CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 May 1902, p. 1

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__LAKE Vol. X-No. 32. Dur 5 to lin- lien tred Ire- )ast Iwnce 'oid- COUNT~ INDEPENDENT Libertyville, Lake County, llinls Friday. Ma 90.$1.50 a Year in Ai I I I. ILSpringk P -iv iiitit btlan d antd yuiî wil ie a I iiu l iew-~ spilitg SUIT OR OVERCOAT. Leaveyoi r rwithme> No Van i ll w an tee ferfe Il FRED CROfKE-R, y Libertycille. Ilinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, PAUL MacGUFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Attorney and Colnusellor ai Law. LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS.; NOTARY PUBLIC a Ç>IC ONFXL.AKE CoriçTY BAyNX, OBNÂCI atocK. .~e LibertYville. Illinois. 'rtELEmot4[ NO Caas - 1.r. ___ Dr. E. H. Smnith, DENTIST. Dr. Charles Gailloway. ;Offce over Lake County Bank Office over LovelI's Drug Store it1gii '12..I.f. M t . .DAILY *OBBOM RIÉ1TO 3 NDt6 To SP.M Libertyville, ]IL. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office ovor rrlggs & Taylor'ri. -ROURBI 7tIL . 2 Ito à aBd a. tluaev,'. . Se«Iaen(B roadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. D. R. OROVIER, M. 1). Physician and Surgeon.! ROCKEFELLER, iLLINrOIS. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS OF ctilcA,%0 bias opetied ia DENTAL OFFICE At l.It.îrtyajlîc, lirîlers iîlock, over, bli1th .1JtDavis, storer adiere lie niav be fonudregulacîv <ru Weinesrjayo, romi 8(wl a. M. to 6 Ii ri Dr. Orie M. Grover. Momeopathkic 'hy5ician and Surgeon. lIl 1. 1 IN 1 I 1,i n t i o rW . Sprci ai atteirut ru iitrI Dirrrameâ of "f wrrujriîaujid b rrruîîr. Ileasem. pld 1%(u ..(l ~ M illet, Top, aUMIMCZ OP POtSITZI lId AN 111> fEl Ir r.è E S Gurnee. - - - - îîîinoîs. Timothy, Ciover,f Hungarian, Red1 Blue Grass, MISS FLORA ÇOLBYlFie IdawnGras PHOTOGRAPHER. 1. Libertyville, Seed corn anGid oddeî STUDIO I N Fersn.t Refleshl Pl i,,ULIILEYBUILDING Ililinois. CHARLES .STEMI «r"ti Long (irove, Il STEAM LAUNDRY. cak e o, Bd Ail Work Neatly and!, WRIGHT DYMONO Promptly Done. Lbertyville, Illinc -nom0 ]nu on Bro., Issues Interest Bearing Bond Bcos., Payable on Deir Uibertyville - - Illinois. 1Individual Responsiility,1 Che (Cost Is fnomnal For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Yoà gi't the rcreamed antd growiîîg servie of the ~County Telephoup Company and Cofllltctiol wi C hica.go Tfeep1îone Company. ro.Iformation, rates, etc., wrlte--. CONTRACT DEPARTMENT. le PDruir Store, t 1ryvIe Day. fhe, s' easonotf Io viîîg tlli gltra. go'ithr remern- f ragra iîj i--, 1ilt4j mi c. hi r' monlgsan ad unîivc'raal ruweet- i imm and l ighit, aiuggeaita di- !iso to t tr'ttttigis t 1tl I i' t'roity uof CDe fleq» Sommer Suit, see îîîy .saîîîi.i i-of îruîper saitxnner %v.ea r anid Ivt ui-' t j tîîte yoitu prî i-i STIEWENS9bON, THE TAILOR LIBERTYVILLE - - ILLINOIS. Seeds GRAND r corn..:ff[lI1 - y PEL,:AT* Ilnl. IERTEL'S PARK PAVILlON,: f* lf ati , Ill. * Co. Saturday Evening MAY 17. 2 Certîfi. MY»7 mand.