlte pro. Posed improvenient aViIle onue o! the baudsoment andthIe muet aontty o!lils klnd lu the Utetaties. A. C. Walley snd famiiy, rtf Chicago bave lociteti lit Ltbertyvilae, where tbey expeet ho ceaIde permiunenty. Tbey ai; preseut ttî p the John Locke biouse vhs the \%elesfimliy. Tileir daugister, Misa ilnunie, la a tatented pupil o! thn Antj-an Couservatiory o! Munie. Chicago, vttera aIse las uovpur- sunlirbar sidiem, whlcb vian cons. pieted 511e salitcottlauuaabroati. M. HB Carroll tisa returuuiig bhtme froin Lihertyvilttouaneday tat yak Viib a tond of! unio sud wvisais t ou the E, J. & L ~crossiug moutusof liondout a fresgbt car vas backeti outo hila wagon.,iisrtiwtug the isorsos ho oue aide sud bresking hle wagon. With binm vasUm Is tabtel Bradley, bot &abe jumped hefore th' car atirue anti vus nuinjurad. Mc. carroii mys a braâke. man slguated ilo 1 0 oel hUad" anti hauce boids tIhe railroad ctîmpauy reaponaibie for lt'e accident. A cliiu aelit vlsited hlm andi igraed fn sette lil tismages. Foruately IMr. Carroll oirthee borsea vertt toi hurt, batst m as uaaarcov escape. Dr. Smithbhad tut appoiutgmeiil vIls a young lady pailent Tueastaybti wbeu aile caileti lDtc. via -idüing a faw necemssry Volitits 0un thse treet. preparasry bthtie convention to-ilay. Sia patient vailtd lu vain sud llfy lait, but before ttotug 80 scrlbbied thie ioliowlng unes lipon a Vitiug pari0ou bis deak: trur [,ialit! ame a li t tlte Trim,, our VasIlise antisite idit! vatt. 'fio fRrte empty Not trAm Panl. unI ah,, slgbed net Nur dtd aise bawi. Ais. uo dootor; Thttne la @pont And so ls lMy Ira- Hmne aie vent. No liain ta fait. Visai "ihili ' L'l a mB BIte afle niM edug. ABANIONMILWAUKEE AVENUE Flectrlc RondI People (uselVI Idea of Uislnà 111111 Tlioroughfsare. Weduesday ulghi il est adjouneîi tue1eting or thte village b,ard a nesi Ira rtcbiae viapreseuted the leecirit rosti fîromoierm. it stmpiy pcovliett for a croaalng on Milwaukee Ave, for Ivo Iracks, tise saie go ho mainialucett i>y tise compauy. Assiaied inlua receutt Issue of ibis paper, Mi. Frooax114lt inlciluedtho puaI the Milwaukeer Avellue rîîîîie, sud nov It irausitlremle ha ba euiireiy abandonedth ie Idea. iltuce Street car &racks wilii utiîco, Lloeriyvilie's main Street andtihîe much agiated question am 1(1 sbetier iracks ouMiwaukee Avenue ibrougil th1e main pari of tovu vouiti bc a deirimeut or beneilt i iinu10longer serve aia susbject for heaieti discussion. Work ou tise hue emas of the village la progressing rapidly. Ail îe spiies for the uew bridge over DesPlaines river are driven amdit illi be but a short lime helote Uhe autice structure la comploe. Uridng for 1the road- badte la ieng puahed and ail tise mon and teurne procurabie are heing emptoyeti. --Frankle" iProtine lbeat. Weduesdiy ai 1 o'elock -'IranIeo Proiledlde f ounsmption BHis de mise wasà surprise to ail bis friendh, Whso though realizing he Coflit not 1 ive long, vers uot jîrepareti for tise sati intellgence. Fra". Protine was about f9 yeara 0f âge, a flue young min, possessed of a geuileneanaimoiti feminîne, yeî lus. pressing oeeby lit5sirong individual- ity sud doiermsuatiou. Fev knew hlm luiimaiely