CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 May 1902, p. 2

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111E INDEPEN DENT PUBLL51IED WEEKLY. ADVERTiSINO RATES ON APPLICATION. fl~4pvpMAN SHOOTS A TH'UG GIVES CHICAGO MAN PROBABLY FATAL WOUN DS. Promptty, but la V5anqlshcd ly Re voiveýr-ecd prices Ar- for catale et Kanoaus ily ttunkIireds. Chsiatn Etî lv ii non1"linadPi-11 abaty tatalh l ii iiiiiun î notintcr vith a hot,-ýu îu fronit t ut346 t crc boa navelne. eii i.lietiigwi cgpttorr'd ltaler4 i.> p i î'îîîi'oiiii a l '1 Ciw's offic e tic c, t'eînaîîni ,f . 1 li, ii B3rown. nsan1id iihl, î - 'ilan 1 i tri . tucky. Enu'keln. ii,,îrî a t xtir Ni i lu Burina Anderson,î.lai mît> n unie.('tit 6. ipenidtng danjger tîy EdmondIil Il ]Roche,miro ihall lut a fete tuiriaen iîct'n tl ben eoumaiided i Brumi>.1ta tirroit oP is bauds." fRoche. rnsî,'u.i Of ubupyir a.d bst a irasty rtrcal. and sîoted ln u 1et et a poicemant. lWhi'îiEiesonii and hirio', Companion reachcd lire sot clinere Browun rt Wuas standing îthc rexaIrer ut tht, lutte &Used out ini au îîîtnrt. ir'r a rcîlY th thre flot of Erjcksui u t cut and landj'dPl aavagely on ldciîaî's er y'.kiiouking iiitiis alter. Brown imtiiidiitî'lyi.î1eiedtireul en Eririson. law ut ir the A ta tului lu eflet One entcred tire abdomein'fandirof Dr. IArbdleOn std ire bellerî'd i t mn ti t b5 tiad. 'The otier bllhet iodged la'Ire 0 Victimi Iligi. Irîx n a-s, lated vîîîîîî tsw minutes lter. aniiii t jifled bY Mi'u Anderson and Mi. ll,hie. CHICAGO BOYS TR'AMP HOME. Zahhed a a- rsri.t. rt Iaia Tris hua Police Ako.sereMi.tak. e Charles tjunsser. Johna ltlisud iii t Pred Bush, ail sîîîd tli e ut 1icitcuiillit l Qnbicago familier.,xi"ie r ctsci ýInit danapoiis, ebar'ged wtiî nagrancy>. 'I ey 'vent [o Charleston xxlîlr gîcot idic.unof how to gel ricir dorug Ire expiOsitiun. Thel sskeol for enoungirmoue> frour tirîa parennts to gethftirurtChrarleston and Ket aieur up lu business. Ariving at Charle's-f ton thefir s'brerne fietandltbey aeîli t. o o'k iu stores n'rd restaurants. Fioal- 17 une restaurant keeper beat ths'iout et ahuot $100 that tbey baild asked hlîîa to uve for tIren and tirere waao înthirîîg dues for tirer to do but tu returu to Chi- ugo. Tirey were a'orkîig thirur nn a hone, duty and dîrtY. aben a policeman I eaw tiremndnn arreaten tireur. Tirey pro- tu.tsdvlgoroually, aaid they had a littte m.uey, ba! sent tireir good clt.bes niead soad vere just going to a barber sirop lu = "a ecd sud cieaaed np. l'bey niere REBCORD PRICES FOR CATTLFE. 0 Rlgh Rate for Fat teers ait th. Ka-t "@s Cty tOekyaeda.t lire record prices tue fat caîtv weei pad at tire Kansasa City stock yards tire' etIser day. A Kansas aftocknian recevedc $7.O for tiirty prime hesvy steers avec- oqing 1,6M6 pounida enci This prire hasn ulver iren aurpaîtaeo t tire stockr Yardsa ala vas equaied l o n Oce,r JWInd10.1 18M. Two loadsofo 1,100-pound teero g"dsif* $680, n record'breaking prtcee aS&i.'egitaconadered, tire hirgieutrate pfflflot any market. Thre cattie were gâlipedfrn Waiaut Grove, Texas. Lea&"* Bac-Batl Race. Foloving lateietanding of thre clubs or thre National Ussehali Leatne: WL. W.Il Pitaurg .. .28 5 Brookyn ... .12 190 Ohicago .-.21 il Cincinnati...12 I19 Nev York. .15 143Phiiadeipiria. i1t 19 Boston ...13 lSt. LS...a .1Il 19 Tire clubs of tire American t.cagart stand as tolosa' W. il. W. L. Chicago ...1.1.118t. Louis.-. 14 Il .2 Boton ..16 12 Baltimore _ .13 l15 Pitadelijiia 15It l W'uhingîon. 12 17 Detroit .14 Il Clereland ... Une fut it'atea' au Fire Use of at water te extingistiresrc e agatu agitatîtîf tire Brokyn, N. Y. lire departuàent. lire ity la said to inck proper lire protection becauia tire mai'n' lu tire ureeta have Wb.e va-eIoggcil a. « oten tu carryonty irmf îî'r ir ritit'ev capacity. Att dnnger in tri'. drtrecij 'voulu Le nlvtttd acre tire niat>ersilie bai tir Leta1i1cd. Mim. lu.pect.t' F.11a ..nDealh. John Keugan. Sate huine itspetor et Kansas dunng (liii .u s tin ulninin tuallon, an-xatstpkîllev i t a roui uine tir-rieuil-e'rt cf J ons lli ('t>. lte was bejuri lia cnui týtht,d.'sirafl. ahen a rope gune wau> . uiag hm faîl 100 tert. I.disl. Cotrasta Lt lu Chîag. Ohcgi irirmn have securci aluront iI the cent-u'ici f-r sîuppt> nog udialtu.soui businesnsr.. vu'ujut n'rla titi> tp lrelil re bonns t i diidiit nucirg'..,n h 'ut ire loctn iuta> ut> iunhia4lfil,' u.N-î Yorki. Piper MIIIWoreatOt. nffloi . pd 'uttle (t%-nnBag and Patier Compçati tuinuny ,N.Y., Worire r ntemin-nf unr .oiorer' trotectlvc U'nion. unl'nIl- v treku' ti n uînrese n vagen fluît ..t.. $1 r ticoIn ror day anud founr'.15 - slu wr i nurt. me Liga urus Dent mir1-tue oe. 1~Rnueule V. UtLE BLOCKS 18 BHt'ILD. ipecuseinlar Pire in Brooklyn (<IVfca thre tîepartmaent a Bard Plight. Pcoctirnlty tir'entire blockr boundel bY Willtouîgirby. Ito"vod. Bolieur and St. 4 insircdu ulceet..lBcooklyn. N.'a.. w1îs lestroyed iry one ut tire fiecetan îd noot lioctlicular tries windu ltire Brooklynu ire deparîtî'nîtrotaslîod nutum,,ttid reutu for 3 î'u i 'For a tiinethtie Ito>niOtuil tri'it Joui. dici'itly opiuvte tire fiee, iras hrer.tened. riîud thre' aunen prisonuern n cc toluen andi kept in tire yard 1111111 tic flrc e ia.cuit. 