* $oeooOoe. Music hy Prol'a Smith, * -Retchert and Mortel. op » 4t »DONT MMS THE FIRST ONE, eLake Every accommnodation ith the r * First class tine assured aU wioattend M. W. À. REÀDJVJST14ENT FILAN Under liactaaion. One Lake Coîînty Camp Takea De- cided Action. The proposird readjnstrnent plan Which hasbeeinagtated by the kiead Camp of the Ji. W. A. vil! comae tp for diacuassion In tliè varions Lake Connty Camps sonner or 1*1er and the geLierai actton te b. tôken la presagird by 1hs1 o! Lake iCamp NO. 174 Of Wankegan, lb. largeat body of Wuodmen ln Lake connty. A committeir consiaiing or C. T. ReYdecker, W. Y. Farmer and W. fi. Wilmot preparird and preaented the followlug reirolttionai WHER., t i-ir Modeirn Woodmau etf Auerleirla a tI-alrnati, bnefflrarrocity foraiiî't rhe' aarl'.,e Of ut ialblng ln- rlîultty -,. irIrraary ltsrtito at.,,benflocar- ica of îoair mamlarre th.-ref. andt fot for profitl. ani tur die'emiuate a traternal au- -lrînatand â ,athlrrttroaghoiut the rerritla1tiou. and tu taruîlu'.aid lndemultY "r tlirneit, lits IseurauStn at aetuai comt. and flot as In (lid Lii, no ltratrrrr.conpantes for pîrofit tut, he, "rrsr, Of str.rk.iiiderm tho-ro, afnd WHRIWtàn, aeri'trrudorita lIn the1 tulud ut iu of tus ,t ii' ocety nas te, Ihe -Willty, 1lîrgljte ui-r soi.iî f lti.lHe" caîmp ot til.'au' Y. toirlige frie roto, uf aae(eers, i poun Mýrnero. and tljh, lée- Ilevid tiie raté,rt aof 'rîî n rui ipart ot tthe 'oItrwrt tetwr,.. rir- b.nattrtary andi thie aoj'.t . and Ifl tt to-.a-,ors a part tof tile f,. rttion t;.'. et [i 'icithal ' ourta Uii. oir ii a.ea" 'a, , y.If eaui fot i." h)ag.î Xç-r t<j o. uf th e <iiii.ri 1 ber hi ii..tlu rln .tI.',wttthrr. m-O i uto ttier sûr'ty. sand WuîaaaA'.. tir iia.eri sr» tagitpast. fiie Moderru Wor>rtujn 'r!Amerlos have oprtî.ateri u'i u i p.,f j t aatil ljr lIn ri'mnlty anud îirrîuîiary fi,rütiitu(oile. ru. Irlarlra durin8 va, t, andj irerot tihe yaa' lu floue ot tihé, rear'.re'talrtiig murethan eleveii aaecsmeutm tuoairmîitrimaidlpor- po- . Ilsalît rarc tesmIf as rteâmm-mr ders.ndln«u uton th, agi'ofutli. sucary i,. followtng sumie. tu WRL At thji ' gut ii.Il fira, r a . t ,pir tr'rl sand. At the. agi, or e, If a. l14 i"i, 1-r ttiua- maut. At th, â gerorîté', jrirm rtilsbu lr.rtaiîi &and Atttrc ali. rt il. If iasul l ilp-r tuon- Baud. L udrrr Cs iplan rermmeflediri tIr coin,.1 ncir ýon Rate Reatitmîruî. iL viaid romt1 tii.einmtier àasfuiowo. towît- At thei,âge r o. ta ru ver liiousanît. At the agir ut M,.$7 14 ier tiiousaud At the sale of 4o, sio.2 pamr tluiand. At1the âgir ot 50.$14168ver tiouaaud. This rate ll4cudeir an estimât@ of nIne murîflary seesuents pArar a. tvrne- frir assesmanleandi twirli,-ifraternal asesmentl. and subjects hlm te au irlirea- log roe irul ra. and WBtalas. Itlnl bellevid that ther pro. tuseri rate or ruadîstmcuî ilan. togitler wltii lue methioda advoeuted 1,y tirecion- iflttllec. wrrd tend trot usilu orivétheuiildtr m-mer run Ii" s-trbut Mati.- il le litlîarttu t0h$-'Youang man wlîr sckobru.. rirari îroeetou.t'y tîleri Dg linirle a 1tuai ttu, u Ie rlriof îttumtu. 