CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 May 1902, p. 5

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rnize. What's tIîat? ean we litlli youii that i1&W seii, 1 gless yep! If yoit doubt it iii the leamt eaui arotîtuul andî ~ Viw j ill <î.)iiiee I'yl)il We have the lwst of everythiîig at the, iliost lCii1lOialllhI juicestanîd We lead theni ail. We buy Ilîele t to be liai aund Pt-Il at a closeiii tgli. TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. WE HAVE A BARGAIN IN.. Second- ALSO A NUMBE ER 0F.. hand Piano... --ORGANS. I 'WA GOOD SUPPLV 0F- -11 llýl Watches, Clocks, Silverware and iewelers' Novelties 1-_ ALWAYS ON HAN D. DARBY BROTH ERS,ý 'c ~:ono Mila Emma liesa, of Chicago, vlsiled thse Steveson tansily aeh n1 lest vêek. Notice change lu tise of trains. Tufe lIme table ai toi0f Ibis colamnula revlsed in date. Tbe Epwortis Leaguo boldi ils anuel electson 0f offiners et tis ehcsore Fni- day eveuiug 10 niglit Dr. Robnson vii leutaacramneual service for Eider Mandes-ville aI ilamoud Lake next tudeaI 230. %on vent 1the latent mae"rln u ool dres gonds for yoor dress for- Decora- tinion! In lnes aWauisegau, hba the u'a 8it ait qiseay9elliotu, <g.avUaty. lira. M. SnsIti, of Chiscago, as u cou of Msrs. Henry' Williams, la wltb tise ltter dnring tise serions liuns of Mir. Wilîlianis. lira Dr. Riobinson vbo vas elected a delegale lu the Staee abbatb Sebool convention et Sterling, loft 'Ineoda>' ti attend tise sanie. 0GIRL WANTEI> At Uraya IRestau- rant, Libertyvtlle. 321-d Tiss a.been enotber flue veais tot crope. Ail vegettilon tn edvauclug nicely. homse corn Io plaunled aud fruit prospecte are gond. Ray T. Chse, et Chicego, a uepbev of Dr. iRobinson, visu wax aiso 1the nepbev's guardlaik trouinin ecidboud, msade e visil over Sabbiseli thtie parsonage. Mr. and lirs. Bon&@. of Chicago, @pent Sundu>' lu libertyville, for 1the occusion ufth11e cbristeulug of liseir Ivo grand-sous, Geurge Bouma nd Marcel Dapugil'. t 112e diuccurses of Dir. ilobineon vli he, nsorsslng, Seed 'l imie and Hearveat:" evening. '-Tue Iirlen of £den." The Eiîwortb Leaue programa ieaat Sabbatli wcre Ue ue acemese. I.. B. fileby in iaviug aecenent sidevalis laid in front ut biestsore. Bruce A Blarron, o u met, are dolngý tise uris. IL B. Eger siso la pittiug inia ein-eent waik esjiiuning Mir. Huob)ys. Mr@. B. .adcslffe and littie Jeugbter. ut Chicago, vliated wvîlliber brotber, Fred Croker lat veek. Mr@s Rtadcliffe leavea bore 10eniaise ber future bomse et FranklisVeu., wbere lier boabanui la witb 1the (icnerul Mani- toid l'iniing Co. John ecUormicis Ibis weeis acqiired pusemsaln of a fune iri seller. Jobn guI tise dilinluWbetiaud, Wis , snd Ibat lie ln valuebie 1l1 evideuced hy>'tise tact nefis as sready ref ued $541 for Ulm. Durit forget about tbet obnoocna dug ordinsuce, Jiobn. Libertyvilie ot. ficiais <but lio iînîti>'upurs dugs. Ailintre iiew lot ut lavuaanud diioitiem lu dresa engtis of 1i2 yards or iess just received. direct tnrnNew )Yoris tty. b>' A. W. lunes, Wvankegan. Ioo't orget 10 sec Ibemo Ionder enspicca of local 1t niveroaitias. services vililihe belî fluthie IUnion ici-bc, Sonduy eveniug, May 18112, aI 7:30. 