'le> .,lecmunir fnitit- 'tîrd. uuîîul jpanircoiu.)Itg tîreu ina>Inet lî,n i nitir uliticuitv.- "be lire ins owu, Thii.îU. lie lice sîartcd ut 10:401 r'tu .Ionit fn hîur tirdesIlorten'lr 'iviot nutl tire talîn br'guu tu fait r'rv ni.ct h nsa il tupîrîri .- on a ciw uof irres' blick. tein'urtt, tire .iiiu puîîtu cfra bnci âd befure trio lied lu sa rt î W'ît lur gceut crashj t utrrk fiit îpîon tire carest mounse and eruihel il inta un van netlar. Duringib tia stage of tirhe lirte spectacle vau. enluruneit by irrîguîlare îxîluniuunncf vrnihatnd itla tirriraWere kept lu tanks. BANG NïN'Ut'iN MAN. Masked Men Swinlg Oroponenrn ta M',udoss, but He ta Beseoed. l'a cnty ,îîurked mca enteced a rolires' iroat'dn iu îuse at New I'bitadelpiibi, L'a. l'ne mcn a cr'e fuliy urued and tluîy gain- ed an clutrujîce iry ireakiag a windonn. Oa ethecrfiîcthy aci.ed .s auunjin tain- ec. Thomas i.rn reston, aged 22 yeore. wo uptut the turu tire colliery ciomei -11 entployed au a loader at tire Silner Ccci'k euîtlnccy.Cresonu as tairen front bloisii bIitnd irood and foot, o rope waauPlâced. abrcot biu ociran.d bire a lowered fenfl sn unlutiera'now. several sirota belurs fired îo lutimidate tire otirer troarden'. Dl.. tiokîni nu resintrunce. Cresson airti tîcuri; mou a a. snved b; snine ftuendo in tire loarer stury pulting uimun tirCoubir a winduwa'ntd euthîng tiere ope. lireY aurireilover hin for an iroor betore e, rit nog lui îto eonaurieuahreaa. ,'idig tirai their n'lctiur md escaped, ail tic masked miners dispersî'd. WOMAP. CRIMINALIS PROGENy. 0f Her W00 Deseqndants '700 W--' Crlrai. su ad Comnsicted. Standling satîstîrs un crumnîoiogy have ircen presettted St tire annuni convention One ofthtie delegate' rend a satteiett to tire effeet tirata a ulman ocf crinninali teodenctes, wbe Dame Oas ot niade public fui obriuuoreaos. dned in 152 "lier deacendunlàihure been tcaýed." crentinued tire speaker. "l'bcy nunnler P(10. Seven irtndrevi aere crummnaîn, lirs' iag been coaricted ut teant once. Tirrti' seren nvere murderera and wcre executeil for tireir crimes. This fanait;, thie speak- e eouciden!, "iras cout thre nation ;.td. 000.000 for trils and cxecutiorms." Ohloa Shot At faons Amsiusir. Former Cougreauman Henny L. Murci wua iot aitfront msurruias ireOas driv Ing pant tire honte of iris brother-i-lIaw Aaron L. Campbrelli.amsuilton. Ohio tire hultet pasiog near isa iead. 01t Murey'a comspilt Campirell, a'bo ia r lufcloug cnemy of NMoe, aitir vionu ID boa ibad Je& asoutltrgutîun. nias orrescet . d held un $2,5W10baud rirorged uniti gSiroiug tlu bih. Derrie. Cltlaeaihlo luin o. At Biamarckr, N. D., Judge Caeraî scur en! tao oid men, one ot ahont iad beet in tire couutry fourteen and tire otire sixteen reora, snd mîcther hmd teorucu ithe, Englusir langsoage.l'irry nsisheult, toke out Ilîrir potiers ne tînut tlney mugIr tule clouons, but Juuige Cousan rrfuueu thirn t tat 1iritlege. Trampa Killes lns Fiàght un Traina. John Suitir. aged 40. îoi dead st Bas- com, Ouiond tsu tirer tramps are ut Desiler hadly lsjuîmed tronu lie effecto of a figh irt otirto negnoco n a box cur ou tire Balttimore and Oio ronud ohirue ( route. 'lie tramps 50> tire oigroeu iet ttr mb oia.ensibirllty auîi tirneaSmithr betaten tire buntp-. W.. by Dîacharged I.aPlo.t At St.Pal aIthte Suipreure Court Ireld tont A. B. 1ttcr. xilicild mecs-i cirmcd antirouil cutiouni notice îiy in cunrîtoner. J. C.' tarttin. i uneittullt.,( si lu î.îîîue ondrbould bh u'a- h i 'i , taar si icp o ntOtenuatucun for bn'stili s ircearh o!f,'untrsct. W.-..u Kilt. MeHUrrainu..d il iuruhltirntt . jaiie>. wvns siiît andi istedlutouit..tnse, aut tire IntIei. ' il, îîEur t'.îlnn Biucuiigh, t'ittoirurg. Ic j waunir>nuitho brai.. er Sitir uarunt-n ahfitu nr a t bm it ahb.i, ctoîatîîi Peusnnfr-lIla vorsot tue ftout i.. 'vite.bis' son and a douglterý Pescin tîloulin Atrica Su-r l'inde leg.iattnius in Scîti Aftnia have prugre-uneilto suri. i.dî'u e a'. nu rendier ilticarcticaiti anauccîl tiat ail or.,.