10huie for so 'ette'frés tfi, ia., ts ,ti.mi Ii, r 1c uIgii- il fa-., t l le iri c.j tiratI r it î.. Moti, ( riiisrirro Arf l.W-îîtrtaval] Itit' tc uc.lut fiorle ii. tarears afl aii-rtu <etflrtamnftrij lrtt, ti. f tie .,or-1tct u trat iàIle nriemrlr andrl Ieu- ulimrr Irelte. trr buetlari'eorfî~eiir mmrsi ta-.t1mlrlt .Oý'iranid t10 uuutra adinstotrr the, affatirtfrirae(lirtiral Viîud t1iri Iv,I 'oiuàc. thec futrure Wriid renutlias ru-gît ,a th,- ti-t rf'o r r o rt<el),cd 'ioulert.; A.- , r. lai me. Ir'. Lrrq'ruitoc Cuinuriafnd iUlrura.. Mantagemenft arcO Igfle tta lnde ror ir, ., .t-y lit tn, eYs'Elliiimtt-raiitin. wtîi1j, ttii-y arn.waga tir tri,',-.1 uttIr.-pro- 1*1rkzIiBllrw l '-'r-ir. h, lI. ecamp 'l- 1. i. Mdcru Voi.îluiiîr Iou-i r 1l -afu-d ar i %rirsu Ijllinoir. hr eu.arc 'rt'lr"..crl lu thé,. u poet ilau t, ra t.._- ilî itiicitsutm..îîriro.551 g5 rrl'losd i', irlitri. 1Orfile., giillrriri trîirlad l the u.tugfîr ruos ion 'a. Fullowtng the prepenîtlon rf 1the above a generaI discussion took place, 511itbirhereaIt tlitIvel the queestIon vas pnt, th1e resolutions were r ried by nuantmoua rislxtg vote. Prevalling sentiment among Lake Ctrnnty Woodmen la againet 1the pro- posird nev plan, and il berna probable it uiltic defeated, ae Woodmen the country our do not ireeinte l0avoir it The lndpndnt and Neayntyher Oean, .. e er, 1l.8.î tidvance. MAÀN RUN Dow- BY TRAIN. '4lranger KtiIedOSN. NN. Track@ ut B-dgoil. Alid Cooper, a ua4 Vouhan vwork.d tbnt a fis day. thîe viinîty of Barringlou und a -îrapraîive strangur, vas 1111.4>7 a t' .A N. W. Cooper wv a lk -alon ue 11'rail- road tracka. fiut Or titrer Minutes before th1e accideut, greu-ud sorne sectîin men plasa*U, Sstsd bus far l van tri Harrngtoa Prreîlded ou is ay. As the freigtt ~overtoon im an tie etileir iev b bulle t<îndly, bita for nome rm-ses Malidld Dol beed the varnlng an sîrtielwitb terrible force, b. o~Id lustanlly. Coroner Taylor au inîlueds Wednesday the faew4eelI Iaifg ln eceordance vith' vp.I'l'he jury brongit 1n a veref0fa"elutal deatia.' flenocratte qCgvêntiou. AI lime 0f gcng t8ýà1emnI hurisday sltemnoouî lte i~ri(oanuty ConveDtion l la15d onî. Itirist centers ID the chol o0f s "audîdate for lhe Legislatnre, 9" d ilotoks very aitci aU if Pele ýý ecîermotî, cof Wanlegau,'vonId rq ,ve te. iror. Liberlyville bus »0o isdldates, supervfior W. E. Sur ai George Lynch, and tlaitsspé! rn 51 donhilese Iaud AMeD4tt. liauy democratî* lu I vu sud express varIons opiX4, aas 1.1 sitether Lake Coanty vlI g4býe. d'emocratlî candidate for lhe ture or Lot. They are gotng to a lry foîr Il lu any eveut and I le1 nulikely wili snccosed. According Pn-iu-eut I le La"es turD tla %lie muority repnesentatîve. but nie lîouuelly, over tu NiHeury le eaid tii hi after te plain, vora iguorlug i,. uni. CONGRESSMAN FOSS RENAM4ED. Congrreuslouial1 Convention llel<l Basemnent Sale..... &it Rivenaiwoi>d Satîîrday. I.tu yl Iyt>ll-ii'titî t, George l-dDjmui wa as uiimlnated bhtiieiîntt - îh-îiîoîîi i. st4( r eproke l î'itt au the republîcati Candidate 10 retire- ablitt îe'î ythilitg îî.ldil Ilîîiîîoi- fuiiitlitt-. sent ibis district lu Congresi aturday oiie tmii(ceietfryi oeal t at Llbrary Hall, ltavîuswOOd ftttk tiiiîttdt-tfi i!t .l î 'The convention wuaji ed la order 0otIte, wtr'utit'foîr a fe-w îîavr.t idylv the by 6'. A. Mutrray, of Wattkegan. bir. Bennett, of itavenavood aud AMr. Cook, filowi îîg cf Lake finit, venr madle temporary chima ndscrlryrspclvl, CLO l'idE8 1>1NS- made Of good wood, pin ilt....... ....