4ev. Mller, of Me Henry,. viii lîreacî anît menîbers of tisaI orgeniza tiono are particiiiarly irged lu 12e liresent. Alare curdiali>' iuvited tu etteud. if lm desireil lu reorgeuiza 1the I ulverseliHt congregation or better 10 instill new hife loto tIse oid orgtiulzat]9n. Ltît al l iteremteu i Ie tbere. MA alter Derby, Who lbasbe-en coufitied tu bis liome.for Ivo vekm, lnou tbe roa toi0 roeoveey. Laiseaide OMetêer>' Association meela vwîtS lra, A9. W. Iîltseulerry (thibIa, liday afternovon. Mir. aud lMra. E. W. Fuller, o1 Cbl- cago, @peut BSnuda vils tielr parente, Mir. and Mra, W. J. Palier. Tneadeay ulgisI nul the local Court of tionur vWUin itiale ni-w nmtsers. lîlse deslred eH abould let pregent. 0. F. Cburchill VeU lIe Lîbertyville detegsle 1. theCe *OEasilual 'îvec tioâ field luniavenavood 7attiriay. D. C. Lorînser retus'eîl frou e trip to tbe liakotas iinaUy, vîsere 12e vent ln the Juterent of Limia Land Agiuc>'. Misa. Clasae AVMIII pieyed et eu entertainmet glm lu 112e Atiseneitr building. Chîcago, Wedneaday uigbi Henry Wllliam@s affrei ea seVer e ettacis o! peralyata Bnde>'igbt, sud, la Do novau ehalpl.oconditionuBIl$ entîre loft aide igpoealyzed. B. J. Caler purekssla ebu> driviug mare ai lise C~sl norme Male lutl veei.s 812e lsellfSall uad Weil bred, b-lng siffl by Ccsrldge, 2:05j. Th2e largeat Il"is09 muli bels for cblîdrenqsu lite, 49e, OSe and 980 eau 12e fouud aliA. W. LIesm'. %Wensegen. Sunbonnetis 911 sizea .acb tSi,. Darli>'Blinsbave siî0îired 1the services of atet1 ams watcb niaier irons Chicago. during 1the iliuns Of Walter. ¶12.>'ara proaeedto eele. &li voris promptl. Mli.a.dMable Rtobinsoni, limiter known hereabouté s lra. Balthi, hl lth 1e eusploy Of Charles Mlaser, for wvbom slle isePtboune e numbar of years and golse 10 COlorAdo lu loin ber busband, vWho recenti>' retarsiad frons tbe Philippines. Coudemnation preoeodlgs bave been lassiiîuted bY t1he aacîrlc road people t1i obtaîn nlgbt-ot.vay &cross Pter lmbes frm eust 01 tse village. B. H. Miler in retaînad itblsChas. Whitney 10 tuise cure of lthe interest@ ufth11e electylc omnpany andehd 2e Icuse la set foyriseariug hMay'22d. Arthur Bulisie> sud i f. 0f Manton, Michigan, are spendiiîg e iew veisa w1t12 Mr. Buliiey' s Parents, bers. 112e>'will reubove 10 w&nisegsnso. visere Arthuir bas e"Rrsîged 10 open a lav ollâce. lie viii locale tisere per- manenîl>'. Ve vlih lm ever>' sncceg in bis veuture eand feel sure lie wili attein l. Libertyvillie demi-crets i-Id tiseir lovo Cauca@ Wedueliîay siglil. Fros visai ve eculearu (;00. Lsyuch sur- prised 1the Miler forci t bY appeariug vitli & strnng backiig eudnamulng ,a Lyncbi delogation. l'is itlas cieloî-î vas entîrel>' oniooîed for ana nsi- bsrraaaed Mr. Miuer s cisauet s '[bnrsday's conveuiti,u, S. F. Wood and wit, utofwyoîýell, fWmO ifnOn> f tisis count>' ariî vis-. îîiug lise Moore failles snd otlifr Llbertyvillîs friends.fIsn1t2e 7111 r. WOod t&aîtbîmlssic ut Olesuonî Laise -isd Hall Dc>' and vas suplnlendent o1 tise Dilusond Laie