an big affition madie hlm reticleut mud very unoftrusive. Hia every exertien Vas 10 appear happy aud bide from ihose wyulvisou ho csme lu contact his kinowiedge tisa i 1e could flot loug lîve. He spuruied sym- psiisy. preferilu to bear bis sorrow &loue, sud jet aiifteit deepiy for îhe splendid youug man wisoau Ilfe watt sO surely abbJng. Be bati beau con Iined ti bisglied losg thais iwo weeks ant i dd not seem t0 bis relatives to bed.sugeroualy III unili vithîn à 1eV cdeys 0f bis aeath, sud yet le hitseif reilized ho Vouii fot rally anl vas prepîreti to go. -"Fraukie" ae hoewaa famiilariy calied Wiit be greatly risseti. Tbough he '-lived v1tilhiimself," ail kuew wlîy and ho Vas &11e more beloveti for tisi brave siruggie vitb île luevitable. Il ls Oft' m$ii of anome frieuti vhotbas passeci away tsaI hie bailDntAetau aîsoiy. IUnis la seidom finue, ltînt w wî h teii Ibis Case ta uabaof utc lado. Wa were ail alieutiy sympatlletit anti aIl fovesi ibis bright. jovial sud îtrondi yonng fMiad. Hia exemple lu bis terrible sillîction eau biui prove boue- Ilil. Ha bore bis burdeu vîth chriîitlai fortitude, sud nonse but his GotI iii avecknov silliwhat agony b. sMW bis fle sfOViy sllppiug avay. Futierai services, ai wbiecb Dr. Rb- lagon officiated, werefiseld t t he Mehodîst cbori'ls lriday nt 1 p. ni., iuteriîaeist btlng lu Lakusîtia i'emett'ry. Notice of Caucca. Tibere wiil bie a catucus of tbe itepublian votera ofth 1e towu of Libertyvllle et îhe 'lovusliait, Frliay Aprif 25lb ati3o'Ciork P . M.for thie purPtîae of uoîssiîtatiug twetse defe- gales iii tbeecuuiy corsveuhio i to le fieldti iLibeciyvilie, ApriliV;, i.t2 aund for the transactiono0f sncb other business as May properfy corne before th1e caucua. omiee E. H. SMITHt, omîea L. B. Hlis', JAY ALLs'istî. Notice 10 iParente. Ait parente vho deaire lu enter chilîdrun of proper achooi aga lu tise tiret prtmary grade ibis spriug, iii confer s favor by sending tisem nerf IMonuay morning. wvbeu a naw ctage viii lie organiz eti. C. E. hu'î iriucipsi. Wall Paver, Wart- agenîts for th,' ult-rtîril wall taperrof .\IrtîI >ats & C (o. 'l , îî'sr4 lt.iîîy ot tlt'sigiis «irr adI- iiiittr<IIy the fitîrrtt ton the' miarket antd arr sîtld at riglît rîrCD We ( :arry ini ,.tocî-kthe, Iarge'st il uill<ftt ('i llilete ' h eortf xval ipettr, x idîtw sliadets, r'. , r'y itî igsi -11141tîîattiîîga ilito ILibuerty- hrftîrrtte lit' gtts hrokefl. TAN. OXFORDS f1'.' t îhîurî Woîneit 's Tai < xfortls, mizaîs 4 to î, E and : E- IL't)ofi. sîthitatitil gotîfs witilt mrtditiiî ltia'.y isoles~, w.ill give sptlnitflwear: re-iilar jîrice'$1.25; ottr prit-r tsiy ............. ............... Ciosiiîg oîtit smttll size Oxfords. Nu's 2.- b> 4, $1100aiiet $1.25 goteis, at ................. TIc G -reat liDi .Kal 1Swatuji Lh-tvvill,..iî- Of Vrgluia la s breesding groiuil of Malaria germa. 