$ o1 charma an soroiLr rýPeciveY, WA8HIIIB(AII)b made o! glass,tru, zinc or wire,4rirc l .. 08 and Ibis tenuporary irgsuizatiou wui TI Bia made of libre,~ galvanlzeci ron or wood, $1.50 lu..... 49 made permanent. WASI iil >LERS.i ut copjî)er, ga]vanlzeu itrou or lin, $2 '45 ttu 89 Air. Chadwick, of the n irilt ard, Chf- CLOIIlES BAHlI.r.'8 bhime made 51110v îîr pllt, $t.11ou ti. 2 Witl muy ditterent kinda fron $3t.'25 t l .u....... 48 CaflO, lu anigtug speech remoiiilialid C Li'l'ES LINES Mauilla, sisal or cotton, 3tu .1....... os Mr, l'ousafor liongress,anduthue nom. oJARDEN:s IAR:S a good itustantlal article for ... ...... 1 inallon vwu seîonded by Ar. CharlOEs ET:IlC IiELLS vitit iattery, vire as u Un on ljrtctei.. 89 Whitne'y, of Wankegaui, who maade a EI HIt UCS l'I'Lit'tibatterIestiiale, lîzzers, huttrîn ri, r.. speeh elogsflo0f r. ose.Othr eîlues,Induîction colis, i a il 11peen elogltic f Mr pos. OLIeniotors sud minatune lumps. speechies folowed, afler wttlcb by a lt.qIARtT T I AILS aud DI1>1 P ANSI vOIle they a t at. Io rieing vole ArMr. Fusvas made 1he HAMMI-ItHANI I INgood strong liaidles, oaclI .... 0 Ofanintoun bclie of 1the conventio. CHtAIt HLATHS triple veueered perfuraledvood...I . .... os luaucellg 0 bno cf eii CMî îrLPE i BAI I s gou stroug rattan or vIre ........ 0 in ecptig he onr o bing SPCIAL CABINET1S elgbt dravîrsi, o011 Ilishe i ami lt t ru- I 49 named forItins fourth tlira lu Congres., PAl )LQJCIS froi49c, t9c, 25c, 19Jc, 15e,,tleto.....os Air. Pons gave an lntereshlug speech ln__________________ icb ho spoke 0f Wankegau barbai. fie Raid bc fait positive Ilial lreaideut Roosevelt wonld sigu the River A lItr- ý.éNS N bbi n d 1<11su In Isre the Wsnkegau 40u.,I 1 - Laecut a ergne ite Telephone No. 809. Waukegsn, Illnois. convientiorn iy tveuly siil elegalea James mWoodnu nAppolnled. James M. WoOdman of Waukugan lbu beuappoiuted storeteeper at tIti Elgin Insane Asylanm, a remponsjible B uggies Surreys sud lucrative position, sud upon bi uts ienAtY. Mir. Woodmau saccoesds Robert lSmrahl@oo eeauwîontuau RoW agons aOlîr l ie vire mille luthast City. WITH RUBBER TIRES IF DESIRED. Mman lwaen Addreos. Beinaor Mason bas issned te follov- I cliai uit yotl aai ing addreas ta voter@ ci Illinois, and it rc adbv vonld ludicate hoe1la 5h11 lu the race ~ ~-'adhv 10 succeed himael and tiat be pro- good variety front poses to maIe a bitter Ilgblt: wih t eet -Ta the liepubîlcans Of Illinois. AItht o ..tI~t a n0 called Itepublican convention Frlday lu BpringfteId, made nl- part by represontative Rtepubîbcana, thepuli py oi, ou:ttmn po: "Screen Doors and Window Screens .. madeta deff Oftithe natorial question, vOleu as à malter of tact, 1 have themn in the standard sizes. th"y vee called togetlter to nominale i aOu- .