lindsit>' cbooi. Hie and bis vite are euroute to Wasb-. Ingion 10 visli Iheir son viso buidau POsitlOn lun1the lreasîîr>' departniess. Anton Alkofer vbo liveas onth of Tisere aye noneweV ielopnsentà lu town bas Joat relurued trous a trip lu electric roatnd mtters Ibis veeki. th2e wesi, vîith David C. boninser, Woris la belng rapîily puabed on tise Lund'a lend agent, and speaisi ghl grade construction, but iloillu g la rf everytblug lie sav. He secursit indicete the. exact western terminus land at Osas lu North Dakota aind iWIio! tIse rua tiranspires. Ig la genenaîl>' seveinuthie spring. He sadvisea Others belleveit. however, î I ilb. bulît 10 lu follov bis example, us there are '«auconde eudthIaï; as soon es fini.lîed greater oppotnnities ibere tIban bere. te Miulvaukee Ave. the ooutractors vîli 112he creusersesi are paylng 96 cents begin voris hetveen Llbertyvillie and psr cvi. for mils, vhlle lir. tise Waîconde. fictor>' pays 80 couts and boidea al1the muilS. 'beut is selllng et 166 cents. '«e heur frequeut iomplauts gibat; He saw a nuniber o! men on bis trip boys are robbing bîrds nesta lu varionis wbn isaîtpaid tor tbelt land Irons iheir Par" lOf thse lovu. A boisiseesman lu tirât Oro,) utlia, and reatîzet a auli- taiiing or the malter said:.-1"9 cer- stantial balance besîdes. Mr. Alioers teill>inla e aiee 11201 tie boys vlii land adîoin tisai O!f& Mr. Eabon vho notlet1ties oug bleds alan.. Ina !ev selledthtere lu 1887 e poor nman ansd nov >iears We vii1 not heve tisons ils us ovus 1000sheeploti esd et regialered lant ail beueuse tiseboys rois tieir Heneisrds. Mir. Eaton believes su>' iests and shoot tl brta.- Marsisai other maeauendo as Weil. Freshmen I1- be13- uis31On 10 and viii iseeP e shrYP WvacbluIsI opes of ap- Like a D)rowningMan. pneiseudlng thse boys visa are saad te 'Five years ago ediseuse the doctons e guilty, ad eu l ii vigorouaiy pro- tbeî I could surceiy go," write. Ueo. S. Mars12, well.inovi attorney' of Nocoue, Tex. --I tecks quangtlen of pepaln aud other mediclues but nous. lng helped »me. As a drovuing ma graesta a srev I grabisei et Kodol. 1 fel$ au Imprevement ai once and ai 1er a e fvboIleen msouand ust eli Kotol inte . uly peparaljon visici execîl> reprodaoes lthe naturel diîge- tiv. julce and itoouqaenly lu tisa onu o euewisis G Mr Mdauj ombc cul11 LOure u rofe 1 Ialgo» secute tben If be (cunsanoeure 1the neacessat>'proof. Uttizena are eaied to luforsu hil ftise>'knov 4sf en> neats bing robbed or birds kllied. atrucic Ou. À lucis>' siuie vus Made b>' tbe PhYaioi ausluIlinuoid who dineovered the. formula. ci Dr. CettlI'WoS yrup po.u-4uisi flor alk sanos» a ion ~~,oacnslPaon,590u*bMd ipor ~ .8 4 PICKED Up HERE AND TiÏRE i 4Local Items of InteresttoLlbertyvllleReaders ' C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. Ie Effect Sunday. May il, *902, et 82:o1a. M. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAG.O. WEzK lDAIS. VWM DILI" D,,,epart Promn New Depot. Arrive et NOW Depot. Lea, Ih.rtyoliie Arrive Cdilago L. chilcago Arrlv, Liî...ryville. -134... 7: 3 a. in ............. 825 0- M, No.i131 ..... 