- ed conflit >0 nt au n inite 'raure ant but tire Etiglish govement ninl not otfir doIt; aiu,>su.e in set tecwsto totpro la Imade. ltuglutrng atrocirz nu osjiesaouithtie Steamuer BDucatetWhamrf. Boston lic, Cumpanuto Milton, N. Il.. T'ue steamer John K. Speen!, ling at tSning tIeive of theur 'Pie ou s la$50î.-lber vwharf t tire toout fLfayette 51 rtet. 000.all ti; ured. New Crleas, uai ttire, supposedi; froitî Bienlsana Coutant 1. De.d. alcoirol stored lu tire roid. and quiclit Jeauu t>rjiir tBenamina(,,ntant, tire urneol lu tire Waters enge. Thre narvng deadinrul'aris. lt-' aabn m tooklirfie and a largesacction irmrneuu lu Paris mu 1M45. i'Ria* comirlt. a Triple Crimre. Colorait. Tu-. la Ftoooed. Frankn aWailsonushot aîud eruolrnhe Th' ir tre-t.s'utft uiituhs. ('uluî, mree ouodcd bin vite. 'illiti tAbnern'îterc IlootlemIt.. afi (1- ALIi t lt utdin tuai end thoen contuitles!suicide. Wilsou wtis paces lii tIre iiitirreuin 1 FouDtals jeaous of Canter's attestions toaiis nn'fe. rreek. It ila mep.rled that tire sectounÂII fiance had liven! on a tsmm ui nthe ter- bouse aI Wigwam a us dettroyed and tire utor; arrosa tire ino front Arkansa famil; dnvvtied 0-nr 3M14 ie ut est- City., Kau. lie ivert , drotui'dun.-mBotes. Blow la taslng Cantes Destin. lI.nred i.aslidesnark Un.lpae. Tommy Nornan (lied 10 a Boston luit AÀ tnteor vî1-lcu ain iiN-v ' ok pilifret tire effecls ut a blov deiur,r,, gave su> î ic, t.urlaîr.leaoparade b; Eddie h>uu.uuofChicîagin a o xluiinur end pni'cititooeii Ipai iersuns lto an ex- Match fitthlie Lonox Athietîr-I loi. i('oun. cavatrou. iillit iii. nl nJuflng cîgtyp ctosion of tire irain a'as lire iniim ne Seven, .Itue of Iîîîcu,î ttity. cause cf deatîr. Fi--ceSt-r la in icago. 31.b Lynvica a Murierer. A licrres tîunder auj cin tirrur rue cmi Aire N'W'tieruptr. nbr' urdu m if %\il- Chicago, caîîslog heany damuuoge. liiî. )in! ia . nxro a un bmus i'd 11tI, ment., were dluged. nîecielirghir t> waa taies 1cm thePIns, Nlo- îuît,Iitntalim loinîthe Rn.oîuuuuîîg cf sulut un mare'tne1,th. ie Ibrdc rîr'1u1f-ilu .tiu -Ig1cr .o.plled stuoppage ouitrotiey car0 ot toit o and ramgr'd lut :i 11,'. f i.rire than 1(x)1 mesn'a buirod c4.1 ..:u >1> Lord Panasctte1laDead. hma 1000 t idnught. Leid Pauonetfote cf Iretnu, Ictiet Four Braya Perlsh int,-krn . dsunssadilomie fcorpsvintaen un Barry Meyern. 'er lcha. k.,ir .,i d-sit e at thelBitishcurpa nWairu Miller ad Harold Ccig, ranguuug tange 'Stn.dedat the Idrtui euun;îh front 14 te 20 years. wVe t érosed nt Strd;1crls Northr "Vernon. Tire beys emiarked in a Tw. Di lu Troltey Wrentk. skiefWunMrretatuck creek. above I'Tarse 'vers klltd and fban;met tage "a. Tbey let tire bot drft oser andS vomen lnuoresi ln a trolley wrecli i 69 dau. I esr slle helonfi Baston. Ps. AU Bai toit unit Nazarethi car left tire former vity mhirtly before nildnigirt. crrytog eightY' titie iainetîccgrn. (On a teepbilltlin1 P'almter îîîxî tîirp tue brukes refused tc în crk acuithte carraion uncy. deeejrîing the' iîtîîîu' c t terrifie npeed. At tire fiiOt6 îf tti hi]] thece in a sharp ecure. Itere ' !he ar îîînîîeî tire trackin ud tcil On irsa id.C W ALLER 1 0.ES URED. Day 1. AI.. 1tltinraed for SrsrEx' Ma> ttnletîuî i 'I%"VT. 'Wller i. acquit' liiio uni rdî'r. lit lieii ihrld tii bali' ui curtt f wlaitionjiouttîje ries, ft il jilii cun. oii' .r il ag l'itIr' tatesr tiiii îr ile I ll>ffr, iîiîrl luiihiirfof the aru yi'ciii o i l ir e iiililitineg', ami ùn Iile rr'riî'ni îg oiirt.ban maie piibitiili repnort n tir e trdic't recentiy f,îîtîns tîctoly in 'Mi. W lravofitr by a ilîîîleu iiiitary couîrtl. I;tire rulinU cf triososaie r't' i'aîtbcriîy tLient. Jhnit>A. tîn.t. Inu inti Mj. Waller for ilîcitiat vxecii on f a o diruir>atires uof tir. Island outiatniur. s bmlii tu te guitto or ret'îîeliniiice cndttjt bcrntce edid noiiîiiciseyt hi' irdîr if Mai. W aller, Dis itunciite sîipecor, I10 otnttht, dozen na- tis l. deotir. DRBOWNS TO EiSCAPE A HAZING. NebotFreshmunPrnrn, Meett 1>.thIlu a Lssk. l'î.lIi celiaiig unitthre trungtrin aIe> i it1e liilun ,'nc tht', il' mtof Ve r- i ,tý ,j, l the diîtIî tif Nelson l'e's' lit.d .utoteirliti lu ire t'Champlai.n. (iîiglit italuîaloiîtset uillic o 0 nîhîî îjirî ,n. n uîî b irii'e-tr'd uor a dc'igîi tii 1.1duot ilmu ji iner ti tu reetolnluttu i'eirg prevent îa iian.9 fruiittii. ibraui t,> tii' luirea. hit.nîîcrecsSaY. iitiPi rît in. Su farrix tuirijanu here W8o, r,, othîr a tire'>' of tire droitning. Bth dclare trot tircy s-ujgirt Itriae hlmf, but cuiid not. as ire satilibefire îbey rould r 'intmur iti a iboat. FLAMES SWEEP 'MILFORD, IND. Hit of Itru.».s Seti.«onfutT.. 1 Barred- Lo; Ovtre $40,000. Hait uoftire business ectiun ut Milford, Ind.. waa destruycd lîy lire. 