---. -, -.'6',r "-Thal convention bld no antborILY t0 go beyond lhe nomination Of s a state ticket, sud Il cao bhave Do litnd- . B E I R loii-ofraste xoddteLibertyville -- -Illinois. aulliorlty. "ýTOeevas notingîn lte cal vOlcIt permltted tIlim 10take np the sens- torlal question, sud il vas takin Up for te ole piurpose of criating senti- meut agatusl my camdldacy, aud lu tavor îrf tle goveruora Candidate. la- S rn o s u n x i g , i O M A T 1 H E .rA51 I IS. î.Drrtug lite vitolu biiatory oifth Stable Blankets in ail Irarly vso haire omiatett lu a Repub, lia 'Lli his Coinventionut- sizes and at ail prices. tempte tlu(inu aaWY wlllithe Iepublicau suaiïtoad r-îe lritiqte muai- bers 'o!f1the legislaturir, rugardies uo!f .. '..JI4-'ati iaus. . CatsCUM, tir vole for the goviruore rau- I have a large .variety. -'Ihabut vasu Dota reproseuîatve (-ldttiIille 'eltlIuw Iieltlemm............... ..35C îtclrutilicau conventiou, I propose lui AUl leer flairlPari................. 0 showv by gtvîug su delaîl the conutes c(niutîi tPaulH ................. lui were coutroîlinîlbY 1t1e ballot 5 box slutiliug, aud Rat o iîw 11e ououtlîs vitune boodîe was oueud lu ..Ldap LDL5-eLn ... se-mire lie procurlug ot luetrnciD-. 'tI vî iir,ow lu s statuaient vIili A good iiI)tatet' witlî kîîi)ttti' trîîtge $ 3,5 t iuîeuîî tu mals Iliat averu cîrrupt \'t-'y ice Mtrtîll-' dustit .... .......... 75 tuvi@u Ihat bas suer beeu pracllsed vair FExtra filt le ieanîd geeî> clot> iltîiterst ..i.. 1oo néed 1 su-cure reliresôruîslbru intihte0 su calîcd Ileliuiiilieau state i'uuvention.snl urie.isi -li tlsal rils tpie --l'le g0.veriur, i vîiî show liastîtat ili-fy c'on! iititjin. maildem-eott uîruu aluost 1the pore@ orflte etiiîitiyes îrflte lste. ne b Vlut 0f auriuioey dt cmC. H . KA ISER, ploe ud wit"(nuorf 0liey dle IresLibertyville -I - lîlinois. urer as palîl 10 emlIoye@, mai hi smunute 10 ualfeasuce in oflice. tu liIs sîstemenl I vili gîve wvitlI knov gee saniei- information, ut the usine lIme givlug m ure o fiin0fformation.. .- ..ibl e egîslalure vîlI meut lun.Jau- ' îîary amnd decîde wljia o btrciemy suc-, -. - - uiil fr ...$5.00 cesor, t expecl 10 saucceed myseîf. Il t 'Suil foîr ... 7.50) te rusloaisny ta gîve a man à second su iite for ... 10.00) termn "lite ouly complaint againat me sîtti foîr ... lZ ou go far, ltaha. as eeumade lry any itoneet iL, lea t I t1have bad 0h10- iom an sueonvlctlons vOIci t havi Dot lit ii I~k-ti~<u aîîti iteitalod la express sud I am fraul - t,î gay, ltaI ville I deetru a re-celoin Mt MtlldttAil W g iants>.tî samalterocf vindîcation. I profer 10 bu aprîvale citizbn ralliertitan 10lie Egl elgemirs(141sf agecualor wanitug a collar 0f a polîl- cal bouc. qirs 5 L, i((, î Ifyîrîtillvelufair play if YODtiitt)i itr- ut i(~7I beltevu lu liberty Of thongit and trae- Sit- i>,4)-,4c nom of speech, see those vîo repr. îaù' litWth.-.4>.4 ieut yîîith Ie oextlIeglslatnre, and50u, 75c gîve liert your opinion upou titis Csig huonitc.' atitjoi't. WILLIAM E. MAs-N." tCoiatre lta -o 71an 11.1. ulet. th,. la- t. N. Y. , 11. Y liti. City, N. J. y thonatd UCE, MoENT eour 1 as-, ;îon. etc. * t1 et Made. Taniks. gs. 