7.4 a. M.3 a.uM. ... 11 : Il L . ........ý .10:05a. ni. 1:5 .... 2: 10P.. ...... 46P. M. i ... a...1niaM . .........018 & in 139.. : 10P,. ut Lî. M. 66 14 M.14. ..........155 p.M. - 61:00 1P. M.... ... aI5P . BUNIIATS. IUN2ATM NO. 13M .....1 ua.mi ............. 10:06 l-MN. 1 47 . .. O: aLB ............ 9:] a. Mu. 4 le .. iIa. M. ..........I10 14a. M. -135 ...21 P.M. 3:46 P. M. ix) p.e , ....... l e p m M 143, 6-oe P. rM. . 6:68 ag). ru. TO CHICAGO. F RON CHICAGO>. WE KDAIS. VU DAIS. L)epart Prom Oid Depot. Arriva et old Depot, Leso.' irLrlolwie Arr1v. Chicago' Li-aý trUiago. Arn.. 1.îiorîviiIr. NO 132..... Suamo .,............ 7 36a.usM No i .. S. e. . ... . 0:48 a. IM ......27 5.M .. . ........ssa r. -454,.5M4 . ..... 3 .M -144 ... ..2:30j . .............1:40ioP.5 6- 12 P-14 Mi .. . . . .. 7: 86.52 MUNOATS. No.i12r... 6 ila. ........... 7:36a. m. No..133 5JL@:m .. i"a.liM. A country minister, sn e certein lo- cel it>', took permanent ]eave ut bis cou- gregeloun lu tise follovlng patbelic ruasner; 'Brothers eud isters, i corne 10 su>' gnodby. t dont thinis <Lid loves Iis eburcis, becasise noue ot yoiî ever dis. 1 dont iinis pon loveonue anuther, because 1I neyer nssnry an>' of you. 1 dont Ibinis yoo love me, 1e- caiuse you bave neyer pald su>' saler>': youn donations are iuîldy fruit and woriuy epplea; eud b>' tseir fruits ye abali kuiow thelu. Brothers, i amn guing evsy tu a licter place, I bave Iseen calectoli ie eballain of a peun- teottar>', ud tmay the .Lord ii avîî niercy on yoiilr m500. Il woîiî soi-m tliat nov isa <ver Senutor Stason mhoitilc tase is doeea lu botter rveietnfie2e i mpieylisg. Tise 0112r candidatem sscepted doeet, tbeuised tiselr frisete for tbsîr et'îîrts and isept tili. Sot no vitt] Masîiu. fie gives ount tatenients for pulblica- lion lu vbîcb 12ie abuses tise stslo admninstration, cries trand, geug nule, etc. This inth 1e musredlcîîlsîns vijen one conaiders Magon wus uot In the gains et 1an>'Ulim e tan exteut wbich varrented lise belle! 1ho vould vin. '[bal sf11 bhad entlibcu Hopksins fi vould nol have beçu lManon, la con- ceded. Heuce wvishsould lMagun sgir ni) mielb a las@. He Ibreateuîs lu maie a bonse lu bouneei-anvaisao!flise stete, foîr vbet pîrpose la not cioe, buit tbat la vbiat 12e decieres 12o viti do. '«e suppose lie lhluks lie ian create a sentiment lu bis favor visicis Wiii overwbelm tise Loglslators and put tobes In nefor bhte, If "BiIy" dont ring off bc viii not insd m in tlu1he state vbO Wliittttbis wltb otiser tisan conlçmpt. Dont Stert wrong. ion't tar$ 1the sommer with ea linger- ing couog or cold. We al snov vbet a -suinser oocîn ta. I's 1the hardeht klnd 10 cure. Olten il 'Lanugs ou" thynugis the entîre sasou. Taise It lu baud rlght nov. A x1w doses ut one Minute CoughCr n'k et yon right. Sqre cure for c>ouigls, colts, grip, tsronilitae, &Hl Ilroat ansd lung troubles. Abseolulel>' sal e. Acta At once. Olidreu U1ke. h.