'fwelre building s wece burîusd aitir almunt tiru ettire cntints. Thc jvc, in etîmntr'u lit btween $40.001> uîud $5t0J0ati only $9>.0M )ins.urjuîuc. T'l're nrn oct,. George iretzer. John tlaîisson. M. ')P- pcnheum. ('harles ttobunscin. iLeati île bojugi, J. Il. l'rrtbctt, . I' l11itîaY, Eut wa rd Canîmuck,. (harlen Nr'enî'.NI r' MatIle Brerirueli. A. I.. Beow, S tulijul Brothers, Newkum & IKecir. Northr & Nef. William Crireul. St-ruaWrsokeCîrcus Tent At ttîdgea ay, Pa., dueilrg a neeret rain 'aitd torta, John Robinsons circua tenta acre blown dowa upon a large audience. Intnedlateuy alter tire voihise ofthtie itenta tireectnvas eaugitrt ire front gaso' Une ,igits. Nearli eeryWodinluthre lent vas bruiseil more or leas serounsti. For- tnnateiy nobody vas killen!. la Fin'e Vsiietl o of -deaEx plosio. Th latofthtie Delta powder aorks. ucaednur Delta, ('at..,aa biown U p kiliug Mrsi. George jîler anrd ber c'irld. airo reidedl 10.0 yat'ds fronotirhe pinot. and fataily injurng onotirer chiid. George a B i. ]RUSH F01 01,11) FI ELDF. Th.nder Mou.talo, tIdaho, SrsId to Be Abîae -tli lellua Metat. Five thtiosuud j lia re strttggtltg over snon thirty teet (ut . inut>oneffort tiIcrer Thnitder Mountaio.. luurro.tire eîv Fidu' rudu tirat prominu -,iii ecitpeefire guld of Cropple Cret,'b tKondike. Worid tromulSalmon CilIi>.'.î i î'd hy vuurier, nu tu, tire effect li i île traita ilutu, thec nimiuitains are liaodithl prospectorn,. Ail trarrl nOist be dii. lulY tigt. Inth ie n.. i hlue tire sun.i I lin tue ttui uto ttthe vi11,-iand tire pc-i .iu >uuil auit or- tl i îght, ohenth. icl.nt liorulctnilîuiln tire iourneyceau tiir, nîîntrd. Itet a ruoitii priciutulrs bri sr,.ci.rir'tul rtorel'ofi tir, fauonosr of i rthtIe tooultait. Tii.'guld filds cîui--a. u. tentof forty noilexssquare ast i cute i' urY fent il, lInrîgiilaisnain! lu j i i uî rIi ont, foirîee trot tire yeitow li>u niý ait>' ducereu bic lu tire rusied yi lamples are irroiugtt oot of"Tunde'r 'I..uî wu nliuh are vaid te ueoy frot, :1 1,1i 1 hiop. and îiiggi'ta of aluruot pure'gi .hl;'jeiu'înroul AIM BLOW AT FLOUR TRUST, Kansase sr-aer t tirFor«,a.s toperrn- Wialter Varoom.uu f tire aesîcc cuOp ecatire movenicu illiin lusi'il cuInIcacts for tise porciror"t six ut the largesat w heat etevators ilui tue Kuias n boutlwbll anrd lauot the largint tiiiinig nui. l'ire pi ci paid la suid u btîled. 5759).LKoIJ ,as luit tire lcriicf .îaie'uita1 eluter tire torti- r K31t1t8 In n R o n uptihne cotupîuui b 1îh, vicmtilut te kirietunan lirhe WVI'l.and j.. icur 'a".'t"nt 'i b il'ctmýne iit!.u . ýlb.o nne.>1lce l.> uui'huv f $100 i.>fuir ehiilu ticu neý li c'eute tire nîk' ttt'uIf i nenîtold tthb... uucrr.î ny ul luaitihu lion buit ut tire p"'lu ulrrsd. lir, tllnir laif ginit to e. irnn'sIre lr e plan." ln.Mrjuu.llu lvaut. *"lx tri' unI;Y w trs 1hiead off tli.' tked-cf 1'ir riltt tluat s foruiug inu. tri orok." KID-NAPERS MEFI'SED lPARDOON. uaret Taytar ieieo lrresy l'lie State Iboord iof parlons ut ('olirin' i)unn i lio, urrn t.. îuîîvi> rejint cd liie'.p plinutuons ton pardniled bp Mesý. Frien- ie'. 1, Taylr>'ando iier dujghu 1r. .Mis lruocrn h.TaylourJr..sti'tuteii tu nue n'onr', iuprisoatuit couirfor rotnrPicitY un tire kduapinit u tuti.' -tncirgrt IOP toir, tire gcandicluî.ofitNilm ru, Tao. 'The board in ils vnitt, il eui4n declarces lb ut lire geint of tire .uui tad icifolie cuiLi tired by tire evid, ucle. Mca. 'Taylor auj lier daughter are t der a iiit; da>u' ne trete. aiich ir atipire souri, air he aiti ire atrrenderemotire prieson suttor- tues ulles. theAernor agaru inter' feres. Gor. Na$s etfor never gront. cd a pardon nmn'nded by tire board. W . Comnat ion o ra uilre Makers Two hnndred leadlug turnitore matin- facturer, cf tire coutrî bave torued a coinati'tr usirhici l tIcotrol tire furol. tturc outpuit f lire United Sîtes oand dic- tite prudîn 'ho capital rcîresu'ated ný abun roThe' S.<. "rsgitn izatti'n udoîted ou a oir'lueotfnis m a ilI go inul., fcItnt 1once. Minier, nuaiaundofcihunie 0cm oc iun, nd.i iiT- 1l.tnrte RalBpurtetRineol. George 4arber, isio waaoworkinug l.he Th ire lu utQuezaltenano.intatire'ait- tactoni, aere serlcuety injl'*ed. eus prtirutofiGuatemala. witir a pululua- Shots WIfe aind Iaitseît. (ion ot 25.1mmh. bon hein etlniely ib:it- Gn'orge 'T. tBrunts. ncxaminner cf au eroled tu> oini .itrqiuake c oucduag t.>ici'Ç coutils facrte Eutiitable Lite Assurance tviee i 'l'ie ncotf .iuli.iit- Comparny., ahitbin a te mîund iril iriJailliJn. Sutuito. Naiuata. ilaota to 1i.îa cii1 self ait their bultin IBoklyn. N. Y.' Son Juan at'.c bave bien buîdtyuiiitu. Edinu tashîil. sier f Mtc. Brunsx. 01... iad suenrt thre erenunritvith the 'o.