'INTER. llie t uited 8 a. , tclursi 1e-1 parîmeut scienist awaul1 t lte ettect liai bthe eIlu-.a the seventeeu-yenr 1 111III ppear lu vaut amies. ; WSI teIe lal ravaged, no 5*7 the lli"to are Nev York, New Jersey, Pb'ýlvanî Dole- vare, Aaryland, DieI4* f Coumbia., Ohio, West Vrginla, inIs, liMas- clînsetts, Vermont, lS!ois, Indiana, Kentueky, icIa4,Wcosu Tennesse. Bine 1715 tliiivant lountclrmy lOas nover Wiled tu, appean dnrbsg thi tant veel lu Aay aI reatilan Intervallu of seveuleen peare. Excitemsent ut Lake Biiiff. Plonnishiug a hnileand 511h bils back to a Utt foot bluff, a madman named Hankeil field asecore of pnrsners aI bsy Sunday aflîmnoon ut Lake Bluff, lually e8caping ouly te agatu b. captnred and tnrnod over lu Fort Sheridan autblonilies. allern&au excîllng Chsse. Thlie&stnovu of lte manwuva i Doon vOeu lie appearud st Piltiboules Creek, forth of Lake Bluff, aud tireateued to allai-k ttie familes of several farmer@. The mou of tii cou.monity srmied themseîven and pursuni EaakeiIl t Lake Bluff, vOire 0111cr mon jolnird Iu thi %base. fialelI retrealed to thie odge of tie bluff and titi'Party cloaed In on litre. Franl& Pierce, Maras!o! Lake Blutf; George Gartley, and E. M1. Warman attempted to dîaarm and bluri lie man. Tiey graplird viti blm ou tie odge of tie blîrtt, but fliseli drove them back. lie clnng lu il@ knife sud Iried in valu te use IL. FeStol tbey vonld fait la lie beach. alxty feet below. lte thrce mon ttnalîy gave up the igit.I tliten flaskl charged lie crovd, got IbrougIt. sud stated souti on the alvay trucks. Chaievas again givu-u by Marahal1 1'Iercc md iamou. AI lie uggestîrru o! Wý J. Weatlterstiue, station ageut of the Norîlivesterti rond nt Lake Bluff, a basnd car, vOici vas foîud beside tic &racke, Vas boarded andl lie pnraning party, nov coxnposed o!ftour meu, began s deaperate race tri overtaeuthte madman before lie siouuld accompliala1 any barr. Afler s race o! three moiles tite latter lay down bhiure the trucks sud altoved hbis purenerm 10 aeize film. Bindbng hlm gecret'. the captore placed the mati on t1e itand car aud rode1the Tro f lte dimlance 10 FonI Sheridan. Th0e madmaiîrsin for the tirât timo became traitable and de- manded tiat lie bu talon ta l"ort Sheridan and put ander &Trent. "t bave mal recoe îar s ireloas telegrapla message trom (uniraI Alles, be sad, ',lllxug me to place myseifunuder arnestandoî for a murder whîch I h ave commllted. Juel belore reaciing te guard-hoasi the maniac brole avay from bis cap- tons and croated a 1îsulc amâng te soldîors by rushlng lbib lie guard- room and aunonîîmrtug imeif a murderer and 1the bearer of trango .essages froina (enerat Miles. The demeuted man gave bis Dame as Edvard Louis HasIelI, and miId tbat h. was from Indiana, but tiat te had necenlly beon stopplng lu Chicago. Elgîin Buîter Market. Bntter vwu irai t uconte on lie Elgin Board cf Trade Mouday. Sains 09ot bewe* 68,00 o iunds.' DUter a Fêm no M Out&. b %dvance.

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