-"nelUinule co0gbl Cure la the b.dt cougb medi- cline I ever untid" mys J. H. Movles, Groveton, N. a. «-l nover fouad su>'- titng 5 *MAtsaI entaI noa asil! ud Sommier 1.50 1.00 2.50 Mma.Du.eubary Suooumbe. lira. Frank Dwsaberry 41.4 at the Preabyterten hospitel lu Chicago Mon. day mornlng ut 4 a. m. Mr@. Duaens- berry recelved paintul vounda three veeka lieture 12y ber lothinig caetihlng tire fron a bon-tIre. Sise bad bnen removcd lu Chicago thet expert treat- ment migisI be given ber, and ut tirai seemed le Improve. lier deatis vis sndîlen and wilIsout vernlng, none of ber tamiliybeing witls erý Mr@. Dusenberry vas a Woeiau pouseuned 0f many sterling qualitlesi, a conisteiit chrîsîlan aud kind and iovlng motser andt vite. Bise vas Iilentitled vîi 1the Preobytertan cisnreb, tai g consldereble interent ln th2e vork of 112*1 ore1nzatiou. Bise wua&iseloved by thnee Who kuev lier and lier sad deuIls broughl aorrow 10 1ev. Caldwell condncted uerai services ut th2e bouise Weduesday afler- noon, and pald treatiftul rIbiute 10 deceeaed inutermeîst vas lu Lakéside Cemeter>'. A buiaband, 11111e mou saloia eigbter survive ber. I.ibeirtyvillc Fostofice l'ronoted lua1the ennual readjuatmeul of pont mulera salaries th2e Llbertyville pont- oiflice vas raised lu rani, being taken out of thse tonrîliclasaliundtprosuoted inothe raisl ut l'resldental office ut an aonniai salar>' ut tIotîfi. Another Veteran il'isues Asay. Isalali Martin ConklL died at bis home lu Bear Lake, Michigan, Melurda>' Aprîl 2611s af telalungerinig lînesa of brilbts dîsease. Mir. Conklil u asa rnenitr of thise t11 Jli1ninl and iwsrved ucari>' four years, atteiug th(, ranis of orîlerly tsergest. Nie was- a bi.otiier ut Mra. Samuil Moore 0f Llb)ertygliie, sudit lved ut iamond LakeeJlu cari>' yearm. lie inoved 10 Michigan atter th2e var, beiug marrled in i0ii..tiu Mimm Mary -laii Fuiier. 1Durlug 1b18 resideuce In Lakse Couint>' Mr. Conklil came tii 1e riiipected by alarge circie of triejîda and ecqusînlanceq. Hia . memorsir n l <'beriabed lîy ulder realdeuta svbo viii heans of bis deeth vits sincere regret. Olebool Noted.. Several nev seliolars bave elitereil th2e scbooi lun1t2e lasI ew veeka. 'l'le achool baus outprîigressing lu th2e agrîctiltural Une. Six trcec were planîc a v.bsle ago ail a rî,w if ftowerh about a 1bîisiilrodil t10og vere plut uext tui tbafiieie. Litât Mouds>' aflernisîn Air. Josephs Snlyder, a native îîf hwltzeriaud, gave au bsours lectr. un bûs native lenî.t. u th2e 12gh scool routa. After t12e lec- ture e collection vas &&ken te help 1the Mau gel bacis 1e hie'native country, trous vlsici lie rau sa e gateen yeara &go. Hee bas traveled about trousaoeol1tO Schebol leerulng fur tvelve yeaxs. 1The lecture vas ver>' intereatlisg. For Sale 1 have azulce loi of Mrins@ "rI>' shlow lient seed coru for sale. 31.1-d C. C. CODELANUL. je J lIK UPS .0s .0 Th2e Wenconde Leader se>'. Ibai Ivo years lience the sans. Stearnes vlo met del et t te late republican conven- tion viii 1e named for th2e legllature. lire. Cary, don't yen beileve Il. Itlni decreed that A. K. 81-eans Ismu made bis last poli'ticui ruu lutLaise conuty. 