-pie , FreabyterimnaAcent Cags sastuaI lBrunosuas >ntiniobpjc 'ai Ire ['ru ,> teron cnea scii on. Rdotutrul Ibm report ou crecdri'inînak ung crni,t siitire confetsion uf tuiti. Huilding Tradea RcHke In Dener. Tlleactaon practîroiiy uLuou îîu.uîî Five thtiiattd uniron mes eîuployed lit and iras loku o vitir tIle deiohu'. Ire tire buildinng trudes wnet u struke iniprutuund utuigeanovin'go tc tue pcenîuy' Denver, cauetng v irtual; a ccupileu teies for ruatificatiotn. soppiage otftuuildini n tîreeut> . The I saIblsaa ila. o iet Coînîncl be i y ti relfthei' ld- ixa Jsn u'eîît nue Il ultoun. tornueýr 1 cf >tg T ratls on tut elth d Idlinapolis, w ho at one Ilit, warseng' arku'rs In tirmefforts tu gel vu i a'ity igo Mrcniormhtli hordy. - -tel egapir; tfaine. anid Ilmcun i tcr.înn if E'.rtdtrn of Cool 'tMr-. Budapest, Il uuucurc. ri'runuru t aS it. Si.> u i. n.uîuîuttr tcb'iuMary Abrti Churcir, teiiiiul theî anthraci'tej'." ol cc.. iuet, i lt> ndo. oi uunuluuuîîunv r of i!mine aub n steaureir Kittie ForbanBrrnd fiulhtie S hn 'itkilt uintt it l'eut>'.> I 'flbc sîcunnu, Kittie M.t"irliii iuîurd lîtia. Mani> ui t'lic Iluen"le ctoir'u> xhile cuuîîuusuthierugiit.(Clair lost'. uud thler fuli iilien niil b thicî.tireur intentionils 1i'a ttu l ni'1'.- itt lier nei lii i frl ent beîg ug c ii'Jnuui,,in u her field..of upintueîuîrcnhi'usIin ha.t ctuuî'.r. Raid a t(..oc u fAsa... ns 'l'lie ire svlucud ir; tire oritiv' ta li ft3I> iui' "*Naoic'u" i scret ordîr ocf la mrp lin th r lgine romi. No ltr no are iniitd Txhrîe l. uie uibers acre b inte t va, IieSeica1 'r jtilifi'l tii' ct nitubes acn, i te t~ n.'aiîr liuabcthil.'n'., il itull unt uoriitiiit irir. atbigation in blîrutlidi.O lun o rbuias bciueunnriianid mbet...iun -liic cnl'ithe entimr b-ul>.udiorc r tînulir husbaund. lCharlesn L.ucunu l"rriah laiues ou De.nrand. o in te îit Court ut Nt"iila, IKan. Asccriit,, a vrilioînus thrt (uin'tThe trial 1hi-ti lfiteen miînutes, thr.e luchtt lii.' thîr dus, babies are ,lotd inD bbeig ho uii.te.offerecitby Mr. t.cuonu" St. Piuî i.Mtin.. tu ai,; one desimirg li Ohi.Io-ii humýa Traction Systeua. inînke ao 1iioun. Nu, inquiries are mnadle 'T'he ('ut.. i titi, tIatiltv. ndmunit tnît: auto th(-icharit'iu'er ut tire aiplatdun r piolin .î'îîîîionCompnlia. tio cc .. on> nyrords tu'pt 0f the transactioin. Ilorcnîu' d . i utc$10,(»0cail uiwit l e 'lhectuesn ut Ciorer. 'a,, us a tuont dnnstruped b; tire. Vive toba. lu îuclat,rîa t hine xiaeionlet. ,ten eustores, a bolel, tihe potoffice. a luery stable aud a niuinuer et daelings aurt, iununed. 'rie Ioxn la $200.000. partiall; iîuured. Sehourser Sriak lu Colttlmi. 'Tie ,eirooner lily Dote nunir off St. Johua. 14.F.. ofher hairusitcoltîdeil wti tire schooner ttodger. Th iee cen of four- teeu men of tire LilyDlie n'id tiro un- en wirc sere on hourd niere rscued front dru wnin t. Nero las Taxs 'alns nf 4.04X) armed nmu-n t Lansing, Texas. tuumued a onetro ,'runinius at tire gtake and toturcul lutn wmule irenias nlyinui. .A. u. paîuîvu xIntînle inîîîlwat- eji was an unrnutb> 11. r. iho cu'nued biîîem soutirer nut n it,.til- eu ntc;. 'lo 2 Clarge laut of t, BJrF.rn,, ('urruuge ',iuul)lat nluinuîOhIio, i t.rr'l lu> ire. $3hI41iX, insunr Nitcd Itu. rui 1a.l lcud. Jaunes t', Calitininthlie eteraa cacie hutue starter, dieu! suîldciy ai SGatuigi. N. Y.. of spaples> tr'lie as a at11e oýf lîauvilic, Ky.. andlmaus I65 year of âse. Tir GuarateesPence. Ctar of Itussia sud M. 1unrlbe, ai a bsnquet atter a mitary revlew lu14t. Pectersburg, s@idlire île belveen I<'rance aniS BusetaguiranteesPpnce et fsnme. Ilunîoulluu lu,[t e Itudmoîn o und tutun osntit h t hee> sIeu un tnîuli.. Buy Te-nimats focrSO.100 Titi' [t..>i.Istnd Compa;bnicîg iru[t.ilcmntire 'est bottomn cf Kanstas C it y a ni i uu'oti ti nog fo r lucre ga sun reocir Ire Uionumdepot cicr in oaa tracro. Ili txasi d tirot na rî]y $500.105m wiiirbee c'> tu vuluifor lnd. Trhnul Eude lu AquIttaI. JohnîtuI_ S , îînîe, tire ('ardnii-i ax c wholu l i.tonu trial for o eei.'buni tire 1'nhlcr SiSit., DiistrictCurin n. liitlt'Il- pîin fuir l1.u thcculcomplicity uni tiie'mau- facture ' f211itrer crtifir'ato.nias 'rt "niltn' oit Frutiîs San!, i" 1 . mu, Ju"nulu.tI l 1 t.hiiduiu. ,'u u.. Iuer, liurrr;Sie ui ilj Insu i s. 1 m0, îî tu't'îifurblulo t- boxir viii î uunmve- 'C'htin xi tirtheiute" hpy a ji", t',l'd'înnu lu i ',nu ic iu Ci ty Hl 'i lih t c' r. i i î'ne imuo tn i l> lîînui roi' ' .r in. but ftuLîi>m,tn t he vl... i.opreuestd 1loa cfi te. Fouît m.u ii',iee,-onermvnne bI.alsieuiiu faotî.lh~trc Auercean lSoliier.. I 1c i.Ioiiîtse at Huvana hal advîrl , csulutuon deciaring May 19 Decorulnitdly,anud passesi a motion ex- epressing mnpatirn fr Anercan sodiers klued la cubta. THE DROUGHT CONDITIONS ARE CREATLY RELIEVED. 