8o ia iow yul or msrshy grountl everyvhere. These germa causcakneile, chislta andi laver aches lu the boues and muscles, sud may tuice tiarsgtrotlamaladies. Bot Electrie Biftters neyer fai 10 dentroy ibem antI cure mîlarial troubles. They viii anceiy preveut typisoiti. -"We trieti mauly remudies for Malaria and Siomacil ant i Lver troubles," vries Jofisu Cbarlaaaou, o!fliyuavile, 0., ýbut isever founti muythilug as gooti as Eiectic Bittera." Try thans. Gaurautea satisfaction. Ouiy 50tr aIF. B. LovRones, LIbertyville: GRAYHLAKE PHisîumetY. Wbeu you boy your corn ptlanter buy one that bas a lerthlizer attacb- meut, or eau bave oueatatactietian they cenul utile mure and cerlaiuiy are as eassaulal as tise pieuter Ilseif. The benatite deriveti from fertiflzlug are no greai thatI t la onfy a matt-r of a jear or n, Whou sf1 ainiers viii vanitniens. Freinta nCollege Stdnitî Muett hOnored Rire. -uifres tOrri 1 Asti do nut hrlb nttr My botrdtmte(tue. ,MY pajeu-ir rtr 'r My oredit in dimtrnsstetl My laenr tiilla oving stitt- 1iim bnsted. hUatcd. Itisteti lour iai relvd-i aStlwu iur Ns chec- Vasu .r luhrusfet. it meade mlusat. tutied. ie" r dt Tu thitl Tour love lied rueteti- sn, r Irîtitit remift vbsn il le lit- i tablittd, tten. f.Ittdt.-F .rr r 1000 Per Coul Profit. MUlvana, Kan., Feb. 12, POel. Pepsin Syrnp Ce., Mouticlclo, 111. GentlAemen: This lu te certif y thal tvo simple hottias andi oua flfty-ceul bottie o! Dr. Caidwell's Syrup Pepsin eniireiy anred me of a biti casa of Indigestion mand constipation omusetid hy over.aatllg andi teck o! axerile.' 1 r wiiZad $500 Worth otf hansdft irons a fi fty-aent llsvogtirest. Respeeiiully, J OiRS A. ISaRD. file antI 31.00 -botîle. 1Il y %ho 1. 00 ise. IS od b7 IPFB. LOVuxa., Liberty TM&. 1L-iI.SC i.v,,lc, 85ce 50e THE FAIR, - - Illinois. PEOPLES' COLUMN, OrSAS asissuLee outy-aa WANTED-Cstn ittîi f rt '51 fat5 jtauys ftiudry. Lihurt Is , t. 20-Vd .. I h ýSABslu- ' r, t r ttîtýkr't iig ro li' .Orsu aseori fiit i its ',tug. Dr. D. Il. ino la it r . 111r . i2-&p. F ut ALEMrttItr r-n torner o! FChOriht srti tlituirkeA"Dn". aiseniy rM7 lthut, i'iisrsî ou Broadway. Justîj TTluns 0. LiI,crs vsiiou. W4 F 0~~b~II 0.,r ir Lttsttt«fr055 pura t-rats tam,' trou ,rsitii.Wl-. [rom tisa tal ieC it, tt , trttil' r., -t a e li runstetr on uSrd Dur ,gt'.tsa patckage of ueeds fier. WANTsiED aYotitIi, t.,, 0 -ntsea4eb for a cnt e îîepiit I i t ý it tpt's ttnio s [tPEel UlT or dinr,rnfm thejfrtcsi'r.csof F't SALE-My prisrtry ,n-pOtbAMd Streut. also.oe iMîret.IYpiac ibis rtin/tîfrlS.'tc.on t,îi, treet is forw0iaîl atit-rnis. Xu». 1;lQ7r<em in your gardets, 9. C. PI.LTON.L IvrtrvlIW,. 2sp n'ai 5 tr.. Sttrtn' iiiETsao ut iaapila s/th d of dt lt 111071 MSÂE urîs .tt',u.iitro off R. -ý H r t-seiue ll0f F.Ot. BOL5sîc% F. B. LOVELL lAIto St.. Linertr, lii. rlaht. For fii-titstrittheliiaithl First day of iatribution, __________________ Saturd&y. April 26th. Eyen Teatet. C. H. Sherman will beat aiDrby Bros. store every Saiurday aitarnoon, beglnning March M.tI sud prapereito testutsym and properly aOt illa use. Do jou vlah ho ruise eisibti* saoriug Itareti Plymouths ibe will vin lis hotte"at copadi bave umuledt tse asplendid 10 buet reanlia irons My vW ai Si ~ $1pu Maltln. C. G FIed. cof the Fconomizee lars. lois. shel ickkes. pickles i Co , a 1111, sud 'ERS oiby & Co. îack Bei. TE CO,~ rtyvl. luI. :)W. OF rble ANDO iranite OF 055FT10N. IUNBBIM ST Now---ii-----

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