'vIoyeers froinoie Weîsiegan viii niot urniilib the candidate for repre- somnmer LUnderwear..... M - S. La:dies, aloîi ('Liii lu-l e Siinvr Uii 'tderw cai- iin ail kiiîds anid pioeits. \'îîtfoi, îîiîes Men's Laundered Shirts CENTS = 'CENTS Tlire.u loziuu Men's Latîidereil (Joiored Shiits. a few with i4ft hosouî amolig thist lot, the' regîîlar 75uanîd $1.0)0 go>(ls; they have bt'eî itseul as iîamîples andî are mliglîtly niiis.sed anid noiied: 2 5 sizes 14.j, 16~, 1 (; , 17 anîd 1 ". ('lioe of thet lot for THE FAIR, Libertyville, - - Illinois. 1JJWEEKLY ITÈR OCERN S ELARGEST CIRCULATIOM 0P AMY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTE Il ib radiscallyRepbllcaný, avctn i'fiBt tcatialw. c. 1on *lise cardinal doctrnsfoaip riy f airendbonest c, t'îs 1lpý- 0 with ability and carnsewtnmaaJ5JI.9 litical niovemens.444 t HEWEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL Il le Morally Cea, and &à a Family Paper ls Witlioii a i'sCr, * _________Th. .lunsi a.- * e~~quul go fhat of thebs aa - zinesftis lnierestlngio0the chul- * __.droit es weilias 11w parrents... 1HINTERCCEAN i..WESTRN NEWSPAPlrR, e and while Il brings to the Lsmily THFf NEWXS OF *THE WO1&LD antî rves ils reack-s the best and ., S v n isuions of ail questions of the day, il is in fu syn.jyît 20 lv ithte ideaandi aspirations of Western p.eOplc anid mi dIScuma iterature and politics irotn th1e Wc.tcrn sandpoint-..'..f i 10-ICE OIE DOLLAR PRTEAR$1.00 uï B E FaR I.O * su ..d S..d.y mail. . 6.00 r No)tice. ifI i,, j [Âr, Coîîît y T'o.1,i or)î e oniianuy 'r,, th,, vt oihi.r ,âmsaitcon-,mtioiîî. Liuic iil.' 11 APrl i4;.. o-o. car oart, hlereiry niti Il ii. isthas am eeial moist- i f uthti,,stsikuolers oftlise uorornation. LaieConnu Te 'I.'htIoIseCompany. viii 1ne bold rit LlbertYvslle. fl.. if tie office ofthtie iomeaun tie. ilt day et Mar. 1iait tii,, isu ii5e oiprm. for tise purpose of crou- idering thse ioeutiOk ofet iuslugtise cap- lia) stu,,k ot sid corperauton. at wvioisi ime youaxsae reiîuusteî t 0oseprees. JF.CLÂCE. y Xi A laaK. Iiois Batu . E OYU. z The Most Common Aliment. More people aîiter fronw nbeunsiiem tbiuany auother iilment. This la visoh>' nnecessany ti,,,, for e cure offl be enerted et a ver>' amail moai. 0. W. NîeaSiot, of Meadosîtami, N. Y., s4e. 111 baebeen afililcted i vîrti rbetaiii for some lime aind il bas eaI m1. muehsauftetiug. 1 conolnde4 tîo ChamsbelinusPainulielm.ami plemms oitBayse' lti l Isu Oum For lelei>'F. Ji. Lovzuj4 L (i&muvSauPEmAt Ivsmho' Dress Ioods... We .I î t. ji t reieivt-da large nw rtoik of Siîiîîe1.,, )I i i ir , , i i l s iiiN t , V r i ii - and F 1renceh i iîgianis wl i -ii we -aie.itlliiîg at s ery low A Iso a ti-w I i ie i(J Pi-ru!aio e1, K roIjiioeka anduitiii whlite o0- a, to few Uine Lnts. D)es of Dry soc ZSc ,oc 't"' z sc toc 29c a ic ;c te le I.' C e. Libertyville,Ililinois. ..Now in Velvet TaesrB R UssELs Jmixnnsters and WiIton UtiPe(s. Ingra in s In ail patterns from 3.5c to 90c per yd. We certainly Iead in the carpet trade. Our prices are such as to warrant your natronage. SMITHI&DAVIS, CEALERS IN Lier1 lIlihni s. laK oag rua guar- ears. van shape. ring Us"I as good goîlters. niable. 1

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