1 r -Pato aMkii soaI Progreas lu Central N'aiteyo-Wi'nter Wbe.t An'er'ages Up t. About Mark of "trly part out thle Moulin. Accordinito uthle cropi report of tietri' g ricoltural Deiiari'iiit, tbh' drougitl'u ditionnpcct'oitiiialttili't-,Ic.- of thte p-e' VOuS Sei'inîîî le tnuth Atlantic rind esC Uif States hune b44-n iirgely reieV' ed, except in sotiern loidia. but tire conitintted idry wî'rtirer tî the Oio Valley and nmiddle Atlaiicli'Stoten. itr iow temnet.crîies docîl thtufiret lhait outhei 1week oVri t,,itorîrthiîîcîtortion of tire niiddle Atiaiîtic i'i't-indîînii New Eng' tand, ha'vie.i>ti i itt cilî,aile the Dakotan. >tirneniilia rid portittosuof[owa have aiffreit fîta tri'ni niroistore. Fronts, uc rs'îrtrr lerieoteuctivc, inere quite generir i trhic uni,' regroir, utîper Ohio voiiry. and lit theîbr'othero 1icrtiots of the iîîîîîlr'Atlanotic' States and New Engin nd. The'beliertîlrrre condiltionsithl ie iow' er Oliii). Missi'riiipi and Missouri val' Icys ndaîîi t'rigiicîi t the ea:tcrn ltocky Mountoîi ntiitii' ixcr'i- ighly faorrble, but onthe trîrtti l>îi tic etrielanrd in. lhe mridle pilteau di nt rit nthie week was niocirto>col1. C'ocrn Liiiliing mad e favtorabe pro' gTttaa ru Iirithc cil t t al.'> o, tcept lut tonva. iNsir ,' t h-n îîî',-n delrtyed by raton and iti nî'o inig î'cîîî pin îrinosonthero Nebratska raloi ilinis.'The' envi> piantedl ta gccî,n irgiiirin.I r (kîiliiiiiaKan- sat, M lit ir> na in fine cornu ii.ijrl'e ran.i re ,a consid' erable toîrtirinof tthescîîroi'.ruadle. Cnt Worms o.a're ainrcoi'cira'îlle danmoge In nortireronîiwici anid lu the upper Ohiotoat'ey. oaind. hl,'go.rd atandîlaare repcrted îrlitiwîîîîlriic Atlantic States towte tî'în it i-.n lieie mii rifatocairle. %% ule t- IMatUesgd tî'rîîl iî.... îîîîrîît ji. t ttiiti"i of thte Ohuio1t itn Iiiiii aîîoliîi cîîrrted in sneiln .'nnlit, aolighit adi' nce in othtý,'r 1i1, inliit lîr' cîr i ,iriuue@ lin î'iiiîiii îrîîîîr iiîîiîitron. ai' tirriîgirsol- n iic ii errr.and fue' th. r irîiîvri'in a'.iîuni nd Ar- iriîniiv. aloîi un' t... îîcîîîis' î'iditnona b nî,î rîcr ro i.. ni. n i - atci d '.,hecrop bii audune nricîîngr.inin<oOklahonia. and hirn i'tliu9. ns 11îiî ii i îetd Ii it prugrîo e- cri . Il îî(in .' I'acific cuaa, Wiîitcr xi, I uneliait îîîir' favorabile ail vancncr'îîîîît oindiinripupii rri n Sa n Joi' Ulidrrl.r Oiî'eliotly fanvoruble' tempra-li taref îîgltunsjurîrkilliationîof apiiug irbeut hb iî'î'o o. and cver tire South. th 'r ortion ithe0 iparin g ant rorlu gro.t ti, lbut cîîtr i't e atirer stril dl~ît.c"iu la-oinîîdin tire iLcJ Riter n aricj'. T'h,'ot r ct ii innîîchiîn nî'î',outramin 'thte Oh. rio '>anrdîîthtirepor't.rilfronrtirhe golf StatesIre i'gé-aîrally rijfit uralile. lu tire îiiîie Allants,îhiul"tt- îandtire Plit' . souri an let h..lii'gîýt..' i uitiîk aoris- toctury. 'Tbe i îtlîîîî ciii.lurrpromîn4ing candi- 1tico ir'rl lyic riiîiîglicîtii'ulthe lt. Ou thliei l tîî'el.'fruit î,ît loî,k s legs favr abl. ' l 'li,' friivts of thrs unid tire previt îîî n, i. boir' î'aîîed conidcrable -damageoierunt' En-Frgtoîîîland the, tîcrtir. c ru part ionrif tire tiniulle Atlantic Staotes. .but nuoairrins îrjîry irans.eodue ove, 'the aouthlcrii portion cf the'last nataeni district. Preaches are dreoppirrg extensive inl tire east golf S'tates. Exccpt iu tire Ohio vatley and mniddn 1Âtlantic States there iras ijcan furti .lmpro'emcnt in the cnditiou ut gratin .espn'î loupin titi- uptuier Mitcisiptpis&nt 'iMissouri n allr'rs atîjitht' taie rasion. à, ALL FOR RA1'HBONE. frBi. B.eft. Serreuory Rites ordîr t0u memrd tire Lawvoet i ruuutuîni roi'tilumi' '10 rustu permuit tire Suîîrcîu,'Co'ut ofCula tu reviens ail Quetionsuto!fi. laii. uît umcedure and to awad a îucrIcial un dunuino proceed- lngoulotn ioothe nnn sfuir Este, U. idathb..,ti h. a -m xx i li ted of soin' plicity in tire (unouitrotal i'trsuds. to preseot sua ni adduuuuunai cridence. by v'tirh. tire), iaiu. ltaiiiine's innocence clin be trot et.. Otîut. (l'en. W'uonod ilme' d>ately sîîuuauuted the Supiune Court, explainucd bus ilnstructiotns tnd tucomulgtt ed the urricr. '1'luce(in hum Senîr irianuza, Rstubctt'n oattocney, unttn'rtutely tilen a petituiu for a nitrtial with tire Su' preme('ourît tuduic te uened naies ot proceujenla nd uni mmv îunirhrned thre court lu sicticutre teattcuudarre cf nue witocnce. uoinludinf four arrrny OficCrs. Cki. Burto., cli. i'uttcou atd Caputa. Sioruni oni ['uta. at tue retruol cf his client. ticetîurtbcr cn'oiin'ted the rtn tuin m-(bru uit'. itirisv(li 1>n uiject tlu!ihe court's ordu'mn.outirctuin rî'u'rds ut thre auditoe ut thne ptotitr. tepartment. A SOLDIER'S FUNERAL --et atslurof Rtccas Impresivi' nervciensa trebireitaIAr- iingtoo cemeter> a lu.n the reinnins ufthtie bte Mai. Gin. M'inliaton S. ttoecruus were reusîccred t ir'tîv lot cf land uacred ho dte mernt orttire natiiin-n becnueu. The, body nia'.bruîugbt trou LosiAtngeles, wbece il ban lid in a rault since ljeu. ltosecraon' dînutu. nm'nas tairen btirte. centeter; on o ite dropeul caisson, watir ail tire honora due tihere cni of a mrajor seneral. The corti-ge Ieft tire Artingoar Motel under escont înonsiatiug of due Fa- gineers and Mari ne rcrit, and four troopa ot cavatri. Ireceretonien acre condudtcd unider tire auspices of thre Society t ofteArm of tire Cumtberland, lini aere attended by the Pncsidcnt of the LUnited States and cabinet. Speaker Heodenson pre- sidemi St tire execiues. FYo- Fa i ndNea&- A courpany at Biacirotti, C. T., wnut bose for oul. Tire gauta Fe ice irouses in Argentine, Kau.. caughit fine and nnere alnoot en- tireii deistroyed. Thle damage un cati' anaten! at about $40000. Firancis Carne;, a wett mua n Colorado ptooeer, aud lieutenant gorienor un 1'09,. dled at Curai aflen a liugering ihînesa. Paratysis was the caute of deatir. It ta enid tire Rock tIand railcuai ls figtoning onblding a bridge. aucuns tire ILSIS$iîippi rut-r ut SI. Louiso un ordee Io Set gond niorld's fuir te-rminal facilitico. quvet Stuîldes, a negcoonuru.a'.kiltei In joptin. Mo., i.> W nIllCou.,sînotr neg-ro tougb. 'l'ie qirarrel'Iluoîtiug lii thre iilluntmi arthed orî'r a tt'ix uni nîttet A reircarinit hus becu gcanted ry tli. lptetior departtent on tire rlaintet tlhe Wico"nin (Oucide Iittns for about $2.- OW0oMO runn tire govtranuent toc jiuta eau lands cedcd tetireur in lS38, but avhci tliey neyer occupied. Tventy'thne5 tlots un WAest Kansas iCity, Mo., 'vCiC sold to Cari S. Jefferson, o t Cook Oounty, Ilt., tor $214,875. Ir@ ,oamd igagsnpoeed o have ires. bonotr la tba i nt«feaOf tire CQulO, UMlv ke u8 etVaul ThItOi J3efore eonsidera tion of the Philippine bill waa »resumred on"lVednesday a reno- lotion wax adopt ed hi the Menate con- gratulating the, replîblic of Cuba on itu entry loto thre ta Mily of independent nra- lions. and tire Secretary of State Maxa dlreeted tu tranmit tire resolution tc tire presideut of thre netv republie. Mr. Wiet lin.tlon o1pome'd thv p1endinîg ii ruîcolre and sauid the action cf tii.' i t ed States ici thre îsl.nds wax sdtîtn hie. The confercîrce repoîrt uit. the :tg cultural appropriation bill1 wa agreecift in the flouse conideration or th.e iuiit' gration bill was beguir. Thre principal speech was by Mr. Shaltue (Ohiol, chair' iro ofrthe courmitie un inîjigratioli. 'l'ire resolotiona neating Charles Lt.0 T1houias front the 'liird Northr Carolitir District: Eiaîett lTonipklns front thre Tweifth Ohioî District,'ahune sentt tis eontcated by John .1 . Lenît., aud confiriri ing thre right of M .Itiies of the iti 'trrginiri Dixtrii't iere .adopted. Itiit were patroed aiîthorir'ing thr e itocf buildinugs by thieln t ercut onl clolirt iii of tire Y. M. C.'A . 0o u ilitary re9ervti tions or the V'îited Staitea; suthorizinz 1 tihe sale uf a part of the Fort ibar mniitary reservotiin ln NebrasiL5, aouIi regutating commutation for g.îod vrundo't for Unite'd Statcestrisoiers. Tire Sen aIrte ct id Tir o r-dii v I n1 tire ilîoît, iiii'II otif tirh" îuictii billw mn resorneil Aluiogtil( tue ei do>' x on rb.'>-Pî titit flue î'îirîrt ci Nr'ih I. tîd'rliii AI ) 1 i roît 'i uIngan e'iiit.'iiiiuat îî'st frur Iinigrnz,(. ti t hi,, cuîtry. il t u,,r n I i>lie adlrpteîi. on acre a.,rtînentu r'niîrlitigittrtizen" if Cuba, as in thre case^ ue Canada andl MOX- lu, front the payaient of tire $1,50 tax. Tire bitl eas tiren lai aside until tire uedt week. Tire Senust aendunetIr tu the omtnibus publie building bill were <lis agreed toanaîd tii' tIll act to conrer' ence. .tred 'î I ,. tre uiilui c lth-- .n l, in-Itustrialt uî f It ' iu' i l piirîrottrr' i 'i lui î 1h01 i . ili 11 a di.aerriac'c tire recule 't tiin, Iii try tu relutin the itni AI,. cnrs i, .ropriatiofl 1,l. i arr%. o; $ISi "l c eiriefly for th, 'Nit nliii'iirtr vidimrg forthte i.i ri'i .f.i îri Long ont tireretirrt_1ito! i' . aitii-oa captain ut infarntrrv ti tii, cti'tie day wax ileitrIl .tur Pisotej'n i. n anrd tu a lte <ic... î . r.rîir'n Mr l.iud ît'oi.i lic& sturciJIIîîniî tegilattion a- id'r-.' tii ( Sntic t ii iirO iiiii D510Cd. ineInber. .crf tiof rI..hi iiicrii litn I lie S-' ..iiî i th lr ly !lc)Wi.i r li'liî 'f li i'hiîîrîîe urvti.i 'I'l ii f nvoD i n ' but aIn 'îli't'it. i Iili lii riw- vitifinicvii'i t.ii i intt, 1n1 thîî'î ir ,t Ir' i nlî i .i' S', 1,1 rote jirtiriît b l isi jîlsn 11i1 1i I ' bill agr andt tot,' tU'uul, . 'in u sftitre t tI Fr ef'r' ni, itttn ic '.t'rîn t:. knd ti,' Ph îir'.tglut .uu.nir 2 I-inuit't' uîu, îl x . . u i- un..i i l. liii tnt. tiuiti'n unI iiî nriti i . o tr. il ti . Aii flen-cd t ' ujn.rir ii 't tui> ' li>g 1 . t as 1,i, ..' in I. hunnl n u.i 'i iý Il...clut c ut n. u"i. ' t ' '0' l mut bllv-t jj' i il ! m - l 1 trt fC1ýWalnttrusi-l-'i 'l" r a .'rciir &tii r , ruuulrh'ui ii 11-oi a;.. -t hi.ju mui ti" iu.t l'in Ibu îiu't 'l tup nhrilisil ,I I3 N, iii oi;o , P i ut tnuu i ulr .il,' Ili iP ,- i' ' it'Iiotilu llîî uu t., t tu e 11, ooiil î.î,iîî fuitgruiini; Jiiutcivsca to '.ct nu'uut iarr it 1 tî't ui ii siiic v ahi'it rt lrouir9ualNci'x-îesfI tco Urc t,>tlll ofilri),nciilu b1siente o i tri. 10 linesrii Idbyaton.tu cen .ud tifjiron1euliu lion> i trx Mclit.u iedlt c,îrI t mNu'uv Om.ýIratn ii b; 'ruhaell t iusillt'rtto t ai ti rr.roiit C huan î t' C . fi oit n it viulî Ill' e bs t t. l)u 'w O lal' 'l4 1LI Adoural Coghiuln us lulli' se(uIn u cvn.Intnnd o lire Nrth Atlantic tautiim. and miiehortni e 10 O îîuuuuh ne 'îerc .TIiiiiiu'u tiraI iîî 0..d Ie 1prudent ho havei oi in i u>i tu huj ..tu csuliv iI ' tuel,,port ut NScet' 'art, i iiire 4C:g> mlia i. ('la>' t (tI o'. iitiuixiiu f ii nu ('îtu.un- un Ili' eeturt hei nouc'uuu.n.u n cfo'it. inieî'tl'alma>irutieset hum _, r'îtu it li' i Ilu e (Ulit. i Sl t' I l tii tut. i, sri.ul t:i. l î atuinr iI, Iti y. ho «tue 1're.ideni t rit lie nlista lce 4) f%1119 osc ar c!or u'ual .pnougrîîuh cf the tort ot hig jiadj oir0ftire Saedusýh Davy,.'Tie porîrsîlis I igned l h ie King,@. ovu band. ~ls< e j,, e ettled. =î _ûLU mîîî i i i -iluatiqiinthe aue lii nlt, 't',fa . Q nin 'r.ii'tinrt for i'r'rt tit 'ii î ii"IAt> I uc cent Ilium, 9rrc ' u i i î lîr ' y >'tire lhr'it'iiit . r' 'î nu li lnit fuel d 1)re, n.' h- rt r..n iîtiiu S in t i%ays tin riene Qui t î it i.. l'rt i r 0,.'tri iii line recut î >v iîl . i . ii.'Iloteir t' ' I l c r îty l , l , t i . , . ' l 1 , l et ' V r et . aîin t iln ti.ild .. i i î ' h,, tr sf54 dtir., t' .1> p >1 f.'în O port yr IltîtSu i ' . i i, ' "r tir> pc grein nl dii p i thid e m lerlu i 1 prii Sulîl 'l',' v ii ' ,ai llablte uIn rl i'.tr..î i i i tî"Iiigb thre nurrii-t ,i-ai.','t.îîlî 't.i,ii but duti. . - r im ici' i i ;,il".4 1102 11 il9r Itijiu lîltr tl..lj.e lIc tI 1 Oui1 l'iln 'c i i 2 i!! . 70>1,10jr tliji .i t' "' î il i.lrr' ) iln b r.. iti'l ti in it nill -trait- anti, i. "nî.i ri'it iîi, vînî.t ~ii "' h ' iîîîi 'i'nî' rîf tati iircî.cttifi. nii .Ed'0 g" 't t v.... I. luit - 'i. lviii tors iii t,'f un V nnsir u tî ..iu ni.Iiut ll it t 'nr i ii I'l c "nutd tc d il- i. î,I,.,,I ., c l nt ii l> ' tut h e ah . r I ýl . q t i; t ii :ni mr -'-.. t.b 11 ' ii i nItla l fistul u.ip ' .ln ur uii., i onaoi tri ci'.. .. l. i. ut" il' elure iv ii i '. t rnu..n li il n uuuhing iii; i i c .uî "iî i .i.. l. I '. t -l iv..... ir il ' 1-1'>ti. 'i. Iierin t ni lu1,.'.1-' 111-1ir!>li. .r'f h. , p. I A u.. re n . iluII lu lu dbe pn " :.. I I . . i lu>A thtire mtn l ru' cn1i c.c 0Ir ;.1 liti>' of 1i' il 'if' thi ni ~ ~ ~ ~ I i - î, .i tii. iii an't ' t i1i Il .î' iu i i jr:, îirfu i re hi~~ ~ ~~ "' ' ' I tii-v ,ii' i fui ii. i - i l iiiI ii t. i ' ru. tîin-s Ci'ag-Ciitoie oîîî, u prime. $42 ,lui 7 I.I vn .fair tiîn. ,$ % tii No.2'. ulcui -ri rn-il, t oMSe; ',url. N. 2 (inlui t'62v;unt> Nu. 2' 41C 10 43,;r.ryc. N., 2. R',NeuiWIra 0:vtina- otlip. $i1(0.00 it.>il7..1 prairie.5 0 .ltg t *$l.Su. huioie 'r i ii"ancru.i 20vîto 22v:e. î'. fuiinh.' tu15c, I italieî, 60c tur 7le per iuau $7,1. les. 'trîure higlu. $ >5 ta$intol Nouil.-N . S tIi. 81,>SI. i unr o. 2 m it, i e Ikir lu (;0;, . tn ., N. N-h;irte, 44, ho 45,. St .îuîln I 'ntic.$4.510 lu. $7,41); tuot. $1l1 IK)li 71 ii v eil $2-0i t. $*41.1)0;t hi taI No . ",77o' t:. 7Su' 'ui iN.. (12, t tir Ib nir. Noi 2.4)o ' i41v: r>', $u4 . 2 -3_.' lu..,c , nul.. i.t. 64eîu ,2 05, i rlN ,u2iIi'i St.. lu, t,, i(i, N, 2. t i ici i.!. iii ir :ît I $3l.(K) il ( o.4 l i ti t 'i~% rblttei c .'i ii Ni i nutI' 'tu 11;:le;ont-, tic." miý t.. ii' lîc i N.. 2 c d utt,', i t orli, Niw' Cii a tîl .$3.75 ti $7.135: hogs, t7o ti$7X,; o-u,$4I,1 I lu$5.75; ixtil No. 2 ccd. Sitc to 87c; cocn, No. 2. eets (W1ct osîs, No. 2 'iie, 10e hoh519; butter. creanteri. .'IC ta 2Cii; ggli, art- e r.% 14C hag'17e. tia, lu"u etre, lire tui Ber In" heu -lou tipi the tis tire ()a i au ho beru "tg #ti fuis dien ber, *ly Io thes ait tirai Bho tene al ee tnor loy. out eau 1 E CIAL

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